Complicit in a Lie Revisited Chapter 11

Complicit In a Lie
Revisited Chapter 11

By Jamie Lee

Author's Note: When I first wrote Complicit In a Lie, I had no thoughts, or ideas, to write a sequel. But thanks to a few readers, who asked about a sequel, ideas formed that made writing this sequel possible. It is necessary to have read Complicit In a Lie to understand why Charles is now with Jane, who the boy arriving in Kingston is and how he's involved in Charles' Court case. And to understand where Mr. Corporate, George Strom, fits into this story. This story starts off after Charles says, "When do we start," in Complicit in a Lie. So if you haven't read Complicit In a Lie, the beginning of this story won't make any sense. Hint hint!

Chapter 11

When they reached the changing room, Charlotte saw four girls either getting dressed, having their hair done, or having their makeup done. "Girls, may I have your attention," Brenda said to the four girls. "This is Charlotte, and she'd volunteered to help us this afternoon. She's a bit scared since it's her first time, so give her the same help you received the first time you modeled." Brenda then turned to Charlotte and said, "Charlotte, since this is your first time modeling, we've put you last, so you can watch the other girls and see how they walk down the runway, stand, turn, and hold their hands. And remember also, I do have to give Jane a report about your attitude throughout this presentation. So just do the best you can. And have fun with all this." Brenda smiled at Charlotte, before she walked away, leaving her standing, not knowing what to do next. It wasn't until she heard her name called that she went over to the girl doing the makeup.

"Hi, Charlotte, I'm Gale. Gale Walters. I do makeup and hair, and it sure was fortunate Brenda found you, 'cause it gives us more time backstage to get you girls ready for the next run. So, you've never modeled before? I find THAT hard to believe, since you're so beautiful. But enough of me gabbing, let's get you ready so you can get your first set on." For maybe the first time in her life, Charlotte was lost for words, at least words that could cut through Gale's rapid speaking. She actually never had a chance to answer Gale's question as Gale had pulled her over to a dresser's chair and shoved her down into it. She then put a band around Charlotte's head to hold her hair back, then grabbed a wipe and quickly removed all of Charlotte's makeup. As quickly as she'd removed Charlotte's makeup, she just as quickly redid Charlotte's face, shocking Charlotte when she saw herself in the mirror in front of her.

Charlotte was looking at the face of what appeared to be a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl. She was so engrossed in her appearance that she never realized Gale had taken the band off her head or was now working on her hair. She was so engrossed with her new appearance she didn't notice when Gale finished with her hair and had spoken to her. "Hey, kiddo. You still with me? You're all ready to go." Gale leaned around to look Charlotte in the eyes, then looked into the mirror, then back at Charlotte. "Pretty neat, huh, kiddo? See, I told you you were beautiful. Now come on, let's get you dressed."

Gale had to gently shake Charlotte's arm to get her attention, and when she had Charlotte's attention Charlotte just said, "That's really me?"

Gale put her face near Charlotte's, looked into the mirror with Charlotte, then said, "Yep, that's you. One hundred percent you. And you're gorgeous. Come on, sweetheart, we need to get you dressed."

The first dress they put on Charlotte was a Summer dress. It was light, airy, had spaghetti straps and a scooped neckline that allowed a hint of Charlotte's breast to be seen. It was a floral print in a light sky blue that was complemented with white sandals, a crystal in a heart necklace, and matching earrings. When she was ready to walk the runway, she stood where she could watch the other four girls, noticing how they walked, held their bodies, how they used their hands, and how they stopped and turned. She then watched as they walked back up the runway before the next girl started her walk. Charles exerted himself now, since it was her turn to walk the runway, and used his training to center himself just as Charlotte stepped onto the runway and began her walk. As Charlotte walked, she couldn't help herself and smiled as she walked. She reached the end of the runway, paused as she faced those watching, before turning so they could see the back of the dress she wore. She gave herself a count of five before turning to her left, pausing, then turning to the right, pausing for another five count before turning and walking back up the runway, her smile never leaving her lips.

