
11th Sun: Chapter 8: [XXX] Marcus

I stand for a long time in front of Paint. They must do a lot of business, they have a fancy sign that changes color and font. This is what you want. Go in there.

I don’t move.

Go in there, Eleven!

I move. Put my hand on the door handle. Open it. Step inside.

The smell in here is overwhelming. A hundred different kinds of perfume. There are vials on the wall. Lotions, soap, scrubby things, all in pastel.

I have entered the Temple of Woman.

Summer Intern (Continuation of Spring Break)

Summer Intern

Marti discovered herself and came out during Spring Break.... She was invited back to South Carolina for a summer internship... Joyfully in involves more than she expected.

(This is a continuation for my Spring Break series.
Readers are advised to begin there, though it is not a must)

11th Sun: Chapter 7: Street Meat

I step out of the hanger, into the core, on the zero level, and there’s just ringed corridor with some personal elevators, and a bunch more freight lifts. D’Neesha’s is on level 2? I find the button, which is on a box, suspended from the ceiling, by a cable. The lift doesn’t close, just jerks to a start. I watch the innards of the tube scroll past, and look out on the first level for a moment.

The Annual Ski Trip chapter 2 added 6/21/17

Day 1 The Annual Ski Trip Begins
When their family was getting ready for their annual ski trip Chris’s mom had bought him a new pair of long underwear. When he tried them on he couldn’t help but notice how they clung to his legs. “Mom they make me look like I have chicken legs!” Chris had always had a small frame and had been teased for it in the past.
“It’s not as if anyone’s going to see your legs Chris. You’ll be wearing your ski pants. They’re just long johns.”
“But what about in the chalet?”

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished – 1 - Started in Central Park

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished - 1 - Started in Central Park

By Jessica C

A Good Samaritan is mistaken for a rapist...
Results are life changing and come with rape charges.

Support is.. getting in the way [5.2]


A day on the town, new haircut, new clothes and an excessive amount of money.. why does that seem so idyllic in the movies?

Events unfold including but not limited to:
The salon vultures swarm,
A lot of relationship status's come into question
(some for very good reasons, others.. well..)

Meanwhile Hannah decides that life is unfair and Tuesdays suck!

Evan's Wardrobe 1

----------=BigCloset Retro Classic!=----------

When my father first met Gina, I was pleased. He had been down in the dumps for months.
Gina made him happy and that made me like her. Later, I developed a different view,

but mostly because of the things that happened to me.

Evan's Wardrobe
Part 1

by Ollie

Copyright © 2013 Ollie
All Rights Reserved.

Brianna and Jayden, Episode 2 a TG Dress Shop Story

Read my previous short solo “Brianna and Jayden - A TG Dress Shop Story” from 2015 for the back story. Reviewers asked for a continuation, but my mind has been away from fiction writing. In the last two years society has changed and Jayden has learned a great deal about herself. She is excited to talk again with Brianna. Let's listen in as they come to closure.

TeenGirl Logo.jpg

Amie and Jamie


Audience Rating: 


She invited me to sit at the dressing table. She stood behind me and started brushing my hair. After a moment, she spoke, “Jamie, you were right about my parents expecting me to bring a girlfriend to camp with me. You are going to be that girl.”

Amie and Jamie

Jamie Simms

Virtually Feminine


Audience Rating: 



Virtually Feminine

Morgan Philips

I wrote this story about personal growth through interaction in a Virtual World largely in response to Dorothy Colleen’s challenge to write something about a 40+ transition. I’m not sure it will get that far, but the characters are the right age at least.
I set some scenes in Second Life, as that’s an environment I am familiar with. I was going to go through afterwards and edit all the references to some generic VR World but I think it gives it a more realistic feel by using the names and jargon from a "real’’ virtual world that some of you may be familiar with. Of course, I don’t own Second Life ™ , it’s a registered trademark belonging to Linden Lab. I’m not associated with them in any way and the views and people described only bear a passing resemblance to anyone real or virtual. Alll copyrights and trademarks belong to their respective owners

Virtually Feminine - Part 1 - Mistaken identity


I wrote this story about personal growth through interaction in a Virtual World largely in response to Dorothy Colleen’s challenge to write something about a 40+ transition. I’m not sure it will get that far, but the characters are the right age at least.

