Complicit in a Lie Revisited Chapter 9

Complicit In a Lie
Revisited Chapter 9

By Jamie Lee

Author's Note: When I first wrote Complicit In a Lie, I had no thoughts, or ideas, to write a sequel. But thanks to a few readers, who asked about a sequel, ideas formed that made writing this sequel possible. It is necessary to have read Complicit In a Lie to understand why Charles is now with Jane, who the boy arriving in Kingston is and how he's involved in Charles' Court case. And to understand where Mr. Corporate, George Strom, fits into this story. This story starts off after Charles says, "When do we start," in Complicit in a Lie. So if you haven't read Complicit In a Lie, the beginning of this story won't make any sense. Hint hint!

Chapter 9

After telling Marie about how Charlotte and Pinto interacted, Jane went to her bedroom to clean up after their ride, while Marie, still shaking her head, went up the stairs to Charlotte's bedroom. It wasn't long after Jane left the kitchen that Marie, Francis, and Charlotte appeared in the kitchen and began getting things out of the cabinets, drawers, and refrigerator needed to set the table for supper. As Marie watched Charlotte, she couldn't help chuckle to herself as she watched Charlotte carefully move or she'd hear, "Oww...gawd that hurts," as she'd stooped to get something out of a cabinet, or reach high in a cabinet too quickly. Marie thought back to the recent conversations she and Jane had about Charlotte, and how Marie felt there was a reason Charlotte had been sent to them. Now, after hearing how Pinto had responded to Charlotte, not only coming out of her stall but allowing Charlotte to ride her, Marie was more convinced than ever that Charlotte had been sent to them for more than just to keep her out of a Federal Court. And she honestly felt Charlotte's real task was yet to come. Marie's musing ended as the girls came back into the kitchen to help her prepare the food they would be having for supper. And she continued chuckling to herself as she often heard, "Oww...gawd, when will it stop hurting?" coming from Charlotte.

It was hard for Francis to not laugh a little, as Charlotte gingerly reached to place items on the dining room table. Or not to laugh as they all watched as Charlotte took her seat at the table to eat. She kept shifting in her chair, trying to find a spot on her bottom that didn't complain as she sat her weight on that spot. Charlotte looked up and caught all three women smirking and chuckling at Charlotte's predicament, and told them, "It's not funny, it hurts." She tried to keep a straight face but she couldn't, and laughed along with the other three at the table.d

"Charlotte," Jane started, "you'll be sore for a few days because you've used muscles not normally used. It'd be the case no matter what new event you tried. Unless you use a particular muscle group regularly, you will end up sore afterwards. Perhaps tomorrow we can ride again, so your body can adjust to riding a horse. And I believe Pinto would enjoy another time with you."

As she usually did, Jane used their meals as a learning session, after they'd discussed the possibility of riding again tomorrow. Jane asked about a current event that happened a day ago, and what both girls thought. When both confessed they knew nothing about the event, they received a stern look and gained another assignment to read the newspaper Jane received and to look at a website she named which provided good information about recent events. And they'd be asked their thoughts at every meal from now on.

After finishing supper, Jane retired to the study, while Charlotte and Francis cleared the table and helped Marie in the kitchen. The girls left the kitchen when their work was done, with Francis going into the library to start on her current events assignment, and believing Charlotte had gone up to her bedroom. It was a half hour later when Francis had gone looking for Charlotte, that she ended up knocking on the study door. She heard Jane say, "Enter," before she entered the Study and closed the door behind her. Marie and Jane had been talking before Francis entered the Study, but after Francis' question of, "Have either of you seen Charlotte?" Both women went into action. Jane told Francis to go with Marie and search the house, she didn't want Francis to know about the cameras she monitored in the study. Jane opened the cabinet and turned the monitor on and began changing from camera to camera in search of Charlotte. There were a few rooms in her house without cameras, but they were kept locked at all times. As she changed between interior cameras to exterior cameras, something caught her eye as she viewed the image from the camera that watched the back of her house. There was a soft light being emitted from the stable, which should have been dark. She shut down the monitor, closed the cabinet doors, locked it, before going in search of Marie and Francis. She had a good idea where they'd find Charlotte.

