Nessa M

Politics Is… Just Showing Off [2.14]

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We all have egos. If you’re lucky you can keep yours contained most of the time; if not, then you’re probably a Politician.

Pride can be found in many places, in yourself, in your skills, in your body. Sometimes it can even be found in your achievements or something really weird, like helping others, for example.

Sometimes, if you’re extremely lucky, you can combine both being a Politician and having pride in helping others; this is what we call a ‘fantasy’, unless you’re Hannah, naturally.

Events unfold, including but not limited to:

Hannah being very aware of Fena's body,
Two Ladies entering a throne room,
And Sarah asking a stupid question!

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This story is 117 words long.

Magic (Politics) is... Late, again. Sorry!

Hi, those brave souls still hanging in there with me on Hannah's current political Odyssey!
(Translation - I gotta do an update on why my latest chapter is late, bear with me everyone :3)

Editing hit a bit of a snag this week and while I was hoping to get the chapter up and ready to post by this morning, it hasn't worked out.
I'm sorry to anyone who gets antsy without their Hannah-fix (Winlyn, I'm looking at you lol) but I'll try to get the chapter up as quickly as I can once things are sorted.

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Politics Is... A New Horizon [2.13]


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Sunny day.jpg

Options exist for all of us. Some are more palatable than others, of course, but in general, it’s a fact that options do exist in most situations.

We can try to be rational about things; we can try to be irrational, too. We can run into danger head-first, or even run away from it screaming bloody murder. The only thing that matters is the effect we want and the effect we get, most of the time.

Success, in a political sense, is measured by you getting what you want with the least cost to anyone or anything you care for in the process. Failure is a deferment of that success with varying costs applied to that deferment as well, naturally.

The question, really, is how do you measure success in more ambiguous situations?

Say, just as a random example, when you race to save your friend from becoming a semi-human barbecue, while partly blinded and far too high in the air for most people’s sanity to handle due to your own poorly tested rune work? What exactly is the win status on that theoretical situation?

Her survival? Your survival? The survival of the world’s political climate as it currently stands, perhaps? Or, and just hear me out on this one, maybe the win would be something completely unexpected which blows the other options out of the water just by existing?

Let’s call that one ‘Option D’, shall we? Any guesses what Hannah’s up to today?

Events unfold, including but not limited to:

People yelling and crying on a balcony,
Hannah crying in her bedroom for some reason,
And as for Fena…well?

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This story is 279 words long.

Politics Is… Pretty Instinctive at Times [2.12]


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There’s a debate to be made on whether instinct is just a form of advanced self-awareness or a truly separate sense entirely.

There’s also a debate to be made on whether trusting your instincts, consciously or not, is always such a good idea.
Luckily, most politicians are good at debating and Hannah debates with herself constantly, so she’s in good company, right?

Events unfold including but not limited to:

John eavesdropping,
Hannah eating more chocolate,
And people reassessing things they once thought were impossible, for good or bad.

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This story is 93 words long.

Politics is... Full of People in Need of Breaking [2.11]

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You tend to meet all sorts of people when dealing with Politics; sadly, most of them are politicians. But there's still the odd normal human thrown in as well. Now, those normal human beings can often be worse than the politicians in the long run. In fact, it’s often the case.

That's a whole other kettle of fish, though, and it can get lumped under the often stated fact that people are stupid, unfortunately. Still, the odds are that there are at least a few interesting gems hiding in all the muck, right?

Events unfold including but not limited to:

Hannah corrupts someone,
A toast is raised,
And we avoid talking about the Graeco-Roman religious divide!

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This story is 117 words long.

Politics Is… Full of Rules in Need of Breaking [2.10]


Where is the line between being friendly and sexual harassment? Can mitigating factors such as ‘she thought I was her ex-lover', for some of it at least, be brought into consideration at all?

Hmm? No real reason why I'm asking… No reason at all, just idle curiosity, honest…
Uh—I mean, I'm asking for a friend.
There! That works better!

