Complicit in a Lie Revisited Chapter 18

Complicit In a Lie
Revisited Chapter 18

By Jamie Lee

Author's Note:Complicit In a Lie to understand why Charles is now with Jane, who the boy arriving in Kingston is and how he's involved in Charles' Court case. And to understand where Mr. Corporate, George Strom, fits into this story. This story starts off after Charles says, "When do we start," in Complicit in a Lie. So if you haven't read Complicit In a Lie, the beginning of this story won't make any sense. Hint hint!

Chapter 18

After getting herself ready, Jane gave final instructions to the girls before leaving for the hospital. Once there, she inquired at the front desk as to where Toby Camber was being treated, explaining that he was her ward. After being told the floor and room number, Jane walked to the elevators, pressed the call button and waited until the first available elevator arrived. Once the elevator arrived, and the doors opened, she stepped into the elevator, pressing the button for the third floor. Upon reaching the third floor, and after stepping off the elevator, Jane walked to the nurse's station and asked, "Excuse, me. Where would I find room 325?"

The nurse at the nurse's station had been busy filling out patient charts and hadn't noticed Jane when she approached the nurse's station. It was only when Jane asked her question that the nurse looked up and recognized Jane right away. She got up from her chair, walked out from behind the partition, and told Jane, "Come this way, Ms. Thompson. Doctor Peters wanted to keep things quiet because of the nature of the situation, so she had him brought directly to a more secluded room. She also instructed us to refer to him as the boy in room 325, for obvious reasons." The nurse led Jane down a hallway that took them to the back part of the hospital floor, away from prying eyes and bit quieter. "Here we are, Ms. Thompson, you may go right in, doctor Peters is still with the boy."

Jane knocked before entering and slowly pushed the door open then entered the room. Jill was a bit tense when she heard the knock on the door, but relaxed when she saw it was Jane. "How is he?" Jane asked as she walked into the room, noticing the 'IV' and the monitor connected to Toby by various cords and tubes.

"He still has me puzzled," Jill replied. "He was severely dehydrated, had to be in a lot of pain given everything that was done to him. Yet managed to arrive here on the train. We've had to keep him sedated while we cleaned out every open wound on his back, butt, and legs. And we'll keep him sedated for the next day or so, until we make sure there's no more infection to be removed. We also have him on pain medication, nothing he'll get addicted to, but it will make him much more comfortable. Jane, do you know who did all this to that boy? They should be arrested and imprisoned." Jill saw the look on Jane's face, asking, "What is it Jane? You know you can trust me."

At Jill's question, as to who was responsible for Toby's current condition, Jane mulled over whether or not to tell Jill everything, or almost everything. She wondered if telling Jill about Toby would affect any case brought against those involved with the shoplifting ring. She also reasoned, by not telling Jill the whole story, and how sensitive a situation they were in, she might let slip about the boy in room 325 at the hospital, causing others to get curious. "Do you have time for a story, Jill?" Jane asked, before sitting down in one of the three chairs in the room.

Jill snorted and told Jane, "I'll make the damn time. But wait one minute before you begin." Jill took out her cell phone, dialed a number then said, "Hi, Penny, it's Jill. I want you to make it clear to one and all that no one is to enter room 325 until I give the all clear... Just tell them it's doctor's orders...There shouldn't be anyone else nosing around... Thank you Penny." She cut the connection, sat down in the chair next to Jane and said, "You were going to tell me a story, I believe."

For the next half hour, Jane told Jill the whole story, if for no other reason than to impress upon her the gravity of the situation. Jane told Jill about everything that happened at Taylor's. How the security guard ended up on the floor and why. How the same security, being angry, tried to get at Charles in the interrogation room but ended up with a broken collar bone and the ulna and radius in his right arm. She told of Charles being in the holding cell with Toby and two other boys caught at Taylor's, and how the three were acting. She told of Judge Ruth not finding any evidence against Charles and how the CEO of Taylor's threatened to take Charles to Federal Court if Ruth didn't find him guilty. How the minute the CEO of Taylor's threatened to take Charles to Federal Court, Ruth started an investigation into the CEO. How Judge Ruth, the Prosecutor, Charles' lawyer, and Charles met in Judge Ruth's chambers and of Ruth knowing Charles would be safe with me. Of Charles' dad's law firm with their own investigation going on. That members of the shoplifting gangs were being killed by someone just to keep them quiet. How she suspected Toby was bailed out of jail by the person taking care of him, but still had to stand before Judge Ruth. And of how he was when he stepped off the train this morning, different from how he was in jail. And how polite he'd been ever since he arrived. How he was actually happy to be here and he'd live here if he could.

