Homecoming and Halloween Not So Scary

Homecoming and Halloween
Not So Scary

By Jessica C


I’m Evan Wright and I turned 16 on August 28; I’m just a little over a year and four months younger than my sister Kiera. And I’m blessed to have her because she’s allowed me to be around her and her friends.

I’m a scrappy boy of 5’ 8” and at best 130 pounds. I love baseball and play second base or the outfield. But I learned the sport by playing softball with my sisters. Yes, sisters! Reilly is my oldest sister and Diedre is my youngest. And before you jump to conclusions, no I’m not naturally a girly boy. I don’t in denial that I am jealous of my sisters. Unlike them, I take after my father’s side of the family, but I look most like my Aunt Evelyn for whom I was partially named.

Kiera’s in her senior year of high school and has been nominated for one of the Homecoming Queen candidates. I’m prejudiced, when I’m not teasing her I gladly claim she’s the loveliest of the candidates.

But it was mid-September during a teasing fit that I set my fate. I teasingly said, “If they find you to be a frog with warts and all, don’t worry. I will kiss you and you’ll become a beautiful princess once again.”

Kiera, not missing a beat, said, “And I thought you’d be my princess.”

I said, “For that, I curse you to be a warthog!”

Our mother had come into the room during our little teasing spree and was upset with my mocking humor. She quickly said, “I’m putting an end to that, you know I’m disgusted with what you call humor.”

Kiera said, “I have an idea, if I lose, I’ll put a black mole on my cheek for the crowning ceremony. But if I win, Evan has to become my princess for the game and the homecoming dance of Saturday.”

Mother said, “You both should be eating a little humble pie, but I think the odds are too much against Evan.

Deidra spoke up, “Then how about Evan becomes a princess if Kiera is the queen or the runner up. They usually name a runner up, just in case the queen becomes sick.”

I said, “That’s not bad the odds are still four to two in my favor.”

Mom asked, “How many candidates are there?”

Deidra said, “There are six, but there’s one from the freshman, sophomore, and junior classes, and they rarely get selected. It is pretty much between the seniors Kiera, Starlyn Howard, and Cassidy Moore. I think Kiera is the most likely to win because she’s beautiful inside and out.”

It worried me a little when Deidra put it like that. Kiera has a lot of friends and she’s in so many groups, including band and chorus.

Mom says, “Well young man, this means we will need to get an outfit for you just in case.”

“Mom, that is not needed. I’m sure there’s something saved from my sisters’ that I could wear if the worse comes.”

“Possible,” Mom said, “But I want it as a deterrent to your bad humor. It may be an answer to your moodiness when you get jealous of your sisters. I think you need the experience of having your outfit. You’ll be the one responsible for how you look.”

I said, “That’s assuming she’s selected as the queen or runner up?”

Mom sternly looks at me, “You better not vote or turn your friends against her! We don’t root against one another.” I hadn’t yet thought of it, but I would have. She’s right.


Some nine days had passed by and I had forgotten the bet until Mom said, “I hope you kept tomorrow morning free for shopping.”

“I can’t do it; I’d be so embarrassed.”

Mom said, “I’m ahead of you, we’re going to Deb’s Clothiers. It is a ways from here and they have a very good variety. Kiera was good enough to remind me of it. She didn’t want you to have any excuses.”

Mom said, “You need to shower tonight and shampoo and condition your hair. We can put it in a boy or a girl’s ponytail depending on how you choose to dress.”

I said, “What do you mean, ‘By how I choose to dress?’”

Kiera was there then and said, “Well, you’ll need to try on whatever you’re going to buy. You can go as a boy if you wish. But it is going to be as a girl that you wear the outfit or dress if you’re to be my princess.”

I said, “Mom, I can’t do this. I would have to buy all the extras that go with it or I’ll just be a boy in a dress.”

My dad laughed, “She’s ahead of you boy. She even bought you a padded bra with a B cup. You’re lucky, I had suggested a D that would have turned the boys’ eyes.”

Kiera said, “I suggest you shave your legs and underarms as well. If you shave enough times the hair will come back lighter by then.”