Events unfold including but not limited to:

Hannah finds something wrong in her bra,
John finds something wrong in his magic,
And a party rolls on around them regardless of any new information that may come to light because of either issue!

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This story is 102 words long.

Politics Is… Often About Compromise [2.9]


Politically, compromise is acceptable and can even be considered good. In other situations, compromise can be a very bad thing.

An example of that would be when it all comes down to the important factors of life; your morals, ethics or iron-clad will to resist that stupid part of your brain which finds a certain someone attractive enough to throw everything aside in a moment of passion empowered madness that—

What do you mean ‘spoilers’? For all you know I'm talking about the unexpected love triangle between Felix, Lord Suttonsborough, and Fena!
Fine, I'll stop—see if I give y’all an actual x-rated make out session to read this side of the apocalypse now!
…Some people are so ungrateful sometimes…

Events unfold, including but not limited to:

Things going ‘boom’ unrealistically,
A make-out session does not happen,
And Hannah gets revenge on several well-deserving friends with help from Rosemary, of all people!

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This story is 153 words long.

Politics Is... Sometimes Disappointing [2.8]


It can be theorised that every human interaction is a battle of one kind or another, be it a battle of wills, ethics, beliefs, or just the give and take of disparate personalities. It’s rare that people can claim they have so much in common that they never fight, even in a playful, bantering sort of way. It’s even rarer when they are correct on that front as well.

Sometimes the battles we fight are a lot more overt than a few subtle verbal jabs though. The times when those sort of battles don’t come to blows are often referred to as ‘politics’, although to be fair, the times when those same battles do come to blows are also referred to as ‘politics’ in some circles, at least, until they reach a point of outright war.
Let’s hope Hannah can restrain herself just a little bit, huh?
I’m not holding my breath, of course. It’s not easy being the famous new kid, after all!

Events unfold including but not limited to:
Someone infers that Hannah is a naughty girl,
John laughs a lot,
And Fena’s helmet makes it hard to express emotions appropriately at a distance!

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This story is 203 words long.

Magic is... back?


Hi everyone!
Longtime, no post/update, huh? :)

For those who may have missed it, things got a bit crazy at home and I've been working flat out at a near constant rate ever since.
Things are finally starting to slow down at last (Not completely stopped yet though, sadly) and I think it's safe for me to start posting again without the fear of another big gap happening a week or so later lol

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Politics Is... Sometimes Fun [2.7]

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There’s often two ways you can take a serious or annoying situation; either run with it and try to have fun while you can, or more likely get mad over it all and life as a whole for being unfair.

While it’s not the political thing to do; getting mad can also be fun in its own way, of course. That feeling is called catharsis, although some people take it to the point of schadenfreude, just because that can feel even better at times, as well.

Which path will Hannah take in her political odyssey?

Events unfold including but not limited to:

The true power of Edith’s bad juju being considered,

Suggestively phallic symbols turn out to look actually phallic after all,

And Hannah gets caught being naughty in public!

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This story is 133 words long.

The Unconventional, Unsuspecting Princess

2018-04 Melanie E.'s Fairy Kiss-and-Tale Contest Entry

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The Unconventional, Unsuspecting Princess

If you can’t find a good fairytale, can't find a good setting, or even just a string of child-friendly characters... sometimes you just have to make do with what you’ve got, right?

2018-04 Melanie E.'s Fairy Kiss-and-Tale Contest Entry


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This story is 54 words long.

The Outlander - Birth Of A Princess - Part 1

The Outlander - Birth of a Princess
Part 1

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"The company is your family, your family is the company. If you believe a member of your unit may harbour sympathies towards the outlanders or confederates to other company’s then you will report them."

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This story is 43 words long.

The Outlander series


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Outlander.png I suck at title pages. In this case I'll keep it short and sweet for now:

Smith had a job, he loved his company, he hated one of his fellow employees and his life changed rather dramatically... by the will of the company!

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This story is 43 words long.

Riley of the Dead - Part 3



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Hospital hallway dark.jpg Happy Hallow—
What?... Oh, yeah!

