Complicit in a Lie Revisited Chapter 15

Complicit In a Lie
Revisited Chapter 15

By Jamie Lee

Author's Note: When I first wrote Complicit In a Lie, I had no thoughts, or ideas, to write a sequel. But thanks to this few readers, who asked about a sequel, ideas formed that made writing this sequel possible. It is necessary to have read Complicit In a Lie to understand why Charles is now with Jane, who the boy arriving in Kingston is and how he's involved in Charles' Court case. And to understand where Mr. Corporate, George Strom, fits into this story. This story starts off after Charles says, "When do we start," in . So if you haven't read , the beginning of this story won't make any sense. Hint hint!

Chapter 15

As the boy walked towards them, Jane said, "Young man, it appears you didn't learn anything from your first lesson. I would advise you to turn around and walk away now while you still can." Jane didn't have to see that Charlotte had already taken her ready stance, and would have no trouble handling the boy if he reached her. Only that didn't happen, as the boy stretched out his left hand to push Jane out of the way, he found himself with his arm twisted in pain. Jane had reached across with her right hand and grabbed the boy's hand just under the thumb. She then rotated his hand outward until his entire arm was rotated in that direction, threatening to twist the boy's arm off at the shoulder. She then used that force to push the boy to the ground and hold him there, just as the same two Mall security guards came running out of the Mall, breathing hard. They had no trouble determining who had the upper hand, as the boy was screaming his head off because of the pain he was experiencing in his left arm.

Because her concentration was solely on the boy, Jane didn't know which guard said, "Aw, shirt, don't you ever learn, kid?"

The boy's day got even worse as a police patrol car pulled up to the curb where the action was happening. Both officers got out of their patrol car, one saying when he saw the boy, "Gawd, Grant. Why is it always you causing problems here at the Mall?"

Neither officer could see Jane clearly, as her back was to them, but when they both walked where they could see her, the second officer said, "Hello, Ms. Thompson. Teaching another lesson I see."

Despite the situation, Jane chuckled, then replied, "Officer Brinkley, yes, unfortunately that is the case. I take it you two know this... uncouth youth?"

The first officer was on his cell phone, as the second officer relieved Jane of the boy's hand. "Stand up, Peter. I think you are well aware of what you were told by your parents the last time you got your butt in trouble. My partner is calling them now." She then looked at the two Mall security guards and asked, "I take it you've kicked him out of the Mall for good?"

Both nodded their heads, with the woman guard saying, "Yeah, he bothered this young lady there," and she pointed to Charlotte, "and got a bloody nose for his troubles. He wasn't through, though, as he had another go at another young lady. Plus, he's caused problems before. Yeah, he's banned from the Mall this time."

About ten minutes later a car pulled up behind the police patrol car, a man and woman getting out of the car and angrily walking over to the small group. "Officers," Martin Grant said as she stopped next to the officers.

"Mr. Grant, Mrs. Grant, I'm sorry to see you both, again, under these circumstances. But Peter here," and he pointed to Peter, "either didn't listen the last time we talked, didn't listen to your last lecture, or didn't understand what this young lady here," he pointed to Charlotte, "told him when he grabbed her arm while in the Mall. Oh, and he's been banned from the Mall this time."

Peter turning a pale gray wasn't lost on Jane, or Charlotte, who had developed a keen eye after years of training. The look on Peter's face told it all, he knew he was in deep trouble. Martin walked over until he was standing in front of his son, then said, "Peter. Your mother and I love you very much, but we can't allow this behavior to continue any more. We have tried to instill a sense of morality in you, but I guess you find what your 'friends' say more important. Your mother and I have been talking, and have contacted a school we think will help you learn a lot about yourself, values, and instill a sense of morality in you."

The color in Peter's face returned to normal until he heard, "Son, it's an all girls school. You will become a member of that student body as just another girl in the school." Peter's face went white, just before he yelled, "YOU CAN'T BE FUCKING SERIOUS! I WON'T GO, YOU CAN'T MAKE ME GO. I AIN'T GONNA BECOME NO SISSY BOY." Martin reached up and firmly took hold of Peter's chin. "Young man, the next vulgar word out of your mouth and you, me, and one these security guards are going to the men's room and I WILL wash your mouth out with soap!" Then with a growl in his voice, Martin finished with, "DO. YOU. UNDERSTAND. ME?"

