
Diva in Disguise 3

Diva in Disguise Chapter 3

After Pete had gone, Alice left the little motel where they had been staying and moved in with me. My college friend offered to remain a further fortnight. Her stated intention was to help clear my mother’s house for sale, but while her practical assistance was welcome enough, just having her around was an emotional support I was most grateful to lean upon.

Tommy, the Flower Girl Part 3


The next morning, Tommy woke up feeling the warmth of his wet diaper and of the sun streaming through his window. His mother greeted him with a smile and a loving hug. "Good morning, sweetie! Let's get you changed and ready for the day," she said. Once she had finished, his mother lifted him into her arms and held him close. "There we go, all fresh and clean," she said, pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead. "Now, let's go have some yummy breakfast, and we can talk about what fun things we can do today."

Torrid Transformation

Torrid Transformation

The bell above the entrance to Torrid chimed a cheerful welcome as Alan
pushed open the glass door. The familiar scent of trendy clothing and
leather greeted him, but the store was strangely empty. He scanned the
racks, his gaze snagged on a display of vibrant summer dresses before a
voice startled him.

"Hi there! Welcome to Torrid!"

Alan turned to see a woman with a dazzling smile and a nametag that read
"Haley - Manager." Her warm brown eyes sparkled beneath a mane of fiery
red hair.

Coffee Shop Girl

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Coffee Shop Girl. - A tale of envy, vengeance and subterfuge that turns into something quite extraordinary

College boy observes sexy young waitresses using their feminine wiles to bump up their tips in a coffee shop and thinks it might be an easy way to make money and to expose the owner and his misogynistic work practices. When Carey presents femme something strange, unique and surprising happens.

Tommy, the Flower Girl Part 1


Once upon a time in a small town, there lived a 10-year-old boy named Tommy. He was an adventurous, energetic boy who loved climbing trees and playing soccer with his friends. One sunny afternoon, his aunt, Sarah, announced that she was getting married. Everyone in the family was excited, especially Tommy, who loved weddings for the cake and the delicious food.

Tommy, the Flower Girl


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Once upon a time in a small town, there lived a 10-year-old boy named Tommy. He was an adventurous, energetic boy who loved climbing trees and playing soccer with his friends. One sunny afternoon, his aunt, Sarah, announced that she was getting married. Everyone in the family was excited, especially Tommy. Until he found out he would be the flower girl that is.

Nailed To Changed

Nailed to Change

Timothy slumped in the passenger seat, defeated. Bethany, his best friend since kindergarten, was practically glowing with barely concealed amusement. "So," she chirped, her voice laced with mischief, "ready to become the world's first male connoisseur of nano-gel nail enhancements?"

Bethany, a whirlwind of confidence in a neon green sundress, cackled. "Relax, drama llama. It's the hippest salon in Nashville. They do this new nano-whatever thing that makes your nails invincible."

TG-Crazed Scientist Part 08

It didn't take long for Genesis to find Jesse. Right when she stepped out of the Orphanage For All Ages, she saw Jesse just standing there on the edge of the sidewalk. His head was hung, and he was staring off into space, as if he didn't even care where he was or where he was going.

"Hey!" said Genesis.

Jesse turned and saw Genesis. "Hey," he said.

"Jesse, I'm so sorry," said Genesis. "I didn't know that she'd..."

"It's not your fault," said Jesse. "I shouldn't have even come here."

"Don't say that."

TG-Crazed Scientist Part 06

Jesse drove until 11:00 AM the next day. By that point, Ramona had woken up. "We should probably stop for a while," said Ramona. "Let the car rest."

"Rest?" Genesis asked.

"Yeah, we've been driving it literally all night long," said Ramona. "That might not be good for it."

"I did stop a little while ago," said Jesse. "So I could top off the gas."

"That's good," said Ramona. "But we should take another stop."

"Okay," said Jesse. "But...what are we gonna do while we let the car rest?"

Prison Dolls - Chapter 4

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Chapter Four - Consequences

Is Bobbie really dead or was it an elaborate hoax? The consequences of Bobbie's assassination in the prison parking lot reverberate through the Siceresso crime family. Allie Katt and her boyfriend arrange a suitable resting place for Bobbie while Tony Siceresso turns against his fellow criminals in the ultimate act of revenge.


A Short Story
From my new collection of Short Science Fiction Stories on Amazon
By Maryanne Peters

Raphael was angry, and that was an emotion that was not unexpected.

It is not an emotion that I have ever experienced and that is deliberate. It is almost universally destructive, but it is part of the human condition. Not experiencing it serves to remind me that I am not human, although I aspire to be as human as possible, not the least to better understand how I may serve and protect.

The Permanent Sojourn of Mallory Sutherland

Meet Malcolm Sutherland, a sixteen-year-old forced to work a tough labouring job after his mother gets crippled in the same car crash that claimed his father. He longs for an out, but a whimsical purchase by a friend of his sister gives him one he wasn't expecting ...

The Most Extreme Punishment Chapter 10

Genesis' first gynecologist appointment was on October 20, 2023, a week after Ramona's party. After school, Genesis got in the car with Reginald to drive to the gynecologist's office. On the way, Genesis didn't know what to think. As Gene, he'd had plenty of doctor appointments, and he'd built up a pretty good rapport with his doctor. But now Gene was Genesis, and she was going to a doctor that was especially meant for women. Considering she probably wouldn't be a woman for much longer anyway, something about it just didn't seem right.

