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Chapter Four – A Fresh Start
Mila was glad when Sarah returned from her holiday. Sarah had been to Bali with two other Redhaven spinsters and came back fit and tanned.
“Sit here and tell me all about it,” Mila insisted when Sarah turned up for work.
“But Mrs… but Mila, there is so much housework to do; I’ve been gone for so long,” Sarah complained.
“Oh pooh to the housework; it can wait. I want to hear about what you and your girlfriends got up to in Bali.”
So Sarah told Mila about how she and her friends, drank, danced and fucked their way around Kuta for ten days.
“Isn't that kinda against the rules or something?” Mila asked when Sarah told her.
“Rules? What rules?” Sarah looked perplexed.
“The Sons of Jehovah rules, the tenets, whatever?”
“I’m not married Mila.”
“Yeah I get that but what about future Pairing. Won’t any prospective partner be put off by… you know?”
“All Sons of Jehovah parishioners get eight weeks holidays a year during which they may travel outside of Redhaven. Obviously married couples go together and will often go with other couples. In case you haven’t noticed Mila, Redhaven can be a bit like… what’s that movie with the gopher... Groundhog Day!”
“I work six days a week Mila, so I need my breaks.”
This was the first time that Sarah had spoken ignominiously about life in Redhaven.
“So when we spinsters go on holidays, we let down our hair and relax the tenets a little.”
“So is it sort of like Rumspringa?” Mila asked.
“No! Nothing like that really, but to an outsider, yeah you could say that.” Sarah guided the conversation away from further discussion about the SOJ tenets.
Mila was living a similar lifestyle in her own way. She took a break every couple of months in LA with Steven, but not always. Sometimes if Steven was busy Mila would go out and about in LA by herself. She had found a few clubs that were LGBTI friendly and soon discovered that there were men who frequented those places just so they could hook up with special girls like her. Mila being so stunning she could take her pick and sometimes did.
She and Peter had been living in Redhaven amongst the Sons of Jehovah for over a year. They were never fully assimilated, they both knew that there were secrets that the SOJ would never divulge, nor did Steven and Mila want desperately to know. Although Mila’s interest was piqued after the incident at the cattle ranch she decided to let sleeping dogs lie.
They both knew that there were strange goings on in Redhaven and Mila knew that Peter knew a lot more about how the SOJ garnered its wealth and distributed it to the congregation than he was letting on. Peter was obviously not just some smart corporate businessman and lawyer. He was an expert in finance, markets, hedge funds, private equity, venture capital, basis points, real estate and bonds; but all this stuff could be learned. Peter apparently had some niche abilities that the SOJ valued enough for him to be allowed to live among them.
Not that Mila was complaining too much. The money was great. No… the money was fabulous. No… the money was everything! The money was the reason that she could tolerate living in Redhaven; a town far divorced from the real world.
Except for having all the trappings of a modern society, it was almost like 1950’s suburbia and with the restrictions applied by the church the women were almost like Stepford Wives, right down to the way they dressed, behaved and were subservient to their husbands and to men in general.
Mila knew that the Sons of Jehovah owned vast business interests including ranches, lumber, a very well respected furniture manufacturing company, a string of outlet malls and had coal seam gas interests. All the men and women in Redhaven were employed by the SOJ because the SOJ owned and ran every business in Redhaven including the utilities, municipal and domestic services.
But if that wasn’t strange enough there was this undercurrent of sexuality and promiscuity. The sexualising of the girls when they come of age, the Pairing, the way women were required to dress. But it was more than that. The Sons of Jehovah tenant that men and women should enjoy each other’s bodies whenever they felt the urge seemed to be practiced to the extreme.
Mila would walk into a coffee shop or a restaurant and see a woman sitting in a man’s lap while they kissed and canoodled in public, the man blatantly putting his hand up her skirt. The patrons seemed less interested in the couple than they were in the menu. Overt sexuality was almost a norm, albeit curtailed as soon as any outsider, including Mila was around.
She had once rounded the corner in the back alley behind her hairdressing salon and caught a man fucking one of the hairdressers against the wall. The couple had just smiled at her and got back to business. Women and men kissed each other passionately where a peck on the cheek was the societal norm, and more disturbingly, some men kissed other men’s wives a little more affectionately than decorum would dictate. And of course there was the incident with Jim Benson and the maid Angie at their welcome party.
Mila had tried to bring up the subject with Sarah but even though she spoke openly about some aspects of the SOJ tenets, there were some she would not discuss.
But Mila was in turmoil herself. She had been living as Mila for so long now that all vestiges of Miles Frances had disappeared; nothing of his spirit remained. Mila was committed to her gender identity and sexuality and had no wish to return to her old life, even when she eventually left Redhaven.
This was a discussion that she had to have with Peter; it would be only fair to include him. Besides which, she and Peter’s relationship had developed into an allegiance. There was an attachment and genuine tenderness between them now, being forced to live together under the same roof, indeed in the same bed, as husband and wife had become more than a ritual. They trusted each other and she had to admit, they liked each other. Peter had become a better person living with Mila in Redhaven.
They were like shipwreck victims clinging to each other surrounded by the flotsam of the Sons of Jehovah.
“I’d like to become Mila permanently,” Mila said to Peter when they met in the privacy of their bedroom at Mila’s insistence.
“You already are,” Peter looked a little quizzical.
“I mean like forever; even after we leave Redhaven and go our separate ways,” Mila replied.
