A Time to Stretch (1 of 3)

A Time to Stretch
(1 of 3)

By Jessica C

Alan was changing clothes after work; when Carole noted something, “I thought you dressed smartly today. How did you like your outfit?”

“Strange you should ask,” he said, “I thought I made a good choice, but it must have been better than I thought. I got many compliments that don’t usually happen.”

Carole threw him a clothes marker, “I suggest you put your name inside.” And, after doing so she asked, “What size are your slacks?”

“They’re my regular slacks; they should be thirty-thirty.” He checked, scratched his head, and said, “I can’t find it. All I see are the numbers 9/10.”

Carole smiled, “Nine/ten is the size. And what did the women say about your top?”

Alan lowered his head, “You were right; they thought the top without my undershirt looked much better. They even invited me to lunch with them; of course, I didn’t go.”
When their daughter Andrea came down for dinner, she asked, “Did you get many comments on your outfit today?”

Andrea is in her second year of college, and she has already been accepted to her first choice for the four-year university of her choice. It was the talk at the table tonight. However, he was taken with her question about how he was dressed.

He noticed she had on a top ready to go out, but he could see her bra straps just peeking near the edge of the opening. Then he realized she noticed me, and asked, “When are you going to acknowledge you like to dress as you do?”

He honestly responded, “I’m not sure of what you mean by that.”

“Your top today was like the blouse I have on now, and Mom said you dressed in her size ten slacks for work this morning.”

He said, “I’ll have you know they are my slacks and I’ve worn them before as well as my pullover several times.” He turned to Carole, “Tell your daughter they’re my clothes.”

Carole paused, cleared her throat, and said, “You are both right. Those clothes are yours, but it was I who bought them for you. You’ve worn other clothes that I have and you looked good in them; so I bought you two sets of your own. They’re from the Hers Like His collection, that’s what the label HLH, Hers Like His stands for.”

Carole turned to me, “You heard it sung ‘men’s shirts, short skirts’. And we know you like to relax around the house in your feminine persona. After you wore my outfit twice to work and didn’t say anything; I decided to get you two of your outfits. The one you wore at last week's end was like mine. Today’s outfit is your blue slacks and your white top with black and gray horizontal lines or stripes. This was the second or third time you’ve worn both. But this was the first time you didn’t wear one of your undershirts.”

He said, “Are you telling me, I’ve been dressing like a woman to work? What does that make me in the eyes of my co-workers?”

“Honey, don’t get flustered. Sensitive, yes. You’ve received compliments for your fashion sense for years. They like your work, how you look, and your ability to relate to them. You’re a boss to some and you have a better ability to relate better to more people than most. You tell me, what that makes you in their eyes?”

He said, “I was before the board and made a major presentation on a project they approved to go forward. You’re saying they took that coming from a woman?”

Carole said, “I suspect they approved it because you made a very good presentation and it was right on for what the company is doing.” She paused, “Are there women on the board.” It was a rhetorical question because he and she both knew all the department heads were part of the board and women-led at least three departments. “Did any of the women refer to your outfit in the discussion of your presentation?”

Alan said, “You know they don’t do business like that?”

“Yes, I know, but more than the women notice the presenter and how the presentation is made. You’ve said yourself that the presenter can swing decisions one way or another,”

“So what are you saying?”

“What I’m saying is; intentionally knowing it or not you’ve stretched yourself. The person you’ve hidden away here has been exposed to your workplace and seemingly you are accepted.”

Alan was in the act of getting up until he realized what Carole said, he flopped down in his dinner chair, brought his hands to his eyes, and began to cry. Carole and Andrea came on either side and hugged him. Carole said, “Yes, it is very touching.”

Andrea said, “We’re very proud of you Father.”


Alan was now anxious about the likelihood of his femme identity being known. Andrea commented, “You should wear your blue skirt and silver top. and for us to go out for dinner and celebrate.” She asked, “Do you think you’ll get added recognition for designing and presenting the project?”

Alan gruffly said, “I hope, I’m not criticized for how I made the presentation. I don’t expect any special recognition.” Realizing he barked at Andrea, he said, “I do appreciate, you thinking about that. I’m sorry for my outburst.”

Carole heard the outburst and replied, “I think her idea of going out to dinner to celebrate is a great idea.”

