Identity Theft

Superhero Twins


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TG Universes & Series: 

This is a fan fiction of a mix of Whateley and The Center by Lillith Langtree. Mostly in The Center Universe. This is a fan fiction so I will break some of the rules as the Whateley Universe has different rules concerning mutants.

Sean "Port" Porter is helping his crew clear a building when the impossible happens. He ports in on another world and comes face to face with himself. Only this version just turned into a girl. He wants to get home, but without any other mutants his chance to find a booster are impossible or are they?

Genesis Infiltrator

Genesis Infiltrator

The woman's words were a hammer blow. Raped. Mutilated. Left for dead.
Stacy... the image of her friend, vibrant and alive, morphed into a
terrifying possibility - a victim of human trafficking, lost in the
nightmarish underbelly of the world.

A wave of nausea swept over Sasha; a primal scream trapped in her throat
by the leather restraints. "Stacy?" she rasped, her voice cracking.
"What about Stacy?"

Genesis Transformed

Genesis Transformed

Shamefacedly, Shane shuffled into Merle Norman, the cheery chiming of
the doorbell announcing his arrival. He wasn't exactly dressed for the
occasion - his usual ratty t-shirt and ripped jeans felt woefully out of
place amongst the plush waiting area and pastel color scheme. A sheepish
grin tugged at his lips as his gaze landed on Stacy, his best friend,
behind the counter.

Genetic Gender Experiment

Genetic Gender Experiment

The humid air clung to Elias like a second shirt as he pushed through
the tangled undergrowth. Shanda, his girlfriend, was just ahead, her
laughter a melody in the symphony of cicadas. They were on a secluded
resort vacation, and a poorly marked trail had beckoned them deeper into
the jungle than they'd intended.

Prison Dolls - Chapter 4

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Chapter Four - Consequences

Is Bobbie really dead or was it an elaborate hoax? The consequences of Bobbie's assassination in the prison parking lot reverberate through the Siceresso crime family. Allie Katt and her boyfriend arrange a suitable resting place for Bobbie while Tony Siceresso turns against his fellow criminals in the ultimate act of revenge.

Boys Night Out

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An executive discovers a mysterious package which allows him to become the embodiment of his greatest desire, and it makes an invitation from the boys at work an irresistible opportunity for self-discovery. However, the journey to understanding is fraught with peril, and hell hath no fury like a woman’s.

The Body Snatcher - The Final Chapter

But what could I really do? If I told mum, their relationship would almost surely end. Great for them probably, bad for Laura and Lucas.

If I told dad that I knew and tell him to stop? Maybe he agrees and stops but her relationship with her family almost certainly gets strained beyond repair. He needed to keep seeing her as his little girl and this would ruin that.

"Something on your mind pumpkin?" He asked me.

The Body Snatcher - Chapter 7

"dinner with your family?? like me you and your parents"

I read the text that had just arrived from Murphy. I was still riding the high of what had just happened. I had made a plan and executed it to perfection.

And as much as I hated to admit it, that was very much unlike me. See I never really made plans. I didn't think things through. I certainly never had backup plans for my backup plans like I'd just done.

"And Lucas. Are you busy? I can just tell my dad that you're busy" I texted back careful not to deviate too much from how she typed in previous messages.

The Body Snatcher - Chapter 6

As I thought more about it, I actually started to seriously consider it.

On one hand, if I wanted to stop the bullying once and for all, this was a sure fire way. As a former football star, I knew really well that no one dared mess with our girls.

Also this girl was a bit of a wallflower desperately in need of friends. This would give her more than she knew what to do with.

The Body Snatcher - Chapter 5

See the thing to know about me, the one and only Eddie Russo is that I don't back down from a fight. I've never cared about picking fights I can win. 5 versus 1? Bring it. No one makes Eddie their bitch. Certainly not some hormone fueled teenager.

"Relax Murphy, I come in peace" Noah said as he approached our table. Turning to me, he added "You got me in a lot of shit yesterday"

"You only have yourself to blame" I replied snarkly.

"You're real mouthy knowing you boyfriend is going to protect you" he laughed at his statement which infuriated me.

Whatever You Desire - Chapter 2

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Chapter Two – Day Two - Day Three - Day Four

Transgender detective Julie Sanderson begins to break down detective Tommy Lomax's prejudices and they actually begin to trust each other and bond. As they get closer to finding out who murdered Stephanie Carter the investigation turns dangerous

The Body Snatcher - Chapter 4

Why did I know that? Don't panic. I had to figure this out. I had never been the same person twice and certainly not two days in a row.

My mind darted to her locker code. 14,22,7. I didn't just remember it from yesterday, I remembered it from the start of the school year.

My mind darted from one memory to another before being pulled to focus on the heavy footsteps rapidly approaching my door. A moment later, the door opened with her father peaking through. He looked worried for a moment but his expression slowly dissipated into a neutral one.

