Jenny’s Story – 14 Life Changes Fast

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Jenny’s Story – 14
Life Changes Fast

By Jessica C

Back to our engineering class after July 4, Dr. Strassman introduces us to an assignment of which he knew the solution but which two of his better classes had been unable to solve. It was near the end of the third week our study group suggests we tackle the project by learning the stresses, structures, and construction problems we’re dealing with.

The group decided if we could work with the fixed parameters with which to analyze and to solve the assignment by working backward from the hypothetical end model. Like a jigsaw puzzle pieces start to fall in place. I learned from the Ottomann’s office building to exceed the stress and load-bearing amounts. Carmine and I found some problems in Strassman’s assignment that most probably overlooked. It complicated things if people proceeded from that point.

Strassman was a good instructor, the lessons he taught were leading us to solve various problems once our resentment and fear of him didn’t interfere.


It was that week I had lunch with Calvin Barrett who I met before the Duke game. Like me he’s a transgender woman and though he had known it longer he’s still not using help. Friday again we meet for lunch but this time it is with Callie/Calvin. She goes with me after lunch to meet with Dr. Heath and Anne. I need to get back to my engineering class. Though Anne had stopped being a helper as part of the program. She was there as someone Callie knew and trusted.

Like me Callie might never be a beauty, she’s attractive enough and will do well with a better sense of makeup, and fashion for her. Presently she tries to live out other stereotypical images.


We solve Strassman’s project by the end of the next week. We use the next three days, apart from other classwork to check, test, and reject our findings if they’re wrong. During one check Carmine and I find a stress equation from our studies with Dr. Strassman that is essential in proving the working of the project. We determined, it also required the strengthening of the model to withstand the stress of wear and tear such a building would undergo over its lifetime. We’re guessing that working through the equation is something others might have worked through but wondered if they had worked through the need to strengthen the overall structure for safety and time.

Dr. Strassman received our work with his usual skepticism. The second day he mellowed out and the day after requested a meeting to include us and Dr. Campbell. Our worries were that he might have been found something wrong or worse. What would cause him to take things to the University President? Were we coming under a charge of academic irregularities, such as cheating, collusion with others, and were not quickly dispelled?

The truth was, he’s impressed with our work and wanted to apologize and compliment us in the President’s presence. He stated, “In over 20 years, I’ve had eight, no maybe eleven ‘A’ students and more B students. I’ve had many more ‘C’ students outnumbering those two combined. Other professors and programs had come to depend on me to weed out students from their engineering programs.

Jennifer and Marie, you are carrying solid A’s at this point. But I’m expecting Carmine or another in the study group will do well enough in the remainder of the class and my comprehensive exams that I may have a good possibility of four or five students in this class getting A’s.” He joked, “That could be bad for my reputation.’

Dr. Daniel Strassman turned to President Campbell as said, “I want to be asked back to instruct with Amber U students in the future. I also offer my help in getting the College of Engineering program at Amber University under the strongest possible certification and accreditation possible. I think I can help break through the obstacles of the old boy network.”

President Campbell is overjoyed with all the circumstances. All of us students are relieved and happy.

The group is excused, but I’m requested to remain behind to visit with Dr. Campbell.


Once we’re alone she shares, “There is the possibility of a $40 million massive building plan that could come down the pike for the university.” While I’m very impressed, I have my grounds for not getting too excited with my wedding, the work at Washington Square as well as be a concern with finishing the engineering class and keeping my ‘A’. That does not include that I want to be a 22-year-old woman enjoying her summer. I have also left Anne and Sarah holding almost all the responsibilities at AJEI.

Dr Campbell gives me the basic information: requests from the different colleges of the University, the parameters of buildings and possible building sights and the University’s Long-term Plan. It includes the University’s Board of Directors' expectations of maintaining their say and power over all decisions. It includes the Board’s priorities.

Dr. Campbell then strongly suggests that I could work on this project as a major part of my academic studies, applied work for my Doctorate. The idea makes sense for my degree work but I suggest AJEI will need to cover some costs and receive some income. I’ll need AJEI and it’s a business. We would be hiring other Amber students to work with me.


