Hiring of Elaine Hall – 6

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Hiring of Elaine Hall – 6

By Jessica C

It was just over five years ago and to keep my job I began to use my sister’s name… Let’s just say my attitude necessitated a change if I were to stay employed. It was late summer of 2008; the worst two four-letter words regarding a job were ‘pink slip’. …Julie and I were expecting our second child before the end of the year. This would not be a good time to lose my job. I had been passed over for job promotions which should have happened any of the past few years, but never did. I blamed everyone but me.

=^. .^=

Chapter 6 -
It was just after ten that evening a young college woman came to our table saying, “Mom and Dad, I am sorry that I am late; I was hoping we could get some time together.” I scooted from my chair next to Ms. Williams so the younger Williams could sit there. She told her parents, “Our system in our lab developed a major problem. We’ve tried to fix it, and the computer people won’t come to look at it before tomorrow afternoon and everything is tied to it. We are going to lose a lot of important research work by then. All that we’ve learned will be considered invalid.”

Ruth Williams introduces her daughter, “Please let me introduce to you our daughter Gloria Williams. She is a graduate assistant at John Hopkins in one of their research departments going for her doctorate.” Mrs. Williams turns to Lynn Watts. “I hate to trouble you; I don’t know much about computers. This is probably totally out of your league, but could either of you possibly look at their problem; would you see if you can be of any help?”

Gloria was embarrassed that her mother asked. I quickly knew it would be a big risk if we tried. Lynn Watts said, “They probably wouldn’t want us, but I could send Elaine with your daughter and commit some of our troubleshooters on call tonight to be at h… her, Elaine’s disposal.”

Gloria asked who we worked for and cheered up as she recognized our corporate name. “Elaine might be in for a long night but we’d love if she would come and try.”

Lynn told me, “Go change into some flats and go. Remember we are scheduled to fly out of here tomorrow. We need to leave from here at noon or reschedule our flight for later.” Gloria went with me up to our suite. She said, “The lab is immaculate so other than your heels you don’t need to worry about changing.”


It was interesting and fun to ride to be with Gloria. She’s a young and intelligent woman, probably twenty-three, and two years into her doctorate. I knew the John Hopkins medical facilities are world class. I figured the system we would look at was tied to the both the university’s and the medical facility so we would not be allowed to do anything.

Upon getting there, Dr. Daniel Howard informed me that theirs was an independent system though it was able to communicate to other two systems. Dr. Andrea Howard, Dr. Daniel Howard’s daughter was given charge of Gloria and me to independently check out the system.

I am savvy enough to identify and troubleshoot way more than my computer would be able but I am always leery of working with a system new to me. I was able to identify that someone had hacked into their system, but was not sure if that was the source of their problems. I called our New York office. Watts had already had them on alert.

Tom Granger was one of the people at on call, but I was leery of having him work on the system. It was likely he would not be able to fix it from New York and I did not want him to be seen as failing here. He initially was to be second on the troubleshooting team but quickly took over.

Tom said, “This is where our corporation should be working to make a real difference.”

Gloria said to him, “If we can’t get our system online and keep our research running, a lot more than finances stand to be lost. We have one project we are into the sixth year, the results are promising but it will be dealt a major setback by morning if there is any break in the program.”

Tom asked, “Ms. Andrea would you mind if I brought the FBI in on this? I can probably identify your hacker as well as bring your system back online freed from its intrusion. The hackers want to appear as someone doing a prank, but I can tell they are receiving your information.”

It was now 1:00 a.m. Gloria and I were implementing some commands on the site. It was needed as passwords and safety precautions needed to be re-established. It was two forty when everything was secured and fully functioning on its own. Tom would not tell me, but Dr. Andrea Howard and her father Dr. Dan Howard said, “One of the pharmaceutical companies we work with is going to have some explaining to do.” Dr. Dan said, “While the hackers are supposedly on their own, more than one name matches up with one of their consultants and a former employee.”

When asked to send a bill Tom replied, “We can but your insurance won’t appreciate what it would be.”

