Complicit in a Lie Revisited Chapter 23

Complicit In a Lie
Revisited Chapter 23

By Jamie Lee

Author's Note: When I first wrote Complicit In a Lie, I had no thoughts, or ideas, to write a sequel. But thanks to a few readers, who asked about a sequel, ideas formed that made writing this sequel possible. It is necessary to have read Complicit In a Lie to understand why Charles is now with Jane, who the boy arriving in Kingston is and how he's involved in Charles' Court case. And to understand where Mr. Corporate, George Strom, fits into this story. This story starts off after Charles says, "When do we start," in Complicit in a Lie. So if you haven't read Complicit In a Lie, the beginning of this story won't make any sense. Hint hint!

Chapter 23

While Marie sat speaking with Toby, about the school he attended, his opinion on the school, whether he was learning anything, and what he'd like to do after high school, Jane went into the study. She didn't worry about Charlotte and Francis being in the kitchen alone, getting the evening meal prepared, not with Charlotte's training by her Uncle. She walked over to her desk, sat down in the high backed chair, and leaned back, mulling over all that had recently taken place this afternoon. She thought back to Charlotte's outbursts, both just moments ago and her bolting from the house to find comfort from Pinto. Why hadn't she seen the turmoil building up in Charlotte? Hadn't there been signs? Had she missed the signs that pointed to the volcanic eruption Charlotte displayed? Had she missed them because Charles had been trained so well to hide his intentions from his attackers, that he was able to hide how upset he actually was about everything that's happened? Was he telling the truth when he said he didn't hate Toby, when only minutes ago he told Toby he'd like to break him into tiny pieces?

And what about Frank? Since Charles has been here, Frank has made famous progress in coming out of his shell and has actually started to care about someone other than himself. His school work has shown the change in him, as his grades have rapidly improved. But when he leaves? Where will he live? He can't return to his Aunt Agnus, she's the reason he started acting out in the beginning. He wants to return living with the Willows, and after Penny's successful treatment, they would be glad to have him, except CPS isn't letting that happen. Could Agnus and the CPS be working together? After all, Agnus reluctantly took Frank in after Penny Willows was diagnosed with stage 2 cancer. And the CPS has repeatedly denied Frank's return to the Willows.

Putting a stop sign at that last thought, Jane picked up the phone and made a call. "Hi, it's Jane. Marie and I think Frank Winslow is ready to leave Seasons House. But the question is his place of residence. He can't go back to his Aunt Agnus since that's when he started acting out...Yes, I know CPS has said that's where he has to live, but do we really want to send him back where it all began...Yes, but CPS has repeatedly denied his return to the Willows, despite Penny's successful cancer treatment and the fact that the Willows would be glad to have him living with them...Actually, I'm wondering if Aunt Agnus and the CPS are working together to keep Frank with Agnus. As long as he lives with her, she gets support payments, which could be going back to the CPS agent handling Frank's case. Maybe someone should look into that possibility?...There is another possibility I've been mulling over, based on how close to brothers Frank and Charles have become. Perhaps the Thorton's should be approached and asked if they'd foster Frank? In the long run, that family would be the best for him. Charles would be with him to continue teaching him, and Frank would have a wonderful roll model in Charles and his parents...Well, there's a rush and no rush, since nothing can happen until the entire shoplifting case has been closed...Well, let me know what's decided and if anything is found...Yeah, me too...Bye.

Hanging up the phone, Jane went back over her conversation with Ruth. Ruth did have a point, Agnus and Penny were family, and maybe Frank should be with his family. But, in Jane's mind, and with Charlotte's counsel, just not with Agnus because that's where Frank's troubles began. And there was no reason to believe Agnus had changed since Frank had been sent to Seasons House. Or that Agnus' attitude had changed with respect to Frank. So that begs the question, why was CPS so insistent that Frank stay with a woman who didn't want to take Frank in to begin with? Were they reasoning that Penny's cancer might return and Frank would have to be relocated? If that was the reasoning they were using, then the Thorton's were the best choice for Frank. Charles has proven he's from a loving family. Frank and Charles have basically, for all intents and purposes, become brothers. If Frank lives with Charles and his parents, Charles will be there to help support and guide Frank. And, the Thorton's may have the financial resources to ensure Frank get's the best education possible. Would Agnus ensure that happens for Frank? These were questions that would have to be answered, afterwards.

