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Chapter Four - Consequences
Two corrections officers arriving early for the evening shift were leaning against their car parked in the Brentwood Correctional Facility car park smoking cigarettes. They stood there slack jawed while Bobbie was murdered right in front of them.
They regained their composure and one of them reached for his cellphone. The other CO snatched it out of his hand before he could dial 911.
“No! We go inside and tell the warden. Keep your trap shut. You tell no one,” the CO growled at his compatriot.
Later in Seg the Siceressos and Tig had gathered together and everyone was tense.
“What the fuck Tony, you had her taken down right outside the prison,” Sal Siceresso was livid.
“I knew you didn’t trust me to get the job done so I arranged to have it done in front of witnesses who I knew would report back to you through the warden. You said you wanted confirmation that it had been done,” Tony shrugged.
He turned to Tig.
“Isn’t that right Tig? Sal didn’t trust me,” Tony glared at him.
“Well yeah. I’ve called my connections in Miami and cancelled the hit that I had arranged. Bobbie is gone now and that’s all that matters,” Tig replied sheepishly.
“Yeah but you used the word witnesses,” Sal snarled.
“Two COs on the take. The warden had them mop up the blood and dispose of the shell casings so they’re now accessories to murder. They aint saying anything to anyone,” Tony shrugged a second time.
The five crime bosses and Tig were seated in the office in Seg where Sal had ordered Bobbie’s execution only a few days earlier.
“Ok. What’s done is done. Now let’s get down to business,” Sal opened a ledger in front of him.
At that moment the security door to E Wing was blown off its hinges and five Federal agents accompanied by five members of the GBI in full tactical gear entered Seg.
“FBI! FBI! Everybody get down on the ground!” the armed men called as they made their dynamic entry.
The SWAT team had been briefed that there were no weapons on the premises but they were taking no chances. Within minutes of breaking down the door the five crime bosses and Tig were handcuffed and led outside into waiting armoured transport vehicles.
At same the time as the raid on E Wing was underway two GBI Agents entered Warden Marissa Mellowship’s office and placed her under arrest. A specialist search team and CSI operatives entered the prison once it had been secured.
Allie Katt had the TV tuned to WFTV Channel 9, a television station affiliated with ABC in Orlando Florida. She was watching Martha Sugalski present a breaking news story:
‘In a combined GBI and FBI operation five members of the Siceresso crime family, the Warden, several co-conspirators including several corrections officers were arrested at a Georgia minimum security correctional facility yesterday. Other state officials are under investigation in what has been described as a conspiracy of monumental proportions.’
‘The five gangsters were living in what has been described as a private prison block that would rival Pablo Escobar’s La Catedral for its opulence. The crime bosses were living in luxury and continued to maintain complete control of their criminal empire while they were imprisoned in the Brentwood Correctional Facility.’
‘The Solicitor General has been stood down following claims of incompetence during the original trial of the crime bosses while the FBI and GBI continue to investigate alleged State and Federal crimes.’
‘In other news…’ Allie Katt used the remote to turn off the television.
“Why do female news presenters always gotta have blonde hair, big tits and blowjob lips?” Allie asked rhetorically.
“So men will watch the news as well as sports,” Randy Middleton replied flippantly.
Randy was currently Allie Katt’s paramour and had driven the limousine to Brentwood Correctional Facility and fired the three rounds into Bobbie Valentine’s chest.
“Are you still sore babe?” Allie turned to Bobbie Valentine who was curled up on the sofa wearing a pair of yoga pants and a loose-fitting blouse that Allie had loaned her, reinforced nylon footlets disclosed that she wearing pantyhose under the leggings.
“Those fucking blood squibs hurt like a motherfucker when they went off,” Bobbie rubbed her chest through her blouse.
The three pyrotechnical devices and fake blood packets had been secreted in Bobbie’s breast prosthesis and were activated by a remote signal when Randy Middleton fired the three blank rounds at Bobbie’s upper body. At the same time Bobbie had activated an auto injection device sending a measured dose of propofol into her bloodstream invoking immediate unconsciousness. This was the present that Tony Siceresso had surprised her with that last night in Seg.
The shooting needed to look as realistic as possible and no chances were taken.
After the town car left the correctional facility it was driven to a parking station fifteen miles from Bentwood and Allie and Randy Middleton had carefully lifted Bobbie from the trunk and tended to her until she regained consciousness. Allie and Bobbie had transferred to Allie’s BMW and driven to Orlando where Allie had a suite booked at the Waldorf Astoria. Randy had ditched the town car at a chop shop in North Orange and taken an Uber to the hotel.
Bobbie had showered and gone straight to bed and slept for ten solid hours and awakened refreshed and joined Allie and Randy for a room service breakfast while Allie channel-surfed, looking for a news story about Brentwood.
The plan was to hole up in the hotel room until the FBI and GBI raided Brentwood Correctional Facility and took the Siceressos and Tig into custody and imprisoned them in a Federal maximum security facility until their trial.
“We can leave for Miami tomorrow,” Allie came over and sat down next to Bobbie.
She cuddled Bobbie and kissed her cheek.
“I can’t believe that you're out and free,” Allie played with Bobbie’s hair as if she was a little girl rather than a woman in her mid-thirties.
Bobbie seemed petulant. The euphoria she felt after being released and then the mock shooting in the prison parking lot had worn off and Bobbie was now faced with the reality of an uncertain future.
“Honey, can you go down to the convenience store and get me some cigarettes?” Allie asked Randy.
Randy’s brow furrowed and he gave Allie a look of displeasure.
“I thought you were quitting?” he whined.
“Ok, let me put it this way. Can you get the fuck out the hotel room for an hour or two, so I can talk to my friend in private? Go to the bar and have a drink. Maybe sit by the pool and check out the girls in their bikinis. Look, don’t touch,” Allie sidled up to Randy and kissed his cheek and squeezed his ass.
Randy had a fine ass. He was late-twenties, six-two with sun-bleached longish hair, a lean tanned body and incredibly handsome. He was also devoted to Alicia Kettering which was now Allie’s legal name.
“Ok babe,” Randy kissed Allie and snatched up his man-bag.
Randy was the kind of guy who no one was going to tease for carrying a man-bag.
He left the room and Bobbie could sense his reluctance to do so.
“You have him well trained,” Bobbie sniped.
“He’s smarter than he looks and he takes care of me. I know that at the club they call him my toy boy behind my back but I don’t care. He’s useful in all sorts of ways,” Allie grinned and sat back down next to Bobbie.
“I’ll bet he is,” Bobbie carped.
“Are you pissed at me honey?” Allie asked, stroking Bobbie’s arm.
“Why should I be pissed at you? You selected me and gave my name to Tig Hansen who blackmailed me and threatened to have my wife and daughter raped, tortured and killed if I didn’t become a prison doll,” Bobbie said bitterly.