Dr. Daniel Howard said, “Ultimately I doubt if we are the ones who will pay the price so do not be on the conservative side.” Dr. Dan was sad when I told him, “Tom would not be available to take over their contract if they changed to our corporation. Though I can assure you we have people and programs capable of securing their research data. Mr. Tom Granger seems to believe we could and should develop a program for facilitating such research.”

While we were walking to her car Gloria turned to me and gave me a big hug and kiss. “I want to thank you for all your help. I won’t give away your secret. I think it is interesting; so are you transitioning or just living as a woman?” Gloria started the car but stared at me expecting me to tell her more.


“Do you have your own room at the hotel or do I need to get a separate room.” I looked at her and I couldn’t tell how serious she was. Finally, she said, “Whether you have your own parts or not I plan to jump your bones to express my thanks.”

“You can’t,” I replied, “I’m a married person.”

She gave me a big laughing smile, “And I’m a spoiled rich girl use to getting her way!”

Not only did I feel I was in a difficult spot, but Gloria had also excited my juices. I just wasn’t sure if it was as Dan or Elaine; neither was totally averse to finding out if it was them.

Once we were back to the hotel parking lot we spent time talking to each other, mostly about me and my predicament. Gloria ran her fingers over my breasts and knew I was getting aroused as Elaine. She said, “You know that is what they call transference. You can aid the sensation you are feeling by taking female hormones and blocking your male hormones.” She pulled out a disc of birth control pills and popped two of them out. “You know it is easy enough to find a doctor to prescribe something more powerful for you. Make these last until you get more.”

She said, “I just got a new prescription filled. I don’t need these. You should know, I’m not usually interested in other girls, you’re an exception. She put the pills in my hand and gave me her bottle of water. I felt compelled take both pills. She gave me a pretty smile, “That is a good girl. You know you are doing it for yourself and not me.” She tucked the disc into my purse.”

I told her “No” again.

“That’s a good girl, we both know I’m going to get my way.” She opened the door to the car and grabbed an overnight bag from the back seat. We went to the reception desk and she got a room for herself. She told them I was already registered and would be going to my room.

Up to her room, we helped to undress the other, Gloria knew in many ways I wanted her. She asked “So are they helping to change you to become a more caring person through your feminization? Have you as Elaine had the pleasure of enjoying another woman or being enjoyed by her?”

“Only with my wife,” I could feel Gloria’s hands glide over me.

“I won’t ask about your wife, but how much do you enjoy being a girl?” Gloria was straight to the point. I was silent until I began to cry. I knew part of me wanted her and to feel loved as Elaine.

The crying continued as I said, “I want to be a good girl. They are helping me to become a caring person. I have a long way to go, but I don’t want to be a female version of whom I was!”

Gloria paused and then handed me my slip and dress, “I don’t want just sex either, I could have been very happy if I pushed you into making love. You are a fantastic person in helping us tonight and I enjoyed our time so much and wanted it to continue.” I was dressed and working on my makeup when Gloria came to me again. “If your wife would decide it’s over, I would love to thank you more personally.”

“I will ask my Mother if I can use one of her cards to take you shopping in the morning. You should experience the way a woman celebrates special achievements.”

I left her smaller suite and was soon letting myself into Lynn’s suite and finding my way to my room.


Lynn was asleep in a recliner and woke up, “Tom communicated over an hour ago that you were successful in restoring their research program. You need to know I am very proud of you. Yet being my assistant on this trip means you will need to delay your celebration. I am very happy with your growth and how important you are becoming. But remember I will continue to need you the next forty-eight to ninety-six hours.”

“I thought it was only another forty-eight hours, what’s with the possibility of ninety-six?”

Lynn looks at me matter-of-factly, “You’ve been on these trips and know quite well. Naples is quite important. It is not likely to end with a decision and a prize right away but it is no less important to what we have already done. Actually, what’s coming up has even greater potential.”

Lynn smiled, took my hand and led me to sit and talk some more. “It is equally as important for your growth. As far as I am concerned, helping you to become the valuable person that our company and I can continue to depend on is very, very important.”

“Please take a shower get ready for sleep, but after that put a robe on and come back out here. We need to have our business with this company ready for the morning.”