Happy 'I managed to get a new chapter out before Halloween like I promised, even if it is tied slightly to my guilt over not being able to post a main series chapter for a while'-Mus? :)

Time to check in with the injury prone former loft-dweller again at long last, I suppose?

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This story is 57 words long.

Magic is... really, really, reallllyyy late!

Hi Everyone!

It's come to my attention that my 'two weeks' delay has rolled full on into a month and beyond when it comes to the next Magic chapter.
I have some good news, and some bad news.
Not sure which you'd pick first so I'll just roll with them as is.

Good news is I'm alive and well!
I've been writing when I can, but editing and posting is an entirely different prospect.

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Politics Is... Full of Assassins at Times [2.6]


Guns can be used for defense. They can also be used to hurt innocent and sometimes not so innocent people, whether politics is involved or not.

Every assassination, successful or not, needs two things above all else at the end of the day: an assassin and a target.

Events unfold including but not limited to:
A gun being fired multiple times,
John's name being yelled desperately,
And Hannah wincing in pain thanks, in part, to Eris.


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This story is 76 words long.

Politics... delayed, again again. Sorry!


Hi Everyone, Sorry for the late blog about the late chapter!

Okay, I was hoping things were settled last week but a few things have been lingering on and slowing me up to an annoying degree. I suspect Arista or Winlyn's evil corporate comment control officers are at work, unfortunately :3

Good News is: Hopefully the new chapter will be up today at some point.

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Politics Is… Sometimes Praiseworthy [2.5]

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In a political sense, nothing can get the crowd going quite like praising your chosen all-powerful deity and pledging yourself to him/her/them/it publicly.

In reality, belief can often be the only thing you have left to hold on to when even hope is lost.

In magic—well, in magic words have power. Imagine what can happen when you throw faith and belief into that melting pot of trouble...

Events unfold including but not limited to:
John has a crisis of faith,
Hannah has a different kind of crisis that also happens to involve faith,
And several people disappear into thin air!

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This story is 104 words long.

Politics is... delayed, sorry! :)


Hi everyone!

Sorry for the late heads up, but things have been a bit manic over the last few days my end. I'd hoped to get the newest chapter of Magic up today as usual, but it didn't work out in the end.

Hopefully I can have it ready for ya'll by tomorrow at some point. I don't normally do the 'blog post'-thing, obviously, but I figured I'd give you all a heads up to what's happening anyway. The chapters there, I just haven't finished final clearing on it yet sadly.

Sorry again!

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Politics is... a Power Struggle [2.4]


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Cause and effect can be important in life, especially when you’re making plans.
Sadly, knowing about it really doesn’t help much if you don’t understand all the factors involved.

The best laid plans of Hannah’s and—well, just Hannah, this time…
Maybe blame John, too, of course.
Stupid John!

Events unfold including but not limited to:
Messages being passed between soldiers,
John getting called pretty (internally at least),
And Hannah’s plan going about as well as could be expected.

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This story is 84 words long.

Politics is... Pretty Close to Home, Too [2.3]

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Screaming is healthy... well, sometimes at least?
Screaming in bad situations can help you resist much worse, politically unwise actions as well in the long run.

There's no shame in letting off a nice big girly scream or two while falling through the air at speed at least, no matter who you are.

Events unfold including but not limited to:
Plans being made and shared repeatedly,
Someone gets clingy for semi-valid reasons,
And Hannah uses John as a meat shield!


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This story is 80 words long.

Politics is... pretty international at times. [2.2]

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Politics is like a river... no, that’s not right?
Politics is like a cess pit... closer, but no.
Politics is... is...
I have no idea, I guess?

Maybe we’ll get an answer to that question eventually, huh?

Events unfold including but not limited to:
John screaming,
Metal walls being dented badly,
and Hannah gets distracted at a bad time.

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This story is 61 words long.

Politics is... not quite relevant yet! [2.1]


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There are many forms of politics out there.
If you really think about it, all social interactions can be boiled down to a form of ‘politics’ in the long run.