The three girls dressed and waiting their next turns, gave Charlotte high-fives, telling her she looked wonderful for her first time. High-fives were all they could manage as Charlotte was ushered back to the changing room to change dresses.

After her last walk, Charlotte heard Brenda announce a ten minute break from the changing room. Charlotte's ears perked up when she heard Brenda announce, "And after the break, the girls will model our swimsuit line. Please, help yourselves to the provided refreshments." Charlotte was standing where she could see all four of the other girls, who were now completely undressing. Standing before Charlotte were four beautiful young girls who were completely naked, each starting to put on two piece swimsuits.

Gale noticed the look on Charlotte's face, came over to her and asked, "You okay, sweetheart? Aren't used to undressing in front of a bunch of girls, huh? It's okay, sweetheart, the girls who model for us their first time have the same problem. Don't worry, sweetheart, they aren't going to stare at you or make fun of you. Just breathe, take it slow, and before you know it, you'll be wearing one of those beautiful two piece swimsuits." And in a conspiratorial voice, Gale said, "And I'll bet you knock the socks off of everyone when they see you in our swimsuits."

Gale's antics finally got to Charlotte, who giggled, smiled, then said, "Thanks, Gale. I can't believe I'm going to wear a two piece swimsuit for everyone to see. My mom would have a heart attack if she saw me in one."

Charlotte had been undressing as she spoke to Gale, and heard a low whistle from Gale before she told Charlotte, "Girl, you got some body there." Then she shocked Charlotte by leaning close to Charlotte so only she could hear, "And Sandy and Carolyn did a good job with you. So don't worry, no one will suss you out. Have fun with it. Shake what you got, girl."

Charlotte rolled her eyes, looked to the ceiling, shook her head, then chuckled. "So you know about me too, huh?" Gale smiled, winked, then told Charlotte to hurry, as they were starting the show again.

Charles had worn swimsuits before, without a second thought. Now though, as Charlotte, he had to concentrate to do as he'd done while wearing a dress. Only barefooted. Brenda was standing behind those seated watching the show. As Charlotte reached the end of the runway, she saw Brenda give her a 'thumbs-up,' and carrying the biggest smile she'd seen on anyone's face. Then Brenda put both hands together and gave her a champion wave, before giving her another 'thumbs-up.' Charlotte couldn't help herself, after watching Brenda. The smile she'd been wearing became even wider, because she was trying not to laugh. She didn't know it at the time, but her trying to hold in laughter, and making her smile even wider, went over big with those watching the show.

After the girls each made three trips down the runway another break was called, letting them drink water and to munch on a few things kept in the dressing area. When the show resumed the girls did sleepwear, with each girl modeling pajamas, night shirt, and babydolls. And even though all this was new to Charlotte, Charles, she was a trooper each time she took the runway. Another break was called, and it was now Brenda crossed her mentle fingers. This time the girls would be modeling bras, panties, and garter belts, something she didn't tell Charlotte about. Something she deliberately didn't tell Charlotte about in order to see how Charlotte would react. Something Jane asked her to do with any of Jane's new girls.

When Charlotte reached the dressing area again, after her last walk on the runway, a frown appeared on her face when she heard Brenda announce, "We'll take another break to give our girls time to refresh themselves and then resume with showing our more...intimate apparel." Brenda had positioned herself so she could watch Charlotte and her reaction when she heard intimate apparel. Gale had also been told to keep an eye on Charlotte when they reached this stage of the show. They both watched, as Charlotte's gaze took in the other four girls again completely undressing and putting on matching bras and panties. She also saw two of the girls put on garter belts, then sit down and roll stockings up their legs before fastening them to the garter belts. Charlotte suddenly felt her legs go rubbery, and sat down in the closest chair near her, and just stared at what the other four girls were doing. She didn't realize Gale had kneeled beside her until Gale said, "It's okay sweetheart. You're doing marvelous. You have those women eating out of the palms of your hands. They love watching you do your thing on that runway."

