
Charlotte, part 12

As the classical music reaches its crescendo, I lower myself from pointe and dip into a perfect ballerina’s curtsey, spreading my voluminous tutu beneath me as the crowd roars with rapturous applause.

“Three cheers for the birthday girl!” Stuart yells from the audience, making me blush as I stand back up.

“Hip hip!” Stuart yells.

“Hooray!” The crowd enthusiastically responds.

Summer Secrets

Summer Secrets
By Varian Milagro

Chapter 1

It should have been a great day. It was a beautiful June morning and the school year was ending in just a couple minutes. All of my classmates were excited; half of them were counting the exact number of seconds left until summer break officially began. I looked around the room knowing that it was probably the last time I’d be in this school. I was a middle school graduate now and would be a tenth grader in high school when school started up again in the fall. I should’ve have been as excited as everyone around me, but I wasn’t. I was not looking forward to summer vacation.

Caught in the Act - 8

Caught in the Act - 8

By Jessica C

No sooner are we through the door when Robbie comes bouncing up to us, “Mom Grandma Stephens wants Jessie over in the morning to go to church with her. She doesn’t need to wear her new dress to church but Grandma wants to see it after church.”

SRU: The Map

SRU: The Map
by: Ellie Dauber
© 1999

"Fred, I think we're lost." Almost as soon as Margie van Arndt said it, she was sorry. Most men won't admit that they'd messed up directions or misread a map, but Fred, well....

"I'm not lost," he said through clenched teeth. "This road is just the long way to Wheaton. It's such a nice day that I thought I'd --"

Caught in the Act - 7

Caught in the Act – 7
Enjoying Girlfriends

Things started with Jeff ready to turn 13 years old, dressing in his sister’s clothes and makeup; he hadn’t expected to get caught… The discovery of him cross-dressing begins the blossoming of Jessie... Jeff had trouble accepting Jessie was really him, others have trouble accepting Jeff and Jessie co-exist… Mom and Dr. Hunt support Jessie/Jeff in taking time to discover what is true in this situation.

Sara, Becka, and me. - Chapter 4


Sara, Becka, and me.
by Teddie S.


Chapter IV
The First Week
Sunday - Hi Daddy


Well I’ve done it now! I’ve agreed to be one of Vicki’s bride’s maids. And, to live the next two weeks as a girl. And, we, actually Sara’s mother, has spent a small fortune. Lets see what happens next . . .

Sara, Becka, and me. - Chapter 3


Sara, Becka, and me.
by Teddie S.


Chapter III
You want me to what?


We’ve found out that I’m a cross-dresser, and that both of our mothers understand it and instead of trying to stop it, are supporting me. Also, we’ve found out some interesting things about Sara and me. Anyway, on with my story . . .

Shocking Developments - Part 2

Terrael grew up in paradise, until the Fomorians showed up. Now Humans, Hypers, and Fae all face extinction and Terrael is their only hope. Can he get used to his own changes and make the one change that can save them all?


Shocking Developments
Part 2 of 3
Strange New World


Bailey stared at me for a moment before grinning. “Let me guess, you need to throw that ring your cousin is wearing into the heart of Mount Doom. I should warn you though; One does not simply walk into Mordor. Ow hey!” he turned to glare at Becca who had slapped him upside the head.

Caught in the Act - 4 Caught being Jeff

Caught in the Act – 4Caught being Jeff

By Jessica C

Previously… I called over to my sister in the changing rooms, “Rachel would it be okay if I told them it fits and I like this outfit? I don't want to go out there in it."

Amie and Jamie - Chapter 2

“All good things must come to an end.” I guess that’s a cliché, but it fit my situation. Summer vacation was soon to be ending. With that, I assumed that my life as a girl was also drawing to a close. The happy days and cozy nights became almost overshadowed by the dread of what was to follow at home.

One morning, Amie was up early and waiting for me. “Jamie, I have something to tell you.”