“Then you turned me into a transvestite whore to take your place servicing those thugs in Seg,” Bobbie said through gritted teeth.
Allie alighted from the sofa and made her way over to the kitchenette and poured herself a double Jack Daniel's. She kept her back turned to Bobbie and swallowed the drink and poured herself another.
Tears were streaming down her face but she refused let Bobbie see her cry.
Then Allie felt Bobbie’s arms circle her and Bobbie rested her head on Allie’s shoulder.
“I'm sorry for being a bitch. The truth is you rescued me. I found my true self in Brentwood. I’m scared and I’m lonely and I don’t know what the future holds. You saved my life twice. Once when you released Bobbie from being trapped inside Robert Valentine and the second time when you staged my murder,” Bobbie whispered.
Allie turned around and Bobbie saw the streaks of mascara running down her cheeks.
“Stop crying, you look like a panda,” Bobbie leaned in and kissed Allie on the cheek.
Allie gave a snuffled giggle at the panda joke and Bobbie took tissues out of a box on the counter and dabbed them on Allie’s cheeks.
“I’m sorry Bobbie. I've felt guilty about it ever since I was released from Bentwood,” Allie dried her eyes with more tissues.
“You gave me to the Siceressos but you saved me from them too,” Bobbie poured herself a drink and another for Allie.
“Tony saved you. He had me assemble the prosthetics and the caverject and he had them smuggled into Brentwood without Tig knowing at great risk to himself. He planned the whole thing. I was just his conduit,” Allie took a swallow of her drink.
“Tony loves you,” Allie whispered.
“Love? Don’t make me laugh. How could he love me? I was a prison prostitute with whom he had an infatuation. I was convenient. A pretty girl with a dick that he fucked because there were no women,” Bobbie barked.
Bobbie was shocked when Allie slapped her face.
“Don’t you talk about yourself like that. You know that’s not true. You know that’s not who you are and you know that’s not how Tony sees you,” Allie gently stroked the red mark on Bobbie’s cheek where she had slapped her.
“Tony gave up everything for you. He’s the one who contacted the FBI and brokered a state’s evidence deal. Tony sold out his brother and the others because they wanted to kill you,” Allie continued.
“Do you know where he is?” Bobbie asked, knowing that Allie and Tony had been communicating extensively just prior to Bobbie’s release.
“He’s in protective custody somewhere, held incommunicado until after the trial. He’ll have to testify and then the FBI will put him in Witsec. Didn’t he explain all this to you?” Allie asked.
“He told me that they intended to kill me to keep me quiet. Of course he explained the plan you and he had hatched to fake my murder. He showed me how the prosthesis and caverject worked and how to wear them. He never told me that he was going to become a corroborating witness and turn state’s evidence and bring it all crashing down,” Bobbie admitted.
“He did all that for you,” Allie smiled at Bobbie.
“Do you think? Or was it all a contrivance to get rid of his brothers and the others and get out of prison?” Bobbie was sceptical.
“You can ask him yourself when you see him,” Allie replied, pouring more drinks.
“I’ll never see him again once he goes into Witsec. You know how that works,” Bobbie sighed.
“Look Bobbie. Don’t fret about things over which you have no control. You have a new and exciting life ahead of you. You’re coming to live with me and we have a lot to do,” Allie took Bobbie’s hand and picked up the bottle of JD and led them back to the couch.
“We need to organise your surgeries, you can’t go around looking as good as you do without any tits,” Allie laughed and poked a finger into Bobbie’s flat chest.
“A nip here, a tuck there and you will be the woman you always dreamed you could be,” Allie smirked.
“Then we need to get you some identity documents. Using Tony’s contacts we already have a birth certificate for you. Your new name is Barbara Southland. You can still go by Bobbie of course,” Allie patted Bobbie’s hand reassuringly.
“Who is the real Barbara Southland?” Bobbie asked.
“She was born around the same time as you in Cedar Key Florida. Poor kid only lasted a few days. If you want to get all sentimental about it you can imagine that she now has a life through you,” Allie tried her best to steer the subject away from being morose.
“You can’t change Robert Valentine’s name and gender by deed poll or apply for a gender recognition certificate using Robert’s identity for obvious reasons. As far the justice department is concerned Robert Valentine has violated probation and is a fugitive,” Allie explained.
“Good. Robert Valentine no longer exists. I’m Barbara Southland but you can call me Bobbie,” Bobbie giggled.
The alcohol was starting to take effect.
“Well I’m pleased to meet you Barbara,” Allie giggled too.
“I’m sorry I was such a cunt earlier,” Bobbie said.
She leaned in and was about to kiss Allie’s cheek but Allie turned to say something and the kiss caught the side of Allie’s mouth.
They both froze. The kiss was an accident but they both felt the spark. They both knew that they could just brush it off and leave it there, an awkward moment soon forgotten.
But they didn’t.
Whether it was the left over adrenaline from Bobbie’s escape or the day-drinking, their inhibitions were down.
Allie turned to Bobbie so that next kiss landed full on her mouth. The kiss was long and languid and the two women caressed each other tenderly. Then the kiss became impassioned and they used their tongues. Bobbie eased Allie down on the sofa and lay on top of her. Allie’s body felt familiar, but different somehow. Bobbie used her hands to find out why and then she found Allie’s breasts.
They were full and perky and had a heft to them that no prosthetic could imitate. Bobbie unbuttoned Allie’s blouse and slipped her hand inside and slipped the perfect globes from the cups of Allie’s brassiere. The flesh was soft and resilient and her nipples were engorged. Bobbie broke their kiss and lowered her face to the magnificent orbs. She circled the dark pink areolas with the tip of tongue and Allie put her hands on Bobbie’s head and guided her mouth from one breast to the other.
Bobbie flicked Allie’s nipples with her tongue and then nipped them gently with her teeth and Bobbie heard Allie gasp and Bobbie smiled. Allie slid her hands inside Bobbie’s loose-fitting blouse and traced her fingers across Bobbie’s flat abdomen then up to her chest and found Bobbie’s tiny breasts and she stroked them and found Bobbie’s nipples were also engorged.
Bobbie wished she had real breasts just like Allie’s but she didn’t articulate it. They both knew that if either of them spoke the spell would be broken and neither of them wanted that. Bobbie craved the comfort of someone who wasn’t just using her, of someone who genuinely loved her. Tony was far away and unattainable but it wasn’t just that. She and Allie had a special bond. Their time together had been brief and most of the time it had been adversarial but she recalled the time they had fellated each other in Allie’s dorm.
Bobbie recalled how she had surrendered. She recalled their first kiss. Their lips pressed together only lightly at first, enjoying the delicate sensuality of it, tasting Allie’s lipstick, inhaling her perfume, feeling her feminine curves pressed against Bobbie’s satin-shrouded body. The rustle of satin and lace, the hiss of a skirt skimming over nylons, the sensation of a thickening cock pressing against glossy panties.
