05) Sorry... OYH will be delayed again.

Better get used to it. Unfathomably, they seem to actually like my performance at work and plan to keep me around at least to first snow. It was originally supposed to be just a summer job, just till my brother got back on his feet, but he's back on his feet, and they've extended my hire. Now let's just see if they extend it again through the winter months...

Anyways, since I work full-time, usually prepare my own meals, and sleep most of the remaining time through the week, I only really have weekends to myself, either to write, or read. I got myself into Little Katie's God Bless the Child, and so now I'll likely be spending the entire weekend reading that.

I'm not really neglecting writing on purpose... but I really do have limited time to myself. I can't dare to start writing during the week with the hour or two before bedtime after dinner, because if I do, I might get too involved in it and wind up not sleeping - not good when I have to get up at 6:30 to get ready for an 8 hour work shift at hard manual labor.

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