I began to make some coffee before I went to take my shower. I turned to Lynn, “Making me wear silk stockings was a cruel and unusual pleasure, you shouldn’t have.” I heard Lynn giggle as I closed my door. I was very careful in taking off and handling both the silk stockings and the wonderful dress.

I used a soft and thick cloth filled with suds to wash in the shower. The tension of my body relaxed and washed away. The sensations I felt as Elaine, ‘Are they in my mind transference as Gloria said? The tingling and erotic feelings seem all too real.’

I love my choice of lingerie and happily slip on my robe over it and go out to see Lynn. I feel it is no accident that Lynn’s scant robe is open. It is more a reminder that she too is very beautiful.

I search my communications back from Stacy and Lynn’s secretary. The revised documents are there, but it will take Lynn and I going through them to refine them to the place we need them to be. It is seven o’clock when we finish our work.

Lynn soon answers her phone and hears a request for me to go shopping with young Miss. Williams comes 9:00 a.m. “Elaine, you might as well stay up, please pack your clothes for our trip to Naples and be ready to shop with Miss Williams come 9:00 a.m.” She helps me to pick out an outfit simple enough to change in and out of; I’m told ‘they are attractive enough to go shopping with a rich young woman.’ I need to wear a blouse of Lynn’s.

It was not surprising that Gloria insisted on buying me a very expensive outfit. Ruth Williams was along as I tried the skirt and blouse; she put her hand through the blouse and touched my bra. Gloria and I both waited for Mrs. Williams to say something. She says, “You just can’t get by wearing an ordinary bra under such a delicate and beautiful blouse.” She took me by the hand, pulling me over to the lingerie. “You should have a nice set of lace and satin or maybe a pretty pastel silk set.” Having spent considerable time there we narrowed it down to five and finally to two. Mrs. Williams says, “I insist you wear the silk set of light peach lingerie.” Which I did like all the tags were taken off so I could wear it now.

The rest of the morning was to be relaxing for me as Gloria was the one we were shopping for. I did not mind when Gloria tried on an evening gown and she suggested I try on one like it. It was not only a very attractive silver, white and blue, but it was also a sexy and I felt so in wearing it. Gloria was trying on a more extravagant gold and diamond necklace and earring set. She showed me a similar silver and ruby set. Mrs. Williams remarked, “I could tell by your reaction you really love how beautiful it is all together. I doubt you will ever be able to buy something that extravagant for yourself.”

I was in total girl mode as I said, “I wouldn’t have dreamed of even trying any like this one, and surely not get to see how all this looks on me.”

Mrs. Williams is glowing, “You can’t let Mr. Williams or the other men know I am buying it for you. It will be coming out of my own money.” The jewelry cost seven hundred dollars alone, another pair of silk stockings and the dress that would be delivered to my suite after alterations were complete.

I thought it would be in place of the outfit I was wearing. Gloria giggled at me, “No way girl, that would be like thrifty and Mom is out to shower you with thanks. You were very nice to her little girl.”

I asked how much it would all cost, at the same time saying our company wouldn’t allow such gifts from a customer. Gloria again giggled, “One, you don’t worry about the price shopping here and two it is my mother and not your client who is buying this for you.”

“I could be in trouble with Ms. Watts,” I said.

Mrs. Williams joined our discussion, “It was she, the young lady who sent you with us. If the guys want to keep the ‘good old boys club’, we can have our own fun. I will see Lynn sometime when I’m in New York City or I have her come to Philadelphia. Truly, what you’ve done for Gloria, their research and our corporation this is a drop in the bucket.”

Gloria spoke up, “It was not done as a payment. That is male thinking, and I wish you as a professional woman would get over that kind of thinking and be more like your Marilyn Watts.” I had to think of what she was saying.

We got back to our suite at noon and Lynn already has a light brunch set up for the four of us. It was shortly later that my dress was delivered and packed. Then we were off to the airport. Lynn remarked, “Regularly a professional woman is not treated this special. I just hope you see the difference in how some women think.”


During our flight, Lynn shared we might be staying two nights with family as well as possibly working late into the night. She asked about my shopping spree with the Williams. I was relieved she was not upset with me. I quickly told her what had been bought for me. We ended up going into a full explanation in greater detail. It was like listening to my mother and sister talking about one of their shopping trips. Something simple like talking about panties and bras was somehow meaningful.

