Long hair

A Personal Journey 3

The lingerie and swimwear gig didn't pan out. The lady in charge was a bit too much to handle and ended up letting me go because of a certain incident she reported to Mistress Athena. I admit, I made mistakes too. But there was this strange urge in me to explore wearing lingerie (maybe hidden desires), so I indulged in it secretly (after work hours, of course). I couldn't resist and kept doing it until I was caught, leading to the lady's anger and betrayal. Mistress Athena was not happy, and I felt the need to redeem myself.

A Personal Journey 2

What Happened?

I did write that resignation letter, as I couldn't go against my intense desire and feelings regarding my hair. After I quit my work, things became worse. I was kicked out from my flat (again, without cause given by the landlord), my money was quickly gone since I had to pay my past-due bills (perfect timing, sheesh), and my parents really didn't leave a fortune so I couldn't count on that.

The Want: 90s Layers Obsession

Jason was a 20 year old living in the heart of michigan. He’d been growing his long, thick blonde hair out for 3 years now, and it reached his mid back. He usually loved brushing his hair, as well as wearing it in a high ponytail, but he had an issue: It looked too plain. He fantasized about the long layered bangs that women wore, and wondered how it would feel like to have those. He loved the bangs that hung from their hair when they wore it in claw clipped styles, but never had the courage to try to get one of those cuts

The Haircut

The Haircut

Tom had been growing his hair out to donate it. After 2 years of no trims, his hair was down to his chest. The day had finally come to get it cut.
As Tom walked into the salon, he could see the stylist was a little taken aback by the length of his hair. She’d never seen such long hair on a man.

"Hi I'm Ella! How can I help you?" She asked.

"Hi, I'm Tom. I want to donate my hair and was looking to get a haircut," he explained.

Cinderella Part 2

Christmas morning came around and Madame finally unlocked the door to let Alex come down to join his stepsisters for opening presents. Alex was surprised to see that there were a few packages for him. When he opened the first bag, he was shocked to see a pair of dresses.

“I think this one is for Margaret or Stacy. It’s a dress,” he said.

Rohan's Hair

Rohan grew up with a traditional Indian mother. She held up her values and made sure he adhered to them too. When he didn’t there was strict punishment to enforce good behaviour. For the most part, Rohan was a good kid, except that he wanted to grow his hair out.

The Tournament

Joseph Eduardo Vincent was your average fifteen-year-old boy. He loved being outdoors and running around. Like most boys on his soccer team, Joe had longer hair. His blonde locks now reached just passed his shoulders, although you wouldn’t be able to tell with the amount of dirt and grease built up. He kept up in a bun like most of the boys on the team to prevent it from getting in his eyes. Besides having a manbun was all the rage nowadays with the elite players having one. Fortunately for Joe, his parents were completely indifferent to his long hair.

A Feminine Look Part 1: The School Show

Jamie and the rest of his school is surprised by a special performance for their graduation. But the performance isn't the only thing that surprises Jamie about the group that comes to perform.

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For a Season Part II: The morning after.

Sam is spending a year in America with Katie, a friend he met online. Both are aware of Sam's desire to be feminine. A man bun will no longer be Sam's go to hairstyle!

Started with a Prom Dress - 2 - The Date N More

Started with a Prom Dress? — 2 — The Date N More

I started to putting on the skirt and now had a complication.
“Too bad Jeff’s not here to help you,” Dawn said with a smile...
“Young woman I am more than happy to be here for you and share,
but I think you need to be honest with me and yourself...
You may not have planned to kiss back but you did.”

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