It is fun getting back to Washington Square and to see the transformations that are underway. The area has been expanded; a neutral zone that vets have drawn up with the community’s input is being established for safety from gangs and others. They say it is usually being observed. The Martin’s Lumber and Hardware is one of a number of businesses showing improvements and doing better and even expanding. The Washington Square Motel has cleaned up with 22 rooms to be ready. A Re-Investment Program might help them double their size in the coming year.

Needless to say there are some who are pains in the butt and resisting improvements because it causes change and not just the wishes of silver-haired members. The uptown church where we first planned to have the wedding still has its nose bent out of joint and is upset with the James Presbyterian Church but the powers to be are allowing that be their problem. The other churches in that judicatory would not allow them to block St. James’ as its part of the community development.

Marge and Richard Hamilton had sent workers to help at the church as well as another church and the community. My brothers have helped on three weekends with electrical work. They are even using union workers in the community. My dad has softened but is still balking about whether he’s coming to the wedding. I have asked Henry Ottomann to escort me as my grandfather. He was unwilling to stand in as my father. He hopes my father will be there.

It is kind of my hope too though I have many mixed emotions. I stand at the front of the church, looking around. I had been at weddings, but as Brian, they weren’t very special. Now I’m picturing me in my gown, my girlfriends upfront watching me coming down the aisle. Yes, I’d like my Dad escorting me, but I can picture Henri doing it more easily.

When I walked into the Saint James Church and I was awe-struck by the beauty of the stained-glass windows. The cleaning is only preliminary as there are cracks and pieces that need to be replaced; along with a more thorough cleaning that would require the lard windows to be taken out. The woodwork and floors are in the midst of being cleaned and waxed. The church wasn’t done by a long shot, but the difference will be better than we had hoped.

Brian especially treasures how far I’ve come as I picture myself walking down the aisle. I can see the women noticing my gown and me in ways men don’t see. I make a note to be sure I visit with women after the wedding. I’m going to enjoy time with my Maid of Honors and bridesmaids. Kayla has a pretty dress and a small bouquet but she would also be carrying my ring for James. James has a nephew to carry his ring for me. The flower girls are both five and should be quite adorable.


I had two weeks of course work and the exam and the summer session would be done. I have already secured a good grade, I felt compelled to continue and be a rare student to come away from this Strassman course with an A. Three of the other four were able to finish the course with an A.

James and I went to the ocean for a short time to be with his family on vacation. It gave me the desired time to tan evenly. My sisters-in-law were delighted in seeing me sunbathing in a two-piece swimsuit, and to undo by strap so I could tan evenly. I enjoyed walks on the beach with James knowing I caught his eyes and a few other guys. Once Marge fixed my hair in my braided style for basketball, and I was amazed by the recognition it brought me.

There was a girl at the shore there that I knew of but we had not yet met. Kate in basketball terms was a blue-chip recruit except she had graduated from high school and did not think she wanted to play basketball or go to college. Coach O’Mara had asked if I met her to see what the issues were and to tell her of Amber.

I had been invited to sign autographs and show my basketball skill at a court next to this Ma and Pa store who sponsored the time. They had a news clip that showed I had won the MVP award at the championship tournament. Others knowing Kate starred as a high school student nearby; knew she was there and felt she was already much better than anybody. I acknowledged I heard she was quite spectacular and did not appreciate our being measured against one another. Kate readily agreed with the crowd that she was the greater player, but said she didn’t feel like basketball was much of a challenge anymore.

I suggested she would be challenged to be better if she played at the major college level. She was offended that I thought she could improve. She extended a challenge to show how much better she was. We played the first minutes evenly which frustrated Kate a bit, but it was a long shot by me and a steal with a score that upset her most. Kate recouped herself and challenged again but lost that set by two baskets. She had a 17-15 advantage in the second game when I mounted a comeback and won 21-19.

I asked Kate to walk with me and I found a neat young woman who hadn’t been challenged much in basketball, her studies, and she lacked direction. But I was caught off guard when she kissed me and took me to her home. She led me into her home and her mother met us as she was leaving. I pleaded to her mom to rescue me from her daughter. She shared how her daughter had stripped her mom’s younger sister once and had her pose nude for a painting when Kate was just thirteen.

