Complicit in a Lie Revisited Chapter 5

Complicit In a Lie
Revisited Chapter 5

By Jamie Lee

Author's Note: When I first wrote Complicit In a Lie, I had no thoughts, or ideas, to write a sequel. But thanks to a few readers, who asked about a sequel, ideas formed that made writing this sequel possible. It is necessary to have read Complicit In a Lie to understand why Charles is now with Jane, who the boy arriving in Kingston is and how he's involved in Charles' Court case. And to understand where Mr. Corporate, George Strom, fits into this story. This story starts off after Charles says, "When do we start," in Complicit in a Lie. So if you haven't read Complicit In a Lie, the beginning of this story won't make any sense. Hint hint!

Chapter 5

"How're you doing, kiddo?" Carolyn asked Charlotte, as she stripped off the disposable gloves and threw them into a trash can under the table where the box of disposable gloves lay.

Charlotte laughed, then told her, "Well, I only have your word that I still have any skin left down there, but strangely, it feels rather interesting. A bit airy, but interesting. In fact, my whole body feels a bit airy, and not in a bad way. Is this how a girl really feels after something like this?"

Carolyn had picked up the small box off the table when Charlotte asked her question. Still holding the small box, she turned to face Charlotte, then said, "Well, I can't speak for other girls, but when I get waxed, it does. And it feels nice, doesn't it?"

Charlotte nodded to answer Carolyn's question, then nodded her head toward the box and asked, "So, now you're going to show me what's in the box?"

Carolyn smiled and said, "I'm going to do more than show you, my dear. I'm going to put them on you, with an adhesive that can't be removed unless a solvent is used. Unlike the surgical adhesive, these will stay on for as long as needed. They won't be falling off when you least expect it." Carolyn then took the breast forms out of the box, showing them to Charlotte before explaining the steps involved in putting them on her. And this time, Charlotte's help would be needed, as she helped hold the forms in place until the adhesive set up.

Charlotte tried to hold her head up so she could watch what Carolyn was doing, only to be told to lie flat so she could get the placement correct. She didn't have to watch Carolyn work, because Carolyn explained each step as she went along. Charlotte then felt the adhesive applied to the right side of her chest; it was slightly colder than room temperature. Then the breast form set in position, then Carolyn told her, "Okay, give me your right hand." Charlotte lifted her right arm, then felt Carolyn take her arm at the wrist and place her hand just so, before telling her, "Okay, press down slightly, and don't move your hand." Charlotte felt adhesive applied to the left side of her chest, before the breast form was set in place and she was told to give Carolyn her left hand. "Now all we need to do is wait for a few minutes until the adhesive has dried. Meanwhile, tell me about the boy coming on Monday," Carolyn said as she sat down in the one chair in the room.

Jane had already spoken with Carolyn about Toby, and the plan she, Marie, and the girls had in place to, hopefully, get Toby to confess that he'd lied about Charles Thorton's, aka Charlotte, involvement in the shoplifting at that Taylor's department store. But Carolyn knew any information she could get about a boy coming to Jane's school would help her and Sandy in how they treated that boy when they first came to the salon. "Well," Charlotte began, I really can't tell you much about him. I only saw him in the holding cell, and from what I saw, he was really scared but trying to act tough. And his being scared wasn't because he was in jail, it was something more. Like he was afraid of someone or someones. After the short time I've been with Jane, he's going to crack like an egg the first time she gives him her look that peels flesh off the bone." Charlotte laughed, then said, "And then maybe we'll learn why he lied about me."

Carolyn then saw the tears drip out of Charlotte's eyes, reached for a tissue from the box on the table, and walking over to Charlotte, gently wiped the tears away. "Oh, baby. It's going to be all right, you'll see. We'll get your name cleared, then you can be with your family again. You lie there and hold those forms and I'll be right back."