I set it in Second Life, as that’s an environment I am familiar with. I was going to go through afterwards and edit all the references to some generic VR World but I think it gives it a more realistic feel by using the names and jargon from a ‘real’’virtual world that some of you may be familiar with. Of course, I don’t own Second Life ™ , it’s a registered trademark belonging to Linden Lab. I’m not associated with them in any way and the views and people described only bear a passing resemblance to anyone real or virtual.’ All copyrights and trademarks belong to their respective owners and I’m not trying to sell anything. Please don’t sue me, as I don’t have any money. Oh, and if you’re reading this Fee and you recognise yourself, I’m sorry.

Designer Children


Audience Rating: 


While the genre is horror, this is not a slasher and does not contain gratuitous violence or gore. It is more psychological, mixed with mystery and suspense I hope those of you who shy away from horror will still give it a chance.

Designer Children


"The... folly which sees in the child nothing more than the vivisector sees in a guinea pig: something to experiment on with a view to rearranging the world."

George Bernard Shaw, 1913

Stephanie’s Chance - 6 Turn Back, Foolish Boy

Stephanie’s Chance - 6
Turn Back, Foolish Boy

By Jessica C

Brad's a friend that brings out the girl in Steven…
Steve’s bad mouth catches up to him…
Unknowingly his mother helps him to embrace Stephanie

A Turn On The Pathway To Citizenship Part 1

A Turn On The Pathway To Citizenship
Part One Of Three

Warm Hearted

Edited By Commentator

Synopsis: The tale of Mark Cedric's unique and unexpected turn on his pathway to becoming an American citizen, but Mark will discover that being a new citizen is very pleasurable.

As always comments and constructive criticism is much appreciated.

Z A Turn On The Pathway To Citizenship Part One Of Two

A Turn On The Pathway To Citizenship Part One Of Two
Warm Hearted

Synopsis: The tale of Mark Cedric's unique and unexpected turn on his pathway to being an American Citizen, but Mark will discover that being a new citizens is very pleasurable. As always comments and constructive criticism is much appreciated.

Stephanie’s Chance - 2 First Date

Stephanie’s Chance - 2
First Date

By Jessica C

Steven lost his cool and his mouth was rude and crude... The punishment fits the situation; unknown ? touches upon a secret... Brad's a childhood friend... Stephanie gets to deal with things now...

Vesta's Hearth 5 and 6

Vesta's Hearth 5 and 6
Frances Penwiddy

Copyright© Frances Penwiddy 2012

This is a work of fiction, the characters and the Café are fictitious and any resemblance to places or persons living or dead is coincidental.

Cooking lessons, a pretty pinny, Two Spirit New Girls, a chat with Barbara and good news.


Unlikely Quarterback – 20 Elaine to Get on with Her Life

Unlikely Quarterback – 20
Elaine to Get on with Her Life

Bryce Royce learning he’s androgynous, says I’m Elaine…
Being Elaine not the boy Bryce, should be okay,
Except Bryce is Mr. Royce’s boy and a football player!
…Bryce/Elaine became an unlikely Quarterback;
…now insists she’s Elaine.

Vesta's Hearth


Audience Rating: 



Frances Penwiddy

Helen’s journey to discover herself and search for a new family and home begins

This is a work of fiction, the characters and the Café are fictitious and any resemblance to places or persons living or dead is coincidental.

Copyright© Frances Penwiddy 2012

Vesta's Hearth 3 and 4

Vesta’s Hearth 3 and 4
Volume 1
By Frances Penwiddy

Copyright©Frances Penwiddy, 2014

Vesta’s Hearth is a work of fiction. Any similarity to people living or dead is coincidental.
This novel is not considered suitable reading matter for minors.

Helen has an interview, wishes for M & S knickers and finds a sister.


We Never Break A Promise Chapter 2

We Never Break A Promise Part 2
"The New Beginning"

Warm Hearted
Edited and Proofed by Catherine Linda Michel

Synopsis: Eric Jones was an orphan that grew up friendless, abused, humiliated, and unloved in the foster system. In this chapter Eric awakens from being magically healed from an almost deadly, undeserved beating and begins an evolutionary journey of personal truth. All the copyright stuff applies.

We Never Break A Promise Chapter 1

We Never Break A Promise
Warm Hearted
Proofed and Edited by Catherine Linda Michel

Synopsis: This is the introduction story for a new universe. All the normal copyright stuff applies.

Eric Jones was an orphan that grew up friendless and unloved in the foster system . Eric was always a misfit in school and he wanted a new start. But Eric did not know how new it would be.

Art Project – 15 Applied Learning

Andrew’s attention deficit and getting away with things caught up with him… Designing a gown instead of a suit, unknowingly Andrew had the responsibility to model it… Andrea is now more visible; Andrew is set on being himself or Andrea as he chooses… Andrea passively confronts Professor Cozier


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