Another woman, Vickie joined in our discussion. I thought it strange that it didn’t bother me, I knew I was but another woman talking. We actually flew into Ft. Myers and shared our ride into Naples with Vickie. She was a thirty-something professional woman who offered to help show us a good time while in Naples. Vickie and Lynn seem to know each other through no one actually acknowledged it.

Tonight was free and it was agreed the three of us would have dinner and make an evening of it together. I tried to opt out, but Lynn said that wasn’t an option. She insisted I wear the skirt and blouse outfit but not the one Williams had bought me.

There was a Chippendale like a group that night at a more secluded night spot. Vicki said this group is a little bawdier in their presentation. Needless to say, it was not my kind of entertainment. When I became a person to be focused on, well I became flustered. Others cheered for me to put something into his so-called ‘G’ string, I inadvertently placed a fifty dollar bill in, thinking it was a five dollar bill. He took my hand and took me away saying to the crowd, “I have more to show this young woman.” He paused long enough to ask, “Is there a challenge anyone has for our shy ‘Elaine’?”

Lynn waved a dollar bill, “Can you give her a time that leaves a good taste on her lips?” I was totally embarrassed. He started to trot but slow enough I could follow. He even let go of my hand before we went through a door. Once into a side room he turned and laughed lightly, “When I let go of the woman’s hand half of the woman do not follow me in here. It helps me to know who will be open to enjoy going further. Your friend’s gift will make the time extra sweet or salty depending on how you look at it.”

I joked, “Let me give the kiss and then just enjoy the rest.” I didn’t quite realize what I was actually saying. “What can the dollar bill actually get me anyway?”

Tim sat me in a comfortable chair and began to dance in front of me. In the past, I have an actual woman give me a lap dance. I had treated them quite shamefully. I thought this was payback and I just needed to sit back, grin and bear it.

I stayed quiet, as I did not want to convey I was actually getting excited. I did make one comment that he was “No tiny Tim.” I was pressing my legs together to keep my own excitement hidden. I could not say the same for Tim.

He asked, “Are you ready yet for the kiss and to help me deliver on the taste I am to leave with you?”

“By all means big boy,” trying to do a Mae West impersonation. The chair I was in reclined back while raising higher and he was now straddling me. Suddenly he pulled off the cap from his manliness that was staring in my face.

“Your friend gave another hundred dollars for your pleasure,” he said. “I am sure she wants you well satisfied.” I now realized what was about to happen as a sleeve had come off with the cap. I felt his penis lightly hit the tip of my nose and then my lips. He wiggled his hips in front of me and I found myself very excited. When he asked me to kiss him, I was no longer reluctant. He leaned down and took one of my hands to gently hold him. He revised the words to the next song; it was now “Don’t go away little girl, he’s here for you to play little girl…”

My hands, lips, and tongue were now working together. I was not able to keep track of what was happening. I did not remember something placed over to protect my clothes. I wanted to say ‘No’, ‘Stop’, but the words never came.

“If you don’t want a face full or any getting in your hair, now is the time to do what is needed.” The realization of what was happening hit me and I took his throbbing member into my mouth. It was none too soon and I needed to suck and swallow or get real messy. Now I understood the comment of Lynn. She understood what could happen and she paid extra to make it happen.

I was humming as I enjoyed myself until he was done and I had cleaned him as well as I could with my tongue and lips. I sensed how hot my body had become and how much I enjoyed it. But I also realized nothing had exploded for me as Dan as I feared. I was now feeling bad even guilty that nothing happened where Dan was concerned. I wondered, had I now become that much of a woman or sissy in my thoughts and feelings.

Tim left saying how much he appreciated pleasing me. He had asked several times if I was happy or pleased. When he asked me to score his performance I quickly said a ten and the same with how I enjoyed him.

A young woman came with my purse saying, “Please let me help you to look yourself before you see the others. Then you will have the choice of sharing or leaving them to wonder all that happened.” She helped me with my makeup and hair. She gave me a mouthwash to gargle with.