This time when Carolyn left the room she was the one to catch Jane's eye, and it wasn't hard for Jane to see the anger in the woman's face. Carolyn walked over to Jane and told her in a low voice, "I'm going to get something to repair some makeup, Charlotte got upset talking about Toby. If you girls aren't able to put the fear of God in that boy, and get him to talk, I'll turn Sandy loose on him. We may have to clean the chair off afterwards, but he will know the fear of God when she's through with him. And I'll make sure the shop is full of my regulars when you bring him in." Like the determined look Jane had seen on Francis' face, a look Jane had never seen on Francis, Jane saw a feral smile form on Carolyn's face. A smile Jane had never seen before. Jane understood why she was seeing that smile, Carolyn felt angry because someone had put Charlotte in her current situation. And that someone was going to pay for their mistake.

When Carolyn returned to the waxing room, she had Charlotte remove her hands and tested to make sure the adhesive had set up, before having Charlotte sit up and turn so she was sitting on the edge of the table. It didn't even occur to Charlotte that she was sitting there completely naked, as Carolyn began cleaning off her face before reapplying her makeup. "So, how are you feeling after your first waxing and tuck and boob job?"

Only then did Charlotte realize she was completely naked, and sitting in front of Carolyn, as Carolyn reapplied her makeup. "Um, well, I must be doing all right, since I'm sitting here, completely naked, in front of you, and not acting embarrassed for you to see me naked. Which I find rather strange."

Carolyn chuckled, as she put the last coat of mascara on Charlotte's lashes, then said, "That's because you are no longer a naked boy sitting in front of me, with your boy parts showing. All I see is a beautiful naked young lady sitting in front of me. And in a moment, I'll let you see her too."

Carolyn stood back, took Charlotte's chin, turned her head left then right, then said, "There, that's got you back to Jane's standards. Hop off the table and meet your new self." Carolyn then walked over to what looked like a full length cabinet, opened the cabinet door, revealing a full length mirror.

She then stood back and watched as Charlotte just stood looking at herself in the mirror. She turned sideways in one direction then the other. She ran her hands over her now smooth body. She even explored her groin, pulling on the folds of skin she saw. "Wow, so this is what a young girl actually looks like? I've just seen pictures of girls in bikinis but never completely naked."

In the reflection of the mirror, Charlotte saw the look Carolyn had on her face, which Charlotte interpreted as trying to make a decision. She was right in her interpretation as Carolyn told her, "You breathe a word of what I'm about to do and I'll make sure Sandy knows you're a pervert who made a play for me. You read me, MISTER?"

It wasn't hard for Charlotte to see how serious Carolyn was right at that moment. She turned to Carolyn and said, "You have my word of honor not to say anything to anyone."

As Charlotte watched, Carolyn started to undress, until she was completely naked. She then stood next to Charlotte as they both faced the mirror, letting Charlotte compare her new body to her own. She didn't even flinch as Charlotte bent down to look at her groin, before looking at her own groin. Then Charlotte chuckled before saying, "If anyone saw me down there, they wouldn't think me anything but a girl. I know this might be strange to say, but seeing me like this," and she waved her hand from head to toe, before finishing with, "I feel different. I feel vulnerable. Is this normal, Carolyn?"

Carolyn was getting dressed as Charlotte asked her question. She thought for a minute, then said, "It can be for some girls, Charlotte. Some haven't developed a good sense of self confidence yet. Some never do. And some see what they have as an asset, and use it for all they can get. Then there are those who have a good grasp of their self worth, and what they see in the mirror doesn't bother them. This," and she waved her hand in front of Charlotte, "is all new to you. So it might make you feel different for a time. But you're still the same person inside you always were, and don't let what you see now change that. When Jane takes you out shopping, you will attract a lot of attention from the boys, you're too beautiful like this to ignore. Keep your wits about you, don't forget what you know about protecting yourself. And don't be afraid to protect yourself if some asshole hasn't learned to keep his hands to himself. A girl can get away with kicking the shit out of some guy who thinks he's an octopus. Now, here," and Carolyn picked up the bra lying on the table and handed it to Charlotte. "The bra you were wearing will be too small for the forms I glued to your chest. And don't be surprised when you get back to Jane's house if you find all your bras have been replaced with this bra size. Go ahead and get dressed, I'll let Sandy know you're ready to have your hair done. Come out when you're ready."

