Diary of a Prostitute

Diary Edited.jpg

Author’s Note I wrote this story out of whimsy as a stocking-filler while I took a break from writing my latest Penelope Bishop and Jennifer Jones (Strange Bedfellows, Supergirls and Stupid Men) opus which I am finding difficult to finish. It is a vignette of a day in the life of a married couple who turn to prostitution to supplement their income and spice up their marriage.

Diary of a Prostitute

Jordan looked at herself critically in the mirror. Her makeup was ostentatious; loud and sluttish. She had gone heavy on the black eyeliner and mascara and used flamboyant eyeshadow, rouged her cheeks to highlight her perfect cheekbones and painted her plump lips with vibrant red lipstick. Her beautiful face was framed by jet-black bangs.

“Perfect,” she smiled at her reflection.

She looked like a whore. But then again she was supposed to. She was a whore.

She took a sip of Johnnie Walker Blue Label whisky leaving an impression of her lips on the glass despite her lipstick being advertised as colourfast. The whisky was just to take the edge off, she didn’t need Dutch courage. Jordan had been a prostitute for long enough that she did not need alcohol to settle her nerves. She did not use drugs.

She checked her appointments calendar in her phone. Her first trick would be arriving in thirty minutes.

Jordan had laid out the clothing she would be wearing this evening on the bed and put away the small suitcase in which she carried the ensemble and hung the clothing she had worn to the hotel in the wardrobe. She didn’t want any evidence of her mundania to spoil any of her johns experience or remind them of her everyday existence. She was supposed to be their fantasy girl after all.

She removed the bathrobe and checked herself in the mirrored doors of the wardrobe and was pleased with what she saw. Her body was trim, her legs long and her ass rounded. At her age, diet and exercise were essential in keeping her figure.

The bathrobe was hung on the back of the bathroom door ready to be used again when needed; it was time to get busy if she was to be ready when her first john arrived.

She stepped into a black satin suspender belt, trimmed with red lace and cinched it around her waist, the garters dangled provocatively down her flawless alabaster thighs. She had already opened the package of Wolford fully-fashioned black stockings and she carefully drew them up her legs, careful not to snag them with her long red fingernails. She clipped the welts to the garter snaps and smoothed out any wrinkles and straightened the seams.

The donned the matching bra and panty set and picked up a short-skirted black cocktail dress off the bed and stepped into it, wincing as she reached behind herself to close the zipper. She stepped into shiny black Christian Louboutin fuck-me pumps and straightened the hem of her dress. The hem rested high on her thighs exposing the dark gauzy welts of her stockings.

The ridiculously short dress would be impractical in any other setting and was likely superfluous but her tricks expected elegance and she always gave them what they paid for. Besides, some of her clients liked to undress her. If she stained the dress she was wearing tonight she would simply dispose of it. Although the dress looked expensive, it wasn’t and Jordan had bought five of them when they came on sale. The Louboutins however were the real thing and her one extravagance.

Jordan advertised the full GFE and that’s what she provided. The full girlfriend experience included kissing, foreplay, oral and unprotected penetration should they so desire. Her job was not only to satisfy her customers’ sexual urges but to pamper them and behave like she adored them. If men just wanted a blow-and-go or a quick and dirty fuck there were plenty of girls on the streets who offered those services.

That is why she used the five-star Ambassador Hotel rather than some no-tell motel flea pit that leased rooms by the hour. Jordan provided her services to men of distinction.

She fitted the silver drop earrings to her ears. They dangled almost down to her shoulders and the faux diamonds twinkled in the ambient light, peeking out from her glossy raven bob. She hung a matching choker around her swan-like neck and bracelets on each wrist. Dousing herself in Dior Poison perfume she was ready and she dimmed the lights and took another sip of whisky.

Her phone pinged. Buddy was in the lobby and she texted back her room number and made sure that the door to her hotel room was unlocked. Buddy was not his real name of course but most of her johns used pseudonyms. They would be horrified if their wives, friends or colleagues knew that they were using her services but they knew that Jordan offered complete confidentiality and discretion.

Jordan was waiting inside the door when Buddy came through it, closing and locking it behind him. He dropped his briefcase on the floor and took Jordan into his arms and kissed her passionately, thrusting his tongue into her mouth and holding her close.

He tasted of breath mints which didn’t quite hide the taste of the numerous cups of coffee he had drunk at work or the illicit cigarette he had smoked outside the hotel. Jordan knew that Buddy worked as an executive in a city office and he stopped at the Ambassador to see Jordan once a week on his way home under the pretext of working late. He was always in a hurry but liked to savour Jordan’s delights for as long as he could during their brief interlude.

“God, I really need this tonight Jordan. Work is chaos and Cindy is refusing sex until I agree to take her to Paris for our anniversary. I told her our anniversary is the week we close the deal with GenTech but she’s insisting we go anyway,” Buddy extricated himself from Jordan’s embrace and struggled out of his overcoat and dropped it on the bed.

