Complicit in a Lie Revisited Chapter 25

Complicit In a Lie
Revisited Chapter 25

By Jamie Lee

Author's Note: When I first wrote Complicit In a Lie, I had no thoughts, or ideas, to write a sequel. But thanks to a few readers, who asked about a sequel, ideas formed that made writing this sequel possible. It is necessary to have read Complicit In a Lie to understand why Charles is now with Jane, who the boy arriving in Kingston is and how he's involved in Charles' Court case. And to understand where Mr. Corporate, George Strom, fits into this story. This story starts off after Charles says, "When do we start," in Complicit in a Lie. So if you haven't read Complicit In a Lie, the beginning of this story won't make any sense. Hint hint!

Chapter 25

Francis and Toby asked to be excused, which was granted by Marie, Jane was still lost in her thoughts. Francis helped Toby move his chair back, stand, and together, they slowly walked to the stairs. Marie had been watching the two as they slowly walked towards the stairs, and, as they had now disappeared from her sight but within her hearing, she heard them as they started ascending the stairs. She then turned her attention to Jane, still sitting in her chair, head down, lost in her mind. She reached out with her left hand and took Jane's right hand, which was lying in Jane's lap. "Mon cher et doux ami (My dear and sweet friend,), look at me."

Marie shook Jane's arms, finally getting Jane to look up and at Marie. "Chère, we are not in our normal situation, where the threat of being exposed as a boy dressed as a girl or the threat of being sent home dressed as they are, is enough to get our girls to do what we want. With Francis, that works, but it won't work with Charlotte or, now Toby. Toby will do as we ask because he's grateful to be staying here, and away from his tormentors. Plus, I believe his Aunt Terri instilled in him those traits we now see. Charlotte is an altogether different case. You gave her the choice of staying as Charles or becoming one of our girls, she chose the latter, for the experience. She has developed such an affection for you she would do almost anything you ask of her, but we can't use our usual methods because, unlike Toby, she's more worried about disappointing you. I truly believe we could threaten to send her home dressed as she is, or naked, and it wouldn't phase her. She knows who she is and cares nothing what others but her parents and you, think of her. Oh, she cares what I think of her, but not as deeply as she does you. Go, take your plate with you, and see how Toby is doing with our Charlotte. I'll have Francis finish her breakfast and we'll take care of everything."

Marie chuckled as she watched Jane take more of the egg casserole, before pushing back her chair, standing, picking up her plate, and walking to the study. After entering the study, Jane walked to her desk, sat the plate down, then unlocked the cabinet, turned on the monitor, and selected the camera in Charlotte's bedroom. What she saw on the monitor almost disappointed her, as Charlotte sat at the vanity with a jar of cold cream sitting open on the vanity counter and a tissue in her hand. But not Toby. Splitting the screen, she activated the camera in the hallway to the bedrooms, observing Toby standing outside Charlotte's bedroom. "Charlotte, please, let me in. I just want to help." Through the microphone in Charlotte’s bedroom, Jane could tell Charlotte could hear what Toby was saying, but seemed to ignore his pleas. As Jane watched, and finished eating her breakfast, Charlotte reached up with the tissue but paused her hand over the mouth of the jar. And held it there. From Charlotte's reflection in the mirror on the vanity, Jane could see the fierce battle going on inside of the girl’s mind. One minute it seemed her mind was made up, and her hand would start to dip the tissue into the cold cream, the next, she'd pull her hand back up and sit there. Back and forth it went on, until finally, her face contorting in anger, Charlotte jammed the tissue into the jar, picked up the jar, and slammed it back on the vanity countertop before storming to the bedroom door, kicking the chair out from under the doorknob and going over to her bed, and throwing herself across it.

Watching the monitor, Jane saw Toby react when he heard the noise from the bedroom. Trying the doorknob again, Toby walked into Charlotte's bedroom when he found the door would open. After entering the room, and closing the door behind him, Jane watched as Toby stood and looked around Charlotte's bedroom. She saw him stare at the open jar of cold cream sitting on the vanity countertop and the tissue sticking out of it, asking, "So, why didn't you?"

