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Fate brings Christopher back to Lady Mariam whom he has long admired...
Reality means to live a fantasy...
When the Duchess of the Shire of Yore came to worship, she was accompanied by her daughter Lady Mariam as Krissy had hoped. Lady Mariam had a good reputation for caring about the people in need in their realm of Yore. Krissy would not regularly plead for help. But their mom is a widow, a single parent after their father, who had the job of taking care of the chalices, patens, and religious relics of the cathedral, had died two years ago.
Giving a curtsy, Krissy said, “My Lady Mariam, please help if you would. My Mama is sick and we need food that I can fix for her and my sisters.” Something moved Lady Mariam to give her more than the usual token sum. Seeing that, the girl quickly said heartily, “Thank you, my Lady.” And when Mariam heard her, she turned back to see, Krissy curtsied again, this time bowing her head profusely.
Once away from the crowd, Lady Mariam sent her assistant to track back and find out who the poor girl was. Betsy, her lady-in-waiting, caught sight of Krissy as worship ended and she sought her out.
Krissy had taken the most valuable coin and bought some food; the lesser coins bought some tea, spices, and honey.
What Krissy did not know was that Betsy talked to the woman from whom she bought the tea and spices. There she learned that the poor street girl was not a girl at all, but the son of Thomas, the former keeper of Sacred Relics. Thomas, who died two years ago.
Betsy asked, “Why does he dress as a maiden then?”
Carrie, the seller of teas and spices, replied, “With his mother ill they have fallen on hard times. Christian’s clothes soon became rags, and were too small for him. His mother, a tailor of sacred garments and a seamstress, had but an ordinary garment, a girl’s cloak. It was well-worn. Krissy jokes nowadays, ‘People are more sympathetic to a poor girl.’ Her mother has become weak and ill. All the duties fall upon Christian and his oldest sister.”
Carrie described the old dwelling where they lived. Betsy took the information back to Lady Mariam. Who was surprised and amused by the information?
Mariam and Betsy talked; Mariam told her thoughts about how Krissy reminded Mariam of images of herself, and asked Betsy about what she saw and heard as it related to the poor girl they had helped. Mariam having heard that the girl bought food, tea, honey, and spices; believed that Thomas’ widow must be very ill and the family would continue to be in trouble.
Mariam talked of her memories of Thomas at the cathedral. Her Mother, the Duchess, was quite religious and spent much time in meditation. Mariam met Thomas as she wandered in and out of the sanctuary and adjoining rooms. She even remembered young Christian when he was with his father there. “I wonder if he has the small tokens of our friendship?”
A thought came to Mariam, “Betsy, I would like you to visit their house, take some food, inquire about their health, take a blanket for the mother, and smocks for the younger girls. Then report back to me before I retire tonight.”
“Yes, my Lady.” She bowed as she backed out of the room.
Mariam and she had guessed the sizes of the younger girls. She also took a few hairs of Mariam’s to compare to Christian’s. Betsy got some ham, a small chicken, flour, small portions of salt and sugar, potatoes, and carrots. A clean pillow, and the girls’ smocks wrapped in a blanket.
A servant took Betsy by carriage to find the home of the widow Karen.
They found the widow and her family in a small rundown building with four thin walls and a poor roof. The widow had moved here after her husband had died, and their meager savings had run out. They had to move out of the housing provided for Thomas a month after Thomas had died.
Since then, others had forgotten them, and when Karen had become ill and could only work sporadically, they became part of the invisible poor. Christian’s ability to hold a job, as his clothes became worn and torn, became harder.
The widow Karen was embarrassed to receive the lady-in-waiting, and was reluctant to accept help. Kari, Kate, and little Kelly were usually shy but excited to see Betsy and what she brought. Krissy came back, bringing wood for kindling. The gifts were from Lady Mariam who knew Thomas, Karen, and their son Christopher. It was embarrassing to Krissy to be made out as being deceitful to Lady Mariam even if it were for a good cause.
Karen was in poor health, which would not usually be life-threatening, but due to their plight, illness had taken hold of Karen and was pulling her closer to death.
Betsy said she would send a servant girl to help care for Karen and the children, to the point that Karen would be healthy enough to come to the castle with Krissy to talk with Lady Mariam and Mary the Duchess of Yore. A date was set for ten days.
The topic would be about how Kris could help the duchess, and how widow Karen might be hired for tasks as a seamstress.