They would not be using the bed so Jordan left it there and listened to Buddy, pretending to care about Buddy’s work and marital problems while she poured him a scotch over ice. Buddy never stayed long and he had a ritual she had grown accustomed to. She handed him the drink and he drank it one long swallow and handed her the glass and shucked out of his suit, shirt and tie which joined the overcoat on the bed. He kicked off his shoes and but left on his socks as usual.

His underpants were bulging at the front in anticipation and as soon as Jordan returned from rinsing his glass he pulled her to him and began to kiss her excitedly, his hands gasping her ass and pulling her tight against him. Jordan stood five-ten in her heels but Buddy was a tall man too and he pressed his cock into her belly. His ardour was fuelled by the little blue pill he had swallowed on the way to the hotel. In his mid-fifties with a high pressure job and a much younger trophy wife, Buddy needed all the help he could get.

As his hands slid down her buttocks and found her thighs, Jordan snaked a hand between their bodies and grasped Buddy’s hard cock and freed it from his underpants. She felt him gasp into her mouth as she began to massage the swollen appendage.

“Jeeze, I love those stockings. I bought Cindy two pairs but she refuses to wear them. Says only hookers and showgirls wear black stockings,” Buddy broke the kiss long enough to whine.

The unintentional insult slid off Jordan like water off a duck’s back. Jordan had been called worse. Instead she closed her mouth on his and slipped her tongue between his lips and stroked his cock a little faster, just how he liked it. Buddy pawed at her thighs, playing with her garter snaps and fondling the translucent welts of her stockings. Then his hands cupped her buttocks under her dress, his fingers digging into her black satin panties.

Right on schedule Buddy broke the kiss and placed his hands on her shoulders and Jordan dropped to her knees. She anticipated the next movement in their weekly habitude.

Jordan pulled down Buddy’s underpants and ran her tongue along the length of his phallus. She gathered the sweet dewy droplet of precum and swallowed it before she engulfed his entire protuberance in her mouth. Buddy rested his hands on her shoulders and began to slowly fuck Jordan’s mouth while he gazed down into her pretty visage.

He watched his cock slide in and out of those perfect red lips and stared longingly into her sparkling emerald-green eyes enhanced by the black eyeliner and mascara. Jordan knew that men liked to look at her when she fellated them. It was as much about power as it was sex. When they thrust their cock in and out of her willing mouth, her eyes looking pleadingly up at them, they felt like they owned her.

She used her tongue to lash at his glans, the tip of it tickling his fraenulum, her lips caressing the steely shaft, measuring her progress by Buddy’s jagged accelerated breathing, listening to his gasps of delight and watching the pained expression on his face as his fervour escalated. She cupped his scrotum and gently raked her nails along the wrinkled sac.

“Cindy hands out blowjobs like they are a rare commodity. I get one on my birthday, one on our anniversary, one at Christmas and sometimes if I buy her an expensive present,” Buddy whined.

Jordan had heard this lament before. Many of her tricks complained that their wives either withheld sexual favours or wouldn’t submit to their husband’s licentious demands. It was not her job to comment. Her job was to listen to them and sympathise with their plight while she provided the services that their wives withheld.

Buddy gripped her shoulders a little tighter and she felt his cock begin to shudder as it bloated to full tumescence. Buddy sometimes liked to come in her mouth but usually he wanted to fuck her and this evening was no different. Buddy ripped his cock from Jordan’s mouth and helped her to her feet.

Jordan smiled inwardly. As usual Buddy was in a rush and he would soon be done with her.

He pushed Jordan towards the sofa but she knew that she wouldn’t be reclining on it. Instead she took up her usual stance: arms spread wide with her hands gripping the back of the sofa for support, heels parted, bent over with her ass raised.

Buddy moved in behind her and slowly lifted her dress, taking some time to stroke her legs and caress her plump buttocks. He eased aside the gusset of her panties and Jordan took a deep breath as Buddy slid half of his hard cock inside her then paused.

Jordan gasped which she knew that Buddy would like. All men wanted know that their cocks were big enough to elicit verbal confirmation of their manhood.

“You like me inside you, don’t you, you dirty whore,” Buddy hissed as he grasped her hips and thrust himself all the way inside her moist passage.

Jordan just nodded and pushed back against Buddy, encouraging him to fuck her. It wouldn’t take long, it never did.

Buddy held her tighter and thrust his engorged flesh in and out of her, grinding his pubis into her satin-shrouded globes. Jordan grunted and held on to the back of the sofa as Buddy’s fingers dug into her flesh and his breathing became ragged. She could feel his cock begin to judder and then Buddy pulled Jordan hard against him and ground his groin into her buttocks as he unloaded a week’s worth of scalding semen deep inside her.

She moaned and whimpered and undulated her buttocks, simulating passion that she didn’t feel.

“Fuck me big boy! Make me yours! Fill me with your spunk!” Jordan moaned her well-rehearsed chorus.

She knew exactly what to say to make Buddy feel like the man he wanted be, not the whimpering lap-dog who begged his wife for sex and pandered to her every whim.