Kate’s hand was now under my skirt, touching my vagina. Her mom suggested all I needed to do was to take it out and walk away. Kate patted me on the butt as her mom left and I was taken upstairs. Kate put on some music and asked me to undress for her. I paused as my eyes teared and she undid two buttons, then I took over. I was down to my panties when I began to undress Kate. She had me suckle one of her nipples and then pushed me down between her legs. I asked to stop. She said, “If you do not find me hot you can, but I don’t think you can do that.”

She straddled my head and I felt her slip off my head and knew I was marked with her scent. She pulled me up and kissed me passionately. We were in her bed as she once again pushed me between her legs. I had not tasted someone as sweet as she was and found myself excited to please her. She too was losing it but she wasn’t losing any pleasure. She quickly went into an orgasm and I would not let up. Before I would pause she was in her third orgasm and it was deep and long. She told me while she had enjoyed sex before but realized she had not experienced an orgasm.

I had mixed feelings before I left that Kate agreed to attend Coach’s first basketball camp. My saving grace was she planned to sit out her first year from playing basketball.


I was riddled with guilt and bewildered when I went back to the Hamilton’s home. Marge was pretty sure something had happened and we visited at length and she spoke forthrightly. James and I talked alone. He was not pleased but said it was not fully unexpected. Monica Miller had shared, what might happen with me some time that I might find comfort with another woman. One she hadn’t even had a relationship with. Also that a transgendered woman could still find an attraction to other women.

James reiterated we could deal with this indiscretion, but neither another man nor any ongoing relationship. I cried a long time in his arms about his forgiveness and love for me. I was surprised as he wasn’t willing to call the wedding off as long as I loved him. He and I both knew I did.


I finished out the engineering course with an ‘A’ and a letter of recommendation from Dr. Strassman.

I returned to Washington Square to help in projects and to put the finishing touches on our wedding there.

I stopped at Carol’s one more time. She took me upstairs and with another worker helped me to put on my wedding gown. It now fits perfectly, I felt like I was wrapped in silk. Carol would not allow any photo to be taken; sharing that at the wedding would be the first time the gown was to be seen publicly. We had planned for many photos to be taken before the wedding, but, Carol insisted along with the dress designer, it be as she stated.

The photographer was more than reluctant to make the change but finally did agree. We would have photos with the family of origin and our part of the wedding party and hour and a half before the wedding. James was worried about the change in photos taken but he also agreed.

James told me our home was on schedule and would be ready for us when we got back from our honeymoon. He said, he knew where Pastor Ramona was going with her new call to another church. She had already told James. She was telling me she hoped she would continue to be my pastor. She was being called to a Presbyterian Church near our new home but gave no more information. I tried but was unsuccessful to find out where about the church or my home.


People were awestruck as they came first for the wedding rehearsal and the next day for the wedding. The crowd that welcomed us was a mixture of community people, gang members, and Vets. They had prepared a community barbecue for our rehearsal dinner. The rehearsal did not end until 7:30, everyone was comfortable in staying in this area of the city.

St. James Presbyterian had much more work to complete but it was already a beautiful church once more. I stayed that night at the Washington Square Motel. They had refurbished three rooms into a suite. The Hamiltons were the first to use it, which was news in itself. I had a two-room accommodation shared with Anne and Cassie.

Come our wedding day the block in front of the church was roped off to act as a parking lot. Some fifty of our guests came from the surrounding community. I had chosen a salon with the help of Patricia Martin and had kept it as a surprise from the press. Carol had gotten my gown there. I showered at the motel and was driven to the salon in a very clean taxi. I watched as Kayla sat and was transformed as a young girl at an awkward stage to a very beautiful young woman. She easily looked like she could be 13 or 14 instead of ten.

My hair was now down, being shampooed, conditioned, rolled, and set. Gone was any trace of the young man. Now my breasts, face whole body had the glow of a young bride. My time under the dryer was part of a fairytale come true. I shed the clothes I was wearing, and went to the bathroom one more time before I stepped out and into my gown. The gown was like magic, bringing out every curve and lifting my breasts to shimmer with delight.

Marcy helped to do my make-up and she chose to go light. She correctly chose to let my looks stand for themselves. Anne was my first Maid of Honor a hard choice over Cassie but Cassie was pleased to be there as was Marcy and James’ sister Sarah. Other women in my life like Ruth, Staci, and Olivia helped in various ways at the wedding and reception. Ruth helped as my personal caregiver. Olivia was in charge of my guest book at the church and bringing it to the reception. Staci enjoyed keeping after the Groom’s party to be at the right place at the right time and make sure James did not lose my ring.

