Partial Transformations

Murder at the Shapeshifters' Ball by Rodford Edmiston now on Kindle


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Worlds where being different ISN'T your biggest problem!

Murder at the Shapeshifters' Ball
by Rodford Edmiston
Buy it on Kindle

Stickmaker's collection of classic SciFi Transformation Tales leads off with a great detective yarn!

Everybody who can be anybody is at the party, including someone willing to kill a beautiful elf!

Thirteen stories set in about ten different worlds deliver mystery, suspense and adventure. With a few important transgender transformations among the furries, aliens and fantastic creatures!

There's a sample of the first story after the break!

The pageant

Alex woke up The next morning he got out of bed and started to polish his nails Black he was wearing care bears pajamas. then he put his Long blonde hair in a ponytail his Mom asked how did you sleep sweetheart Good momma that's good sweetie she said as she kisses his head. Black is such a Good color for your nails aww thank you he said with a smile oh I like your nails so cute said his sister Sarah thanks sis Nice color said his little brother Bradley he noticed his brother is wet. uh Mom I'll go change his diaper he's pretty soaked ok sweetie she said.

Danny Part 8 - Chapter 58


Chapter 58
by Roberta J. Cabot

This is a story about Daniel, a guy with a unique talent and an even more unique problem: A great singing voice and the looks of his gorgeous sister. And how he and his family deal with his having breasts. And how he ends up as the female lead singer for a high-school cover band as well as a radio DJ and the country's newest fashion icon and idol.

And Danny found out that he was big in Japan: apparently, Danni-Ota and Danni Otaku were actual things.

Never a dull moment with Batch Fourteen, and Dan & his gang.

Note to the reader: This is a continuation of the still-unfinished story, Danny, so I’m sure you’ll need some background info to make heads or tails of this. Therefore, feel free to read the story. The link is
. Thanks!




Ghost Town

Ghost Town
I had small hope this year of achieving my New Year’s Resolution. Recognising that it was likely to fare no better than its predecessor of the year before, I’d varied it this time, but I had little faith. My basic need was centred on overcoming the temptation which surrounded me and which in the past I had proved too weak to conquer. The circumstance from which that delicious torment arose was that I was at home, alone, for long hours each day while Carole, my wife, was working. There was no escaping it.

Binding Resolutions Chapter 1: A Promise Kept

As the new year approaches, our heroine faces her new reality. Once in control, but now turned into someone whose purpose is to serve and please her mistress. Dressed up, ready to be paraded and stared at, her body, no longer her own but a symbol of her promise to her mistress. Be warned, This story is dark. I have added all the appropriate tags

Binding Resolutions Chapter 1: A Promise Kept

Enhancement Suits

Welcome to Smart Tech, the leader in biomedical enhancements.

Have you ever felt inadequate in bed?
Maybe you would like to experiment a little with your partner.

We at Smart Tech have the answer. You can have it all With our new specially-designed Enhancement Suits.

Danny Part 8 - Chapter 57


Chapter 57
by Roberta J. Cabot

This is a story about Daniel, a guy with a unique talent and an even more unique problem: A great singing voice and the looks of his gorgeous sister. And how he and his family deal with his having breasts. And how he ends up as the female lead singer for a high-school cover band as well as a radio DJ and the country's newest fashion icon and idol.

It’s Day Two of Dannie’s and Robin’s first photoshoot as Blumenfeld House’s newest models. This day it's Dannie’s turn.

Never a dull moment with Batch Fourteen, and Dan & his gang.

Note to the reader: This is a continuation of the still-unfinished story, Danny, so I’m sure you’ll need some background info to make heads or tails of this. Therefore, feel free to read the story. The link is
. Thanks!


Danny Part 8 - Chapter 56


Chapter 56
by Roberta J. Cabot

This is a story about Daniel, a guy with a unique talent and an even more unique problem: A great singing voice and the looks of his gorgeous sister. And how he and his family deal with his having breasts. And how he ends up as the female lead singer for a high-school cover band as well as a radio DJ and the country's newest fashion icon and idol.

And today is the first day of Danny and Robin as Blumenfeld House’s newest models.

Never a dull moment with Batch Fourteen, and Dan & his gang.

Note to the reader: This is a continuation of the still-unfinished story, Danny, so I’m sure you’ll need some background info to make heads or tails of this. Therefore, feel free to read the story. The link is
. Thanks!


The World Turns - Snapshots

One day things changed drastically, a second puberty was added during which everyone developed a second set of genitalia of the opposite sex from their originals. Everyone's bodies adjusts as if this was always the case, but nothing else did.

A few short scenes about different people and an in-universe FAQ about the changes

The World Turns - Chris and Brianna 2

One day things changed drastically, a second puberty was added during which everyone developed a second set of genitalia of the opposite sex from their originals. Everyone's bodies adjusts as if this was always the case, but nothing else did.

Chris is insecure in his masculinity now that he has huge boobs and female libido. Chris and Brianna both talk to friends, and they also both try masturbating with their new parts.

World Turns - Chris and Brianna

One day things changed drastically, a second puberty was added during which everyone developed a second set of genitalia of the opposite sex from their originals. Everyone's bodies adjusts as if this was always the case, but nothing else did.

Brianna watches her boyfriend's bust balloon up to an enormous size before her eyes, she has trouble not staring, her new equipment reacts.

Bridesmaid Rehearsals: Part 4 - Dress Rehearsal.

I woke up to the sound of mum calling ‘come on, it’s time to go!’

It took me a minute…but I sat up in a start. Mum called out again.

