
Red Shoes


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Red Shoes
by KaylaKayKee

These are the diary notes of a young man whom after taking a summer job experiences changes beyond anyone’s wildest imagination. It also suggests that there may be magic out there, not in the form of dramatic hocus-pocus but a more subtle one.

And sometimes that magic can come from something as inconspicuous as a pair of — Red Shoes.

Diva in Disguise 3

Diva in Disguise Chapter 3

After Pete had gone, Alice left the little motel where they had been staying and moved in with me. My college friend offered to remain a further fortnight. Her stated intention was to help clear my mother’s house for sale, but while her practical assistance was welcome enough, just having her around was an emotional support I was most grateful to lean upon.

Diva in Disguise 1

Diva in Disguise Chapter 1
On the day of the funeral, it rained. I awoke to the sound of it beating against my old bedroom window and the torrent didn’t let up all day. That was fine by me. I didn’t care if it never stopped. I just wished that a flood would sweep away everything I’d known in this town. Hope was at an end here, at least for me.

Tommy, the Flower Girl Part 3


The next morning, Tommy woke up feeling the warmth of his wet diaper and of the sun streaming through his window. His mother greeted him with a smile and a loving hug. "Good morning, sweetie! Let's get you changed and ready for the day," she said. Once she had finished, his mother lifted him into her arms and held him close. "There we go, all fresh and clean," she said, pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead. "Now, let's go have some yummy breakfast, and we can talk about what fun things we can do today."

A Guide to Faraday City


My Faraday City stories have been exploring an increasingly expansive world of superheroes, adventure, whimsy and danger. So, to keep all the worldbuilding straight, I documented it! Character dossiers, location writeups, it’s all here. Also, some fun new pics, and even some sneak peeks of upcoming stories!

Kemeia Ascends Part 6 - Finale

This is part 6 of my first work, a fan continuation of the unfinished Kemeia Ascending. It is entirely inspired by Armond's magical world of Argentia and its Goddess Selene.

Link to the book here Kemeia Ascends - A Fan Continuity

You can read the prior parts by Armond from the links below


Copyright 2024 by Heather Rose Brown

A few years ago, I created the drawing below, of a couple of friends experimenting with makeup. Today a vignette of what was happening in the drawing popped into my head. Even though it's short, I really liked how it came out, so I thought I'd share it. Enjoy!


An Unexpected Christmas Gift Chapter 4

An Unexpected Christmas Gift Chapter 4
I Shot The Sheriff (Not Really)

By Joannebarbarella


This is an expansion of a story I posted a few weeks ago. It also contains comments and suggestions from two of the most gifted writers on BCTS, Angela Rasch and Emma Anne Tate.

Identity Crisis: Adventures in Babysitting - Chapter 6/6


Still reeling from their disastrous loss at the hands of Xenos, Chris and the others race to find a clue that will help to track him down so they can thwart his plans. And for Chris and Lydia, to get him to swap their bodies back!

Identity Crisis: Adventures in Babysitting - Chapter 4/6


While Chris and Lydia search for answers, Caleb looks to Enchantrix and Bhramari for assistance, with unexpected results. But as they all prepare for their next encounter with the cunning villain Xenos, he readies his trap for them. And he seems to know them even better than they know themselves!

The Change

When I look back it's hard to say when I first noticed what was happening. After all, it was not some sudden and very obvious thing, it happened very gradually at first.

I think the first thing I noticed was that I was getting the beginnings of the dreaded "man boobs". For a very long time I was in denial of course, but eventually I reached a point where I could not avoid it.

Identity Crisis: Adventures in Babysitting - Chapter 3/6


Chris and his little cousin Lydia, now stuck in each other’s bodies, struggle to deal with the change. And Chris soon learns that the super-powered dangers of Faraday City look a lot more menacing from the perspective of a defenseless young girl!

Identity Crisis: Adventures in Babysitting - Chapter 1/6


Chris always dreamed of being the kind of superhero who could inspire people. But between fighting crime as Prodigious Girl and then having to dress as a girl in his off hours, he wasn’t exactly living the dream. Even less so when his latest thrilling escapade was to babysit his little cousin for a weekend. But when a cunning body-swapping villain sets his eyes on our young hero(ine), Chris finds himself in far more danger than he expects! (A tale of Faraday City.)

Kemeia Ascends Part 5

This is part 5 of my first work, a fan continuation of the unfinished Kemeia Ascending. It is entirely inspired by Armond's magical world of Argentia and its Goddess Selene.