It was revealed that Lady Mariam was to be married to Sir Martin of Carlton; that would happen after her brother Will returned from the crusade. “We ask that Christopher remain as Kristina until after they visit the castle.” Betsy took a lock of Kristin’s hair tied in a small red ribbon.
It was made known that Kari would marry a young man named Jonathan if her mother was healthy and trained Kari properly. That would also mean a better dress, shoes, and things like her own brush, sewing supplies, and cleanliness.
His sisters looked pretty in their new smocks, but he and his mother told them to put back on their old clothes until each washed clean in that evening’s rain shower. Kristina and Kari cooked the hog meat for supper, with peas, carrots, and biscuits. They would butcher the chicken, take off its feathers, and hang it out for the coming days' meals. No meal would be very big, but even small meals would be better than what they had eaten the past year. The evening rain delighted the sisters who washed themselves and their old clothes behind their feeble cottage.
They heard the songs of evening vesper services from the church, and once again they joyfully sang the songs as best they remembered. Their mother summoned enough strength to recite a Jesus story from memory. Mother closed with a prayer, where everyone gave a reason for giving thanks.
Feelings of joy were like an old friend that returned to their house. Karen did not want to use the new blanket for sleep, but Christopher and Kari, the oldest girl, insisted. And by this time Karen was too happy as well as too tired to argue.
Come the morning Karen felt well enough to sit and stand for a few hours. She insisted that Kristina learn to sew and brush her younger two sisters’ hair. Krissy was against such nonsense until she showed some ability in both, which pleased everyone. So the week progressed. It was Thursday when Karen felt good; she was up and out walking near the house.
Betsy had come Saturday morning to check on Widow Karen. Having good food and the care of a hired girl resulted in good progress for Karen. Betsy would send someone to check again on Wednesday and solidify Karen and Kristina’s visit to the castle.
Wednesday, Karen was cleared for a visit. Karen was given three shillings and four coppers to help her family regain some status. While Karen would wear her nice dress, Kristina wore the worn smock which she had on when she first spoke to Lady Mariam.
Lady Mariam and Betsy met them in a common area close to where servants and others were introduced to the Lords of the manor. Karen and Kristina curtsied upon meeting Lady Mariam, who greeted them warmly. Mariam spoke to Kristina, “I had hoped you would have worn a ribbon or carried a trinket I had given to Christopher.
Kristina, head now bowed, said, “They were left in my hiding spot when we had to move from our home.”
Mariam joyfully said, “I am glad to hear you kept them, that is good. I had hoped they meant something as I liked that young lad and considered him a friend.”
Kristina asked, “If you liked me, why then did I need to come before you as a girl?”
Mariam said, “I did not permit you to speak, especially to question me. Widow Karen, please remind Kristina of her manners.”
Mariam said to the mother, “A room on the other side of that door, has a tub. I want you to bathe and scrub your eldest and have her change into the undergarments and the dress there. Please dry and brush out her hair. Then let Betsy know when you are ready to present her.”
Karen had taken a good look at Mariam before she took Kristina to the next room. The bathtub of water was reasonably warm. Kristina took off her clothes and stepped into the tub. It was humbling to have his mother to help bathe and treat him as a daughter. There was something for Kristina’s hair that once used made Kristina’s hair more alive. Mother said it would take more but it was a start.
Come the end of the bath, a small bottle of rosewater was used by her mother as she rinsed Krissy off as she finished being bathed. A fluffy bodice was part of Kristina getting dressed and it added to her feminine appearance. Karen informed Krissy to wear it when she was serving Mariam unless she was told otherwise.
Krissy had asked if she knew what Mariam wanted of Kristina.
“I am not sure, but as you are dressed; you have a resemblance to Lady Mariam,” she said.
Kristina spoke, “Not even Mother that would be folly.” But Karen had knocked on the door and told Betsy they were ready. Betsy told Mariam, and then another girl came in with Betsy to see Kristina. They combed her hair, using pins to make it more fashionable. They added color around her eyes and lips. They encouraged Krissy to speak and to change her voice as they directed her.
Krissy was told, “When you enter the room this time, Lady Mariam will be seated and you are to slowly approach her and then curtsey and kneel before her. If she offers you her hand, gently touch it with your hand and kiss her ring. If she is pleased, she will ask you to rise. If she asks you to prostrate yourself do so without comment.”
Kristina took in what was said to her, when her mother approached her, Kristina calmly said, “It's okay, Mother, I understand and will be obedient. Father had taught me the respect due Lady Mariam when I was much smaller.”