That doesn’t mean we all have to be politicians about it though!

Events unfold including but not limited to:
Ill-informed books being studied,
Hannah ends up wishing she had a tail again,
And new clothes are created, for science!


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This story is 70 words long.

Politics is... Magic 2[2.0]


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"Blah blah blah blah blah... blah, mild spoiler, smiley face. lol"

Ya get the idea folks! :3

Maybe I should look into finding someone just to do my title pages for me?
I really am terrible with them, as you may have all assumed at this point :)

Promise when I have time I'll double back and fix all of these!

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This story is 60 words long.

Sanity is... Magic 2[1.0]


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Temp space, it's posting day and I just realised that I never sorted 'Sanity' under it's own title page, bear with me folks! :3


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This story is 24 words long.

Sanity is... often defined by our actions. [1.9]



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When it comes down to it, sanity can often be found in the strangest of places and situations, if we need it desperately enough... in my experience at least.

Sometimes it can just take being put, reluctantly, back into your element to bring on clarity and a sense of purpose properly at long last.

Events unfold including but not limited to:
Hannah breaking some windows to get attention,
John using his magic effectively without casting a single spell,
And a Jeep needing to have its windows opened quickly!

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This story is 88 words long.

Sanity is... hard to maintain sometimes [1.8]


Moving house can be a hassle,
Moving house with magic is, presumably, meant to be a bit easier?

Moving house with John’s help would likely be...
...Yeah, not the best idea in the world, is it?...

Events unfold including but not limited to:
The sun being discussed,
Taxi rides being (relatively) skipped over in silence,
and explanations of events are exchanged, much to both sides confused frustration.

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This story is 68 words long.

Sanity is... often defined by our words [1.7]

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The best of plans can go astray in any number of ways.
It's not like we can always see what's coming a lot of the time, after all, right?

Even Seer's have their limits sometimes it seems...

Events unfold including but not limited to:
John doing 'guy stuff' with a Golem,
Fena breathlessly rambling (again),
And Hannah gets more then she bargained for multiple times over!

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This story is 66 words long.

Sanity is... not for everybody [1.6]


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Paying attention is important.
Take nothing for granted and nothing will surprise you!

It's a nice theory at least... in practice though?...

Events unfold including but not limited to:
Hannah being carried awkwardly,
John staring awkwardly,
And multiple floors are going to need cleaning!

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This story is 44 words long.

Sanity is... restored, somewhat [1.5]


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There's nothing wrong with having a good cry sometimes.
Getting a weigh off your chest,
Misery loving company,
Jon loving Hann-

Okay, lets not get crazy with this one, shall we?

Events unfold including but not limited to:
Feelings being talked about,
Facts being discussed,
and some shocking discoveries are made!

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This story is 51 words long.

Sanity is... a relative term [1.4]



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Not all explosions are bad... a lot of them maybe?... but not all of them at least.

Let's just say 'explosions can be a mixed-bag'.
It's complicated, no worries, you'll get it eventually.

Events unfold including but not limited to:
Hannah going for a swim in Death Valley,
John giving out a few well-timed cuddles,
and the desert will never be the same again!

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This story is 64 words long.

Sanity a premium [1.3]

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"For your own good" is a useful but often badly thought out phrase,
only time can tell if actions eventually work out for the better in a lot of cases where it's applicable.

This is one of those cases.

Events unfold including but not limited to:
Bitey getting his origin story told,
John has a (possibly terrible) plan,
and Sarah swears while staring at Eris!

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This story is 65 words long.

Sanity is... short-lived [1.2]


One step forward, two steps back followed by an all-out sprint.
The path back to reality can be, ironically, a bit surreal sometimes it seems?
The trick is to not get lost along the way due to distractions...

...Hannah, honey, that's your cue?...

Events unfold including but not limited to:
Hannah showing off,
John being missing-presumed 'busy',
and Sarah getting obsessed with a stupid bloody wall!

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This story is 66 words long.