Jane swiveled the chair around, unlocked the cabinet behind her, turned on the monitor, and selected the camera in the kitchen. She adjusted the volume so she could hear Francis and Charlotte as they talked to each other. As she watched the two work, she was amazed at the lack of banter between the two, Charlotte was all business as she directed Francis, made sure Francis wasn't going to cut herself as she did prep work, before going back to work on preparations of her own. Francis was asking Charlotte culinary questions she'd never have know to ask weeks ago, proof of Charlotte's teachings. As she looked closer to what the camera was picking up, Jane recognized the ingredients Charlotte was using. The girl was making lasagna for their evening meal. Jane knew what recipe Marie used when she made lasagna, and all of the ingredients in that recipe. But as she watched what Charlotte was doing, she saw Charlotte add additional ingredients to her lasagna. As Jane sat mesmerized watching Charlotte and Francis work, the fax machine chimed, signaling a fax was ready to print. Shutting off the monitor, closing and locking the cabinet doors, Jane got up from her chair and walked over to the fax machine. After inputting a code, Jane watched as the awaiting fax printed out. Taking it off the machine, she returned to her chair and began reading.

From: Jeb, et al.

To: Jane Thompson

Re: The birds are singing


The majority of the managers, assistant managers, and staff arrested, are working as hard as they can to save their own hides. They're pointing fingers left, right, and center. But it seems after wading through all of their finger pointing, it all goes back to George Strom, or at least in his direction. Because it appears all of the strings are going back to Strom, the investigators and forensic accountants have gone back and used a finer comb to sift through his finances. Because of the quantity they have to sift through, it's going to take time, perhaps several weeks before they will know if he is indeed the ring master of this circus.

As always, I'll keep you informed of any more news I receive. Give our love to Charles.



Reading through the fax again, Jane saw no reason to tell the girls any of this. She didn't want their hopes to rise, only to be dashed if things didn't progress as everyone hoped. She thought it best to wait until their was real positive news before bringing the girls in any further.

Putting the fax in the security drawer, Jane stood up, walked to the study doors and left the study, thinking to make a surprise visit to the kitchen. She was surprised, all right, as she found Marie standing in front of the kitchen door with another shocked look on her face. Jane smirked at seeing a shocked Marie standing outside of her kitchen. "Let me guess. Ils t'ont viré de la cuisine. Encore (They kicked you out of the kitchen. Again)?"

"Yes, they kicked me out of the kitchen again. I just wanted to make sure the fire department wasn't needed. The kitchen door hadn't even swung back in before Charlotte pushed me out of the kitchen. Telling me everything was under control."

Jane chuckled before saying, "I did tell them they were in charge of our evening meal. Maybe I should have added several provisions. Maybe I should have added instructions that allowed you to walk into the kitchen to ensure all of our safety. I smell a pleasant aroma, there's no smell of anything burning, so perhaps the fire department won't be needed, even without your inspection.

Getting serious now, Marie nodded towards the library. With a curious expression on her face, Jane followed Marie into the library. Closing the door after Jane was into the library, Marie led the way to the table near the front window in the library. She pulled out a chair, sat down, and indicated Jane sit opposite her on the other side of the table. "I had a long talk with Toby while you were in the study. He's like Charles at school. He's bored. He isn't learning anything because he's already read all of his textbooks. He's tried asking to be put into advanced courses, but like Charles, it was felt it was better for him to stay in the classes he was assigned. His councilor's assessment was correct, but not even she could convenience the decision makers it's better for him to be in advanced classes. And as we discovered, he was indeed hiding something. I graded his tests, chère. He received perfect scores on each test. Chère, he's like Charles, beyond anything our school lessons can teach him. He needs to sit with Charles when the tutor arrives. And, it might be wise to include Francis when foreign languages are studied. She seems to have quite the aptitude for them, just never having the chance to study them closely."

Jane saw the wisdom of Marie's words, responding with, "Because Toby is like Charles, he will be included when our tutor arrives. I hadn't considered adding Francis to that class when they study foreign languages. But given his demonstration of Spanish, perhaps she should be there at that time."

Just then, there was a knock on the library door before it opened and just a head peered around the door. "Hey, dudettes. Is this a private party or can anyone join?" Marie looked at Jane, and Jane looked at Marie, before both shook their heads and Marie waved Jill into the library. Jill knew if these two women were alone, leaving three students by themselves, that it was a serious talk and a death threat had been given if any of the three misbehaved. "I just checked Toby's wounds," Jill told the two, as she closed the library door behind her before walking over to the table and sitting down next to Marie. "They are healing nicely, though the deeper one will take longer to heal, so I've left more antibiotics. He's to take two a day, one in the morning and one at night. I noticed he's still in some pain, so I added more pain killers The pain killers he takes when he feels he needs them. And from the two left in the bottle, he seems to be needing them yet. Also, have you thought about having Toby talk with a psychologist? After going through what's happened to him, sooner or later, he's going to react to the memories, and maybe in a violent way." After asking about their thoughts concerning Toby's mental state, Jill changed the subject with, "So, anything interesting happen while I was gone," Jill asked, with a shit eating grin on her face. After associating with Seasons House for several years, Jill knew there was always something happening. And sometimes it wasn't pleasant.