She asked, “Now were you surprised? …How much did you enjoy yourself with our Little Tim?” I gave a twenty dollar tip to her and another thirty to Tim. When she shared unenthusiastically, “Tim would be pleased.” I have another twenty dollars, she said, “Tim will appreciate knowing you enjoyed your time with him. He tries hard to please the women he entertains.”


Lynn told me, “Time will tell if that was a humbling or meaningful experience.” Lynn ordered a bottle of Champaign. After my first few sips, she said, “You might want to take a larger sip and then swish it around your mouth and lips. Otherwise, some will be able to tell how far things went.”

I was then embarrassed but Lynn tapped the top of my hand. “Just smile and relax. I am sure you were surprised by how things went. Many young women have shared that experience.”

I asked, “Have you?” She calmly replied, “No, and a mature woman won’t say so after tonight if she had either, especially with her close friends or her spouse.”

It might have helped if she told me that before I text a message to Bridgette Riley. She and I had a short conversation over the phone. Bridgette was glad to hear about the trip. She congratulated me for how well I was doing. I am not sure but I think she and Lynn have kept in contact about me during the trip.


Naples is a very pretty area of Florida, not as much of a tourist trap, but more for the well to do people to get away and enjoy themselves. Our presence here is not the regular business trip, but one of Lynn making a lot of connections to keep in touch with the names and people behind our corporate clients. Many of them are not even Lynn’s responsibility as far as being her clients. Lynn is acting as an active listening ear.

We visit four people this morning and afternoon and with a fifth client for dinner this evening. I am standing behind and off to the side for the dinner meeting. I can’t formally take notes but I am to be remembering all that needs to be noted. There were two times during the evening I was to provide the needed information. I am getting more proficient with discretely using my high-end tablet.

Mr. Harvey compliments Lynn on how good she is and how well trained, she has me. There are sexual innuendos made to me and other off remarks made like I’m not even there. I recall that similar remarks were part of my past experience when I made business trips. I was often one of the offenders. Now that I was the object of the comments I’m hearing them in a different light. I am pleased that Lynn did a better job in not being part of it and speaking up constructively for me.

Lynn had suggested I wear two-inch heels but I had worn three and a half inch heels. When I suggested at a break that I change out of them, Lynn insisted, “You will continue through the evening and do not let the discomfort show. The focus needs to remain with our clients.”

When they got to relax, Lynn volunteered me to take the younger children to entertain and read to them. My biggest comfort was that the mother appreciated the break from the responsibility. Truth is that she is very important in leading their company.

It is eleven when we get back to our suite, and there are still communications from the day to go through. There are things that Lynn needs to handle. It had been my tendency to push much of this work back to when I returned back to the office. Lynn nor my wife Julie seemingly work that way. I did have a communication from Julie but it was late enough that I now needed to leave it until morning.


I was tired, but I was up and getting ready at 5:30 in the morning. It gave me a chance to call Julie and to visit with her come at 6:30 a.m. She was amused that I chose to stay as Elaine in talking to her. She was sympathetic in my plight with heels. She was glad I heard the crude comments of others, asking, “How often did you hear your own behavior in them?” Zing!

I tried to acknowledge I had without really committing myself, but Julie asked, “How did it feel being said about you?” The one that hit hardest was when she asked, “What would you have done if the one man was able to get you alone?” It wasn’t until she said his words back that I realized he might really have made an aggressive move against me if he had gotten me alone.

When I mentioned it to Lynn, she simply said, “Did you know he wanted to have lunch alone with you?” I had not. Lynn realized better than I had how shaken I was by such a realization. I actually had to sit down, relax and finally talk to Lynn about it. I also had to redo my makeup.

Today was just with two clients and each in their homes. The morning visit actually had us on a boat through some waterways as we visited. I had trouble not being distracted by the scenery. The woman we were meeting with, actually required we change into some wrap around skirts and very casual tops. Lynn insisted I cooperate and do as asked, which meant going without my bra. The top was barely enough to hide my breasts.

I was uncomfortable that the mist from our travel through the water caused our breasts to be that more visible. I was excused from having a massage on their private beach. I was, however, required to stay and enjoy a mint iced tea while the woman and Lynn enjoyed their massages. Our client had a body which she was very comfortable with. Our visit went well into the afternoon.