Amie and Jamie - Chapter 1 - I make a new friend

I met Amie in 10th grade. She was beautiful. She was tall with brown hair and big brown eyes…and smart. She was in all advanced classes, like me. I was short, skinny and my looks were only average. Also, I was still prepubescent. So I had no reason to think she would have much to do with me. But, thanks to detention one Thursday, we became friends.

She was there ahead of me, so I walked in and sat across the table from her. I couldn’t help but notice her earrings.
So, I spoke up. “Nice earrings”.

“Yeah,” She said, “want to borrow them sometime.

Caught In the Act – 3 Where from Here?

Home Alone sick, Jeff thought it safe to get into his sister’s stuff…
Rachel home early catches Jeff in her clothes and makeup…
Instead of angry, Rachel helps her young brother to look better as a girl…
Getting caught was the best thing that could happen.

Caught in the Act

Home Alone sick from school, Jeff thought it was safe to get into his sister's stuff...
Rachel home early catches Jeff in her clothes and makeup...
Instead of being angry, Rachel helps her young brother to look better as a girl...
Getting caught can sometimes be the best thing that could happen.

Hiring of Elaine Hall – 9

Hiring of Elaine Hall – 9

By Jessica C

Five years ago I turned thirty and to keep my job I began to use my sister’s name; but alas I'm her brother... My warped attitude necessitated a change to stay employed... As 2008 progresses the economy is getting worse and the recession is getting depressing… Julie’s close to expecting our second child. This is not good time to quit my job, especially since Elaine is getting more praise


Charlotte, part 5

"Beautiful, Jamie," the photographer calls to me as I turn my head and look off into the middle distance, giving the photographer a perfect view of the necklace and earrings I'm wearing- not to mention the exquisite white wedding dress! The dress is strapless, but doesn't show off too much cleavage, and hugs my curves beautifully. I have incredibly long fake nails- extending over an inch from my fingertip- attached to each digit and my make-up is applied flawlessly.

Nikki, part 3

"Come onnnnnnn..." Sarah pleads with me, grabbing my free hand and trying to distract me from the task at hand.

"Nope," I say with a smile as I look at the increasingly-beautiful girl in the mirror in front of me. Smiling, I dip Sarah's mascara brush back into its tube and apply more of the wonderful make-up to my eyelashes, increasing their volume with every single stroke.

"It's my make-up, I get to apply it on you!" Sarah orders, pouting in my direction. "Come onnnnnnn, I haven't put make-up on you in weeks!"

Jessica's Story - Part 2

Jessica's Story - Part 2

Peter gets caught wearing a dress at school, and this leads to major developments at home. With his bigoted father still being as stubborn as ever, he gets unexpected help from his mother, Anne. The newly named Jessica has been given a chance to prove herself.

The Changing Room

The Changing Room

My name is Richard, no wait, it was Richard. That was then. Then, I was a loner of a man with an identity problem. But as I said, that was then. None of those things apply to me now. Life is much rosier now, and I can thank it down to one unusual but eventful day.

Hiring of Elaine Hall - 2

Hiring of Elaine Hall - 2

Five years ago to keep my job I began to use my sister’s name… My attitude needed to change if I were to stay employed... Bridgette Riley saw a need to feminize my perspective… Even my wife Julie was open to changing the sharp edges of my attitude... Elaine became in touch with qualities Dan had long suppressed, even a self he long desired... I had come to blame everyone but me.

Bimbo Kisses, Lollipop Dreams: A Platinum Chef/ Delacroix side story Part II

Chapter 78

Bobbie was still trying to figure out the plans for the school cake; it was just such a daunting project. There’s got to be something like 20 sheet cakes here. The amount of limes that would give their lives to form the tasty grass of Slacker’s cove would number in the dozens.

Choices - Chapter 20

(Don does a reverse & with Miri impulsively go shopping.)


Chapter 20

“What!” I practically yelled much too loudly and, after I realized how many heads turned, whispered. “You’re suggesting we go shopping for a dress for our son! Remember. You’re the one who wanted to lock the third floor door. You practically called Dr. Ellis incompetent because he complimented Jack’s hair. You thought I was bonkers for buying him panties. Now you’re all in. Typical!”