Bobbie remembered Allie’s parting words to her: ‘The lady doth protest too much, methinks’.
Bobbie suckled Allie’s breasts and Allie stroked and tweaked Bobbie’s nipples. A warm tingle of delight spread from both of their bosoms and their breathing became heavy. Bobbie returned her mouth to Allie’s and their kisses became impassioned.
Bobbie lay on top of Allie and Allie’s legs were spread. Bobbie took advantage of the situation and slid a hand under Allie’s skirt. Allie hissed when Bobbie snaked her fingers across Allie’s thighs, her fingertips gently grazed across Allie’s pantyhosed-skin.
Allie reciprocated stroking Bobbie’s buttocks and legs clad in her tight, gauzy yoga pants. Their kisses became more impassioned and Bobbie found Allie’s penis tenting her panties. She could feel the precum oozing into the translucent fabric and she circled Allie’s glans with her fingertip and felt Allie shudder underneath her.
Allie’s hands sought out Bobbie’s crotch. Bobbie had tucked but not taped. Her pantyhose and Yoga pants kept her penis and scrotum concealed along her perineum, tucked tightly between her legs, but now Bobbie’s cock was swelling and Allie could feel the girth of it through the layers of spandex and nylon. She stroked Bobbie’s thickening appendage and Bobbie squirmed and drove her tongue deeper into Allie’s mouth.
Allie pushed her hand inside the waistband of Bobbie’s yoga pants, the elastic stretching on Allie’s forearm as she struggled to free Bobbie’s burgeoning erection. When she finally had hold of Bobbie’s cock through her pantyhose she freed it and laid it flat against her lower belly. She removed her hand from the tights and placed both of her hands on Bobbie’s ass and began to buck.
Bobbie pressed her hard cock against Allie’s, their cocks pushed together through the layers of Bobbie’s yoga pants and pantyhose and Allie’s nylon rayon panties and pantyhose. Allie lifted her legs and wrapped them around Bobbie and the girls began to hump each other.
They mutually and simultaneously stimulated each other’s genitals, the pleasurable friction against their penile shafts enhanced by the layers of diaphanous fabric. Shards of sexual delight radiated from their respective pulsing penises. They clung to each other and rutted, kissing frenetically, holding each other tight as the rubbed their crotches together.
Allie’s panties were soaked with pre-ejaculate as was the front of Bobbie’s yoga pants. They moaned into each other’s mouths as they clung to each other, pressing their cocks against each other’s, circling, gyrating and rutting. Allie tightened her legs around Bobbie’s body and thrust upward as her creamy load expressed from her trapped organ. The intensity of the delicious feelings radiating from her crotch was indescribably wonderful.
Bobbie felt Allie’s warm, slick glutinous secretions soak into her tights and she ejaculated in turn. Their two cocks were pressed tightly, juddering and pulsing as the two gorgeous women ejaculated on each other. They were both overcome with the intensity of it. They held each other tight, kissing, grinding and mewing into each other mouths as they spent themselves.
“Well that was a surprise,” Allie still had her legs wrapped around Bobbie’s waist but the frantic thrusting and ceased.
The warm, slippery wetness in their crotches felt oddly pleasant and the piquant musk of semen filled the air.
“Allie brushed Bobbie’s bangs out of her emerald green eyes and she smiled up at her and kissed her softly.
Bobbie gazed down into Allie’s big blue eyes and smiled.
“It just happened,” Bobbie blushed.
“I think it’s something we both needed,” Allie replied.
Bobbie nodded and rested her head on Allie’s shoulder seeking comfort after their frenzied frottage.
Allie wrapped her arms around Bobbie and held her close.
“I think we better get cleaned up before Randy returns from his errand,” Allie smiled and struggled to extract herself from underneath Bobbie.
Bobbie climbed off the couch, careful not to let any of the semen clinging to the front of her yoga pants drip onto the fabric. They each padded away to their respective bedrooms and cleaned up in the ensuite bathrooms. Allie changed her pantyhose and panties, mercifully her skirt had survived the tryst unscathed so she could still wear it. It might look suspicious if both she and Bobbie had both changed when Randy returned. She freshened her makeup and padded into Bobbie’s room.
Bobbie had also changed her pantyhose. She hadn't been wearing panties but her yoga pants were in no fit state to wear. Allie saw that Bobbie had rinsed out the tights and they were hanging from the pull-out clothes line over the bath. Bobbie was seated in front of the vanity fixing her makeup. She had changed into a red leather skirt and a black lace-topped tank-top.
Allie approached Bobbie and stood behind her, watching Bobbie finish her makeup and brush out her long black hair.
“Some people only change on the outside. But you’ve also changed on the inside. You gotta go through a special kind of hell or a special kind of love to change who you are on the inside,” Allie said.
“You’ve gone through both. Don’t ever forget that you are special,” Allie leaned down and kissed the top of Bobbie’s head and walked away.
Bobbie’s emotions were in turmoil but she felt better. She felt validated and she felt free. She heard the murmur of voices coming from the suite indicating that Randy had returned. Bobbie came out to join them.
“You look nice,” he commented noticing Bobbie’s change of clothes.
If Randy suspected anything he didn’t say anything.
“Bobbie and I are going out on the balcony to smoke and then we’re going shopping,” Allie snatched up the cigarettes that Randy had placed on the kitchenette counter.
“Yes ma’am. At your service. I’ll drive but I’ll wait in the car while you shop if you don’t mind,” Randy grinned.
“You normally like helping me pick out my lingerie,” Allie teased and Randy blushed.
“I’ll leave you girls to it and listen to a podcast,” Randy replied sheepishly.
To say that Bobbie was nervous was to put it mildly. During her time in Brentwood she had learned to walk and speak like a woman and used womanly gestures and mannerisms and she was virtually unclockable but she had never presented herself to the outside world.
Bobbie was excited but terrified. She knew that if she wanted to live her life how she wanted to live it she would need to get over her fear quickly.
“Everyone is looking at me,” Bobbie whispered into Allie’s ear, almost clinging to her as they stood in the middle of the galleria.
“Honey, we are two tall, stunning, beautiful women, with great hair, prefect makeup, tidy figures, great asses and we’re wearing short skirts and heels. The men are leering and the women are jealous. Take a look around,” Allie patted Bobbie’s arm and then unhooked it.
Allie was right. Most of the women their age were wearing track pants, jeans, khakis, shift dresses, very much dull and unfashionable ‘comfortable clothing’. To be fair some of the women were dressed in stylish clothing and they too attracted the roving eyes of the male mall walkers.
Bobbie took a deep breath and tried to relax.
“We need to get you a suitable wardrobe. Most of the clothing you brought from Brentwood is eveningwear and you can’t wear high heels everywhere. My treat,” Allie smiled and held out her black Visa card.