Alan agrees, “Thanks, it is worth the celebrating!”

Carole asks, “Are you open to going as Alaina?”

“You might be surprised,” said Alan, “But you’d need to put on my finishing touches for me, and I have the last say.”

Both Carole and Andrea said, “Woe.” Carole said, “You get to our room, shower, and get started.” Alan went to their room excited and anxious. It was five-thirty and he would want to be going out by seven-thirty. Alan stepped in the shower and out as soon as he was soaked. He spread his wife’s Veet lotion on his arms and legs. He had done it once before, so Alaina knew to jump back in the shower after three and a half minutes. She washed her hands twice, even a third time before finishing her shower. She pat-dried her body and was well into her feminine mode. She was stepping into her panties when she called out, “Carole, I’ll be ready for you in five minutes. She soon had on a pretty lace bra with the chicklets she wore at home. She put on the blue skirt as suggested, but chose a silky pink blouse.

Carole came into the room and said, “Let’s do your makeup before you put on that blouse.” Alaina sat at Carole’s vanity and began her makeup regimen. She allowed Carole to take over after she used concealer and foundation. Carole said, “I know you like liquid makeup, but I’d like to brush on some makeup and then do a little something with your eyes, lips, and cheeks.”

Alaina’s feminine voice responded, “You’re the expert here.” It all went quicker and much nicer than if Alaina had done it herself.

Carole asks, “Is it okay that we splurge and go to the Aladdin Supper Club? Alaina turns her eyes toward Carole and gives a thumbs up. Andrea shouts to them “Yes, but I’m sure Dad will veto it.”

Carole calls out to Andrea, “Dress nicely Andrea, we’re going to Aladdin.”

Alaina walks out of the master bedroom wearing three-inch heels. It is the first time their daughter has seen her father dressed up this much. She says, “Dad, you have great legs. You should show them more often.” She pauses, “Just think, if you dressed for work you’d find the downside to wearing heels all day.”

Carole had called ahead and made reservations. The drive would take them about thirty minutes putting them there fifteen minutes before 8:00, but by this time Alaina was not worried.

Going in Carole announced, “We’re celebrating Alaina’s great presentation for her company!”

The maître de is ready and escorts them to their table. “It must be a great time for the corporate world. We have executives and board members from the Delmar Corporation celebrating a significant step forward for them.”

Carole asks, “Make sure we’re away from them. We don’t want them to take away from us, and we rather have our celebration.” Jeffries said it would be no problem as they were upstairs in a special area.


After they place their orders for dinner; Andrea asks, “Mom may I have the honor of escorting Alaina to the women’s room to check our makeup?” Not waiting, she takes her father’s hand, “You’ve probably already been in a women’s restroom’ but now it’s with your daughter.”

Alaina needed to use the toilet, and Andrea giggled, “A little nervous Dad.” She was shushed. Coming out to the sinks, Alaina was cool with it after washing her hands and giving it a second thought. She saw Carole there with a concerned face. She looked around and without a thought, Carole said aloud, “Oh Barb, it’s nice to see you”

The woman next to her at the sink looked up and began to ask, “Do we know each other?” When she saw Carole and then looked at Alaina. She questionly asked, “Alan is that you?”

The woman drying her hands, “My you look dramatically different from work today. I can’t say, I’m totally surprised, but I am pleased with how nicely you dress up.”

Alaina says, “Let me explain.”

Barb Reeves says, “You needn’t do that. Let me suggest you go your way and I go mine. Our meeting will remain here for now. You enjoy your evening and we’ll enjoy ours. I’ll make sure you and I have a private meeting tomorrow.” With that, Barb picked up her purse and left.


Barb met up with Darla, her co-worker, outside the restroom, and said, “You’ll never guess who I saw in the ladies’ room.”

Darla answered, “Yes, Alan. I saw him, I mean her coming in.”

Barb said, “I told Alaina, I would talk to her tomorrow at work. Can we keep it quiet for now?”

Darla responded, “If I’m in tomorrow’s discussion, yes.” Thus it would remain only between them for now.


Carole giggled inside the restroom, “That was a nice chance meeting.”

Alaina said, “I don’t see any humor in it.”

Carole says, “It is good news; don’t you see? A co-worker knows, and she wasn’t upset but wants to talk to you privately. It sounds like they were especially pleased with your presentation. You did such a wonderful job; they’ve already decided to go ahead with the project. Isn’t that way out of the norm?”