The ritual was complete and Buddy clung to Jordan as the last of his issue filled her void.

When Buddy extracted his withering flesh Jordan reached down onto the sofa and snatched tissues from the box she had placed there just for this purpose. She wiped between her legs, mopping up Buddy’s fluids before they could stain her dress.

Now would come the post-coital remorse.

“I’d really like to stay for a while and go again but if I’m not home by nine Cindy will have a fit,” Buddy lied as he made his way to the bathroom.

He looked a little pathetic as he hobbled away naked with his saggy ass clad in his tighty-whities and his argyle socks pulled up high on his bony calves. Jordan waited while Buddy washed his face and checked himself in the mirror to make sure there was no tell-tale lipstick on his mouth. He gave his undercarriage a quick clean at the sink using a facecloth, carelessly splashing water on the tiled floor.

Jordan poured herself another scotch and checked her phone, waiting patiently for Buddy to dress and check his appearance in the mirror. He took out his wallet and counted out the agreed stipend using crisp banknotes taken from the ATM in the foyer from an account that he kept secret from Cindy.

Jordan dealt only in cash, not because she didn’t trust her clients but because checks and bank transfers left a trail. It was safer for both herself and her clients if there was no record of the transaction.

She saw Buddy to the door, handing him his briefcase and air-kissing him before he left and then stuffing the money in the room safe. She knew that Buddy would stop at the hotel bar and have a drink or two and smoke a cigarette, both as an excuse he could use to tell Cindy if anyone told her that they had seen Buddy at the Ambassador and also to disguise any lingering scent of Jordan’s fragrance.

Her next client would be here soon so Jordan got busy. She peeled off her dress and hung it in the wardrobe and kicked off her heels and went into the bathroom where she cleaned up the mess Buddy had left at the sink and on the floor. Then she took a fresh washcloth and cleaned her privates. She fixed her makeup and brushed her hair and went back into the main room to prepare for Jamar, her next client.

She carefully removed her stockings and slipped out of her garter belt and panties. As she began to dress for Jamar, Jordan thought briefly about how she had entered the world of prostitution.

Her spouse Logan worked as an air traffic controller which paid well enough and Jordan worked as a law clerk and was adequately recompensed. Their combined income allowed them to live comfortably but they both wanted a lifestyle that neither of them could afford: nice cars, overseas travel, fine dining, a swimming pool; all the toys that a couple in their prime could enjoy. They talked extensively about how to supplement their income and money had become an obsession that was affecting their marriage.

One evening they were watching a miniseries called Secret Diary of a Call Girl when Logan joked that one or both of them should undertake sex work to supplement their income.

They both agreed that their sex life was jaded after ten years of marriage and were looking for ways to spice things up. They had been considering swinging or opening their marriage when Logan had made the quip.

“You wouldn’t get jealous if I was to have sex with other people?” Jordan had asked.

“Not if I was doing the same. We would need to set some ground rules though,” Logan replied.

And that was how the conversation that would change their marriage had started.

Jordan came out of her reverie. She unwrapped a pair of Wolford fifteen-denier caramel pantyhose. They were sheer to the waist and delicate so Jordan took great care putting them on. She smoothed out any wrinkles and ensured that the seam of the panty sat in her buttock crease at the rear and along her pubis at the front. She shimmied into a pair of translucent white nylon full-cut panties and admired herself in the mirror. Then she slipped into a simple black satin slip and sprayed herself liberally with Poison perfume.

Jamar was in his mid-thirties and an incredibly handsome African-American who was a prominent businessman and was married to an incredibly attractive African-American woman. Jordan had seen pictures of them together in the social pages.

Jamar also had a raging pantyhose fetish that his wife did not satisfy. He blamed Sex in the City and millennial celebrity women for speaking out openly against pantyhose and calling them a fashion faux pas. His wife absolutely refused to wear nylons, except in the dead of winter when she wore thick opaque tights with boots which Jamar despised. His pleas for her to wear sheer hosiery fell on deaf ears and when he told her he thought they were sexy and he would like her to wear them to bed she had accused him of being some kind of pervert.

Jamar had found Jordan’s profile in the personals under the heading Adult Services on an online dating site and after some trepidation had approached her, looking for someone who would pander to and genuinely appreciate his fetish. After some back and forth to ensure that Jordan was genuine and consummately discreet they had hooked up in this very hotel and Jamal went away completely satisfied and happy that he had found a unique woman who had enjoyed his company as much as he had enjoyed hers.

This was to be their third meeting and Jordan was confident that she would be able to meet Jamar’s needs. His text pinged in her phone and she waited for him by the door. Jamar used the stairs rather than the elevator even though her room was located several floors above the lobby and Jordan was keenly aware of his need for discretion as she opened the door a crack and as soon as she saw the stairwell door open she flung the door to her room wide open so Jamar could slip inside unseen.

Even though he had jogged up the stairs Jamar looked fresh and unfazed by the exertion and his handsome face beamed a bright smile at Jordan. He appreciated that she was dressed exactly how he wanted her to be.