Peter found it hard to nod his head with his dad firmly holding his chin, but he did. "As to your not going, that's fine, then you can go with these two officers and I'm sure this woman would be happy to have charges brought against you for attacking the young lady with her. That would mean you'd be put in jail. Behind bars. With people who eat people like you for lunch, and don't blink an eye when they do. But it's up to you." Martin released his son's chin, stood back and watched his son work through what he'd just been told. He looked up at the police officers, noticing one was holding a pair of handcuffs, twirling it around one of his fingers. Jane recognized what Martin was doing, giving Peter the chance of choosing the lesser of two evils; she'd used it often enough herself. They all watched as Peter sighed, a sign of resignation, before he said in a defeated voice, "All right, I'll go. But I won't like it. And if anyone finds out I'll be the laughing stock of school." Martin looked at Jane, who smiled and nodded her head at Martin, who smiled and nodded back.

Jane then gently placed a hand under Peter's chin, raised his head, and told him, "Young man, you shouldn't take this as a defeat. Think of it as a learning experience. Seldom do boys have the opportunity to learn how it feels to be treated as a young lady. Seldom do they finally understand what many girls suffer because of boys like you are at the moment. I've no doubt you will get a taste of the very things you did to my niece and the other young lady. And maybe that experience will open your eyes wider than your so-called friends."

Jane just finished saying, 'So-called friends,' when three boys came walking towards the small group. "Hey, Peter, how're they hanging today? Loose, right?" The three laughed at what the boy said. "Sorry we're late, but George here," the boy said, pointing to the boy on his right, "had to finish fucking his girlfriend. Boy you should have heard her screaming, he was pounding her hard." The three stopped a few feet from where the Grants were standing before the first boy asked, "So... what's goin' on? We're still goin' inside to have some fun, right? What's with the four cops, someone rob a bank?"

The three boys laughed right after what the first boy said. Martin turned to his son and asked, "So you call these morons your friends? These illiterate degenerate morons? You think being with them is better than what your mother and I have been trying to teach you all these years?"

The first boy didn't seem to understand why the adults were looking at them as though they were something gooey that had just been stepped in, and ignoring what Martin just asked Peter, went on with, "Well, you comin' or not, Peter? Saturday is always prime shopping day. There are girls just waiting to be felt up."

Martin looked at the boy and told him, "Peter isn't going with you today, tomorrow, or any time, from now on. His attitude, the attitude he picked up from you three, has gotten him into trouble and he'll be leaving today for a boarding school. Where he'll learn what his mother and I have been trying to teach him for years. Where he won't be associating with morons like you three."

The first boy stepped closer to Martin, looked up at him and asked, "Who you calling a moron, old man?"

Jane chuckled before saying, "Mr. Grant, it would seem your assessment of this jeune cochon (young pig) is accurate. As is his being a degenerate moron." Jane could see that her words hit the boy right between his eyes, as he turned to her and took a step towards her.

What he wasn't ready for was the sudden appearance of Charlotte between him and Jane. "It also appears you are as illiterate as well as a degenerate moron," Charlotte said, smiling and standing ready. "You don't even recognize you've just been called a young pig, which is quite fitting." Just as she had as Charles sitting in the holding room at Taylor's department store, when James Conner started reaching for the police baton lying on the table, Charlotte saw the boy's intentions before he moved, and blocked the hand that had swung up to slap her across the face. There was both a look of surprise and of pain on the boy's face as the toe of Charlotte's kitten heels planted itself squarely into the boy's solar plexus, causing him to drop to his knees gasping for breath. George, the boy who'd been to the right of the first boy, came at Charlotte, but never saw her right hand come up and deliver a palm strike straight to his chin. He also didn't realize he was lying down until he came too several minutes later.

