500 < Short Story < 7500 words

The Eternal Schoolgirl.

The Eternal Schoolgirl Part 2

One crisp autumn day at Willowbrook Academy, Ella sat under the shade of an old oak tree, enjoying a rare moment of solitude. She was flipping through her history textbook when she noticed something peculiar. Across the courtyard, a boy named Ethan was sitting alone seemingly focused on his homework. However something about his actions caught her eye.

The Eternal Schoolgirl Part 1

This is my first probably bad attempt at a TG Story.

The Eternal Schoolgirl part 1

Steve was a curious boy, forever seeking out new mysteries to explore. One summer afternoon, whilst rummaging through the attic of his grandmother's house, he discovered an old leather-bound spellbook. The pages were filled with cryptic symbols and ancient incantations. Unable to resist, Steve read aloud a spell that promised wisdom and transformation.

The Peaceful City

The Peaceful City

Heartsease like all its neighbouring city states was a peaceful city where dwelt humans and centaurs. The two had lived and crafted side by side for at least three millennia. Mostly they married their own, but there had always been a degree of cross marriage, and most adolescents had had dealing with members of the opposite sex of both species before they settled down. It wasn’t frowned upon, it was just the youngsters finding themselves.

Dude Looks Like A Lady

Dixie sits quietly and pretends to read an article on her tablet. What she is doing, is watching how teenage girls and women walk and behave. Ever since she decided to become a girl full time, after spending a week with her friend pretending to be his girlfriend.

Raising the Bar

The Bar

Just another night at The Bar. The cities change. Copenhagen, London, San Francisco, Omaha, Tokyo. But somehow, The Bar stays the same. The same sights, smells, sounds. The same faces, or close enough. Different languages, but the same lines.

Conversion Therapy

Frank and Emily Lambert are worried about their son, Frankie. He said he was a girl. Dr. Goodman has the solution: Conversion Therapy.

Apologies for using this space. I have written lots of other stories under Missy (Hi Angela, Erin et al.), but it has been so long since my last story that I forgot my password and my email is out of date, so I can't retrieve it. I'm not even sure of my user name. Yeah, DOH, I didn't write it down. You will get old and forget stuff too. So, If anyone could figure out how to consolidate this with my other account and get me into it, it would be great. Hugs, Missy.

Nadir to Zenith

Nadir to Zenith

They say that pride becomes before a fall. I wasn’t feeling proud when I fell. I was concentrating very hard of the job at hand. My name is Damon Rose, and I was just nineteen when I lost my grip, and nearly my life.

Complicit in a Lie Revisited Chapter 44

Charles is now at Jane's Winsome Girls' School for Wayward Boys. He has volunteered to become one of Jane's girls to help Jane not only clear his name but to help Francis. He has a lot to learn about being a girl in a short amount of time, as Toby Camber is arriving at the school in a weeks time. Something else occurs that Charles wasn't expecting, he learns something else about himself while being Charlotte.

O/our favourite position

my Master has fixed me up. i am lying on my back, legs raised up and spread wide, ankles fixed to the corners of the bed. i am so supple that my knees rested on the bed, either side of my head. Knees are also tied to the sides of the bed, and my wrists and elbows are tied together behind my back, and my wrists tied off to the opposite head of the bed.

Market Research


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Tom meets an alien who is researching potential trade opportunities and gets a glimpse of more than one new world.

Market Research

By Jamie Lou Wendelin

Thanks to Kristina L.S., Scott Ramsey and another friend for reviewing drafts, finding mistakes and making helpful suggestions - and, oh yeah, Erin for making all this possible.
Of course all remaining mistakes are my own.


The Venus Touch


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The Venus Touch
by Melanie T

Edited by Kristine Roland

When Ron spent the night with a strange woman, he never thought his life would be changed so much. Caught up in a web of sorcery and lies, Ron, who is now a woman named Ronnie must face a world of magic she never knew existed.

Hunted by powerful forces and aided by uncertain allies, Ronnie has to unravel the mystery of her transformation.

The Seventh Wheel (Part 5)

7th 5.png


Author's Note: So we made it to the penultimate chapter, I see. When I originally wrote this section of the story, I was surprised. It sort of came out of thin air. It wasn't planned, there was no pre-thought and I was wondering why I had to stick in another freakin' portal reference... Oh well, things worked out for the best, well, so far... ha... I hope YOU like it...


Dog and Butterfly

A little something to hold people while I complete the next Masks story. This is set in the same world as "The Master of Cuts" and "In the Hollow of the Devil's Hand."

Dog and Butterfly


Rodford Edmiston

She was dealing with another of the old man's challenges. She was to go covert, on her own, in strange territory, staying hidden for a full twenty-four hours. That meant avoiding all contact, leaving no trace. Which meant not feeding.

He'd left Calli on the outskirts of a New Orleans subdivision, less than two hours before dawn.

The Seventh Wheel (Part 4)

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Author's Note: Hmmm, let's see.. I have been accused of putting too much sex in my stories, I have also been accused of putting too little. Personally? I think all of my stories have just the right amount, like raisins. It all depends on the characters, the situation, the crunch. Doesn't it? Well, this chapter has a lot of crunch, well, s.e.x. I feel it was a natural progression, ha, but what do I know... I just hope YOU like it...


Dina, part 1

"William!" My father hissed quietly. "Look at the camera!"

"Sorry, dad," I whispered as I turned my attention back to the photographer, who was ready to capture today's visit for posterity. Though in my defence, as an eight-year-old boy, it was natural for me to be distracted by the visitors who came to my grandfather's home — after all, it's not every day that you have your photograph taken with the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh.

Tommy, the Flower Girl Part 3


The next morning, Tommy woke up feeling the warmth of his wet diaper and of the sun streaming through his window. His mother greeted him with a smile and a loving hug. "Good morning, sweetie! Let's get you changed and ready for the day," she said. Once she had finished, his mother lifted him into her arms and held him close. "There we go, all fresh and clean," she said, pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead. "Now, let's go have some yummy breakfast, and we can talk about what fun things we can do today."

Tommy, the Flower Girl Part 2


The next morning Tommy woke up with the urgent need to use the bathroom, and not just to pee. As he looked at his alarm clock, it was still early and he didn't want to wake up his mom. After considering his options, Tommy decided to use his diaper for its intended purpose, knowing that his mom would help him when she woke up. He felt a little embarrassed about the situation but also relieved that he wouldn't have to hold it in.

Torrid Transformation

Torrid Transformation

The bell above the entrance to Torrid chimed a cheerful welcome as Alan
pushed open the glass door. The familiar scent of trendy clothing and
leather greeted him, but the store was strangely empty. He scanned the
racks, his gaze snagged on a display of vibrant summer dresses before a
voice startled him.

"Hi there! Welcome to Torrid!"

Alan turned to see a woman with a dazzling smile and a nametag that read
"Haley - Manager." Her warm brown eyes sparkled beneath a mane of fiery
red hair.


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