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With Rick (now almost fully Yvette) tucked away nicely, our spotlight shifts to the star of the night: our dear Doctor Valentine.
As she revels in the pleasure of remaking her past abuser, we wonder if Michelle is truly in control or if something else is pulling her strings. The thrill of bending others to her will is certainly delicious, but what happens when an unsuspecting innocent gets tangled in this web?
How thin is the line between rightful domination and becoming exactly what she once despised? Michelle may love her newfound role, but will she stop before she’s gone too far? Will she even want to stop if the deeper she falls, the better it feels?
Author's Note
Hello, lovely readers! I hope this chapter pushes the boundaries AND reflects what I hope is an evident improvement in my storytelling skills.
As always, the magic tied to the Box of Resolutions remains an endless playground of possibilities—and Chapter 8 takes us deeper into the darker recesses of this Author's fantasies. If you love psychological horror/power plays, you’re in for a treat this chapter.
Feel free to reach out with thoughts, and as always, thank you for continuing this journey with me! Enjoy every wicked detail, and remember, magic has no limits, and neither does your imagination when your desires are involved.
On Images: Like the last chapter, this one contains several NSFW images, but just before, you will need to click the links to view the contents. Again, I have explicitly mentioned, 'Click the link below to find out.' As always, the images are entirely optional, and I do not want you to have to view them. However, like before, I do believe they add a layer of 'depth'.

Binding Resolutions Chapter 8: In devotion and service
Ahhh... the satisfaction of applying my craft. Yvette was well sedated and deep in sleep now. The former Rick Longwood, my little Yvette, was well on her way to 'lick my wood.' Ha! Poor darling, the trauma had been necessaryᅳa crucial step in ensuring she harboured no hope of ever regaining her manhood.
Stockholm syndrome was a necessary evil. Rick's... no... MY magnificent cock nowᅳwasted on that swineᅳwould serve a far greater purpose. It would make Yvette squeal with overwhelming joy, if I may add. Ahhh... Swine, squeal... Oh, I'd never call Yvette a swine, though… but my little Miss Piggy? Now, that's a lovely costume idea.
Brushing that ever-annoying stray lock of hair away from my face, I grinned with satisfaction. As always, my workᅳwhether aided by magic or notᅳwas magnificent. Already, the discolouration and swelling were receding. Almost two days' worth of healing in under an hourᅳremarkable. The possibilities this magic offered... oh my. If only I had discovered it sooner. Perhaps I might have even saved some of the women Rick had abused.
But tonight wasn't about redemption or revenge. Noᅳtonight was about completing my new acquisitions. The night was still young, and there was plenty more work to be done.
My gaze lingered on the glass container holding HIS. No, there was no "his" or "him" anymore. Just my precious cock.
Ahhh, what a wonderful specimen it was, suspended in the nutrient solution. Big, beautiful, tanned, and dare I say, wholesome. The skin, the musculature, the veins, the size, the pink bulbous head... perfect, virile, intoxicating. Mmmm, I thought as a shiver ran through me. Ooooh. Wet already?
Let me check... for science, of course. Oh my, I tasted so much sweeter just being near it. Another mental note... purely for research, naturally. But what about Yvette? How would she taste? I already knew what my lovers said about meᅳthat my crotch was something incredibleᅳbut hers? I had crafted it myself, a tribute to perfection, much like Eve's.
She'd likely taste like ripe nectar, warm and inviting. Using my cock on her would be utterly satisfyingᅳbeing used by it? Even more so. Ohhh, the endless ways I would treasure my new appendage… no, cock. That was the word that best suited it, and that was the only way I would address it.
Okay, back to business. Setting aside the more intimate plans for now, I realized that the magic could speed up the process. I had planned to pace the procedures over multiple sessions. I would give her plenty of time to heal after each one but this magic changed the game. Why wait things out when I could accomplish everything in one night?
Sparing Yvette from the trauma of multiple surgeries would be the kind and merciful thing to do. And I had promised Yvette pleasure, not pain. It was best to complete everything in one goᅳa clean slate for my brand-new, most loveable little slut.
I almost chuckled at the irony. Meᅳa surgeon by tradeᅳpreparing for a sequence of complex surgeries. Some I had never performed before, and a few only possible in theory, all to be completed in one night. Playing Godᅳor rather, mmm...Goddess.
First on the agenda, however, was Carlᅳthe bionics expertᅳwaiting in the adjacent lab. Thank God for small conveniences. My private clinic and lab were so conveniently attached to my home. It provided the perfect base of operations for tonight. Proximity was essential, especially for the immediate next steps. Preserving MY precious cock and testing my hypothesis on 'theoretical possibilities'.
With the utmost care, I wheeled in the cock container... Ohhh, there are so many medically appropriate phrases to use, but this one fits best right now. There he was, Carl, absorbed in his tablet as usual. Unaware of the magnitude of what he was about to handle.
His nonchalant demeanour did nothing to hide his exceptional talent. Carl, the bionic specialistᅳthe best on this side of the country, my dear friendᅳand now that I knew about the magic, my guinea pig in tonight's game.
Now, I could observe the power that this magic wielded and test its limits. Time to start making notes. As I wheeled the cart up to him, he lifted his head and quickly processed the contents within the glass container.
“There it is,” he acknowledged, lifting his head as I approached. “Hey, Michelle. Seems like everything went off without a hitch?”
“I prefer 'Doctor' tonight. And yes, Carl," I replied, nodding to the scrubs I had hastily put back on before leaving the operating room. "Everything was perfect, just as this will be, now that it's in your capable hands," I said, even as my hands brushed the glass container. "Ready?"
Carl's eyes broke momentarily from his tablet, now focusing on my cock with more intensity. The usual glint of professionalism turned into something darker as his jaw stiffened. Hmmm… looks like the cock didn't spare men either.
"This... looks fantastic," he murmured, marvelling at it with what was clearly more than just professional admiration. He adjusted his gloves, but his professional air seemed to dissolve more with each passing second.
I reached out to the taser hidden behind the trolley as he glanced at me for permission to handle it. I just needed to make sure that whoever held the cock wouldn't suddenly be able to claim its power. “Go ahead, Carl. Feel free to handle MY cock,” I said calmly. Just a stake of claim as insurance.
“Your cock...” he muttered, his voice distant as his eyes briefly glazed over. He withdrew the severed cock from the fluid with little regard for sterility and began to inspect it.
“The testicles?” I arched an eyebrow at his pause while taking mental notes of the cock's effects on him, my grip tightening on the taser.
"They'll act as natural batteries, storing nutrients from the user's body," Carl said clinically, but his tone had shifted. “They'll store any unused dischargeᅳreal-time emission on demand.” He paused, rolling them between his fingers almost... reverently. “Bio-organic nanotechnology, similar to the mechanisms found in electric eels. It ensures both mechanical and biological fidelity.”
"Additionally," he added, swallowing slightly as a small blush crept onto his face. "It will simulate full sensory engagement for the recipient. This 'immersion,' I can assure you, will make every orgasm feel completely authentic.”
I smirked, catching the cracks in his professional façade. "Quite impressive, Carl." My voice was soft but brimming with control. The only slip-ups allowed tonight would be courtesy of Carl's mouth and gaze. Both of which already made it obviousᅳthis thing wasn't just something he admired. It was weakening him, unravelling him with every passing second. Time to test my little hypothesis.
Just then, I shook myself out of the moment. This technology didn't exist yet but Carl must believe it does. Thanks to the magic though, just for tonight, just this beautifully twisted moment, perhaps it did. Only for my wonderful cock, though.