Bobbie had money in Robert Valentines account but she couldn’t touch it. Being a fugitive it was likely that Robert’s bank account was being monitored by law enforcement. Bobbie and Allie assumed that Bobbie’s so called murder had not been reported to the authorities, there was no way the Siceressos or the warden and the COs who had witnessed the crime were going to incriminate themselves. Robert was considered dead and disposed of by the Siceressos and to be a probation absconder by law enforcement.
Bobbie soon forgot about whether or not she was being stared at as she and Allie went on a shopping spree and they returned to the car with two shopping trolleys filled with clothes, shoes and accessories. Randy loaded everything into the trunk and they drove back to the Astoria with Bobbie and Allie chattering away excitedly in the back seat while Randy drove with his airbuds in place listening to his podcast.
With the Siceressos locked up they were free to leave their hotel room and the three of them ate a sumptuous meal in the restaurant then retired early for the four hour drive to Miami the next day. They arrived at the Dream Palace located on Ocean Drive, South Beach in the early afternoon.
As promised, on her release Allie had been rewarded for her services in Seg and had been installed as the host of the drag show at the Dream Palace. To her surprise she found out when she arrived that Tony had reserved one of the two top-floor apartments above the nightclub and restaurant for her. The other apartment was occupied by the manager, a cis woman named Betty Underwood who advised Allie that she was to be her understudy and when Betty was confident she was to handover her managerial duties to Allie.
Allie took some time off to undergo breast augmentation surgery and a tracheal shave and then threw herself into the job understudying Betty and performing in the drag show in the evenings as host. With Tony’s blessing Betty had handed over the managerial position to Allie after eight months and moved back to Atlanta to manage another of the Siceresso’s nightclubs.
“You have done really well for yourself,” Bobbie said as she surveyed Allie’s luxury apartment.
“I have another surprise for you. I terminated the lease on the adjoining apartment and it’s all yours,” Allie smiled at Bobbie who squealed with delight and gave Allie a hug.
Once Bobbie was installed in her apartment there was work to done establishing Barbara Southland’s identity. Bobbie met with one of Tony’s operatives who greased the wheels and accompanied Bobbie to an office of the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles out of hours where she was photographed and issued a driver’s licence in the name of Barbara Southland using the details on the birth certificate.
She asked the operative who insisted on being called ‘Mr Smith’, if he had heard anything from Tony.
“Tony arranged for this a few months ago and paid up front, all through Allie. I don’t know where he is and I don’t want to know. Take care toots and good luck,” Mr Smith said when he dropped Bobbie back at the Dream Palace.
Bobbie never saw Mr Smith again but now she had a valid birth certificate and driver’s licence. She was in the system and able to apply online for a social security number and then open a bank account. Being an excellent fraudster and embezzler in a previous life Bobbie was able to transfer all of Robert Valentine’s savings into Barbara Southland’s bank account without leaving a trace. With a substantial bank balance she was able to apply for a credit card.
During this period Bobbie checked into a private clinic and had breast augmentation surgery and a tracheal shave. She considered taking hormones but decided that it was something she might decide on later. She had very little body hair and had a series of laser treatments to permanently remove her facial hair. She was happy to just pluck any rogue hairs as they appeared and enjoyed still being able to generate a healthy turgid erection.
“Did you ever consider getting bottom surgery?” Bobbie asked Allie as they sat in the elegantly styled waiting room pending admittance for Bobbie’s breasts augmentation surgery.
“Nope, never did. I’m happy with my body as it is now and the option is always there,” Allie replied.
“Being a transgender woman is a lot of different things to different people. Not all trans women are on hormones and only a small percentage actually have bottom surgery. People can have whatever genitals regardless of their gender,” Allie continued.
“I'm a woman with a dick and I like having a dick. I don't really want a vagina. That doesn't make me less of a woman,” Allie squeezed Bobbie’s hand reassuringly.
This wasn’t the first time they had had this conversation but Allie understood where Bobbie was coming from. It had taken Bobbie quite a while until she was confident enough to go out in public on her own but Allie had watched Bobbie blossom into a beautiful, confident woman.
The only thing Bobbie was missing in her life was a partner and Bobbie pined for Tony Siceresso from whom both Allie and Bobbie had heard nothing. He was still in protective custody, securely squirreled away incommunicado while the Siceresso trial was looming. They had been following the case and it turned out that Warden Marissa Mellowship had made a plea deal and would also be testifying.
Tig Hansen had not been confined in a maximum security facility because he was not considered to be as important as the four crime bosses. He’d been assassinated in the prison shower block and there was speculation as to whether it was by the order of the Siceressos or by a rival crime organisation that was moving into the void left when the Siceressos criminal empire crumbled.
Allie employed Bobbie as the assistant manager at the Dream Palace and with her financial acumen she took over the books and advised Allie how she could make the club more profitable. Bobbie bought a nice car, decorated her apartment and settled into life in Miami and finally felt like the woman she had always wanted to be ever since she had made the decision that had altered her life so drastically. She sometimes wondered about her daughter Charlotte and occasionally about Mandy but never about Robert. After she had stripped his bank account he no longer existed as far as she was concerned.
When the Siceresso trial came to court it was all over the media. Their takeover of Wakefield Services and the building of their ‘La Catedral’ inside of Bentwood Correctional Facility were sensationalised and attracted the most coverage. The inmates in D Wing all claimed ignorance of Seg’s existence and nobody mentioned the ‘prison dolls’. It was in nobody’s interests to do so.
The FBI then presented evidence proving that the Siceressos had maintained control of their criminal empire from inside the prison. Under the RICO act all of their illegal assets had been seized and the crime bosses sold off their legal businesses to pay for their defence. The two key prosecution witnesses, Tony Siceresso and Marissa Mellowship spent days on the stand giving evidence and being grilled by the defence counsellors. Marissa Mellowship also gave up the identities of the key personnel in Wakefield Services who were complicit with the Siceressos and she also coughed up the names of her superiors in the DoC who had manipulated the system to allow the Siceressos to transfer to the minimum security facility.
Investigations were continuing into other government and judicial officials who were believed to be complicit. They were all busy covering their asses and shifting blame.
When the trial was finally over Sal Siceresso, Petey Gruffalo, Joey Malzone, and Mike Giacomo were given a life sentence without the possibility of parole to be served in the federal ‘supermax’ ADX Florence. Marissa Mellowship was put into Witsec waiting to appear in court when the cases against the other conspirators came to trial.
Tony Siceresso was offered the opportunity to join the Witness Protection Program.
All Bobbie new was that the trial was over and she hoped to hear from Tony soon but neither she nor Allie heard a thing. Tony remained incommunicado and they were both wondering if they would ever see Tony again.
Bobbie continued to help Allie manage the Dream Palace but Bobbie was becoming despondent. She wondered if she why Tony hadn't contacted her. Maybe he had entered Witsec full-time and was living far away under another name, making a new life for himself.
