Nora Brought Out the Best in Her

Nora Brought Out the Best in Him

By Jessica C

(This is a different story for me, but one that underlies those who wait for others to give them direction or make decisions for them. Hopefully, in time each of us accepts who we are and learns to live with ourselves.)

Bob was fairly good-looking, but between having fine features, shyness, and being a little socially awkward, keeping relationships had not come easy. So when Nora his latest interest said yes to a proposal; Bob was quite happy and Nora was indeed the love of his life. He had one thing he had not shared but decided instead of sharing to make it a concern of the past.

Nora loved Bob, especially his sensitivity; like that he wasn’t quite like other guys she had dated. This would work with her plans. She learned he liked her wearing soft silky things; it seemed to be a turn-on. She was due for another fitting of her wedding gown, and invited Bob, not her maid of honor, to go with her. There was more than a tinge of interest on his part, but what he felt he didn’t think he could share.

The Bridal shop did most of their bridal gowns by special requests for well-to-do customers. It took them over an hour and a half to travel to the bridal salon. After a short wait Nora was taken back and for another hour and a half as she was fitted for her wedding gown alterations.

After they were all done, Bob was invited back. While Bob tried to be subtle about his interests everyone was watching and encouraging him to look, touch and enjoy this feminine sanctuary. He thought their smiles had to do with appreciating their work. All but the designer and one helper had left, when he was told Nora wanted him measured for a fitting. He told them he had already selected where he was getting his tux and the style he wanted.

They laughed and shared you need to get used to pleasing your bride. Nora too laughed. The head woman asked him to strip down and gave him a thong-like panty to put on, “If you would please stuff yourself in that little pocket it will help.” His embarrassment was growing, but she patted him on the ass and shared, “We’ve seen grown men before.” He had undressed and placed on the thong as she suggested but was delaying coming out. “Young lady,” she said as she opened the door and took his hand, “don’t be shy and take so much time. I am doing this as a favor, and though it tickles my fancy, there is nothing in it unless there would be a sale.”

“Young lady?”

“Yes, you are in a dress shop and I am sorry to offend you but we women are seen as part of mankind in society all of the time. Now, let’s get you measured young woman. Did you ever think you would wear satin so pretty and fine? Go ahead and touch it, you might as well enjoy it.” She brought his hand to it and had him touch and acknowledge how nice it felt. “You can keep it for some time when you two are alone.” She took more measurements than had ever been taken of me before.

“Here put this panty on over the other.” Bob started to complain but was interrupted. “Nora is this, what you would like or not?” Nora indicated yes and he gave in. “Very pretty, now sit down and let Michele put on your leggings.” They were stockings that snapped to straps connecting the new panty. “Now back up and close your eyes for Nora’s surprise. Raise your arms and let me hold one so you won’t lose your balance. Now step in here, nice, and now the other leg. Good, we will pull it up and fasten it but keep your eyes clothes. One more touch and the look will be almost complete.” Bob wasn’t sure what he was stepping into but it felt eloquent. Now a hairpiece was being put on. Nora had wanted me to let my hair grow long for the wedding but a hairpiece was needed to see how it would look in three months. “Well before you open your eyes tell me how does it feel?”

“Apart from the hairpiece it feels very nice, but Nora I’m afraid it isn’t very manly.”

“You are right about that, now open your eyes.”

He couldn’t believe it, he was in a bridesmaid gown, how could he have dressed in all of this and not realized it, and said as much to Nora and the women. “Brenda dear, have you not always wanted to do something like this?”

“Brenda? Why Brenda and what do you mean? This isn’t even one of the gowns for our wedding.”

Nora said, “I was told if it was true; you wouldn’t deny it but ask other questions and sidetrack the conversation”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, if you didn’t want to be a girl, you would be very angry and I would probably now owe for a spoiled gown. But instead, you have been feeling how nice the gown is and I am happy for you.”

Bess had him raised each foot and he was now in heels. “Come here young lady and we will complete the look. He was seated on a stool and a small sheet draped around my neck and shoulders. Makeup was being applied and the wig was being combed out. It took another half hour to do his face. “No, please not earrings, please.” Again the words fell on deaf ears, but he could not deny cooperating.

“Mary, undo the back of her gown for a moment.” She did, and at the same time, Bess pulled out the top and put in… No, it can’t be, but it was. The gown was again done up.

She pulled off the sheet and there in front of him in a long mirror was the young woman they had just dressed and made up. “My Nora, you were right there is a beautiful young lady there. I just hope you do not mind how nice she looks.”

“I am sorry Brenda, but I saw you twirl with one of my dresses and I know you have been into my clothes. I had to do this before you would run away and deny it… I don’t want to lose you but neither do I want to live a lie.”

Mary took him over to a table and chairs and started to do his nails when he started to pull away. “Don’t worry, just relax we have just the color to go with your lips.” She filed, buffed his fingers, and then started with a bright deep cranberry red. Gone for the moment was any sign of Bob. Nora spoke up, “I will tell you the truth, I am not fully comfortable with you as a woman, but you are very pretty and I cannot deny seeing a beautiful girl who looks very happy.” She gave him a small kiss on the cheek. She touched his cheek, it was tender very tender, and loving.

“Nora, I am sorry.” He said with a voice voluntarily raised a little in pitch.

“Would you mind wearing another outfit for our trip home?”

Bess led him back to the changing room with a warm smile on her face. “You are a lucky person to have someone so caring. Please, I encourage you to take some time to find the person she uncovered.”

She gave him a long skirt, a blouse, and a sweater top as she opened the door. She undid the back of the gown and pulled it over his head. He said, “I can’t.” But after the door closed he realized they were not leaving me many options. His clothes were missing and instead of returning them, he was given a needed bra and slip.

When he changed and stepped out Nora handed him a purse. He asked why I needed it. She said, “Your wallet, keys, and make-up are in there.” Nora showed him a check for just under a thousand dollars as she handed him a gown to take to the car. She was going to drive home, as he was having trouble just getting into the car. “I suggest you sit down first and swing your legs in next.” While he did not feel very graceful, it did work. Bess closed the door for him, as she said goodbye.

They had traveled about fifty minutes when Nora signaled for a left turn. When he asked why, she smiled and shared, “We need to eat, and I thought you would rather do it here instead of closer to home.”

He shared, "There's was no way I'm leaving this car."

“I am sorry,” she said, “but if I can go this far; you won’t embarrass me by staying out in the car.” She came around, opened the door, and helped him to my feet. “Here, you almost forgot your purse.” He was surprised as no one gave them a second look going in or when they were seated. “Have a good meal, ladies.”


“Yes, I know all they see are women; should I correct them? I suggest you raise your pitch just a little and speak softly.” The crab, vegetables, and salad Bob ordered were different for him. “So are we watching our figure?” He hoped if a stare could burn she would stop, but it only made her conversation a bit more humorous.

He was glad as they were near the end of their meal and could soon be leaving. When the waiter asked if there was anything more, she asked him, “Could you bring an after-dinner drink while we went to freshen up.” It was not a suggestion, but a request for Bob, Brenda, to get up and go with her. She reminded him, “You will need to be seated and back together before you can come out to the mirror. He was surprised at how easy things went. Tucking himself back into the gaff took an effort but was done easily enough. After washing and drying his hands he touched up his make-up and lipstick without thought, much to the joy of Nora. “Let me fix your hair if you don’t mind. Otherwise, you are quite the lady.”

When they got back to the table two Grasshoppers were there and they were a nice change and a good end to the meal. When the check came she pushed it to me. “What should I do, I would have to sign it Bob or Robert?”

“You have at least three face-saving possibilities, choose one and be a good girl about it. That does include leaving a nice tip.” While they were waiting for it to be brought back, two men approached their table for a dance. “I wouldn’t mind,” shared Nora, “but I would have to warn you my friend is very shy and maybe a little awkward until she relaxes.”