I was tired of what others were said or suggested so come 9:30 I went took my shower and got ready for bed. I did shave my legs and even my underarms. I shampooed my hair and conditioned it as suggested by my mother. I was surprised by how my legs felt when cool air or something touched them. I put on my long pajamas not wanting anyone to see them. The sensation my legs were feeling felt good and I couldn’t help but smile.

Using my sisters’ shampoo and conditioner came with fragrances I wasn’t used to. My hair was squeaky clean and the conditioner seemed to give it body and a sheen like my sisters.

I didn’t dare go out to be seen by my family. It was after ten o’clock when Kiera came looking for me. She knocked on my door and I told her I didn’t want to see her. She said, “I just want to check on you and make sure you’re alright.”

I told her to leave me alone that I was into bed. She knocked again and turned the doorknob and it opened. “What’s the problem she asked? I wanted to check and make sure you didn’t miss some hair on your legs. It is better that we know now than someone sees it tomorrow.”

When she saw me she said, “Wow, look at how beautiful your hair is?” She saw I was upset and said, “Don’t get upset, most won’t notice the change. I just know you and your hair better.”

She asked me to stand and show her my legs. Well, pajama legs are loose enough that I was able to raise my pant legs most of the way. She complimented me, “You did very well for what you could see, but you didn’t get it all. I can tell you are trying to do your best. If it is alright, let me help you get the rest of it.”

She had me put on my robe before I took off my pajama pants. I held up the robe high enough she was able to shave my legs.

“Would it be okay if I brush out your fair? If it doesn’t get brushed out now it will be more difficult in the morning.” I moaned and handed her a brush, but she had one of her own in her hand. It felt good to have her brush it out, but I didn’t tell her.

She said, “I don’t think you’re as upset as you make out yourself to seem, are you?”

I growled like I didn’t like being questioned. She said, “Am I right that you do want to see how you look and feel in girl’s clothing.”

“That’s silly, I made a stupid remark and now I might have to pay for it. That’s all, now leave me alone,” I said.

She said, “Okay, I’ll leave you alone. But let me ask, if would you like me to go along tomorrow, so you get something inappropriate?”

I asked, “What do you mean by that remark? I get a dress or skirt outfit. One is the same as another.”

She said, “Not so, why do you think us sisters ask for gift cards over mom or our grandparents buying our clothes. Once a girl is in junior high school she doesn’t want to look like her mother dressed her.”

I said, “That’s not so, I see many moms shopping with their daughters. Katy for one doesn’t buy her clothes.”

“She’s a nice girl,” Kiera says, “but doesn’t she look like her mom picks her clothes. And she’s lucky her mother has better taste than many. How about your friend Karen? She’d rather wear jeans or leggings”

I pause to think and Kiera gets tired of waiting. “Are you going to say something?”

I said, “Alright, you can come, but don’t tease me.”

My sister says, “You can go downstairs and say goodnight to mom, Dad is in their room watching a ballgame.” With that my sister leaves me alone. I waited a moment to go downstairs to see the news and say goodnight.

Mom commented, “Now that wasn’t terrible, was it? Did your sister bother you anymore?”

“No, and no, but I did give her permission to go shopping with us.”

Mom asked, “Would you mind if Deidra came, she wants to look for new clothes?”

“I guess it won’t be any more embarrassing.”


I had an unrestful sleep and was surprised no one was annoying me to get up. I went down for breakfast just before 8:00 in the morning.

My oldest sister is at college, so I was spared one embarrassment. Mom comes in two hangers a dress and a skirt and blouse combo. Which of these do you prefer to wear,” she asked?

The skirt had large red, black and gray blocks styled over the skirt and looked nice, the blouse was a white cream with a three-quarter sleeve. I pointed to it and asked my sisters if it was a good selection. Deidra said, “Mom already checked with us, but I agree with you that it is the better of the two.”

When I got back to my room; the bra, panties, and pantyhose were already there. All of them looked brand new. The panties were in a package of five. I chose a pink pair of panties. When I went to put on the bra a loose pair of footies fell out. I knew one was to go in each cup of the bra. The pantyhose took several tries to get the toes right and the legs properly started. I was going to call out that I was used to wearing an undershirt, but I looked around and there was a camisole folded near my pillow.