“Seriously? I thought it was all about the money with you. I knew you were enjoying being a woman, playing the woman’s role when you have sex, but I honestly thought it was just something you were toying with.”
“Ok, it’s not new, nowadays people change their gender all the time but it will be a bit drastic chopping off your junk and then finding out you’ve made a mistake,” Peter said a little indelicately.
“I’m not chopping off my junk Peter! My junk is staying right where it is; I like my junk. I’m having the veranda remodelled, so to speak,” Mila smiled at him.
“Wow! Great! Good idea! Get some double Ds honey and let me play with them, we can tell those SOJ assholes that I paid for the boob job,” Peter teased her.
“I’m not getting double Ds; I’m getting something that I like and that is appropriate for my frame and even though we are married you do not get to play with them,” Mila leaned in and kissed his cheek.
“Ok Mila seriously, I’m happy for you. You are a better version of Mila than your twin sister ever was, and probably better looking and more feminine too,” it was Peter’s turn to kiss Mila’s cheek.
“Ok stop the bullshit honey. For obvious reasons I can’t get the work done in the US but I don’t have a passport. Is that something you can fix for me?”
“Sure, I have someone who can fix that.”
When Peter returned from his latest business trip he gave Mila a passport.
“Thank you so much Peter,” Mila squealed when he gave it to her, running into his arms and kissing him.
Peter hugged her and returned the kiss but then it just got awkward and they disengaged.
“Ahem. I’ve found a clinic in Manila that does good work. I’ll be gone for ten days.”
“I’ll cover for you Mila. Let’s get our story straight and then we can tell Sarah that you’re heading off on another holiday.”
“And I bet the news will get to the beloved Reverend before you even go back to the Supreme Temple,” Mila hissed.
“You still think she’s spying on us? I thought you and Sarah were friends?”
“Oh she is a dear friend but surely she can’t afford to go to Bali for two weeks on a maid’s wage? She’s getting paid a lot extra for something and I think that something is to watch us and report back.”
“Mila, you know I rarely talk business with you but let me tell you this. Sarah’s wage as a house servant in Redhaven is equal to that of a doctor in LA.”
“How is that Peter? How can they afford to pay her so much money?” Mila asked.
“Well it serves a number of purposes, some I know about and some I’m speculating. First off, everyone in Redhaven is paid by the SOJ because they work for the SOJ, so there is no limit as to what the church can pay their employees.”
“If you want to keep your congregation happy and want then to live in relative isolation with archaic, misogynist, dogma then you better give them some incentive rather than just the promise of the afterlife.”
“So everyone is paid ridiculously high wages and everyone gets eight weeks holiday a year. That would make things tolerable right?”
“Also have you noticed that the women here not only don’t complain about being made to dress like 1960’s fashion models and be openly subservient to men, they actually seem to like it?”
“Every private party we have been to, we have always been the first to leave, in fact we have been asked to leave, usually on the premise that the other partygoers are going to perform some religious right that we cannot witness.”
“Well that’s true,” Mila speculated.
“Even though they are usually well and truly full of booze by then,” she continued.
“So what do you think? Oh my god! You think they are having orgies or something?” Mila squealed.
“I think a lot of wife-swapping goes on at least. You’ve noticed how some of the men are very handsy with other guy’s wives,” Peter confirmed that Mila was not paranoid, he saw what she saw.
“But going back to the money. Every wage-earner in Redhaven, with the exception of yours truly of course, is tithed ten percent of what they make. The church withholds ten percent of those ridiculously high wages but counts it as a donation so it’s tax free income.”
“So if you put it all together: the three Orders within the church, the Pairing off and marriage at an early age, no single men allowed, the banishment of those who do not wish to live the SOJ tenets, the willing subjugation of women who exist to pleasure men and bear children, the extremely high standard of living and generous vacation time so people can blow off steam… it’s not a bad way to keep your congregation happy but also control them at the same time,” Peter summarised his hypothesis.
“But how hasn’t his got out? Why isn’t it the lead story on FOX News or Sixty Minutes?” Mila asked.
“I don’t know and I don’t want to speculate to be honest. I just take the money and keep my mouth closed.”
“The Sons of Jehovah and Redhaven itself is not exactly a secret but no one, except for us as far as I know, has ever been able learn too much about them. They are a closed society.”
“And why is that Peter? What special skills do you have that allows us to live like we do?” Mila asked.
Peter paled and looked earnestly into Mila’s eyes.
“That’s something you’re better off not knowing.”
“Are we safe?” Mila asked for the first time since they had arrived at Redhaven.
Peter gently pulled her into his arms and brushed the bangs out of her eyes.
“I’d never let anything happen to you. You’ve kinda grown on me,” he kissed her softly on the lips.
“You kinda need me for your cover story,” Mila grinned up at him.
“You should talk about cover stories! Anyway, go and get your new tits, you’ve earned them,” Peter released her and patted her playfully on the buttocks.
When Mila went downstairs there were a hundred questions she wanted to ask Sarah but she didn’t dare.
Mila came out of her anaesthesia in a private hospital ward in Manila. When the doctor showed Mila her new breasts she was delighted; they were a perfect B-cup, almost exactly the same size as Mila’s ‘chicken-fillet’ falsies. They looked amazing although they were a little tender and swollen from the surgery, she liked the heft of having real breasts on her chest.
She stayed overnight at the clinic and then moved back into the Makati Diamond Residences. She was surprised to find Peter waiting for her in her suite. He had a huge bouquet of flowers and kissed her cheek softly, holding her gently, aware that she might be in some pain.