"How're you doing girl?" Charlotte asked Pinto, as she gently used the curry comb on 'her' horse. "I had a good time with you today, and Aunt Jane said we might ride again tomorrow. Would you like that?" Pinto threw her head up and down, the whinnied, again acting as though she understood every word Charlotte said. "You know, one day I'll be able to go home, a home I miss, and parents I miss. I'll hate leaving here, and you. Aunt Jane, though strict at times, has become like my real Aunt. There are times I'd like to have a real Aunt like her. And Marie, I really like her. And this is the first time I've been a sister to a sister, feels kind of good, since I'm an only child. There, all done, you should be feeling better now."

When Charlotte finished currying Pinto, the horse turned until she was facing Charlotte, walked forward and placed its head on her shoulder, letting her hug its neck as she cried. She missed her family, school, her life, such as it was. She missed buying the present she had planned on buying for her mom's 35th birthday. She was going to miss her mom's birthday. Because of her sheltered life, she still had no idea why someone would lie about her being involved in a crime, causing her to be sent here with Jane and Marie.

Pinto had remained silent, even though she saw the three standing outside her stall, watching and listening. "Well, girl, I guess I better get back to the house and let you get some sleep. I hope no one is angry with me needing to come and see you, you seem to understand how I'm feeling right now. Someone wronged you too." She then kissed Pinto on her muzzle, turned and froze, as she took in Jane, Marie, and Francis standing just outside Pinto's stall. She then did the one thing Jane absolutely hated to see her do, she shrugged her shoulders before saying, "I needed to be with her right now. I needed to be with her because she knows how I'm feeling right now." As Charlotte looked at the three women, Francis was nodding her head. Marie had a look of understanding, and compassion on her face. But Jane. Jane had her Jane face on, even though inside she was crying because of what she heard Charlotte tell Pinto.

"What do you mean coming out here without telling anyone, young lady? We searched the entire house looking for you, because you didn't tell anyone where you were going. Well, not any more. From now on you don't go anywhere unless you get permission from me. You don't go to your bedroom, the bathroom, anywhere, without MY permission. DO. YOU. UNDERSTAND. ME?"

Even though Jane acted angry with Charlotte, the girl saw through Jane, and walked up to her, put her arms around Jane and told her, "And I love you too, Aunt Jane." Jane fought hard not to let tears well up in her eyes, but lost the battle.

She too loved this young girl, as though she was her very own niece. But she had to be herself with her right now and asked Charlotte, "Did you understand what I just said, Charlotte? You go nowhere without my permission!"

Jane didn't see the trap she just laid, one Charlotte was about to point out to her. "Yes, Aunt Jane. I understand and I'm sorry I worried you. But how'd you know I was in the stable? And if I have to ask for permission before going anywhere, that will mean I'll have to come and find you if I wish to go to sleep or shower, or go in and out of the kitchen when helping get our meals ready. It will mean I'll need your permission to go into and out of my closet when I get dressed, or to and from my dresser and vanity. It will mean I'll have to find you and get your permission when I'm studying in the library and need to get a book from one of the shelves. Or even walk around the Study with the book balanced on my head. It will mean..." But Charlotte never finished what she was about to say to Jane. She'd been hugging Jane as she spoke, so couldn't see Marie or Francis' faces, both holding their hands over their mouths to keep from laughing.

Jane hadn't been specific in her instructions, and Charlotte was reminding Jane of that fact with what she'd told Jane. "All right, Charlotte, you may stop now. I get your point. I would have to be with you joined at the hip in order for you to follow my instructions. Impertinent child. Then let me amend my instructions. You do not leave the house without my permission." She then reached down, took Charlotte's chin in her right hand, lifted it until she was looking into Charlotte's eyes and asked, "Is THAT clear enough for you, young lady?"

Charlotte nodded her head then said, "Yes, Aunt Jane. Quite clear," as tears slid down her cheeks. "And thank you for caring about me so much."

