Jenny’s Story – 10 Going Further in Life

Jenny’s Story – 10

By Jessica C

Brian wanted to get in touch with the women in him, and get help from Amber women to visualize her… Brian’s wish became Jenny’s desire of a girl long suppressed… Time and events have helped Jenny to emerge more than she dared to have imagined. Brian’s now the one deep inside and Jenny is finding herself… James has come into her life…


Henry and Naomi Ottomann talked to James, “Our country club, The Penn-Pheasant Country Club, is a beautiful place for your engagement dinner. We’ll give you our membership card and a head start.”

James had already had a chauffeured limousine standing by to sweep us away. The Limousine had stood idle as James initial plans had partially blown-up in his face. Come half-time of the next basketball game things had us up and moving again as James pushes me, “Let’s get going, we’re going there late enough for dinner but we need to get there in time to order.”

James has a white limousine awaiting us and the door is opened as we approach. The chauffeur holds my door and greets me as I scoot in and then James. We have never ridden together where one or the other isn’t driving. I’m hoping James will cuddle me in his arms. James shares the name of the place and asks if the driver needs directions.

Marsha Miller has informed their society reporter about our story and where we’re going.

I’m like the new kid in the area directing chauffeur with directions that he already knows. It is fifteen minutes away but we’re there in ten. As we enter the maître de welcomes us and asks about the Ottomanns. He brings us into the dining room but doesn’t seat us as he looks around the dining room.

He then takes us over to a model of the country club. It appears to be a model that is to garner the support for an addition to this prestigious club. James and I both take more than a simple interest in their project. I ask questions of course and ask about a house that is to be moved or destroyed. When I asked if it is in good condition, it is like I asked a forbidden question that only a naive child would ask.

James asks about a table and the ordering of a meal before the kitchen starts to close. The maître de looks around, grabs some menus and escorts us to a table. As another man rises from his table, the maître de asks us to follow him and we’re now being seated upstairs through the section looked closed as well as rarely used. Table cloths, candles, and tableware are soon there with the menus and a carafe of the house wine.

James asks if we could move downstairs near the fireplace, he even offers up a nice tip. The tip is refused as we’re told with embarrassment by our host, “The Penn-Pheasant Country Club does not have open dinning tonight. You can order but you’ll need to wait until the Ottomanns are here to sit in the dining area.”

James wants either to leave or give a certain club member a piece of his mind. I insist on neither and get my way. We order only to find a few things are off the menu for the remainder of the night. The order is about in, when Henry and Naomi arrive. We’re brought back down to sit with them at a table near the fireplace. A bottle of champagne is brought over with an apology from the man who first complained about our being there. I rise and now James is the one worried about me. I walk over and invite the man over to drink a toast with us upon the announcement of our engagement. Word comes that the Philadelphia Inquirer’s society writer wants a picture and word with us if we please. I ask if we needed to go out to the lobby, but the writer is waved in to meet us.

He already knows the Ottomanns and the Wallace's and he confirms with James that he’s is one of the Hamiltons of Boston society. James shares he is indeed the youngest son of Richard and Marge Hamilton.

“Miss. Connors and you are?”

I share, “I am Jessica Connors of Amber University, an engineering student, basketball player, and an Ambassador.” He asks about wedding plans. James looks at me, and I without much hesitation share, “I’ve known only an hour and we have not yet made further plans.”

The reporter wants a picture of us, and she insists on a picture of the two of us. I ask if a picture of the six could be taken. But she again insists on the picture of the two of us. I say, “I want a picture of the six of us to be taken. You can take a picture of the two of us if you take one of the six of us and get it back to us.” The society reporter is pleased to fulfill our request if we cooperate with his.

James tells me, “One does not make requests like that.” I giggle, “She is probably amused that someone from Boston society is stooping to my level.” James jokes further.

James has the wit to have desserts brought for the Wallaces as our salads arrive. They’re pleased and impressed with our manners and warm disposition. It is a nice dinner. The Wallaces leave us with plenty of time to visit among ourselves and the Ottomanns.


On the way out we looked again at the model of the country club. I ask Henry about the eloquent house at the top of the property. Landscaping indicates an old fence has been removed and the house is now in an awkward place. Both the Maître de and Club President come over to extend greetings as well as to whisk us away. Henry asks me if I had ideas. He then tells the President if I do he should listen.