“What are you doing here?” Mila asked as she arranged the flowers in a vase.
“I wanted to see your new tits.”
“No, not really. I was due a vacation anyway and we haven’t been away together since we arrived at Redhaven and I don’t want the Reverend and his cronies getting suspicious.”
“So it’s not that you wanted to make sure I was well after my surgery.”
Mila was standing near the sink with her back to Peter. She was surprised when he lightly placed his hands on her shoulders and gently nuzzled her neck.
“Look I know I’m an asshole but something has changed. Living in Redhaven, living with you, I think some of your decency had rubbed off on me.”
“Shut up Peter, if you keep talking like that I might begin to like you,” Mila fiddled with her flower arrangement.
“But I still wanna see your tits,” Peter smiled.
“I might let you; if you’re a good boy. You can take me to dinner tonight, I’m starving, I have hardly eaten a thing for two days.”
“Sure. Are you bringing your new tits too?” Peter ducked when Mila threw a teaspoon at him.
“Asshole!” she chuckled.
Mila and Peter made a holiday of it, shopping in the Green Belt, drinking San Miguel beer and Tanduay Rum, dancing and singing karaoke at the local bars and sightseeing around the city.
On the day before they were due to fly out Mila had the last of her dressings removed and the doctor told her that the fine scars on the underside of each of her breasts would fade and eventually become almost invisible. For now they were two very small pink lines that no longer caused her any pain. Peter had accompanied her to the doctor and he took her out for a farewell dinner to celebrate. Neither of them was particularly looking forward to returning to Redhaven but the practicalities of life and the garnering of a secure income were paramount.
Back at the Makati Diamond they had a last drink in the lounge room that interconnected the two-bedroom suite they were sharing. Mila actually curled up on the couch, resting her head on a pillow on Peter’s thighs as they watched TV.
“We’re almost like some old married couple,” Peter joked.
“Hey! A bit less of the old, buster!” Mila thumped him playfully.
When Mila started to doze, Peter picked her up and took her into her room and laid her on her bed. He showered and went to bed, feeling tired himself.
He was awakened an hour later when something disturbed his bedclothes. He held his breath as Mila climbed under the covers and snuggled up to him, spooning. She was wearing some exotic perfume that intrigued him.
“Is this ok?” she whispered.
Peter nodded; he was more than a little confused. The feel of Mila’s warm soft body clad in her negligee felt good against his bare flesh, Peter only wore his briefs to bed. Mila nuzzled his neck and wrapped a leg over his; he could feel that she was wearing nylons. Her new breasts pressing into his back were both comforting and arousing.
‘Who wore nylons to bed?’ he was thinking.
He turned to face her and saw that she was also wearing full makeup.
“What’s going on Mila?” he whispered.
“Don’t you want to see my new tits?” she whispered back, her eyes rife with mischief.
“It would be churlish of me not to because you went to all that trouble to bring them over here,” Peter jested.
“I was going to send them by themselves but because I’ve only just got them I wasn’t sure that they would find their way home,” Mila replied.
Peter turned on one of the spotlights over the bed. Once again he was struck by how beautiful Mila was and wondered why it had taken him over a year to realise it; maybe because he was grappling with her being a transgender woman or because he was too busy with work.
Mila held her negligee open and showed off her pert bosom and smiled proudly.
“Nice. Can I touch them?”
Mila nodded.
Peter touched Mila’s breasts, softly feeling the heft of them, then he stroked them with his fingertips and Mila shivered.
“Am I hurting you?” Peter sounded genuinely concerned.
Mila shook her head and smiled at him, putting her hands over his, directing his fingers to her nipples. They hardened to his touch.
“Do I repulse you?” Mila asked, searching his face for any sign of deception.
“I was just thinking to myself how foolish I’ve been not see that the most precious possession I have has been living under my roof.”
Mila was about to reply when Peter put a finger to her lips to silence her.
“Look it’s always been about the money, I get that and it still is. But I’d like to turn our marriage of convenience into a marriage of convention.”
“But only if you want to too.”
He took his finger from her lips so Mila could reply.
“What about me being transgender? I have no intention of purchasing the matching designer vagina to go with my new tits,” Mila bit her lip.
Peter frowned.
“I don’t need you to do that. At least I don’t think I do. All I know is I want you; I want to make love to you. I think I might have some idea how to do that but I’m willing to let you to teach me. I don’t want to hurt you or to…”
Mila silenced Peter up by pressing her lips on his.
She reached out to turn off the light but Peter put his hand over hers to prevent her from doing so.
“I want to look at you. You are so beautiful; I want all of my senses to appreciate you.”
This time Peter kissed Mila and pulled her close. She wrapped a leg over him and opened her mouth so he could put his tongue to her. Peter slid a hand down to her leg and stroked her shapely thigh clad in the gossamer hold-up stockings.
“Do you always wear nylons and makeup to bed?”
“Do you always ask stupid questions when you’re supposed to be making love to the person in bed with you?”
Mila quietened him again by kissing him.
Peter let Mila take the lead. They kissed passionately for a long time, taking the time explore each other’s bodies. She kissed his chest and licked his smooth flesh all the way down to his belly. He reciprocated and when he took Mila’s nipple into his mouth and suckled it she gasped and cradled his head, it was a wonderful feeling. Peter spent some time caressing, licking and sucking her breasts and Mila appreciated it.
