
Jack and Jill by Trudy - 15 - Looking At the Future

Jack and Jill, by Trudy
- 15 - Looking At the Future

Melvin agreed with Trudy to be Jill of Jack and Jill for Halloween... Caught up in the transformation and a problem; he finds himself being Melanie, learning from Aunt Marti... He's give to birth and cared for his pretend Sarai and Allyson, and has problems going back to Melvin.

Jack and Jill by Trudy - 11 - The Baby Bump

Jack and Jill, by Trudy - 11
The Baby Bump

“Don’t do it Melanie, you’ll hurt the boy’s feelings.” I’m embarrassed, I know she’s right. The jerk bites Sara’s hook and we have a last game. I’m pissed as a nail breaks but I win easy enough. Sara wins a dollar and we leave quickly.
I’m expecting to leave, but Kathy and Sara have other plans. We’re quickly at L.A. Women’s World. Sixty dollars for cheerleading shoes …Kathy follows us back to Marti has us do a cheer and gets it on her smart phone, not good.



Chapter 20


I look at it and it’s her smartphone and she has music files on it. And I’m wearing sunglasses that are muting out a lot of the neon and the flashing screens everywhere too…I press play and I smile as music from the Lord of the rings starts to play…*Concerning Hobbits* from The Fellowship movie the music as you’re just seeing The Shire.
I exhale tension with the sounds of the music and she looks at me with this I love you Pi smile.
“You did this for me?”
“Yeah…and it’s all the fun and calm stuff nothing all aggro either.”
The time and the sheer fact that she took that time doing it for me and had all this ready for me and my moments it.
I am really close to crying.
She takes my free hand and laces her fingers into mine. “C’mon lady love I’ll teach you home to twirl.”

*And Now…

Winter's Child: Chapter 8

Mitsuo is a promising martial artist and dating the most popular girl in school. Life seems perfect until his sixteenth birthday when he comes into his mother's heritage and his father's curse.


Winter's Child
Chapter 8

“That was a misunderstanding, but it supports our claim, more bad things have happened to you in the past week than most people go through in years. You’re the magnetic north of trouble. It’s like trouble has a compass that points right to you,” he said, giving me a smug grin.

The Parchment Chapter 1

Heart of12379719-crop.pngthe Beholden.

The Parchment Chapter 1

I fall onto the hotel bed and I let out a big sigh and a squee and hug the pillow. I’m here at my first Con and I’m super excited. More than excited because I can really be me here and I’m free from the shitty stuff in my life.

I’m adopted and while that’s not a bad thing and my folks are kind of cool they’re just really kind of normal and my hometown is really, really kind of normal and I am not.

Super not.

Well for one I’m Chinese. Yes I’m one of those adopted out of China babies. Two I’m a girl. Well I’m a girl on the inside.

Where nobody knows.

A Star is Born

Glen and Sakura were orphans who would do anything for one another. So what happens when they're forced to become each other?


A Star is Born

Steph walked past me, “They didn’t think about us as people, maybe it’s time we start doing the same.”

Christmas Twins ~ 9

This is the story of my twin and me; two siblings so closely bonded that we would do anything for each other. It all started a few months before Christmas…


Jack and Jill by Trudy - 7 - End or End of the Beginning

Jack and Jill by Trudy — 7

Mel was Jill of Jack and Jill for Halloween and found himself as Melanie instead of Melvin. He won't acknowledge that for a while as the journey is part of the fun of getting there.

To See Through a Glass Darkly 18

To See Through a Glass Darkly


Anam Chara

What Marjorie has revealed to Sasha about who he may be proves very unsettling. They do more shopping as Sasha tries to adjust to what happens.

Christmas Twins ~ 5

This is the story of my twin and me; two siblings so closely bonded that we would do anything for each other. It all started a few months before Christmas…


Christmas Gift to Me

Christmas Gift to Me

It is a safe time to linger checking out girls toys, and women's clothing, under the guise I am Christmas shopping for someone else... Tonight he will not ever forget the dream...

Thai Pie

Young Danny moves to Thailand with his mother after his father's death.
He meets a cute young girl that has a group of guys that is bullying her.
Danny decides to defend her and winds up on a strange journey that forces him to make decisions that will affect him for the rest of his life.

Thai Pie

Thai Pie


My Super Secret Life...Villain-16.

My Super Secret life…Villain-16.

Chapter 16


She leads me inside I look around and it’s stalls and some shops like a mini-mall upside but in the middle is more like a flea market and most of its tools and combat styled gear ranging from ganger looking stuff to old military surplus and even some new stuff.