She then walked over to Charlotte, turned Charlotte to face her, kept her hand on Charlotte's shoulders, then said, "Sandy and I will help get your name cleared. That boy will either eventually tell Jane the whole truth, or Sandy and I will get him to spill his guts. Either way, he will recant his story, and get your name cleared." Carolyn saw the tears in Charlotte's eyes, and told her, "You let those tears fall and we'll have to redo your face." She then pulled Charlotte into a hug, and held her until she stopped shaking. "It will be all right, sweetheart. Trust me on that." Carolyn felt Charlotte nod her head, before she broke the hug then shooed Charlotte to get dressed.

When Charlotte walked out of the waxing room, it wasn't hard for Jane to see she'd been upset. Sandy was finishing up with Francis, so Jane motioned for Charlotte to come sit beside her. "Are you all right, Charlotte? You look a bit upset. It's not because of something Carolyn did or said, is it?"

Charlotte shook her head at Jane's last question, then said, "We were just talking while the adhesive for my breasts set up and I told Carolyn about Taylor's. I got upset when I told her about Toby. Why Aunt Jane? Why do people do things like that? I never even knew someone was stealing anything in that store until James put his hand on my shoulder. I never even saw those three boys. And yet, they accused me of being involved with the theft. And here I am, presenting as a girl, a beautiful girl, from what all of you have told me." Charlotte laughed then said, "And I even have breasts that match my age. Imagine, the only thing I wanted a few days ago was to buy my mom a present for her 35th birthday. And now I'm about to get my hair done in a beauty salon." Charlotte turned her head so she was looking at Jane and asked, "Aunt Jane. Do you think I was supposed to go through all this not just to help clear my name, but for some other purpose? This all seems a bit surreal just to be something to clear my name."

In that instant after Charlotte asked her last question, Jane pictured in her mind Toby hung by his wrist, and her standing behind him with a cat-o-nine tails, swinging them in Toby's direction and hearing him cry as they hit his body, demanding he tell the truth about Charles Thorton. She mentally shakes herself then tells Charlotte, "Sweetheart, people do things like this for a variety of reasons. And sometimes their actions cause the innocent to suffer, or profit, from getting caught in the middle. Why Toby wanted to cause you harm, we must wait to see if he will tell us his reason. It did him no good, he was caught stealing and placed in jail, and sent to me. He is, though, going to have an experience such as he's never known, one, I hope, puts his life on a different path. As to your last question, that is difficult to answer. No one can know the grand scheme of things, it's too big. All we can do is take with us the experiences we encounter and hopefully allow them to guide us further in our lives. Very few young men will ever experience what it's like to be a young lady in this world. While it isn't something you wanted to do, you are now getting to see life from a different perspective. To be a bit vulgar about it, you are now the piece of meat the lions would like to devour. And hopefully when you leave me you'll have an appreciation how not to treat the opposite sex, because you saw and experienced how they are actually treated. Sandy is finished with Francis, it's your turn now. And remember your promise to me." Noises from the back room caught Jane's attention. Noises that were anything but happy. Jane patted Charlotte's knee, stood up and walked to the back room, opening the door and closing it behind her after entering.

Charlotte looked up when Sandy said, "Okay, sissy boy, your turn." Once again, Charlotte saw the feral grin on Sandy's face, a look that put Charlotte on guard. Charlotte got up out of the chair, walked over to face Sandy's station, and stopped in front of the stylist's chair. "Well, sissy boy, what are you waiting for? Get your ass into this chair," and Sandy pointed to the chair in front of her. When Charlotte didn't move Sandy growled, "If you don't sit your ass down in this chair I'll drag you outside and let the whole world see the new sissy boy for itself. NOW SIT DOWN!"

Sandy didn't recognize Charlotte's ready position, her hands down in front of her, one hand over the other, her weight balanced on both feet. She studied Sandy for a moment, before telling her, "Any attempt of physical violence on your part and I will defend myself. Any attempt to grab me and I will defend myself." Charlotte saw how red Sandy's face had gotten since she had spoken, and she saw it even before Sandy moved. Sandy came around from behind the chair and reached her left arm towards Charlotte, before screaming, "GET YOUR ASS IN THIS CHAIR!!" Quicker than Sandy could blink, Charlotte had captured Sandy's wrist and elbow, pushing her wrist backward and pulling forward on Sandy's elbow.