I was fully dressed, but not fully satisfied with how I looked. I opened the door a crack and called out, “I need some help.” It must have been a minute before Kiera was there and several minutes before Mom and Deidra came, though they all said it was less than a minute.

Kiera said, “It looks that way because you dress like a boy. You needed to smooth out your camisole before you put your cream cardigan on. Your sleeves and arms got twisted.” I did need to take off my blouse and get the camisole on smoothly. My arms went back through my sleeves, and this time she said correctly. The blouse had five buttons at the top and the bottom button us even with the bottom of my bra cups. Luckily my skirt had a lining that acted as a slip.

Once everything was smooth and looking correctly I was asked to sit down for some makeup. My voice screeched as I didn’t want makeup. Deidra told me, “It doesn’t take much and won’t show much, but you most certainly want it or you will look like a foolish boy.” That got my attention and I regained my composure.

Kiera guided me to her room and showed me the small bits of concealer, foundation, and makeup she used. The blush she used looked like nothing, but there was a slight glow to my cheeks. She complimented about my eyelashes, but a little mascara made a noticeable difference. The rustic eyeshadow complimented my skirt. I’ve seen the difference between girls and their clothing but didn’t realize eyeshadow could do that.

Deidra put things in a small purse with a long shoulder strap and handed it to me. Mom put two silver bracelets on my left wrist and then a silver chain necklace around my neck. Everything was simple and understated, but in the mirror, everything came together. I saw a girl, and mom asked, “What is your name?”

Kiera said, “It’s very unusual but ‘Evette’ is a girl’s name.” Mom said, “It used to pronounce Yvette and spelled with a Y. I think that would be a pretty name if it is okay with you?”

“It is a pretty name and I like it, but aren’t people going to know I’m Evan?”

Kiera said, “You’re right eventually they’re going to know it’s you, Evan.”

Mom told me to put on her flats, but they had an inch and a half heel. They fitted and I was surprised. They didn’t look new to me, but Mom said it was the flat finish. We were riding and I soon figured the town and store we were going to. Mom knew Deb somehow and I knew my sisters liked her store.

Two younger women greeted us and Mom recognized Denise, “Denise is your mother here I have a sensitive need and could use her help.” Both Deidra and Kiera greeted Denise by name and she stared at the three of us.

Denise called on her phone for her mother. She then looked at the three of us girls. “There’s three of you but one should be older by two to three years. Sorry, I’m not remembering correctly; you know who you are.”

Deidra said, “You’re correct, one of us wasn’t a sister.”

We’re distracted by Deb Dobbins coming to us. Mom goes to the side with Deb. The one salesgirl walked to other customers, but Denise is still trying to figure us out. Her eyes change and then she smiled.

Kiera said, “We’re looking for a homecoming outfit or dress for her.”

Deidra said, “I need a fall outfit too, but for regular wear.”

Denise turns to me and said, “I helped out another customer earlier in the week that goes to my school. I think I can help you.”

Deb speaks up, “Denise, I’ll help them there are some special circumstances.”

“Yes, Mom, Kiera, and I realized that. I can help…”

I said, “It’s Evette.”

“Yes, it’s Evette, Mom.” Kiera smiles and pulled me along as Denise is leading us. “Do you prefer a skirt ensemble like you’re wearing or want a nice fall dress that is a little special?” She paused, “Are we looking for one night, or are you going to the dance the next night?”

Kiera said, “We are pretty sure but not quite certain if even one outfit is needed.”

Denise smiled, “I’m sure my mom will discount the dress for the other night 30% if you buy them now. Either way, you could bring back one or both if they’re not used.”

Deb speaks up, “The first one is 15% off.”

I said, “I’m to be a princess if my sister is selected as the homecoming queen.”

“Does that mean you’re leaning toward a fancy dress for the dance on Saturday and a warm skirt ensemble for Friday’s festivities?