“Welcome to Sassy’s market mate!” She puts on a horrible accent but she’s smiling.


“Aye like a play off the S.A.S. from the commonwealth colonies luv.”

I roll my eyes. “Okay let shop for some toys.”

“Oi luvy those kinds of things are sold somewhere’s else.”

“Ha-ha-ha very funny Link…oooh are those grenades!”

*And Now…

Tabloid TV: Chic Lit

Chick Lit Author is Actually a Dude!
[email protected]

NEW YORK: The literary world was rocked this week when world famous author Christine Ericson announced that she was actually Christopher!

Debriefings 10


by Anam Chara

Along life’s journey we each encounter those events where all that we know, all that we do, and all that we are may change. But even as we approach such events, we don’t always notice their markers until we look behind us and see them for what they were.

One boy is about to learn that he has already passed such an event, and nothing will ever be quite the same…

Severance Pay (Chapters 43 through 48 of 78)

After talking her way out of trouble with X-ray Hobbes, Patricia and Gretchen start the weekend as regular girlfriends but the relationship deepens. Jessica has a traumatic epiphany. Hobbes implements Patricia's plan. Listed Themes and Elements apply to entire story, Rating to this submission. Thanks to Marina Kelly and Robyn Hoode for editorial assistance.



Love hearts have just a bit of that soda in them so when they are eaten they fizz. I love that feeling, even the taste I still do. I like those little ‘Lotsa-fizz’ candies too and pop rocks are fun and I even like those paper candy discs called UFO’s that were filled with fizzy powder.

But nothing beats my Love hearts.


It’s the first candy that I ever had that was something meant for me.

The real me.

Masks Chapter 21

Masks Chapter 21


“Stephanie…..!” She cries and I cry and we glomph on each other and we get that bad we have to stop and go back in the store to use their bathroom and fix our make-up.

Crying in public and not getting shit for it, being this close with my best friend and doing this and not having the sky come falling down on me is.

Well it’s past awesome and when we get back out and ready to go I see Mom looking at me with this look like the kind that Dad gave Steven.

But it’s the that’s my girl look.

It feels so damned good and really so big…I mean this is kind of this first thing that I’ve done that is all me and that made her look at me like that.

I smile and take a breath getting into the car and I feel a little bit stronger inside for it.

*And Now…

Masks Chapter 20

Masks Chapter 20


Okay, I feel better now…I feel more grounded and more like myself than I ever had. We do facials and mani-pedi’s and I’m surprising them in just how much I know.

Hey when you’re a girl, you’re a girl and if you’re like me and actually like hair and make-up and the girly stuff the stealth or not odds are you’re going to know it even if it’s your first times. I’ve lived a hundred thousand little girl snippet lifetimes already.

I want the whole thing, I need it.

I’m going to…

M.J. comes in with popcorn and Aunt Els is putting on Season one of Gilmore Girls and we sip all together in this pile on the bed in the bag on the floor and pillows and comforters.

This…so much this…


Patti's Princess (3 of 3)

Sam, Cousin Patti and Sister Monika were very close growing up;
often enjoying playing dress up in girl's clothing when they were together.

This would have been normal if Sam were short for Samantha, but Samuel was his given name.

Patti had often said that Sam would be Patti’s Princess come her wedding day.

That time has come... today!

Patti's Princess
By Jessica C

Copyright © 2013 Jessica C
All Rights Reserved.

Severance Pay (Chapters 7 through 12 of 78)

Peter Harris experiences the joys and frustrations of living in the body of a petite teenage girl while discovering hidden skills that surprise Daniel and Jessica. Elements and Themes listed apply to entire story. Rating applies to this submission. Thanks to Marina Kelly for editing assistance.

Severance Pay (Chapters 1 through 6 of 78)

Disabled and retired undercover cop Peter Harris is recruited for one last job. He's going to infiltrate the household of Raymond Hobbes, notorious drug lord and criminal kingpin, with the support of an unusual group of experts and unapproved technology. Listed Themes and Elements applies to entire story, rating just to this submission. Editorial assistance from Marina Kelly greatly appreciated.

Patti's Princess (2 of 3)

Sam, Cousin Patti and Sister Monika were very close growing up;
often enjoying playing dress up in girl's clothing when they were together.

This would be normal if Sam were short for Samantha, but Samuel was his given name.

Patti had often said that Sam would be Patti’s Princess come her wedding day.

That time has come... today!

Patti's Princess
By Jessica C

Copyright © 2013 Jessica C
All Rights Reserved.