It is then the President of the Club shares there's a division of the club over the house. Some neither want the house to be moved nor women to be in their country club as members. While there are others insisting the house be moved away or demolished. The expansion is for women to be received as members. I suggest a compromise, making for three entrances. The main formal entrance for the golf-club, the dining area as well the general reception area. The present entrance would continue to be the men’s entrance and the house and adjoining structure to be for the women’s entrance and a tea and wine lounge. They like the idea but do not know how to make it work since the house is too far up the hill. Seemingly its foundation is questionable.

Henry speaks up and shares with a confident voice, “You’re talking with the people who can do it. The president calls over another man to hear what we have thought of on the matter.

I don’t know why, but I can easily tell we have a cynic in our presence. I suggest, “The reality is many want the house moved because of the foundation. The house itself appears structurally sound enough for being move onto a new foundation. If it is as beautiful inside as I imagine it might be, you could not afford such a grand area” I ask, “Does anyone have an objection to moving the house down and a little closer?” Expressions tell me no one has thought of the possibility. I suggest, “A new foundation could make for a beautiful and eloquent area and bring the main floor to be accessible with only a slight rise instead of the distraction of a common ramp. The first or second floor could give a nice view of a café/tea room with an open overflow area.”

I then catch myself and the time, saying we need to be going. The architect introduces himself and thanks me sharing, “We might now have a way to bring the country-club back together.” He compliments me on my ideas and how quickly they came together.


James would have me back to Amber quickly but I want time with him. We are finally to the university a bit before 1 a.m. His hands and kisses hold me motionless as long as he dares. I hold my arms around his neck and shoulders as I’m lifted off the ground for one more warm embrace.

I wait till 8:30 in the morning to call home and share the news of my engagement with my parents. Mom says, “We knew the news before you called. James had already asked for your dad’s approval. We never dreamt we would be asked that. We are happy for you and just surprised it came this fast. We understand his thinking and think it is sweet of him.”

Anne, Marcy, Olivia, Cassie, and others are around me while I’m still talking. They’re awestruck by the beauty of the engagement ring and want to know more information. They’re speaking that more news is to be in tomorrow’s paper. I did make the sports section today. It is the first time I am the center of attention for a girl thing. It is quite a lot of fun, though I do not know how to act. Anne encourages me to relax. She says, “You are doing quite well at being a regular girl. James has been trying to get a hold of you but is unable to get through.”

Tonight’s game against Georgetown is going to be tough. While I look forward to playing I did not expect to start. Coach wanted to see if my emotions would be a plus or a distraction, decides to place me as a starting player. I do have my best game to date: scoring 17 points and getting 11 assists. We win 74-59. It is nice to win the tournament and to have a break for the holidays.

It is two days before Christmas when we, James and I, arrive home. It is very nice to share my engagement and everyone in the family seems happy for me. There is not much to dislike about James.

Two of my brothers identify him from their work on the Princeton project. They have also been contracted to wire Hamilton’s corporate office. It is now dawning on them their sister has helped to steer James their way. Mom is both happy to congratulate us and to meet with James. He has been here once already that I know of and possibly when he asked for their blessing in marrying me.

While I’m not wearing a short mini-skirt my dress is the shortest one I have worn home. My brothers jokingly give me a little grief, but James comes to my aid citing one of my sisters-in-law had a skirt that is every bit as short, and like mine as being very tasteful. After dinner we go to the Towne Shoppe both to shop and for me to show James off. Carol is thrilled as she shows us her expanded store. The addition and part of the second floor are to be open after the turn of the year.


There is a new store, Gowns, and Formals, down the block that is selling bridal gowns, formals and evening wear. When I ask about bridal gowns Carol shares I should give Gowns and Formals a good look. She also suggests I look at a design book she has and consider getting a gown personally designed and made for me. When we share the wedding might be in NYC she says a designed gown or one purchased from the Big Apple or Philadelphia is a must.

When I ask about the ability to get a very good dressmaker she shows me a book of dress designers and some of their work. The gowns are unbelievably beautiful. “There is a relatively new designer/dressmaker,” she says, “that is extremely good and she would be very much to your liking.” James suggests a price range to Carol and asks if it is feasible.

I’m sad, despite help from James, I’m sure I cannot afford to have a wedding gown designed for me by a special dressmaker.

Carol shared with James, “In New York City your upper range would just about cover a modest gown.” She pauses, “Though the designer I would suggest for you to consider is from the city. We can probably get her and anything we would want for a New York wedding if she saw it helping her acceptance into New York society.” Seemingly Carol knows her and the woman is wanting to see me in person and for me to give her an exclusive. We see each other the day after Christmas and I am overwhelmed with her ideas and ability.