"Thank you, Jill. That's one worry off my mind," Jane said, sighing afterwards. "No, we hadn't considered his mental health. He seemed so resilient after what he's been through that it never crossed our minds. Perhaps we better call someone I know and see when they can talk to him. And maybe it would do Charlotte some good to speak with the person I'm thinking of. After her meltdown this afternoon, she has a lot of pent up anger she's hiding."

Jill had studied psychology as her minor while getting her BS. She still had an interest in the field but couldn't find the time as she was attending medical, to study for her license. "How did she have a meltdown, Jane?" Doctor Jill was the one now asking Jane questions. "Was it directed at Toby?"

Jill could see Jane gathering her thoughts, so she remained silent. "It started when I wondered if George Strom was the man Toby described. He was the one that threatened to take Charles to Federal Court if Ruth didn't punish him. Ruth sent him to me to keep him out of Federal Court. Jill, he has no business being here, none at all. And if it wasn't for a lie Toby told, he wouldn't be. The description Toby gave me sounded a lot like the one Charles gave when Strom was in court. So, I had Charles' dad fax me a picture of him. When I showed the picture to Toby, he confirmed Strom was the person known to the kids as 'the man' and only as 'the man'. Toby didn't react well, and what he said about Strom caused Charlotte to run out of the house."

Jane chuckled before saying, "And she found comfort being with Pinto, the horse we've tried for months to put at ease. And Charlotte did it in a few moments. If Pinto had been human, I'd say the two were joined at the hip. But as it is, they're joined in a much deeper bond. It's as though they both understand the other. I found her currying Pinto, stopping every few minutes and crying as she leaned against Pinto's side. I entered the stable as quietly as I could, but she somehow knew I was there. She told me what she wanted to do to Strom, but couldn't do anything because that wasn't her and it would put her on his level. She then had a major breakdown there in the stable. She fell to the ground, bawling. I rushed over and held her, and Pinto laid its head on her shoulder. And you may not believe this, Jil, but when Pinto was sure Charlotte was okay, she went into its stall and closed the stall down on its own. And Charlotte knew Pinto had done that."

"Anyway, we returned to the house to clean up. After cleaning up, I returned to the living room before Charlotte, that's when Toby asked after Charlotte. He even asked if he could help. When he asked that question, Charlotte had walked into the living room. I indicated he should talke to Charlotte, basically putting Charlotte in an unfamiliar position. I actually put her in that situation because she'll defer to someone else when she's in unfamiliar situations. Now she had to make her own decision how to react. She turned to me to make the decision for her, but I told her she'd have to decide the path to walk. She became angry because she didn't know what to do and no one was going to help her, and became so angry that she finally lashed out at Toby. Jill, she unleashed more anger than she did when I erroneously put Francis into an unattainable position. And no, I won't tell you about that, so don't ask. She told him how he ruined her life, took her away from her family, school, her friends, she gave him both barrels. After she said all she had to say, she stood there shaking with anger, tears dripping off her cheeks. Marie and I saw her get into her ready position, the one she uses when she believes someone is about to attack her. Except, she balled up her hands into fists, something she never does when in her ready position. Marie and I were still alert just in case she did make a try for Toby"

"Francis had come out of the library and was standing by me. She was upset seeing how upset Charlotte was at the moment. I had to silence her so she wouldn't interfere in what had to play out, no matter how much it killed me to let it happen. After a few moments, Toby broke the silence by saying what he'd figured out on his own. He realized about our use of petticoat punishment and that Charlotte was actually Charles, the boy he'd lied about. He almost set off Charlotte again, when he told her he wouldn't blame her if she did break him into little pieces. But she came back with a more calm reply, she told him she couldn't do such a thing because that wasn't her. That it wasn't the right thing to do. If she did that, she'd be no better than Strom. She explained what our objectives are here at Seasons House before leaving, then she went back to her bedroom to fix her face after all her crying. Toby was quiet for several minutes, before wistfully saying how he'd really messed up. Asking himself what choice he had. Do what he was told or get the hell beat out of him. Francis offered several options, but Toby said he'd tried those things and his brother always found him."

"We didn't notice it at the time, but Charlotte had returned and told Toby he could have killed his brother. She told him no jury would find him guilty given the scars covering his body, they would consider it self-defence. She even suggested he could have told his dad. It hurt him, but he got up off the couch, took off his shirt and turned so Charlotte could see his back. He then told her he'd get what she saw all over again if he said anything. He then told Charlotte the same thing she'd told him, that he couldn't kill his brother because that wasn't who he was. That it wasn't the right thing to do and would make him no better than Strom. By that time, Charlotte had walked to within a step of Toby. But as we watched, she stepped up to him, put her arms around his neck, pulled him into a hug, and while they both held each other, they cried on each other's shoulder. And Marie and I couldn't interfere, it had to play out."