Jane couldn't look at Jill as she told the woman everything, or she'd have fallen apart. When she ended the story and finally looked at Jill, Jill had her hand over her mouth and her eyes were wet with tears. "My God. That's horrible, Jane. What type of person are they looking for? How depraved does a person have to be to beat a boy like that," and she flicked her head towards where Toby lay, "and to kill 'kids' just to shut them up? Jane, you're talking about a rabid animal here. Someone not fit to breathe the same air we breathe. My God, Jane." They sat quietly for a moment before Jill suddenly said, "Wait a minute. You think this boy was beaten this badly in order to keep him from talking? That he might be the one to not only clear Charles of the charges against him, but reveal who beat him and who runs the shoplifting rings?" Jane remained silent, but nodded her head in affirmation. "No wonder you want this kept quiet. If they found out where he is right now, they'd try to kill him this time."

"Plus," Jane said, as she used a tissue to dab her eyes, "if word got out about Toby's condition, CPS might learn of his condition and take matters into their own hands. If they did that, they could jeopardize not only the ongoing investigations but Charles getting his name cleared. So you see why his condition must be kept confidential. Why no one in this hospital can say anything about Toby. NOTHING. Absolutely nothing to anyone. And you best let them know if anything about Toby gets out, his name, where he is, his condition, anything, they'll have to deal with me when I learn of the breech. And believe me when I say, after everything that's been done to this boy, Charles, and those kids killed, I'll kill and bury the son of a bitch who talks to anyone outside this hospital. Doctors included."

Jill had known Jane for more years than she could remember, and knew what Jane did at Seasons House. She'd seen Jane mad at her girls, at some other fool, but she'd never seen Jane this mad. Even the look in the woman's eyes said don't doubt her words. She would kill and bury the first person who said anything about this boy to anyone outside of the hospital. And she just might get away with it, too.

They sat silent again, before Toby stirred, causing Jill to get out of her chair and check on him. She checked the 'IV' bag and the monitor, before turning to Jane, accessing her condition and telling her, "Jane, go home. Toby's doing alright now and there's nothing you can do for him right now. This whole affair has you worn down, even I can see that. Go. Home. Those are doctor's order."

Jane saw the serious look on Jill's face after she turned to face Jane. "You know I'm not good at talking orders, don't you? But I am rather good at giving them." Jane's words did nothing to change the look on Jill's face. Jill was now pointing to the door, flicking her hand up and down, an indication for Jane to leave, get out, go home. Jane chuckled, stood up, then said, "But you'll call me if there are any changes. RIGHT? Despite what Jane just said, and the serious look on her face, Jill's face remained resolute, and her hand kept flicking towards the door.

Jill stepped up to Jane, took her in a hug before telling her, "It'll be alright Jane. Have faith." Jill was a bit shorter than Jane, but had felt Jane put her head on her shoulder. After a few moments, she felt her blouse under Jane's head getting wet, telling her again, "It will be alright, Jane." Jill silently let tears slide down her own cheeks, hoping those who are doing all this are thrown into the deepest canyon on Earth. Jill finally pushed Jane back, handed her a tissue, then much softer than she had told her at first, "Go home to your girls and Marie. Let them be your strength, you lovely woman."

Jane used the tissue she had used to wipe her eyes, then wipe the tears off Jill's cheeks. She couldn't speak or she'd break down again. So she just nodded her head, kissed Jill on the forehead, picked up her purse and left Toby's hospital room. She needed her girls and her dear friend.

As Jane drove home, her monster was showing her everything it wanted to do to the person who put Charles in his current situation, and who beat Toby so badly that he had to be hospitalized. The monster wanted Jane to call on those she knew who could deal with it all, but her iron will forced the monster back down so she could drive safely. The drive allowed her to reexamine everything from the beginning until now. Allowed her to question if she'd done this or that right, in regards to Charles. She still found it hard for a boy to withstand her dragon when it was released, but Charles had and done so without so much as a flinch. Even in modeling at The Style Shoppe, he'd been unsure at the start, but ran with it, and with more gusto than Jane had seen any of her previous boys had. Kenneth's plight came back to her, and her vowing never to let it happen again. But here she was, with not one but two boys who shouldn't be with her. One severely beaten into submission by an animal Jane would like to deal with. And the other because the one had been severely beaten into submission and lied about his involvement. She willed her monster back down once again.