The silence in the room was deafening, until Charlotte, still lying on her stomach, turned her head so she could see Toby and asked him in a hostile voice, "Why didn't I WHAT?"

Calmly, Toby pointed to the open jar of cold cream with the tissue sticking out of it and again asked, "So, why didn't you?"

Moving her head to follow where Toby was pointing, Charlotte turned her head back with her chin resting on the bed and answered, "Trust me, I wanted to. I almost did several times before you came. But I couldn't, even though I really wanted to."

"Why couldn't you?" Toby asked, as she slowly walked over and with a grimace, righted the chair and sat down, sighing after sitting. "Why couldn't you remove the makeup on your face and become Charles again? That's what you were fighting with yourself about, isn't it?"

It was Charlotte's turn to let out a sigh before replying, "Yeah, it's what I was fighting with myself to do. But I couldn't. Because I gave Aunt Jane my word of honor, and I can't go back on my word. GOD… I hate all of this!"

Toby started laughing, it pained him but he laughed anyway. "You hate all of THIS?" And he waved his hand around the room. "Girl, all of this is great, compared to where I came from. Compared to what I endured, you've got it easy. How many times has Aunt Jane taken a belt, a wire, or anything she could get her hands on, and beat the hell out of you? I'll bet none. I'll bet she's never raised her hand to you, has she? That's because she doesn't have to, does she? She's the best psychologist I've ever seen, and I've seen a few, thanks to Aunt Terri. How do you sleep at night, Charlotte? Do you worry Aunt Jane will come into your room and decide you shouldn't be sleeping because she can't and beat you awake? Or yell at you to get up and make her something to eat at 2:00 in the morning? I'll bet you sleep soundly, barring any nightmares or other bad dreams, right? Let me get undressed and let you take a good look at something you could honestly hate. Shall I do that for you, Charlotte? Shall I get naked so you can see what's really to hate? For almost two years, Charlotte, two damn yearsAND YOU HATE ALL OF THIS? What a self-absorbed whiny bitch. And here I thought you were Miss Strong-willed Charlotte. Boy, was I wrong!"

Toby had been looking at the floor as he spoke. His view of the floor was blocked by two feet wearing low heels, causing him to look up into the face of an angry girl. "Well looky here, she can stand by herself. So, what now? Do I become the little pieces you spoke of, which I agree with you, by the way? Or what?"

"What the hell were you going to do after graduating high school? I'd really like to know."

Looking down at Charlotte's feet, he told her in a melancholy voice, "I'd like to go to college and get my B.S., then a Masters, then a Ph.D., all in psychology. I'm pretty good at motivating people and sidestepping all of the BS to get down to their real problems. Take you for instance," and he looked up at Charlotte. "I screwed up your life with the lie I told about you, and even though you hide the anger well, it's still there. And when you heard me identify Strom, and when we heard what's happening to the kids who didn't get arrested, and you felt helpless to do anything, your anger surfaced and you reacted. You hold things inside of you. You could have talked with Aunt Jane or tante Marie, or me, but not you. You play the Lone Ranger until it gets too much then blow up. Did you ever once think how Jane and Marie are feeling about all of this? You didn't see Jane when you ran away from the dining room table just now. You really hurt her with your outburst. People try and help you and that's how you repay them? Jane has seen how indecisive you can be and has been putting you into situations that force you to make your own decisions. But not you. You have to bite the hand that's offering you help. How am I doing so far? From the look on your face, I'd say I've been hitting every nail on the head every time. What do you think?"