“Perfect,” he whispered and pulled her into his arms.

He kissed her softly, his hands immediately seeking her legs so he could stroke her gossamer nylons, rubbing the satin slip against the diaphanous hosiery.

Jordan could barely get her arms around his muscled torso as she rubbed against him feeling the bulge in his crotch begin to grow. The kiss became more impassioned. Their lips pressed together harder and their tongues intertwined. Jamar stroked Jordan’s thighs a little harder, moving his fingers to the crease where her legs joined her torso, stroking the fine wrinkles in her nylons before progressing to the rounded orbs of her buttocks. He caressed her ass, rubbing the satin panty material against her pantyhose for his own enjoyment rather than Jordan’s, although she sighed with contentment when he touched her there.

He frogmarched Jordan towards the bed and pushed her down. She lay there in an erotic pose, her feet crossed at the ankles, her long legs clad in the shimmery hose, the hem of her slip high on her thighs so that Jamar could see the crotch of her translucent nylon panties and the dark seam of her pantyhose running along her pubis. She smiled up at him seductively and put a finger in her mouth and pouted. She knew that her provocative pose would ignite Jamar’s passions.

Jamar undressed, hanging his suit and his shirt on the coat hanger that Jordan had left out for him. He fastidiously tucked his socks into his shoes and folded his boxer briefs and laid them on top. While he did this he stared at Jordan and she saw the lust on his face become more intense, signalled by his ever growing erection. She scooted to the edge of the bed, never taking her eyes off him.

His cock was huge. The shaft was dark mahogany with thick blue veins running along the velvety flesh, the head was purple and glistened in the lamplight. Jordan swallowed as Jamar approached the bed wondering how she was ever able to take that massive organ inside her but she had done so twice before and she would do so again.

Jamar stood beside the bed, his cock inches from her face, an offering she was meant to imbibe. He pushed his phallus towards her mouth as he glided her slip up her narrow back slightly so he could take in the vista of her pert bottom clad in the flimsy white panties and glossy hose, the seam running perfectly straight down the crack of her ass just the way he liked it.

A translucent pearl of pre-ejaculate had formed at the eye of Jamar’s penis and Jordan flicked out her tongue and licked the salty-sweet dewdrop and swallowed it and opened her mouth wide as she did her best to assimilate his organ. She could accommodate the glans and about a third of the shaft of the mighty appendage in her mouth, her red lipsticked lips stretched wide, her tongue slavering the slick spongy head.

Jamar was caressing her bottom, his finger tracing the dark seam of her pantyhose through the transparent panties. Jordan felt herself becoming aroused but her job was to please her customers, not herself. She sucked on Jamar’s cock as best she could and he stared at her intently as she made a valiant effort to suckle his bloated phallus. Her pretty face was screwed up a little in consternation as she worked her lips up and down the shaft of his cock, her glacial eyes sparkling, enhanced by the black kohl and mascara and gaudy pink and purple eyeshadow, the nostrils of her cute nose flared as she struggled to breathe, her mouth was distended, her red lips stretched around the circumference of his mighty organ.

But he could see the pleasure in her eyes too and feel her shiver with delight as he massaged her buttocks. He didn’t touch her pubis but Jordan was sufficiently aroused that the crotch of her panties was moist. She stared up at him and fluttered her eyelashes and Jamar sighed as he felt her mouth working on his cock, his hands exploring her buxom bottom sheathed in the diaphanous pantyhose. This was his fantasy.

It wasn’t so much that Jordan was white. He had beautiful white women furtively solicit him every day. The secretaries and PAs in the office, businesswomen at meetings and conferences, mothers at the daycare centre when he picked up his son; even his colleague’s wives flirted with him. He was a very tall handsome black man with a fit muscled body. He was intelligent, polite and articulate; a good conversationalist who engaged with women as equals and they coveted him. But other than his weekly interludes with Jordan he never strayed.

If only his wife Cynthia would pander to his pantyhose fetish and occasionally suck his dick he wouldn’t need Jordan’s services. Jamar justified his infidelity because having sex with Jordan wasn’t really cheating as far as he was concerned. Jordan was exotically different to the other women in his life and she was a prostitute. All he was doing was exchanging cash for services; there was no emotional or personal connection.

Jordan reached out and raked her red-painted fingernails along Jamar’s substantial scrotal sac then she cupped his testes and caressed them while her tongue tickled his fraenulum and her lips caressed his shaft and all thoughts of Cynthia vanished. Jamar returned to the present and slid his hand inside Jordan’s panties so he could touch those stupendous globes enveloped by her gossamer hose.

He ripped his cock from her mouth with a resounding plop and leapt on the bed. Jordan took a deep breath and rolled onto her belly anticipating Jamal’s next manoeuvre. He lay down on top of her pressing her into the bed with his muscled weight as his cock slipped inside her panties and nestled in the crevice between her buttocks, his legs on top of her legs.