When Jane arrived home, she could feel the tiredness down to her bones. She took a deep breathe before getting out of her car, locking it and walking up to the front door. She opened the front door, took one step into the house and was met with a shock as she saw Marie and the girls standing on either side of her, and the girls dressed in riding clothes. No instructions were given, no one said a word, but the girls walked up to Jane, took her hands and led her down the short hall to her bedroom. It was only then Francis said, "Charlotte and I will met you at the stable. Everything will be ready when you arrive." Having said that, the girls turned and headed to the hallway that led to the backdoor. Jane saw Marie looking at her, her arms crossed in front of her and a 'do as you're told look' on her face. Jane chuckled, shook her head, then turned and entered her bedroom to dress for riding.

When Jane reached the stable, all three horses were saddled and ready to ride. Walking through the stable, she stopped to look at the horses and the two girls standing with them. She started to say something but Charlotte cut her off by saying, "Not a word, Aunt Jane. You need to just listen to the friends you've made while being here. Let them talk to you and help you get through this moment. I'm sorry if I'm out of line, but it's for your own good." Jane muffled a cry, as she rushed forward, tears freely flowing, and pulled both girls into a hug. Not one word was said, as Jane gave the girls a final squeeze before letting them go, mounted the big mere, and didn't bother tightening the reins as the big mere started the ride on her own volition. The girls mounted up and followed Jane, moving so Francis was on Jane's right and Charlotte on Jane's left. Not a word was said as they rode out or back. This ride was about listening to what the genuine world had to say to their souls. To listen and let those in the genuine world speak to the hurt and anguish felt down to their very souls. To give them the strength to continue doing what had to be done, should be done, for the good of those who came to the Winsome Girls' School for Wayward Boys. And for the two who were there now.

As the horses grazed, the three sat on the bench near the pond. It wasn't long before the largest flock of ducks Jane had ever seen were swimming towards them. More frogs than she'd seen at one time hopped out of the pond and sat in front of them on the edge of the pond. A small herd of deer came out of the woods on their left, followed by two raccoons and a mated pair of skunks. When the ducks reached the shore, they all walked out of the water and formed a line in front of the three, and they all sat where they had stopped walking. The small herd of deer stopped not far away and laid down on their right, while the two raccoons and the mated pair of skunks did the same on their left. The three looked at all the creatures that had come to them, and it was Francis who said, "It looks like their waiting for something." No sooner had she said that then two porcupines came walking out of the forest, following the footpath that went into the forest; the footpath was only a step away from the bench where the three women sat.

When the porcupines reached the three, they stopped directly in front of them, turned to face the women, and gazed at them. No sound was made, but a message, a conversation, was exchanged between the three and those that had come to give them strength, to give them affirmation of what they were doing, to show an empathy for the hurt and pain they were feeling, and to help them understand that all would be well in the end. The assembly made it clear the three were needed, will be well, as three fawns stood, walked over to the women, each standing in front of a woman, then dipping their heads, and licked the hands that laid in the lap of each woman. No one had any tissues to catch the tears that fell into the laps of the three women, as the fawns returned to where they had lain. It was then the breeze conveyed its own admiration of what Jane did and had done. It even praised the girls for helping and caring for Jane. No signal was given, no sound was made, as the porcupines turned to their left and walked back into the forest. The frogs disappeared, the ducks got up and walked back into the water. The small herd of deer stood, turned and followed the porcupines, as did the raccoons and skunks. The usual sounds heard at the pond returned, and the breeze continued on as it had always done.

The women heard Pinto whinny, causing all three to turn their heads and see that the horses were standing two paces from the bench. "Sounds like someone what's to go home," Charlotte said, and Pinto whinnied again then threw her head up and down.

Jane laughed and told Charlotte, "I swear that horse understands everything we say." Pinto's lips were separated in only what could be described as a smile, as she whinnied again while throwing her head up and down. Jane patted both girl's leg before saying, "Come on girls, let's get home. And thank you for this. I will never forget what you two have done for me today. Ever."

