Jenny’s Story – 8 Life's More Complex

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Jenny’s Story – 8
Life's More Complex

By Jessica C

Brian, wanted to get in touch with his feminine side, and hopefully get some help in doing so. The desire to see himself look like a convincing girl has long passed where he hoped… Time and events have helped Jenny to emerge more than even she dared to have imagined. Brian is now the one deep inside and Jenny is in the process of finding herself…

Anne and I have worked on an engineering project since January and February and receive a note to contact our instructor after the championship game. So on Tuesday we contact her and find out the following Wednesday the corporation cited in our project wants us to present our ideas. It is a big relief as the professor had threatened to grade it down, because it reaches beyond what was asked. Anne is the project leader as she’s much better versed in engineering, but she agrees as we openly say in our report: it is the corporation’s right to pick and choose from our ideas what is important and meaningful to them.

The problem is we have numerous ideas and are not sure which we need to be ready to present. So we prepare a quick overview of the full project, with sidebars to in deeper presentations on the various projects. The company is seeking a new corporate headquarter on a separate site and to expand and modernize its production facilities.

Our suggestion is to build the headquarters on their primary production-site and to rebuild one assembly line to keep things operating while modernizing other assembly lines. We even suggest securing the rail spur, giving them added access to better transportation for their plant.

Henry Ottomann, the elder member of a mostly family corporation, is retiring as a full-time overseer of the Corporation but wants to be close by. We have managed a separation and dare speak of it in our presentation.

Our proposal is to place a yacht to fit a three-floor atrium as well as a two-story freshwater river project as an ongoing exhibit 0n the fifth floor. We know both Mr. Ottoman and his sons are avid outdoorsmen and water lovers. As we present the overall project, we’re not planning to push all of them as we expect them to choose any that interest them. The general contractors and planners seek to discount one project after another. We acknowledge some of the projects will not be selected but state we are able to defend our suggestions. It ends up with the Ottomanns asking the contractors and architect to incorporate most of our ideas.

Unfortunately for them, we have given the Ottomanns a presentation sheet with cost estimates. Alone with the Ottomans, including Naomi and Ruth, we suggest the best they would probably be able to do is to keep their contracts 33-50% over our estimates, but it is better than their contractor estimates. We do cite sources for some of the equipment and supplies needed in the project. That alone would end up saving the corporation over ¾ million dollars.

They plan to buy out another company who has a good product but does not have their diversity, stability or distribution capabilities. They could get the company at 60% of its financial value and 35% of its present commercial value. Ottomanns’ could possibly place one of their production lines in the other company’s plant during their building and remodeling of the present location.

The rail spur is there but in poor condition. Ottomanns Industries could receive 75% funding from state, local and federal funding. The Ottomanns are more than fair and give the University a $100,000 gift. They estimate between savings and investments they would improve their net worth by $3,000,000 dollars. They already believe their improvements will secure their company for twenty-five years into the future.


Anne and I have dinner with the Ottomann family at which time they suggest Anne and I form and incorporate a partnership for the future. After dinner, we brainstormed the name of A&J Engineering Ideas Inc. Henry promises us 100 engineer hours from their company to secure the engineering expertise to sign off on projects.

We don’t believe we will be getting any business for years but it allows us to receive $20,000 project money for each of us.

It is Thursday of the following week and Naomi invites us to stay the night so that we could visit the bank and sign the papers the following day. I quickly say yes, but Anne has a conflict yet that evening. I cite a need to go back to get some night clothes and fresh clothes for tomorrow. But Naomi and her daughter Ruth insist that they can accommodate me. Though Ruth no longer lives there she is planning to stay the night and still has a fair wardrobe of clothes there. She shares it has been a while since she has had a gentile friend stay over with her. It is then I realize they’re Jewish.

It is 10 in the evening when Naomi asks Ruth if she would show me where I’m staying and help me, however, is needed. Ruth Tells me it is her mother’s custom to pray with her daughter and Ruth’s guests as well as to give them a goodnight kiss before Naomi would go to bed. I joked about wishing to have one. Ruth pulls me to go with her and we get ready for bed. She shows me the big guest room I will be staying in as well as her own bedroom. She suggests when I stay there in the future I should use her room. We do fit into each other’s clothes. I have gone down another size since I began playing basketball.

The long nightgown she gives me is quite exquisite, and the robe is comfortable as it is beautiful. Her Mom is more than gracious and gives me a goodnight kiss along with her daughter. She blesses her daughter with a prayer. So when she comes over to me, I close my eyes and fold my hands in prayer. Naomi says a beautiful prayer over me. She is now Mother Ottoman and I’m her second daughter. Ruth visits with me after her folks have gone to bed.