Jane looked up to the underside of the stable roof and said, "Why do you make it so hard for me to be angry with you, you sweet child," and pulled Charlotte into a hug, letting her own tears fall as they may.

Charlotte hadn't closed the gate to Pinto's stall, when she'd turned and walked out to hug Jane. Jane was looking down at Charlotte when she felt something heavy lay across her left shoulder. When she looked up she saw Pinto standing there, with her head on Jane's shoulder. She felt, more than saw, the concern coming from Pinto, as said aloud, "Not only do I have a petulant child, but a horse too." It wasn't planned, or rehearsed, but together, as on cue, Charlotte laughed at the same time Pinto whinnied. Jane looked at Pinto and told her, "You, back in your stall." Then looking down at Charlotte, she said, "And you, young miss, a shower then bed." Pinto was standing there looking at Jane, with what Jane could only believe was a smile on the horse's muzzle. "Well, what are you looking at? Go on, get back into your stall, this girl needs her sleep." And she reached up and gently stroked Pinto's muzzle, softly telling her, "And so do you." As Charlotte had done, she leaned forward and lightly kissed Pinto's muzzle, before watching Pinto walk backwards into her stall. Jane was now trusted by Pinto.

Francis closed the gate for Pinto's stall, and walking alongside Marie, the two followed Jane and Charlotte back to the house. Jane's arm around Charlotte's shoulder as Charlotte leaned into Jane as they walked. Marie's words to Jane about Charlotte came back to her, as they'd watched a horse they'd had for two months, a horse that had been abused by its former owner, a horse who wouldn't so much as come to the gate of its stall for them, give its trust to a young girl who gave her trust to the horse. And because of the trust it had been given, and how it saw the girl being treated, it finally gave its trust to them. Marie knew she'd been right in what she told Jane, Charlotte was here for more than to be kept out of Federal Court. Much more.

Jane went up to Charlotte's bedroom with her, and Marie with Francis. As Charlotte took off her shoes and dress, and as she was standing before Jane in her bra, panties, garter belt and stocking, Jane inspected Charlotte's appearance before telling her, "While you shower you need to save yourself. I see a bit of hair that needs to be removed before it becomes noticeable to others. And soak yourself in the bath after showering, it will help ease some of the soreness you're still feeling. I'll return after you're through in the bathroom." After Jane left Charlotte sat down on her bed and removed her stockings, before taking off the garter belt and putting both back in the correct drawers in the dresser. She then took out a clean bra and matching panties, and taking her robe with her, went into the bathroom to do as Jane had instructed. Charlotte's mind started to wander as she waited for the water to get hot, and continued to wander as she stepped into the bathtub and started letting the warm water wash over her body. She thought back to Taylor's on that day, and everything she'd done. She thought about being accused of a crime she knew she hadn't been involved with. She thought back to her parents, school, and the life she had, and compared it all to what she now had. She was with two women who, while firm in their demands, did so out of love for her and Francis. A love for wanting them to have a better life than they previously had. She also thought back to Jane telling her she was at the stage Jane wanted all her girls to be before leaving her, and if that was so, then why had she been sent here and not to a detention center? She thought back to earlier today, and how Pinto responded to her, even though she'd been with Jane for two months. Why had Pinto responded to her and not Jane or Marie? Surely both could be trusted by Pinto? Or was it because they reminded her of the man who'd abused her? She also thought back to getting Jane angry with her because she left the house without asking Jane. But how Jane found it hard to be angry with her. Her thoughts continued as she rinsed shampoo off her hair and applied the conditioner.

She now thought back to her time in the holding cell with the other three boys, the ones who'd been caught shoplifting at Taylor's. She clearly saw the boy who'd wet himself, and the one who idolized their leader, and Toby, their leader. The one who tried to intimidate him but retreated because of how he was looking at Toby. Toby. The boy who was arriving in two days. The boy he had every right to treat in a detestable way for what he'd done to him. The boy he knew was more afraid of someone than being in holding or being sent to Jane's. The boy Charlotte knew she'd help change the life he had been living so he'd be happier leaving that when he arrived. She'd become his Pinto, and show him a trust he'd likely never experienced before. She rinsed the body wash off herself before grabbing the razor and shaving her body, as another thought crossed her mind. She stopped shaving and wondered, '>What's the real reason I've been sent here>?' No answer came to her, as she resumed shaving then changed from shower to bath, and let the bath fill so she could soak.