Denise asked Kiera, “Isn’t Starlyn Howard one of the queen contestants? She was here and said she and the other girl say, you’re the one to beat. I think Starlyn is very beautiful as well, but she said she wasn’t as well known outside the junior and senior classes.”

Kiera said, “She and Cassidy both would be good queen representatives. Did she get a dress here?”

Denise said, “Yes, but the only thing I am willing to tell you is that I won’t let you select the same one.”

I said, “I only need an outfit for Friday night. I don’t intend to go to the dance.”

Deidra spoke up, “If you’re serving as Kiera’s princess, and she’s selected as the queen you are bound to go to the dance.” I look to our mom and she shakes her head yes.

Deb Dobbins said, “It is a once in a lifetime experience for a young man; one night would be over way too fast. And since you are not used to cold October nights outside; I’d recommend a long skirt. That and a salon experience will serve you well.”

I shook my head at the salon experience and verbally said the same. Denise said, “I’d recommend Petra’s Beauty Salon and Stella as your beautician, but you’d need to call early to secure an appointment.”

“Mom, this is getting out of hand,” I said!

“They’re just wanting you to have a good experience.” Mom said, “Denise could you believe this stems from Evette being jealous of her sisters?”

Denise looks at me, “I detected under those no’s, that is part that you are delighting in, am I right?” I tried to say, ‘No’, but as my eyes caught hers I knew she had seen through me.

I pleaded, “Please don’t tell anyone.” Denise indicated what you acknowledge here will stay here, unless it is by your sisters. My sisters were delighted with my confession but promised they wouldn’t tell anyone.

Mom was on her phone, “Hello, I wanted to see if I can get two salon appointments for early Friday the 22nd. Yes, 7:00 a.m. before school would be great. Can Stella be one of the beauticians? …She and Macy, your two recommendations, would be great.”


My first change into a long camel color skirt and a fall print blouse is filled with anxious denial and celebratory joy. Deb had pushed under the changing door a pair of 3” heels with footie nylons. I didn’t hesitate in putting them on. I whispered a little “Yes” that was carried out of the changing room. Everyone was nice enough not to react.

Denise said, “I’d go with that, it’s you.” I look to Deidra and Kiera and then Mom.

Mom says, “I suspect you will come back to this one, but you should try the other two so you have no doubt.” Mom was correct, it was delightful to try on all the outfits, but I selected this one for Friday.

I had to cool it down as Deidra got to find and try on her new fall outfits. The skirt was the same, but the two tops one a golden yellow top and the other a fall print changed the look of the two drastically.

Kiera had a picture of her gown for Friday, but being at Deb’s she had a change of heart about what she wanted for Saturday. She ended up trying on three and I delighted in her choices and most of all her final selection. It was a dark blue gown with white and diamond clear sequins through the bodice and skirt.

Denise asked Kiera twice, “You’re sure that is what you want? Because then I have the princess dress to go with it for Evette.” She brings back a dress called a princess dress; it is a pink dress with blue trim identical to the blue of Kiera’s gown. “I think she’ll look best in a size eight, but we have a ten if needed.”

Deb turns to my mother, “That is why I have my teenager helping here.”

I tried on three fancy dresses for the dance and now this one. I try on the dress and I loved it, but Deb has me step up on a stand suggested a needed adjustment. My heart sinks. She said, “Don’t fret, what I am suggesting is we tuck in these darts to trim your waist. The dress is wonderful for you.”

I said, “But it is already snug.”

She says, “The material is up to what I am suggesting, but you could also diet and do some aerobics between now and then. Just don’t lose too much.” Deb pinched the fabric and marked it with soap. Mom had taken a picture of her three girls and sent it to grandma, Reilly, and Aunt Evelyn.

Once again guilt seeps in and I have second thoughts, but I’m tired from shopping and don’t say anything.

Denise spoke up, “How about a long camisole and the delicates for underneath?”

I can believe I’m being fitted for a new bra, but I end up loving the experience of getting my own bra. There are fillets that we get to go in them.

It is only after all is said and done that Deb suggests, “Maybe at least one of you needs to use the restroom before she leaves.