I’m now to be back just after the turn of the year to meet with her again and get measured. I feel things are moving too fast, but like any would-be bride, I can’t say no.

We go to the Christmas Eve Service and many are happy to see me, but I’m sure not all. A couple of gals who knew me before finding it very interesting to visit with the woman I am now. James stays until noon on Christmas then heads to Boston. I would have gone but a winter storm is threatening to close airports down. I need to be back at Amber in two days to resume basketball practice.

I was nervous about meeting James’s family and anxious to visit again with my girlfriends back at Amber.

Dad gets a bit obnoxious after James leaves and I do all I can to make it until evening. Luckily I have a key to Jim’s apartment and go there the next day. Later, I wish I had stayed home. I learn when I called back that Mom’s health continues to grow worse.


I spent New Year’s Day at the Ottomann’s. They have become very important to me, like a second family.

Olivia has stayed in Florida to visit with family and is trapped there by a storm. We’re worried a little, whether she will be allowed to come back. We play a good team on the third of January and Olivia has not been able to get back because of the weather.

Coach likes using different line-ups; saying it keeps the game interesting and all of us motivated. We have even a tougher schedule this year including trips to North Carolina, Ohio State, and Rutgers. We’re 15-0 with a game before going to North Carolina. St. Peter’s boasts they’re going to be the first team going to beat us on our own court. The final score against them of 79-47 convinces them we’re tougher in person.

North Carolina brings a potent offense but they cannot stop our offense as much as we do against them, 81-67. We now have to go back up to Syracuse where that team beat us last year. They only have one loss and that was to Rutgers. We’re able to give them their second defeat despite it being 40-43 at half-time. We find our defense and offense, winning 87-74.


February 4, it is again to be a contest of undefeated teams as we travel to Ohio State. We are to fly in but can get no closer than Pittsburgh; from there we need to travel by bus. It is to be our first national TV game, but it almost doesn’t happen. We’re into Ohio but the interstate road to Columbus is going slow. Though there’s snow on the interstate it is not unusually bad. It is like someone doesn’t want us there. We’ve been bad-mouthed about hoping for bad weather to avoid the game, but that was not the case.

No matter what lane our bus gets into it slows down. I suggest the bus driver call to see if any semi-driver could help us. A Dougal Innes responds to the call; he is a bit behind us and somehow driving the interstate he knew about the game that is to be played. He says he could make things happen. He is a 1/8th of a mile behind us and closing fast, another semi-following him will let us into their lane behind Dougal.

He wants to be sure about who we say we are, our destination and the time we need to arrive. Once he knows who our opponent he is all the happier to help. He too is coming from Pennsylvania but heading south at Columbus to get out of the snow. Our bus driver is happy to follow but is not anxious to get any tickets. Dougal talks to him directly. As he passes, we see this man with a Scottish accent is a black man.

I’m able to talk to him and ask about it. He says it is a story for another time. I share I want to hear it, so we exchange numbers. Coach calls ahead to share our delay and our desire to play. NCAA is happy to give us fifteen to thirty minutes. Ohio State insists the game needs to start on time. Our basketball uniforms come out and we’re changing on the bus. The coaches and cheerleaders are securing as much privacy as possible. While we have our basketball shoes I suggest we wait to put them on until we get on the court.

We are five minutes out when we start to warm up. It looks at the last minute that we’re approaching the arena the wrong way but Dougal is taking us in a rear way and gives us instruction on directions to the basketball arena once inside. We thank him and he is quickly gone. It is with three minutes before game time that we’re on at court-side putting on our shoes. Coach buys us a few extra minutes, as the Assistant Coach calls us together. Instead of having us warm up more; Coach tells us, “We want you, from the beginning of the game, to press, play your fast game and force play inside until we say otherwise. You are to play with no excuses or feeling sorry for yourselves.” The strategy catches Ohio State off guard. Cassie and Dominique get off to a fast start and Marcy is close behind. Stacy and Anne take only two shots each, but with seven minutes left in the half, we open our full game. We have a 39-31 lead at halftime. Coach changes our tactics for the second half. We with the exception of Cassie and the others on rebounds, our game plan now goes to our outside game.

Once down by 12 points, Ohio State is forced to press their game and we get them into foul trouble. The wisecracks at the beginning of the game have long been silenced.