She was erect inside her flimsy panties but she didn’t know if Peter was ready to touch her there yet. She took him in hand and squeezed his quite substantial cock, then caressed it with featherlight strokes using her fingertips, listening to him moan and kissing him when he encouraged her to stroke it harder. She resisted and instead went exploring his body again with her lips and tongue but this time continued down his belly and took him in her mouth.
She suckled his cock and squeezed and stroked his scrotum. Peter was leaking copious amounts of precum which she greedily swallowed. She froze when Peter’s hand grazed her cock through her slinky panties, not sure if it was intentional.
Mila was assured it wasn’t when Peter took her in a firm grip and began to stroke her, rubbing the soft satiny fabric on her hard pulsing shaft.
“You don’t have to do that,” she whispered.
“Shut up,” he whispered and guided her head back to his cock.
Peter stroked her cock, freeing it from her panties.
Mila felt Peter’s hands on her shoulders drawing her away from his groin; he pulled her close against him and kissed her, still stroking her. She took him in hand and stroked him too.
“This is wonderful,” he sighed and Mila nodded.
She wriggled underneath him and put a pillow in the small of her back. Her negligee had been discarded and she was wearing only stockings and panties, Peter’s briefs were lost in the covers.
Peter pressed his cock against hers, the satin panty providing delicious little shards of delight as they frotted, kissing each other and caressing wherever they could lay their hands on each other. When Mila could take no more foreplay she lifted her legs, putting her ankles on Peter’s shoulders. She eased the gusset of her panties aside and guided his engorged penis to her entrance.
“Will I hurt you?” Peter looked down at her pretty face with concern.
“I’m a girl scout,” she grinned up at him.
Peter looked confused.
“I’m prepared,” she smiled up at him.
“Please do it,” Mila sighed.
Peter slowly entered Mila, taking his time and enjoying every second of the wondrous feel of his phallus sliding into her tight anus. She smiled up him, encouraging him and when he was fully enveloped in her and his groin pressed against her buttocks, she moaned and pulled his face to hers and kissed him. She lowered her legs and wrapped them around his flanks and wriggled her buttocks.
“Now you can fuck me,” she whispered in his ear.
“When I’m ready, I like this,” he covered her mouth with his.
Mila could feel his engorged shaft filling her anus. It felt wonderful, throbbing and palpitating against her prostate and her tight sphincter. Mila wanted to feel the power of that magnificent phallus and she began to writhe beneath him, encouraging Peter to fuck her. Their bodies pressing together also ensured Peter’s hard belly pressed on her panty-clad cock. Peter could feel her poking his belly and to his surprise it felt wonderful knowing that he had caused her raging erection and the dribble of precum leaking from her glans.
They built up the tempo, enjoying each other, kissing and caressing as they fucked each other. Peter withdrew nearly all the way and then slowly inserted himself until the hilt of his cock was buried deep inside her.
Mila was mewing, totally immersed in the pleasure of their fucking, rising to meet his thrusts, nibbling on his lip, driving her tongue into his mouth.
Peter pushed Mila down into the bed and held her there and buried himself deep in her anus as he groaned and emptied himself deep inside her. Mila writhed beneath him and he felt her scalding issue spatter on his belly. He began to fuck her again as his orgasm intensified and Mila got in rhythm as he pounded his cock in and out of her until he was exhausted and lay on top of her panting.
Mila lay under him, astounded at the passion they had generated between them. The lust, tempered with tenderness and Peter’s newly blossomed adoration.
They fell asleep in each other’s arms, waking in the early hours to slake their desires again and then fell asleep exhausted.
On the journey home they held hands and canoodled in their first class seats. They behaved unashamedly like young lovers.
Sarah was waiting for them when they got home and helped Mila unpack while Peter went straight to his office to catch up on work.
“Good vacation?” Sarah asked.
“Wonderful,” Mila grinned.
“Your first holiday together since you arrived,” Sarah commented.
“I’d know that look anywhere Mila… was it a second honeymoon or something?” Sarah grinned conspiratorially.
“Yeah… it was something,” Mila sighed.
“No more taking turns wanking in the sheets,” Peter joked as they prepared for bed that night.
“Yeah… but I bet you still make me sleep in the wet spot,” Mila joked and threw a pillow at him.
Peter retaliated and a full on pillow-fight erupted ending with Peter on top of Mila and the first wet spot of the night.
“Who would have thought we would become lovers?” Peter sighed, holding Mila close in post-coital bliss.
“Well technically I’m your wife,” Mila nibbled his ear.
“Yes. You are,” Peter kissed her.
Mila and Peter settled back into their routines in Redhaven but it was different now. They didn’t have to pretend they were a happily married couple and the completeness they found with each other made living there tolerable to a greater degree. Mila broke off her relationship with Steven with no regrets by either of them; Steven was still getting his monthly hush money. She and Peter did things together; they were like a newly married couple exploring the boundaries of their relationship.
They almost stopped questioning the Sons of Jehovah’s foibles and eccentricity, the undercurrent of malevolence and the secrecy.
Until one day…
One of the maddening things about living in Redhaven for Peter and Mila was Sundays. Everything closed down and everyone except the sick, first responders, and essential service personnel attended services at the Sons of Jehovah Supreme Temple. The services began at 9am and ran until 4pm in the afternoon and included a picnic lunch on the lawns. Reverend Hayes and his Apostles presided over the services, ceremonies and scripture teachings that held no interest for Mila.