You need to know when your dress is ready, we will be shopping for shoes, a purse, and your own makeup.”


We left the clothes store and were to be on our way home. Kiera was the first to correct my mom, “You’re going the wrong way?”

Mom said, “We’re already fifteen miles closer to grandma’s and Aunt Evelyn are going to meet us there.” I have a picture of you in the dress, for now, they’ll need to make do with seeing all of you in your new clothes. I told Grandma the other day about Evan’s foo pah so she won’t be surprised.”

I was in the skirt and top I began the day, and though I had gotten used to it. I was not happy about the idea of Grandma seeing me nor about modeling my skirt outfit. Deidra was excited and gave the needed encouragement for our mother to continue driving.

Aunt Evelyn had pulled in ahead of us and was out of her car with cousin Shari. Shari is Kiera’s age and the three of us had played together. “Oh, my Evette is it? You look so sweet.” She pulled at my skirt and closely checked my makeup, “She said, it didn’t take much to transform you into being a pretty girl.” Shari took my hand and pulled me along, “Mom, Grandma is going to be tickled with her new granddaughter.”

I pull at her saying, “I’m supposed to bring in my new outfit.” She insisted correctly that my sisters would bring it.

Grandma is in her mid-sixties and no shrinking old woman. She met us on the front porch and stopped me, “Evan, whatever have you gotten yourself into this time. You’ve always been a sweet grandson, but I hardly ever thought of it in terms like this?” She glimpses over me, “Your makeup is light, you haven’t overdone your bosom, and everything hangs right for a natural girl. Where did my grandson go?”

She and I walked into the house and she had me sit near her and gave me a sweet tea that I didn’t regularly drink. Today was an exception, I was her granddaughter. Deidra and Kiera went first in changing into their new clothes. Everyone was talking as I was sent to change into my outfit. There was a pair of new stockings that I changed into along with the skirt and blouse.

When I went out to show them the outfit, my grandmother insisted, “Get up on the balls of your feet like you’re wearing heels.” She stood up in front of me, “You make an exquisite young woman. I hope you can treasure this experience.” There was a peace that came over me and I simply thanked her.

Mom’s dad was out of the picture, despite having two sons and two daughters, he was disappointed that none had followed him into law. Grandma Julia was a second-generation Ukrainian and proud of her freedoms and the positive nature of her children and now grandchildren. “Your grandfather was not happy I broke his stereotype of women; now I rejoice you accept this role for fun.”

We ate at Grandma’s and Uncle Fred and his family came as well. It was nearly ten in the evening when we got home and I was worn out. Kiera and my mother showed me to my room and how to treat my clothes and I was to call them when I was ready to take off my makeup.

Dad had come up to my room, “How are you doing? Your Mom and I want to know if we need to back-off in how we’re coming down on you?”

“Thanks, Dad, this is eye-opening. I thought all this girl stuff was glitter and easy.” I had put on my own underpants and a robe, “Can you tell Mom or Kiera that I’m ready to learn about removing makeup.”


Monday, my friend Tobias insisted that I open up, “What’s going on? You are withdrawing from our friendship. Trust me with whatever is going on!”

I said, “It’s crazy, you won’t understand, but then it is going to happen. So we need to talk.”

Tobias asked, “What’s going to happen?”

I gave in and told him, “If Kiera gets selected as homecoming queen. I’m to be ‘her princess’ for the weekend, clothing, makeup, and even a salon appointment.”

Tobias ROLOL. Once he’s back to being sane, he said, “You know I have a great idea for a story for the school’s news. I’m on the school paper staff and I think we can play off of Will Shatner’s flying into space. You’re going to ‘Go boldly where only the beautiful girls usually go.”

“It would be a beautiful follow-up to homecoming week. It will be interesting to capture your reactions to this happening as well as others in the school community.”

Tobias asked, “What’s the likelihood this prince turned princess happens?”

I told him about my experience at Deb’s Clothiers and he asked, “Can I go there for some background information and maybe some pictures of a dress or outfit you’ve tried on? None of this will come out unless your sister is the Queen and you follow through on the princess experience… You do know, this is going to unfold in ways we aren’t in control of? Our LGBT group, football players, fans, students, and adults are going to have a mixed kettle of responses: the good, the bad, and the unknown. We won’t get graphic with the ugly responses, but our school is not isolated from the world.”