In a moment it all came back, the events of the night before, and how I’d been so tired and defeated going to bed I didn’t stop to change, I just laid down and slept. I was still wearing the black satin maids dress, stockings and heels. I could sense the powders and creams on my face and my nails were still perfectly manicured with a generous spread of red gloss polish on each.

A Joke Can Go Too Far

Parker looks out towards the water from the pier he is standing on, thinking about jumping. He was cradling a heavy stone in his arms and standing close to the edge of the dock. Tears were streaming down his cheeks. He could not believe what had been done to him by people he trusted.

His life was now ruined, all thanks to what they did to him. Not only had they recorded what they did to him, but they had posted the footage on all the social media sites and the college site he attended as well. They sent footage of what happened to him to his parents.

I am what I am

I Am What I Am
A Vignette
By Maryanne Peters


I am what I am, and I am proud to be me. I may appear to be a woman, but I am not one. I love appearing as a woman. I love everything about it. I love the hair and the makeup and the nails and the clothes and the bags and the shoes … I love it all. But I am not a woman. I am what I am.

Bridesmaid Rehearsals: Part 3 - Nails (& a game of Truth or Dare)

Katie was not happy. Ever since Sophie hung up on her after telling her I wasn’t well and couldn’t come to the phone [but really it was because I was dressed in a little black dress and full make up] she had an underlying suspicion she was being lied to. One thing led to another and a few crossed words and things got difficult but she was one of Sophie’s bridesmaids [to be] and so part of the arrangements and in the end we were seeing each other mainly for that reason.

Bridesmaid Rehearsals: Part 2 - Little black dress

The next day I got home before anyone else. As usual I dropped my bag in the hall and took my shoes off. I walked into the dining room and couldn’t help but notice the make up that Suzie had used last night was on the table. I stood for. A moment in silence wondering if it had been left there to taunt me following my debut as a make up model, or just a coincidence.

The Transformation Inspector

Thomas Rider parked his car in the driveway and approached the front door. He straightened his collar before ringing the doorbell. After a moment, a tall, older gentleman opened the door. He was dressed in a formal suit. Given the size of the home, he gave off butler vibes.

“May I help you?” the butler said.

Between Rolls


Audience Rating: 



Between Rolls
by LariUmbreon

A Baldur's Gate fan comic about a Goddess, Castina, trapped in a devotee's body after being captured and infected with the Mindflayer Tadpole. It's causing instabilities with her godlike powers to alter and shift people's bodies and genders. With the world at risk and her powers in flux, will she transcend to godhood again?

Driven from Normal. (Extra A.I. Images)

Precision driver Simon McKenzie’s work week started reasonably normal with a job in Queenstown, New Zealand, driving a vehicle for a new TV ad being filmed there.

After only a few days, and a series of events that seemed to quickly snowball, the 23 year old found himself standing in a bar waiting for his new girlfriend to arrive… But, what wasn’t normal, is that it's him wearing who's little black cocktail dress…

Driven from Normal. (Extra A.I. Images)

Between Roles - 4 - Double It

Art by LariUmbreon

Actual conversations with my girlfriend, Tresenella.


Panel 1:
Lari: "Crud, I don't know if I've taken my meds today. What's the worst that'll happen if I take double?"
Tress: "I don't know. Double boobies?"

Panel 2:
Gem: "What would be better? Twice the size, or four boobs?"

Playing for the other team, Part 5

Author’s side note: I’m now realizing that I probably should proofread these, I’ve made a few mistakes I wish I could correct. Also I thought it would be fun if Luke was more than just attracted to Tom.

A little after 2 am, a restless Luke lay awake, anxious from his growing feelings for his new houseguest. Trying not to wake his friend, Luke attempted to unsuspectingly examine his sleeping friend in the dim light shining through his living room window. The blond man had his head turned away from Luke, his sleeping body sprawled halfway off the couch.

Playing for the other team, Part 4

The drive back to Luke’s apartment was awkwardly quiet, Luke driving, Tom staring at his big hands wrapped around the steering wheel, trying desperately not to think about what Luke thought of him. Every once in a while Luke would make a passing remark or ask a question, but he kept his thoughts focused on anything other than himself. It felt like an awkward first date, though both thought the other was straight.

Playing for the other team, Part 2

There are multiple ways to approach gender reassignment surgery, all procedures are viable, and each has their own set of complications, which depending on the patient's particular medical history can make one method preferable over the other. The most common is through a method known as penile inversion vaginoplasty (PIV), which basically means cutting open the penis and turning it inside out. This procedure removes the erectile tissue, testicles and much of the scrotum, but preserves the glans, penile skin and urethra to fashion the clitoris and vaginal cavity.

Playing for the other team, Part 1

Authors note: This story is about a male athlete who realizes he is dysphoric over his penis and testicles and wants to get a vaginoplasty but stay a masculine man. One day an accident in practice makes that dream a reality. He and his teammate discover together that they have feelings for each other and navigate the complex situation together. It is a way to explore my own feelings towards gender and sex, but contains explicit gore and scenes not suitable for all audiences. Part 1.

(Rewritten) Doom Valley Prep School: Chapter 44

Doom Valley Prep School
Chapter 44
Mr. Happy Returns

“So let me get this straight,” Naomi said as we ate our lunch. “You summoned the sister of the demon you traded bodies with.”

“Shapes, not bodies,” I corrected.

“What's the difference?”

“I have no idea, but seems important.”

Transference Abduction

Author retains all rights to this original work of short fiction.


Monday, June 20th, 8:15 AM – My apartment…
I woke with a sour taste in my mouth, much like a rotting egg sort of thing from what I could smell of my breath. I knew I wasn’t going to make it to work today feeling the way I did so I called my boss to say I was taking a sick day. I barely made it to the bathroom to piss, downed some antacid, and returned to bed.


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