Charlotte tried to say something but all she could do was move her lips. She shook herself, looked at Gale and asked, "You expect me to walk out there just in underwear? And a garter belt and stockings? And heels?" Charlotte started shaking her head, saying over and over, "That's just too much, I can't do that."

Gale finally reached up and caught Charlotte by the chin to stop her shaking her head, and held it. She looked Charlotte in the eyes and asked her, "So what's the difference if those women see you in your underwear or a two piece swimsuit?" She lowered her voice then asked, "Aren't you covered up in all the right places? Have you heard any of those women or young girls, or those four girls, saying anything about a boy modeling fashions? No. You. Haven't. And neither have I. All they've seen is an extremely attractive young lady who's been enjoying herself while she models clothing. And that's all I have seen too. Don't throw up your hands now, finish what you started. Go out there and wow them one more time with that body you have, and that dazzling smile you've been carrying along with you."

Still looking apprehensive, Charlotte nodded as much as she could with Gale still holding her chin, sighed, then said, "Okay, I'll give it a go, though I'm still not comfortable parading around in my underwear in front of strangers."

Charlotte had been concentrating on Gale and didn't notice two of the other girls walk up to her. One girl knelt down in front of Charlotte, took Charlotte's hands in hers and told her, "We all were nervous our first time modeling underwear, because, well, we've all been taught not to let others see what we're wearing under our clothes. Right? I mean, my mom still has to remind me to keep my legs together so the boys don't get a free show." Charlotte laughed at the image of a boy doing his best to see what a girl was wearing if she let her legs drift apart. "And it's not, like," the girl continued, "we aren't covered everywhere it counts, right? And, like, so what if some boys might stand outside the store and watch? It just marks them as boys none of us want to meet anyway. Come on, it'll be fun, flaunting something those pricks won't get their hands on except in their dreams."

When the girl said pricks, Charlotte must have looked shocked, as the girl had a look on her face that said she'd said something wrong. But when Charlotte said, "Pricks, you said pricks," and started laughing, it wasn't long before the two girls and Gale joined her. "You called them pricks," Charlotte repeated in between laughs. "My gawd, that's just too funny," Charlotte said as she stood up out of the chair and allowed Gale to help her put on what she'd be wearing on her first of three walks down the runway. She was still chuckling, and repeating 'pricks' to herself as she stepped up on the runway and flaunted her stuff to the end of the runway. She even caught sight of boys standing outside of the store, and really played it up, causing all of the boys to suddenly grab themselves and run towards the restrooms. Watching the boys' reactions caused Charlotte to giggle, which caused her to smile even wider, before she'd begun to complete her first walk on the runway. And she wanted to do it again.

Gale had to shush the girls as Charlotte and three of the other girls were laughing after watching what those boys did. One of the girls said, "Like, totally, they're pricks," which started the girls laughing again. Gale sternly told the girls to be quiet, but inside was happy Charlotte had lost her apprehension for walking out in her underwear. She wouldn't tell the girls this, but she enjoyed watching Charlotte tease those boys watching the girls, and what she caused to happen in their pants. She looked at Charlotte, getting dressed for her next walk, and thought to herself what a wonderful kid his parents have. If only those she was used to dealing with could be like him, then this would be a heck of a world.

None of the four girls had modeled anything in black, just pastels. And when Gale held up the black outfit Charlotte would be wearing, she saw a smirk form on her lips. When the girls had started their walk on the runway, they'd walked out from behind a curtain and walked to the end of the runway, before giving the audience a front, back, and side view, pausing in between moves. Then they'd turn and walk back down the runway, where the next girl would step out from behind the same curtain and do the same thing.