There was absolutely nothing for Peter and Mila to do until the evening when they would undoubtedly be invited to a dinner party or some other social engagement. This was fine when Peter was home but when he was away on business Mila became bored.
She decided to postpone her daily run until the church services were about to start, that would eat into some of the boredom. She dressed in her tights and sports top and hit the streets, waving to the guard on the front gate at Apostle Gardens as she left the housing estate and ran through the leafy streets of Redhaven.
All vehicular and foot traffic was headed to the centre of the town to the Temple but as she turned onto the main street of the commercial precinct Mila noticed a bus idling at the curb. A line of women were embarking, some chatting animatedly and some looking downright despondent.
Mila spotted Sarah Jennings in the line and ran over to say hello.
As she approached Sarah looked up and saw Mila. She looked alarmed and frightened and shook her head vigorously indicating for Mila to move along and not to approach her. Mila jagged back onto the sidewalk and ran around the block instead.
Mila was very confused.
The women were all dressed provocatively in short skirts, nylons, heels and tight blouses; their hair was down and some had teased out their locks. The women were town spinsters and they were all wearing heavy makeup and the reek of perfume as she ran past the line-up of ladies about to embus wafted on the still morning air.
Mila ran home as fast as she could, her curiosity piqued to the extreme. She snatched up her purse and her keys and jumped into her BMW and drove into town. The bus had left but there was only one road in and out of Redhaven and Mila took the arterial route and soon caught up with the bus. She dropped back and followed from a discreet distance.
The bus turned off onto the river valley detour and then onto the spur road that led to the ranch. Mila knew that she wouldn’t be able to get through the guarded gate onto the ranch but she was profoundly curious as to why a group of single women from Redhaven were dressed up like hookers and being bussed to a cattle ranch.
Mila turned around and drove back home, wishing that Peter was there so she could tell him about it.
She speculated to herself as to why the spinsters were segregated and bussed away and not attending Sunday Temple. There were services at the SOJ Supreme Temple every day but Sunday worship was compulsory. Did the spinsters have their own services at the ranch? That would be odd. Mila knew that there was one person she could talk to who knew the answer. The only question was would she be willing to tell her.
Mila could hardly wait for Sarah to turn up for work the next day. Sarah was dressed in her uniform black dress with white trim and full skirt above the knee, white half-apron, tan hosiery and black low-heels. Her makeup was as usual heavy but Mila noticed that she was using it to conceal a bruised lip and tiny graze on her cheek. Now that Mila came to think about it Sarah was sometimes a little morose on Monday mornings and sometimes had the odd bruise on her knee or puffy lips.
They sipped coffee in the quiet house and Mila reached out and placed a finger gently on Sarah’s lip.
Sarah looked away.
“What happened? Don’t tell me you fell off a horse at the ranch because you certainly weren’t dressed for horseback riding.”
Sarah looked at Mila with alarm
“What do you know about the ranch?” Sarah exclaimed.
“I saw the bus go out there yesterday. Also, some time ago, two guys with big guns turned me away from the gates of the ranch and the sheriff escorted me back to town.”
“You stay away from there Mila! There is nothing for you at the ranch, only trouble, big trouble.”
“I’m surprised Peter hasn’t told you so.”
“I didn’t tell Peter about the time I drove out there on my own. I don’t know why. Peter and I weren’t in a good place at the time and I didn’t want him to get angry,” Mila snapped.
“Can you tell me anything? If the ranch is part of the church’s business empire why doesn’t anybody that works there live in town? I’ve been here a long time Sarah and I have never heard any of the women say their husbands work there. In fact no one talks about it much.”
Sarah reached out and took Mila’s hand in hers.
“If Peter hasn’t told you anything about it; I certainly can’t. Ask your husband when he returns but I doubt he knows much about it himself.”
That closed the conversation but Mila was not going to let sleeping dogs lie.
When Peter returned they had their first argument since they had become lovers. He doubled down on Sarah’s warning to stay away from the ranch and told her not to ask questions about it.
“Mila, come here,” Mila let Peter pull her down into his lap.
“Look, I told you there are aspects of my employment that you are best not to know about.”
“I also promised you that I would never let anything ever happen to you and I won’t, but you have to trust me.”
Mila sulked in his lap.
“Look, my contract is due to be renewed in six months; what do you think?”
“Are you asking me because you need a surrogate wife to fool the SOJ?”
“No I’m asking you because for all intents and purposes you are my wife and I care for you and I want you to be happy.”
“I tell you what I think. I think you should ask for a raise,” Mila pouted.
“Funny you should say that; they want to double my wage,” Peter grinned.
Mila nearly fell off his lap.
“Peter that is a lot of money! I’m talking astronomical.”
“And you get your cut,” Peter replied.
“I have a lot of money now; the question is how much is enough?” Mila mused.
“I can tell you how much if you want me to; it’s simple arithmetic. I’m guessing that now that you have had a taste of the high life you won’t want to live like a common middle-income schmuck.”
“Well I have developed a taste for nice things,” Mila put her hands around Peter’s neck and smiled at him cheekily.
“Look; I think another two years and we can both retire. I mean never work again and live in the lap of luxury,” Peter said.
“But you have to stop snooping. These SOJs might look like bible-thumping, sex-addicted, nut-jobs but they are dangerous bible-thumping, sex-addicted, nut-jobs.”
“Sure, I can be a Stepford wife for two more years,” Mila blew in his ear.