They were silent as their horses took them back home. Each lost in their own thoughts, examining not only the days activities but the past days. When they reached the stable, the girls shooed Jane away, telling her they'd take care of the horses. Jane shook her head, pulled the girls into a hug, then silently walked the short distance back to her home. She was a bit surprised when the backdoor opened and there stood Marie with a big smile on her face. "Ces deux-là sont vraiment quelque chose, n'est-ce pas ?"

Stepping into the house and past Marie, Jane turned and replied with, "Ils sont ça et bien plus encore."

After closing the door, Marie stepped up to Jane, put an arm around her waist, and started walking with her as they headed towards Jane's bedroom. "You get cleaned up. Rest, oui? The girls and I will get everything ready for supper. Go." She kissed Jane on the cheek before pushing her towards the bedroom door. Once again Jane had to stay quiet or she'd break down. She nodded her head and disappeared into her bedroom.

It wasn't long before the girls came into the house. Marie saw them walk in and without being told, headed up the stairs to their bedrooms to clean up and change for supper. Marie called to the girls just as Francis had taken three steps up the stairs and Charlotte two. "I can't express in words how proud I am in what you two did for Aunt Jane. You two are more than can be expressed in just words. Thank you for what you did for Jane, you don't know how much all of this has been upsetting her."

Francis started shaking her head, then said, "No, Tante Marie. We know how upset she's been. We know, that's why we did this for her." After saying that, she and Charlotte turned and continued climbing the stairs. Marie went to find herself a tissue.

Talk around the dinner table that evening led away from school work and lessons, but centered around Toby and the experience they had at the pond. Jane asked the girls for their observations and opinions, bringing out points the girls may have missed in the observations. Then serious Jane returned. "Girls, this may be hard to hear but I believe you've earned the right to hear about Toby. According to doctor Peters, someone had restrained Toby by the wrists and ankles then severely beat him with not only something like a belt but used a paddle on his butt until blood came to the surface and broke the skin. Whatever belt like object they used on him, was administered so many times that it eventually broke the skin. They also used some cord like object and did the same to his legs. Most, if not all of his wounds were infected, and he was sedated so the doctors could clean out the infection. He was severely dehydrated so they are giving him 'IVs'. He's being given medication to help fight the infection, ease the pain, and to keep him sedated. I'll go see him tomorrow, so Marie will again be in charge. I expect you two to work on your lessons, do your chores, and be on your best behavior. And...," Jane had to pause as her throat had tightened once again. It had tightened because of what she had to say to the girls about what they did for her that day. When she was sure she could say it, she said, "Girls, words aren't sufficient enough to say how grateful I am for what you did for me this evening. None of the girls I've had here at Seasons House have ever done anything of that nature. While I am still your headmistress and will growl at you when necessary, your unselfish actions tonight will never be forgotten. Now," Jane growled, "don't you have a table to clear and a kitchen to clean."

Both girls smiled at Jane and said in unison, "We love you too, Aunt Jane. May we be excused?" Receiving permission from Jane to leave the table, after getting out of their chairs, they went and stood by Marie, Francis on her left and Charlotte on her right. Charlotte bent down, kissed Marie on the cheek, then told her, "Merci pour tout, tante Marie (Thank you for everything, Aunt Marie.)." Then looking at Francis, Charlotte whispered, "Go ahead."

Before Marie could turn to look at Francis, she too bent down, kissed Marie on the cheek and said, "Um... Merci... um... oh what was it, oh yeah... pourr... um... pour... um... tout, tante Marie. That's it," then looking at Marie, Francis told Marie, Merci pour tout, tante Marie (Thank you for everything, Aunt Marie.). And I really mean that."

No one saw Jane wipe her eyes after what the girls told Marie. The also didn't see Jane smirk as Marie asked, with a serious look on her face, "Alors, tu parles français maintenant ?" Marie had to school herself or the smile that wanted to split her face wide open would be seen by Francis.

"Um, let's see. Tu is, um, means, you. Parles means speak, and français means French. But I don't know the meaning of alors or maintenant."

Marie then let her smile show and she told Francis, "I said 'so you speak French now.' And who, if I didn't know better," and she turned to look at Charlotte, "has been teaching you?"

This time Francis really shocked Marie and Jane as she said, without any flaws, "Mon professeur est Charlotte Thorton (My teacher is Charlotte Thorton.)."