While Cassie is close to fouling out for the first time in her career, Coach lets her play. She does foul out with five minutes left to play, but she has already scored twenty-eight points and grabbed twelve rebounds to help secure our victory. Coach moves me to the inside with Dominique and she has Marcy shooting long shots from the outside. The game is put away before Ohio St. realizes how good Marcy can shoot 3s. With two minutes to go, we’re up by 16 points. Cassie, Marcy, and Stacy have 28, 25 and 21 points respectfully. We have a 90-74 victory, handing Ohio State their first defeat of the season.

While I only have four points all from foul shots I’m able to bring down six rebounds and collect another six assists. Our team hops back onto our bus and despite the snow, Coach is in no mood to spend the night in Ohio. It is midnight when we get a CB call from Dougal. He thanks us for fulfilling our part of the deal. He asks us to call the Innes/Kelley clan fifty miles this side of Chambersburg.

We’re staying near Pittsburgh for the night but we do place a call in the morning. Some of the family will meet us at the rest area for brunch. They too have Scottish brogues, but sure enough, most of them are black. We exchange salutations; Marcy and I quickly feel a kindred spirit.


Before we get back to Amber, Coach has us back to reality. It is 10 days to our stiffest game to date, but she predicts we will let up and lose a game before we play Rutgers. We do have three games scheduled and we are facing good teams but how could we lose?

I do go home for two days to see my mother and get a fitting for my wedding gown. I feel like a little girl in a dream, trying on a wedding gown. My breasts shimmered above the bust line of the gown. I do not have large breasts, but as Patrice joyfully shares, I’m very much a woman. One of my great enjoyments is to watch my mother selecting her dress for the wedding.

Just after the game at Rutgers, she and I will have pictures taken with me in my wedding gown and Mom in her dress. That is despite neither be quite finished.


It is the second game against a good but unranked Providence that Coach’s prediction threatens to come true. We’re down 32-43 at the half and feel like it is worse. Olivia, Stacy and I start with Cassie and Dominique to begin the second half. It is 41-46 when the other starters come back in and the score is 56-56 as we enter into the last period of the game.

We win 82-78, and Coach O’Mara hopes we learned a needed some lesson. Though we’re already at AU, we’re not to go back to our rooms. She has two rooms blacked as out as Red Tent rooms. She insists we need to get back in touch with who we are before it is too late. Coach says, “I don’t want us to lose to Rutgers or anyone else, but most of all I want my team back!”

Several of us speak up for Olivia and a couple of other gals who might be offended by the Red Tent Room. Coach shares we can decide to honor them in how we treat the space or they could opt out or we can decide how to be a team in using the two rooms the way they’ve been open up.

It is awkward at first but Olivia asks me to change with her and to be at her side. Olivia has read the book and while she is quiet she’s set on taking things in as a team member. I don’t know if Coach knew but over half of us are some place in our periods. Despite showers and pads the room quickly has the scent of women and it is not perfume. When Jasmine comes over to us, I thought Olivia is ready to bow out. Olivia gives me a peck on the cheek and begins to move her hands, first over my shoulders and around my neck. Olivia takes us over to the pole and it is messy me who has the first honors.

Olivia takes me away and begins to kiss and lie with me. We’re content in being together until I feel a tinge compelling me to take her to the pole. When I ask, she’s willing and no less than seven others join us at the pole. I am behind her as her coach and Jasmine are beside her reciting a Muslim prayer. Little is shared aloud but many greetings are softly spoken or whispered into Olivia's ears. Olivia and I find a large blanket and snuggle in for the night, actually morning.

Coach has us shower, get breakfast and back to the court for a meeting. Anne and Cassie take over and ask Coach to allow them to head up the team meeting, without the coaches. Our next opponent is surprised at how much better we play. I miss James but will wait to see him after the game at Rutgers.


I lie awake most nights dreaming of my wedding and the woman I’ve become. I still have memories as Brian but the things I tend to remember are somehow now viewed differently. I now remember a fourth-grade dance and the skirt of a girl I liked. There were girls in school I liked sitting behind because I liked their long hair. I also remember the times I use to get angry and act poorly with girls I liked. I now know I acted up because others teased me about like the girls. So many times I felt angry and the need to prove I was a boy.

My times and thoughts about wanting to be a girl were few and far in between. But when they come they often lasted a month or more. Afterward, I would become afraid others would find out. I heard things others said that made me feel ashamed of what I had done or guilty and convicted that I was a terrible boy. The worst nightmare came days before we were to play Rutgers.


We’re to go play Rutgers on their home court next. It is a dream come true for any girl who loves basketball and grew up in New Jersey. I’m both, though I did not grow up that way. I do remember a couple of times of getting caught up in one of Cassie’s fantasies. There was a time or two we pretended we were on the Rutgers’ team and another a time or two of Cassie playing to upset the mighty Rutgers team.