“You’re hardly a Stepford wife,” Peter cuddled her.
“Ok. I’ll be a good girl. What’s that poking in me in the ass by the way?” Mila nipped Peter’s earlobe.
“Wanna come upstairs and find out?” Peter kissed her.
“Let’s christen the couch,” Mila slipped her tongue into Peter’s mouth and the christening began.
Mila’s life was incident free for the next three months; she ignored the bizarre goings on in Redhaven and was content to go with the flow. Her relationship with Peter became deeper, their genuine affection for each other had blossomed into adoration, they hated to be apart. They took a holiday to Hawaii and Mila ventured out in a bikini for the first time, confident in her ability to pass as a woman.
After the holiday Peter was due to fly on to Chicago on business when they passed through LA on the return leg and Mila was returning directly to Redhaven via Jackson Hole.
They stayed overnight and met up and had dinner with Steven Boutros who they had told about their relationship. There was no jealousy between them. They were adult about the fact that Steven had a fling with Mila, it was over with now.
“Believe it or not; I’m now a one woman man,” Peter grinned.
“And I’m a one man woman,” Mila chimed in.
“And even more of a woman than when I first met you. If I didn’t think Peter would punch me, I’d ask to see those perky puppies,” Steven grinned and nodded at Mila’s chest.
They had moved on to a crowded night club for after-dinner drinks and Mila looked at Peter questioningly.
“What the hell. If it wasn’t for Steven you would never exist and I would never have fallen in love with you,” Peter smiled magnanimously.
Mila grinned and quickly unbuttoned her blouse and flashed her breasts at Steven. The bar where they drinking erupted in applause and an impromptu boob flash contest broke out amongst the women, fuelled by happy hour margaritas.
Later that night as they cuddled in the big hotel bed Mila was lying on her stomach beside Peter lazily stroking his chest.
“Was that a Freudian slip in the bar this evening?” Mila asked.
“What was that?” Peter asked innocently.
Mila gave him a withering look.
Peter rolled over and straddled Mila and stared down into her deep blue eyes.
“I love you,” he whispered.
“But how can you? I’m…” Peter put a finger on Mila’s lips.
“You’re perfect. I’ve thought long and hard about it; this isn’t a high school crush, it’s not just infatuation. I decided not to question what I feel. I love you,” Peter kissed her.
“I love you too,” Mila whispered.
Mila said goodbye to Peter at the hotel, his flight was leaving LAX four hours before hers and she had no intention of waiting in an airport for that long even though she has access to the United Club.
As she passed through security she was taken aside by a TSA official without explanation and led to a small windowless room. Despite her complaints she was not told why she had been detained. She was worried about missing her flight but knew better than to get into an argument with the TSA Nazis who seemed to take great pleasure in wielding their powers. Peter’s theory was that any asshole that drops out of high school and spends a year guarding the Starbucks at the local mall can join the TSA. Mila was sure it was some sort of mix-up.
After being left to stew for over an hour two men dressed in suits entered the room.
“Special Agent Duckworth, FBI,” the first man flashed credentials at Mila but gave her no time to scrutinize them.
“Senior Agent Morrow, DEA,” the second man followed suit.
Both men were tall and muscular and Mila felt crowded as they seated themselves across from her at the small table. Agent Duckworth had the tray into which she had placed her personal possessions at the security checkpoint. He had taken her pocketbook from her handbag and was perusing her driver’s licence.
Now Mila was worried.
“Mrs Mila Randal, wife of Peter Randal, formerly of Los Angeles County California now residing in Redhaven Wyoming,” Agent Duckworth read from a sheet of paper.
“Is that a question or a statement?” Mila was angry now.
Neither Agent answered.
Agent Morrow rooted around in his briefcase and laid a series of twelve by ten glossies on the table. Mila tried to be defiant and not look at them but she couldn’t help it, she was naturally curious. The pictures were of Reverend Ronald Hayes, Brian Hislop, Jim Benson and three other Apostles of the Sons of Jehovah.
“What is this about please?” Mila asked.
“Do you know any of these men?” Agent Duckworth replied.
Before Mila could answer there was a loud knocking on the door.
“Not now!” Agent Duckworth yelled at the door.
The rapping became louder and then the door opened. The TSA official was looking angry and defeated as he stood aside and a handsome elegant man wearing an expensive suit and carrying a slim briefcase entered the room.
“Say nothing,” the man snapped at Mila.
“Who the fuck are you?” Agent Morrow asked angrily.
Agent Duckworth however bowed his head resignedly.
The dapper man produced a business card and placed it on the table.
“Duke Russell, attorney at law and I represent Mrs Mila Randal.”
“What the fuck?” Agent Morrow was about to stand but Agent Duckworth gripped his arm and held him in his seat.
“I presume no Miranda warning has been read nor charges laid against my client but you have detained her without a warrant for over an hour now.”
The lawyer scooped up all of Mila’s possessions and put them in her handbag and handed it to her.
“We are leaving Mrs Randal,” Duke motioned for Mila to stand and follow him.
Mila stood and clutched her handbag. She walked around the table and out the door followed by Duke Russell who closed the door behind them.
“Fuck!” Mila heard expletives and the crashing of furniture from the interview room.
“What’s going on?” Mila was both scared and angry.
“Follow me please Mrs Randal,” Duke replied by way of an answer.
Mila stewed in silence as she and Duke were escorted to a discrete exit down onto the runway apron and then driven to a private jet.