Betsy opened the door and announced the entry of Kristina and Karen, her mother. Kristina waited for Mariam to permit her to rise and come to her. Kristina was slow in coming to Mariam; she curtsied and bowed before Mariam.
Mariam offered her hand with the ring and Kristina kissed it as told by Betsy. Lady Mariam waited before she told Kristina she could rise and stand before her. Mariam asked, “Do you remember when you were with your Father as he worked, and the times I came there?” She said, “You said to me at least three different times that you wished you could serve me. Twice you said, you wished you could be a girl so you could serve me. I know your Father heard your devotion to serve me. He told me that your Mother knew the same. Your Father even called you a mama’s girl. I suspect that is part of the reason she allows you to be Kristina.”
Krissy turns to see her Mother, to see if that may be so. Lady Mariam addressed, "Kris, I did not ask you to turn to your mother to see if it is so. In my presence, you give your attention to me; you will learn when you can observe others.” She paused to let Kristina think.
“Would you still be willing to be a girl, Kristina, if you could serve me?” Kristina couldn’t believe what had been said or offered to her. Mariam had paused and was wanting a reply. “Kristina, would you be willing to serve me as one of my servant girls?”
Krissy so wanted to turn to her mother but knew it wouldn’t be proper to do so. The answer needed to come from Christopher/Krissy. Kristina said, “I don’t know how I could; what would you want of me?”
“Mostly you would be an ordinary servant girl doing whatever I wanted; you would clean and humbly serve me. Sometimes when it would be helpful to me, you would dress to look like me and be a decoy, for there are those wishing ill of me. It could be dangerous, but you couldn’t show fear or give away that you weren’t me.”
The idea of being her servant girl would be acceptable; the possibility of looking like Lady Mariam and serving her as such sounded exciting and something Kristina had dreamt about. Kristina spoke up, “Yes, I would do as you asked, but I am not sure I could do you justice. Would it mean that I would have a dagger to hurt those who would hurt you?
Mariam smiled a little thinking of young Christopher; the little boy wishing to protect Mariam. “Yes, but usually, you would not be free to use it to hurt anyone, less you hurt someone wrongfully. You would need to be a lady, demure, and expecting good even if someone might threaten you.”
Kristina thought of her Mother and sisters who usually saw things differently from Chris(topher). He honestly answered, “I am not sure, I could be so courageous, but I would gladly die to protect you. Being demure and not fighting back would be hard, but if that was what you wanted, I would do it.”
Mariam replied, “You answered well, with the wisdom of understanding me. I would like your Mother and you to agree that you could be that servant girl for me. Would both of you agree? Sometimes you would remain here at the manor, sometimes you would be sent home, but always from now on you would be Kristina.”
Mariam permitted Kristina to turn and visit with her mother. Krissy turned and the first thing she wanted to know. “Did you ever see me as a girl? Would it be okay to serve Lady Mariam as Kristina?”
Krissy’s Mother said, “Your Father and I both saw times when you, our eldest, acted like a daughter. You loved your Father, but you were not like him.” She paused, but then said, “This would be your decision and I would bless it either way.”
“Mother, let’s go back in and tell her yes together?” Karen stepped forward, hugged Kristina, and in they went.
Mariam said, “I need you to meet my Mother, the Duchess of Yoreshire. With that, she asked Betsy to announce her mother. The Duchess of Yore came in and both Kristina and Karen bowed low in a deep curtsy.
The Duchess of Yore light-heartedly said, “Arise Karen and Kristina is it?” She asked, “Karen, do you think you might be able to be a seamstress for royalty? I can be very demanding; I want our clothes done with great finesse.”
Karen confidently said, “I would like to see your garments and the stitches used, but yes I believe I can do most of what you’d want. The paraments for the church are quite exacting, and I even made the robes and clothing for the clergy and choir. Those men were very demanding and hard to please. I have high standards as well.”
She addressed me, “And you, young lady, are you ready and willing to serve my daughter and die for her if need be?”
Kristina said, “I know no better person or family to serve than Lady Mariam and the Lords of this manor.”
The Duchess said, “Bow before me and each of you swear your allegiance.” Upon ordering us to rise, she said, your hours and compensation will be determined in the days ahead. You will serve as Lady Mariam wishes, but remember I am the Lady who resides over the workings of the manor, thus you serve me as well.”
“Widow Karen, you may go home and care for your family. We will seek a better place for you to live, and compensate you accordingly.”