When Charlotte saw the black outfit she'd be wearing, the smirk Gale saw, and wouldn't understand until she watched what occurred, she decided to really give those women and young girls, and those boys watching from outside the store a real show. As Gale helped Charlotte put on the black lacy bra, and black lacy panties, and lacy garter belt, and watched as she sat to put on the black stockings with a floral design at the top of the stockings, Charlotte's face took on a look Gale interpreted immediately. Not meaning to, but did anyway, she voiced, "Oh, this ought to be good." When Charlotte was ready, and the last girl had walked off the runway, she motioned to the four girls to come with her and they all stood where they could see the entire runway. All she told the four girls was, "You girls have got to watch this."

Charlotte had followed the girls in that when the last girl had reached the curtain, she would then step out and start her walk. Not this time, this time the first thing the women and young girls saw was a left, black clad leg being sensually extended onto the runway from behind the curtain. That was followed up by the right leg being extended in much the same way, until Charlotte stood facing the audience with her hands on the hips. She slowly turned, looked over her left shoulder with a 'come hither' look on her face, before turning to the side and running her hand through her hair. Gale and the girls heard the boys standing outside the store, and watched as Charlotte did one of the most sultry walks Gale had ever seen a girl her age do while walking down the runway. When she reached the end of the runway, she went through more sultry moves, causing Gale and the girls to laugh as they saw more boys grab themselves before running to the restrooms. Charlotte played with her hair while facing the women and young girls. When she turned, she ran her hands up and down her body, licking her lips when, while facing to her left, turning her head to face those watching. And when Charlotte turned to face the other way, she struck a pose Gale had only seen professional models make. She then turned and started sauntering back up the runway, running her hands over her butt as she walked. When she reached the end, with her back still to the audience, she looked at the audience over her right shoulder, gave them an air kiss, before stepping behind the curtain.

Gale glanced at the women sitting in the small audience, and saw some of them fanning themselves and others wiggling in their seats. She and the girls then rushed back behind the curtain and saw a joyous Charlotte, lounging in a chair, fanning herself as well. Gale looked at the smiling girl and asked, "Where in the hell did you learn to walk like that?" The other girls were gathered around Charlotte, telling her how hot she looked as she walked the runway.

One of the girls let slip that, "My boyfriend would go ape shit seeing me dressed like that."

Charlotte laughed at the girl's comment, before saying, "You did see what it did to those pricks standing outside the store, right? Surprise your boyfriend."

When the chatter died down, and the girls went to change back into their everyday clothes, Gale pulled Charlotte aside and asked her again, "Where did you learn to walk like that? I've never seen a girl your age be able to pull off something like that."

Gale suddenly got chills down her spine as the expression Charlotte got more than serious. "I'm not permitted to tell you, Gale. And it's best if you don't know or find out."

Gale continued staring at Charlotte, nodding her head as she said, "All right, Charlotte. All right, forget I asked." She then brightened and told Charlotte, "Oh girl, you were wonderful out there today. And from what I've seen, the store is going to have super sales this afternoon. And it's because of your help. I think Jane will be proud of how you did today. Take what you're wearing with you as a reminder of your time as a model. In fact, everything you wore today will be given to you. Now you've got something to really tell your grandchildren."

As Charlotte undressed and put on the clothes she wore into the store, Gale's words about grandchildren rang through her mind. Would she have grandchildren some day? Doesn't that require she first have a girlfriend, and children of her own?

Charlotte had finished dressing and as she was walking out of the dressing area, Brenda rushed up and told her, "Charlotte, that was one of the most marvelous shows I've ever had. You were magnificent, especially your last walk. I don't know when we've sold so many of that outfit you were wearing in one day. Thank you, sweetheart." Then Brenda got a serious look on her face and asked Charlotte, "So, was it as bad as you thought? You looked like you WERE having fun."

Charlotte smiled and replied with, "No, it wasn't as bad as I feared it'd be. And, I hate to admit it, but I did have fun. I will definitely look at models differently from now on, knowing what they have to do to get ready. And thank you for giving me the opportunity to do this. I know at the beginning I was reluctant to even give it a try. But looking back, I really did have fun."