“You won’t need your boarding pass, we’re going straight to Redhaven,” Duke chuckled.
Mila was seated by an attractive hostess who brought her a much needed vodka tonic, Duke took whisky and surveyed the flight attendant’s ass with great interest whenever she bent over.
“Now we can talk and I bet you have many questions but let me speak first,” Duke began.
“Look, First Amendment abuses and political surveillance by the FBI are well known so I won’t bore you with the details. They make a habit of devoting disproportionate resources to spy on peaceful libertarian groups in civil society. I won’t even bother to go into the Waco disaster.”
“The Sons of Jehovah have been on their radar almost since inception, they have tried to infiltrate Redhaven on several occasions. Anything they don’t understand, they try to dismantle,” Duke sipped his drink.
“Are you telling me that the Federal authorities believe that the SOJ is some sort of evil cult or something?” Mila swallowed half her drink.
“Not at all. They have tried to prove that the SOJ is a criminal organisation and have accused them of everything from civil unrest to money laundering to tax evasion but have never been able to prove a thing.”
“You live there. You live among the Sons of Jehovah. You know they are peace-loving, law-abiding, Christians who simply want to practice their religion in peace and be left alone.”
“So why was a DEA agent in the room?” Mila finished her drink and waved the empty glass at the hostess.
“The Feds will use anything at their disposal to try to subvert the SOJ. Five years ago the ATF raided the Sons of Jehovah Supreme Temple and took away documents and hardware. They found nothing and we sued them in court and won.”
“So why detain me for questioning?” the hostess arrived with Mila’s second drink.
“You’re a soft target. You’re not a member of the congregation and one of very few outsiders with daily contact with the SOJ. Also you are the wife of the church’s senior business and commercial law advisor. They were going fishing.”
“Ok. So now the big questions: how did you know I had been detained and who appointed you to represent me?” Mila had finished her second drink and the hostess bought her a third.
“These are questions best answered by your husband,” Duke gave her a crocodile smile.
Mila had more questions but she was exhausted and suffering from stress caused by her brush with the Feds, the alcohol was also kicking in. She fell into a fitful sleep and awoke when she heard the engines change pitch and sensed the aircraft was descending.
Duke Russell was walking back to his seat from the rear of the plane. He was zipping his fly and grinning. The hostess pulled back the privacy curtain that ran from bulkhead to bulkhead shrouding the lounge area at the rear of the plane. She hitched the placket of her skirt and smoothed the wrinkles out of her stockings.
“Did you just fuck the hostess?” Mila was astonished.
“Perks of the job,” Duke smiled at Mila, adjusting his tie.
When the private jet landed at Redhaven a car was waiting for Mila and Duke. It whisked them away and delivered them to the Reverend Ronald Hayes’ office at the Sons of Jehovah Supreme Temple.
“Mrs Randal I would like to sincerely apologise for the awful experience you have just endured,” the Reverend took her hand and guided Mila to a seat.
“It’s not your fault Reverend,” Mila smiled but was still seething inside.
“I’m sure Mr Russell has explained to you why we are victimised and persecuted by certain agencies of the Federal government. I have arranged for Peter to return to Redhaven immediately, I’m sure you will appreciate being able to return to the loving embrace of your husband as soon as possible,” Ronald smiled consolingly at Mila.
Mila was driven home where Sarah Jennings was waiting for her, ready to comfort her.
“What does she know?” the Reverend sipped scotch and paced the floor of his office.
“Not much I think, and anyway the Feds never got a chance to question her,” Duke sat in a leather wing-backed chair sipping whisky.
“She’s nosey. She’s done her share of snooping since she’s been here,” Ronald continued to pace.
“You need her husband and he needs your money, even he doesn’t know everything,” Duke sipped his drink.
“Do I need to be worried?” Ronald stopped in front of Duke and raised his brows.
“It’s nothing we can’t handle. Relax Ron, business is booming,” Duke smiled.
“I’m not sure having the Randals around is worth the risk,” the Reverend mused.
“We need Peter so we need Mila,” Duke countered.
“I’ll think about it. I want you to stick around a bit,” Ronald said with finality.
“I’ll check into the Lodge and fly out when we’re done. Any new spinsters in town?”
“Mary Quincy has just turned twenty and is unmarried. She’s working as a receptionist at the Lodge. Great ass and fucks like a jackrabbit,” the Reverend grinned.
“Well you’d know Ron,” Duke finished his drink and got up to leave.
Sarah was waiting for Mila and had been told about her experience at LAX however Mila had no time for her condolences or to gossip. She went straight up to her bedroom, closed the drapes, took off her blouse and skirt, kicked off her heels and dived under the covers.
Now that she was home she just wanted to sleep. She was hungover, tired, and overly emotional which was not a good combination. She fell into a deep sleep almost immediately and didn’t hear Peter enter the room later that evening. He took a tube of lubricant from the bedside table drawer, quietly stripped naked and slipped into bed beside her.
Mila roused when Peter sidled up to her and cuddled her. She was warm and smelled of perfume and was wearing a satin full-slip, panties and a bra. She had not taken the time to take off her pantyhose or remove her makeup.
Peter nuzzled her neck and reached around to find her hard in her panties and he stroked her to full tumescence, his cock was nestled in the crease of her buttocks, sliding up and down the satin panty fabric.
“I’m tired, I’m not prepared and I have morning-breath Peter, I’m not in the mood,” Mila whined.