Inwardly, Toby cringed when Charlotte raised her arms before she turned, stomped to the vanity, pulled the tissue out of the jar of cold cream, threw it into the waste basket, before putting the lid on the jar, and putting it back where it had been sitting on the vanity countertop. She then turned and stomped back to where Toby was sitting before telling him, "I hate it when people get some things right about me. Come on, we'd better get back downstairs. I'm probably in a bunch of trouble for what I did." Reaching down to Toby, she took his outstretched hands and helped him out of the chair. With his arm around Charlotte's shoulder, and her arm gently around his waist, they slowly walked to the bedroom door. After Charlotte opened the door, they slowly left the bedroom, stopping so Charlotte could close the door behind them. Then their slow walk began to the stairs, and with Charlotte leading, they made their way slowly down the stairs. Reaching the bottom of the stairs, Charlotte helped Toby to the couch and helped him sit down. Turning towards the dining room, she saw the table had been cleared so walked directly into the kitchen. After walking past the kitchen door, it was an upset Francis she saw first. Tears were hanging in her eyes, as was the worried expression she was wearing. She turned to Marie when she heard, "You need to go to the study, oui? She needs you and you need her. Aller (Go.)."

When Jane saw the two were going to be coming downstairs, she shut off the monitor, closed and locked the cabinet before getting out of her chair and walking over to the front window. As she stood there, looking out over the scenery, there was a knock on the study door, which she ignored. She was still upset. Then, "Aunt Jane," Charlotte said, as she had opened the study door and stuck her head inside. Seeing Jane just standing at the window, ignoring her, she opened the door, came into the study, and softly closed the door behind her. Slowly, she walked over to the window and silently stood beside Aunt Jane. Their view of the scenery outside wasn't marred by any structures, giving them an excellent view of tall grass, patches of old-growth trees, and a flock of sheep grazing off in the distance. Charlotte broke the silence with, "I'm sorry, Aunt Jane. What I said was wrong, as was leaving the table as I did. I didn't mean to hurt you, I wasn't thinking about how it was going to affect you."

There was a long silence after what Charlotte said to Jane. It started to break when Jane reached out with her left arm and placed it around Charlotte's shoulders, pulling the girl closer to her side. Charlotte's right arm went around Jane's waist, and that's how they stayed for some time. "Yes, Charlotte, you were wrong, in what you said and did. But the greater fault is mine because I've been treating you as I do Francis or how I would have treated any of my past girls. I had wanted you to experience the many things girls your age might experience, but I went about it the wrong way. I wanted you to experience being a runway model for an afternoon, and a makeup model, but felt if I asked you to do those things, you'd have balk and refuse to do them. I threw you into those situations, giving you little choice but to comply. From this minute forward, I will take you aside and tell you what I'd like you to do. I will explain everything to you, and hope you choose to engage in the activity. Once we're in front of Francis, I will act as though you have no choice in the matter, keeping with how Francis is treated. Do you find those changes acceptable?"

The study was quiet once again, as Charlotte pondered what Jane just told her. After several quiet moments, Charlotte asked, "And if I decide not to participate in the activity?"

Once more the energy of the air in the study remained sedate, as Jane thought through different ways to plead with Charlotte without seeming to be pleading. Finally, "Charlotte. Since you've been here, you've done nothing but help Francis. You saw she needed help and you stepped in to help without being told or prodded. That is who you are, someone who willingly helps when you see the need. I'm asking you again to help Francis by willingly participating in the activities I have planned or will plan. Francis knows what activities you're likely to engage in because she herself did those very ones. She knew I was going to have you participate as a runway model when I took you to The Style Shoppe. She also knew you'd be a makeup model at the salon because she experienced the same thing. For her sake, please go along with me on this. I'll reiterate what I told you when you arrived. These experiences may never have happened to you as Charles. As Charles, the only way you'd have been a runway model, a teenage girl runway model, would be if you volunteered to do it for a charity event. As to being a makeup model, I doubt a charity event would ever do such a thing. Here, with Marie and myself, you have a great chance to experience the other side of the 'fence.' You get to see what it's like being a girl, participating in activities girls do engage in and make a career out of. You also experience the downside of being female, as you've already seen at the mall. On the other hand, you also saw how animalistic males can be when seeing a beautiful young woman strut as you did in that black outfit. All of this teaches you, Charles, it opens your mind in ways you ordinarily wouldn't have happened. Charles, book smarts give you the groundwork to experience life, with life being the best teacher of all. So please, Charles. Accept my proposal and continue helping Francis and learn from these events."