Tobias Liengood quickly had a signed paper to do his scoop work. And I got a text from Kiera, “Sounds good, I’m glad you’ve committed yourself.”

I text back, “I was so afraid of how Tobias and the others were going to respond.”

Sheryl, the closest friend I have to a girlfriend, found me and ran me down outside the cafeteria. “I knew something was up, but this is crazy. I can understand your mother doing it, but it sounds like you fell inline instead of fighting back. You know if some boys come up and want to dance with you, you’re on your own.” She was laughing all the while. Jonathan, Merci, and Janelle were soon in the loop of what was happening.

Sheryl gave me a ride home from school and Merci and Jan were along to see and verify what I was doing. Deidra’s school is closer to home and she and her friend Cyndi were already there.

Seeing Sheryl and the other girls, Deidra said, “So the words out and your groupies are descending. You’re going to need to use a pair of Reilly’s shoes to look appropriate. If you need help changing it is me and not them who needs to help!”

Come evening I had made it through the day I thought I would not. Now homecoming was scary but doable.

Tuesday was the last day to vote for homecoming king and queen. Seventy percent of the school had voted by last Friday, the vote had all but been decided. While the public announcement was at half-time of the football game, the results and first crowning took place at Friday morning’s assembly.

Come 7:00 a.m. I was at Petra’s Beauty Works and Stella was my beautician. Mom had gotten word from the school Thursday night that she and my dad should be at the morning assembly. Mom told whomever what I would be doing.

I had gotten my purse, shoes, and makeup on Wednesday. By now, not being a princess would have been a letdown. Tobias had found out about my salon appointment, and Stella and he quietly agreed my appointment would be recorded. I had not imagined giving Tobias my permission would include this. My hair was styled and not permed, but I was given a full assurance it would hold up through the weekend, maybe into early next week. I had received a full makeover that included a manicure and pedicure. When Tobias showed up and took his phone camera off Stella’s work area my breath went out from me. I said, “Oh no, you didn’t record this?”

Tobias said, “I got the news last night that your story is in play. Have a good time Princess Evette.” Today, was my skirt, camisole, and blouse day. It was having a lacy bra and two bumps forming breasts under my blouse that consumed my attention. Sheryl was being syrup sweet to me and made sure my friends knew my name was Evette.

I never counted how many times I saw my princess image in a mirror or other reflections. When my sister was pronounced queen, Sheryl produced a princess crown and pinned it to my hair. Mr. Wadley in my next class forbids that I take off my crown or step out of character. Mrs. Wadley was our junior class chaperone and she made certain that I planned to ride the float in a position secondary to our queen candidate. Dorothy Oz and I were friends and she was amused about what was happening to me. She said, “I’ll make sure my boyfriend Conrad Lyon dances at least one with you.”

The homecoming parade made its start with the football team buses going first, other officials, the grand marshal, the band, class floats, and finally the Queen’s float had the three top candidates. Just before our class’s float was to begin the parade, Tobias raced up and pinned me with a Chrysanthemum corsage. He kissed me on the lips, saying “Surprise!” He had lifted me off my feet and gave me a big hug and another kiss. It was the first time I realized I as Evette was caught up in the moment. I’m sure most of the people along the parade didn’t know who I was but they were being very nice. I found myself waving back. Two people, one Jack Harden, threw cups of water at me, Jack’s was the only one that hit me.

A girl next to me checked and toweled my face. “You’re okay, it was only water. But it makes me prouder that you’re on our float.” It was at the end of the half-time crowning of the King and Queen that it was announced that “The Queen’s younger brother Evan is Kiera’s self-appointed Princess Evette.”

There were a few boos, but they were soon drowned out by the applause and shouts of others. My school counselor Ms. Judy Braun came over to make sure I was doing okay. She asked if I knew who threw the water, but knew I wouldn’t confirm who did it. Jack Harden was no one I was afraid of, and if I decided to do something I’d do it myself.