It was now time for our initial pictures. I felt bad that Dad was not there, but did have a large picture of my mom, a photo of us from February. I loved Naomi and she had become my second mother. Henry Ottomann, Naomi, and Ruth were gracious and happy to be there for me.

The wedding was to begin and the church was beautiful, full, to overflowing. Of the 850 who were expected some 1,150 showed up to the service. I watched as each bridesmaid was met halfway down by a groomsman. Sarah when she met her groomsman was lifted in her arms and whirled around once. I guess it was a joke between James and her. Finally it was Ann, the ring bearer and Kayla going down the aisle.

I looked to Henry to begin the walk down the aisle and I did not see the person step into the aisle. We had taken 10 steps before I realized the person was not the photographer but my Father. My eyes teared as Henry walked me up to him. Henry tried to kiss me through my vail before I could lift it and then handed me to my dad.

I stepped up to my Dad. With tears in his eyes and voice cracking, he said he was sorry and that he loved me very much. It took both of us a moment to collect our composure before we continued down the aisle. James received me and I was with my Prince. I had looked and dream of this time for so long.

Pastor Patrick did much of the service but Ramona gave a meditation, recited the vows to us, and pronounced us to be husband and wife. While many remarked about the beauty of my engagement ring, it was and is the wedding band I treasure. The photos, ride around Washington Square in a horse-drawn carriage and the reception was beautiful but it became hazy in thought and memory.

I did take the time to sit with Kayla next to the picture of my Mom. I loved my first dance with James and us eating at the head table. James was good at meeting many of the people and the formalities of society. I enjoyed my time with Patricia who designed and made my wedding gown. I was the ultimate girl enjoying the silk and lace. When It was time for James to retrieve my garter from my leg, I danced with my bridal party around James serving notice that I was a hottie. When James raised my gown, I pulled the garter higher than he dared to show. But alas his hand found their way.

It was a young Marine friend of James who caught the garter and Staci who caught my flowers.

It was close to 1:30 a.m. when I stepped out of my gown and James lifted me into his arms. James was nice and took his time and I too was seeking to please him. I enjoyed a short time being alone with him down to my corset. James became frustrated with untying all the laces. He tried tearing but finally was able to loosen two knots and finally release me from it.

James entering into my body that gave me such joy. I remembered for a moment that I had been raped, but it was James that I wrapped my legs around and felt him grow in excitement. It was like a script to a hot romance novel as I had my orgasm just after his. We made love till it was finally time to get ready to get dressed and leave for the airport.

We caught a taxi to the airport early in the morning and were on a private flight to San Francisco and then to onto Hawaii. Once we were fully in the air, I drifted to sleep snug in James’ arm.

We were paged in the San Francisco airport. A Captain Peg Saunders wished to talk to us about a tanker used for environmental work that was up on the auction block and threatened to be scrapped. She quickly made a convincing plea. The ship was valued at some 20 million dollars but was expected to bring less than $2 million from buyers. Some including oil companies wanted it off of the seas. It brought unwanted attention to ocean oil pollution.

It had fourteen huge compartments for cleansing water and returning it to the ocean or making it fit for other uses. While it could use being overhauled it was still very seaworthy and a very important ship for environmental concerns. We did not want to be distracted from our honeymoon, but I and AJEI had more than $3 million to invest and diversify from the Bethlehem Steel project. It could have been a simple investment, but I chose to bring Captain Saunders and half the crew into the investment.

I called Sarah and gave it over to her with Marcy’s help. It was in Marcy’s area of interest and we had long wanted to make use of her and her love for the environment. A quick check found a similar tanker in the Atlantic. It too was seeking to avoid a takeover. I asked Captain Saunders if she knew another woman capable and seaworthy to be another Captain. While the crews would be dominantly male, each would seek to carry no fewer than four women on as crew. A million-dollar offer secured eighty percent ownership in the Atlantic Legend and Peg was given the credentials to purchase the Pacific Legend.