“I will take the risk if you don’t mind,” one offered his hand. Nora leaned in and whispered, “Your face looks good but don’t rub it next to him.” They had about three dances when Nora tapped him and shared we had to leave. John dared to lean and give Brenda a goodnight kiss which she returned. John gave Brenda a piece of paper, saying, “We would like to see you two again.” He suggested the following Friday for dinner and dancing. They picked up their purses and were leaving as Nora shared “I so hoped it would be fun.”

He was not sure if he sat down properly or not, he only remembered he was in the seat and wondering what had all happened. “My, were you a little forward tonight. I don’t remember any kiss on our first night.”

“He kissed me what was I to do?”

“A nice girl, reserved as you should only give the cheek to be kissed if not disappointed him.”

“What was the statement I hope, it would be fun?”

“He suggested we come back next week and they would host us for dinner?”

“And so you thought that would be nice?”

Nora said, “Well yes, I thought it might be the only time someone bought Brenda a dinner. It would be the first time. And I thought if you knew enough to shave you could get a little closer.”

“Nora that is not funny and we are engaged anyway.”

“So you are, and you’re a guy as well. Neither stopped you from looking like a woman, dancing with a guy and giving him a goodnight kiss.”

They were on the road as he began to cry. “Brenda, I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. Do you always get a little more sensitive when dressed like this?” She changed her tone and they were quickly caught up in a conversation. Before long they were home and carrying his gown into his condo. “I hope no one saw us.”

“Well if they did, they saw two women carrying a gown in and I was the only one quite recognizable. Let me help you out of some of your clothes and then we can have some more fun.”

He began to take things off and threw them wherever, but Nora stopped him. “If you want to dress as a girl, you should treat those clothes as a girl. She gave him a lesson in hanging and putting things away. Then took him to the bathroom and showed him how to remove his make-up. She took out two pins for the wig and took it off and found a nice vase to put it over.

“Hold up the gown and dance with it.” He hesitated but gave in when he was certain not to win. He sat down to take off his stockings and things but Nora pounced on him. “You are my little miss, right now so let’s enjoy.” When he protested he had gone far enough, she replied, “If you don’t want to be my bitch, I suggest you be nice.” She had smoothly slid over him and she wooed at him and purred in his ear as she nibbled. “You are a hot young lady. I am going to enjoy you. Grrr…” Her hands were now under my panties, pulling him up against her, as she went into a rhythmic motion. She played with him for the longest while, and then she was straddling him and taking him inside. She paced it so both climaxed at the same time. He never remembered it feeling so good. He was nuzzling her neck when she coaxed me down to her breasts and after her next orgasm, pushed him down between her legs. “Oouu Brenda that is so nice.” As her next orgasm was coming she held him firmly in on her. He relaxed and enjoyed pleasing her. He couldn’t remember what all happened or how long it went on but he knew he fell to sleep joyfully as did she.

They did have fun.

When they woke up, it was Saturday morning when the doorbell rang. Nora said, “Hurry up put on my robe and come out.” He heard her saying to someone, “Yes, it was like I suspected and I want to thank you for suggesting what we did.”

“Leann, Nora, why didn’t you tell me?”

“Relax Brenda! You are in stockings and my robe, what should I say?”

Leann spoke, “I must say however, you look different but I see potential.” He headed back to the room but was cut off by Nora. Nora went and got the wig and placed it properly on him. They all sat and talked over coffee. They were all surprised how normal the conversation flowed.

“So can I go with you next week,” Leann asked?

He tried to share there would be no next week, no next time. Instead, he found himself getting dressed as Brenda to shop for clothes. They made him up well and had fun taking him shopping. He had to try on at least three items as they shopped through five stores. He paid for the first three skirts and tops, but Nora bought my panties, bras, and lingerie. He didn’t realize all those extras would include or costs but was finding out.

When they went back to his home tried sharing all the girl clothes would ruin their wedding budget she hushed his part of the conversation. He was sent to sort, put away his clothes and then shower.

Leann spoke up “You should have let me shower as you two have me all hot and moist.”

Jokingly Nora shared, “You can go and jump him if that is what you want.” Bob was already in his room sorting and putting things away.

“Can I do what I want?” Bob was venturing back to ask about hanging something up when he overheard them, he just stopped out of sight to listen.

“You can’t have him or her.”

“How about having you? I got a bit hot, here feel me?” She took Nora’s hand and slipped it down her panties. Nora looked up as LeAnn gently kissed her. Nora brought her hand out of LeAnn’s panties but ended up putting them around her. The gentle kiss went deep and long. “What if Bob finishes his shower and discovers us?”

“Shush we have time.” He watched for a while before he went and took his shower. When he got out and dressed there was a note, they had gone to LeAnn’s.

“When Nora came over the next day, he shared he had seen them. “We know we just wanted you to know how it feels.”

“Why should I know how it feels, knowing you two made out?”

The week passed and things seemed to be back to normal. He got off Friday a few hours early and found a note to shave and get dressed. She had placed a nice skirt and blouse outfit out, which he thought was for her. He was in the shower when she came in and asked if he was shaving.

She turned off the shower, checked him, and told him to coat his legs and arms with this gel. He now remembered the outfit was one they bought last Saturday. She checked to make sure he had gotten all the hair. “Oouu you feel nice. Scoot, there are a few areas I need to get with a razor.” She did his underarms and a few other areas he missed. She took care of the hair on the sides near his ears, which caused me to wonder about the previous time out.

“Put your gaff on before your panties?

“Why can’t I just wear that as my panty?”

“Because we don’t want to make it too easy for him to realize you want..,” she laughed.

When he suggested it wouldn’t mind if he was easy. She laughed and said “You might eat your words” and as she laughed some more. He was still clueless about why it was so funny. She had me lay back as she glued his faux breasts on this time and used a toner to work and cover the seam. “You are going to look hot tonight. I hope you will relax and enjoy yourself.”

She now showered and was getting herself ready. She looked better than him, but not as special as she might. When he spoke up she shared, “You can enjoy me later. I didn’t need to please our dates.” When he suggested he didn’t either she asked if he wanted John to see him as a guy or as a woman. And suggested it would be easier to please him as his girl. He wondered, ‘How come I am always on the short end of these exchanges?’ She gave him a light touch of perfume and told him to touch the lobes of his ears. She gave him a nice dangling pair of earrings. Then suggested he make sure he had all he wanted in his purse.

She started the car but wanted him to drive tonight and so he did. “How’s driving with heels, love?”

“Just a small bit more difficult than walking in them.”

“Driving is like walking, the practice helps you to get better. I must say, the practice of dressing like a girl is not hurting you either. May I suggest we take off next week from going out with these guys?” He was not sure if he should answer so he kept quiet. “How do you like your experience dating guys and being out as a woman?... How long have you been doing this, anyway? Does your mother know?”

“Are you going to just ask questions? Tonight wasn’t my idea remember.”

“Well from the looks of it you came up with the idea long before me. Now, are you enjoying it?”

“Nora, I am surprised how well you have me looking. I had decided not to do it again ever since we became engaged.”

“I agree you are looking very good, I just helped. It looks like your decision didn’t hold, did it? Brenda, will you please enjoy tonight, promise me you will, Brenda?”

He hesitated but knew it was important somehow to Nora, “I will.”

“Okay, here we are, 100% girl. Enjoy yourself and shake a little booty,” With that, he couldn’t help but get out and put a little swing to his steps. John and Steve saw them coming and came as gentlemen to help them. John gave Brenda a small kiss that landed on her ear. ‘Why did I like it, and that my hand was small and feminine in his?’

John asked and so Brenda let him order. They had a light red wine with their salad. John order lobster tail and stir-fried vegetables over rice for Brenda. Something she would not have ordered or had ever before eaten. When Brenda grabbed for the wrong utensil John nicely showed her which to use. He took a small fork full, dipped it in butter, and fed it to her. Wow, he was in girl mode and surprisingly enjoying it. His hand was on Brenda's and it felt good. She looked at Nora and who winked. “It’s nice isn’t it?”

“O yes it tastes very good?”

“I didn’t mean the lobster silly; I meant being pampered by a man. You seem to enjoy it, I am glad.”