"Ever think about how it feels?" I asked, locking eyes with him.
Carl baulked. His eyes wavered, unsure, before they trailed back to the cock. "N-no... not like that," he stammered, but the strength in his voice had already drained away.
"Have you ever thought about how it would feel, Carl?" I pressed, turning what should have been a clinical moment into something slippery and dangerous.
His throat bobbed as he swallowed, his eyes flicking anxiously between me and the cock. "Well... Kelly... she..." He trailed off, realising he was treading on dangerous ground. Then, hastily added, “I mean, we... maybe we could borrow it for later?” he admitted, blushing furiously.
Time to push harder. "Carl, look at it. Keep looking." My voice slipped into a lower, more commanding octave.
The air between us thickened noticeably, and Carl, helpless now, followed my instructions as expected. His gaze locked onto the severed cock, the glazed look returning to his eyes and deepening further. Very, very interesting.
"What if it only came attached to another man?" My words dripped with suggestion, turning Carl's uncertainties against him.
A flush crawled up his neck, obvious signs of conflict flickering in his eyes. A beat passed. Then, a sharp intake of breath. "Not... not like that," he murmured his weak denial. His words sounding more like a whimper than a protest.
"Look at it again, Carl," I commanded, keeping my voice carefully controlled. His eyes flicked back to the cock involuntarily. This time, his jaw slackened as if he were falling into a trance. Fascinating. "Now, what if it came attached to another man?" I repeated.
"Yes, maybe?" he hesitated, his voice barely above a whisper.
Bingo. My grip on the taser loosened slightly. Men like Rick would never tolerate the presence of another empowered man. Weak men strike viciously, whether openly or in secret; a coward's arrow is easily hidden or exposed, as needed. This cock was meant to make any good man feel inadequate, and Rick would have baked that into his resolution.
I was certain of its effects as I watched Carlᅳa strong, capable, intelligent manᅳsquirm under the weight of his own thoughts. "Ever thought about it before?
He stayed silent, but I ignored his weakening resistance and pressed on. "Don't take your eyes off it, Carl. Now, imagine that man fucking your wife while you watch. Do you want that, Carl?"
His lips parted, his voice barely audible as the cock's pull ensnared him further. "I... I don't know," he managed with an evident mix of horror and arousal.
"Keep looking at it, Carl. Would Kelly want it?" I whispered, my words weighted with intent. Carl trembled, succumbing further to the cock's influence. "I hope not... maybe?" he stuttered.
"She wouldn't, but this thing..." Carl continued, digging his own grave, struggling...and failing to look away. His eyes remained fixed as if compelled by this incredible force.
I pressed harder, brushing off whatever little protests he may have in him. "Eyes on the cock Carl. Tell me the truth." His breath hitched, his voice cracked, and the words that sealed his fate came: "Yes."

It was time to ramp up the test. I moved closer, narrowing the distance between us to mere inches. Leaning in, I brought my lips right next to his ear. His pulse quickenedᅳI could feel the heat rising to his cheeks.
I was the predator, he the prey. Mmm... delicious. My nipples hardened, and the dampness between my thighs felt exquisite even as the tension filled the air. Placing one hand on his chest, I could feel his heart hammering beneath my fingers.
It took little effort to grab his belt and pull down his trousers with my free hand.
Startled, he stammered, "No, DoctorᅳI'm marriedᅳ"
"Oh, relax, my dear Carl," I whispered, inspecting what he was working with. Yes, he was reasonably endowed, but I wasn't about to let him know that. Not yetᅳnot now.
As decent as it was, it was thoroughly outclassed by the piece he was holding. He needed to feel inadequate, thoroughly unmanned by what he held in his hands for my experiment. “Keep looking at it.”
As I looked down, I made sure disappointment was evident in my expression as I scrutinised him. The poor bastard stood frozen, unable to moveᅳtrapped by the magic and his shame. Good.
“Your lovely wife, Kelly, and this incredible cock we're talking about,” I said with a sly grin. “Such a cute, petite little beauty she is. Could've ended up with a proper stallion instead of settling for you, don't you think?” Mmm… I let the words seep into Carl before continuing. "Quite a pity that this…” I glanced with disdain at his erection, " all she has to work with."

Carl hesitated, shame washing over him but even as his humiliation deepened, his cock only grew harderᅳalmost painfully so. A fact made all too clear by his strained expression. He nodded slowly, humiliation etched across his face. "Yes."
"Shall we discuss how she'll feel when a real man shows her what she's been missing?" I asked with a predatory smile as my fingertip lightly traced a line down the shaft of his cock, my nail barely grazing the surface. "I never told you to stop looking at it, Carl."
"Please... no... not in front of this... thing," Carl added, trying and failing to summon his composure.
Ignoring his pleas, I continued to drag my nail slowly and teasingly along his lengthᅳjust enough to make him shudder. "Mmm... diminutive really,” I murmured, watching his reaction. The word dripped from my lips with exaggerated intent, slicing deeper. “A pity,” I twisted the knife further. “Don't stop looking, Carl.”
His gaze reluctantly returned to the cock suspended in glass, his breath growing shallow and uneven.
“How long have you and Kelly been trying for a child, Carl?” I whispered intimately into his ear. I already knew the answer. This question would break him.
“C-c-close to two years now,” he stuttered, the weight of the implication sinking in.
I dragged my nail lazily up his shaft again, this time slower, smiling at the way his entire body tensed under my touch. "Mmm... enough about you two. Let's talk about who will really matter to Kelly from now on," I purred. My voice sinuous, my touch never a full gripᅳjust the teasing, scratching, edge of my nail as it danced atop his growing erection.
"Imagine, Carl... someone bigger than youᅳstronger, far more masculine than you'll ever hope to be... fucking your wife right in front of you." I traced the underside of his shaft, making him shudder harder. "Both of them, in your bed while you stand there, helpless, and hopelessly play with yourself. Keep... looking at the cock, Carl."
I let the silence hang between us for a beatᅳjust long enough for him to writhe and squirm under his own shame. Then I leaned closer, twisting the words like a scalpel. "*Play* with your little penis, Carl... not even worth calling a dick. 'Penis' is the proper medical term, after all."
I let the cruel words sink in, savouring the way his body trembled, weighed down entirely by his humiliation. "So, we'll stick with thatᅳyour little penis, Carl. Such a fitting name, don't you think?"
Carl gasped, his breath loud and sharp. I smiled, my nail tracing a sharper line, adding a little more pressure. His face flushed a deep crimson, his humiliation pouring off him in waves.
"Now, describe Kelly for me, Carl," I whispered into his ear. "Her lips..."

His voice was weak, trembling. "Her lips are full... soft... they taste like strawberries..." He stammered the words out like confessions.
"Do they feel warm, Carl? Wrapped around your little penis?" I mocked, tilting my head like I actually cared. My nail traced just beneath the sensitive ridge near the tip of his cock, teasing him with a barely-there touch.
"Y-yes... very warm," he panted, his hips jerking slightly in response to the teasing.
I tilted my head, my voice dropping to a slow, mocking drawl. "But tell me... do you think she even feels its warmth?" I let the words linger as my nail continued to ghost over him. "Really feels it?" I scoffed, never breaking eye contact, watching his face flush deeper with embarrassment. "With that size, you're lucky she bothers sucking it at all. Do you really think it's enough to make her feel anything more than pity?"