James and I were back on our honeymoon and now in Hawaii. We spent three days alone or on the beaches madly in love with one another. The fourth morning we were out to a dock with vessels set for whale and dolphin sightseeing. Jim had talked me into boarding one for a future trip. But it quietly set sail as we were down below. Jane, the first mate, had caught my interest with stories and I was signing on for a tour and laying down the deposit when I caught what I thought was a dating error. The ship had a crew of five including the cook. They had loaded our belongings onboard without my knowing. Early afternoon we were talked into sunbathing in the nude as James had fun rubbing me down with tanning and skin lotions.

Seemingly the crew was use to nude women; though Jane and Captain Bill shared she did not usually sport the body of a younger woman and athlete. My evening was filled with getting to know James and tales from the Captain and Jane. We got to swim late in the afternoon and during the morning before breakfast. It was mid-day on the fifth day when word came of a school of whales. We suited up and by the time we were ready to go in the water, whales were near to the ship. The Captain and Jane shared, it was seemingly the whales who found us more than the other way.

James and I were both going in with Jane as she was the supreme diver. We were in the water and one whale separated Jane and me away from the ship. Jane shared our treat was unusual but encouraged me to enjoy it and not be scared. Several whales traveled past us but it was Maluah with her baby that took a special interest in us. When I asked about Maluah, Jane asked me how I knew her name. I shared I just called the one Maluah and Calah was her baby. She suggested I dive under to see the calf the next time they came.

Jane had stayed with me for a couple of minutes and then asked if I would be okay alone. She had given me a small ten-minute tank and I dove when Maluah returned. Maluah was now still in the water and had rolled a little to the side when I dove to be with the calf. Maluah spewed out a white substance that the calf enjoyed and that clung to me. I surface and the whales swam away.

I was covered with a light layer of what Jane called milk. Jane scraped some off and gave it to me to eat. She pestered me to eat as much as I could and shared it would help me to conceive children. That night I had a dream or vision and it came to me that Maluah was a goddess of the sea and that I was being blessed by God. The wisdom was, I was blessed being with Maluah that it meant long life, wisdom, and healing powers. I was intrigued by the dream though I knew it had to be just that a dream. I totally discounted the dream until the next day when I was back in the water and Maluah came again. She spoke and I heard the sound of a whale but I often understood what she was saying. She and her calf were blessed by God whom she had served more than 200 years.

That was older than the life expectancy of a whale, though a whale with Maluah’s markings went back more than a hundred years. She was known more as a legend than as a real whale. Jane shared she had seen her at least three times before but would never confirm seeing her. Suggesting it would be to our benefit not to identify her sighting. They had swum off but were back come mid-afternoon. James swam with me again but they would not come close until he was back on the ship.

Somehow I knew to hold onto Maluah and she swam off. I was with Calah when sharks arrived. Maluah circled once and dove out of sight. The sharks would swim at us and swim off; I was sure it would not last long so I took my knife out of its ankle strap. The last shark had scraped my leg. With the next one I held out my knife as it came in close. I could feel it cut into the shark as it swam by. Instinct told me to hold on tight to Calah as just behind us Maluah surfaced and broke the water with a shark in her mouth.

I knew it was unlike a whale to do so, but much in the spirit of a mom protecting her calf. With that other whales and dolphins appeared and the sharks dispersed and the ship which had followed the whales took me aboard. My leg had a gash that Jane quickly wrapped in bandages and Maluah’s milk. The pain was sufficient enough that I was sure my life had changed and I had placed my basketball career in jeopardy.


The Captain had set a course for Hawaii and put the ship at the fastest speed safely possible. He shared I was neither in danger of losing my life nor my leg but he wanted to take all precautions and actions to get me medical attention. Early the next morning a Coast Guard ship with a Medic intercepted our ship. The medic unwrapped my leg to find the long gash significantly healed beyond explanation. Wrapped again and by evening a scar matched the picture Jane had taken a little more than twenty-four hours before but nothing short of a healing explained what had happened. There was only the tenderness of a wound healing and some pain in stretching and moving the leg and muscles.

The Medic asked if I was Jessie Connors of Amber fame and if I had received my call from Coach Anne. I knew Anne was now an assistant coach but out of season she would never call me using her title. With the help of the medic I contacted Anne to find out that the Temple Coach had tragically died in an accident and Coach O’Mara had been offered and accepted that position. Anne was offered to be the Interim Coach at Amber's job but wanted to talk to me.