Jane was in the back room with Carolyn, trying to console the woman after she heard Charlotte's story. "Jane, I just want to strangle that boy because of what he's done to Charles. Charles is exactly what you try to get your boys to realize. Oh, I just wa..." Carolyn never gets to finish what she was going to say, as both women hear Sandy screaming at Charlotte, then hear her screaming in pain. They both rush out of the back room and find Charlotte holding Sandy's left arm with both of her own hands. Sandy is kneeling on the floor, screaming because Charlotte is holding Sandy's wrist and pushing it backwards. Jane barks an order which Charlotte ignores at first, "CHARLOTTE! LET GO OF SANDY'S WRIST, NOW!!" Jane sees that Charlotte is locked onto Sandy, watching her in case she does something else. Jane barks twice more before she finally gets through to Charlotte, who immediately releases Sandy's left arm and steps back two paces, again taking up her ready stance.


Jane calming walks over to where Sandy is kneeling on the floor, reaches down and grabs Sandy's chin, lifts it until she is staring into Sandy's eyes, then calmly tells her, "You tell the whole world what I do, and you'll be included in it as well. You won't get away scott free because I have dozens of witnesses who WILL testify on my behalf that you were also involved. How do you think you'll fare behind bars, Sandy? And should you decide to go through with your threat, I know people who can make you disappear without so much as a trace. Your body will never be found. No trace of you will be left." Jane let go of Sandy's chin, stood, turned and asked Francis, "Francis, what happened here?"

Francis then repeated, vertatum, what happened. Leaving nothing out. Jane turned back to the still kneeling Sandy and asked her, "Weren't you listening when you were explicitly told not to physically attack Charlotte? Did it not register with you at the time? And now, because you tried to grab Charlotte, you're kneeling on the floor with a hurt wrist. All because you saw fresh meat and just had to do things your own way."

Carolyn then looked down at her friend and told her, "It seems to me Sandy, because of how you just acted, you caused the problem and should be the one leaving. But we can't do that, I can't run this place without you. But sometimes you go too far, cause too many problems because you DON'T listen. Oh, and have you given any thought what would happen to me if you opened your mouth about our business with Jane? You think you'd be alone in that jail cell? I'm part owner of our salon, so I'd get half the blame for what we do for Jane." Carolyn crossed her arms under her breasts then humphed.

Charlotte knew she hadn't pressed Sandy's hand that far back to cause her that much pain. She pressed her hand back far enough to only maintain control of Sandy. Something else was wrong with that wrist. As Carolyn and Jane watched, Charlotte walked over to where Sandy was still kneeling and knelt in front of her. Causing Sandy to flinch backward a bit. "Please, give me your hands, Sandy," Charlotte said in a soft voice. Sandy eyed the girl, then looked at Jane then Carolyn, seeing the glares coming from both women. Hesitantly, she extended her arms until her hands were directly in front of Charlotte, who gently took both of Sandy's hands and proceeded to compare the joints between the forearms and the hands. Charlotte then gently felt each joint, causing Sandy to wince when Charlotte felt a spot on Sandy's left wrist. "Have you been in an accident in the past? Or has someone twisted your arm? The bone right here," and Charlotte pointed to a place on the back of Sandy's left wrist, "is out of place and may have been for some time. You've had trouble using your left hand, haven't you?"

Sandy was now giving Charlotte a questioning look, wondering how this prissy boy could know anything about her wrist. Or guess about her arm being twisted. She looked at Carolyn, who nodded her head, before Sandy told Charlotte, "I was in a bad relationship several years ago. He came home drunk one night and started in on me. At one point he had my arm twisted up behind my back, and that hand hasn't been the same since. How do you know all of this about bones? You learn it in school, or something?"