I paused for a moment, revelling in his growing shame before continuing. "And speaking of warmth, Carl," I purred, my nail now lightly scraping along his shaft, "How exactly will you make sure this cock maintains it?" My voice turned sharp as I commanded an answer.
"Thermal micro-regulators will activate upon contact, maintaining an ambient temperature. The skin will mimic body heat," he explained, then added, almost as if in a daze, "Her lips will feel its warmth."
I made a mental note of what he said. Artificial muscles warming up like real flesh. Another entirely non-existent piece of technology that Carl now seemingly had access to.
"Perfect for when she gags on it, right? Can you see her whore her lips out for his cock?" I asked, continuing to trace my nail lightly along his shaft.
His face flushed a deeper red, the shame and this enforced desire warring within him now. "Yes," he murmured even as he broke a little more.
I gently jabbed at the base with my nail. "Has she ever deep-throated you, Carl?" I asked, narrowing my eyes.
He swallowed hard as he stammered, "No, she doesn't do it... she doesn't like it."
"Oh, she won't just deep-throat his cock," I sneered in delight. "She'll beg for it, Carl. She'll drool over every inch, her mouth watering as she takes him in." My nail continued to trace that slow, deliberate path along his shaft, as my words continued to add to his rising torment.
Kelly will certainly like it.,
"She'll be his little bitch in heat. Crawling on all fours, slutting herself out for him, whenever and wherever he asks her to. She'll wait eagerly for her cues like a trained pet," I whispered, chuckling as his cock twitched again.
I leaned in closer, my voice nearly tipping into a soft purr. "But this time, oh, her first time with him, Carlᅳ*your* Kelly, that pretty little wife of yoursᅳ*will be in your bed*." I paused for effect, my eyes boring into his.
"Carl's future former bed." I let those final words float in the air until they sunk into him.
"Imagine her doing for him what she would never ever do for you, Carl," I whispered, the heat of my words sinking into his already broken psyche. "Just to be his slut. To debase herself only for him. What a show it would be, huh?"
I allowed the image to settle in his mind, savouring the visible torment in his eyes. "Watching her swollen eyes water in joy..." I continued slowly, "as she gags on his girth, her throat wrapping itself around him, struggling to take him deeper. And yet, she'll want it, Carl. She'll crave it. She'll gag and choke herself on his cock just to please him."
I could sense every detail of his internal devastation as I spoke. "The sound of her gagging will fill the room as his entire length stretches her throat. Then, when he finally pulls her face towards him, she'll swallow it all."
I tilted my head ever so slightly like a predator just before the kill. “Glugh, glugh, glughᅳyou'll hear it, Carl. A sound you won't be able to forget... ever!"
Mmm... I caught the twitch in his jaw, just what I wanted. "Drool will spill from her swollen lips in messy strings, dripping down her chinᅳtrailing from her lips to his shaft. The spit will be all over her, dribbling on to her tits and belly."
I could picture it myself, the imagery soaking me in my own juices as I spoke...delicious!
"When she finally comes up for air, gasping for breath," I paused. Letting Carl fully sink into the darkest depths of his own imagination, now completely beyond his rational control. "Her glazed eyes will show nothing but her desperate eagerness, Carl."
Just then, I took a moment to lock eyes with him. Ohhh...the flush of humiliation visibly overwhelming him was only getting more delicious by the minute. "Meanwhile, you'll stand there, stroking your sad, pathetic little penis. Won't you, Carl?"
I dragged my nail forward, pressing it against his urethra. My touch was only meant to induce more than a little discomfort.
"Yes," he stammered, tears almost ready to flow, his voice reduced to a barely audible whisper. Time to push harder.
"Best it stays limp from now on, don't you think?" I murmured, leaning closer, my breath hot on his ear. I nipped sharply at his earlobe, eliciting a pathetic yelp.
Instantly, I felt him shrivel, his cock going flaccid, shrinking away as though in fear, even as my nail pressed harder into his pee hole. A small dribble of pre-cum begrudgingly leaked onto my nail.
I wasn't having any of that.
With a menacing smile, I jabbed harder, blocking the hole and swiftly extinguishing any hope of relief. As expected, his gasp was sharp, and his body was trembling even as his penis wilted entirely.
"Say it, Carl. Tell me what I want to hear," I hissed into his ear.
"She'll love slobbering over his cock while I play with my pathetic penis," he whispered, shame dripping from every word.
"Not just love, Carl. She'll be obsessed, won't she?" I spoke very slowly. He was going to feel every ounce of weight behind my words.
"Yes, she'll be obsessed," Carl replied, his voice trembling with humiliation.
"Obsessed with what, Carl?" I asked, feigning ignorance. I was going to draw out his torment, and at this moment, oh yes.
"Obsessed with his cock," he answered, fully downing in his humiliation now.
"And you, Carl?" I pressed further, narrowing my eyes to get the message across clearly. "You know he'll give her what you never could. Do you now realise how inadequate you really are?"
"Yes," he gasped, tears welling up in his eyes, threatening to spill over. Just a little harder.. or softer. This was my moment, time to reap my rewards.
"Yes, what, Carl?" I was unyielding and merciless. Any time now.
"I see how inadequate I am," he admitted, his voice cracking under the crushing burden of his shame.
"And while you're standing there, still diddling with your sad little self," I added, twisting the knife, "you'll realise how pathetic you are, won't you?"
"Yes," he sobbed, barely able to form the words, his voice faltering.
"Yes, what, Carl?" I asked again, savouring every moment of his torment.
And just like that, the floodgates fell apart. "I'll realise how pathetic I am," he wailed, tears now pouring down his face, even as his cock twitched futilely against my nail.
"You'd better make sure this is worthy of deep-throating, Carl," I told the crybaby. "Every muscle needs to twitch and move just right... perfection. The ultimate experienceᅳfar beyond what your sad little appendage could ever offer. Do you understand, Carl?"
"Yes," he panted, trying to cling to whatever shred of dignity remained.
"Yes, what, again, Carl?"
"I'll make sure it's perfect," he promised, broken.
"Perfect for who, Carl?" I asked, driving the dagger even deeper.
"Perfect for him... and Kelly," he answered, utterly defeated.
Definitely a perfect fit.,
"Perfect for him... and Kelly," he answered, utterly defeated.
"How would you ensure that, Carl?" I prompted, keeping him firmly under my nail. His eyes remained glued to my cock.
Carl, still gasping and flustered, obeyed as instructed. "I'll incorporate responsive nerve fibresᅳcapable of precision contractionsᅳlifelike movements. It will respond to every touchᅳmaking it feel alive," he stammered through the desperation. Each word seeming to draw him deeper into his helpless obsession.
Responsive nerve fibres capable of precision contractionsᅳanother impossibility now made real. The magic was so powerful it bent the rules of science itself. Why wasn't it everywhere already?
"Her eyes, Carl... Describe them to me," I hissed deeper, stepping closer, my presence tight against him.
"They're beautiful," Carl stuttered, swallowing hard. "A deep hazel... almond-shaped... They light up when she smiles..."
"Mmm… Do they light up and roll back when you enter her, Carl? Does YOUR little penis make her eyes flutter with bliss?" I sneered, leaning closer, keeping my other hand his chest as I watched him writhe.
He fumbled for words, swallowing down his shame. "IᅳI mean, yes..." Carl replied, though the words cracked in his throat like always.
I raised an eyebrow and let silence stretch, letting him stew in my unyielding gaze. “Really, Carl? Do they?” My lips curled.
He faltered, the slightest quiver in his voice. "IᅳI mean... maybe... sometimes..."