Jane had been watching Charlotte as she showered, and could see from her facial expressions that she'd been thinking. She guessed about today, about what she'd told Pinto, and by one expression, Toby arriving on Monday. Jane couldn't help chuckle as Charlotte lowered herself into the bath water, after the water was high enough to cover her. "Owwweee...gawd that hurt. Makes me wonder if I want to ride again if it's going to hurt this much every time. But if I don't ride, what about Pinto? She seemed to enjoy the ride. I can't let her down. Ah, well, a few aches and pains are worth going through for a friend."

When Jane saw Charlotte open the drain of the bath and start to get out of the bathtub, she shut off the monitor, concealed it with the doors of the cabinet, and went up to Charlotte's bedroom, asking when she arrived, "Charlotte, are you through taking a shower and soaking in the tub?" And opened the door to the bathroom to see Charlotte drying herself.

"Yes Aunt Jane, just now. Aunt Jane, I have a question I'd like to ask."

Jane nodded her head then said, "You may ask me your question as we dry and set your hair. Now hurry and finish. You've had a long, and interesting, day and need your sleep."

Charlotte came out of the bathroom wearing her clean bra, panties, and her robe. Jane pointed to the chair in front of the vanity and Charlotte walked over and sat down facing Jane. Jane had been ready to help Charlotte blow dry her hair and asked Charlotte, "What's your question, Charlotte?"

Jane just picked up a brush when Charlotte asked, "Aunt Jane, why am I really here? I could have been sent to a detention center and been all right there, given my self defense skills. But I wasn't, I was sent here. And you've told me yourself that I'm where you want all your girls to be before they leave you. So if I don't need to be here to learn how to live a better life, why am I really here?"

Charlotte's question had stopped Jane cold, still holding the hair dryer in her left hand and the brush in her right. She stared at Charlotte, realizing her question was the same one she and Marie had asked themselves. Jane dropped her hands and told Charlotte, "Truthfully, Charlotte? I don't know. Marie and I have asked ourselves the same question. And we aren't any closer to realizing an answer. And you are correct, after our girls are here for some time, you are where we hope they are when they're ready to leave us. So that isn't the reason you're here. And yes, you could have been sent to a detention center and survived with your skills, but you would have been wasted there. The only possible conclusion Marie and I could arrive at was that your very nature was needed at this time. You were needed here to help Francis, Pinto, and we believe help Toby, the boy who falsely accused you of his crime. Is any of this the truth? We don't know. But I think the change in Francis and Pinto is proof positive that it is your nature that's supposed to be here at this point in time. We'll have to wait and see about Toby. Now, sit still so I can get your hair dried. Watch what I do, you'll be doing this from now on."

When Charlotte's hair was thoroughly dried, Jane replaced the hair dryer and brush in the drawers of the vanity. She then took Charlotte's chin in her right hand, and turning the girl's face left and right, proclaimed, "You've done a good job removing your makeup," before telling Charlotte to brush her teeth then apply moisturizer to her face, arms, and legs. After Charlotte had climbed into bed, Jane sat down next to her and said, "Thank you for today, Charlotte. You made it quite interesting. You also made me realize a few things about myself as well. And one of those things is continuing to be your Aunt after you leave. If you'll have me."

Charlotte reached and took Jane's hands in hers. "Aunt Jane, I couldn't think of two more wonderful ladies I'd like for my Aunts. Of course, you'd be my favorite, you understand," which was said with a smirk on Charlotte's face. Jane kissed Charlotte goodnight on the forehead, before she walked over to the door, turned out the light and closed the door behind her and she left Charlotte's bedroom.

As Jane walked down the stairs, and to the Study, she mused to herself, 'Where has my dragon gone. The one that spits fire at my girls?' She took a few more stairs before chuckling and thinking, 'Its found its queen. It found the one sent to save it from itself.'