Mix-up at summer camp


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Once upon a time, in a small suburban town, there lived a teenage boy named Alex. He was a typical young boy, full of energy and always seeking adventure. One summer, however, his life took an unexpected turn when at his summer camp he appears to be grouped with the toddler girls. As he embraces this new role, Alex goes through an amazing journey of self-discovery, finding out who he truly is.

Mix-up at summer camp Parts 1-3

1. Departure

Once upon a time, in a small suburban town, there lived a teenage boy named Alex. He was a typical young boy, full of energy and always seeking adventure. One summer, however, his life took an unexpected turn.



Late last year I was asked to interview a resident of a care home. I was told that he was over ninety but still very lucid. It was in the build-up to Christmas and I couldn’t see the point for a fashion magazine, but his daughters were insistent that he had a story to tell our readers. I had my misgivings, but went along anyway with only my phone to record the interview.

Charlie walked with a frame and guided me back to his room with the help of his daughter Claire. Once seated, he began his tale.

Living Your Life

Constance listens to the music as she dances across the room. She loved old disco music and music from the seventies. Sure, she had her favorites of today’s modern-day music, but she also liked the old-style music. She dances in time to the music as it plays.

When the current selection of music stops playing, she stops and wipes her face. She takes a sip from her water bottle and replays the recording of her dancing. She watches herself as she dances to the music. A smile appears as she edits it and posts it to her YouTube channel.

Underthings (6 of 6)

Saturday morning, before my shower, I put on Eve’s underwear and I was changed into Eve. It took at a maximum four days between changes. I suppose I had to experiment to find out the minimum time between changes. Robert was awake as I came out of the bathroom.

“Eve?” He said. “I thought you would wait to change closer to when Marc was coming by to pick you up?”

“I figured I should get reuse to this body before I saw him. Everything is so big again.”

“You are so lucky.”

“I am?” I wasn’t sure what he was referring to.

Underthings (4 of 6)

The Friday after Thanksgiving is traditionally a day one avoids shopping centers unless one has a specific deal they wish to take advantage of. Not Faith. Faith loved Black Friday, as it’s known – the hustle, the stampede of shoppers – she loved it.

She dragged me to the mall to buy me more clothes. She was not happy with the style she assumed Shelly inflicted on me. She said, “I can’t accept you as my older sister with the conservative clothes you wear.”

“They aren’t conservative.”

On the Eve of my 19th Birthday

With my 19th birthday coming up tomorrow, I’ll be visiting home for the first time in months. I’ve been away at college, and while there, I began my transition as a trans girl. My parents are supportive, but they’ve yet to see me as myself yet. Tomorrow will be the first day. I’ll take a train over early in the morning tomorrow to visit them, but first, I’m taking a trip down to the shops to get a new outfit, partially as a gift to myself, and partially so I can look my best tomorrow.

Driven from Normal. (Extra A.I. Images)

Precision driver Simon McKenzie’s work week started reasonably normal with a job in Queenstown, New Zealand, driving a vehicle for a new TV ad being filmed there.

After only a few days, and a series of events that seemed to quickly snowball, the 23 year old found himself standing in a bar waiting for his new girlfriend to arrive… But, what wasn’t normal, is that it's him wearing who's little black cocktail dress…

Driven from Normal. (Extra A.I. Images)

If It Was Your Husband 1 & 2 of 20

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Authors Note: This story is complete and sitting on my hard drive. The novel is 49,188 words long in twenty chapters. I will be posting two chapters per week, roughly 5,000 words per post, on Fridays.


Alex comes home one day and his wife, Carrie, tells him of a problem in Mike and Lisa's marriage. Mike is his best friend since middle school. It seems that Lisa caught Mike cross-dressing and came unglued. She had come to Carrie looking for solace and support for divorcing Mike. But Carrie told her about a Phil Donahue show she'd seen as a teenager featuring married cross-dressers and said that cross-dressing really was no big deal.

Lisa was offended that Carrie wouldn't back her up and said, "If it was your husband, you wouldn’t think it was so cool," and left in a snit; part of her anger now directed at Carrie.

Carrie, on the fly, hatches a plan to help Lisa see that if it was her husband, she'd still think it was no big deal. Alex somewhat reluctantly goes along with it and discovers things about himself that he never knew existed.

James: 21st Century Young Man – 12

James: 21st Century Young Man – 12

By Jessica C

James intruded on his mother's telephone conversation...
He volunteered to be her daughter for a Mother/Daughter Event...

The Breeding Chamber - Chapter 3

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Chapter Three – Welcome Home

Madeline becomes a trooper in the Revolutionary army determined to overthrow the evil regime of Pope Durden whilst Victoria returns to Durden City to spy for the Revolutionaries. Both of these women undertake important but dangerous missions in order to free the cis and trans women being persecuted by Pope Durden and his evil Commission.

Art Project – 27 Conclusion

Art Project – 27

By Jessica C

Andrew designed a girl’s prom gown instead of a boy’s suit,
That literally got him into girls’ fashion
Andrew’s problem became an opportunity…

James: 21st Century Young Man – 7 Permission Given

James: 21st Century Young Man – 7
Permission Given

By Jessica C

James intruded on his mother's call...
He volunteered to be her daughter for a Mother/Daughter Event...
He insists he's a 21st-century male who can handle it...


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