She awkwardly turned her face sideways so that Jamal could kiss her while he humped her pantyhose-sheathed ass and thighs, his cock felt like a hot iron bar as it pressed against her delicate flesh. Jamar liked to feel every scintilla of Jordan’s body on his skin. The silky, slinky satin slip on his abdomen, the sleek sensuousness of her nylon panties on his lower belly and of course the tantalising diaphanous sleekness of her pantyhose on his cock, crotch and legs.

He lay on top of Jordan, kissing her, hardly moving, enjoying the sensation of her plush gossamery body pressing against his ebony flesh, feeling his cock nestled between her ass cheeks, her pantyhose enveloping his throbbing member, afraid he might climax before he fucked her. He slipped his cock between her legs and rubbed it on her perineum and Jordan moaned like a slattern.

Jordan hadn't said a word since Jamal had arrived. He had told her when they first met that conversation was superfluous and would ruin the moment for him. If he didn’t engage with Jordan except to use her body for his pleasure. If there was no real relationship between them, in his mind he wasn’t being unfaithful.

He had been specific about what he required, how Jordan was to be dressed, what she was to do for him and what she wasn’t. During their first encounter Jamal hadn't kissed her but that edict went ignored when they met for their second session and he had been unable to resist her beautiful face and plump red lips. She was not to talk at all during sexual congress and any conversation before and after was to be strictly impersonal.

Jordan didn’t mind because Jamal was a handsome man who paid a premium for his peccadillos.

“Now,” he grunted in Jordan’s ear, pressing his cock even harder against her taint.

Jordan snaked a hand between their bodies and Jamal lifted his torso a little to allow Jordan to put a finger to her cleft and using her long fingernail she tore a little hole in the crotch of her pantyhose. She removed her hand and put it back by her side and felt Jordan’s weight return. He fumbled around a little until he managed to direct his cock into the little hole she had cut in her pantyhose for him.

Jamal had been specific about this. He told Jordan which pantyhose she was to buy and in what shade and denier. They were never to be crotchless despite the fact being so would give Jamal easy access to her genitalia, nor were they to have a cotton gusset. He wanted to feel the gossamer fabric on every part of his body, feel the pantyhose tight around the base of his cock.

Jordan grimaced as Jamal pushed his massive organ into the little hole and rent the resilient yarn until it tore open just enough to allow his penis through the barrier between their flesh, seeking her slot. He grunted as he pressed it against the moist aperture and then his glans pierced her and Jamal felt Jordan quiver beneath him.

He eased his cock inside her taking his time, not so much to allow Jordan to accommodate him but to prevent premature ejaculation as her succulent flesh enveloped his turgid pole. When he was fully inside her Jordan sighed and Jamal lay still enjoying the feel of Jordan’s satin and nylon shrouded body beneath him. He relished the feel of her satin slip on his chest and belly, the sheer pantyhose on her legs, the diaphanous garment encasing her buttocks pressing into his pubis as his steely rod slipped deeper inside her snug vessel.

Jamal began to slowly fuck Jordan pulling his cock nearly all of the way out of her then then pushing back deep until his genitals pressed against her soft cushiony buttocks. Jordan felt her pleasure centres begin to smoulder. Every nerve in her body was suddenly sensitive, conscious of the divine friction of his flesh against her body, the weight of his body compressing her, his pubis fretting against her ass as his turgid phallus slid in and out of her, opening her like the petals of flower.

He thrust a little faster and a little harder and began to whimper and Jordan whimpered with him. Their bodies were locked together in a paroxysm of pleasure that intensified and peaked as Jamal thrust his cock inside Jordan as far it would go and ejaculated.

Jamal's body quivered as momentous ecstasy coursed through his every nerve and fibre. He ground his pubis into Jordan’s soft, pliant buttocks, his legs scissored hers so could feel her pantyhose on his skin, he forced her head sideways so he could crush his lips on hers and drive his tongue into her mouth as his orgasm washed over him like a tidal wave.

Jordan moaned as she orgasmed along with him, the pleasure that was once a smouldering ember deep in her belly became a raging fire as her tight sheath quivered and clutched at Jamal’s invading organ and her sex organs and pelvic region discharged intense sparklets of delight.

Jamal lay still on top of her as his cock quivered and juddered inside her, expelling the last of his issue. She felt the excess fluids leak from her gaping aperture and coddle in her panties and pantyhose. Jamal sighed and carefully lifted his body off Jordan, his mighty rod slipping out of her.

He got to his feet and padded to the bathroom as Jordan lay on the bed panting and shuddering as the last of her orgasm began to diminish. When she had her breathing under control she rolled over and slid off her panties and rolled down her nylons. She put them in a Ziploc baggie that she had placed under the pillow just for this purpose.

She didn't know what Jamal did with the garments that were saturated with his semen and her juices and reeked of her perfume but she could guess. She dropped her slip to the floor and kicked it away and pulled on a bathrobe to cover her nudity and reached for her phone.