She envied Allie’s relationship with Randy Middleton. Randy adored Allie and he was seldom far away from her and Bobbie could tell that Allie loved Randy. Bobbie knew that being jealous was churlish but she ached for Tony. She wanted to feel what it was like to be with a man now that she had completed her transition.
Since the unexpected serendipitous encounter with Allie on the couch in Orlando, Bobbie had been celibate. She and Allie had agreed their two sexual encounters had been gratifying and that they loved each other but that they didn’t love each other in that way and having a sexual relationship as well as a friendship and a business relationship was not prudent.
In the evenings she often frequented the Dream Palace conveniently located below her apartment. It was a popular venue with the lunch and dinner crowd and after dinner it was frequented by gay men who came to see the drag show. A smattering of tourists also came for the show along with rowdy crowds of young women attending bachelorette parties. As much as Bobbie enjoyed the show and the festivities their merriment tended to remind Bobbie that she was missing physical contact.
She started drinking a little too much and one night she was approached by a handsome tourist. He was tall, lean and confident and reminded Bobbie of Tony.
“Hello pretty lady,” the man smiled at her.
His teeth seemed impossibly white on his tanned face. He slipped into the booth beside her uninvited.
It was not the first time Bobbie had been hit on and she usually sent the would be lotharios packing but Bobbie was nursing her fourth double JD of the night and was feeling exceptionally lonely despite the nightclub being crowded to overflowing.
“I’m Dale, down from New York for the long weekend,” he said by way of introduction.
“Hello Dale from New York, I’m Bobbie and this is my club,” Bobbie replied dryly.
“Your club! I’m impressed,” Dale smiled again, not taking the hint.
“Well I’m the assistant manager if you want to get technical,” Bobbie replied, spinning her glass around on the table to indicate her disinterest.
“Can I get you another?” Dale pointed at her glass, empty except for the ice cubes.
“I drink for free Dale. Like I said this is my club,” Bobbie tried to brush him off but she had to admit she admired his tenacity.
“Well why don’t you buy me one then?” Dale hailed a waiter.
In the evening the Dream Palace used gay servers who doubled as go-go dancers in the club. They were all young, fit and handsome and wore tight little shorts and sleeveless shirts worn open. They were very popular with the bachelorette brigade who tipped them handsomely to play up to the budding bride. A server who went by the name of Derek came over to the booth.
“I’ll have what she’s having,” Dale said, laughing at his quip from the film When Harry Met Sally.
“And get the lady one too,” Dale added.
“Is this guy bothering you Ms Southland?” Derek ignored the would-be lothario.
Dale sized up Derek and decided that Derek would likely kick his ass if they got into it. Dale was gym fit but Derek had the muscled tone of a dancer and fighter.
“I’m sorry Bobbie. I’ll leave you in peace,” Dale made to leave the booth but Bobbie reached out and gripped his wrist.
“It’s ok Derek. Get the man his drink and I’ll have another double,” Bobbie smiled at the server.
The servers at the club were very protective of the drag queens and of Allie and Bobbie. When the crowd got rowdy the customers sometimes overstepped the mark and while the drag queens were happy to get tipped for having their pictures taken with drunken bachelorettes and tourists they did not like to be touched. They especially did not like being groped by tranny chasers, unless of course the attraction was reciprocated.
“I’ll be right back with your drinks,” Derek smiled at Bobbie and glared at Dale.
“The staff here look after the performers and look out for each other. Derek probably thinks that you’re hitting on me,” Bobbie explained.
“How do you know I’m not hitting on you?” Dale sidled along the bench and sat closer to Bobbie.
“Oh, I know you are but I’ll be up front with you. You aren’t going to get inside my panties and if you did you would be surprised at what you found,” Bobbie said dryly.
Dale looked confused.
“I’m a transgender woman you idiot,” Bobbie sounded exasperated.
Dale looked even more confused for a second or two and then realisation crossed his face. Derek returned and placed their drinks on the table and left.
“If you use the words tranny, ladyboy, transsexual or shemale you’re going to wear that drink. If you think all trannies are cock hounds you better think again because you’re not getting lucky tonight, at least not with me. If you want to stay and watch the show and chat you’re welcome to do so,” Bobbie used the term tranny with immunity because it had been reappropriated by the trans community.
Dale settled down and watched the show. There were four drag queens performing that night and they did a cabaret act, solo performances and stand-up comedy. After the show the drag queens mingled in the crowd hunting down tips. Dale was mesmerised by the performance but he was also intrigued by Bobbie.
“How can you live in New York and have not seen a drag show or met a transgender woman?” Bobbie asked.
“I live a sheltered existence I guess,” Dale blushed and Bobbie became immediately suspicious.
“So is your wife with you here in Miami or is she back in New York?” Bobbie asked and Dale’s blush deepened.
“I can see the tan line on your finger where you’ve taken off your wedding ring,” Bobbie pointed to Dale’s left hand.
“Ok, you got me. I’m down here on business and I took the opportunity to go clubbing. I didn’t know Dream Girls was a gay nightclub,” Dale admitted.
“That guy over there at the bar, those two in the corner and that guy over there with Contessa Divine sitting in his lap are straight. Contessa’s real name is Steve and he works at a health spa during the day but the guy whose lap she’s sitting on doesn't care. To him she’s a beautiful woman who just happens to have dick,” Bobbie chuckled.
“So he’s what you call a tranny chaser?” Dale scooted even closer to Bobbie.
“Yes Dale. Are you a tranny chaser Dale?” Bobbie looked him square in the eyes.
“I don’t know. All I can say is that I find you very attractive and I’m beguiled by you,” Dale admitted.
He placed his hand on Bobbie’s leg under that table. Bobbie was wearing a sequinned cocktail dress and showing a lot of leg and décolletage. She considered removing Dale’s hand but she was more than a little intoxicated, lonely and amused by this married Lothario. She let him leave his hand there for now.
“Thanks for the compliment Dale but I’m used to being hit on by guys like you,” Bobbie replied.
“But you haven’t moved my hand,” Dale whispered in her ear.
“No I haven’t,” Bobbie dropped her hand in Dale’s crotch and was amused when he squirmed a little.
She decided to play things out and see where they went.
Dale leaned in and tried to kiss her but Bobbie shook him off.
“I don’t want my employees seeing me pick up strange men in my own club,” Bobbie said but she smiled at him and found his semi-hard cock in his pants and gave it a squeeze.
Dale slid his hand under Bobbi’s dress and stroked her thighs.
“I love a woman who wears pantyhose, my wife hardly ever wears them anymore,” Dale whispered.
“I don’t wanna hear about your wife Dale. You're convenient because you're married and from out of town so there are no complications and you’ve caught me drunk and lonely but don’t push it,” Bobbie reprimanded him.