Despite how relaxed the visit was; our client was personally distraught by problems she and her business had with our company. It was Lynn’s personal attention as well as her professional ability that kept them from leaving. We would be meeting with her that evening. Again it would be a combination of Lynn’s personal style and professional ability to orchestrate the needed changes on our company’s part for keeping their business.

It became a little awkward as the woman had invited her nephew, Charles to be part of our evening get together.

One of the changes in my life after this trip would be I now needed to wear a ring on my left hand. Lynn had cleared it with my wife Julie. Neither Lynn nor I told Julie that I had acted as Charles friend for dinner or that he and I had drinks together.


Bridgette awaited our return to our suite. Bridgette wanted to talk to Lynn alone, but that would wait until tomorrow. Bridgette said, “I hear you have continued to show growth as well as making Elaine Woods’ continued presence important?”

I smiled in agreement, “Yes, I get to assist Stacy Young in implementing our program with STL.”

Bridgette asks, “And how long will you be essential with that project?”

“It would depend on how Stacy makes use of me, but as being essential, probably a year and a half.” Bridgette smiles, “Would you be surprised if she told me it could easily be two and a half years?” “No, I could see that.”

“That would be a long time for a man wearing breast forms in trying to keep one’s identity a secret.” She paused, I knew she wanted the thought to sink in. “You should seriously consider ending your employment with Merging Communications Programs and Products, MCPP. The other possibility would be to have breast implants. The later can be surgically removed later if desired.”

I looked at both Bridgette and Lynn wondering how serious this idea was. I immediately thought it had to be a joke, but their expressions gave no indication of that. Next, I considered my employment with MCPP and our new contract with STL. The employment picture in the past two months of 2008 for those losing jobs had grown even worse.

Lynn says, “Like today, it would have been more comfortable for you if your blouse could have been open a little more. Next summer, if you wanted to go to the beach with your wife and family. …The good thing about you being Elaine that much longer would prove your ongoing importance to our company.”

Strange as it might seem, ‘I had fantasized the past month of having my own breasts. I know it wouldn’t be the same as other women. What would Julie think? Just this past week Julie had talked about the growing stress she was experiencing now and what would be coming. What if after her maternity leave she did not want to go back to her job?’

“A man couldn’t have breast implants, could he,” I asked? “If I went that far, how hard will it be for me to go back to being Dan? It is my skin would just snap back after I’m done.”

Bridgette gives but a hint of a smile, “Yes and that is exactly what I’m saying. It would take a while for the skin to tighten after the breast implants were removed. Plastic surgery could even be used to restore them back to proper size more quickly.”

Lynn was solemn, “Elaine, I did not intend for this to happen, but you eagerly put yourself into that position. I have already tried to have you replaced as Stacy Young’s associate but the company says they would use that to renegotiate or cancel the project if we insisted. They are afraid we will force Dan on them.”

Lynn continued, “I can offer you a ten percent raise and for us to cover the cost of the procedures both now and later.”

“I can’t believe this is happening to me. It is quite a predicament; I’m worried about what Julie would say... She’s not sure she wants to go back to work after the baby is born. She wouldn’t be able to consider that if I’m not working.”

Bridgette gets my attention saying, “The hospital here has one of the best reputations both for cosmetic surgery and being discrete in keeping information confidential.”

“You mean you, you want me to decide to have this surgery now! You have to be crazy!” I was losing my temper. I was ready to hit Bridgette.

Bridgette said, “No, while it would be a possibility to have the surgery now. Naples would be a good place to consider for the surgery as everyone would want to be discrete in keeping your identity as Elaine. Some of the best places are in New York City, but there have been problems with such information leaking out to the press or others.”

I put my face into my hands as I’m ready to cry. “This is another thing, I am upset with, how I am feeling far more emotions. Not that it’s bad. I'm just not used to it and I don’t like me crying.”

I left the two, with the agreement that I’d be ready to meet Lynn early in the morning if she wished. I did not know Lynn’s other plans for us at Naples.


I wanted to talk to Julie but it was late, I checked the computer and could tell she was still awake. I sent a text saying I would be calling, but don’t be alarmed.