Sister of my Heart

December 2017 Christmas Dreams Story Contest Entry

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Sister of my Heart

I am most assuredly back Dear Reader!
As promised, the snow has begun to fall once more and so must the lamp-lighters and narrators apply their trade.

Welcome to hopefully the first of many 'Narrator Fellow's Christmas Omnibus's!

December 2017 Christmas Dreams Story Contest Entry


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This story is 54 words long.

Sanity is... for the weak! [1.1]



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Character Age: 


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Potions, as with most things, rarely improve once past their sell-by-date apparently.
Even if it is a very pretty green potion, potion, -otion, -otion...

You know, I think the effects might actually be getting worse?

Events unfold including but not limited to:
Chairs being forgotten, along with many other things.
John's trying to do... something?...
And Sarah gets a temperature controlled fashion upgrade!


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This story is 63 words long.

This year, for sure!

December 2017 Christmas Dreams Story Contest Entry


This year, for sure!

Last year was a failure,
Summer was a bust,
Fall fell apart.
One last go!

He'll notice me this time or else!

December 2017 Christmas Dreams Story Contest Entry


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This story is 38 words long.

Magic is... [Season 2]


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In the grand tradition of Magic is, this title page is probably going to be highly unhelpful at first.
I've still not gone back and edited the first title page from Season 1 surprisingly.
I promise to make an effort and fix that... someday... :)

That being said we left out valiant (heroes?) in a bit of a mess.
Edith dead, Sarah burned by her own magic, Eris had her her brain messed with, Hannah ran away into her 'realm' and John was left to try and keep things together.

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This story is 88 words long.

Sanity is... optional [1.0]

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It's never safe to spend too long with your own thoughts, especially when those thoughts have a tendency to get out of hand at times.

Months upon months of waiting are finally at an end.
Hannah's been busy, busy, busy, usy-
John's been hounding her at every turn and potions are a lot more dangerous then Wizard-Burger's use of them would have you believe.

The new season starts here folks!
Let's see what the gang's been up to...


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This story is 78 words long.

Magic is... [Season 1 Catch-up]


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The following pages were 'borrowed' from the desk of Hannah Cooper for your voyeuristic pleasure.
All slurs and 'stupids' given are the opinion of Hannah Cooper and in no-way represent my own personal opinions or even reality itself sometimes.

Hannah's first Log-Book


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This story is 43 words long.

Riley of the Dead


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Have you ever had that panicked moment when you realise you’ve been playing too long and someone will be home to catch you in the act soon?
Riley has, normally things don’t quite go like this though..

Happy Halloween.
Sorry in advance?

Halloween horror.jpg

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This story is 44 words long.

Riley of the Dead - Part 2

Riley of the dead 2 image.jpg It's that time of year again.
Time to check in with the injury prone loft-dweller at long last, I suppose?

Happy Halloween folks!

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This story is 23 words long.

Magic is.. getting an after-credits scene? [6]



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Character Age: 


After-credits are practically expected these days, as are inevitable sequels used to set up wider universes over time.
Don't blame me, blame Marvel!

That being said, sometimes an after-credit scene or twelve can help soften the blow of a rather abrupt ending, right?

Events unfold including but not limited to:
Not telling!
Nuh uh, you'll have to read and find out!
Okay, okay.. Jeez..

So there's this bit where at least one person reads this part before chapter [5.11] and gets horribly confused in the comments.
You KNOW you want to scroll down and see if I'm right now, don't ya? :)

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This story is 100 words long.

Arista is.. confident [5.11]


A wise, presumably enchanted, group of entrance-ways once sung:
"This is the end, my only friend, the end."

Rather fitting right about now I guess.. or is it?

Events unfold including but not limited to:
Dirt-brown magic splashing on things,
Several (either literal or metaphysical) tug's-of-war,
and Hannah has nothing left to lose!

Do I need to mention how potentially dangerous that last point could be for everyone involved by now?

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This story is 71 words long.