She tells me that night, “My desire is to be part of the family business. The next morning I suggest Ruth have oversight of the waterway project as well as public visits, including those of the production plant. It could solve another potential problem. The brothers were already arguing over who is to pick up the responsibility for those and a couple of other programs.

We had missed spring break while in tournament play. I did get home for a two-day visit, but even part of that is work or school related.

Dad technically accepts I’m now a girl, but our relationship is still cold. I do apologize, but that only lends credence that I have been wrong. Something ventured but seemingly nothing gained.

AJEI, A&J Engineering Ideas Inc., is now in place. When the semester ends I have a presentation to do for Naomi Ottomann for two women’s groups on ‘Women’s philanthropy in their own name’. The first is to a Philadelphia Women’s Society. The concern is many women usually received praise and notice in their link to their husband or father. I suggest they have a portion of the family wealth for their own use and for philanthropic work. Most of the women have directly support, help to raise a fair share of the family wealth. While it is understood and usually supported that the man has the right to decide much of its use independently; the same does not hold true for women.

One result is good intentions often go unexpressed by others. Poor judgment on the man’s part is accepted while a woman is often criticized. I urge for discussions to take place at non-anxious times; decisions and agreements to be written down and separate accounts and programs are established as often as possible. During this program, there is much discussion, the sharing of ideas and information, but there is little movement.

The gathering of the Jewish Women’s Society has a warmer reception. The desire to act as well as discuss and the plan appears to be there for some. One woman asks about giving to my former college which has Jewish origins and many present-day connections. My question to her is if she wants to give in support of the College’s overall program, brick and mortar projects or in support of its emerging women’s programs. When she shared all I suggested while that’s possible, but in reality, it might end up being dividing of a significant gift to become nice contributions. She asks me, “Do you consider that $2 million could be divided and yet be significant.” I eat humble pie and we agree to talk about the possibilities.

Others want to give to AU or another program in the Philadelphia area. Though I had not intended any decisions to be made that day. They have gifts of $150,000, $300,000 and $2.5-4 million in gifts. Mrs. Stein, who wants to give her gift to UVC is planning to give a gift with intentions expressed, but without a commitment by the College. She is surprised because she had been asked to give her gift free from attachments. The college had asked her to allow them to use the gift freely as they deemed prudent.

The College wants an extension of its science building to be funded. In truth 75% of its $2.5 million had already been secured, she would be acknowledged as a contributor, but the building would be named in relation to another gift.

Once she had that information she proposed a new computer and business management building on the drawing board for 7 years and a college Ambassadors’ Club fund for its growing women’s enrollment.

I had informally talked to Dr. Clark and two Trustees so we know of the need and the basic costs. One trustee who is condescending to women shares that Mrs. Stein did not grasp real needs or costs. She should send her husband to handle such matters. Mrs. Stein offers $2.5 million for the Gloria Stein Business and Computer Hall and another $1.5 million for the UVC Women Ambassadors Fund.

While her critic suggests they will entertain the suggestion; she states they should decide before the close of their meeting today day. She mentions, as she motions her leaving, one or both of the offers could be lifted after her evening dinner.

The Board Chairman rises and asks if she could be excused for a few moments for them to make their decision. We’re invited back in by 11:30, or I should say she is. She insists that I’m essential to the equation and that they’re owing to my input that the gift is this generous. It is raised that the current estimate on the building is $1.5 million at tops. She says, “My intent of the gift is also to equip it presently and have funding for future updating.”

Question is raised to the capability of tracking such costs and expenses. She replies, “If a college cannot do so, they should drop their business and computer offerings.” That Trustee walked out in frustration. But their Board moves ahead without him and approves the reception of the gift as stipulated.

Luckily AU is easier to work with, in an addition to one of its engineering buildings.


The women’s basketball team, after graduation, has a three-week swing through Florida to emphasize the partnership of education, academics for women and athletics. Included in the stops are visits with six women who have indicated an interest in AU but are as yet undecided. While we have three very good recruits committed for the coming year we have three more scholarships that are open.

We start on the west coast of Florida working our way down to Naples, without any response of possible students. But at Naples, we were met by three women who wanted to attend for our academic offerings and we land a star forward as well. With Kendra graduating and Dominique having just one more year left, she sees the opportunity to play and likes her career possibilities. There is another student north of Miami who is strongly interested and likes our style of play. We’re up to 20 students taking interest in the University and 12 of them will end up agreeing to come.