Dale’s response was to drift his fingers further up Bobbie’s thigh and stroke the front of her panties. She saw the look of bewilderment on his face when he found that there was only a satin-shrouded Vee with no discernible lump.
“It’s tucked away you idiot. You saw the drag queens on stage. We have a magical way of making our penises disappear,” she jibed.
“I don’t get it,” Dale stroked her legs and the front panel of her panties, obviously excited because Bobbie could feel his cock harden to her touch.
“I don’t think you are going to get it Dale. I take it you’re not going to invite me back to your hotel room and I’m definitely not taking you up to my room,” Bobbie squeezed his cock to tease him.
He blushed again and looked guilty.
“I’m travelling with business colleagues and if they saw a woman entering or leaving my room I’d be fucked,” Dale admitted.
“Then it looks like you're not going to be fucked Dale,” Bobbie chuckled.
“God I want you so bad,” Dale continued to grope her under the table and Bobbie stroked his hard cock through his pants.
If Bobbie wasn’t so drunk and lonely it would have ended there. Just a bit of playful banter with a stranger but Bobbie was horny and her defences were down.
“Go for a piss Dale and when you leave the restroom turn right instead of left. Make sure no one sees you and go to the first office you come to with the sign ‘business manager’ on the door. I’ll wait for you inside,” Bobbie made her proposition and saw Dale considering the consequences of his actions if he were to take Bobbie up on her offer.
“I’ll wait for ten minutes. If you don’t come in I’ll just go upstairs to bed, no harm done. Your choice,” Bobbie gave Dale’s cock a final squeeze and extricated herself out of the booth, her dress riding up showing off her legs and ass as she did so.
The sight of those firm thighs clad in lustrous hose and her tidy ass swathed in black satin tipped the balance and Dale wondered off to find the john. Bobbie stopped at the bar briefly and said goodnight to the duty manager and popped out the back door as if she was heading up to her room.
Her head was swimming and she knew what she was doing was probably stupid but she was feeling more than a little concupiscent. Allie was out on the town with Randy and wouldn’t be back for hours so it was an opportunity for Bobbie to have a little fun without consequences.
She slipped into her office and closed the door. Her office was dark, the only light coming from the screen of her laptop on the desk. A few minutes later the door opened and Dale slipped inside. He was breathing heavily and very nervous.
“Are you in here?” Dale whispered.
“Over here near the desk,” Bobbie giggled.
What Bobbie was doing was stupid and dangerous and he knew it but it was very naughty and Bobbie was excited.
Dale stumbled around in the dark until he could make out Bobbie’s shape in the gloom. He followed the trail of Dior Poison she had left in her wake and sidled up to her. He was nervous until Bobbie pulled him into her arms and kissed him passionately.
Dale groped Bobbie, squeezing her breasts through her dress as his rained down sloppy kisses on her. He tried to get Bobbie out of her dress but Bobbie stopped him.
“We don’t have time to undress honey we need to be quick,” Bobbie gasped into Dale’s mouth.
Dale had no issue with that and slipped his hands under her dress and grabbed Bobbie’s ass and pulled her close to him and ground his cock against her. Bobbie squeezed her hand between their bodies and unzipped Dale’s pants and found him hot and hard when she freed his cock from his underpants. For a big-talker he had a disappointingly small cock but it was hard and ready and that's all Bobbie wanted right now.
“Over here,” Bobbie led Dale to her desk and dropped to her knees.
She took Dale in her mouth and found his cock pleasantly clean and leaking precum which she licked up with relish. She flicked her tongue along his shaft and circled his glans with the tip of her tongue listening to Dale moaning in the dark. Bobbie was hot too and she freed her cock from between her legs and pulled down her panties and pantyhose so could stroke it to full tumescence.
Bobbie felt like a harlot, kneeing on the carpet in her sparkly cocktail dress fellating a stranger while she stroked her hard cock. She felt Dale’s cock begin to quiver and realised that if she wasn’t careful she was about to get a mouthful of spunk.
Bobbie spat out Dale’s cock and got to her feet. She bent over the desk and wiggled her buttocks invitingly.
“What do I do?” Dale was bemused.
“Get behind me you idiot,” Bobbie was becoming frustrated with this married boob but she was horny and she wanted relief.
Dale slipped in behind her and jabbed his cock between her buttocks. The idiot was pushing his cock into the place where her cunt would be if she had one and Bobbie reached behind and steered his cock to her puckered bud.
“Just push honey,” Bobbie whispered.
Dale gripped Bobbie’s hips and did as he had been instructed. His small appendage slipped inside Bobbie’s anus right up the hilt and Bobbie breathed a sigh of gratification as his pubis slammed into her buttocks and the head of his cock just managed to press on her prostate.
“Oh Jesus!” Dale hissed as Bobbie’s tight sphincter opened and his cock was enveloped by her snug tunnel.
“Oh God!” Dale began to ejaculate almost immediately, holding Bobbie tight against him, driving his cock all the way inside her.
Bobbie pushed back against him and wriggled her buttocks appreciatively while she stroked her throbbing cock viciously, attempting to cum right along with him.
She took Dale’s hand and guided it to her erect penis but as soon as he touched it he whipped his hand away as if he had been bitten. He put it back on Bobbie’s hip and fucked her hard and fast as freshets of hot jism erupted from his juddering organ.
Bobbie felt him hammering away at her asshole and although Dale was far from the best fuck she had ever experienced he was adequate enough and he triggered her orgasm and she spattered her seed on the desk and the carpet.
It was over in a matter of minutes and Dale clung to Bobbie until he was finished cumming and then he whipped his cock out of her anus and stuffed it in his pants. He hurriedly adjusted his clothing saying nothing to Bobbie. Now that he had fucked her wanted nothing to do with her and that suited Bobbie right down to the ground. She felt the same way. She stood with her legs apart, Dale’s spend running out of her ass while Dale beat a hasty retreat.
Bobbie took a handful of tissues off the desktop dispenser and cleaned up. She warily climbed the back stairs to her apartment, ripped off her clothes and fell on the bed and was almost immediately asleep.
The next day she felt guilty and remorseful and she never said a word about the encounter to Allie. She couldn’t keep going like this. She needed to get her life in order.
Bobbie was a creature of habit, conditioned during her training in Brentwood. Every morning she douched before she did her makeup and dressed although she had no intention of having sex. She guessed it was like women in a sexless marriage, or women who had given up dating who still took the pill.
Bobbie had just finished dressing for work and was brushing her hair one morning. It was nearly a year since she had been released from Brentwood. Bobbie liked to dress professionally in her role as assistant manager and was wearing a burgundy skirt-suit, a white satin blouse, tan pantyhose and black high heels.
She was in the bedroom brushing her hair in the vanity mirror when she heard the door to her apartment open and at first she thought it was Allie and was about to chide her for not knocking and then she realised that a man had entered her apartment. He had his back to her and appeared to be looking around the apartment. He was square-shouldered and had thick black hair, an olive complexion and was wearing an expensive looking suit. Not your typical burglar.