Whatever You Desire - Chapter 1

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Chapter One – Day One

Transgender detective Julie Sanderson is teamed with detective Tommy Lomax to solve the murder of young trans prostitute Stephanie Carter and the investigation becomes complicated when the victim is identified as the daughter of a US senator. The case is a political time bomb full of intrigue, deception, lies and deceit but the clock is ticking to get it solved before the media gets hold of the story.

The Body Snatcher - Chapter 3

"I don't want to talk about it" I sped up trying to get away from Murphy but he wasn't letting up.

He stepped in front of me, "Laura, what was that? What video was he talking about."

I don't know. That's what I wanted to scream but how could I explain to him why I didn't know what I clearly should know. I had never told anyone about me before, not like they would believe me anyway.

"I'm feeling overwhelmed right now" I said to him trying desperately to find a way out of the situation. "I'll tell you later okay? I promise"

The Thirteenth Witch - 2 Sælicbrook

When a mountain downpour forces Lydia and Thomas Thompson into a cavern's shadowy embrace, Lydia's touch upon ancient runic inscriptions awakens her latent power and identity. As they emerge to find the enigmatic town of Sælicbrook—a nexus of realms and magic—Lydia is transformed into her destiny as its guardian. But as the cosmic entity Nyarlathotep stirs, intent on unraveling the threads of reality, will Lydia's newfound power be enough to stand against an eldritch horror bent on devouring all? The battle for existence looms, and only the guardians of Sælicbrook can safeguard the world from the impending darkness. Will they triumph, or will everything they know be consumed by the infinite appetite of the Crawling Chaos?

GunPrincessRoyale - Bk3 - Ch2

This is the unpublished version of Book 3 of "Gun Princess Royale" a sci-fi, gender-bender, girls-with-guns, action series that I self-published on Amazon Kindle as eBooks in 2017. The series tanked in sales due to a bad story, very bad writing, and failing to put in the required time to develop the Gun Princess Royale Universe before releasing the books. Consequently, I never self-published Book 3. I did post a rough cut for Book 3 here on TG BigCloset. However, I was unsatisfied with the result, so I went back and rewrote the novel with a new approach. This is that novel.

GunPrincessRoyale - Bk3 - Ch1

This is the unpublished version of Book 3 of "Gun Princess Royale" a sci-fi, gender-bender, girls-with-guns, action series that I self-published on Amazon Kindle as eBooks in 2017. The series tanked in sales due to a bad story, very bad writing, and failing to put in the required time to develop the Gun Princess Royale Universe before releasing the books. Consequently, I never self-published Book 3. I did post a rough cut for Book 3 here on TG BigCloset. However, I was unsatisfied with the result, so I went back and rewrote the novel with a new approach. This is that novel.

GunPrincessRoyale - Bk3 - Intro

Unpublished Book 3 of "Gun Princess Royale" that immediately picks up where Book 2 "The Measure of a Princess" left off, and continues the story of Ronin Kassius, now known as Mirai and his/her return to Ar Telica city. This book is part of the original 2017 release of the series that has now been cancelled in favour of a new reimagined story rebooted as "The Gun Princess Royale". It is also the second attempt to write the third book in the original series.

The Breeding Chamber - Chapter 5

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Chapter Five – Hook, Line, and Sinker

Victoria, Madeline and Susan hatch a daring, dangerous plan to take over Durden City and hold Pope Durden and his evil Commission to account. The final chapter.

The Breeding Chamber Chapter 1

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Chapter One – Down You Go Ladies

This is a tale of hope and redemption as three women struggle to live in a dystopian war-ravaged future where the world’s female population has been decimated by a pandemic. The precious few remaining females are rounded up and made to serve in ‘breeding chambers’ to produce children. With very few females available to meet the desires of men a breed of transgender women known as Comfort Girls takes their place. But all is not as it seems. The ‘breeding program’ which was created to proliferate the female population appears not to be working. The leader of the new-order city-state is complicit and an anti-establishment revolutionary force suspect they know why and they intend to do something about it.

Pick Me Boy

Danny Collins in…

Pick Me Boy

By Jmaster

Danny Collins was the new student to Westwood High, a school in the middle of Suburban Illinois. He was a wildcard at his past school always getting good grades and sometimes even girls but his long hair and skater boy appearance often was a turn off for some, now entering into Westwood smack dab during his Freshman year he had to make some friends.

Miss Adventure

Miss Adventure
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

Part 1

It is not unheard of. A fan becomes so obsessed with a celebrity that they try to become just like that person. These “super-fans” have also become known as “stans” after the Eminem rap song. They try to take on the appearance of their idol and may even try to make contact with the object of their obsession or get close to them in some way. In some cases it is all consuming.