Arista is.. suffering too, apparently? [5.10]


There's always two sides to every story, sometimes more, which can get rather messy in all honesty so it's probably better to stick with just two for now, right?

The problem with bad guy's is that, rather predictably, they lie sometimes.
It makes it rather hard to take anything they say seriously... unless they offer proof at least.

Events unfold including but not limited to:
Arista explaining the world as she see's it,
Ari being useful at long last
(although not half as useful as John apparently is)
and Hannah has enough dignity left to blush when confronted with the truth about her relationship with the smirking-wonder from multiple, utterly annoying, angles!

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This story is 112 words long.

Arista is.. not the Messiah! [5.9]


Have you ever got half-way into a group project and realised that you already regret pairing up with the people your working with?
Too late to change now, history lesson or no, we work with who we have sometimes and just pray we don't get an 'F' in the end.

That being said, even I wouldn't expect a passing grade if one of your team members was basically lobotomized, the other crazy and your starting to envy schizophrenics in general, honestly.

Events unfold including but not limited to:
Big people playing big games,
Boat rides being ignored,
Subtext being read
(or not, depending on who you ask),
and Hannah gets to play 'spot the historical figure' bingo, whether she wants to or not.

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This story is 123 words long.

Arista is.. not finished yet [5.8]


A wise person once said:
'No-one messes with my family!'
Another wise person once responded with:
'I'd like to see you try and stop me.'

They weren't having a conversation or anything, just two random statements of fact across the centuries which have no connection or relevance to anything whatsoever really, I'm sure.

Events unfold including but not limited to:
A zap, a snap, and some screaming.
oh, but the screaming...

Not one for the faint of heart I'm afraid, but all is not lost quite yet, we can only hope.

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This story is 93 words long.

Arista is.. not playing around [5.7]


What is 'right' and what is 'wrong'?
Morality is a personal ideal, a human construct, or so some would have us believe?
It doesn't make certain people or actions any less irredeemable though.

No matter how you try to spin it, forgiveness just isn't possible ever again in some situations.

Events unfold including but not limited to:
Hannah reliving some rather racy fantasies,
Arista tells a story about a magical princess-turned-queen
(fictional elements being both optional and undisclosed),
while John wears lip-gloss for a very short period of time.

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This story is 89 words long.

Arista is.. awake [5.6]


There's a time for jokey introduction statements; this isn't one of them.
Arista is awake... I repeat, Arista is awake!

Events unfold including but not limited to:
Ellie having fun babysitting Alice,
Hannah takes a stream of interrupted naps
(none of them by choice),
and Arista has unreasonably large breasts, apparently.

Get ready to strap in again folks! The countdowns started and we're in for a bumpy ride!

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This story is 68 words long.

Support is.. appreciated, sometimes [5.5]


A day at the lake during the mid-summer heat, full of barbecues, family and mildly confused neighbours.
It could almost be considered idyllic if you ignored certain unfortunate clothing choices being thrust upon certain poor unsuspecting people by their pushy sister and daughter..

Oh well, let's hope that's the worst of Hannah's problems today, shall we?

Events unfold including but not limited to:
Wet John cuddles and stolen T-shirts being stolen.
Large hands being used for various things
(to rather worrying degrees of success as well),
Meanwhile Hannah drools on John's crotch and a pow-wow is interrupted rather rudely by a matriarch on a mission.

Hold on tight folks, it's swimming trip day at Klamath Falls!

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This story is 116 words long.

Support is.. necessary [5.4]


Some things in life are so unbelievable we doubt if they actually happened or not,
Other things are so embarrassing that we wish they hadn't really happened,
and sometimes things fall into that awkward spot somewhere in the middle of those two extremes.
What can you do about it at the end of the day?

What can HANNAH do about it more importantly!

Events unfold including but not limited to:
John being trapped by a disappearing wall and Eris has a front-row seat to the creation of a universe.
Meanwhile some familiar familiar's get familiar with each other
(try saying that one three times fast),
and Hannah goes on a power-trip while wearing a long white silk nightgown!

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This story is 118 words long.


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