Gale walked up just then carrying a store bag with all the clothes Charlotte had worn inside. Charlotte saw Jane and Francis walk into The Style Shoppe, bid Brenda and Gale goodbye, and went over to Jane, who gave the bubbling Charlotte a critical eye and asked her, "And why are you so excited, young lady?"

A smiling Charlotte looked Jane straight in the eyes and told her, "Because, Aunt Jane, I had fun this afternoon. I had fun."

Jane smirked then told Charlotte, "Let's see how much fun you have writing a five page paper about your experiences here this afternoon."

Charlotte's smile never wavered as she told Jane, "Oh, I won't be able to write just a five page paper. No, it will have to be longer if I'm to write down all my experiences here today."

Inwardly Jane smiled, outwardly she humphed, then said, "Petulant children. That's all they ever send me." Francis chuckled after Jane spoke, knowing Jane was pleased with Charlotte's performance this afternoon. She only hoped Charlotte's enthusiasm lasted with what Jane had in store for her tomorrow.

Jane must have read Francis' mind, as she looked down at her and slowly shook her head. Francis gulped before answering, "Yes, Aunt Jane."

As they drove back to Jane's house, it was quiet in the car. Quiet until Jane and Francis heard, "Oh my gawd," from Charlotte. "Oh my gawd," she repeated, then started laughing, and laughing hard.

She was laughing so hard she never heard Jane ask, "What's so funny, young lady?" Charlotte was gripped with ruckus laughter, which caused her to fall over onto her back in the backseat of Jane's car. Again Jane asked her question, and again Charlotte never heard it because she was laughing so hard. Jane found a place to pull over to get out of traffic, before shutting off the engine, getting out of the car and attending to Charlotte, who was still in the throes of laughter. Because Charlotte was lying down on the backseat facing the passenger side, Jane opened the rear passenger side door, reached in and pulled Charlotte upright and held onto her. Charlotte never acknowledged she'd been pulled up or that Jane was holding her. It wasn't until Jane shook her hard, several times, that Charlotte finally saw Jane and started calming down.

She giggled a few times before saying, "Sorry, Aunt Jane. But it's just so darn funny." Even Jane's glare didn't phase her at this moment, she was still giggling at what she just realized. Still being held by Jane, she reached up and wiped her eyes, giggling a few more times before she could actually speak. "Sorry, Aunt Jane, I was just thinking about the modeling I did this afternoon, when I realized something. There I was, a boy presenting as a girl, in a changing room with four other attractive girls and I got to watch them change for each walk of the runway. Me, a boy, got to see what many boys only dream of, four girls who were completely naked as they changed into our next outfits."

Then Jane saw the somber look replace the joyous one, as Charlotte then said, "And you know what, Aunt Jane. I didn't react to what I saw as any boy would. I was never aroused by what I saw, or tempted to do anything. Does that make me strange? Shouldn't seeing four beautiful girls naked have caused me to be at least a bit aroused? Or tempt me to do something?" Jane saw the tears slide down Charlotte's cheeks, as she asked, "Does that make me weird, Aunt Jane? Because I didn't get aroused as other boys would?"

The only thought Jane had at that moment, seeing the anguish look on Charlotte's face, was to make sure Toby Camber have the best experience Jane could devise. Whether he liked it or not. She took a deep breath to calm herself, and looking Charlotte in her eyes, told her, "No, Charlotte, you are not weird, never have been and never will be. You are a remarkable young man, who as I told you before, you are where I want all my girls to be before they leave me. You are kind, caring, and thoughtful. You help, at times, without realizing you're helping. You are a young man a mother can be extremely proud of, as every boy should be. As to your not becoming aroused upon seeing four naked young ladies? You didn't become aroused because you weren't seeing them through the eyes of a boy. You saw them through the eyes of a young lady, you. You became one with them as you modeled the clothes Brenda had you wear. You were having fun doing something you'd never have done had Charles been in that store. Don't look down on yourself as being a failure of a boy because you weren't aroused. Think of yourself as a boy who's matured in ways other boys could never understand. For a few hours you saw four beautiful young girls not as sex objects, but as people, like yourself. And you treated them AS people, and not as sex objects. I'm very proud of how you handled that fashion show. Some day it's going to be a story worth telling. But for now, come on, let's get home and something to eat." Charlotte nodded her head, hugged Jane, then moved back onto the backseat, wiping her eyes as she did. " Raton laveur (Raccoon,)," Jane said, which caused Charlotte to laugh.