Cassie now has friends she is playing against and both of us have respect for their coach Vivian Stringer. Coach has taken us, Stacy and one other Jersey woman aside and asks us to relax, play our best and enjoy the game.

It is a great game from the first jump ball. We each hold some leads, but no one is ever able to pull away. Cassie has scored but she is being held in check through the first half. I am to play more in the second half, to try to feed Cassie on the move. Just as Cassie and I are moving in sync and she's making good baskets; she threw the ball back out first to me and then Stacy to take 3 point shots.

Cassie’s unselfish play helps us to get and stay on top until late in the fourth period.

We turn the ball over three times and are now down by three. Cassie and I had have practiced a move of me feeding her going towards the lane where she would feed me if I were open to taking a shot. Well, it worked for me twice to get the shot and even a foul shot once. The third time I throw it back to Cassie for her fist stuffed shot of her college career. The next time Cassie faked the throw and goes to the basket. With a minute to play, we have a five-point lead.

They do get the game back to one point but with 12 seconds left and a one-point lead Cassie drives to the basket drawing a foul doing her best in making the basket. We have a four-point lead with 9 seconds left to play. Coach wants us to play close but not foul. It takes seven seconds for Rutgers to get a shot off, and we win by two points.

I tug Cassie to sit down on the arena floor. I have gotten my defender, a guard from Rutgers to stop with us for a moment. When Coach Stringer comes over Cassie and I get up and warmly greet her. They had played a very good game and with a couple of changes, it could have easily been a Rutgers’ victory. She thanks Christine from their team for showing good sportsmanship.

Coach Stringer asks, “Come the Olympics will I get to coach you? Cassie had not given it a thought since it would not be until 2016. It was not set that Coach would be the coach though there were many rumors and advocates for her. Cassie was impressed thinking it is very nice.

Unknown to us Coach O’Mara has arranged for us to stay behind and go home to savor our victory. Many welcome Cassie, seeing her as a hometown hero made good. A few nicely tease me with remembrances of how I use to play as Brian.

Rutgers’ had already lost a game to Connecticut and this would set them back to a second seed in the NCAA championship tournament. I take two days to try my gown and help my Mom. We do manage to get our pictures taken all dressed up at the photographer’s studio.


Amber hopes to go toward a rematch with Chico State, to obtain the championship at that level in preparation for fully competing at the major college level of NCAA. But the NCAA is giving added pressure for one or both schools to come into the larger tournament, now if extended invitations. Both universities would likely receive a bid and strong seeds if we showed an interest.

But rumors also have us as two of four teams being considered to be invited into a playoff to earn the last two positions open. Both our teams resist the pressure. While Chico State has lost two games to larger universities they are picked to sweep this tournament. Cleveland State which had returned most of their players announces through the media that we will not make it back to the final four. All the while, there is clamor about the possibility of two undefeated schools in Division 1, Connecticut and Duke.

I enjoy playing on our team and being in a basketball tournament, but truthfully my juices run warmer when I’m around James. It is easy to get distracted visiting with women in classes or out shopping. Many of my friends realize I have not had their experiences. I easily get caught up in their stories true or imagined. One doctor informs me of all the feelings I think I have as a woman is in my head. Wherever they’re coming from I enjoy them and feel no need to justify or prove I’m a woman. Someone I befriended online is transgender and now and again reminds me it is me and how I see myself that makes me a woman. “Thanks, Joani!”

The first round games are covered on cable and Mom is invited to watch our games with President Campbell. Amber players take Mom’s happiness at heart to give them added incentive. Delaware State has made the tournament but is not a strong opponent and we win easy. Holy Cross coming back as a power in athletics and has no trouble to put us in their sites and plays a very good first half 37-35, but we win going away 86-69.

The next week we’re in Pittsburgh for the regional championship. Cassie plays her best game to date but it is very important that she did as Stacy took a tumble. Stacy is brought out of the game as a precaution.

Olivia, Anne and I are now the backcourt, but only two playing at a time. Olivia is hot and cold as a shooter but handles the ball and directs the team really well. Anne is rarely able to shake her defender but does score and helps set up other plays. It is an answer to prayer that I play well knowing my mother is watching. I hit two long baskets and three closer shots in the first half. Cassie seems to score at will and Marcy and Jasmine each brake into double figures. Stacy is alright but as long as we’re doing well coach keeps her out of the game.