The Duchess and Lady Mariam left their company, and Karen was excused to go home. Betsy said, “Kristina, you will address me as Miss, Betsy, or yes Mam. There is a small room off the servants' stairway near Lady Mariam’s quarters. You will clean it and keep it presentable. You will be expected to be present when needed, and not heard from in your room, when not. No one must know why you have been separated from the other girls, save that I and Lady Mariam demand it. They are never to see you looking like Lady Mariam. It is not common knowledge that the well-being of the royal family has special needs of protection than they already are aware of.”
Betsy took Kristina through the kitchen, a cleaning area, and up the back servant stairs until they reached a landing with two rooms off to the right. One was a closet of bedding, towels, blankets, rags, and pillows. The clean rags reminded Betsy to ask Kristina, “I need to ask if you are used to wearing a rag down there?”
Krissy blushed scarlet as the question was sensitive enough for a regular girl, for Kristina, it was downright embarrassing. But yes, her mother taught her when dressed as Krissy she was to wear one. However, Betsy felt compelled to see for herself. While Kristina was wearing one and had it pinned; it was not as clean as it should be and the pin was in danger of slipping out.
Betsy was like a big sister, training Kristina to embrace being a woman. It would be for Krissy to let go of Christopher and embrace Kristina. It went against his male ego of seeing Christopher as the stronger one, but so be it.
Once Kristina was back together, Betsy left her to clean and organize her room, make a bed, and find a pillow and blanket. Those things were not to come from the next room, which was for Lady Mariam and guests of the manor. The royal family saw their abode as less of a castle to be protected and more of a manor to be lived in.
When Kristina went down to the servants' area, she was surprised that the other servants welcomed her and knew that she’d been put on Lady Mariam’s staff. Most were nice to her face, but others were upset and asked, “Why were you hired over one of us?”
“That was not my decision.” The answer did not please two.
But her asking where pillows and blankets were kept, was met by Sue showing her the storeroom and helping her to get a decent pillow and blanket. Sue named herself, a girl named Kelley, and an older servant by the name of Thomas as friends if she wanted them. She was welcome to come back at 2:30 for tea. It was a time unique to the servants. Sue gave Kristina a servant girl’s dress and a smock to wear over her work dress.
Kristina had set to work on her room and had much of it done by the time she broke for tea. She met both Kelley and Thomas as well as the others. Kristina waited for someone to say she wasn’t a girl, but no one did; then or in the days ahead.
She woke early, and it was still dark. Betsy told her to eat an egg and a biscuit, that she had much to learn and do. Betsy checked Kristina’s feet and hands; announcing, “The skin of your hands and feet is dry and coarse to the touch. You cannot be touching the delicate clothing nor Lady Mariam with those.” She left Kristina soaking her feet and using a perfumed lotion for her hands and fingers.
Melody, a girl of thirteen, was sent by Betsy to work on Kristina’s hands and feet. Areas that were still hard or rough after soaking, the girl attacked with a pomace stone and an oiled cloth after each treatment. She also thinned and arched Krissy’s eyebrows.
At afternoon tea, Kristina was called out by Betsy; she said, “Lady Mariam has asked you to the large room on the third floor. Hurry, do not keep her waiting…”
To be Continued…
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The Repetition
makes the story somewhat confusing. I think it would read much better without that.
Nice start to your story,
Nice start to your story,
but for some reason your story repeats it self form the beginning then goes forward a little then starts over from the middle.
Reposted a revised version of Krissy is Willing 1 (Revised)
I have reposted the first chapter of Krissy Is Willing 1 (Revised). I apologize for the slopping posting of this story. I hope you will consider reading it again.
Thanks Jessica C
Jessica E. Connors
Jessica Connors
Unfortunately confusions still remain!
You introduce the Duchss of Yore in the first paragraph, implying that she is the same person as the one in the same paragraph named as Mariam.
Mariam seems to be the one with power, but later you introduce her mother, also as the Duchess of Yore. There are now apparently two duchesses! The later introduction could in fact be the Dowager, but if not, what is Mariam's status. Relationships of the Duchy's rulers really need to be made clearer to help your readers -- and where is the Duke (or is there a female line of inheritance?)
And who is "Carol" who appears twice where I would have expected "Karen"?
Best wishes
I have just chanced to look back at the (revised) part1
But, it is an even further revised version, which makes my comments above now invalid.
Well done
A new story! Thanks Jessica.