"Yes. I guess I do look like a raccoon, again." Jane smiled before closing the passenger side rear door and getting behind the wheel of her car.

As she drove, one part of her asked if she could get away with using a bullwhip on the person who caused all this heartache for Charles. She knew several desolate places where no one would hear them scream. Her other part said it wouldn't be the right thing to do, and she'd have to settle with using what she found that does work and works well. Toby was going to see a taskmaster like no other taskmaster who ever lived. And one way or another, he WAS going to tell her the whole, unvarnished, truth.

As they entered Jane's home, they were directed to bathe and dress for supper, before helping Marie in the kitchen. Jane did the same, going to her study afterwards. The light on the fax machine was blinking, indicating an incoming fax was ready to print out. Jane entered a code, then hit 'print' and watched as several pages were spit out of the machine. She sat down in her desk chair and began to read what she had been sent.

From: Ruth Walinkiewicz

To: Jane Thompson

RE: More information concerning shoplifting


We have uncovered more information about the shoplifting at Taylor's and about Toby Camber. That incident at Taylor's is only one of many events that have been occurring throughout the area, many not being realized until the store's regular inventory was taken. So far, close to $125,000 has been stolen, and it is felt was done in much the same way as it was done at Taylor's that day Charles was accused of being involved, by teams of three boys or both boys and girls. We've been able to backtrack and have identified the persons involved in the actual theft, but it was felt we'd learn more if they were put under surveillance rather than being arrested now. It's a case of using the small fish to catch the big fish. The stores involved have agreed with our assessment, and have agreed to notify those involved in the investigation when they spot another theft taking place. We've also notified other large chain department stores to be on the lookout for theft, or attempted theft, in their stores and not to interfere but watch and record the persons and to notify the investigators when it occurs.

As to Toby Camber, I don't know where to start, as his life up to being caught that day at Taylor's has not been a bed of roses. He lived with his dad and older brother, dad working three jobs to try and keep food on their table and the debt collectors off his back. Toby's mother walked out when Toby was five, the promise of bright lights and a better life luring her away. She's now a junky, turning tricks to support her habit, the guy who promised her a better life responsible for getting her hooked on heroin. From the time his mother left Toby had literally been under the thumb of his older brother, and we suspect he is the one forcing Toby to do the stealing. You'll understand why I say forcing when you see Toby after he falls asleep. Words can't do justice in explaining what Toby's had to endure his whole life under his brother's thumb, you'll understand fully when you see with your own eyes. And maybe what you see will temper your anger because of what he did to Charles. When I know more then you'll know more.


Jane read the fax again, ruminating over Ruth's inability to describe how Toby was forced to steal. Several things came to mind, but none of them were the ones used to force Toby to steal, as she would soon learn. There was a knock on the study door, "Enter," she said, and watched the door open and Charlotte come into the study. After Charlotte shut the study door, she went to the bookcase and took 'the book' off the shelf, balanced on her head, and proceeded to walk the five circuits of the study. Stopping at the study door after completing circuit five, Charlotte replaced 'the book' in the bookshelf before walking over and standing in front the desk Jane was sitting at. "Aunt Jane, supper will be ready in a few moments," Charlotte told Jane, who was looking at Charlotte but wasn't looking at her.

"Thank you, Charlotte." After asking to be excused, and being given permission, as Charlotte turned and started walking to the study doors, Jane said, "Oh, Charlotte, please come and sit down for a moment." Charlotte was halfway to the study doors but abruptly stopping when Jane called her name.

Chapter 12

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