John spoke up “If you don’t like me doing that…”

“No that is very sweet and I liked it more than…” Brenda leaned over and gave him a small kiss. She was blushing as she went back to eating. The conversation was light and she began talking more with Steve and Nora as well as with John. She scooted closer to John, supposedly for a better conversation, but Nora was a little jealous.

Steve spoke up and Nora was back to talking with him and did not notice when John took Brenda to dance. When they came back Nora suggested they go to the women’s room. We had to wash before we used the toilet as well as after because of the butter and lobster. Brenda checked and fixed her make-up. “You should use your lip-gloss; you have very pretty lips,” another woman shared. I told her thanks, checked my purse, and gave it a try. She was right that they looked very nice.

John seemed to notice and approved of his appearance when they got back. He led us to the dance floor and we enjoyed ourselves as the time flew by. We would sit and visit and dance a little more. He lost track of Nora and found himself being excited by John. John asked if we could walk and so we stepped outside. He was coming on stronger, while Brenda tried not to encourage him. She did like his kisses and attention. John turned to her and gave a warm kiss and his hands were on her ass pulling closer. She pulled back, “I am sorry but I can’t.” He took her by the hand and they walked. He calmly asked, “Do you mean you do not want me or you can’t?”

Brenda with tears in her eyes, “I am surprised to say, I would love to have you but I just can’t.” They walked back in and her eyes were tearing. Nora took her aside and asked what the matter was. They went to the bar for a moment to talk alone. Brenda confessed how good she felt like a girl and that John came on to me. “But I shared with him I couldn’t and we came back in. I’m sorry Nora, we need to leave.”

“Need to leave because you don’t trust yourself?” Brenda looked up into Nora’s eyes and she knew. “Remember last week when you saw LeAnn and me, and I said there will come a time? Young lady, from what Steve has said John is bisexual and he likes you very much. Steve says he doesn’t love lightly.”

“But, Nora how about you and me, I can't just do that.”

“I think it is something Brenda has wanted, and until you take him or another guy, it is likely to only be a matter of time. I plan to love you tomorrow and the days after that. But I have already wrestled with this and to be truthful, I am happy for Brenda.”

“But I am scared.”

“You are a girl doing it for her first time, I suspect not only are you a little scared to do it, but you are also a little scared it might not happen." She handed Brenda a handkerchief and smiled. “Let’s go to the girl’s room and powder up.” Brenda squeezed her hand and went with her. Brenda was being brave until she saw Nora was a little scared for her as well. “Take me a minute or two and he may be gone or he may still be there. We will live with it either way.”

“Thanks, Nora, you are really sweet.”

Nora had to redo my makeup so it wasn’t a problem, it took me a couple of minutes. When I went out he was standing to receive me. He took me to the dance floor and hugged Brenda so she could feel the warmth of his love. When they sat down again, John discretely put his hand on her leg and she parted them ever so discretely. It felt good to feel the warmth of his hand. Brenda had dreamt about it but was not sure if she would like it.

Nora and Steve were back from their dance and Nora shared she was going back to her apartment alone. But she hoped Brenda would have a good evening. I was now heating up thinking of John going into me. I wanted to say ‘no’ and get up and go with Nora, but I wanted him even more.

Nora felt a need to be her big sister and took her back to the bar for a quiet discussion. It was mostly Brenda listening as she talked. “Remember while you have a boy’s body, you are a girl tonight. Keep your gaff on. Don’t be afraid to ask him to be gentle as he can. He probably is a big boy, try to enjoy him. Don’t be surprised if it hurts a little or you have an orgasm without responding like a guy.” Clean yourself, if he comes in your mouth. You should suck him clean and enjoy it. After he has been in you clean yourself, but what you do from there is your own business.” Neither of us could believe we were having this conversation. “The spare bedroom is made up for you, you are not to use our room?”

“Nora, were you planning this?”

“No, but whether it was tonight or another night I want for Brenda to experience it so you can move on. Don’t worry; I plan to get in you, myself. I enjoyed last week.” We walked back and she gave me a parting kiss on the cheek.

Steve excused himself as well. John put an order in for a bottle of champagne to go and they went out to dance once more. It was only 12:30 when they got back to Bob's place. John opened the champagne for a toast, “To a girl’s first love.” His hand was on her leg and he soon had her hot. With the second glass, Brenda got up and to turn down the bed and to change into a nice negligee. She could not believe herself as she just went over to him and straddled him. Was she ready for hot and sassy love? Brenda and Bob both wanted him.

She undid his shirt and his pants. She felt him before when they were dancing, but it was now that she realized how big he was. Nice, thick, and long, her but was reeling in anticipation. It was a few moments before she slid off his legs and between the sheets. As she pulled him out he grew in her hand. Her lips descended on the head of his cock, he started to become hard and harder. She kissed and licked him. It was neither dirty nor gross; it felt warm, soft as well as hard and somehow inviting. He was talking to her, more as an expression of caring than saying anything in particular.

He noticed she was trying to see how much of him she could handle. She heard him suggest breathing through the nose. She did but at first, she still gagged. Hear him saying it was not important, but we were both impressed when she tried again and took him in deeper. She came back up to catch her breath and = liked his smile. Once again she started on with some fun as she caressed him; all the while Brenda was trying to relax. She was taking him in again; she passed the need to gag.

She felt him in her throat, but she realized she still did not have all of him. She was taking him deeper and the throbbing of his cock was getting both excited.

He took her into his arms and carried her to the bed. “It should be easier and more enjoyable here.” He was right she was able to move her body and position herself. He said I didn’t need to.

“But do you like it,” she asked? She was taking him in again, slowly taking in a little more and more. She was now to the base and we were both moving up and down. He grew even a little thicker, breathing was a bit harder but the rush took over, She desired him. His cock was throbbing and she went back up a little way as he was exploding, it was hot and creamy. She was seeking to swallow as well as breathe. She had him in her mouth which was filling faster than she could swallow.

She could have swallowed faster but she want to enjoy him. It was oozing down his shaft, but she would get that. He was still throbbing and he was still coming as she first lifted her mouth. She was back enjoying him. He finished as she continued to lick and clean him up.

She excused herself to go and gargled. She knew he would appreciate that. They kissed and rolled around a little but then he was ready again. They took more time to play as he said he wanted to treat her well. He fingers her opening and puts a gel over it. He had her lubricate his cock.

He found her opening and guided the head of his cock but he needed to push hard to even get his head in. He kissed her eyelids and said “You will be fine, just focus on your joy. Do you want me?” She hugged and moved to receive him. It was a hard reach but her legs were wrapping around him. “Oh, oh.” Her joy was beginning as he was moving inside. Stretching yes, but the joy was rising. He was pretty far in when he started to pull out and push in. We were soon both pumping in rhythm, She couldn’t feel her penis respond, but was feeling something greater building. She was moaning but it was all pleasure and he orgasmed first as her body was rejoicing as he burst inside. It was warm and they both were kissing the other hot and heavy.

They lay there, enjoying the company of the other. Brenda brought a warm washcloth and washed him off this time. He asked if she wanted to go to sleep, She shook her head and smiled.

He was again between her legs and she needed to relax. It stung a little bit even he could tell. “You have probably torn a little bit. You'll feel better.” He was entering her and they continued to enjoy their time. He took his time and she had an orgasm, and he whispered love in her ears. He was now building, but so was she, he quickened his motion and was pushing harder and deeper until he came again and she held him in as tight as she could hoping it to last as long as possible. When he came out, he got up and washed and came back with a cloth to clean her. He was gentle and caring.

It hit Brenda. ‘I’m a man being made love to by another man. I shouldn’t like it as I do.” They caressed, rolled in bed, chatted until she finally fell to sleep. It was 8:30 or so when they woke and he did her once more. I went into the shower he soon joined me and we washed each other.

I was dry and walking away when he lubed her butt and she closed her eyes in anticipation of him entering her again. Something was happening and Brenda opened her eyes to see. Nora had come back and there was Brenda in the doorway with John. Her heart began to sink, but Nora wasn’t repulsed or mad. Nora said, “And I was thinking I wasn’t going to get to see Brenda in action.”

“I’m sorry Nora; I didn’t think you would be over so soon.”