It was silent in the library after Jane told Jill everything that occurred that afternoon. Jill broke the silence with, "Not only do those three kids need to talk with your friend, but you two need a word with that person too. This entire situation is nothing like what you two normally deal with. Yes, you get boys from nasty homes, or who've been bullied, or what have you. But this type of situation, where one boy was sent here to keep him our of a Federal Court, and another who was savagely beaten. And one who has become as a brother to the one. And to top it off, someone sent two men to kill Toby. Jane, Marie, it wouldn't hurt you two to speak with your friend. Because you are developing PTSD, if you don't have it already. It's also something, going by your description of Charlotte, something she already has developed. And I wouldn't put money against Toby already having it. Even Francis may be on the verge of developing it, as she watched the anguish Charlotte goes through. All five of you need to speak with your friend, Jane. Or I swear, Jane Thompson, I swear," And Jill suddenly got up and hurried towards the library door. Turning before she opened the door, she said with tears in her eyes, "Or I swear, Jane Thompson, I'll be pissed at you until hell freezes over." And with that she opened the library door, slammed it closed behind her and hurried out of Seasons House.

Only Marie was in a position to see out of the window and what happened next. She watched as Jill ran to her car, got in, closed the driver's door, laid her head on the steering wheel and cried. Marie turned to Jane and softly told her, "Our friend needs to speak with Jill too, I think."

Jane stood up from her chair, walked over to the desk in the library, picked up the phone and dialed a number. "Sherry, it's Jane. There are five of us who need to talk with you...Day after tomorrow? That's fine. We'll see you then. And thank you." Jane hung up the phone, then, putting both hands on the desk, leaned on her hands, then hanging her head as she did so. She raised her head, looked at Marie and asked, "Is all of this happening as it's happening for our benefit too, Marie? Are we being forced to examine ourselves by the events that have occurred, just as we put our girls into situations to force them to examine themselves? Have you and I veered off our plotted course, become too ridged in dealing with the boys sent to us? Are we being to stoic with our girls, too distanced from them? We've hid our emotions from our past girls, but now, now they are flowing freely. Although, I will admit mine have been flowing freer than yours. Are we being shown how we can reveal our emotions and not let them detract us from what we are doing? How they'll show our girls we aren't the monsters they may believe we are when we make demands of them and give them little to no choice in doing what we want? Are we being shown how we can still be human in every way and still keep the course we've plotted?"

Jane sighed before pushing herself away from the desk. She walked back to the table, walked past where Marie sat listening to her questions and stood before the window, looking out at the scenery. Marie pushed her chair back, stood up, and walked to stand behind Jane. She put her arms around Jane's waist, laid her chin on Jane's shoulder, and told her, "My dear friend, you have always been the one between us who takes things very personally. You have always questioned your motives and the decisions we make. I'm unable to answer your question concerning our current situation and the recent events, but they have done what you asked. They have put us into a situation that is outside our usual situation, our comfort zone, if you will. Maybe we have become to stoic, to removed from our girls. Maybe we should let them see just how human we are and not the monsters they may see us as when they are forced to do our bidding. Look how things have unfolded since this situation began. How many times have we heard 'we love you too, Aunt Jane' since it's started? How many times did we hear that in the past? While I do a better job of hiding my emotions than you, much as our Charlotte does, you have shown the girls just how much you care for them and how you want only the best for them. When was the last time our girls forced you to go riding? Or made a meal without being told to do so? Our girls still respect your authority, Jane, despite the emotions you have let them see. Yes, we have been forced to examine ourselves and what we do at Seasons House because of this unusual situation. But it hasn't diminished our purpose, it may have even helped our purpose, this time. Can it be used with our next girls, that's a question we can't answer until next time. Continue what you do, chère. Continue caring for our girls, chère, showing them it's possible to live a better life and have a better attitude toward life and others."

Jane had leaned back into Marie as she spoke. The two women stood there looking out the window for several minutes until Jane said, "Marie?"

"Yes, chère."

"You have a boney chin and it's digging into my shoulder"

Marie lifted her chin off Jane's shoulder, kissed her on the cheek and told her, "I love you too, Aunt Jane. Come, chère. Let's go see if our kitchen is still in one piece." And as Marie stood up and backed away from Jane, she took her left hand and planted a good swat on Jane's right butt cheek. "A boney chin you say, HA. That'll teach you to criticize a person's chin."

When Marie administered the swat, Jane had let out a screech, and turned to face Marie, who had a malicious smile on her face. Even though Marie was immune to them, Jane gave her a stink eye nonetheless. Marie chuckled, turned around and started walking to the library door. Seeing her chance, Jane walked quickly up behind Marie, and decided turn about was fair play. This time it was Marie who let out a screech, as Jane administered to her what she'd administered to Jane. The two women left the library, arm in arm, heading to the kitchen to see if it still existed.

Chapter 24

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