The adults had been so focused on the first boy and George that they never saw the big man approaching from the same direction as the boys had, until they heard a cry of pain and looked in the direction of the sound. What they saw was how the third boy had been grabbed by a huge hand, from behind, at the base of the boy's neck. And how the man's fingers almost met at the boy's throat. The man bent down, and in a deep voice, said, "I guess you didn't understand me when I told you to stay away from those two assholes. I guess you forgot what I said was going to happen if I ever caught you with those two assholes. I guess you thought I was kidding when I told you your mother and I had been discussing a new location for you to attend school so you wouldn't be around those two assholes. "WELL! DID YOU FORGET WHAT YOU WERE TOLD? OR ARE YOU JUST TOO STUPID THAT YOU CAN'T SEE WHAT KIND OF ASSHOLES THEY ARE?" If Peter had turned white when he learned he'd be attending an all girls school, this boy turned almost translucent by what his father said. "Well, boy, I'm waiting for an answer?" The big man then looked up and said, "Hello, Martin, Millie, Ms. Thompson. I hope my son hasn't caused you any problems. He does, however, have a problem right now. Young lady, that was some fancy work you just did on those two buttheads, guess they weren't expecting something like that from a girl."

It was Millie who spoke up as she said, "Did I understand you correctly, Brad? You and Doris have discussed the possibility of sending Roger to a different school?" And in saying that, Millie took a brochure out of her purse, "Then I might have the perfect solution for you." She extended the brochure in Brad's direction, and letting go of his son, said, "You move and it might be the last thing you do on this Earth," before stepping up to Millie and taking the brochure. Except for the first boy still trying to regain his breath, and the sleeping George, everyone was quiet while Brad read through the brochure.

He then looked up, then looked at Peter, then at Martin and Millie and said, "Really? Peter? Oh that's beautiful, simply beautiful." He turned to face his son and told him, "Well, Roger, you might get to hang out with Peter after all. He's going to a very good boarding school. A girls boarding school. An all GIRLS boarding school, where, according to this brochure, they can even teach the most stubborn boy how to live a happy and better life. And gain a new perspective on life." They all watched as Roger just up and fainted. Brad laughed then said, "Guess he's a bit surprised by his new school."

Because of what the two boys attempted to do, the police officers took charge of the first boy and George; they'd call paramedics to have both boys checked over before moving either boy. Peter finally got into the family car with Millie sitting beside him and Martin driving, the three starting the hour long drive to Peter's new school; the school would have everything Peter would need so they didn't need to take anything with them. Brad all but frog marched Roger back to their car, explaining to his wife over his cell phone about the new school he'd learned about, and how he felt it was the perfect place for Roger.

With that excitement over, Jane and the girls finished their walk to Jane's car, Jane saying as they walked, "Charlotte, did you not think I was capable of dealing with that degenerate moron? Didn't it cross your mind he might have known more than you do? Or that you might have gotten hurt?"

Jane sensed Charlotte had stopped walking, turned to face her and heard, "Aunt Jane, no one who truly studies the arts treats others the way that... um... moron treated you and the Grants. They show respect for those they don't know and those who are older in age. As to you not being able to apply a bit of education, I've no doubt he would have regretted his actions against you. But you are my Aunt, and as such, no asshole is going to try and hurt you if I'm around and can do anything to stop it."

Jane saw the tears forming in Charlotte's eyes and did something that was out of character with her girls. She stepped up to Charlotte, put her arm around her shoulders before doing the same to Francis, and told them, "Girls, I know of a place that sells the best homemade ice cream around. I think this one time it would do us good to see if it's still as good as I remember. What do you two say?"

The girls changed clothes when they'd returned to Seasons House, then helped set the table for their noon meal. Jane relayed everything to Marie about their morning, even how Charlotte stood to protect her. "Ah, mon chère, have we not said she is special? She is like our girls are when they leave us, and she has adopted you as her Aunt. That doesn't always happen, and you know it, chère." Their conversation was interrupted by the girls coming into the kitchen, getting what they'd need to set the table.

After their noon meal, and the kitchen cleaned, Jane sent Francis to work on her lessons, while she took Charlotte into the study to apply a fine polish before Toby arrived on Monday. Jane didn't have to see that Charlotte had taken 'the book' off the bookshelf, put it on her head and started her walk around the study, as she went to her desk and sat down. She checked her emails as she waited, finding one from Jeb.