“Well neither did I, and I thought if you were here, you would still be in bed and I could get what I needed and out without disturbing you. I am sorry, kind of.”

“What do you mean kind of?”

“Well you got to see me with LeAnn, part of me wouldn’t mind peeking and seeing you two together. The smile on your face showed joy, I am glad, I just wish I got to see you two more together.”

John, “You came a moment too soon; I was just going to make her smile bigger.”

“Don’t let me stop you, but I hope you wouldn’t mind my peeking?” John turned Brenda around and lifted her in a warm hug.

“Would you like to swallow me or me in you?”

“I wouldn’t mind seeing both,” Nora broke in.


“Yes, I know you would like your silky gaff back on. Put it on, you might want your negligee on as well. You can close the door a little but please not all the way.”

John took Brenda by the hand. “John, I don’t know if I can?”

“It is not like you need to get aroused, and we can take some time snuggling up and kissing.” Bob put on the gaff and got out a clean negligee and put it on. The mood was turning warm again. It would be hard, but she began to concentrate on John and liked the thought of him becoming aroused. He was big as she took his head; she was enjoying this time even more. He was fully in her mouth and she took him.

She thought she heard Nora gasp. His cock was throbbing and they were taking their time as she eased up on him twice. He was getting closer as she went into an orgasm. From the sound of Nora’s delight, she recognized what was happening.

John was now bursting in me as she was swallowing and drawing back. He was coming hot and furious. She was enjoying him but feeling bad about enjoying him so much. Brenda had to take a big swallow. He pulled me up to rest on his shoulder.

Brenda didn’t want him too but he was kissing her. He was playing and arousing her feelings. Time passed quickly as she felt him lube her butt. He rolled her onto her back and was between her legs. She lifted her butt to receive him. Again I heard a muffled gasp from Nora as she saw his size getting ready to enter me. He pushed causing her eyes to water. He asked if he should stop. She reached around his neck and raised to kiss him, “Speak nicely to me.”

He rolled off and drew me to him. We were lying there and I was not sure what to do with Nora watching, but Nora broke the ice. She came over and hugged us saying, “This has to be unorthodox, but I swear I don’t know when I enjoyed something so much. I am proud to be your fiancé young lady.” She picked Brenda up in a hug and they kissed warmly. “I am going to leave you two to each other, but I had to let you know I was happy for you.”

'How can she be happy for me,' she thought. Brenda felt I'm in love with two people. John drew her back to him and held her. John shared his thoughts aloud with me. “I am not sure, but she’s a sharp woman, I am sure she has to know it’s more than physical. She still loves you and thinks you still love her too.”


It was now noon when Brenda began to move again, she was trying to roll out of bed when John took hold of me from behind.

“I don’t want to.”

“Sorry but it’s too late I need you.” He was pulling her onto him. Bob couldn’t believe that he was becoming a boy’s sex toy as the butt was filling up with him again. It was now well into the afternoon, as John had showered and was leaving her place. She got up, showered, and was dressed and cleaning the house. It was early evening when Nora came back. We greeted each other with a hug. “I like your outfit.”

“I like yours even more Nora.”

“Well, I am glad you are still in girl mode. We need to talk.” Brenda knew she was right but she didn’t know what to say. “I love you Bob/Brenda, I hope you will still marry me and that I am your big love, but I am not blind.”

“Nora, I love you too, but I didn’t know I could enjoy being with a guy as I did.”

“Do you still love me?”

“I hope you knew I do, loving you is so natural, and as you say you are my big love. I want to be Bob and I am willing to be Brenda with you. But I am not sure… I don’t know what I would do if John came on to me again.”

“Well you best know if it’s another guy or another gal, I won’t be happy, but I won’t be surprised if I need to share you with John.”

“What do you mean?”

“Bob, too much of you is Brenda, to stifle that. What would you say if I were to share you with him once a month?”

“Yea and how does one go about that? Are you going to call him up and say ‘Have I got a deal for you?'"

“No, I thought in two weeks we would go out to eat and visit with him then. I would tell him, with the wedding and keeping Brenda in nice skirts, I need some help."

"Now, you just get your pretty face made up, and let’s get something to eat. We can talk about those things another day.”

While they did not have intercourse, they did have a very enjoyable time in bed that night. She kidded him about being sore and walking funny. “You know LeAnn has wanted to bed me for a long time.” She hadn’t realized that LeAnn was a lesbian because she’s married. Nora had never given in to her until LeAnn realized Nora was attracted to Brenda.

It didn’t seem to matter since he was Bob most of the time. Nora and Bob were making out better than before. Nora liked enjoying her in so many ways. Especially when she would give a hint to what she would like and he would embellish it from there. She would put out a pair of jeans, blouse, and apron and suggest he prepare dinner and say she needed a certain outfit washed and ironed. Friday they went out as Bob and Nora and danced up a storm. They felt somehow more relaxed and graceful dancing now.

Sunday they went shopping; Nora was looking at a beautiful skirt and asked Bob's opinion. It was a very nice skirt and he told her so, “but I don’t think it is you. I don’t know if it’s the color or what but get it if it’s what you would like.”

Nora smile and said out loud, “I was thinking about it for you, and I think the color will look good on you.” A woman nearby giggled. Nora put the skirt up next to me as she asked the woman, “Don’t you think he would look good in this? He has pretty legs.”

Laughingly, the woman agree and shared, “I saw a white cream satin blouse that would top it off.”

“Should we go with this or do you want to try it on here?” Nora turned asked the woman if she remembered where the blouse she suggested was. We went and found it. The woman was laughing to herself as she walked away. Later Nora told Bob that the woman asked Nora if he did wear women’s clothing for her.

The woman shared she wouldn’t mind bedding her husband in a skirt. Nora suggested, “After you get him to enjoy it for sex, then you have some leverage to get him to wear it more.”

That week went fast and when he got home on Friday Nora had my new outfit lying out on the bed, in Brenda’s room. She had gotten me a new powder blue gaff, so I put it on first. The new skirt was three inches shorter than anything I had yet worn. “I can’t go out in this.”

“You can and you will. You will look hot and turn heads in it?” We were both ready but had sat down when the doorbell rang and LeAnn came in. “Turn around Brenda, you look real fine girl."

“Thanks, I think.”

“Don’t worry about me, Honey, Nora already warned me not to touch. You look hot to Nora, very nice indeed.”

“How about I suggest she’s off-limits too?”

“It will depend on you.” We pulled up to the Forbidden Garden. We were shown to a table for six, where Bill, Steve, and a woman named Megan joined us. Brenda hoped Megan was there for LeAnn, and Steve was there to keep Nora company. Brenda did not want to see John come on to her as soon as he did. Her panties were getting warm as she tried scooting closer to Nora. “You dress hot and we came here to the Garden, now don’t tell me you don’t want John. He fits in you so well.” Everyone smiled as she urged me to be a good girl. She shyly looked at John and smiled. LeAnn got up and changed seats with Nora. John invited me to dance and he was already hard as well as looking quite nice. Luckily only Brenda knew his condition. When we finished dancing and sat back down, Nora asked him, “If you had to choose tonight which one of us you would keep and which you wouldn’t see again; which one of us would you choose?”

“Nora I wouldn’t want to hurt either of you, but you are the one I want to marry.”

“John, I know she loves you too, but I am not willing for her to be with someone who is sleeping around. If you two are to be together once or more a month, I need to know you are clean and you will be helping financially. Brenda is more expensive to keep and her clothes and things are more expensive.”

Nora took him to the dance floor where they talked as they danced. It did not readily dawn on him that they were dancing as two women. “Brenda, this is not about money and the decision to be with him is yours. I love you and you are mine, but if I need to share you with someone, I need to know we are both safe. You need to know your decisions can only be yours.”

“I might suggest or even state for you to do something but you do it, it is your decision. John already looks hot for you; you can either put some ice down his pants or go and have a good time.” They shared a kiss as they left the dance floor, but alas it was as friends lightly on the cheek. LeAnn took Nora and John took Brenda by the hand.