Charlotte laughed at seeing the expressions on Marie and Jane's faces. "Francis asked me one day to teach her how to speak in French. I taught her while we sat on the bench and during our free times. Or after we finished our lessons."

Jane and Marie had turned to look at Charlotte as she spoke. It was Jane who asked Francis, "Alors vous voulez apprendre à parler français (So you want to learn to speak French?)?"

All three watched as Francis bobbed her head, squinted her eyes, before she answered with, "Oui. Si je peux (Yes. If I can.)."

Jane being Jane, threw in a monkey wrench with, "Was ist mit Deutsch (What about German?)?"

Again the three watched as Francis gyrated before answering with, "I think you asked if I wanted to learn German."

Again, the eyes of Marie and Jane fell on Charlotte, who almost shrugged as she told them, "Francis asked about German too. So... ."

Jane was serious now, asking Francis, "Francis, have you taken language classes in school before you came here? You seem to have an aptitude for them."

"I was taking a Spanish class, but didn't get much out of the class. I guess I wasn't that interested in the class," she replied, almost shrugging her shoulders.

Both Charlotte and Marie knew what was coming as Jane said, "¿Estabas aburrido en la clase o simplemente no estabas interesado en aprender español (Were you bored in class or just not interested in learning Spanish?)?"

Without missing a beat, Francis answered with, "Creo que simplemente estaba aburrido. Lo único que hicimos fue repetir algunas frases del libro. Nunca aprendimos cómo mantener una conversación real (I think I was just bored. The only thing we did was repeat some phrases from the book. We never learned how to have a real conversation.)."

And Marie summed it up nicely by saying out loud, "Oh, mia parola (Oh, my word!)!"

Nodding her head, Jane said, "You are going to be learning French, German, and we'll see how much Spanish you know. You do indeed have an aptitude for languages. And I'm not going to let you waste that talent. Understand?"

With the biggest smile on her face, Francis replies, "You bet I understand, Aunt Jane. Thank you very much." When Francis saw the expression on Jane's face, she calmed down and re-replied with, "Yes, Aunt Jane. I understand. And I love you too."

"Get the table and kitchen done," Jane growled, trying to mask the pride she had in Francis at that moment. And to hide the tears that threatened to again escape her eyes. Her eyes met Charlotte's eyes and she mouthed 'thank you' to Charlotte. Charlotte dipped her head once, before continuing to help clear the table.

After the table was cleared and the dishes and kitchen were clean, Jane gave the girls the night to themselves. Jane and Marie had gone into the living room. As they sat there, it wasn't hard to hear the girls talking as they sat on the bench. Charlotte was explaining French to Francis. Charlotte would say a word in English then say it in French, then have Francis say it, explaining how to say the word properly when Francis said it with an English accent. Neither girl got upset with the other, Francis was eager to learn and Charlotte was more than happy to help her learn. The two women looked up from the books they were reading and saw the girls go up the stairs. A clock chimed nine times and as the last chime faded, the girls were coming down the stairs dressed in their nightgowns and wearing their robes. When they reached the first floor, they walked together, hand in hand and came to stand in front of Jane. Jane laid her book aside, stood up and began to inspect both girls. After doing a tour of both girl, she told them, "You both have done an adequate job of removing your makeup. Do better next time. And who dried your hair?

Both girls were doing their best to hold back the smiles wanting to expose itself after what Jane said and asked. They didn't totally succeed as it escaped Francis as she replied to Jane's question with, "I dried Charlotte's, and brushed it and she did the same for me."

Jane bent down and got right into Francis face before asking, "And why are you smiling, Miss Winslow?"

Francis' smile got even bigger before she said, "And I love you too, Aunt Jane." Then she shocked Jane as she kiss Jane on the cheek.

Jane grumped and said, "Such a petulant child. Both of you, off to bed. NOW!"

Jane received a kiss from Charlotte, another one from Francis, and Marie received one from each girl, before, hand in hand, the girls walked to the stairs, climbed them and entered their respective bedrooms. Still watching after the girls went upstairs, Jane said to the air, "Should all our girls be as those two are right now."

Marie was nodding her head at Jane's statement. "We can only hope chère, we can only hope," was Marie's reply before both women joined the girls in a good nights rest.

Chapter 19

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