We have two more students in the northeast section of Florida who has voiced an interest in playing basketball. There we were housed in homes to acquaint parents as well as students with our school informally. I’m matched with Jasmine. She was a very good talent but raw her basketball talents. It is not long that I discover she’s a lesbian, as she comes onto me.

Coach has been contacted about a student on the west coast, Olivia is said to be a great talent, but has not been recruited because of her Islamic background. Coach has Anne and myself go with her on a quick flight to meet, assess Olivia’s talent and her interest in Amber University. Olivia is a great 3 point shooter and capable of handling the ball as well as being very good on defense.

She has received threats from within more rigid members of the Islamic community, about a moderate Islamic woman, showing so much of herself. Her parents question our own prejudice as well as our ability to keep her safe. I speak up with Coach’s permission and share while I’m a Christian, I would be happy to be a friend to Olivia and give her support in living out her Islamic faith. I state I would stand between her and anyone who threatens her. I suggest she could share a suite with us. Olivia says she is interested in our professional diplomat and government program as well as the College of Textiles and Fashion.

Coach shares that she has the possibility of two scholarship worthy players, but one remaining scholarship. I offer up the scholarship that has been extended to me hoping I can presently stay as a Presidential Scholar.

Olivia’s parents ask Jessica, “How well do you feel your team will be in the coming year?”

Coach Jessica responds, “If they come together as a team like this year, they should be even better than the present team.”

Anne jokes if that is because she’s being replaced. Coach shares she has requested and hopes that Anne will be given another year of eligibility. Anne was unable to play in her sophomore year due to an injury in the third game. She had been red-shirted her freshman year. Anne is caught by surprise. Olivia applies and commits herself to come to AU.

AU has received and accepted by now over twenty students for the coming year from Florida during our time in the state. Six are male students which are deemed an unexpected bonus.


During our Southern trek, I search the web for engineering news and see a college library with a noted engineering library being sold. When I communicate this to our College of Engineering, I’m encouraged to dig further and to find special notes of interest. The search uncovers that the library has a good number of first edition books and even more manuscripts dating around American Revolution times. Their library’s section of engineering holds ½ the patent rights to a particular school and type of engineering. It annually brought the college $150,000-300,000 in royalties. But for reasons unknown had only received $70,000 in each of the last 7 years.

Alfred College had closed in May and the land and the holdings of the college are to be sold on July 18. The library of engineering had been kept current and is deemed by our faculty to hold pieces that our library is lacking including state of the art research and document preservation equipment. While the library overall is valued at over $3 million dollars; it is in danger of being sold for under $500,000 if sold as a unit. A check with the AU administration finds them interested but not in a position to act.

I ask if I could seek out possibilities for funding. I’m given permission, with the stipulation I cannot go to those currently involved in giving to the university. I approach the professors interested in obtaining the library as well as friends of our library who might be interested in securing items for our library’s special collections. We have a shaky $350,000 at best.

I contact Mrs. Stein to see if she knows of friends who might be interested in being a benefactor to such a cause. She shares she is sure not sure if she did but would want a commitment from the board up front. The Board’s meeting June 29 which would be cutting things close as well as pressing the board which is something it is rarely open to. Anne, our professors and I put in long hours to assess and develop possibilities. I also in contact with Mrs. Viola Barrett the widow of the esteemed engineering professor of Alfred College. She’s bitter both about the closing of the college and the lack of respect given to her husband. Anne and I, make a weekend trip up to meet Mrs. Barrett as well as to check the library and its holdings, and to assess how to proceed.

Mrs. Stein notifies us a gift of $1.5 million is secured and another half million can be if needed.

Supporters through the library and the professors now can secure $750,000. Our proposal is to buy the library in parts if able or as the whole spending between $500,000 to $1 million to secure the desired contents and another $1.6 million to build the Barrett/Stein Library wing. The Board is reluctant but willing to hear our proposal.

Dr. Jane Campbell stresses that it is in the interest of the university and the project that confidentiality be maintained for a period of three weeks if the request is granted. Among other things, her request stirs the interest and attention of each board member. We share our proposal and its secured funding. Questions are asked about this project's impact on other projects, they were fearing it would siphon off needed funding elsewhere.

Gloria Stein rose and assures the members, “Not only will it take care of itself; it might create added interest of those not presently giving to AU. While they want to meet in a closed session and given a night to consider the project, their interest is deemed very genuine. Mrs. Stein, the library staff, professors and we are invited back to an evening dinner meeting. It is now 4 p.m. and the meeting is being pushed up to 6:00 p.m. I contact the Board and stated that the Jewish Sabbath would begin at that time. They ask we come as soon as possible.