"Hmmm..." I scoffed, letting disappointment taint my tone. "Maybe? Poor little liar. We both know she's pretending.” He blinked, uncertain, shame fully tightening every muscle in his slack body as my words became the new truth that would slice him open.
“Now imagine, Carl…” I whispered, filling the gap with malice. “*That man*ᅳ*him*ᅳmaking her eyes roll backᅳgenuine, raw ecstasy ripping through her because of a real cock inside her. Think of her hazel eyes fluttering back into her lovely head as she screams out for more. Make sure that gets burned into your mind. That's what my cock needs to live up to, Carl. That's how perfect it needs to be.” My every word knifing deeper now.
"And after she has worshipped him with her mouth," I continued, my voice as sharp as the heel of a stiletto. "Imagine her welcoming him with her sweet, wet twat. Picture her eyes meeting yours as she lays back, legs spread, her body wide open."
Carl's soft, useless cock twitched involuntarily, but I immediately jabbed hard into the tip. He yelped againᅳpathetic, weak, brokenᅳand I watched him squirm. No relief, no reprieve.
“Imagine her," I pressed on, leaning into another emasculating blow, " lying there, looking at you with pity and disgust... Her cunt soaked for someone else, while you stand off to the side, watching as he pushes deep into her body.” I dragged each word out, giving space for every thrust of my imagery.
His breath grew uneven, trembling under me. His impotent cock simply flaccid and twitching had entirely betrayed him by now.
"His first thrust, Carl. Visualize it with me." I purred, my voice soft as silk, wrapping tighter around his psyche. "The gasp that escapes her lips. The desperate moan as she arches her back higher off the bedᅳher body trembling because he's effortlessly reaching places you never could. Filling her so much deeper than you ever dreamed."
Carl's chest heaved as his body trembled, his feeble cock giving one last pitiful twitch.
"And then," I continued, my voice had dropped dangerously low, "they both look at your fucking useless face. Don't worry, though, Carl." I whispered softly now, like I was confiding something, "She's already cumming. Over...and over...and over... because of himᅳnot because of you. She's his now, body and soul. And their pleasure only grows from watching you.”
I jabbed my fingernail mercilessly again, watching as Carl convulsed helplesslyᅳflustered... ruined. By now, the poor idiot was practically keening, so lost to my control that any memory of his former life would melt away if I willed it. His fingers clutched desperately at the severed, enchanted cock, as if it could somehow save himᅳthough all it did was drown him deeper.
"You will make that cock perfect, Carl," I emphasized, my voice rising, pouring authority into each word. "Every nerve, every muscle. It needs to trigger ecstasy in every part of her." Even my voice seemed to twist deeper into his crumbling psyche, breaking him further.
"W-what about neuro-stimulation?" I asked, feigning interest, knowing full well he wasn't capable of resistance nowᅳhe would obey anything I said.
Carl, now nearly incoherent from his breakdown, stammered, "I-I'll incorporate bio-responsive nerve fibers... o-organic micro-actuatorsᅳlike cephalopods' sensesᅳreading feedback perfectly...adjusting to every m-movement, in real-time... it'llᅳit'll adapt to every thrust."
Cephalopods? Organic micro-actuators? His broken mind was babbling impossible fantasies, yet I knew they would become realᅳat least for my cock. The magic would see to that.
"Good," I said, dismissing the miracles he was engineering as though they were insignificant. "It's not just tech, Carl, it's art. Every detail must be artᅳall for Kelly."
"Yes..." he whimpered, tears now streaming down his wretched face. "She'll love... it…”
I stepped back slightly, removing my hand from his chest, letting the full weight of his situation sink in. As I tapped a finger against my jaw while I stood in place, I could feel myself circling his mind. Weaving my words into his thoughts like a predator. “And her hair, Carl?”
He answered quickly, afraid to disobey. "It's short, shoulder-length, and wavy. It's beautifulᅳyou can grab a hold of it..." His voice trembled, his body shuddering uncontrollably now.
"Perfect to grab hold of when she's on all fours," I taunted, a knowing smirk curling my lips. As his legs shook beneath him, I decided to go deeper. "Does she arch her back for you, Carl?"
He squirmed, his gaze fixed shamefully on the ground. "Yes..." he whispered faintly, though his voice betrayed the lie.
I scoffed with disdain, keeping his gaze locked on me. "Poor... little liar," I purred, every syllable dripping with sadistic knowing. "You think your withered penis could make anyone arch back? It never didᅳand it certainly won't anymore."
Right on cue, Carl's eyes welled with fresh tears.
I tightened my nail's pressure on his shaft, a sharp flick sending another wave of pain through him. He twitched helplessly, a pathetic gasp escaping his lips. "Don't be such a coward, Carl," I sneered. "You know Kelly hasn't cum in forever. She's waitingᅳ*whether she says it out loud or not*ᅳfor someone who grabs her hair the right way. Someone who bends her the right way." My voice brimmed with my concocted derision now.
Carl was breakingᅳhis whole frame shook as though he were an earthquake caught in the throes of decay. I ran my fingertips teasingly over his temple, watching him continue to crumble before me.
"Imagine her on all fours, Carl," I whispered, leaning closer to drive in the image. " ass in the air, legs spread so wide, begging her man... someone with real strength and power." I paused, letting the venom in my voice seep deeper. "*Not you*, Carlᅳ*never you*."
I leaned toward him and nipped his ear sharply again, feeling him jerk in response to my bite. "Does she ever squeal when you pull her hair hard, Carl?" I asked coldly.
He shook his head, as tears spilled freshly from his eyes. "No... she doesn't like that," he admitted weakly, his entire form sagging under my gazeᅳbroken beyond repair.
I laughed, malicious and mocking. "She certainly won't, Carl." I let my eyes flick down to his limp member. "Not when all she gets from you is that disappointment hanging uselessly between your legs."
I ensured my concocted disdain was evident when I mentioned his name this time.
"Picture it, Carl." My voice dropped to a simmer, dangerous and slow. "She's going to be his little bitch… his little piggy, getting pounded into whoredom. Isn't that right, Carl?"
His little piggy.,
Carl completely broke down, full-blown tears streaming down his face. His voice trembling like a leaf barely holding on to its branch. "Yes… his little piggy." He was sobbing now, barely intelligible. "I-I can never be as good… as that man," he croaked, shuddering in defeat. His frail body trembled as his spirit disintegrated further under my words.
I leaned in close, my breath a devil's caress now. "How do you think she'll look back at you, Carl?" I whispered, every syllable heavy with mock sympathy. "She'll pity you at most, jerking that shameful little penis of yoursᅳeven as he's tattooing himself into her hungry cunt. Laughing, Carl… at you." My words purposefully stripped away the remnants of his dignity.
"From that moment on, every time she even thinks of your little penis, she'll giggle just remembering how little she had to work with before. She will mock you every single time you try to worm your way between her legs. What do you think, Carl?"
Carl's face flushed deeper, beads of sweat mixing with the torrent of tears running down his cheeks. "Yes," he whimpered between sobs. "Yes, she will laugh at me."
"Kiss it," I commanded softly. My lips curled into a smile as I watched his eyes widen at what I meant. "Kiss it, Carl," I repeated, leaning in to whisper into his ear. I pulled my head back, savoring the chaos swirling through him as he trembled. Hesitant at first, but eventually giving in, he leaned toward the severed cock as if it were an altar of submission. With final shame, he pressed his lips against it.