Don’t get me wrong.

Going to School with My Best Friend Megan

“Going to School with My Best Friend Megan”

A long seeded desire to go to school with Megan comes to be...
Kathy, Megan and my Mom help me to look better that I imagined
...But others aren't so happy with me looking like a girl.
It ends different than any thought.

You Chose the Wrong Store – Part 15

You Chose the Wrong Store – Part 15

By Jessica C

It was nice to get back from vacation, to sleep in my own bed and to go shopping for school. Joy has officially announced, she’ll be attending Central City High School this semester. She will attend full-time at the University for the second semester before she officially enrolls at a university she has yet to choose. Once it was known she was looking to go to college full-time; prestigious schools were recruiting her like she was a star athlete. Not only Schools like MIT, Harvard and Yale and Stanford, but Oxford and other institutions around the world. I didn’t know really intelligent students were wanted so much. I know Joy’s a genius, but it doesn’t think of her that way.

John's Living Nightmare

John's Living Nightmare
By Daphne Xu
Copyright 1999

Bruce and other bullies who follow him pick on John by calling him Alice and calling him a girl. Eventually, everyone follows Bruce's lead, driving John crazy. I first wrote and posted this story elsewhere in 1999. Bruce and Alice in this story have nothing to do with Bruce and Alice in "A Bikini Beach Summer."

A Bikini Beach Summer 08-10/21

A Bikini Beach Summer
by Daphne Xu

Part 8: The Day After, Lucy doesn't want to go to Bikini Beach, so her Bikini Beach friends come to her. There are new revelations, but things are also forgotten.

Part 9: Carol begins joining Lucy in her activities. Ma returns from a meeting enraged over horrible stories told about Ruth.

Part 10: Lucy joins the girls in the sleepover. They go shopping and play naughty games. Lucy is plagued with nightmares.

The Sidereus Prophecy Part 6

The Sidereus Prophecy revealed...
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Chapter 52 (Part 6)

You Chose the Wrong Store – Part 13

You Chose the Wrong Store – Part 13

Ronnie caught shoplifting from a women's clothing store; becomes Janelle for the summer as punishment... A life transforming time that Janelle now embraces as being the person inside... Janelle is now helping Bobby to come in touch with Stephanie the girl he's always wanted to be.

My Super Secret life…Villain-18.

My Super Secret life…Villain-18.

Chapter 18.


Link goes and showers and changes and I get dressed but not as heavily as before but I do pocket several of my toys and tricks for the just in case stuff because who knows what will happen here and stuff but I’m still kind of dressed down. Just my long coat and my combat fatigues and my shirts and hoodie but the hood down and I get some cash and fill several pockets tying TK alarms to them and stuff and Link comes out getting dressed in her usual and we lock up and we head back out into this strange mutant underground city.

*And Now…

The Sidereus Prophecy Part 4

TEASER PART 4: Abigail experiences the ramifications of the simple kiss as a burgeoning yet confused sexuality takes hold. Meanwhile, the divide between husband and wife widens as their roles within the slowly crumbling union are irrevocably altered. Yet, as all hope seems lost, and the first day of high school looms, a potential cure to Darren’s unique condition surfaces.

Cami and the Cameo Appearance - 2

Cami and the Cameo Appearance - 2

By Jessica C

The summer of 1964 I make a cameo appearance as a girl cousin to help my sister...
Who knew that I'd like it and it was to be a one time event... My sister's friends
get into helping me with the makeover. And this boy Sal from Chicago,
takes a liking to me and I might need to be Cami one more time.

A New Start in Life part 1

A New Start in Life Part 1

This is a gentle tale about a young boy's search the become the girl he knows he should have been, with the help of his two girl friends he becomes Susanna, the girls teach him all about life as a girl.

Please note this is a gentle tale sentimental, with little sexual content, but where there is it will be tagged as such.


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