Tobias was sixth or seventh in the line of boys and girls who wanted to talk to me. Jim Reid surprised me and asked me if I’d be his date to the dance. He told me I wouldn’t need to dance just with him, but that I might need a boyfriend to thwart off unwanted advances.

Jim was six-one, a basketball player, we were friends, but this time it gave me butterflies to look into his eyes. I knew for a moment I was a girlfriend. I said, “That’s sweet Jim,” and I stopped there.

He said, “Okay, it’s a date. I’m sorry but I need to play in the band.”

I was in a haze as I talked to others, but then Tobias was there. “I see Jim asked you and you surprisingly said okay.”

“I said, that was sweet of him, nothing more.”

He asked me, “Are you going to tell him, he doesn’t have a date with you?” He said, “They quit playing after the third quarter; I’m sure Jim will be over to sit with you.”

I said, “But I’m another boy.”

“He sees Princess Evette, girl or boy, I don’t think he cares.”

Tobias was correct, shortly into the fourth quarter, Jim Reid was with me. When I mentioned being Evan, he said, “You went out of your way to be Princess Evette. You’re as pretty as a princess and you agreed to be my date, thank you.” We held hands when we were not cheering the team.

Before the end of the game, I announced I needed to be with my sister and Jim excused himself. When I found Kiera, she smiled, “I have a rose for you.” She gave me one of her long stem roses.

She said, “I saw Jim Reid with you, and I think he has a crush on you. What surprised me is that you like having him with you.”

I said, “Don’t be silly.”

She said, “You two held hands, and not once did you move away from him.”

I said, “I didn’t want to be rude.”

She said, “If you saw yourself as another boy it wouldn’t have been rude and you took a hold of his hand as many times as he did yours.”

Kiera’s boyfriend Connor came over to my sister. “We’re going to get someplace warm and something to eat. Do you want to come, your friend could come too?” Both Tobias and Jimmy were nearby. I closed my eyes and said, “Who’d like to go with us?” Jimmy rushed over and Tobias took some pictures. Jim had a car and I rode with him and Kiera rode with Connor.

Connor is a split-end receiver and cornerback on defense. Jim and he were friends, but not close. We went to one of several community places to eat. When the waitress came, Connor said, “She and I are together.” And before I could say anything, Jim said, “She’s with me,” and I didn’t speak up.

Jim drove me home soon after we ate. When he didn’t move to get out of the car I leaned over and found myself kissing him and thanked him for asking me out.


Mom and Dad were up as they tend to stay up for the late news. Dad said it was a good game, and he thought it was nice that most of the people were happy for me.

It was a little while later that Mom followed me up to my room. “There was more to it than you realized.”

I said, “Yes, and there was more than I expected. Has word gotten back to you that Jim Reid asked me to the dance tomorrow night? I didn’t say yes, but I didn’t say no. I even kissed him before I came into the house.”

Mom didn’t say much more than she was there for me; then she helped me with the removal of my makeup and used a little cream on my skin.

I woke up at 8:30 to my phone indicating a phone call. It was Jim asking if I was up for a round of nine holes of golf. I said yes, I was. But he hoped it was Evette who would play. He told me we had an 11:00 o’clock tee time and he hung up.

Kiera was soon to my room asking, “What did you say yes to? Remember you’re still Evette.”

“Yes, I’ve already been reminded after I said yes to playing golf. That was Jim asking me to go with him and then he said as Evette.”

Kiera said, “I have a pair of leggins and a golf skirt that are a little big.” She giggles, “They’re for that time of the month. This is like what Tobias told you; there’d be things none of us would have thought of. You are taking this better than I would have expected.”

We went down to breakfast where most of the conversation centered around Kiera being queen and Deidra enjoying herself as a teenager.

Mom was amused that I agreed to a round of golf before Evette being mentioned. “What did you expect to do with your hair done and earrings. You can softly wear a ball cap and we can use some of your hair as a ponytail.”