"Good," I purred, relishing the delicious sight of him debasing himself. "Now, do it properly, Carl."
My smile widened as he did as instructed. "Can you hear her, Carl?" I teased. "Imagine her screaming, moaning, telling him ᅳno, telling you ᅳhow much better he is than you. Every thrust, every movement perfectly tuned to her desires." I leaned further in, my lips brushing his ear, each word sending shivers down his spine. "Making her body sing, Carl. Singing in ways you never could."
Carl's sobs filled the silence, punctuating every single pulse of his torment.
"Make sure every detail of that is perfect, Carl," I hissed, savouring the torment. "Her every gasp, every moan should remind you of how much more of a man he is than you. This needs to give her what you'll never be able to."
I moved in closer, my teeth finding the soft edge of his ear to biteᅳnot painfully, just enough to make Carl shiver. "Now," I breathed into his ear, "what about her gasps, Carl? How will you ensure the sounds his cock will pull from her?"
Still catching his breath, Carl nodded frantically. "I-Integrated sensory amplifiers," he stammered, barely coherent. "A-and chemical-release synthetic glands. Capable of emitting low-voltageᅳahᅳelectrical discharges." He gasped for air. "They'll release small doses of natural hallucinogens like p-psilocybin. It'll… It'll amplify her senses, heighten her… pleasure." His breaking point was near.
I leaned in, my lips wickedly close to his tear-streaked cheek. "Ohhh… she will be hooked," I purred menacingly. "She'll never care about you again. Pathetic little Carl. Will she care?"
Carl let out another broken whimper, almost inaudible. "No," he moaned, "She won't care about me again."
"Good, Carl..." I hissed, letting the words trail off, a chilling reminder of everything he had become. "Now… kiss it again. Consider it an advance payment for her pleasure. You understand, don't you?"
Carl shook but obeyed, leaning in again, his lips brushing the cock. I let the moment hang, the satisfaction of entirely dismantling a man felt incredible indeed.
As he pulled back, I pressed further. "How will he connect to it, Carl?" I asked, genuinely curious now. "What's the integration process? How will this become part of him?"
Carl choked out a response. "O-Organic DNA chips… for data storage and processing," he trembled, barely keeping his voice steady. "It's seamless... Integration with the user's skin… One with him..."
"One with him and her," I echoed, "just when his cock will be swallowed whole by her moist, wet and most welcoming folds… perfect and organic." Every syllable that escaped my lips was meant to taunt.
Carl's weeping intensified. "Yes," he whispered feebly.
I stepped back slightly, still watching him crumble. Perfect. Everything was falling into place.
"And her nipples?" I asked, tilting my chin slightly as I studied himᅳall the while guiding Carl deeper into the abyss of his own humiliation.
"Small…pink…incredibly sensitive," he whispered breathily, his voice quivering. "They harden at the slightest touch."
"Mmm, just like my cock should, hmm?" I murmured, relishing his discomfort. "And you'll make sure of it, won't you, Carl?" My words were a taunt, wrapping around him like a vice.
He nodded weakly, his body slouching further under my ever-tightening grip on him. "Y-Yes..." He panted, and his eyes darted with anxiety.
Without breaking eye contact, I brought my fingers deliberately to my lips. I Curled one finger past the threshold and wet it on the pad of my tongue while Carl watched. I took my time, letting the moment build as I sucked hard on that single finger, ensuring Carl could see every move.
Finally, I let my hand travel lowerᅳdragging the wet fingertip across my collarbone in a deliberate arc, teasing him with slow precision. And then finally, with maddening slowness, I let my hand graze over the curve of my left breast.
"As for nipples..." I whispered, my fingers finding the buttons of my scrub top.

Slowly—**deliberately**—I unfastened each one, exposing more and more skin until my left breast finally spilled free from its confines, the swollen nipple gleaming under the clinic lights.
Carl's eyes widened as I left my breast hang in front of him. My wet finger circled my nipple languidly, making the nub visibly harden under my touch. "This," I continued, voice dripping with cruel satisfaction, "…*Carl*, is what a real man gets."
Not Carl though.,
His cock twitched, though it remained utterly limp against my nail. How far had I brought him down that his body was both responding and failing him simultaneously?
"Yes," he gasped, eyes locked in a desperate gaze on my bare breast, watching as I teased and played with my now ripe nipple.
"Tell me, Carl," I purred, "describe it to me. How does my breast compare to Kelly's?" The question was a loaded one, designed to disarm him even more.
Carl swallowed, struggling to force a coherent sentence from his lips. "K-Kelly's… small... her breasts are small, soft... upturned…"
His voice trailed off, his gaze flicking between my body and the floor. It was as though he wanted to avoid the truth hanging in the airᅳbut I hadn't finished with him yet. Not even close.
"Small, hmm...?" I smirked purposefully, watching his face twitch with discomfort. “Even better, Carlᅳ*like a little girl's breasts*, huh?” My voice dripped with feigned innocence, but I could see the impact those words had on him as anxiety instantly flashed across his eyes. “You know what they say about girls with little boobies, don't you?” I continued, never loosening my grip on his shredded ego. “*They love being manhandledᅳspanked, bitten, smacked…ragdolled.” I leaned closer as I dragged my wet fingers once more over my stiff nipple. My voice sinking lower as I added, “Ever try that with Kelly, Carl?"
The question hung between us, cold and cutting. Carl shook his head frantically, voice choking on itself. "N-No, Kelly's not like that… she wouldn't…"
I laughed, just a scoff though. I reached out to place just one finger on his chest, tracing with just enough pressure to keep him aware of the power dynamic between us.
"*Aww,* not like thatᅳjust with you, Carl." The words were intended to cut through him. "Poor boy, such a fool." I shook my head with a manufactured pity heavy enough to bury him in shame.
“*Wimp*,” I sneered. "You really thought Kelly would submit to you?" I asked, my tone like silk laced with a harsh sting. "No, Carl. She wouldn't submit to anyone who isn't a real man."
Carl's breath hitched as he continued to shatter further under the growing layers of humiliation.. His mouth parted as though to respond, but I knew he had nothingᅳnothing worth saying.
"Don't you see?" I continued, letting those words sink into his fracturing psyche. "When she meets him, Carl... a real man, she'll have no free will of her own. None. She won't even need it. She'll be his. Subservient to his desires and his alone."
His broken voice rasped as he whimpered, "Yes..."
"She’ll lay there, wanting to be used. And no matter what he wants, Carl, she’ll eagerly obey because she’ll need him like air. His desires will be hers—*your* desires... you will be irrelevant."
My fingers gave my nipple a slow, sensual pinch, eliciting a slight shiver even from my own body. But God, how it visibly tortured him to watch.
I took a step closer, ensuring my exposed breast hung just centimetres from his face. He could look. He could yearn. But he couldn’t touch.
"Look at me, Carl," I demanded. His gaze flew upward, locking onto my breast as it blocked his view. I continued to tease my nipple, dragging my dampened finger over the hardened bud, savoring the power I held over him now. "This, Carl... this is what that real man earns."
I let the silence thicken like poison, watching him squirm and die a little more inside, unable to tear his eyes away from my deliberate movements. His cock remained limp and useless, twitching like it wanted to hope again... haha!
I pressed further, leaning close to his flushed face. I noticed the shame deepen in his eyes. "You’ll never recognize her again once her new master fully owns her—her real master."
"Say it, Carl," I whispered dangerously. "Say that you know all she ever wanted was a real man. A man who would never give her a choice."