Julie is chipper at the other end, “Hi Dear, how are you doing? Bridgette says, that there is challenging as well as good news... I pressed her and she said you might be calling. I pressed her again saying I’d not like to be surprised or left wondering. So are you calling about the possibility of breast implants?”

I said, “Bridgette didn’t tell me you already knew. It is a farfetched idea, but I see their point about the problems with keeping my identity. But I would worry about its impact on our daughter and the baby?”

“Your daughter already knows her Daddy is going to be a woman in a dress for quite a while. I have to warn you. She told your Mom before I had a chance to. Robin said she thought it was a secret just with the neighbors.”

Julie giggled, “It is too bad they couldn’t load your breasts with milk so you could nurse. The good news is my nursing breasts will grow enough I won’t be worried that my husband would have bigger breasts than me. So do you want to stay there and have the implants or do you want to have it done near here, so I could be there with you?”

“Julie are you kidding me, you want me to consider having the implants here now? I don’t know what to say or ask about having it done. Like what size should they be? How should I take care of them? Is there a recovery time after the surgery?”

Julie giggled a bit, “I never thought we’d be talking about this, even by way of you getting yourself in trouble being so rude to women. I guess the payback has some poetic justice to it.” Her tone changes, “You are a big enough woman that I would suggest you get implants that would let you fill a C-cup bra. Any larger would be hard on your posture and spine.”

I think the question about recuperation time would be a good question to ask. I’d hope they would give you time off at home to make the adjustment with us. I don’t want you to develop a sense of fashion away from me, it could become a point of ugly contrasts. Plus I want your daughter Robin to have a chance to get used to the new you. She has already asked if she should call you Mommy or Daddy or Aunt Elaine.”

Julie said, “I would come down there but my doctor has already restricted my travel now that I’m in my third trimester of the pregnancy. You know most men who have implants also are given some hormone therapy. You might want them to harvest a few vials of your sperm just in case.”

I said, “I am already getting more emotional. Dressing and acting as Elaine is having an impact on me. …You said something about me growing, but initially, I felt like I was taking a step or two back acting like a woman.” Julie challenged me if I was serious or joking with my statement.

When I said I didn’t know what she was talking about. She said, “You might want to ask for a dick extension along with E-cup implants so they’d know you’re a male bimbo!” I tried to talk to Julie, but she said, “You should talk to Bridgette and Lynn and tell them, you haven’t grown as much as they thought.”

It finally dawned on me what I said. I said, “I didn’t mean it that way; yes the old me would have seen it as two steps back. Acting as Lynn’s associate, I’ve been gaining a greater appreciation for the effort most professional women put into their work. I think I’ll have an edge on my male colleagues when this is all done.” Julie was pleased though a bit skeptical about the changes in my talk.

Julie warned me, “They’ll probably recommend some hormone shots for a time that sounds like the general recommendation. Don’t jump on a plane the day you have surgery…” the phone crackled “…down there…” crackle again “…The battery is low. I love you.” The connection is lost.

I was surprised by what I heard, and I did not feel a need to call back.

Bridgette knocked on my room door to tell me goodnight and say we would see each other in the morning. As she poked her head into the room, I said in Elaine’s voice, “I’ve talked to Julie and she thinks I should have the surgery while I’m down here. She even said I should probably get hormone shots.”

Surprised to hear my statements she held the door open waiting to see if I was inviting her in to talk.

Bridgette said, “Elaine wrapped a robe around yourself,” and I did. Bridgette stepped in and sat to listen.

I said, “I know I’m an adult, but I would like some help going through with this, Bridgette.” Bridgette smiled, she had no problem understanding how overwhelming it must be for me. She sat down and we talked.

I even mentioned waiting a day or two before I traveled back as Julie had suggested. “Do you think it would be possible to have a few days to recuperate at home with my family? Julie says Robin already sees me as Elaine, but I would like her to have some time with me… After the surgery no one has to worry, there is no risk of me not returning to the program and seeing things through.”

Bridgette didn’t stay long. I spoke with Lynn who was pleasantly surprised that things were progressing so fast. I had that night what would be beautiful dreams to the emerging young woman, yet it made me uneasy as well…

To be continued…

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