They went to a show featuring a noted singer. It was nice to be doing something together. Nora spotted that John was one of several guys getting the singer’s attention. Nora encouraged, “Brenda you hold onto to John,” stating, “I think you are up to the task.” Brenda and John grabbed a suite at a nearby inn and the others were on their own.

When we went looking for a nightspot to finish our night. We went out dancing, it was a gay bar and I felt like I was at a meat market and I was the meat. I had to concentrate on John which was enjoyable enough. Quite a few customers knew John and spoke how nice it was to see him with someone again. They visited with him about me as Brenda becoming his love interest. His hands were under the table going between my legs and arousing me and kept it up causing Brenda cum in her panties. But it was Brenda’s mess, and John was happy with himself cause he was in control.

When they went back to their room, Brenda showered and was looking fine for bed. she used a douche at John’s request. After she was clean and dry, she put on a sexy negligee and went back out to him. She pulled him around on top. He spent some time nibbling her nipples and thought she was now all-girl. She enjoyed his attention and felt quite romantic.

He then lubricated her butt and his cock, it was still nice and snug as he was moving nicely in and out. The sensation was greatly heightened. They had fun as he went in her several times a night.

It was about one-thirty in the morning when John kicked him out of bed and threw him a wrap-around skirt to put on. They went to the beach though it was late and dark, and in the water where he lifted me and eased himself into me. It felt nice to hold onto his muscular shoulders. When they got on the beach Brenda felt a strong desire to have him. He tried to resist her, but when she went to her knees he was becoming a big boy. He was coming onto her when they were rudely interrupted.

It was an officer from the beach patrol who was ready to take them in as he was being pressured to break couples like them up and get'em off their beaches. Brenda asked if there was anything she could do to talk him out of it. Asking the officer if he ever had a nice boy. John quickly said, he would go to the court first.

Brenda saw something in the response of the officer and pursued it. If Bob made the news for this his wedding would off. The officer shared he hadn’t had sex in over five months. “My wife would be comfortable if I was regular size and unfortunately I am not.”

“John takes a walk, if he’s going to take someone in one is enough.” She took a few steps they walked. “Would you like me to swallow you or would you like to do me?” Brenda was surprised at how easily he responded when she touched his zipper. “You are one horny officer aren’t you?” He laughed and when she felt how big as well as clean he was. She knew he wanted her and she was willing. She asked if there was a place more secluded and he showed a spot between a boat and lifeguard chair lying down.

She threw her wrap to the ground. He apologized and said “No offense but I am not interested in a guy.” She undid his belt and unzipped his pants, he did not stop her. She quickly saw why his wife might want to heal more first. He would be at least as long as John. Seemingly, he had already cum once while we were talking, but she made no mention of it. She had him lie down and turn ever so slightly.

He was still talking as Brenda began focusing on his cock which was still growing as she caressed his head. He was a bit thicker than John and it took her two tries to get to the gag reflex. He was going into bliss as she took him deeper inside. It felt like he was at least six inches down her throat. She knew it didn’t need to but she wanted all of him. When she backed out he was a bit disappointed. She kissed him on the lips and told him “it’s not over.”

Brenda was swallowing him again, and in a short time, she swallowed him whole and was now beginning to bring him to release. She worked through her own body shaking and when he came it was a very good sensation. He more than filled her but was no way near as much as from John. She couldn’t quite describe how but he tasted different from John as well.

When they got up and he was all back together; she put the wrap on and we began to walk back. He wanted to pay her and was remorseful about cheating on his wife. She wouldn’t take any money but asked, “Would you treat our walk and conversation as a due warning about our actions.” He thanked her as they went their separate ways.

John was up when she returned. They both felt bad, and Brenda was unwilling to talk about what happened. She just cuddled up in his arms and went to sleep. The next day she put on her breast forms and wig. We had some fun up in our room before leaving to get a bite to eat and return home.

Nora greeted Brenda as she came through the door and she knew things were different but Brenda wasn’t sharing. She tried to go to our room and change but was told, “If you want to change back you have to go to Brenda’s old room.

She then told Brenda, “We’re going on a ten-day cruise but you’re going with me as Brenda.”

“Nora, I need to be Bob more if we are getting married.” She calmed down and asked if she would still marry her. He quickly said yes. She spoke again, “Brenda will you marry me?” When he realized she was proposing to Brenda as well, he was shaking as he hugged her. She pulled back and shared one more time.

“Brenda, I need to know if you will marry me?” Nora held out Brenda’s left hand as she put an engagement ring on it. They kissed as she took Brenda to bed in their redone room. Nora was having Brenda start on a diet with vitamin supplements the next day. Unknown to Brenda she had set up a job interview for her with a company that was trying to buy her away from her present employer.

Nora waited until 9:00 to tell him they were expecting him as Brenda. Nora had a 10:30 salon appointment for her with a 1:30 interview. “They won’t want me, Nora.” She began to cry. Nora explained how she had copied and documented the portfolio she had made up for them and the ideas Bob/Brenda had envisioned. And they knew they could not move on them without my help and plan to implement them.

At Nora’s suggestion, Brenda checked her email account and found out she had already been fired by her employer. There was a statement that they had found out that she was talking to the other company. Bob was furious at his company and was afraid he wasn’t going to get another company to hire him as the economy was tight.

We pulled up to Nora’s salon and when we went in Nora took over; “Bridgette, I have a young woman with a job interview and she needs a confidence builder.”

“Come in Brenda, I will take good care of you. It looks like you have recently become engaged, when did this happen?” When she told me yesterday, “Well see that and now a job interview and I suspect you have a new job just around the bend.”

When Brenda told of their upcoming cruise and she saw her short hair. She spoke up, “So how do you like the change? You’re Nora’s love, aren’t you? Wow, you got a special woman.” Life was changing too fast, Nora came in with a cup of coffee and the three of them chatted. Having her hair done was quite a treat for Brenda, a fantasy come true. Bridgette added extensions as well as permed her hair. A manicurist did her nails while she was under the dryer.

Brenda was surprised to be on her way out of the Salon and on the way to the interview by 12:30. She want a light lunch but settled for half a tuna sandwich as she went over her portfolio for the interview. “Take one thing at a time dear and I will take you out when you get done.”

Brenda went in for the interview and shared her product and promotion strategy and they were indeed interested. The associate to the CEO was in on the interview and Brenda was offered the job on the spot. She even received her request of bringing her secretary and to choose the three associates to work underneath me. Her salary was to be $125,000 with benefits and expense accounts above that.

“One last request would be to know the bonus, my secretary and associates will get if this brings the profit I anticipated?” They offered the company’s going rate of 3%. She requested 7% since they would be getting all new clients that they would not likely get otherwise. They agreed on a 5% bonus which was fine with everyone. It was agreed and would be in writing by the time she was walking out at 4:30 p.m.

Brenda called her secretary Maggie stating she wanted to hire her away but asked first that she get the files that were already secured away for him. She would also download as much of her information as possible. Brenda said, "I would not be officially hiring you until Friday and you should not quit until sometime Thursday afternoon. That's if you're not fired beforehand." They both suspected it would just be a matter of days before she was let go or reassigned. Bob shared she would be officially working for Brenda Miller, but that she would realize the connection real soon.

Maggie laughed and then asked “I just have one major question, Bob. How long will your company keep Bob after they find out about Brenda?”

Bob laughed and told her, “They hired Brenda and not Bob.”


It was 4:15 p.m. when Nora arrived and she was glad to wait twenty minutes as the news was good, very good. Brenda was very pleased to see her. “We need to go shopping quickly and get you some clothes for a cruise and then some for her work wardrobe as well as at home.” Nora’s lips were sweet and their times together were becoming more precious. “We leave on a cruise next Thursday and we'll be gone until the following Sunday.”

“But Nora, we have saved for our wedding and there is not enough money right now for all we're doing.”

“Brenda, I love you, and we will marry but not until we know who you are and whom I am marrying. We will have fun on our journey and especially when we stop at all the ports. We will need two dresses for formal evenings and much for our pleasure and relaxation.” We spent till 7:30 shopping, changed and went to a late dinner.