Jo(si)e -4- Working as Jo

After sleeping on it, Joey's mind had not changed, he was going to become Jo for as long as the project at the archaeological dig went on, but needed to act quickly to ‘bite the bullet’ before he changed his mind.

The Interpreter - Chapter 4

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Chapter Four – Toast and Marmalade

The Professor knows that Valerie is sitting on secret but remains infatuated with her. What will he do now that he has the tools to blackmail her? At the same time the FBI and MI6 are closing in our beautiful ingénue and Soviet spy. Can Yuri save Valerie and will he have to sacrifice himself to do so? Please heed the cautions.

The Interpreter - Chapter Two

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Chapter Two – Your Body Is A Weapon

Valerie is trained in the arts of espionage and seduction as she prepares to go undercover as the interpreter for Professor Mikhail Blavatsky, a misogynist, conceited womaniser, so that she can accompany to him to a Convention in NYC and test her newfound skills on unsuspecting victims.

The Interpreter - Chapter 1

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Chapter One – An Offer She Couldn’t Refuse

A naive young Russian crossdresser who works as an interpreter for the KGB is exposed and given a chance to save herself and her family by working undercover as a femme fatale. Valerie has no choice but to go along with the KGB's plan to use her as an enchantress to lure unsuspecting men to their fate.

Metempsychosis Apotheosis - 1

When Robert’s wife’s body is stolen, Robert must discover where and who she is and get her body back. But can he succeed when Exmuritious Forrester, the CEO and owner of Transmigration Studios, decides to stop him? Who can Robert trust, when anyone could be anyone?
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The Substitute Housewife Part 5

The next day I woke with Ken's arms wrapped around me. I liked the feeling and wanted to stay in bed. I knew I had to get ready for the day and get breakfast started. After all, I was the lady of the house.

I showered first, then shaved. There was almost no hair. Just a slight fuzz. I only normally shaved every two to three days. I did my makeup and choose what I was going to wear.

American Girl - Chapter Four

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Chapter Four – Crystal’s Demise

Soviet spy Crystal Greystone is under pressure from her handler to get her hands on the documents in Professor Brett Beaumont's safe before her cover is blown by the FBI agent Liam Dresser who has become besotted with her and is closing in. This is the climax and final chapter.

American Girl - Chapter 3

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Chapter Three – She’s My Spy!

Soviet spy Crystal Greystone is starring in a Las Vegas review as part of her ruse to entrap an American genius professor who is an expert in X-ray laser technology. He also has a weakness for booze, gambling and pretty little trans women like Crystal. A rogue FBI agent is on her tail and Crystal may have to up her game to complete her mission before she is captured.

American Girl - Chapter 1

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Chapter One – Hello, Daddy, Hello, Mom I'm Your Ch-Ch-Ch-Cherry Bomb

During the Cold War two Soviet sleeper agents have a child who is a legitimate American citizen but as Kyle Gordon matures he reveals he has a feminine alter ego: Crystal Greystone. This conundrum is exploited by the Soviet rezidentura who use Crystal as an undercover operative. She may be a Soviet spy but she is... an American girl.

Drowning Before My Eyes


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Other Keywords: 


Drowning Before My Eyes
From the Wyldheart's Call
A DC Comics Fanfiction

She was the daughter of Batman and Talia al-Ghul. The greatest detective in the world, and the most hated woman who gave birth to her. Damian just wanted a quiet day out, a date at a gay bar with her girlfriends JInx and Raven. A night to break out of the mold forced upon her by the League of Assassins. But, the Waters of a dead villain and world ebb in her future. Black like tar and at the hands of Light, a force of nature and change.

What will Damian face once she has seen the tides threatening to drown her, and what she become? A monster, a hero, or perhaps something much-much more.

Magic Mystery and Mayhem: 28


What if supernatural beings like Witches, Faeries, Demons, and their ilk are all real? Glen Evanston is about to be caught in their many traps in my new work in progress: Magic, Mystery, and Mayhem a Graphic Novel by Raine Monday

Comfort Women - Chapter 4

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Chapter Four – Just Another Comfort Woman

The experiment has produced a surprising result: the four strongest men have feminised the two weakest who now live full time as Comfort Women. But Colonel Flagg wants to introduce a new dynamic into the study which is likely to cause catastrophic results. Will Bill Brody defend the honour of his personal Comfort Woman Samantha Steele when the other men demand their fair share of her charms?

Comfort Women - Chapter 3

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Chapter Three – This Is For You and This Is For Me

Samantha Steele and Wendy Meakins are ordered to live full-time as 'comfort women'. This arrangement suits Wendy but Sam takes some adjusting. Bill Brody keeps Samantha exclusively for himself with creates consternation amongst the other men. 'Nurse Steele', as she has now become, tends to the men's therapeutic needs while she tends to all of Bill Brody' physical needs and won't admit to herself that she secretly likes it.


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