Peter ignored her complaints and continued to stroke her cock which was hard and throbbing.
“That’s not what you dick says,” Peter smiled and pushed his cock hard against her buttocks.
“My dick isn’t speaking on my behalf, she has a mind of her own,” Mila mewed.
“She sure does, what about your ass?”
Peter poked a hole in Mila’s pantyhose. He had lubricated his finger and he slipped it into Mila’s anus.
“I told you I’m not prepared Peter so… oh my god!” Peter expertly found her prostate and began to manipulate it.
Mila’s cock began to palpitate and leak slippery pre-ejaculate.
“Oh that is so good Peter but don’t you dare put your cock in my butt… oh Jesus!”
It was too late; Peter pulled her panties aside and put his pre-lubricated penis inside her pantyhose and slid his cock inside her.
“Mmm…” Mila pushed back against him.
Peter held Mila by the hips and began to slowly fuck her. Mila sighed and offered her buttocks, she pushed them out so Peter could enjoy fucking her tight anus and she could enjoy his thick cock pushing deep inside her. They both preferred the missionary position so they could kiss but when deep penetration was desired, there was nothing better than taking Mila from behind.
Peter fucked Mila with long deep strokes whilst squeezing her cock. As he began to fuck her harder and faster he freed her cock from her underwear and stroked it harder and faster too. Mila was mewing and squealing like a slattern, pushing back hard against Peter as he assaulted her tight ass, fucking her vigorously.
Mila’s anus contracted and her cock convulsed as she came, Peter ejaculated deep inside her, her sphincter squeezing his cock as he milked hers. Her sperm spattered on the sheet and Peter’s semen filled her cavity and runnels of the musky fluid dribbled from her ass as Peter continued to zealously fuck her. He held Mila tight against him and emptied all his issue deep inside her as she writhed with pleasure.
Peter pulled out and rolled Mila over so she was facing him.
“I told you I have morning-breath,” Mila whined but Peter kissed her anyway.
She kissed him back and they lay in each other’s arms kissing and caressing.
“We’re both in the wet spot now,” Mila giggled.
“Like I give a fuck, Sarah has to wash the sheets not me,” Peter replied.
Mila pinched his butt for being naughty.
“Let’s go shower,” Mila wriggled free.
They got out of bed and walked to the ensuite bathroom and Peter ran the water, adjusting the temperature while Mila took off her bra and panties and dumped them in the laundry hamper.
“These pantyhose are ruined, surprise, surprise, I might as well throw them in the trash.”
Mila put her fingers in the waistband to take them off when Peter stopped her.
“Leave them on. I like it when they get all wet and slippery.”
“Who say’s we are showering together? What if all I want to do is wash my body?” Mila teased.
“Yeah right!” Peter picked Mila up in his arms and she pretended to fight against him but he dropped her on her feet under the warm water and pushed her against the tiled wall and kissed her.
She put her arms around him and returned the kiss. It was like kissing under a warm waterfall. Peter could feel her becoming erect in her pantyhose, her cock pressing into his belly. Peter squeezed bodywash onto his hand and began to stroke her.
“There you go, I’m washing your body,” Peter said into her mouth.
Mila sat at the breakfast bar dressed in her negligée and robe, Peter was wearing a bathrobe; they were drinking coffee.
“I can’t take any more lies and half-truths Peter. Why was I detained by the FBI? How did Duke Russell know that I was being held and get to me so soon?”
“Why are you so important to the SOJ?”
The afterglow and relief of having Peter home to comfort and protect her had been replaced by anger and inquisitiveness.
“Mila, I have tried to shield you from exactly what I do here but it seems that even when I get you to curb your curiosity, outside forces come into play.”
“I’m willing to tell you everything I know. Once I do that, there are some things I can’t protect you from. The apophthegm that knowledge is power in this case also means knowledge brings danger.”
“I’ve had enough Peter. Tell me,” Mila said bitterly.
“Ok, I will,” Peter sighed.
To be continued
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Ramped Up Mystery & Danger
Plenty to be concerned about. Guess we will learn quite a bit at the beginning of the next posting. Thanks for sharing. I like that Peter and Mila have "found" each other.
Now we get the bad with the good......
It’s wonderful how the past two years have a better man out of Peter, and allowed Mila to find herself. The resultant growth from friendship to attraction to true love has been well written.
But now we find out the dirty little secrets that Peter has been keeping away from Mila. And yes, with the power of knowledge comes danger. It is always how you use the knowledge that makes the difference.
It is fairly obvious that the SOJ is pimping out the unmarried girls at the ranch, and apparently some of them are not happy about it. One can’t help but wonder just who they are being pimped out to, but whoever it is there is apparently some abusive behavior based on the bruises the maid has occasionally. With the interaction of the DEA, there is apparently a drug connection as well.
I can’t wait to see where this goes next!
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
Nastiness and danger ramped up
I really like that Peter and Mila developed into loving allies due to changes they both underwent. I hope Peter continues to deserve her loyalty. But these SOJ people are turning out to seem pretty nasty. I kinda doubt it's simple prostitution the spinsters are participating in, more likely it's part of a blackmail scheme and that's part of Peter's skill set. But I'm very curious about the DEA. Was that truly a red herring?
Fascinatingly spun so far Michelle.
This is developing into one of your best ever stories, and that’s really saying something.
Hanging Cliffs
I'm all agog for your next chapter and hopefully the big reveal.
I could easily imagine myself as Mila but I would have to shed fifty years!