Link to the book here Kemeia Ascends - A Fan Continuity

You can read the prior parts by Armond from the links below

Mix-up at summer camp Parts 26-30

26. A surprise tea party

The penultimate day of camp arrived with a buzz of excitement in the air. The campgrounds were adorned with colorful decorations, and a sense of anticipation filled the hearts of the campers. Colorful streamers and balloons adorned the trees, creating a vibrant atmosphere. Alex, dressed in a pretty pink dress adorned with frills and bows, giggled as he wobbled around in his diaper, feeling both nervous and exhilarated about the day's events.

Mix-up at summer camp Parts 21-25

21. Jake

The day at camp was filled with outdoor activities and adventures. As Alex happily joined in the fun, he couldn't help but get carried away, forgetting to be mindful of his delicate dress. A playful tumble resulted in a grass stain on his pretty outfit. Upon realizing what had happened, Alex's eyes welled up with tears. His mind at one with his inner toddler girl, he felt a mixture of frustration and sadness, afraid that his beautiful dress was ruined. He longed for the comfort of his sister, Sarah, who had always been there to support him.

Ghost Town

Ghost Town
I had small hope this year of achieving my New Year’s Resolution. Recognising that it was likely to fare no better than its predecessor of the year before, I’d varied it this time, but I had little faith. My basic need was centred on overcoming the temptation which surrounded me and which in the past I had proved too weak to conquer. The circumstance from which that delicious torment arose was that I was at home, alone, for long hours each day while Carole, my wife, was working. There was no escaping it.

Mix-up at summer camp Parts 16-20

16. Enjoying toddlerhood

The sun streamed through the window, casting a warm glow over the nursery-themed cabin where Alex slept in his crib. As he slowly opened his eyes, his mind immediately drifted back to the heartfelt conversation he had with Sarah the previous day. He knew that becoming a girl, a girl his age, was a complex journey that he couldn't yet fully comprehend or embark upon. For now, he decided, it was best to set those thoughts aside and embrace the joy of being a toddler girl for the remaining two weeks of camp.

Mix-up at summer camp Parts 8-15

8. Day two begins

As Alex woke up, he felt the warmth and heaviness of his wet and messy diaper. He blushed slightly, but reminded himself that it was all part of the experience he had willingly embraced. As he looked around, he noticed Emily and Hayley, the counselors, standing by his bed. His sister Sarah was also there, looking at him with a playful smile. "Good morning, sweetie!," Emily said. "Did you have a good sleep?" Alex blushed and mumbled with his binkie between his teeth: "Um, yes, fank you. Good mowning, Emily."

Michele Nylons True Stories - Chapter 6


Chapter Six – The Laneway Cruise Lounge

This is a glimpse into a day in my life as a fetishistic transvestite/crossdresser when I visit the local cruise lounge prowling for company. To some extent the story explains how I do what I do and why I do it. It is a snapshot in time of a day in my life. Please heed the warnings regarding explicit content. This story contains non-explicit images of me.

Diva Dismayed 29

Diva Dismayed:Chapter 29 – A Merry Dance

Once Alice’s outfit had been finalised, I went to seek advice from Rachel. I was trying not to worry unduly over the potential damage I might have just done to my campaign. She greeted me with a hug and a cryptic “You’re late back. I assume you were off somewhere in that sexy little automobile.”

“I wish I had been! I’ve been trying to disentangle myself from my clingy friend and it isn’t working out too well.” I explained what had just been happening and how I’d managed to induce Harvey and Alice to spend an evening together.

Kemeia Ascends Part 3

This is part 3 of my first work, a fan continuation of the unfinished Kemeia Ascending. It is entirely inspired by Armond's magical world of Argentia and its Goddess Selene.

Link to the book here Kemeia Ascends - A Fan Continuity

You can read the prior parts by Armond from the links below

Davonna and Goliath

Life can be tough if you're an artist, and I don't want to hear any agita about whether a potter is an artist or craftsman. Craftsperson. Whatever. A painter uses his hands to paint, a musician uses her hands to play; I use my hands to sculpt wet clay into interesting shapes. Then I use my hands to pint them.

So: I'm an artist. Stop arguing!

Kemeia Ascends Part 2

This is part 2 of my first work, a fan continuation of the unfinished Kemeia Ascending. It is entirely inspired by Armond's magical world of Argentia and its Goddess Selene.

Link to the book here Kemeia Ascends - A Fan Continuity

You can read the prior parts by Armond from the links below


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