Carl gasped, struggling to form the words. "Sh-She’ll... she’ll... have no say... she’ll submit..." His voice cracked, tears brimming as he gave in to the new reality I was forcing upon him.
"Good boy..." I purred, my smirk widening as my fingers continued to circle my erect nipple. "You’re finally beginning to understand..."
Yes. She will submit,
I let my breast graze just shy of his trembling lips, never letting him close the distance. I made sure every ounce of his anguish—for what he had and would never have—burned brightly in his eyes, even though I had already rendered him impotent.
“Now that you understand who a real man is Carl," I purred, running a finger along his cheek. “Let's talk about stamina, shall we? What about the stamina of this perfect cock? How long will it last?”
Carl's voice quivered as he spoke between his sobs. “Th-The power source,” he gulped, “it’s unique. Bio-organic, regenerative… it’ll keep going as long as the man has the strength. And if needed, the energy regulators can be upgraded to ensure continuous performance. Far beyond any natural limitations. The thermal balance will stay perfect—always warm, always ready. And,” he hesitated slightly to wipe the tears from his eyes, then continued, “the sperm... I-I can enhance it even further. I can increase the potency of the hallucinogens, make each release stretch her senses for hours.” His voice broke, “She’ll feel like she’s floating, lost in him completely…”
I smiled the darkest of smiles as his final shred of resistance gave way. "*Hours*... that’s quite the improvement, Carl," I whispered, taunting him as I dropped my voice to a dangerously low purr. "Imagine it—her body grinding into him, her pussy flooded with this perfected seed, her mind fracturing from the pleasure." I leaned closer, letting my breath brush against his ear once again. “ she’s drowning in the euphoria, Carl, completely wrapped in his power, you’ll be nothing. A fading, tasteless memory. She’ll be lost, breathless, his—no need, no space left for you.”
I tightened my grip over him as I pushed my nail deeper against the tip of his limp dick, not allowing him even a drop of relief. "And her pussy, Carl? Tell me," I demanded.
“T-Tight, perfectly shaped... feels like heaven,” he gasped out, his lips trembling. The weakling was stuck between a haze of arousal and humiliation.
I let out a low, cruel chuckle, my lips curling into a wicked grin. “Tell me, Carl...” I purred, voice dripping with malice now. “Do you think it’ll ever feel like heaven to you again... after she’s been used by him?” My words slithered into his ears, deliberate and vicious. “Knowing that his cock has stretched her so wide, so deep, that you’ll never even come close to filling her again? She’ll never even feel you.”
I leaned in, the tip of my nail pressing harder, "*Never*," I repeated, letting the word linger like a cancer. "Her pussy? Utterly ruined, Carl. Wrecked. Fucked into oblivion by a real man—so stretched that when you try to crawl back to her... with that pathetic thing between your legs, she’ll feel nothing."
He was fully ensnared now—wrapped in this nightmarish concoction of arousal and despair.
"And you?" I continued, voice rising in mockery. "You’ll be there, naked and useless, pounding away with your sad, pathetic excuse for a dick. You’ll thrust and thrust, Carl, but she won’t even blink. She’ll lie there dry, wondering why she ever settled for you. She might even giggle. Oh yes, Carl, she’ll laugh at you. Because after she’s had him, after she’s been split open by a man who actually knows how to fuck her… you’re nothing. She won't want you. She won't even feel you."
Carl’s lips quivered. "She'll... she'll nev—" he tried to speak, but his voice cracked, thanks to the manufactured truth I was forcing down his throat. Instead, he nodded weakly, panting heavily, unable to resist—*trapped* in the sheer torment of his humiliation.
“Good,” I hissed, my voice smooth yet cutting, like velvet dragged across jagged glass. My free hand dropped to the knot of my pants, and as I undid it with a deliberate tug, I let them drop to the floor. I glanced down, only to find I had no panties on—*Oh yes,* I’d taken them off right after the procedure; they had been soaking wet, what a rush that was. Too far gone to stay dry for long.
I spread my legs slightly, standing bare before him, giving him a perfect view of the tiny tuft of fiery red hair above my slick, swollen pussy. There I stood, glistening and dripping with need. His eyes couldn’t help but trail down, and I saw the exact moment it registered—the hunger and shame flaring within him. Without hesitating, I slid a finger deep inside myself. Gasping softly with pleasure, savouring the feeling as if it were Kelly’s supple body beneath me. “Mmm… Look, Carl. Look at this,” I purred, curling my finger inside my wet heat and slowly sliding it out as my hips bucked just subtly enough.
But this wasn’t about just my own pleasure—I was giving him a preview of what I knew was burning in his pathetic fantasies: his wife’s underfucked pussy.
“This will be Kelly,” I whispered with twisted satisfaction. “This is what you’ll never have again. That sweet little pussy, so warm, so tight… dripping just like mine is now—so fucking eager for him. Not for you, Carl, never for you.” I let my voice grow colder with every word.
With my finger slick and dripping, I leaned down toward him, holding it inches from his nose. His breath caught in his throat as I dangled it there, tantalisingly close. I was letting him see the glistening evidence of my own arousal that, in his mind, became Kelly’s. He trembled, his entire body rigid under the crushing weight of desire and humiliation.
"Even the smell of her is too good for you," I said softly, dragging my finger just under his nose. His head tilted back, his nostrils flaring involuntarily as he tried to take in the scent, tears of shame brimming in his wide, bloodshot eyes. His body quivered, his lips parting ever so slightly as if to beg for more, but I wasn’t done tormenting him.
He tilted his head, his body responding instinctively to something he could never have again. His breath hitched, and a pathetic whimper escaped him.
But just as fast as I had let him glimpse it, I pulled away, smirking with cold delight as his body sagged in defeat. “Not so fast,” I cooed dripping with malice. “You know, Carl, the only time you’ll ever get to smell her again—Kelly’s pussy—is when it’s soiled with cum. His cum, to be precise.
His eyes filled with more fresh tears, and his body shook with a quiet sob, completely broken and utterly defeated. Kelly’s pussy might as well have been a galaxy away. All he could do was imagine it, wrecked by another man, and the scent that would linger...
I laughed lowly, watching his face twist in agony as the full weight of my words assaulted his fragile psyche. “That’ll be your reward, Carl. To clean her up after her man has left her dripping.”
I moved my hand slightly, allowing the depth of his despair to settle, and added with a devious smirk, “I’ll tell you what, though. Maybe she might feel something… if she lets you lick up the mess he leaves behind. Maybe I’ll let you crawl to her, tongue out, lapping at her ruined pussy like a pathetic, obedient little dog. But your little worm?” I laughed darkly. “It isn’t part of her life anymore. It won’t ever be enough to satisfy her. She’s done with you.”
The panic, the humiliation, the sickening reality of his uselessness hit him all at once. His chest heaved with deep, ragged gasps as his mind shattered into pieces. He was utterly broken and he was completely mine. He would build that perfect cock. A cock that no man could ever dream to match. All mine.
“Drink it in," I taunted between moans, letting my pleasure rise as my fingers plunged deeper inside myself. I spread my legs wider, sliding my fingers faster, feeling the wetness pooling between my thighs as I continued to toy with my swollen clit. "Because this is the closest you'll come to one of these ever again… unless you're on your hands and knees licking it after he’s had his way with her.”
I leaned closer, gasping sharply as my fingers worked themselves deeper into my soaking wet heat, curling just the right way inside. I flicked my thumb over my clit, my breath coming out in short ragged pants as the tension started to build.