Charlotte had an abrupt wakening the next morning, as the covers on her bed were thrown off her to the tune of Jane saying, "Auf und los, Sonnenschein. Vor dem Frühstück müssen wir arbeiten." Jane reached down when Charlotte groaned, roughly shook her and told her, "Get up, girl, NOW!"

At Jane's 'NOW' Charlotte abruptly sat up in bed, telling Jane, "I'm up, I'm up." She swung her legs out of bed, glanced at the window, then told Jane, "It's still dark outside. What needs to be done in the dark?"

Jane reached down and took Charlotte's chin in her left hand, pulled her head up so she was looking into Charlotte's eyes and told her, "Work, young lady. Work. Now get out of that bed, put on a clean bra and panties, use the bathroom, then I'll show you what to wear before breakfast. Now, MOVE!" Again used her command voice, which as it always did, made Charlotte literally jump off the bed and rush to the dresser for a clean bra and panties. Once she would have been embarrassed to let Jane see her naked, but that notion was lost the first time she hesitated in doing so at Jane's command.

While her need to use the toilet was starting to become urgent, she quickly made her bed, folded her nightie and placed it under her pillow before heading straight to the bathroom. As Jane stood waiting, she heard the toilet flush, the sink faucet run, and a freshly washed Charlotte almost come running out of the bathroom, stopping inches from running over Jane. She started walking around Jane, heading for the vanity, but was stopped when Jane said, "You can do that after we come back into the house, you'll have to shower anyway. Follow me." Jane led Charlotte into her closet, where she pointed to pants, shirts, and boots that she told Charlotte to wear for the work they'd be doing. She then told Charlotte she'd need a pair of socks to wear with the boots, and to take everything she'd indicated and quickly get dressed. She'd meet Charlotte downstairs in fifteen minutes. Jane smiled to herself as she watched Charlotte 'grab' everything and rush out of the closet, dropping it all on the bed before going to the dresser for a pair of socks. She left Charlotte to sort herself out and went downstairs to see if Charlotte made it there within the fifteen minutes given to her.

When Jane reached the bottom of the stairs, she found Francis sitting on the bench properly dressed for the work they'd do before breakfast. She looked at Francis, as Francis said, "You didn't tell her, did you?"

With a smirk on her face Jane said, "I did not, and neither are you. Do you understand?"

Francis' reply of, "Yes, Aunt Jane," was the result of just such an occasion not long after she arrived at Jane's home. She made the mistake of thinking what Jane didn't know wouldn't hurt, as she told the new girl what they were about to do. The reward for what she'd been told NOT to do was to muck out all three stalls, by herself, for the next two weeks. Now, any time Jane said, 'Do Not,' Francis did not.

With two minutes to go, Charlotte came hurrying down the stairs. She'd learned the difference between hurrying, hurrying with abandonment, and running the stairs after the exercise Jane had her do because she ran up the stairs that one time. Twenty trips up and down the stairs in a row makes for a lasting memory. Jane looked at her watch, then at Charlotte, then said, "Good, you made it with two minutes to spare. With practice you'll become even faster getting dressed. Okay girls, follow me." With Jane in the lead, and Francis getting up off the bench and falling in beside Charlotte, the two girls stepped out into the semi-blackened morning; the beginning of the rising sun could be seen off in the distance. Charlotte gave Francis a questioning look but received a head shake in return. Charlotte stuck her tongue out at Francis, who giggled because of the antics. Without turning around, or even possibly knowing what Charlotte had just done, Jane told her, "Charlotte, young ladies don't stick out their tongues. It isn't polite." This time Francis gave Charlotte the, 'I haven't a clue,' gesture as Charlotte's shocked face looked at Francis. Then to further shock Charlotte, Jane told her, "It wasn't hard to figure out what you'd just done, Charlotte. I instructed Francis not to tell you what we'd be doing this morning, so your frustrated response to her silence would be sticking out your tongue at her."