After several minutes, Charlotte pulled away from Jane, walked to the bookshelves, took down 'the book,' and began the five circumferences of the study. Jane didn't have to see Charlotte's face to know she was thinking about all Jane had said. She also didn't have to witness the five circuits of the study, as she knew Charlotte would do the five honorably. She heard 'the book' slide back on the bookshelf, felt an arm go around her waist, then heard, "Everything you said is true, Aunt Jane. Nowhere else could I learn what's on the other side of the 'fence.' Charles did see the animals grazing aimlessly through malls and stores, salivating every time they saw a pretty young lady. I witnessed a zoo one of those times at the Mall when a group of terribly attractive girls, about my age, passed three boys going in the opposite direction. But I never would have known how the girls felt, when it happened, if I hadn't experienced it for myself. I had my hair cut at a salon when mom and I were shopping. It was convenient since I was already at a place that cut hair, and easier than leaving the salon and going to the barbershop. But this time," and Charlotte paused, lost in thought, "this time was much different. This time, apart from Sandy, I was treated more intimately. And not just to make me appear more like a girl. Women have a greater bond among themselves than men. Sharing this or that, or discussing this or that seems to come naturally. And they open up to each other easier than men do."

"During the makeup class, there was one girl, Barbara Well, who had a severe case of acne. She was really upset by how others treated her because of her acne, even the girls in the class ignored her. I went up to her and started talking with her, then took her to Carolyn and asked if she had anything that could help her. Carolyn had a solution that was new to the market, made specifically to fight acne. When Barbara asked Carolyn if it worked, she called a girl named Mel, who showed us her before pictures. Her acne was ten times worse than what Barbara had, but that solution cleared up her skin. Mel called on another girl, Patty, who also showed up before pictures, and she had been worse than Mel. Both girls then asked Barbara to sit with them so they could show her some tricks they used to cover their acne until their skin cleared."

"But I also learned how cold young girls can be towards each other. The last time at the mall, a group of girls, led by a girl full of herself, thought I was prissy and was going to teach me manners. When I told her she couldn't teach manners to a goat, she tried to slap me. I caught her arm at the wrist and applied quite a bit of pressure. When I asked her if she wanted it to get really ugly, they all somehow decided to move out of my way as I walked toward them to leave. Then, as I was walking away from them, I learned I was a female dog from the girl who tried to slap me. Of course, after she said that, I turned to look at her, and had that darn itch on my nose again."

"I volunteered to be one of your girls, Aunt Jane. I gave you my word of honor I'd do what you asked, and I can't go back on my word. It would be dishonorable. As long as you ask me and explain what I will be doing, then I will do as you ask. I won't balk at the thought of doing it, though I may be apprehensive beforehand. For Francis' sake, I will appear to be unhappy with what you tell me to do in front of her. Is my decision satisfactory with you, Aunt Jane?"

Silence reigned supreme in the study again, broken after several minutes by Jane saying, "Yes, Charlotte. I can accept your decision. And I thank you for that decision. There's Susan Toliver now, just pulling into the driveway. Come, let's go welcome her to my home." And together, Charlotte's arm still around Jane's waist, and Jane's arm around Charlotte's shoulder, the two walked to the study door, where Charlotte opened the door for Jane and followed her out of the study, closing the door behind her. The study was quiet again, except for the used plate, empty of the bit of casserole Jane simply loved.