NewHalf Chapter 3 & 4

Nathanial's life gets turned the wrong way when his new school goals don't go so well and his girlfriend breaks up with him. Things get worse when he encounters a woman with a 'special' gift that completely changes who he was, and is given something he is not prepared to live with. Now he must break the spell in order for things to go back the way they were, when he was a boy. And the only way to do so is to live and develop a life of a beautiful teenage girl, before time runs out.



Nathanial's life gets turned the wrong way when his new school goals don't go so well and his girlfriend breaks up with him. Things get worse when he encounters a woman with a 'special' gift that completely changes who he was, and is given something he is not prepared to live with. Now he must break the spell in order for things to go back the way they were, when he was a boy. And the only way to do so is to live and develop a life of a beautiful teenage girl, before time runs out.

Patti's Princess (1 of 3)

Patti’s Princess
By JessicaC
Cousin Patti, my Sister Monika and Sam were very close growing up, often enjoying playing dress up in girls’ clothing when they were together. This would have been normal if Sam was short for Samantha but Samuel was his given name. Patti often said that Sam would be Patti’s Princess come her wedding day. The time has come today…

Masks Chapter 2

Masks Chapter 2

Chapter 2


He actually passes me a shopping basket. “Go and fill your boots we’ll make this a cool Halloween and a homecoming for them okay.”


“Anything Bud.” ….Bud…there’s another one that just is…ick but I let it go. I start getting stuff there’s this little spark of an idea that’s forming in the back of my head about me actually being me this year.

Well not really me but not Steven.

I just need to convince my parents to let me go out by myself this year.


Vanilla Sky...Part 8.

Vanilla Sky…Part 8.


And he’s…I have no idea what his family background is but he has this very light skinned black person thing going on and straight black hair and these ice blue eyes that just sort of pop in.

Okay he might just be sexy.


I’m blushing and Shane’s smiling at me but it’s this…

Oh dammit…Oh chocolate…

Images 52

Images 52

Chapter 52

I’m still humming the song as we pull back into the diner and I head inside and slip through the crowd of customers and all the way to Taylor and he’s flipping some stuff from the grill to plates and I let him put them up to the pick up window.

Then I kiss him before he has a chance to put anything new on the grill and I go over and over again leaning into him pressing close and go until some of our regulars at the counter start to hoot and holler.

I wave at them and I keep kissing him for a few more minutes.

Oh yum it is such a good thing to kiss him.

Sweet Dreams-53 "It's only a flesh wound!"

Sweet Dreams-53 “It’s only a flesh wound!”

Chapter 53

It’s been a really good day. The sex and the food in the morning and the coffee and watching movies was just so amazing. But so was Alex's idea of laying there together and napping. And taking the day off from classes was nice even though I actually like school here it was still really, really needed, I think I did need just being with Alex like this.

I have had very little times in my life when it was just okay to stop and just do that stop. Let someone care for me in little ways.

Like a nap at eleven in the morning after watching a movie and sitting there in the sunshine with Alex spooning me and feeling that huge warm bulk of his body there and those strong arms gently circling around me.

No sex, no necking as awesome as that is just being held and sleeping.



Chapter 19

I’m really very happy.

We head from our room which is astoundingly beautiful and so well worth the price as far as I’m concerned and we go down to the lobby.

I’m blushing.

I’m blushing so much because we get into the elevator and as soon as we hit the first floor below us I can’t help it.


Images 51

Images 51

Chapter 51

I’m driving with Daddy for awhile and he’s not going right home/back to the diner instead he takes us first to Tim Horton’s and I look ay him. “Daddy?”

“You need a break honey, just some time to relax.”

I look at him and he knows, he’s worried and he knows.

(Sniffle.) “I.. I guess. My plate’s piled a little high huh?”

“Yeah, come on let’s take some father daughter time.”

(Sniffle.) “’Kay…I…I could use that.”

FTL-19...Faster Than Life.

FTL-19...Faster Than Life.

Chapter 19

I’ve been right back to my busy schedule and training but really as much as breaking it off with Patrick had hurt me the shore leave on Durandal had me happy for a few days. It was one of those fun girl things that you feel when you’re like the way I was…I got to really have part of the fantasy girl life thing.

Shopping and touring and food with cute men that are into you and other languages.

And I’m not the only one that loved it.

My magical journey

It was finally here, i was going to start highschool in a week i was going to be free of my sisters friends punishment. Maybe i should explain a little. High im Andrew 19 im not really that big i have a slightly effeminate body for my age which might explain why i was stealing my sisters friends clothes to wear.


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