Her next customer had been delayed a little so she texted Logan that she might be home a little later than expected but she received no response. Logan would also be entertaining a client and too busy providing that client with every desire they had ever dreamed of.

Jamal showered quickly, keeping his hair dry by utilising the disposable shower cap provided by the hotel. Being a man of few words he dressed hurriedly and silently then he reached for his wallet and handed Jordan the agreed stipend. He also handed her a printed advertisement for Aristoc seamless, sheer-to-the-waist, fifteen denier pantyhose.

“I’d like you to wear these next week,” he said softly.

“No problem. Same time next week then? I’ll wait for your text,” Jordan was equally demure.

Jamal picked up the Ziploc bag and put in his briefcase and let himself out while Jordan put the cash and the advertisement for the Aristoc pantyhose in the room safe. The satin slip went into her small suitcase and then she checked her phone again.

Still no reply from Logan but she hadn't expected one. Logan operated differently to Jordan. Logan worked as an Escort, meeting clients who were sophisticated and advanced in their years, usually single and always affluent. They had dinner and drinks and maybe even saw a show before retiring to an expensive hotel where Logan provided the elderly socialites with the sexual delights they craved from someone much younger and good looking.

Jordan took a whore’s bath, brushed her teeth and used mouthwash, fixed her makeup and brushed out her glossy jet-black hair. She opened the wardrobe and took out the ensemble she had worn earlier: black satin suspender belt, trimmed with red lace, the matching bra and panty set, the Wolford fully-fashioned black stockings and short-skirted black cocktail dress.

She dressed quickly and stepped into the shiny black Christian Louboutin fuck-me pumps and straightened the hem of her dress. Another liberal spray of Dior Poison and she was ready for Eddie, her next client. She sipped another glass of Johnnie Walker Blue Label whisky while she waited, convincing herself that she was only drinking to settle her nerves, not because she felt guilty.

Eddie tapped on the door and Jordan checked the peephole and then let him in. Eddie was one of the few single men who used her services. He was a divorcee in his fifties, reasonably handsome and had not yet gone to fat but was on the way.

He smiled at Jordan and appraised her, his eyes hungrily scouring her face, her body and her legs. They kissed briefly and Eddie sauntered across the room, slipping out of his overcoat and handing it to Jordan as he made his way over to the counter where the he put ice in two glasses and poured scotch. Jordan took her whisky neat but she didn’t complain.

Despite being late, Eddie was in no rush. After all he had no wife to go home to.

“How’s tricks?” Eddie laughed at his own joke.

Jordan ignored the quip and hung up Eddie’s coat and took the drink. Eddie sat on the sofa and let his eyes roam over Jordan. He appraised her pretty face enhanced by the heavy makeup; her glossy black bob fell to her shoulders, the bangs highlighting her sparkling green eyes. He checked out her slim lithe body. What she didn’t have in tits she made up for with lose long sexy legs, his eyes drawn to the welts of her black diaphanous stockings and those red-soled fuck-me pumps.

He inhaled the juicy plum, anise, the soft translucent honey and intense fruity and grapey tuberose of her perfume and his cock began to engorge.

“Come and sit in daddy’s lap,” he smirked at her.

Jordan didn’t really like the term ‘daddy’. She was not his daughter and although she was younger than Eddie, being in her mid-thirties, but she was no longer a ‘girl’. She knew that Eddie used the term to reflect some sort of psychological manipulation to remind her that he was paying her for her services and that he was in control. But Jordan didn’t come cheap so she pandered to his whims.

Jordan obliged and settled her soft rounded buttocks in his lap, her dress riding higher on her thighs. She leaned in and kissed him, slipping her tongue into his mouth, tasting the scotch and feeling his cock twitch against her ass. Eddie put down his drink and put his arms around Jordan, pulling her close, feeling her body mould to his. Her lips were soft and inviting, her tongue languidly searching his mouth, her long fingers entwined in his hair, her red fingernails softly scratching his scalp at the back of his neck.

The feel of this woman, the smell of her, the taste of her, was enchanting and bewitching. She was exotically different to any other woman he had met. He lifted her up and carried her to the bed and gently lowered her onto the coverlet, never taking his eyes off her as he stripped naked, letting his clothes fall on the floor. His cock stood out from his belly like the prow of a warship, a rope of silvery precum leaked from the eye, glistening in the lamplight.

Jordan reached out and caught the lubricious thread in her fingers and smeared his quivering rod with it, taking his cock in her delicate fingers, stroking it to full tumescence. She smiled up at him, her lips parted a little to show her perfect teeth, admiring the girth of Eddie’s long slender phallus, feeling the silkiness of his shaft and the veins pulsing as his manhood grew in her hand.

Eddie leaned down and kissed her, his hand straying to her ankle and slowly worked his way up her leg. His fingers followed the backseam of her stocking, caressing the little wrinkles in her nylons at back of her knee and then continued up her thigh until he found the gauzy welt. He fondled the dark, silky fabric then found her flawless alabaster skin above the stocking, stroking it softly, tinkering with her garter until finally his fingers found the lace edge of her black satin panties and then he paused.