“Mmm… and stuffed full of his thick, salty cum, Carl…” I gasped through a moan. “She’ll never—oh god—*want* your pathetic little excuse for a cock again... Ever.”
My words were rasping now, shadowed by the sharp stabs of pleasure as I fucked myself harder, my hips subtly rocking against my hand. I watched his flickering eyes, his crushed expression, savouring it as much as the orgasm building inside me.
“Speak up, Carl,” I commanded, my breath catching as I pumped my fingers faster between my own slick folds. I moaned louder, feeling every stroke of my fingers driving me closer. My voice wavered with the pleasure consuming me. “Tell me how she’ll be stuffed—oh god—with his cum.”
"She... she will..." Carl gasped, his body convulsing, completely at the mercy of my words. "She’ll be stuffed with his cum..." he whimpered, broken.
She’ll be stuffed.,
"Good boy,” I moaned, savouring every tremor of his pathetic servility as I worked myself higher. My fingers slick with my own wetness slid over my clit, pushing me closer to the edge. "She’ll forever choose him over you, won’t she, Carl?" I teased, breath catching. "Once she tastes him... she'll forget you even exist." My voice cracked with pleasure, rising with the heat building between my legs.
Carl's breath came out in desperate, trembling gasps. His flaccid cock twitched pathetically beneath my nail, responding to the degrading litany of words I poured over him. But there would be no release for him—no satisfaction.
"And her waist, Carl...? So ...nnngh...slender..." I choked out between breaths, a hand now cupping my breast, teasing it as the urgent need built lower. "How does she... ohhh... moan when you touch her?"
"She... doesn’t..." he mumbled, voice barely audible, his humiliation palpable. His eyes remained fixed on my heaving chest.
"Good." I gasped, grinding my hips against my palm, feeling the slick tension building. "Now imagine... this man... squeezing that sweet waist... ohhh... filling her up..." A hot shiver ran through me as my body responded to the words I achingly whispered. "Making her moan so loud, Carl... you’ll hear it... but you won't be able to fucking stop it..."
"Will she care about you?" I demanded breathlessly. My fingers moved faster between my legs, my body trembling, about to snap. "Will she care about your... ooohh... pitiful presence?"
"No," Carl croaked, utterly destroyed, his words offering no resistance anymore.
I let out a sharp gasp, the sensation overwhelming. "And that cum... Carl..." I barely whispered, rubbing harder. "How will you make it feel real?! The texture... the thickness... the weight of it as it fills her! Every... mmmmm... every drop!" My breath hitched, neck arching back as I neared my peak. "Will it spill from her—just how it should, Carl? Creamy... ohhh—so thick?"
"S-Synthetic sperm," Carl fumbled, voice trembling. "It’ll feel exactly... like real... everything. The texture, the consistency—exactly like real... You’ll never... know the difference..."
"Wrong," I snapped, a loud moan slipping from my throat as I pushed myself mercilessly towards release. "Not that synthetic shit!" I gasped sharply. "A real man’s... thick... warm... alive..." My fingers worked furiously now, spreading my wetness as I teetered on the edge. "His seed, Carl... not your fucking... fantasy!"
Carl whimpered, breaking further, his tears now fully entwined with my pleasure.
"Yes..." I exhaled heavily, my breath coming in ragged pants. "Every drop, Carl... imagine it... filling her... OH... fuck... stuffing her... full of him... Oooh, Carl... she’s so full of him," I panted, lost in the ecstasy of my own fantasy, driven by the power surging through me.
My body moved in time with each humiliating statement. "Her belly... swelling, Carl! Swelling with his child... stretching... filling... fuck, Carl, she’ll be showing—ohhh... the proof of him inside her!" My fingers now even faster and harder. Yes, I was starting to tremble uncontrollably as I surged closer to my release.
"Tell me how you’ll make the perfect cock, Carl!" I moaned, my legs trembling, pushing myself to the brink. "*The one that’ll stretch her... make her ache... fill her with his child!"
"Yes," Carl wept, hopelessly trapped in my words, his voice raw and utterly broken. "I’ll make it... perfect," he sobbed. "I’ll make it so she never needs me ever again...!"
I was spiralling into my own uncontrolled mess of desire. "*Every FUCKING inch*..." I gasped, thrusting harder into myself, fingers drenched with slickness. "*Think about it, Carl... his babe, growing, and her nipples... ooooh... swelling for him... filling with milk... his baby... and she’ll feed him... feed his fucking child!*" I was panting now, breath ragged, nearing the precipice.
"*And you’ll watch it, Carl!*" I screamed, voice cracking as my fingers worked relentlessly against my clit, hips rocking in time to my corrupted words. "Watch him fuck her... ohhh... FUCK her while her belly swells... And you..." My voice tensed, growling, broken by pleasure. "*Your fucking... worm of a cock, Carl... you’ll be lucky if you ever—oh GOD—get near her filthy cunt again... unless you’re licking it... CLEAN from him!*"
"*Ooohhhh FUCK!*" I moaned loud and high, arching hard as the pleasure tore through me, my orgasm exploding with raw intensity. My whole body trembled violently, fingers buried in my dripping heat. "*YESSS! FUCK!"* I gasped, thighs shaking as the euphoric shockwave of release swept over me, wave after wave of bliss overwhelming every part of me.
Oh Yes!.,
Panting and trembling uncontrollably, my body slowly unwound from that divine high, leaving a delicious ache in its wake. I looked down at Carl, trembling and sobbing at my feet—utterly destroyed. My eyes drifted to his thighs, and then I saw it — disgusting. A pitiful dribble of cum had escaped him. My ecstasy was momentarily tainted.
Oh no!
Realisation struck me. I must have reflexively pulled my nail off his cock during my orgasm, and the weak man had actually come without permission. Without purpose. Like the pathetic waste of a man he was.
My satisfied smirk dissolved into a cruel sneer.
"You dirtied the moment, Carl," I hissed. Even through the haze of my fading climax, my voice cut sharp. "While I was in the middle of something divine, you couldn't even hold back your pitiful filth.” I glared at him in contempt.
Carl's cock twitched pathetically, deflated and limp, but I no longer cared.
I leaned in close, voice venomous, though tinged with a slow satisfaction. "Now," I began, a sadistic grin spreading over my lips, "clean it up. Every drop."
Carl shuddered, a broken sob escaping his lips. But he didn’t hesitate. Trembling, he wiped the pathetic little dribble from his thigh, gathering what little he had to offer. His hand brought it to his mouth as shame overwhelmed him, weak sobs escaping his lips as he licked his fingers clean.
"Good boy," I purred, drawing out every syllable as I revelled in his complete submission, his total ruin. When he finished, tears streamed down his face—completely broken.
I stood tall over him, the intoxicating pulse of power still coursing through me, just as heady as the orgasm I’d just released.
"Pathetic," I whispered, drawing the word out slowly, as though it amused me. My gaze settled on his spent cock—a limp reminder of everything Carl would never reclaim. "Absolutely pathetic."
I inhaled deeply, savouring the complete destruction I’d wrought upon him, still riding high on the wave of power and pleasure. As I exhaled, I murmured softly—but condescendingly— "Thank you, Carl."
He flinched at the unexpected kindness, still too battered and diminished to comprehend it fully.
I stepped back, letting the tingling satisfaction finally fade. "Now," I said, voice settling into a more authoritative tone, "get to work."
Carl wiped his eyes, nodding feebly and completely defeated.
"Of course, Doctor Valentine," he murmured automatically through fresh tears. His broken devotion now bordering on worship.