Nora allowed me only now and then to be a Bob and only when she said.

She was seeking to see if she could find happiness with both Bob and Brenda. Nora had a vibrating penis to use as a man with Brenda. As Bob it was humbling, as Brenda, it was pleasing each time Nora entered her. They both had multiple orgasms. Nora was being pleased more than Bob alone could ever give, but which of them would she choose. They went on their cruise to enjoy and explore.

Brenda was faithful in taking her vitamins and didn’t associate it with the change of feelings that tantalized her. Her breasts were coming to life and Nora was having Bob's sperm harvested for future use just in case. What Nora did not acknowledge was she needed a man’s love more than Bob was giving her. Nora was excusing herself more and finding herself going elsewhere for that pleasure. It was the third night out when Nora came to bed with another man, knowing Brenda would either be asleep or act as she was.

She did eventually send the men away and we made love in the time that followed. Brenda lost herself in seeking to please Nora and enjoyed herself in doing so.

Nora was helping Brenda each day to select her clothes and learn to do make-up and hair. She taught her the fine points of the little things and how significant they can be to one’s appearance or show the pretense that may or may not be driving one’s character. Benda was coming to like wrap-around skirts for casual wear, especially with a swimsuit. Nora showed her how to wear it conservatively and yet with a tease of suggestion.

It was interesting how the eyes of men and women would look, but generally for different reasons. Once out of the clear blue a good-looking woman came up to her as they were sitting on the deck in some lounge chairs. She used the cap of perfume to scent Brenda's wrists and asked her opinion. The fragrance was nice, not overpowering yet it withstood the salt air breeze.

Nora spoke, “I wonder if she knows whom she is inviting to follow her?” Brenda looked at Nora wondering if she was suggesting Brenda find out. When Brenda walked over to her, she asked her to stay put for a moment. The woman walked back and spoke to Nora. Nora smiled, laughed, and nodded her head with affirmation.

Then the two of us strolled the decks for a half-hour before arriving at the woman’s cabin. Their breasts were similar in shape and size, but the women were real and more responsive. It was with her touch to Brenda's shoulders and back that she took control. She said she was there to harvest more of Bob’s sperm and she did a good job that afternoon and later in the evening.

The next morning, Nora said there was an agreement. The woman would have Brenda another day after Jamaica to harvest more sperm. Their first formal was the night before arriving in Jamaica. Brenda's hair required another salon appointment due to the ocean as did Nora’s. They both had appointments at one of the ship's salons. It was fun for Brenda to be one of the women and to be immersed in their world. Most of the hairdos she looked at were for longer hair and did not have to worry about the humidity of the ocean to compete with. The beautician and Brenda found a good choice and it looked naturally cute on her. It would also be easy to manage.

She was getting subconscious about the growing sensitivity of my breasts, but Nora assured me it was merely a side effect of the adhesive, the false breasts as well as her fantasy. It consoled Brenda and allowed her to imagine she was changing but without consequences. While they did eat and dance together they were often interrupted on the dance floor. Nora had her wear a feminine napkin to help conceal herself if a guy danced closely.

“Brenda, remember that you know how to please a guy without losing your skirt.” Brenda was offended but relaxed when Nora assured her saying “I’m going to bed you later tonight so don’t get your panties out of shape.” When they ended up dancing with two friends Nora felt it important that Tim should choose Brenda. When he was of a mind she was not to back out, Nora suggested Brenda and Tim go back to the cabin for him to experience whether Brenda could please him or not.

Brenda was both surprised and hurt but agreed. She was not so surprised Tim enjoyed himself. He was nicely endowed, but not as big as John. She found his cock to be very responsive. She found his sexuality in question even when he went into her and enjoyed himself. She planned to do him orally and was between his legs to do so when he relaxed she followed her urge to go into him.

He cried but did not try to stop her. When they woke in the morning, she was back between his legs, and this time his legs were wrapping her body. She gave him a pair of her panties to wear as they went ashore in Jamaica. Nora and Brenda separated from them and Nora was amused to hear of her exploits with Tim. She too had a good time with Jeff but did not elaborate.

They saw Tim in one of the boutiques and talked him into getting his ears pierced. While Nora had looked at the unisex section, the pair she handed over was fine jewelry and more feminine. He was caught by surprise when he paid over $100 for them. She told him “We don’t want you to easily throw them away, and assured him they looked good on him. He was to be surprised when more than one woman took an interest in the new him.

Brenda and Tim visited later and he shared that being in touch with his feminine side could help him to be a better man. When she interrupted him and Jeff at their cabin he owned up that he was not losing his interest in men. It was interesting in the Virgin Islands the four of them went to a GLBT bar and had a good time dancing with one another. More surprising was there were well over 30 people we recognized from the ship.

Brenda suspected half was straight venturing to see how they fit in. One gal took a liking to Nora and occupied the remainder of their evening.
Brenda went the night as a girly boy and found more interest than expected. The guys were gyrating as they were packed in tight on slow dances as well as nibbling and giving hot moist kissed.

She slept alone that night as Nora did not return to the cabin and she decided not to go to bed with anyone else. It was two days later when one-stop had a specialty clinic and Nora took Bob to visit a doctor about sex reassignment surgery. Nora thought she was leaning that way and they agreed to explore the idea though she was once again a bit hurt. It was interesting to hear of the procedures and the staff was warm as well as professional. Nora shared she had a growing interest in Jeff as well as another friend at home.

She said it was not serious, but her interest in her finance’ was growing to be more with her as Brenda and helping her to become more feminine. They were back at the ship when Brenda discovered Nora had new medicine for her to use. Brenda learned from the discussion at the clinic it was safe to use the medication for a month or two and to revert to her old self. What Nora was not yet acknowledging was she had already been using something and the feelings and changes were real.

Nora and Brenda were having a great time being the best of friends. Brenda was caring more about Nora in ways that she previously was taking for granted. Brenda was hearing her in ways she had long failed to acknowledge. She was not sure about the future of their romance but felt their love was growing richer and deeper than she had ever considered and thought the relationship would come around.

Just a gentle kiss and being held in her arms meant more than it had. Nora stirred a passion and could bring her to a climax that she didn’t even know was possible. But she was afraid the longer she was Brenda the more she would continue to want to be her. She spent another day with Marie before they would begin back to Florida. Maria commented that her sperm was in good condition and properly preserved. She asked. "If I crossed over if Maria could use my sperm to help others. Marie suggested Brenda might want a source of sperm herself.

Two nights from the port and they had another formal and she had not realized that Nora had brought her bridesmaid formal. It felt great and looked even better. She felt like Cinderella going to a ball. The captain invited them to sit at his table. A noted football athlete was on the cruise and also a guest at the Captain’s table. Brenda was getting nervous as they shared a few dances and his interest was continuing to grow. She was being swept up with emotion as they danced out onto the deck. They walked around for a while and Brenda lost track of where they were, as he took her into his room.

She was scared nervous about what he might do when he discovers she's a male underneath. He kissed her whenever she tried to speak. His touch and some wine brought down her defenses. She felt the clasp at the top of the gown detach but had not realized her gown was ready to come off until it began to slip to the floor. When she turned to pick up the gown he hugged her from behind. “Tim said you were a surprising lady and I guess he is right.”

”What else did Tim tell you?”

“He shared if I relaxed, it could be a very beautiful time. While this is new to me, somehow I am interested in you enough to give it a try.” she put her gown up on a hanger and turned and looked him in the eye and began to undo his shirt then his pants as she continued to watch his eyes. She rubbed him as she undid his zipper. She laughed and wondered how she kept finding herself with well-gifted men.

He spoke about how she would like to do him before taking him into her. She suggested some foreplay and continued to undress him. “My, did you and Tim compare yourselves?” Joel asked her how they compared, “It's not all in your favor, but you are quite the man.” She smiled as Brenda knew he would be very pleased. She was pleased as well.

Brenda was surprised later to learn Jeff had brought Tim to the dance as Ty. We girls should get together before leaving the ship. But tonight she was with Joel and prepared to enjoy their time together. Seemingly Joel used to a woman doing him orally but he was having trouble relaxing for another guy. “Oouu, are you embarrassed by being turned on by a girly man?” He was lengthening and hardening as she was licking his growing stick and fondling his balls.