As Sandy was talking, Charlotte had been manipulating Sandy's left wrist, which caused her to wince when a sudden 'pop' was heard. "There, see if that doesn't feel better. And to answer your question. Yes I learned about bones and their placement in school. At a University near my home. Because of my grades I was granted a special dispensation to take a semester of Anatomy and Physiology. Plus, in the training I had been taken, until this mess happened, it's sometimes necessary to pop something back into place, if you get hit too hard during sparring. How's your wrist feeling now?"

Everyone watched as Sandy made a fist, then moved it side to side and up and down. She then opened her hand and did the same thing. She opened and closed her hand several times before saying, "Oh my gawd! It doesn't hurt anymore. It's been so long since I was able to move it as I just did without it hurting." She then looked at Charlotte, a bit sheepishly, and told her, "I', Charlotte, for the way I acted. I've had some real bad experiences with boys and men some years ago. I guess you standing up to me like you did, brought it all back. My problems aren't yours to suffer through. Um, if you still want, how about we get to work on your hair?"

Charlotte smiled, stood up and offered her hands to Sandy, helping the woman to stand. She looked over her shoulder at Jane and in a whiny voice said, "Oh, all right. If I have to." Francis chuckled because of how Charlotte acted, gleaning a glare from Jane before she too chuckled. "Just remember, Charlotte. Not to 'over the top,' and wait until I signal you to begin."

Charlotte replied with, "Yes Aunt Jane," before she sat down in Sandy's styling chair and began asking Sandy which style would look good on her.

Neither Charlotte nor Sandy saw Carolyn and Jane look at each other, or raise their eyebrows, or look up to the ceiling before both shook their heads and walked over to sit near Francis. Those two were deep in conversation about hairstyles. And it was Francis who brought an old saying out when she said, "That was rather a close one, wasn't it Aunt Jane?"

Francis was watching the woman and young girl discussing hairstyles, and didn't see Jane nod her head and said, "Indeed it was, Francis. Indeed it was a close one. And the style you chose this time is excellent for your face. Well done Francis."

As Jane, Carolyn, and Francis watched Sandy worked on Charlotte's hair, a person would think they'd been close friends for years, because of the way they chatted and joked with each other. And when Sandy spun the chair around so Charlotte could see herself in the mirror, Charlotte let out a squeal of delight at how her hair turned out. The three watched, unbelieving, as Charlotte jumped, jumped, out of the chair and hugged Sandy, telling the woman, "It looks wonderful, Sandy. Thank you." Sandy had a smile on her face, Francis giggled, but Jane and Carolyn were shocked as they watched Charlotte twirl in front of them and asked, "Well, what do you think, Aunt Jane?"

Charlotte stopped twirling when she saw the look on Aunt Jane's face. Charlotte looked at Francis, who merely shrugged, before shaking Jane, who shook herself and said, "Ah, it looks good on you Charlotte. It makes you even more beautiful than you are already."

Jane then turned to Francis and said, "And you, young lady...thank you for shaking some sense into me." Jane turned back to Charlotte and told her, "Remember, Charlotte. Don't go overboard being happy. You're supposed to be a petulant child, who hates being here. You must get that across to Toby when he arrives on Monday."

Carolyn, Jane, and Francis stood and together with Charlotte and Sandy, walked to the front of the salon. Jane settled her account, then before leaving the salon, told Charlotte and Francis, "Girls, I think we'll do a bit of window shopping at the mall. Charlotte needs to learn how to deal with those who watch her as she shops. And remember, Charlotte. Keep your wits about you at all times." Charlotte hugged Sandy again, then Carolyn, and thanked both for helping her, before she followed Jane out of the salon and to Jane's car. After Jane backed out of the parking spot, and pulled out of the parking lot, she told Charlotte, "I'm proud of how you handled that situation with Sandy, Charlotte. I know it could have been much worse, but you showed great restraint. And you impress me again, young lady. You didn't have to help Sandy with her wrist, yet you did. That shows a good deal of compassion on your part, especially because of what Sandy was about to do to you. And you, young lady," and she'd turned her attention to Francis, "I'm proud of you for the way you behaved today. You're doing quite well, Francis."