I watched him for a heartbeat longer, my smile spreading slowly as the reality of the moment sank in. And I knew—that's exactly what I wanted.
Fuck. This... this was real power. Not the coercion of a mere man, not the fleeting adrenaline from a once commonplace male conquest—this was something else entirely. Something deeper, more visceral.
The magic... it truly was incredible.

The satisfaction from what I’d just done to Carl was crackling through me, hot and electric. It was raw, heady power—God, it was intoxicating. The smile tugged at the corners of my lips like it was fixed there, my body still thrumming with that rush of control. I had reduced him to nothing—just a sputtering, broken mess—with only a few words and a teasing hand between his legs. He'd licked his own cum like a good boy, and fuck, watching him crumble under my power had just about made me come all over again.
But even as my body still hummed with the high, something started to turn over in my mind—a seed, cracking open.
*Why did you do that?*
I shook the thought off, turning toward my desk, trying to focus on the next steps. Rick—no, Yvette—was still waiting for me. There were more procedures to map out, more plans to bring her perfectly into line. But as soon as I picked up the pen, more of those quiet doubts crept in. Slippery, dark, and sharp around the edges.
“Fuck, Michelle," I muttered under my breath, the words feeling hollow in my mouth. "Are you... turning into a sadist?”
My hand stilled above the paper.
*You just ruined that man's entire life.*
Carl’s wife. Kelly. Sweet, pretty Kelly. What the fuck was I going to do to her? What did I want from her? The thought of pulling her under, making her mine—or worse, offering her up like some gift for someone else to split and ruin—it hit me harder than I expected.
Somehow, in the middle of ransacking Carl’s mind, I hadn’t stopped to think about Kelly herself. Hadn’t given a single thought as to why I’d even gone there. What would happen to her once this whole thing with Carl spiraled into their bedroom? Once he couldn’t look at her without seeing my twisted fantasies crawl into the sheets beside them?
*Jesus Christ.*
Discomfort flickered through me. It was like I could see the reality of it now, staring back at me like a ghost from the future. Carl wouldn’t be able to touch Kelly without flickering back to my voice, my laughter. And Kelly—well, she’d never know Carl again, not really. And that wasn’t even the worst part.
*She’ll get hooked on my cock.*
I’d see to it, wouldn’t I? Just like I promised Carl. One way or another, I would break Kelly in front of him—and for what? My satisfaction? Revenge on a man whose wife had done nothing to deserve this? The high of manipulating everything to end up exactly how I pleased?
"What the fuck are you doing, Michelle?" I muttered more sharply, the weight starting to bear down hard on my chest again.
I wasn’t this person. Or, I hadn’t been—had I really slipped that far down already? Was this who I was now? The monster?
I raked my hands through my hair, standing up from the desk, pacing the length of the room to try and clear my head. I had to focus. I had to understand.
That document. The resolution.
Fuck, I’d thought we were careful. But ever since that party, those promises made under the heat of New Year’s, something had… shifted. The rules had spun out of my control quicker than I anticipated. I should have known better. I fumbled my way to the drawer, pulling out the printed copy of what Nina had helped me write.
Unfolding the paper, my eyes scanned the words, each line a familiar echo of the power I’d claimed that night.
“I resolve to possess Rick’s cock, harness it to its full potential, and use it to fulfill our desires.”
I felt my stomach tighten. Desires. What had felt so clean, definitive and meant to heal then, now gnawed at me, the ambiguous phrasing revealing its unsettling weight. Our Desires… so open-ended. I hadn't just written these words. Nina had helped draft it. Nina, meticulous and precise—she’d been so careful with the phrasing of each sentence. Clearly the ‘us’ was meant to be an insurance of sorts. But this—this felt… off..the definition of ‘us’ was not clear enough.
I blinked. Fuck me.
Was that why I felt like my thoughts had twisted and turned while the cock was in my presence? Was the cock the other member of the us? What exactly was this leading me? What scope of Magic? What level of Control? I glanced at the page again. Full potential of what, exactly?
The cock wasn’t just powerful because of its size or its allure. It was the purpose behind it, wasn't it? Rick had used it to tear through people—his power wasn't in the organ itself, but in the possibilities it created for him.
His lust, his greed, his arrogance—that cock had magnified every one of his darkest desires and allowed him to leap past decency and restraint. He didn’t just want to fuck; he wanted to devour—and the magic in his cock let him.
And now, I held the reins.
Did the same influence now control me? My decisions? That creeping lust for power?
I forced the thought down, throat tight, and kept reading. The second part, the transformation.
“I resolve to remake Rick in our image: obedient, submissive, and loyal—a maid to serve us."
I blinked twice now.
Who was the other party in us?
I shifted uncomfortably as my eyes moved down the line.
“We will have our maids in devotion and service, bound wholly to our will.”
My stomach sank. maids? Plural?
I re-read the line, my brow furrowing at the wording. A single, unassuming letter—a typo we’d overlooked in our haste—had shifted the meaning entirely. We hadn’t locked the resolution specifically to Rick. That one oversight, that stray 's' Nina and I missed… it was more than just a casual mistake. Instead of binding my power to one evil man, it now left endless possibilities open.
We’d missed it. Somehow, we missed the door we’d left open with this damn document. My hurried scratches, the many adjustments as it was clearly a rush order, days before new year, had let this slip past her.
Nina had focused on the legal clarity of each word. But, neither of us assumed one stray plural could unravel everything.
I had inadvertently gifted myself..fuck… *ourselves*, the damned cock and I were a fucking team now. We held power over others. Rick was irrelevant now. I could create more. How many? As many as I willed, as long as I saw fit.
The pen in my hand hung limply, no ink spilled on the page.
The possibilities churned in my mind. Absolute control—Nina probably thought she’d safeguarded every corner of this magic for me, but this oversight? It had handed me more than I planned for. More than I could have imagined.
A laugh, dry, almost hollow, escaped my lips.
And the worst part? I could feel the thrill of it running up my spine again, the temptation whispering at the base of my skull. The cock had pulsed in my grip when I’d claimed it like it was alive, and *now* I understood. I stood at the edge of open potential—with no real fucking limit to what I could do. Kelly, Nina, the next person unlucky enough to catch my eye—I could take anyone and twist them into my own little plaything if I wanted to.
So, why did my hand begin to tremble slightly, gripping the edges of the paper tighter?
But still, the more I ran my mind over the words and considered the weight of this newfound understanding, the more the air around me felt… heavier. Thicker.
"This is too much. This could spiral.” My voice was barely above a whisper, but the thought hit the centre of me like ice.
“Absolute power,” I whispered, slowly easing the paper onto the desk, the edge of a realisation tugging at my thoughts. “That’s dangerous… isn’t it?”

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Absolute Power
Absolutely corrupts. Michelle has allowed her transformation of Rick into Yvette to infect her own mind with a pornographic and sadistic lust. This episode is an exercise in sadism and control. She seemingly begins to regret who she has become but I think she has gone too far. She has enjoyed Carl's degradation and submission too much to go back.
You manage to make each episode steamier and steamier, FM.
Astute as always
Michelle is definitely warped and, as you said, "infected," but you know I am a sucker for happy endings. Fear not, for I have four more chapters sketched out to guide her toward the light—or perhaps guide myself to the darkness. Well, at the very least, guide someone to a cup of coffee!
Gives a new meaning . . . .
. . . to the old title, “Witch Doctor.” And, interestingly, some of them, too, we’re supposed to be possessed by spirits. Hmmmm!
— Emma