Andrea came out of a toilet stall and she too was excited for her father. “Now we can relax and enjoy our celebration. Oh, did Mom suggest you wet your lips before drinking your wine not to leave lip prints?”

Alaina stayed in character, “I already knew that… You still think I should enjoy our celebration?”

“It only confirms what you’ve accomplished,” said his daughter. “Haven’t you said before that Barb is one of the women you admire and see as one you can go to?”

Once they all checked their makeup they went back to their table. Alaina did enjoy her meal and Andrea and Carole made a fuss over the accomplishment. Alaina’s thoughts drift to the upper floor listening to that celebration. He/she can’t make out what they are saying. He’s not sure he wants to know. Carole touches his hand, he loves her touch and gratefully knows not all men receive the understanding and support he does. But it doesn’t stop him from grieving he’s not Alaina more often. Part of their walk-in closet has dresses and outfits for her. But he’s jealous that his wife has more than three times that of Alaina.

Carole doesn’t stop him from getting more, but there is always the risk of someone seeing him shop. There’s the fact he hesitates too much, too long deciding on buying something or not. Carole says, “What did you think of Barb’s dress; I wonder if she had her hair styled today?”

Carole knows that Alaina sees those sorts of things and enjoys talking about them with her. “Yes, she was nicely dressed tonight. I have never seen that dress before, but then again she’s not likely to wear it at work. And yes, I’m sure she got it styled since she left work. She has good taste but doesn’t get dressed up too much at work.”

“I appreciated her being warm-hearted and understanding when we saw her tonight.”

Alaina has started to undress; as Alaina, she usually waits until she is alone, or uses the closet or the bathroom. She had taken off her pantyhose and now asked Carole to undo the back of her dress. “Thank you, I like your attention, though I usually shy away from it when I undressing,”

Carole thanks her, “You warrant a little pampering tonight. I appreciate the chances I get to watch you at these times. You know, I am pleased that you make an attractive woman. Maybe we can have an intimate time tonight; if you’re not too tired?”

They’re in bed being romantic; Carole giggles as a thought comes to mind. Alaina asks, “Where did that giggle come from?”

“I wondered if Barb ever thought what a femme Alan might look like at a time like this.”

“Why would she even think such a thing? Alaina asked.

Carole boldly said, “Because she said, she shouldn’t have been so surprised by how nicely you looked tonight. I sensed, seeing the way you dress at times, there must be more to it. I wonder when you two talk tomorrow if she’ll suggest that work as Alaina?”

Alan’s voice surfaces, “She wouldn’t do anything like that.”

“Well you know her better, but I’d like to be a fly in the room when she talks to you.”

Alan said, “I’ll bring a fly swatter just in case she does.” He giggled. He stopped laughing as soon as she gave a thrust inside him, but there was more a moan of pleasure.


Come morning, Alan took a good shower to take all traces of the evening before. Outwardly he dressed completely as himself. He did wear a pair of thigh-high nylons, a wide-strap camisole with lace, and a matching pair of panties.

Carole a middle school science teacher was about to leave for school at the same time he was leaving for work. She said, “My thoughts are with you at your work today. I am sure there are things you will need to follow up on. I’ll also be interested to hear about your talk with Barb.” They kissed and went their separate ways. Andrea, a typical college student, slept in as her first class was late in the morning.

Alan wondered too if they’d get any responsibility for implementing the program they researched and presented. He knew they needed to finalize the notes and plans as they had presented them. Having been approved as a project they needed a permanent format. But he wanted to celebrate with the crew that worked with him. He took pride in his work and a job well done but he had ridden them hard and he wanted to show their work was appreciated. His usual crew of six had been expanded to sixteen for this project.

Anna and Susan were his right and left hands on the project; the three had a conference first thing in the morning. He broke the news to them that the presentation was well received and that after they were finished the board had approved the implementation of the project. Susan was the first one to say, “But they always have more steps and hoops to step through. Could they have been that impressed?”

Alan said, “We took most of the last week to check and prepare for the next steps that they usually need to do to take it forward. Even I was impressed during the presentation with how thorough we had been. I have you two and Connie Wagner to thank, for the work we presented…”

To be Continued… (1 of 3)

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