It was when she found how sensitive the inside of his legs was, he was putty in her hands. He was ready to cum just from the erotic response of his legs. She took his head and enjoyed him but it did not have to work for long. It would be the second time that would bring him to paradise. She was surprised when she began to become aroused and more so when Joel allowed her to do him. He was surprised how much he liked her coming inside him.

She was enjoying being on top but she kissed and asked to change positions. She was surprised when he asked her to wait and do him again. She went to wash up and called Ty to come in and do Joel. Joel was surprised but not disappointed.


She called it a night and went back to bed alone. Nora came in but was not alone and they snuck into her bed. She insisted to Jeff if he kept quiet that they would not wake her. She was quite certain if Brenda was asleep she could not be wakened and felt even if Brenda woke she probably would be amused.

She was right that Brenda would not give things away, but wrong on the part of being amused. She waited till Jeff fell to sleep before she dressed and was leaving to go on deck. Nora asked, “How was it to be the onlooker?” Brenda still loved and does love her but her heart was breaking as she felt the relationship changing. Brenda looked a fright and the hour made for strange friends.

A woman, I little more than recognized having seen her here and there on the ship, and they got into a conversation. She took pity and helped me brush my hair and to redo my makeup and nails. Brenda listened to her story and she seemed quite intrigued about telling her story. She told her about a young teenage boy in her town who was like Brenda. She could not tell if he was trying to be punk or just did not know how to dress like the girl he wanted to be.

She asked Brenda if she dared to ask if he needed help. “I am not quite sure how you would go about it but if I were such a boy, I would wonder if I died and had gone to heaven.” They exchanged phone numbers and email information. It was ten days after the trip when she would receive a call, The boy, enjoyed her new look and was going shopping with her as she and Brenda talked about. His mother was at first offended, but she was now with them shopping.

The cruise was not all good moments and a few people were offended and some were enraged, but only a few times did it hurt and offend her very much. Brenda was taken with her changes and her relationship with Nora was on a learning curve. She felt deep down that Nora was going through a lot as well. It was 6:30 before she went back to their room. Jeff spoke up and supposed she was surprised at seeing him. Brenda gently let him down sharing she was awake when they returned to the cabin. He thought I was joking but she left allowing Nora to tell him if needed.

She called Tim and asked to have breakfast with him or Ty. He suggested an early lunch instead and she could choose to come back to his cabin if she preferred seeing Ty. Brenda was glad to meet her at his cabin before they went to lunch. Ty was trying to dress as a woman but needed to learn the philosophy ‘less was more. It is not to say someone can’t choose to be a drag queen as some do. Ty was trying too hard to be an attractive girl. After a short conversation, She learned someone else got him ready the night before. So this time she showed him a little but had him learn by doing. She touched up some of what he did. She chuckled at the idea that she had anything to show others.

We ate a good meal and did a little power shopping before heading back to his cabin. I stopped at my cabin and got a smaller set of boobs to wear and fastened the regular pair to Ty. I like the change, it was a transforming moment for a crossdresser to feel and see oneself with breasts. Ty was enjoying herself and Brenda was enjoying her blossoming too much that it changed her desire to bed, Tim.

Later she called Nora and they shared some mid-day drinks and conversation. It was a great unwinding of feelings with little attempt to reach any nice conclusions. It was just to be friends and sharing their journeys.

Nora said she would love to turn the clock back and to stay in love with just Bob. She joked that she enjoyed seeing Brenda as her bridesmaid. Brenda suggested it could be possible if she was open to it sometime down the road. She reminded her she had already made out with the woman who would be her maid of honor. She joked that she would have to bed three more bridesmaids to be impartial. They both giggled and continued to enjoy the remainder of the conversation.

Their arrival at home had some surprising revelations. While Nora gained five pounds they were barely noticeable and not bad for such a cruise. Brend, however, had lost four pounds which appeared to be related more to her changing body than dieting. While she had filled out a little in the hips and breasts. The face, waist, legs, and muscles were going down in mass.

While it might not be great for some women being down to a 27” waist, it was very nice for Brenda. The change, however, was shocking to what was left of the male ego. Brenda wanted somehow to look better as a woman without sacrificing her masculine appearance. She considered quitting her use of the stronger medicines but had sent in a new order as they left the ship. The body and her hair were changing as well. When she checked Brenda’s banking accounts she found financial need was not her biggest concern as a $50,000 bonus had been deposited to the accounts for Brenda.

She called and arranged a luncheon meeting with Maggie and would have interviews with nine applicants for the three associates. Maggie came over that evening, not wanting to wait to see the new Brenda. She was pleased and shared that she hoped she would be as nice or even better to work for her.

Maggie had communicated with three of Brenda’s clients about how Brenda could serve them and the products and services she could offer them. She suggested before we met the next day, Brenda should request 5% discounts or rebates for customers coming to the company.

Maggie’s communication was instead of their former employer sending a letter to undercut her reputation. Maggie not only failed to send those letters but altered the list to a code to diminish and disrupt such letters in the future. Companies were told by company communications they could continue their association with the company and that their products and service should continue to meet their expectations. Clients did not know who they would be dealing with but hoped it would be to their satisfaction. Those who received communications, those communications were speaking poorly of Bob and then Maggie. Clients found them offensive since Bob had not spoken ill of the company.

Nora too had good news from her employers. Absence in her situation made the hearts grow fonder. They had finally given a long-awaited raise and merit bonus. Brenda and Nora had a mutual admiration society for one another. Nora agreed with Megan’s suggestions, though she was missing Bob. Brenda was leaning toward selling her condo and looking for another place, to make a new start.

Brenda spent the two days before returning to work to change her work wardrobe. While there were many skirts and slack suits, ordinary and boring they were not what I looked for. There were more colors and numerous styles to select from for Brenda. It was hard to limit her selection, but Nora and Maggie both reminded her that her hips and bust would continue to change. “It would be a shame to purchase things you might not be able to wear soon."

Brenda was the first but not the last of the executives to be hired by the Johnston Corporation as her hiring ignited new growth. Maggie quickly went from secretary to Office and Section Associate. She had to work to keep Maggie from being snatched away. She quickly confirmed two of the associates and Maggie helped her to see the value of a young woman, recently a new mother. Benda first saw drawbacks to hiring her, but Maggie helped her to see her abilities, initiative as well as how their commitment to her would likely bring dividends in the long term. Terri would work her first two months from a home office and meet with us every other Monday and Friday. While the male associates never caught on and the company quickly caught on about them. Terri and Maggie not only saw my transformations, but they were also willing to go out of their way to be helpful.

Terri giggled whenever she found Breda holding her baby girl. Once while she was holding Molly and the women talked at some length; they did not realize that Molly was trying to nurse through her blouse and bra. Luckily the suit had a jacket she wore the remainder of that afternoon. “I think Molly is saying you will make a nice mommy.”

Within three weeks of being back, The company had 12 clients contract to change over their business with them. It was a strong upswing but a manageable stretch for Johnston’s to accommodate the new business. A sluggish economy made its growth look healthy to present and future investors.

While she could buy a new sporty car on her own, she heeded Terri’s advice and wore one of her short and snug-fitting suits to look at cars. The car she chose was not one Bob would have selected. He would have gotten a more expensive car but it would have sent the wrong message to the sales associates of their clients. Brenda was surprised to realize how game savvy she was becoming.

It was our fourth Friday back that Nora and Brenda returned to the Forbidden Garden. Brenda was surprised that John was with a different bunch of guys. He quickly broke away and came to visit their table. She had been to the salon on Wednesday and had no trouble sporting a very feminine look. We danced and talked and he quickly knew she was jealous of the attention he was receiving from the other men. He confessed that after two weeks of cold showers he had begun to look around. He said Fridays were his only night at the Garden, in hope that she would return. Guys had not been high on his list since meeting her.