And almost together, the girls said, "Thank you, Aunt Jane," before they both giggled.

Jane snorted, then said, "Humph, petulant children," which caused Charlotte and Francis to giggle again.

They arrived at the mall within a few minutes, Jane parking her car close to an entrance. Once Jane had shut off the engine, she turned to look at Charlotte sitting in the backseat. "One of the things I do with my girls, Charlotte, is to have them walk around the mall, so they can become accustomed to people looking at them as they present as a young girl. So far, you've demonstrated confidence while presenting as Charlotte, so I'm not too worried about your reaction when boys and men start eyeing you as you window shop or go into a store to shop. Understand, I will never tell one of my girls all of this, but your case isn't typical, you volunteered in order to help clear your name from an injustice. Again, your word you won't break anything should a moron not understand that their attention is unwanted."

Jane didn't tell Charlotte about those appearing to shop, but who were really there to protect Charlotte just in case. "Aunt Jane," Charlotte began, "I've given you my word before not break anything, and it still holds now. I also said there's no guarantee they won't need medical attention, but nothing will be broken."

Jane patted Charlotte on the knee then told her, "Good enough Charlotte. Let's go shopping."

The three women exited Jane's car and walked towards the entrance, Charlotte noticing the admiring looks they were receiving from the men leaving the mall, as they walked towards the mall entrance. Jane heard Charlotte say to no one in particular, "Do I do the same as those men?" Francis held the door open to let Jane then Charlotte go into the mall first.

Once they were inside, Jane told Charlotte, "Charlotte, Francis, and I will go on our own to shop, you continue without us. Mind now, if you need to use the restroom, go to the food court, don't use the ones down any of the narrow hallways. Those can lead you to doing more than just needing to use the restroom. And possibly breaking your word to me. Also, understand. There are dozens of morons walking around this mall, looking for the right girl to try and 'pick up,' so keep an eye out for those people. Francis and I will meet you in the food court in one hour from now. And of course, if you do see something you'd like to buy, remember where you saw it and we will return to have you try it on and if it fits, or we can find one in your size, we will buy it."

Everything Jane just told Charlotte, apart from where they'd meet in one hour, would never be told to a new 'regular' girl of Jane's. She would be left, in much the same way, to experience what girls have experienced for ages. Because Charlotte was more than a special girl of Jane's, her awareness was heightened because of all the training she'd been receiving the past few years. And it didn't take her long to spot several of the animals she was likely to attract in the hour she had before again meeting up with Jane and Francis. As she casually started to window shop, she muttered to herself, "In for a penny, in for a pound."

The first animal bit as Charlotte was admiring the fashions in one store, though that animal was only walking by her. "Hey, sweet cheeks. Lookin' mighty fine today." Then to emphasize his animalistic thoughts, he provided kissing sounds as well. Charlotte saw his reflection in the glass of the shop as he walked by her. Charlotte mentally told herself, 'Gads, what a jackass.' Then a sudden thought hit her. As Charles, had she done the same thing to a beautiful girl window shopping? Had she, as Charles, made some lude comment, or any comment, to any girl in that way? She put those thoughts away for further study as she continued window shopping.

As she followed the line of stores, she noticed a group of four boys, likely teenagers, standing in front of the Gaming R Us store. As Charles, he enjoyed gaming, if for no other reason than the challenge of beating the game. But as Charlotte, she reasoned gaming would be something she'd be interested in, so she walked by the store. As she walked by the four boys, she could feel them turn to stare at her, and hear a few murmurs of delight at what they saw. She stopped at another store and was admiring the fashions displayed when out of the corner of her eye she saw the four boys standing not far away, acting like they were looking at something. She slowly moved along the store front, and the boys followed. She had learned not to confront trouble unless trouble was directed at her or someone who did need help. And right now, while trouble was directed at her, it wasn't directly directed at her. So she moved on. Trouble became real as she stepped into the nook of a store to view their fashions, and when she turned to move on, the four boys were blocking her path. Charlotte then took her ready stance.

Chapter 6

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