He was kissing her softly the whole time, his lips pressed gently on hers, his tongue languidly exploring her mouth. Now the kiss became impassioned, hungry, his lips crushing hers, his tongue flickering in her sweet mouth. He joined her on the bed and Jordan scooched over so he could lie down beside her, pulling her close, wrapping his arms around her. Her hair cascaded on his face, her scent invaded his nostrils and her flat belly pressed on his aching cock which left a silvery trail of precum on her dress. She snaked one her legs over his body and softly skimmed it up and down his torso and his leg. Eddie shivered with delight and stroked the long, gossamer-clad appendage.

His hand slid under her dress and cupped her buttocks, delighting in the feel of satin and lace. He squeezed her ass, then his fingers followed the lace edge and came to rest on the front of her panties and he felt her gasp as he stroked her there.

Jordan massaged Eddie’s cock, feeling it quiver, using the precum leaking from the eye to lubricate the shaft and the bulbous head. Eddie purred contentedly and kissed Jordan while she stroked his cock and he played with her legs and her ass, occasionally letting his hand drift across the front of her panties and feeling her shudder whenever he did so. He liked to tease her.

“I think you should suck daddy’s cock,” Eddie whispered in her ear as he gave her buttocks a playful tweak.

Jordan nibbled Eddie’s earlobe then ran her tongue down his neck, pausing briefly to lap at his clavicle. His cologne was musky and expensive, not unlike her perfume. She continued her journey down his body and flittered her tongue on his nipples, nipping them softly one after the other. She heard him gasp and she smiled.

When Eddie couldn’t take the teasing any longer he put his hands on Jordan’s head and gently pushed her face over his prominent belly down into his groin.

Eddie was a shaver and his genitals were bald and smooth. Jordan deliberately bypassed his penis with her tongue and lapped at his scrotum feeling his testes roil as she kissed and coddled his furrowed flesh. She took his scrotum in her mouth and nursed it with her lips and tongue and Eddie entwined his fingers in her hair and groaned. His cock juddered, bouncing against her nose.

She could feel his ache, his need, his wants, as she deliberately avoided touching his penis until Eddie was squirming and writhing on the bed, trying to push Jordan’s mouth towards his steely rod. It was Jordan’s turn to tease.

“Come on baby,” he mewled and Jordan smiled.

She relented and took his manhood in her mouth, opening wide, swallowing him until her lips closed around the base of his penis. She flicked her tongue along his glans, tasting the sweet-salty issuance of his pre-ejaculate.

“That’s good girl,” Eddie sighed as Jordan began to fellate him.

Jordan was crouched over him and Eddie slipped his hands under her dress and stroked her thighs and caressed her buttocks. He traced a finger down the crease of her buttocks, admiring the pertness of her ass clad in the tight gauzy satin. His hand drifted towards the front of her panties and he stroked her pubis. He smiled as felt her panties dampen.

Jordan felt the warmth of arousal deep in her belly spreading to her groin as she suckled Eddie’s cock. Eddie was not her favourite customer but even he could ignite her fire when he touched her that way. She wouldn’t climax with him because Jamar had already illicited the one orgasm she allowed herself when she was working.

Eddie’s cock was fully tumescent, quivering slightly when she ran her tongue along her fraenulum and worked her lips up and down the shaft and she could sense that Eddie was ready to fuck. He removed his hands from under dress and pushed against her ass indicating his need. Jordan spat out his cock and spun around quickly and mounted him.

She sat astride him and eased his cock inside her panties and he slid his phallus into her tight, moist aperture. Jordan smiled down at him and wriggled her buttocks, feeling his rigid member quiver deep inside her.

“Does daddy like that?” she smiled down at him.

Eddie pulled Jordan’s face to his and kissed her longingly, his cock buried deep inside this gorgeous woman, the hem of her velvety dress tickling his belly, her sleek stocking-shrouded limbs pressing against his outer thighs, her hair tickling his face.

“Fuck me honey,” he beseeched her, his mouth locked on hers.

Jordan obliged and slowly lifted her body until just the tip of Eddie’s cock was still inside her, then she slowly lowered herself, impaling herself on his mighty shaft. She broke the kiss and threw back her head, leaning back while Eddie gripped her hips and rose to meet her as she began to slowly fuck him.

Eddie looked into Jordan’s face. It was beautiful, her eyes narrowed and her lips parted in wanton lust as she rode him. He held her hips, easing her up off his cock and then pulling her down onto it. She shimmied her ass a little, squirming against him when her pubis slammed into his, her panties caressing his scrotal sac, her moist cavern clutching at his turgid tool.

Jordan opened her eyes and smiled down at him and Eddie felt a wave of passion and hunger envelop him. He pulled her face to his and kissed her passionately as began to fuck her harder. She pressed her body against his, meeting his thrusts, feeling his cock jackhammer in and out of her. Her panties were moist and clammy and Eddie smiled around the kiss, knowing that Jordan was as sexually aroused as he was and he held her even closer as he felt his orgasm beginning to build.