Anne was afraid to take the position but even more afraid not too. I agreed she and Amber were in a bind. I asked her about the possibility of her mother coming onto her staff. We talked about securing a staff if she could in a prelude to officially accepting the position. I knew if Anne did not take the position, she would be gone as a coach and our relationship, AJEI would likely be strained.

We talked about two possibilities for a coach for forwards and centers. One assistant was going with Coach O’Mara and the other wanted the position instead of Anne. Anne liked an assistant at Rutgers, but I suggested their grad-assistant instead. Anne had in fact offered the position to the assistant as an associate coach but was turned down. She ended up with Sheryl out of Central Michigan for an associate coach and Jeri the grad assistant Rutgers as an assistant for the forwards and centers.

I had a bigger concern of my own for AJEI, but I put that on hold to resume my honeymoon.

James and I enjoyed another week for our honeymoon. Being able to do things as part of the Hamilton and having money was joyful yet hard at times to take in. We saw and enjoyed things I never would have otherwise.


It was good to return to Philadelphia and as we turned to drive up to our home, there was a large old barn on one side and a beautiful old home on the other. The barn had been refurbished to include an eight stall stable. Maria came out of the house and Roger our hired hand came from the barn. The house was beautiful but would need work to updated it if we were to have family.

I was handed a newspaper with the sports headlines. It read that Anne was now in fact head coach of the Ambassadors. Kate Martin from Boston, rumored to be leaving, was now planning to play her first year at Amber. Kate had called me and had asked if I thought she could be a starter her first year. I told her she should focus on being a team player and that starting would be a challenge. It was more important she became a team player.

While I had healed from the shark bite, tissue from various muscles and ligaments needed to be freed from lesions connecting another and that would take work and have discomfort. Marsha came and visited with me, she had gone off the record and was concerned about me as a person, a player second and Coach Anne’s close friend. Marsha shared that Cassie, Marcy, and Stacy made Amber as a team a serious contender for the top 25, but even if Kate and Olivia had good seasons the Ambassadors needed more. She said they would take a veteran like me to give them stability and the ability to break the top ten and stay there.

I thanked Marsha for the compliment but I shared Jeanette and Jasmine were more than capable to start in my place. She stated Jean had the ability to contribute but would have to improve to knock me out of the starting rotation. I saw myself no better than the 6, 7 or even the 8th player in. She stated that if I was in condition and recovered from my injury that Anne saw me as a starter and depending on our opponent it could be as a forward or a guard. Olivia would be challenged by Kate for her spot at guard and Sharon, Deb and/or Jaci could be vying for playing time.


Presently my plan was to focus on my graduate work, community projects, and our emerging company, Sage Ideas. I especially wanted time to grow and enjoy being me. I loved having James to cuddle up to. It was the second week of September and basketball practice would not start for four weeks. Other than studies and some work I was taking time to heal and enjoy.

I went with James to select a couple of horses and found a four-year-old. Last winter we had looked at houses and some with 15-20 acres surrounding it. This one would have been very expensive if a highway bypass had not cut onto the property just over the hill. It was five miles east of a town and twelve miles east of my former college. So I thought it had been ruled out as being unrealistic and too far from our work.

It had not been a working farm year. James had located an old barn in good condition that was to be torn down. He purchased it, had it dismantled and rebuilt across from the house. My horse was black with two white stockings and a four-pointed star between her eyes. I name her April and her head bobbed when I called her by name. She was almost three hands shorter than James brown stallion with beautiful white markings.

The surprise was a two-year-old Morgan horse, she had shin splints and was scheduled to be put down. I felt her leg and warmth was running through my hands. She was walking well but the owner explained it was deceiving. I asked to buy her for $1,500. The owner said if she was well it would be a steal, but if she was injured it would prove very costly. Rog came and checked her and stated he thought he could keep her healthy.


I had a meeting with President Campbell and she shared the major gifts that awaited the University were to come in the near future. There was a dispute about what they could achieve with the $40 million gift. She ran down the list of possible projects ranging from a performing arts center, a media and broadcasting center, a medical arts building and renovation for the nursing program. The College of Fashion and Trade as well as Science and Research all were pushing their needs. While projects were promoted most would need expanded program and maintenance sources as well. Rough estimates projected the projects alone to be in the neighborhood of $500 million dollars.

