Politics... delayed, again again. Sorry!

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Hi Everyone, Sorry for the late blog about the late chapter!

Okay, I was hoping things were settled last week but a few things have been lingering on and slowing me up to an annoying degree. I suspect Arista or Winlyn's evil corporate comment control officers are at work, unfortunately :3

Good News is: Hopefully the new chapter will be up today at some point.

Bad News is: While our internet is now fixed (as of last Friday), everything else has decided it hates me.
Our boilers on the fritz, the oven is acting weird, our shower is undecided if it wants to run or freeze you to death, and I'm pretty sure the power to our freezer cut off last night as well.

I'm hoping a lot of these problems are tied to the boiler in some way (in which case fix one, fix them all) but can't be sure in the slightest at this point. I'm kinda too nervous to touch anything in case the microwave decides to try and eat me or something honestly! lol

Long story... still kinda long, but shorter than I could be about it?... things have been hectic my end this week, again. :3
If things continue in this vein, this week, I may have to call a mid-arc pause of a week or two in 'Politics is...' until things settle down.
I can promise that I have chapters up to [2.11] in the bag writing wise, it's editing, re-editing and posting I'm having trouble finding the time for.

I'll keep ya'll posted on it!

Sorry again for the late... everything?...
Powers', can you tell I'm British from all the apologising and awkward, mid-sentence, pausing while I chose my words, even in text format? :) lol

A very exhausted Nessa


Sending you positive magicks

Figure I’ll dip into the lines a bit and send some luck your way. Don’t worry about the schedule, life happens.

As to the apologizing, if you did any more of it, I’d almost have pegged you for a fellow Canuck. Best of luck on the appliances. Those can be a tricky bunch when they collude together.

Magicks recieved :)

Thanks Cyarra.
Just about to post the chapter up at last lol
I would have had it ready earlier but just when I finished it my Word program decided it didn't like me either and promptly deleted all my edits :3

I'm looking forward to a day or two of just not touching any tech now honestly, when even my own computer is turning against me I know I've pissed off some god or another somewhere! lol

I probably will be taking a week or two break on posting after this one so I can get everything sorted easier, especially now I can't even trust my work to save right either.
Hopefully there's not too much of a cliff hanger this time to leave you hanging in that off period at least :)

Funny enough, I've been officially inducted into being an honorary Canadian before as it happens, got shown the secret handshake and everything ;3
Hopefully some day we can see magical Canada with Hannah too!... although Al didn't exactly enjoy his time there, ya'lls magical royalty are crazy, ya know? :) lol

Okay, I'm off to post the chapter.
Thanks again for the magicks, and the luck.
I've got a round of phone-calls to do after lunch ahead of me, lets hope the phone doesn't blow up in my hands or something, huh?


Sooner or later

Podracer's picture

The magic leaks out and appliances run out of reason to continue. Or should that just be "run out of reason". Thanks for the warning, we can relax and refresh our witty comment stock. Good luck with the boiler, and hope the exorcist (or heating engineer) isn't too expensive.

Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."

Sooner. Definitely, definitely sooner!

Thanks Pod :)

As an update, things are still a mess but now I have quite a few people appearing to fix things over the next week hopefully lol
Luckily a lot of family and friend connections we have happen to be tradesmen but that also means I end up spending all day talking with a semi-distant but nice Uncle I've met like twice in my life before now so he can do a 45 minute repair job for us :)

In between everyone I'll try to get through the editing needed to start up posting again ASAP but it's been hard to find the time to even go online (when the internet is working) as it is, hence my late response to this and the chapter comments I'll be going to after this :3

Good luck refreshing the witty comment stock Pod, I look forward to being flooded with them at some point! lol
Considering Word is still giving me some hassle as well, maybe the exorcist might not be such a bad idea?

A pleasantly smiling, but already fed up with playing nice for cheap repair work, Nessa ;)

You know...

This made me think of something I read once...
"It is the smoke that makes appliances work. It is when it starts leaking out that you should be worried."

I used to have a list of those little tidbits somewhere... I should really try to find it again.

Now... ... ...