His cock slid in and out of her snug channel as Jordan moaned into his mouth encouraging him to fuck her harder and faster. He gripped her hips painfully and thrust upward and drove his cock deep inside her and voided his seed. Jordan felt Eddies’ cock undulate as his pubis slammed into hers. The stench of musky semen drifted from her crotch as Eddie filled her with his scalding secretions.

He held her close, pulling her body tight against his, kissing her fervently, almost painfully, as his cock continued to shudder inside her, filling Jordan with his seed.

Jordan lay on top of him exhausted as Eddie slowly came down from his orgasmic high. Their kisses became softer, tenderer and his grip on her became affectionate rather than needy. They lay like that, Eddie content to feel Jordan’s body on top of him, her lips softly kissing him, her silken-swathed legs pressing into his flanks.

“Thanks honey, that was awesome,” Eddie shifted beneath her signalling for Jordan to dismount.

She eased her lower extremity away from his body and Eddie’s cock slid out of her, his semen dribbled out of her, swamping her already moist panties. She climbed off him gingerly, her limbs aching a little from the exertion and modestly adjusted her dress as rose from the bed.

Eddie lay there like a beached whale, smiling contentedly in the afterglow while Jordan poured him a drink. She joined him on the bed chatting idly with him, impatient for Eddie to leave but careful not to show it. Finally Eddie finished his drink, smacked his lips and pulled Jordan to him for a final kiss.

Like most of her johns, once the afterglow had dissipated they couldn’t wait to leave and Eddie used the bathroom and dressed quickly. He handed over the cash including a generous tip, kissed her cheek and saw himself out.

Jordan was glad that the evening was coming to close. It had been productive and it would be churlish of her to deny that she hadn't enjoyed herself.

The pact that she had with Logan was that they would never discuss their clients and what they did with them. For four years now, three nights a week, they both engaged in sex-work. The money they made between them paid for luxuries they would never be able to afford otherwise and their sex life had never been better. Despite their fears to the contrary, jealousy never entered into the equation. To them it was just like working a lucrative second job with benefits they both appreciated.

Jordan removed the silver drop earrings from her ears and replaced them with sensible studs then removed the rest of her costume jewellery. She put on her wedding ring, and the gold chain necklace that Logan had given Jordan for their last anniversary. She stripped and took off the glossy black bob, brushed it and put it away in the wig bag. Her dress was stained with silvery blotches of semen that would never come out in the wash. She threw it in the trash. She went into the bathroom and removed her heavy makeup, showered and brushed out her own shoulder-length tawny-blonde hair.

She sipped on a final glass of whisky while she packed away her lingerie, her high heels and her wig. The black wig was worn as much for disguise as it was because it made her look sexy. She gathered her makeup and put it her little cosmetics case, taking inventory of what would soon need replacing. She would need to replenish the K-Y Liquibeads vaginal moisturizer and lube that she inserted inside herself before each john arrived.

Jordan checked the room to make sure that she hadn't left anything behind before she shucked out of the bathrobe and put on the clothes she had worn to work at the law office. The half-bottle of Johnnie Walker Blue Label whisky went into the small suitcase last and then she opened the hotel safe and took out the cash she had made and the advertisement for the Aristoc pantyhose. She left a twenty on the pillow for the housemaid and left, taking the elevator to the parking garage underneath the hotel where she dropped the key card to her room in the box labelled Express Checkout.

Driving home her phone pinged. Logan was home and heating up leftovers for a late supper. Jordan smiled. Despite having had sex with three men and climaxing with Jamal she was still looking forward to having sex with Logan. Neither of them would discuss their clients but they would pool today’s earnings and calculate how much money they had made between them. They were planning a first class Caribbean cruise with a week stopover in the Bahamas at an exclusive resort.

Jordan saw that Logan had left the exterior lights on for her as she drove up the driveway and used the remote to open the garage door. She parked her BMW next to Logan’s Tesla and hopped out and closed the garage door and took her suitcase from the trunk.

She put the suitcase inside a storage cabinet and locked it, putting the key in the hiding place in a drawer in the tool trolley and then she opened the connecting door that led into the kitchen.

Logan was at the kitchen counter plating up supper, two glasses of Château Lafite Rothschild placed next to the napkins and cutlery on the breakfast bar where they would eat while they sat side by side discussing their upcoming holiday before they went to bed and made love.

Something clicked in Jordan’s psyche as soon as he stepped into the kitchen and saw his wife and his female persona dissipated. Logan turned and smiled at her husband.

“There’s my handsome man, I love that new suit” Logan held out her arms and Jordan’s heart fluttered and guilt washed over him but quickly dissipated as he embraced his wife and kissed her deeply.

It was better that Logan not know that her husband was a transvestite prostitute. Let her keep thinking that Jordan was a gigolo who entertained rich elderly women. What Jordan’s wife didn’t know couldn’t hurt her.

The End

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