They apologize to Mrs. Stein for her inconvenience and their pressing upon the time of her Sabbath. We’re there at 4:45 and the project and agreements are reached by 5:30 p.m. Anne, I and the Treasurer of the Board are empowered to act on behalf of the Board and the University. While the President of the Board and the President of the University are to be present at the sale. They desire to be present only to confirm the intentions of the University.

Anne and I arrive at the college town again on July 15 and seek to check into a hotel for lodging. We’re asked if we’re there for the Boston construction company or its movers. We state no, but we do call back to the university to advise them of unexpected circumstances. When I check further the movers are only checked up to the day of the sale. A conversation with the movers on the sixteenth indicate, they’re quick to pick up the merchandise and deliver parts to two different locations. Many books and other items, they’re not even to worry about. What they’re after is to be packed and moved and out of the state, before sunset July 19th.

Later July 16, we are informed the library is to be sold as one unit. The realtor and auctioneers are indeed known to sell a property as such, as they deem the buildings and land as the major ticket items.


We take Mrs. Garrett and the Alfred College president to the community courthouse and they request the arrest and holding of representatives of the Boston based Engineering Corporation and their accounts for outstanding debts, owed to the College and its library. If successful in their bid, the engineering corporation from Boston, it would be possible for the college to get the funding owed to it.

If Amber Universit secures the library it would be an interesting legal decision as to where the funds went too. There is a desire by representatives and friends of the college to set up an ongoing education fund in Alfred College’s name.

Come the day of the sale, the papers are served. Fortunately or unfortunately for the construction and engineering company, they’re staying away from the phone. That is so, they would not be seen as directly responsible for the quick response and departure of its people. Unfortunately for them as well, they had placed a $600,000 cap on the acquisition of the library believing no one else will be ready to bid over $500,000. When we joined in the bid at $350,000 their representative quickly moved to their high bid of $500,000 and finally to $600,000; we raised the bid to $650,000. Those bidding for Boston bid $700,000 dipping into their own pockets but then we bid $750,000.

They ask for more time but are given only the extension of three minutes. No other bids rendered we secure the patent papers, the first editions and special collections and the engineering library and head to get out of state. We were not sure of any action the Boston Corporation would take.

We’re sure we rather it be in a Pennsylvania court. We load three semis but put five semis into motion. The truck I’m with has the special collections, first editions and patent papers in it. We separate from the other trucks and take a route down from Syracuse, between two Finger Lakes and down into Pennsylvania. We were stopped by a state patrolman 15 miles from the state line. I was given a sealed letter from a judge for such a time and were granted permission to continue. The Special Collections has Revolutionary and pre-Revolution documents. The judge has stated the contents are safer in our hands and some more likely to be returned to New York than if they are secured by Boston interests.

Mrs. Barrett has been given lifetime residence on the Ambler Campus. Her daughters were worried about the accommodations AU would give her. They’re nicely surprised when it is an eloquent house of historical significance on campus. I among others would become lasting friends of Viola’s.

Mrs. Stein is correct that the school will find new contributors. A new Gymnasium is to be built onto to the old as AU needs to accommodate the men’s sports program as well as to increase the capacity of the arena to meet the growing interest of our program moving to new levels. It is not a project Anne and I desire to do nor are we ask, though we do help in its design.

It is nice that Amber University Alumni are behind those who do get the contract. We do suggest another change so it could accommodate future expansion.

We are the ones who design the expanded library and the addition to the College of Engineering. Luckily our work on projects is co-opted into credits for independent studies.

We have a major engineering class presented by Professor Schmidt from Temple who instructs this required program despite the fact he detests women in engineering. Part of a group of five become a close-knit study team in making every effort for us to stay current and impress the Professor.

Dr. Schmidt has the notion that Anne and I as athletes cannot be doing our own work. He often tailors our assignments to require differing results and information from others. Since Anne had studied engineering two years longer than me she is ready for the challenge. It is a baptism by fire for me. Learning to figure stress levels of projects and the strength of various materials prove not only challenging but stimulating for me. That helps to hold my attention in hours of studying.

It also helps in solving a current problem. The atrium for the Ottomann corporate office needs to find new support for the upper floors above the atrium. I change the yacht’s mast to become a load bearing beam using a clear 9’ extension to keep the illusion of a free-standing yacht. That measure alone is ten tons closer but still shy in providing the needed strength to meet the safety and strength requirements. While technically we met the requirement with room to spare; the changes defied initial discovery. I allow Dr. Schmidt’s graduate-class at Temple to wrestle with how the requirements are met.