I asked for five weeks to lay out how the various projects might look on the campus. I asked for a decisions about which projects to pursue or to be held off. She initially asked me to do the layout in two weeks. We agreed on twenty-four days if I could line-up my support team in forty-eight to seventy-two hours. I would deliver on five massive projects covering most of the requests plus some 750 parking spaces greatly needed for the university. My projected costs of $350 million with an additional $25 million for equipment and furnishings and $57 million in trusts for programs and projected costs over 10 years.


One unexpected outcome of the request was my putting basketball at the bottom of my concerns.

The Board of Directors asked for a priority projection. I had approached the donor and had written agreement for the donation to be increased to $100 million if we could deliver on a minimum of $250 million or 75% of the proposed projects. I requested the Board members to back their commitment to the University to a minimum of $12 million. From Johnson and Johnson, a pharmaceutical company, US Steel, General Electric, and IBM we had initial promises of $90-120. We had another $37 million to be funded through state and federal programs. Through a research grant sources undisclosed another $15-20 million in program and capital money would be secured for each of the coming ten years.

If the projects were approved, sixty percent would be online within five years. With only a few reluctant the Board went into a closed session and approved the projects and cloaked it in mystery for a major announcement in three weeks. Board members had set for themselves a goal of raising $25 million for project-related programs and administration. The economy, as it was, made the project a nice boom for the greater Philadelphia area and a mammoth step for AU. The projects would not be announced for three weeks, though two projects would be staked out and ground would be broken within days when it was announced.

We legally became SAGE Ideas as Sarah (Hamilton) Greenleaf took over as our chief engineer and CEO. She had been working seven years in a corporation in Syracuse prior to coming with us. She was extremely happy as she did not want to work in the family corporation desiring to be a lead engineer with a variety of areas in which to work. We were hiring two more engineers but neither Devon nor Hanna were received on as a partner like Sarah.

Sarah, Jim’s twin, enjoyed being around her brother. They moved into Philadelphia as we had moved thirty miles north. But because of me they would often be together.

James and I had continued our running and the day after the Boards approval. James came into the shower with me. Within moments I would pounce on him and be able to get my body impaled on his. I was inching up off the floor, up against the shower wall, with my legs wrapped around him. When he erupted I felt the hot gush of inside me. I was hoping not to become pregnant yet but James and I decided it was a day to celebrate together.


I practiced with the basketball team which was working hard to be ready for Villanova at the start of the season. Their talent was a step above most, but more importantly Villanova had stopped presuming how good they were. I had sprained my ankle late in October which helped take people’s expectation off of me. The Ambassadors surprised Villanova and jumped out to an 8-2, then a 19-5 lead and never looked back. They defeated Villanova 77-62 and thus began Anne’s coaching career.

Temple was now scheduled for later in the season. Coach Jessica and Temple would be harder than ever as they knew our style which Anne was not changing. Dr Heath had officially sidelined till the end of the year to allow me to heal my ankle completely. She and confided with me and James that I had a stress line crack in my ankle. Whatmore tests showed my body was stressed and needed this time. It was a godsend in having time to become a couple and me to develop more fully as a person.

James and I were doing fine, I became an avid horse rider and had fun doing things around our home. Maria and I worked on my cooking skills and putting my touch into our home and life together. I did spend time with the team once a week and at the red room once in November and again in December. I continued to enjoy being there and bonding with the present team. It was an unexpected encounter and I found my defenses down when I cuddled with another woman. I leaned my head on her shoulder, and her arm was there as a friend. A small peck became a small passionate kiss. It ended there that night, but I knew I like her and she liked me.

I turned to spend late nights prepping Cassie for medical reports and exams as needed. I enjoy the fact that Cassie as dedicated as a student as she’s as a basketball player, if not more. I enjoyed hearing about what she was doing or learning. Being at the campus also gave me time to help Callie as she’s begun a year living as a woman.

Callie was a poet and enjoyed playing her guitar and singing her and other people’s poems to music. I enjoyed it as she attracted male and female friends and admirers. Friends, Stan and Diana have also become deeper friends with her. Diana, a more classical pianist loves to relax and play along with Callie. I enjoy watching Callie blossom and envy the time she’ taking in becoming herself…

To be continued…

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