I said good night while still at the Garden. I wanted to spend time with Nora but did make a dinner engagement the following Thursday. Nora and I danced the remainder of the night with each's hands slipping down the back of the other, each enjoyed the feel and squeeze of the other. We returned to Nora’s apartment and slipped into bed together. She wanted to be Bob with Nora once in a while, but Nora for now preferred arousing my breasts and bringing me to experience multiple orgasms.

The following night we ate at my place and I thought I was settling in for an intimate evening. Then the doorbell rang and I discovered Nora had invited John; Nora wanted to watch us make love again. I willingly went to get ready and hoping Nora would leave before John and I settled in together, not knowing what Nora desired. John loved my breasts and how they now responded to his touch. His cock was nice to feel against my body. Once he was inside I could feel the throbbing mass of his cock as he sunk inside me. It was like a warm rod going up inside me and it was stirring many more feelings and emotions of passion than we previously experienced.

The next day I was over Terri’s for dinner and to visit some of her clients. But it was Terri’s response to the joy on my face that started our longest discussion. Terri used her need to change and nurse Molly on her breasts, as an excuse for us to be alone in conversation. “You were fucked last night weren’t you?”

“What makes you say that?”

“You look like I feel after Max was especially good in pleasing me.”

“You don’t need to get descriptive.”

“Well, look who has missed out on the sultry talk of us gals. I should just go ahead and baptize you by immersion.” Without my agreement, she took off my top and my other clothes as she felt needed and showed me how a woman’s body responds to sexual arousal. She even had me touch the rim and inside of her vagina to feel her hot juices flowing. “I hope you fully change over some time. I enjoy sharing times like this with you but I wouldn’t want Max to find out what you have between my legs.”

She was right I did not yet use to women talking like this. It was however helpful and I liked getting a very irreverent talk about the birds and the bees. I was again embarrassed when Terri told her husband what they had been doing. It was not like she just blabbed it out, but to my embarrassment, he insisted on a bigger explanation.

Max questioned me how his wife could be making so much while working out of her home. ‘Why are you so surprised? If you or another man-made her sales you would not be so surprised by what they would make as a bonus.” He acknowledge that was true, but he also knew most companies would not do it for a woman.

“It must have to do with her working under another woman. Are you glad she does?” This was their second child and I was hoping not to lose Terri to just taking care of her growing family. “I’m holding off a trip I want to make for another three months, so Terri and Maggie can run our section while I am away.

On Thursday and Friday, I was taking my first business trip to Atlanta and onto Chicago. It would be my first trip alone as Brenda. I was both excited as well as nervous. I went and picked out two more outfits for my travel wardrobe. My hips had continued to grow and my bust was now pushing my B cups to be very full, much to my delight. While I used a pushup bra to give noticeable cleavage, I was no longer using extra padding.

I had been to my GYN doctor, who agreed that we should be scheduling my first reassignment surgery for mid-September. It would give me time to continue my psychological transition as well.

I had just gotten back to my home when Terri called saying she did not know where else to call but she needed to get to the hospital and wondered if I could come and help with Molly. She was taking Molly with her to the hospital and I agreed to find them there and pick up both Molly and her safety seat.

It was twenty minutes after they got to the hospital that I arrived. It was Terri’s grandmother who was in critical condition. She got to see Molly but Terri would be there all night as her mother would not be able to get back until the following day. Terri gave me keys to her house and I took Molly to their home. Molly was unsettled and was not willing to be easily settled down. Terri had but one bottle of breast milk and had not informed me that she was out of formula.

Later Molly’s tears flowed after the first bottle was used early evening, and her cry and tears were now getting worse. When Molly tried to nurse through my blouse and bra again; she became enraged when I pulled her away. I did not like the idea but I unbuttoned my blouse and undid one side of my bra as Molly quickly hooked up to my breast. I didn’t expect she got anything but glad she was content for a few minutes. Molly looked up at me and smiled as her hands snuggling my breast.

She was again getting restless until I took off her top and tried her on the other breast. Again Molly sucked and was content and then fell asleep. I was very content to hold her in her arms and allowed her to sleep there. Three hours quickly passed when the phone rang and Molly woke up. Terri was calling to ask if it was alright that she stayed at the hospital. Her Aunt would be coming in some time so she could come home. When I offered to stay the night with Molly she was very happy. I checked Molly’s diaper and changed her and bathed her as I had seen Terri do before. I was getting into being an aunt.

I noticed my breasts were swollen and slightly more sensitive. As I held Molly, Molly became discontent again until I undid my blouse and put her back on a breast. This time however I could feel Molly sucking from my breasts, and even notice milk around her mouth. She nursed for about seven minutes and then changed breasts and I was pleasantly surprised that I could see a difference in the fullness of my breasts. When Molly was done, I was able to wipe my breasts and nipples clean, as well as burp Molly.

Then we enjoyed one another for another hour and I put Molly down for the night. There was a small bed in Molly’s room and I decided to sleep there to be sure I heard Molly if she stirred. It was early in the morning about 5:30 when Molly stirred again. I checked and changed Molly’s diaper, before long I put her back on a breast to nurse. She was on the second breast when a light flashed on and I discovered Terri was home with her husband.

Her grandmother had become stable and Terri and Max had come home. I worried thinking Terri would be upset, but Terri had already wondered what I would do since she realized there was no formula. She knew Molly was very fussy. She was delighted to see that my breasts had quickly come into milk. Max could not help but stare at my enlarged nipples as I took Molly off to burp. Terri laughed as she fitted me with one of her nursing bras. Her bra had been too wet to wear home, but Terri put me back to bed in Molly’s room as she would not allow me to leave until I fully woke up.

Meeting John for dinner was very welcomed after I was rested and got through the day. We went to a good Italian restaurant and enjoyed a good meal. He took me out to dance and we were having a good time when another gentleman broke in requesting a dance with me. It was a slow dance and though I was initially upset; I was moved and a bit disarmed when I looked into his eyes. I was also disappointed when I saw John asking another guy for a dance.

I was happy the guy did not say yes, but my feelings were already hurt. Brian apologized for cutting in but shared he had watched me for the last 30 minutes. While he saw himself as straight, he found himself strongly attracted to me. We shared a second dance, and then he escorted me back to my table. When John got upset with me for taking a second dance, I said I knew he asked another guy to dance with him. When he continued to be upset; I picked up my purse and walked away. I finally went to the woman’s room to fix up my make-up before calling for a ride.

Brian interrupted and asked if I would stay and dance. When I told him I thought it was important to leave, he asked permission to take me home. I told him “Quit playing around…” Brian put his finger over my lips and replaced it with a kiss. I stayed for another half hour of dancing then Brian gave me a ride home. I invited him in and ended up inviting him to bed. I pushed him into making love with me, expecting he would walk away. Both of us were delighted he followed me to bed. Brian loved the response of my breasts and I like how I responded with Brian; and yes I enjoyed how very sensitive, responsive, and sensual my body was feeling.

Brian even enjoyed going into me. But instead of taking him in my mouth, I coaxed him to lie down with me, and after he became aroused I rolled him over and lubricated his butt. He asked me not to do him, but when I asked him to raise his butt he complied. Even as my penis was just entering a joyful smile came over him. They both enjoyed as I was moving in him. He was responding by his cock becoming erect again and ejaculating. I had an orgasm as I came inside of him and relaxed lying down on him.

I but was not sure I was yet ready to give up my male appendage; thinking I enjoyed doing men too much. It was 7:30 the next morning when I found myself waking to the mist of light perfume. Brian was just waking too. I held a negligee out for Brian which he tearfully received and got into when Nora came over. Nora had come over to speak to me about John. I asked Nora outside and I told her to go home as she closed and locked the door.

Brianna made love with me and while she messed her panties. I had Brian take off the negligee, clean up and now Brian entered me as the man. He lubricated my bottom, then Brian and I took time to enjoy and please each other both before and after he entered me and we made love much of the day.

It was a weekend that marked me for the years to come. While I felt my love for Brian, Brianna was the person I was looking for. She did something different for me. I held to taking time to become a woman and finding myself.

Nora brought out the best in me, but we both moved on!

The End of this Story

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