Though he found and verified my information his class failed to do so. Historically he has not given an A for his classes, but three of us could possibly receive an unheard of A-. Anne is now in the Master degree phase of her studies. She’s also taking her first exam for her engineer’s license.


Good for the basketball team bad for Anne as a professional engineer as she is granted her extra year of eligibility for basketball. She is not sure if she wants the extra year or to be coaching as a grad-assistant

Amber University and Chico State will be playing more division 1 schools but choosing not to become into the major NCAA tournament until the close of the coming academic year. That will bring flack for both during the year if the success of each would continue in the new season.

I am welcome at my parents’ house but stay at Ron and Barb’s home most nights. There’s July third I stay the night with my Mom. She had a setback that is not life-threatening but requires a lot of personal care. Mom has become comfortable with me to provide it.

The summer brings the difficult news that my mother’s health is again dangerously precarious with little to do but support her health where they can. A number of medical problems keep her as a poor risk for a transplant. Dad, family and I heal differences so we can give Mom all the support we can.


During late July AJEI is asked to review and submit alternatives for a contractor bidding on a project at Princeton University. It is a three-story education building placed in what we term a precarious spot. We’re able to make a very good project suggestion and tweak it to give a unique alternative. The major problem is to take water from the passing roadway and keeping it from becoming a major problem for the building in its desired location.

The company we’re working with is a large New England contractor wishing to expand into the mid-Atlantic states of New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. While this project is not a mammoth project, it would mark a good entrance into the market, if they succeed.

Anne and I are to meet with two of their chief men at the project site. We’re to join them to make a project presentation to the Princeton University Board of Trustees. They’re open to approving the project if we can help sell the added cost in tight economic times. We suggest the possibility of reducing some of the costs, controlling surface water problems and improving pedestrian traffic in that area and especially the project site.

Princeton approves the project with a modest increase in cost. But we have two weeks to firm the project with costs and finalize building blueprints. Anne and the elder Hamilton leave me to meet with the younger of their two engineers. The elder Hamilton is the brother of the president of the Hamilton Engineering and Construction Corporation. James is related but we’re not sure how. We need to merge the two plans as well as for us to list suppliers and subcontractors to keep the project within the line as we proposed.

James is set on taking me to dinner, despite my desire to get back and see someone else. James is taking me back to Philadelphia for dinner. Instead of taking me back to change he takes me to a high scale women’s store which I can’t afford. He pays for my evening dress and the accessories.

The dinner and dance to follow are outside the society I'm used too. Surprisingly, I find myself smitten by him and by the end of the night we’re lined up for another outing. We met again that weekend as well as the following weekend we make a mad trip to the Jersey shore.

James is with me when I get word my mother had a heart attack. James rushes me to their nearby hospital and even takes me when we need to go to Columbia-Presbyterian in the City.

James confides with me that he was working with a California company in March when he got a look at me playing in the basketball playoffs. He shares about the broadcasters sharing how I looked like one of the girls, when another announcer shared but who wants to date someone who passed as a guy the year before. James told the group he was with that ‘he wanted to take her out.’

I ask, “Why would you want to meet and take me out?”

He says, “I’m not fully sure but I find myself attracted to you as a woman and your many facets like being strong, attractive, having substance and your caring spirit. When you lifted your teammate Stacy and then sat on the court I was certain I needed to meet you.” I’m impressed by his strength yet nice touch. He seems smart and industrious, yet he’s humble and in many ways laid back while having an air of confidence.

He gained added respect when I said, ‘no further’. His hands felt good holding me, but he got his hands up off my butt when I asked. I could tell he’s a good basketball player when he played a game to be with me. When I comment about him being in very good shape he indicates it is part of him being a Marine. He has been active in sports through college and the Marines.

Truthfully the idea of him being a Marine kind of turns me off. He is not a typical Marine but is proud that he is. I’m taken back about dating a Marine, but he’s attractive enough that I continue to see him. It is at the beach before I would give him more than one kiss. I like my arms around the shoulders of a 6’3” guy.

He too is an engineer and doesn’t mind helping me with my studies. When I ask about his place in the Hamilton family business; he asks me not to worry about how he’s related. Paul is his uncle is all he admits too. He’s younger than the Hamilton sons I know of, but how he fits in and why he and Paul are together I didn’t know.

Story to be continued…

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