From: Jeb Thorton, et al.

To: Jane Thompson

Re: Progress report of theft ring


This is an update of what we have learned so far, during all of the investigations that have been taking place. The police have arrested more of the three boy/girl shoplifting teams, thereby slowly cutting off the supply line of merchandise George Strom and the woman receive. They believe by doing this it will put pressure on the two to come up with something else in order to be able to fill their contracts with their buyers. They hope this makes them desperate, as we have learned that some of their buyers don't take breaking contracts well.

Because the police are going after the thieves at this point, cutting off the supply line as I said, even Toby's brother is starting to feel the pressure from those above him. The police noted he'd been to the ER several times in the past few weeks. They believe some of his trips to the ER are the result of trying to recruit more boys and meeting fathers who've explained their dislike of him. I say believe because they are taking no action against any of those fathers. They want Toby's brother to be frustrated at his inability to fulfill his obligations to George Strom and the woman.

I hope Charles is doing well and not causing you any problems. Please, send him my and his mother's love.

Kindest regards,


Jane closed the email just as Charlotte sat down in 'the chair' in front of the desk. "Charlotte, your father sends his and your mother's love, and things are getting closer to the day when it will be possible to clear your name." She saw Charlotte's eyes glisten, but nothing fell as she went on with, "Now. When Toby arrives Monday you are to become just one more of my girls. You are not to be my protector, though it was admirable of you to do so today. You will be one of my new girls, still learning how to be a young lady, one who gets corrected on occasion and who has yet to learn to do what you're told without complaint. I will nod to you when I want you to complain after being told to do something, but remember, don't go overboard. Complain like a petulant young girl would do, not a five-year-old toddler. Can you do that?"

Charlotte smiled then said, "Yes, Aunt Jane. I can whine like the best girl who doesn't want to do what she's told."

Jane nodded at Charlotte's statement, then said, "There will be a time where punishment for not doing what you're told without complaint will be strange to you, but please, don't overreact because of the situation. And no, I'm not going to tell you what some of that punishment will be," she told Charlotte when she saw the questioning look on Charlotte's face. "My reason for keeping it from you is to make sure your reaction is honest, sudden, and straight forward. We have to impress on Toby what he too could face if he too complains when told to do something. Do you understand?"

She again saw Charlotte smile and heard, "Improvacation, Aunt Jane. I believe that's what you're wanting me to do. Deal with the situation when it occurs, don't preplan, don't think it out in advance, just react to the situation."

Jane smiled, nodded her head, and uttered one word, "Precisely." They talked a bit more before she sent Charlotte off to work on her lessons, staying in the study to go over her plans for Toby.

Sunday, after breakfast, and the kitchen was cleaned, Jane had the girls dress for riding. It had been a few days since they'd ridden and Charlotte had seen Pinto. After inspecting the girls, Jane led them to the stable, where they found all three horses standing at the gate of their stalls, Pinto whinnying when she saw Charlotte. Charlotte walked over to the basket of apples, kept in the stable, and taking one, walked back over to Pinto and offered her the apple. "Hi, Pinto. You look much better today. Would you like to go riding again?" Jane marveled as the horse threw its head up and down, while chewing the apple. Francis missed the event, as she'd taken the third horse out of its stall and was in the process of brushing it down.

Charlotte turned to Jane and, laughing, said, "Looks like six of us want to go riding, Aunt Jane." Charlotte then walked to the tack-room and brought out the hackamore and gently put it on Pinto before opening the stall gate and leading Pinto out of her stall. She then took a brush setting near the stall and began to gently brush Pinto down, getting her ready for the saddle blanket and saddle. Every so often, while she brushed Pinto, the horse would turn its head and gently push Charlotte in the back, whinnying after doing so. Charlotte would then slowly turn her head to look at the eyes that were looking at her and say, "Oh, you think that's really funny, do you?" She'd then turn to face Pinto's face, still looking at her, put her hands on her hips and tell her, "Well maybe now I don't want to ride you. What'd you think of that?" And just like a dog who'd been scolded, Pinto would turn her head facing forward then drop her head. Then Charlotte would say, "Oh gads, if you're going to pout, then I guess I'll take you riding." Upon hearing this, Pinto would lift up her head, whinny, and throw her head up and down.