Francis had come straight back downstairs as Marie had instructed. Marie told her to finish her breakfast before the two cleared the table, with Toby's slow help, and finished everything needed in the kitchen. Marie told Francis to sit with Toby on the couch and wait for Susan to arrive, and that is where Francis and Toby were when Susan arrived and knocked on the front door. Jane had sent Charlotte into the living room after they came out of the study, and she and Francis helped Toby to stand as the three waited to be introduced to Susan. Very few who came to Seasons House didn't know what Jane and Marie did at Seasons House. And those who didn't know, Jane often made sure the girls were elsewhere. Susan happened to be one of those in the know, so wasn't shocked when Jane introduced the three to Susan.

"Girls, and Toby, this is Susan Toliver, the tutor I told you three about." As the girls had often done when helping Toby get around, Francis was on Toby's right and Charlotte was on his left. "Susan, the young lady on the left is Francis Winslow." Francis did a slight curtsy when Jane said her name. "The young man in the middle is Toby Camber." Toby nodded his head towards Susan, bending over to bow to Susan would have been too painful. "And the young lady on the right is Charlotte Thorton." As Francis did, Charlotte did a slight curtsy when Jane said her name.

"It's a pleasure to meet the three of you. I hope I can teach you as much as you want to learn. Charlotte, is your father Jeb Thorton? I ask because his firm has done work for me in the past."

"Yes, ma'am, Jeb Thorton is my father," Charlotte replied, having looked to Jane for permission to answer truthfully; Jane had nodded her head slightly.

"He's a wonderful man, Charlotte. He speaks very highly of you. So, what I want to do first is evaluate each of you with a few tests.” When Susan said tests, all three appeared to have just sucked on a lemon. “Oh, please, no sour faces. The tests I'll give you won't be graded, they're just to give me a starting point. From what Jane has told me, you, Toby, and you, Charlotte, had asked to be put into advanced classes at your respective high schools. And the anal heads denied your requests?" Toby and Charlotte nodded their heads at Susan's question. "Yeah, that doesn't surprise me a bit. They didn't want you two to mess up their program by taking classes others weren't interested in taking. They're more interested in social engineering than enriching minds. And Francis, I understand you have been doing much better in your lessons of late." Susan looked at Jane and continued with, "And I believe Jane now wants you to sit lessons with me?" Jane nodded her head in answer to Susan's question to her, even though it was directed at Francis. "Okay, let's get this show on the road, shall we? Ah, where do you want us, Jane?"

"Our study room is the library. The girls can show you where it is. I believe everything you asked for is there, and should you need anything else, please let me know."

It was Charlotte who asked, "Um, how do you want us to address you, Miss Toliver?"

Susan laughed before she answered. "Well, for starters, drop the Miss, I'm a Mrs.. And because the only principal here is Jane, you may call me by my given name, Susan. Of course, I know there may be other names you'll use as we progress through your lessons, but that's okay too." The smile Susan had on her face put all three at ease, though Charlotte and Toby had a feeling they shouldn't underestimate her one bit.

"Okay, Susan, if you'll follow us, we'll take you to the library," Charlotte told Susan and she put an arm around Toby's shoulders and helped him walk to the library. Francis was still standing where she had been standing, looking at Jane. After Susan passed her, she walked up to Jane and asked, "Why are you having me be with Susan? You told me I would be with her only for foreign languages?"

Jane gave Francis a small smile, then said to her, "I changed my mind because the work you've been doing has vastly improved. And I think you deserve to be given a chance to really see what you can do now that you have a chance. You do the best you can and pay attention, understand?"

Jane saw tears threatening to escape Francis' eyes. In almost a whisper, Francis got out, "Thank you for the chance, Aunt Jane. No one before you would have given me this chance. I don't know how I'll ever repay you for this."

Jane bent down so she could look Francis in the eyes before speaking. "You can repay me by doing the best you can. By learning as much as you can. Now, scoot, you'll be late for class." With a big smile on her face, and remembering not to run, Francis walked as fast as she knew was allowed to the library.

When the four had entered the library, and the door closed, Charlotte helped Toby to the couch by the near wall, hearing a sigh as Toby sat down on the soft cushions. "Toby, I know of the reason you are here, but not the why you aren't one of Jane's girls. By now, Jane would have had you as accomplished as Charlotte and Francis. Might I know the reason you haven't become one of Jane's girls?"