Bobbie became alarmed. Her cell phone was in the kitchen so she reached for the handset on her bedside table with the intention of dialling 911 when the man turned around to face her.
Her heart felt like it had stopped beating when she recognised the handsome man who was standing at the doorway grinning at her like cat that had ate the canary.
“You look beautiful,” Tony whispered, his eyes taking in everything about her.
He rushed into the room and took Bobbie in his arms and kissed her so passionately that Bobbie was breathless. When he finally broke the kiss Bobbie took a deep breath and spoke.
“You asshole!” she hissed.
Tony looked stunned.
“What?” he was confused by Bobbie’s reaction.
“I haven’t heard from you for nearly a year and you walk in here like nothing has happened,” Bobbie said indignantly.
“I was in Witsec. I wasn’t allowed to tell anyone where I was or even communicate. Those Feebs were up my ass and until I testified they never really trusted me,” Tony said defensively.
“I never knew if you were coming to see me. When you told me about your brother’s plan to kill me I went along with the ruse you devised to save my life but you never said what would happen to me after I was out,” Bobbie hated the whininess of her voice but she was angry.
“It was best you didn’t know. It was to protect us both. Until they put Sal, Petey, Joey and Mike behind bars permanently we would never be safe,” Tony still held Bobbie in his arms and was enraptured by her beauty.
“I made sure you would be looked after until I was free didn’t I?” Tony gave her his killer smile and Bobbie’s heart began to melt.
Tony didn’t give Bobbie time to answer. He pressed his lips to hers and pulled her tighter against him. Bobbie could feel his need, feel the passion in his kisses, feel the adoration in the way he held her tightly against him, feel the lust in the bulge in his trousers which was pressing into her belly.
Bobbie felt her lust awaken like a sleeping dragon and she pawed at Tony, ripping off his jacket and unbuttoning his shirt while he did the same to her. When Tony opened Bobbie’s blouse and discovered her creamy white bosom he was spellbound. Bobbie’s breasts were rounded, shapely and perky. She had resisted the temptation of having huge implants when she had her surgery; she did not want to look like a ‘shemale’ porn star. Her breasts were perfectly proportioned.
Tony tentatively cupped Bobbie’s breasts and she gasped when he stroked her nipples. It was the first time they had been fondled by anyone but herself and the feeling was wonderful. Her nipples hardened and she felt circlets of pleasure proliferate from her creamy globes. She pushed her hands inside Tony’s shirt raked her nails across his chest, then up to his broad burly shoulders and then she intertwined her fingers behind his neck.
Tony hefted Bobbie's breasts in his hands, amazed at their cushiony softness. He felt her nipples become erect as he teased them. At first he gently circled them with his fingertips, then he thrummed the pliable nubbins and each time he did Bobbie mewed. He began to tweak them and Bobbie purred like kitten into his mouth as their kisses became more impassioned.
The two lovers yearned for each other, foreplay could wait, they both wanted to copulate. Bobbie was becoming uncomfortably erect and she put her hand under her skirt and freed her penis from between her legs. It sprang forward, still confined by her pantyhose and panties but it tented her skirt.
Tony could feel the lump of it pressing into him just as Bobbie could feel Tony's cock pressing into her body. She squeezed Tony’s cock through his trousers and then she fumbled with his zipper and freed the turgid appendage and took it in her hand. Tony sighed and mashed his lips harder against Bobbie’s.
He slipped a hand under her skirt and squeezed Bobbie’s penis through her panties. He could feel that the front of her panties were wet with precum. Bobbie yanked at Tony’s belt and the button on the waistband of his pants and they dropped around his ankles.
Tony hiked up Bobbie’s skirt and pushed her down on the bed, their need had become raw animal lust and they pawed at each other. Bobbie gripped Tony’s throbbing phallus and yanked on it, feeling the constant dribble of precum on her fingers. Tony palmed Bobbie’s erect penis, rubbing her silky panties against the gusset of her sheer-to-the-waist pantyhose encasing her tumescent organ.
He lay on top of her and pressed his cock against hers, humping her through her panties, his hands returned to her breasts and he stroked her nipples until Bobbie screamed silently into his mouth. The feel of Tony’s hard, veiny phallus rubbing on her sensitive cock was overwhelmingly delightful, the satin and nylon eliciting scintillating sparklets of enchantment in them both.
Bobbie lifted her legs, exposing her buttocks, clinging to Tony, offering herself to him, her need a fire in her belly. She guided Tony’s engorged manhood inside her panties and nestled it in the crack of her buttocks. She was ready to be fucked and desperate for Tony to put himself inside her so that she could feel the interconnection that could only be expressed through coitus.
Tony rubbed his glans in the crease of Bobbie’s buttocks, relishing the feel of her silky pantyhose on his bloated appendage. It was like satin-winged butterflies were fluttering against his cock. Bobbie was becoming impatient and she took him in hand and guided the head of his penis into her puckered bud. His cock was leaking a continual torrent of precum and she hoped that it would be enough to ease the passage of his big cock inside her. To be honest she didn’t care. She just wanted to feel Tony’s steely rod stretch her open.
“Push goddammit!” Bobbie lifted her ass higher off the bed and locked her ankles behind Tony’s back.
Tony pushed hard, his cock stretching the gauzy fabric of Bobbie’s pantyhose until it ripped open and his cock slammed into Bobbie’s anus all the way.
Bobbie suppressed a shriek as her tight asshole was rent open by Tony’s huge, hard cock. Tony sensed Bobbie shudder and felt her gasp into his mouth and despite his need he lay still, letting her anus get used to his steely rod. He kissed her gently and stroked her cheek. The feel of her breasts against his chest was comforting and sensual; a new experience but one he was delighted with. His cock was leaking a continuous flow of pre-ejaculate which lubricated Bobbie’s tight channel.
Bobbie had forgotten what it was like to have Tony’s huge penis inside her. Her anus was like a scabbard for his sword. Her anal sheath was where his manhood belonged.
“Now,” Bobbie whispered and dug her heels into his back, encouraging Tony to fuck her.
Tony pressed his lips against Bobbie’s and slipped his tongue inside her mouth as he began to slowly fuck her. He ensured his belly pressed against her hard cock lying flat against her body shrouded in the soft, satiny fabric of her panties and pantyhose. He drove his cock all the way inside her until his scrotum slapped against her taint then he slowly withdrew and did it again.
He forgot how tight and plaint Bobbie's anus was, her rectum squeezed his turgid cock and her sphincter clenched tight around the base of it when he was fully inside her. Bobbie felt gratifyingly full as heavenly waves of carnal pleasure radiated from her anus, her cock was tingling with sublime sensations as Tony pressed his hard belly against it as he thrust in and out of her.