Jane had kept an eye on Pinto and Charlotte, marveling at the game the horse was playing with Charlotte. And how quickly Charlotte realized it was a game. After saddling her horse, she first checked Francis' saddle, making sure she'd secured it properly, before checking Charlotte's. Once she was satisfied they'd be safe in the saddle, she led the girls out of the stable and after they mounted their horses, led them off in a different direction than they'd taken before.

Jane was taking them to a part of her property which was thick with wild grass, wild flowers, and low lying shrubs. The trees in the area were scattered so far apart it would take 5-10 minutes to ride from tree to tree. "Girls, take a good look around you as we ride through this area. This is what you might have seen had you been with those who crossed the prairie. As you can see, the grasses vary, in both species and height. And if you look over there," and Jane pointed to her right, "you'll see how some birds are able to use the taller grasses as perches. It also gives them a good vantage to spot predators if any are in the area. Have either of you studied history about The Dust Bowl, and what contributed to its occurrence?" Both girls said they'd heard about The Dust Bowl but didn't know why it occurred. "Francis, in two weeks you will present a research paper on The Dust Bowl. When it occurred, what contributed to it, how widespread it was, what was taking place at the time, how it affected the lives of those living in the area, and its duration. Charlotte, you will do a research paper, also due in two weeks, about the flora and fauna of the prairie. Also include wildlife which lived on the prairie."

And as usual, the only response accepted by Jane was, "Yes, Aunt Jane."

Both girls were busy looking around them as they rode through the area. It was Charlotte who spotted fresh dirt by some of the scrub bushes, and what looked like a hole going under the scrub. As they approached one particular scrub Charlotte saw another spot of fresh dirt piled up and away from the scrub. Jane had passed that scrub a few feet before both girls, but when they reached the scrub both let out an, "EWWW... what's that smell?" Jane knew the smell was there but didn't react to the pungent odor. She reigned her horse, turned it around so she was facing the girls, and had to strongly school herself as she saw both girls had stopped their horses and were pinching their noses shut.

She let them sit there, thinking they should have realized stopping there was a bad idea, and asked them, "What odor? I don't smell anything from HERE?" Both girls got the hint and spurred their horses on, only to stop where Jane's horse was standing. Jane had to again school herself as she watched first Charlotte then Francis slowly let go of their noses and test the air around them.

It was Francis who first found the air more pleasant as she said, "Oh, that's much better. That odor was just rank. What caused it, Aunt Jane?" Jane looked at Charlotte, who was just now following Francis' example and letting go of her nose.

"Charlotte, can you answer Francis' question?"

Charlotte looked at Francis, who shrugged her shoulders, before looking back at Jane and telling her, "Ah, no, Aunt Jane. I have no idea what caused that putrid smell."

Jane looked from Francis to Charlotte before asking, "Surely you girls have heard or seen a skunk?" When both admitted they'd heard about skunks and had seen pictures of them, but not a live one, Jane shook her head and told them, "What you smelled was the defensive measure a skunk uses as a last resort when it's threatened. What you smelled is not fresh, or you both might be vomiting right this minute, it's that revolting. It won't take both of you long to produce a paper by Friday about skunks. Where they can be found, their active times, what they eat, and, since you smelled one method they use, other methods they use to warn off threats. And you'll also include a possible danger skunks pose. It's something dogs can get if they've not been vaccinated. Let's press on. There's a nice little area up ahead I believe you both will enjoy, if you're quiet." And with that said, Jane turned her horse and started it slowly walking in the direction they'd been headed. Jane parted one last bit of information as they resumed their ride. "Oh, and girls. That hole, where you saw the disturbed dirt? It could very well be the den of a skunk, where they sleep during the day. That odor should be a clue for you not to investigate what lives at the bottom of that hole. In fact, girls. Unless you know what animal lives there, you will find it safer to not become curious. There are, after all, animals living out her who are more aggressive than a skunk, and really hate to be roused from their sleep."

Chapter 16

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