Grambling plays a tough but it is not enough as we rolled to an 83-71 victory. I end the game with 21 points many from the foul line and Cassie finishes with a career high of 43 and 21 rebounds and 11 assists her second triple-double in playoff action. Cleveland State serves notice with a strong win of their own.

It is good to talk with mom after the game. I thank President Campbell for hosting my folks. She shares, “It is quite joyful for everyone seeing you play so well…”

I am one of nine players a month later from the last time we’re in the Red room because of our monthly visitor. Cassie voices what we all were thinking that we could not allow our being women having periods to distract us from our goal. It easily could be the case as energy and nausea often accompany our changes.

Cassie and I enjoy conversation and being warmly in the embrace of the other. Debbie comes over and she is despondent. She is wondering if I might go with her to the pole. She is a forward who has been improving her game and helps us immensely in practice but receives little play time. When I begin to massage her back and shoulders we talk; Marcy and Dominique come to join us. They realize she probably does not know how much they think of her and wants to be better friends.

I’m the one being turned on by her. I first caress her ears and neck and ultimately lead her to the pole. After she is done at the pole it is Debbie who leads me away. Her kisses are warm and passionate, while her touch is gentle but firm where it excites me. She strokes the sides of my vagina and probes me. When I repeat similar touches with her I can feel the response of her enjoyment. I caress her neck and ears. Our legs wrap one another in a sensual embrace and we work to bring us both a wonderful time.

She asks if James is with me. He was at the game and we spent time together. I’m hesitant to tell her that Marge and Richard Hamilton are here as well…


Getting ready for Cleveland State makes for a long meeting as Coach O’Mara has a lot to share. She underscores we have come too far to be intimidated. It is time we play with the composure of an undefeated team getting here. “You have defeated some of the best and you are among the best. You play out your heart against lesser teams who want to send you home. It’s too early to go home. Cleveland State should not beat you; you’re better than they are.”

Coach knew that we were in danger of defeating ourselves and she is not going to allow that to happen. We have a short but good practice and each of us finds our shooting spots as well as our passing lanes. She also adds some new wrinkles to make our offense even harder for opponents to predict. We’re allowed to be in the Red Room but she wants us to nestle in by 11:00 p.m. Cassie asks me to speak that night about being a women’s team.


My mom couldn’t be there, the thirteen moms that could be are. “The AU Ambassadors are here as a team greater than our own. I respect the Cleveland State players, but I doubt if they have the sense of being a women’s team like you and me. I believe we have a bond that is united in blood and spirit. It is not a warrior’s anthem; it is the journey of us as women. It is the life we put into a game that makes us champions.”

I heard from friends and family, only a few were able to make the game. Kayla, her mom, and Ron are joyfully among them. For once I feel the many that are not there, are in support of me and my team. Cassie controls the tip as I start the game in Stacy’s place. Stacy is fine but Coach wants others wondering how healthy she might be and for our team to see what we can do when she is not playing.

We work the ball and Cassie is on from her first shot. We take an early 15-5 lead and Cleveland never gets closer than 5 points the rest of that half. We take a 42-32 lead into half time on a buzzer-beating three point score.

Coach wants to send a message. She shares that even the third string better play good basketball and attack the basket with the ball. It works as Cassie scored 31 points, grabbed 14 rebounds as well have four blocked shots That despite sitting down the last five minutes of the game. It is a great team game and as well as we scored it was our defense that earned us the 92-64 victory.

When I sat on the court at the end of our game, all of the team joins me, and I feel many of the Cleveland State team wanted too. They did not play as poorly as the score looks, but Coach had inspired us and coached one of her best games. Kyle and Karen, Coach O’Mara’s son and daughter, are in the stands. Anne and Cassie present them one of our game balls at my suggestion.

I so enjoy being swept up in James' arms. He has no problem with my sweaty body. He had worked up a sweat in cheering for me and the team, but I often like the smell of his body.

I didn’t get to speak to them, so I’m not sure, but I thought I might have recognized some members of the Innes/Kelley family.

Despite being the only undefeated team in our Final Four we are still not favored to win the championship. Some say it is because California is a larger viewing area. Others say they are faster and have an overall height advantage.

Some majors at the university are more accommodating of athletes, engineering and medicine are not. Studies are regularly hard enough the distraction of the tournament makes it more difficult. Thankfully James snuck me out and got me to relax Wednesday night. I so wanted to give up and have sex with him. I kiss him saying, “I hope I don’t regret pushing you away…”

Story to be continued…

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