It was 10:30 and I was ready, I’d use Kiera’s set of clubs. My outfit looked cute for a high school girl. Jim came and we went to the municipal golf course. Jim gave me a can of 7-up to start the round and he encouraged me to take a gulp. We were at the second hole when he pulled out a small bottle of Jim Beam. It was supposedly a shot in each can. I have drunk with Tobias and other guys, and today I felt the need.

I liked starting at the women’s tee spot, driving the ball was not my strength. Jim did better at that, but I was the better chip and putt person. Jim offered me another shot of JB at the seventh hole, but I insisted neither of us goes there.

Instead, Jim gave me a hug and a kiss for being a good sport. I couldn’t believe that I was up on my toes. It wasn’t much of a kiss, but it felt good and I squeezed his hand for that brief moment. He said, “I was surprised when you kissed me last night. I’m sorry if I presumed anything just now?”

I apologized, “I said this acting as a girl has screwed with my thinking. I didn’t mean to kiss you then.”

He said, “I didn’t mind and just now, I thought you liked it too.”

I said, “Let’s forget it; we have another two holes and we’re done.” We became quiet as we played the last two holes. I had scored a forty-one which was good for me, but then again I started from the women’s tee.

We were on our way back when I got a call from Tobias. I answered the call in Evette’s voice and he responded, “So how did the princess do in golfing?”

I said, “And how did you know I was golfing?” I looked at Jim suspiciously thinking something may have been set up.

Tobias said, “I called your house, and whoever answered said you went golfing with Jim. She even said you had gone as the princess.”

“I bet that was Deidra?” And Tobias confirmed I was correct.

He said, “I’m with Sheryl and we want to invite you to lunch."

When we joined Sheryl and Tobias for a late lunch, I could tell by Tobias’ expression that something was wrong with his seeing us. Sheryl took me to the women’s room and asked if I had my lipstick. She said, “You need to refreshen your lipstick.”

I was embarrassed, realizing that Tobias knew I had kissed Jim. I was ready to cry, when Sheryl smiled, “Do not fret, I’m sure he just saw another pretty girl and couldn’t resist you. It’s not like you’d have been kissing him and liked it.”

My expression told Sheryl she had it wrong. “OMG, Evette don’t tell me you liked it?”

I fixed the smug on my makeup and used the lipstick. Sheryl asked about how the kiss felt. “I was surprised because I had to raise myself on my toes and I squeezed his hand. I didn’t mean to like it. It just sent a tingling through me. I can’t go out there and face Tobias.”

Two schoolmates emerged from their toilet stalls and we could see their amazement when they realized I was Evan. Candace and Macy were enthralled and overcome with giggling. “Evette don’t be upset, we love each other we can understand your attraction to Jim.”

I said, “But I’m not attracted to him.”

Candace asked, “Are you going to the homecoming dance with him tonight?” When I indicated yes, they told me not to say anything more until after the dance.

I made it through lunch and back to my house. Jim did escort me to the door. I thought to myself, this can’t be, I’m attracted to him.
My mother asked me as I was getting ready for the dance, “Is it Jim or just being a girl that has you so infatuated this evening?”

“Mother, you can’t be serious,” I responded.

“You are blushing Evette. I am not upset with you, I just want to understand what is happening with you?”

Kiera steps into the room and asks, “What have you two stirring?” She looks at me and asks, “Why are you blushing?” She goes on to say, “Look how pretty you are; you’re glowing. I can’t believe how much you’re liking this.”

The doorbell rang and Deidra calls upstairs, “Someone’s boyfriend is here early. You two better get yourselves put together in a hurry.”

Kiera and my mother turned to my dress and were soon helping me to step into it. Mother was doing up the back and asked me to breathe in. I looked up into the mirror and realized I needed my necklace and bracelet. I fixed my lips and hurriedly brushed my cheeks with a touch of blush. I stepped into my heels and my mother gave me my purse. “You wait until I’m downstairs,” she said, “I’ll call you if it is Jim.”

I stepped into Kiera’s room and she was glowingly beautiful. She looked at me, “Do not worry, just enjoy your night as a princess.” She took my hand and we went to the top of the stairs. Both Jim and Connor were at the bottom step awaiting us…

The first of two...

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