Charlotte saw they were heading to the stable, and looked at Francis again, getting the same response as before. She kept her tongue in her mouth, but let Francis see she wasn't pleased to be kept ignorant. Again Jane shocked her by saying, "Stop trying to get Francis to tell you what we're going to do, Charlotte. Francis has learned what I mean when I tell her not to say anything. I can show you the same lesson she encountered if you'd like, Charlotte. If you keep trying to get Francis to tell you what we're going to do." Francis was vehemently shaking her head after what Jane just said, making it clear Charlotte didn't want the same lesson.

When they entered the stable, Jane turned on the lights, then told Charlotte what they were going to do; they meaning she and Francis. "Charlotte, you and Francis are going to muck out all three stalls. Francis will show you where the gloves are, where the pitchforks are stored, where the broom and scoop are, and the cart used to take the old straw out of the stable. She's had plenty of practice doing this, so pay attention to what she tells you and shows you. Or you might get plenty of practice on your own." Charlotte looked at Francis, who quickly looked up, rolled her eyes, then shook her head side to side. Charlotte got the message loud and clear.

Francis started by telling Charlotte, "Follow me," and took her over where the gloves were stored, helping her pick out a pair that fit her hands. Then she took her to another room where the cart, broom, scoop, and pitchforks were stored. She placed two of each tool into the cart before wheeling the cart out next to Pinto's stall. She then took Charlotte into the tack room, and took down two halters and hackamore, explaining, "We'll use these to secure the horses so they don't run off on their own. I didn't do that my first time, and oh was Aunt Jane mad. She had to chase that horse clear down to the pond." Francis led her back to Pinto's stall, letting Charlotte talk to Pinto before opening the gate and giving the hackamore to Charlotte. She talked Charlotte through placing the hackamore on Pinto, before leading her out of the stall so they could muck it out. Taking everything out of the cart, Francis gave Charlotte one of the pitchforks, taking the other one, and talking Charlotte through what they were to do.

With both girls working together, and Charlotte letting Francis know what she thought of the odor, it wasn't long before the old hay and body waste had been removed. Francis then had Charlotte set her pitchfork down and take one of the brooms, again showing her what they'd do with the brooms. As Charlotte watched, and held her broom, Francis got the scoop and had Charlotte push what they'd swept up into the scoop. After dumping the scoop into the cart with the old straw, she then came back with a bucket of sawdust which she spread on the floor of the stall. She told Charlotte it will help absorb any moisture left after taking out the old straw. Once that was swept up, Francis took Charlotte to the new hay bales. Carrying a bale together one at a time, they put enough new straw in Pinto's stall to cover the floor several inches thick. When they had finished, Jane came to inspect their work. Satisfied, she told them to keep going, after giving each girl a bottle of bottled water. After Pinto was put back into her stall, and after the girls had drank some water, they repeated the process with the next stall, and with the stall holding Jane's horse. It wasn't until they'd put away the tools, halters and hackamore, and gloves that Jane told them, "You girls did a fine job this morning. So I won't need to be out here with you tomorrow morning to supervise."

Francis knew what was coming, Charlotte stood there in shock, then asked, "Every morning? Really?"

Jane glared at Charlotte before telling her, "Yes, Charlotte, every morning. Not only is that straw their bedding but their bathroom too. And it needs to be replaced every morning. Of course, if you found working with Francis too difficult, I could let her sleep in and have you to muck out the stalls by yourself."

Charlotte knew right then she'd stepped into a big pile, and told Jane, "Ah, no, Aunt Jane. Mucking out the stalls in the morning is a fine job to start a person's morning."

Jane nodded her head, then put her Jane smile on her face before saying, "I thought you'd agree with me, Charlotte. You two go shower and get ready for the day. I'll inspect the both of you after you come down to help Marie with breakfast."

She stood and watched both girls head back to the house, before walking over and taking an apple out of the basket. She then walked over and held it out to Pinto, who gently took it out of her hand. "Well, Pinto, how'd I do this morning? Was I too rough on our Charlotte?" Swallowing the chewed up apple pieces, Pinto threw her head up and down before side to side. Jane had done all right this morning with their Charlotte.

Chapter 10

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