Charlotte had sat down on Toby's right, Francis on his left. He looked at Charlotte who shrugged her shoulders, then to Francis who did the same. Both silently telling Toby, 'why not?' With a nod of his head, both girls stood up, each taking one of Toby’s outstretched hands, helped him up from the couch, then stood with him as he spoke. "How much do you know of why I was sent here? Did you know I was involved with a shoplifting ring? Not by choice, mind you. Hasn't Jane told you how I was treated by my brother and Strom after my brother bailed me out of jail?"

Susan was nodding her head when Toby told her about being involved in the shoplifting ring and shook her head when he asked if Jane had told her how he was treated after being bailed out of jail. "Toby, I only know about your involvement in the shoplifting, not how you were treated after getting out of jail. Was it that bad?"

With a stern look on his face, and a bit of a growl in his voice, he told Susan, "I'll let you be the judge of that," as he turned around so his back was to Susan. Then, with growls and hissing, he lifted his shirt and pulled it over his head so it would stay in place. Painfully, he then bent down slightly so he could pull his pants and briefs down so Susan could see him from the base of his neck to the bottom of his butt cheeks. With a choked-up voice, he asked Susan, "Is this bad enough for you, or would you like to see everything? I can show you, simply by taking my pants completely off."

Both girls could hear how upset Toby was as he spoke, and as Francis pulled up Toby's briefs and pants, Charlotte pulled down his shirt, before they helped Toby back to the couch.

When Susan saw all of the scars, the wounds that were now pink, and the fresh wounds, she'd put her hands to her mouth. "Dear God, child. How could you endure such treatment? Why didn't you tell someone? Your father or the police or someone at your school? No one has the right to do that to anyone?"

Sitting on the couch, Toby snorted through the tears streaming out of his eyes. "Tell someone? Who? Those pink scars you saw, those I got from my brother as he caught me before I reached the police station. And the older scars? They were to remind me not to tell our dad or anyone else. The fresh wounds on my back and butt? Those my brother gave me for getting caught and being arrested. He and Strom fought with me, dragging me to a pair of pipes in the warehouse Strom used. They tied me spread eagle to those pipes and my brother went to town on me with a shaving strop. I don't know how long the beating lasted because I'd passed out by the third hit. It was either do as I was told or get more of the same or worse. What would you do, Susan? As to your question about me becoming one of Aunt Jane's girls? How? Backless fashions would be out. Short skirts would show what was done to my legs. I can't walk properly because of what was done to my butt, which pulls with each step I take. And my arms are still covered with bruises, though the bruises aren't as pronounced as they were initially. I also don't think it would be safe for others if I became one of Aunt Jane's girls. I'm still holding in a lot of anger over what was done to me. All it would take is the wrong person saying the right thing and, despite the pain I'm still feeling, I would pound that person into pulp. I would unleash all of my anger on that person, likely killing them before anyone could stop me. Because I wouldn't be able to stop myself."

Seeing the tissue box on the end of the study table, Susan took one out of the box before walking over and kneeling in front of Toby. Reaching up, she gently wiped the tears off Toby's cheeks and gently dabbed his eyes. Then, taking his hands in hers she said, "I know a person you can talk with, who can help you deal with everything that's happened to you. Help you try and calm the anger you rightfully harbor."

It was Francis who asked, "Is it Sherry?"

"Yes, Francis, it's Sherry," Susan replied. "She's a wonderful lady."

Charlotte chuckled then supplied, "She's coming here tomorrow. We're all going to speak with her. Even Aunt Jane and tante Marie. I guess I need to speak with her as much as Toby does. I've blown up several times over this whole freaking mess. And I have a lot of thoughts of what should be done to Toby's brother and Strom, which I can't do because it would put me at their lever and it wouldn't be the right thing for me to do."

Chapter 26

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