Tony pinned Bobbie to the bed and jackhammered his cock in out of Bobbie’s tight hole as she writhed and mewled underneath him. She bit his lip and raked her nails down his back encouraging him to go harder and faster, she drummed her heels against him, coaxing him.
Tony gripped Bobbie’s shoulders and pounded away at her, kissing her, holding her close, feeling her hard cock against his belly and her anus contracting around his cock, driving him toward climax.
They came together, Tony’s cock fully-engorged and quivering as it spewed forth his issue. His ejaculate flooded Bobbie’s anus and she screamed into his mouth as she came right along him. He felt her scalding emissions burst through the silken trap of her panties and hose and warm his belly, her hot viscous essence smearing his flesh. His cock was so hard that it was almost painful as it juddered deep inside Bobbie’s anus ejaculating stream after stream of hot glutinous semen.
They clung to each other, pressing their bodies together; their lips locked together, their tongues intertwined as they relished the carnality.
When they were finally spent Tony rolled off Bobbie and took off her heels, blouse and skirt while she took off his pants and shirt. When he was naked, Tony pulled Bobbie under the covers, leaving on her panties and pantyhose because he loved the feel of the gossamer garments against his flesh. They began to kiss and stroke at each other tenderly. Their initial need was sated but their desire for each other was still a burning a flame and this time they took their time and made love to each other rather than just fuck.
Unbeknownst to them the front door opened and Allie walked into Bobbie’s apartment. She heard movement from Bobbie’s bedroom and suspected that Bobbie had tied one on last night and was running late for work. She stuck her head around the bedroom door.
“Hey girl, are you coming to work today or… whoa! Guess I’ll come back later,” Allie caught a glimpse of Bobbie lying on her back with her feet in the air and Tony Siceresso between her legs humping away.
Bobbie and Tony lay on their backs, their desire sated. Their fingers were intertwined beneath the sheets because neither could stand not touching the other.
“What now?” Bobbie asked.
“We stay in bed all day and then we go to out to dinner tonight with Allie and her beau,” Tony reached for his pants to fish out his cigarettes and lighter.
Bobby had a thousand questions but for now she was just content to have Tony beside her in her bed.
“You don’t seem surprised to see me,” Tony stood up and kissed Allie’s cheek and shook Randy Middleton’s hand and introduced himself.
They were at a very nice restaurant and Tony was behaving as if he didn’t have a care in the world.
“I saw you earlier today but I saw you were busy so I didn’t want to disturb you,” Allie gave Bobbie a knowing grin and Bobbie blushed.
Tony told them all about being sequestered in Witsec until after the trial and explained that he had some waters to smooth and arrangements to make before he could return to Miami.
“So the gist of it is I’m free and clear. The Feebs and GBI gave me a free pass and the guys in New York and the Dixie Mafia have made business arrangements with some of the old guys who used to be in the Siceresso crew. I’m out of it and I’m going legit,” Tony glanced around to make sure he wasn’t being overheard.
“I own another nightclub, two restaurants and a hotel that Feebs can’t touch because they are legitimate business and I still have the Dream Palace,” Tony explained.
“The Dream Place is yours Allie,” Tony produced a document and placed it on the table.
Allie read the deed of ownership and squealed with delight when she saw her name on it.
“And? What about us?” Bobbie nudged him.
Bobbie had been trying to get Tony to tell her what the future held for them all day but Tony refused to tell. He just teased her telling her everything would soon be revealed.
“You and I are going to live together in the penthouse suite of my hotel and you are going to help me manage my businesses,” Tony said smugly.
“And why am going to do that?” Bobbie smiled coyly.
“Because you love me, and I love you. I love you with all my heart,” Tony turned to Bobbie and kissed her.
Allie smiled and squeezed Randy’s hand.
“I love a happy ending,” Allie whispered into Randy’s ear.
Mandy and Charlotte sat at a table outside a trendy coffee shop in Buckhead Village. The day was bright and clear but there was a chill in the air reminding them that winters in Atlanta can be just as cold as anywhere else. They wore woollen skirts, winter tights, boots and scarves and were comfortably warm, sipping hot chocolate while they talked.
Charlotte was pregnant and most of their banter was about the new baby but they both scanned the crowd and looked up expectantly whenever a man approached the coffee shop.
Mandy had married her divorcee and was now Mandy Shrivington and lived in a nice house not far from the mall. Charlotte had married her college beau but had still completed her management degree majoring in digital marketing. Charlotte and her husband ran a small business specialising in copywriting, graphic design, and web development. The business was flourishing and Charlotte and her husband lived comfortably.
They seldom spoke about Charlotte’s father and had put that part of their lives behind them. They were both surprised when they received an email sent from Robert Valentine's old email account requesting to meet them both on neutral ground so to speak. They had debated whether or not to agree to the meeting but in the end they had acquiesced. Charlotte wanted closure and Mandy had to admit that she was curious about what had become of her former husband. Neither of them wanted him back in their lives.
A woman approached the coffee shop walking gracefully but purposely. She was wearing an expensive faux fur coat open at the front to reveal a designer burgundy silk dress cut to flaunt her figure. She was tall, narrow shouldered, small-breasted, wide-hipped with an hourglass figure and long legs clad in opaque black tights and her red-soled Louboutin heels click-clacked on the pavement. As she got closer they could see that her face was stunning, her makeup impeccably applied to a perfectly symmetrical face and accentuated her large green eyes, slender nose, pronounced cheekbones and plump lips. Her visage was framed by glossy, shoulder-length jet-black hair.
The woman looked like a mature-aged model and both Mandy and Charlotte disliked her on sight. She looked like she had stepped off the set of one of the Real Housewives franchises.
They were both surprised when the woman made a beeline toward their table and sat down across from them.
Mandy and Charlotte looked at each other quizzically then at the woman sitting across from them
“You're sitting at the wrong table,” Charlotte said making no attempt to hide her contempt for this Buckhead Betty.
“Oh, I don’t think so,” the woman smiled at them both, her voice a sultry feminine rasp.
Mandy dropped her mug on the table, hot chocolate spilling over brim.
“Robert?” she gasped.
“I used to be. Now I’m Bobbie,” the woman replied.
“Daddy?” Charlotte sat open-mouthed, staring at the woman.
Bobbie just raised her brows and smiled.
“What happened to you?” Mandy was finally able to get over the shock.
“I can’t tell you all of it but I’ll tell you what I can. I think we all deserve closure,” Bobbie hooked a red-painted fingernail towards the waitress and ordered a caffè latte and two more hot chocolates.
The End
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Brilliant work as always.
Brilliant work as always.
I Should Have Trusted You
I thought you had finished the story. I'm very glad that you hadn't.
Another excellent one, Michele.
All’s well that ends well
Hopefully some more Bobbie Southland. I sure hope Tony is truly free and clear and that Mandy and Charlotte don’t blab. Life on the run isn’t fun.