Abigail Drew's blog

060) Checking in...

I know. It's been a VERY long time since I've logged in here. I've been reading stories as and when I can, but my internet hasn't and still isn't particularly reliable. For about a year there I couldn't get my laptop to go on the internet at all, and my phone screen is just way too small to view this site well.

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059) OMG!!! Abi's Got A Say What!?

So... I might just be getting a boyfriend soon...

I know! I can't believe it!

Anyways... He doesn't... At least, probably not... know about my past yet.

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058) OMG!!! Sometimes... Life Really Is Worse Than Fiction

I present to you without further comment, a real life example of forced fem:


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057) The Real Truth About "The Miracle Cure".

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"The Miracle Cure" of course being a reference to the idea that we can somehow be made into just a "normal" cis-gendered person in whatever sex we were assigned at birth.

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056) Of Foxes of Fire, Diagnostics & the Outta Control RAM.

Holy crapolie. I just solved my super retarded Firefox memory problems I've been having since like. They started coming out with new whole version increments in a constant flood. If anyone else has been fighting this, the solution is simple: disable the following services and shut them down: Diagnostic Policy Service, Diagnostic Service Host, and Diagnostic System Host.

Restart Firefox and browse with 50+ tabs open with NO MORE SLOWDOWNS! YAY!

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055) In Search of 17-beta-HSD-3 Blockers OR Life's Easy When

As many of you are probably aware I've doing HRT DIY-style.

I've gotten my dosages and scheduling and everything pretty well perfected except for ONE THING. One of my three T blockers is making me tired all the time.

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052) My Possible Newly Invented Topical Anesthetic

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So I'm going to be needing to do permanent hair removal, electrolysis, to my face. This is supposed to be EXTREMELY painful... I've been holding off on really looking into getting started on it partially because of the cost of the procedure itself when done professionally, and partially because of the added cost of getting myself anesthetized beforehand.

There are products out there for around $20 that can do at-home galvanic electrolysis, so that's not really a big problem if I can just get up the gumption to DIY it...

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050) Current Events in the Abiverse

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So it's been a while since I last blogged. Again. Nothing's really changed for the most part recently, even if life ain't the best, when it's all much the same, not much point in repeating myself, is there? Anyhoo. So what's up?

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047) A Parting of Ways

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Well. I suddenly find myself with tons of time on my hands. Part of me wants to be a total ass and try to go after them for harrassment, but... well, that part of me never really has been all that powerful. And honestly... They're being a lot nicer about it than they could be. A whole heckuva lot nicer than the last job to fire me.

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046) I'm A Beauty School Girl

So I've been looking into the possibility of going back to school, and the interest was in Cosmetology. After some research, I concluded it was going to be either Toledo Academy of Beauty Culture, or Regency Beauty Institute - Toledo. My instincts told me I was going to be going to Regency, but I wanted to avoid any pre-bias before even giving TABC a chance, so I visited them first. Ghettoist Beauty School ever! So that was a... maybe, but prolly not.

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045) Busy Week

OK, so, I've been "out" for a while. Just about everyone knows about me, lots of people who passed me with only a casual glance were already seeing a girl... So it was time to take the next step and drop the male facade completely.

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044) Are you wearing a bra?

I was mulching with the Wrecking Crew again today. We were doing one of the owner's houses in town. Both of them actually have several houses... Er... well, this one was more of a mansion.

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043) Excuse Me, Ma'am

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Okay, admission time, I've fiddled with my herbal concoction a bit since the last time I talked about it. I'm no longer taking any kind of phyto-estrogen at all. I've balanced and counterbalanced a purely anti-androgen formula and that's all I'm taking right now. Getting hold of strong enough doses of isoflavones was costing waaaay too much.

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041) The Stink

The fridge at work has been smelling awful for a long time, when I went in today, it was so bad that the entire shop literally stank and you couldn't tell the stench in the fridge anymore for the odor permeating the entire place. Towards the end of the day, 'Thal decided to once again clean the fridge. This time, he took it in his head to actually take the shelves out and REALLY clean it - that's when we found it. The reason for the stench. The odorous villain. The... Black Mold.


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040) Was that a guy?

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I know, it's been a while since I blogged last... Honestly, my life's gotten pretty boring of late. It's the same story day after day, I go to work, eat, play some games, read some stuff on BCTS, occasionally try to write my stories that I'm really horrible about updating... And I'm getting absolutely no where with my transition goals. I'm not getting any closer to being able to afford health insurance (that covers transition), and my family and close associates still insist this is just some "phase" at best. At worst, they're like my mom and are refusing to believe it's happening at all.

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039) May I speak with...

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So yesterday a telemarketer called my cell phone -again-. I really wish I could figure out a way to get that to stop... Anyhoo... I answered it with "Hello", and they asked if they could speak to my male name as though there was no way on earth he was already speaking to them. I said speaking. And they were seriously shocked. They asked, in a disbelieving tone: Are you really Andrew? As though there was absolutely no way on earth I could possibly be Andrew.

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02) Atlantia - New Story: Want Illustrator

OK, so while OYH's hiatus will continue for a bit longer, a new character has grabbed my attention and wants to be heard.

This character will be a cop from a town called Atlantia, which doesn't exist. Atlantia is a hidden town of magic and superpowers that once you've entered, you cannot leave. It was founded by refugees from Atlantis, whose history according to my story might be a little different to what you're used to.

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038) Merry Christmas!

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Afraid I don't have any gifts to give to the folks here, but I just took another big step, though I suppose in a way I'd already done it unofficially anyways by simply not logging on...

Many of you may recall that I've mentioned I used to be a massively addicted MMORPG player. I had what even other players called an "army" of alts.

I haven't played these since June.

I just gave them all away.

The majority of my army was given to the last guild I'd been active in, and the lone remaining bard went to the guild before it.

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037) Wow, tis the season and all that already?

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Where did the time go? It seems just yesterday was the middle of summer still. OK... not really.

Though this year does, in turns, feel like it went by awfully fast, but that an awful lot happened.

Well... the situation at home has pretty well stagnated. Every time I try to push any further, my mother about bites my head off and the heads of anyone who she feels is supporting me too much.

I've decided to move out. First, because I want to. Second. Because I want to. Third... ;)

OK, real reason out of the way, some of the rationalizations:

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036) The Boy I Was

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This entry is inspired by LittleKatie's entry Monstrosity.

What I'm going to do here is take us all on a short photographical journey down memory lane, presenting - though old photographs - the path of destruction I'd been on before finally facing myself. I'm going to start in High School, since that's really where things started to escalate.

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035) That girl was hot!

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"That girl was hot!" whispered the lad to his friend as they walked past me. It was just shortly before three, and the busload of high schoolers who live at the apartment complex had just been dropped off.

"That was a boy!" his friend whispered back.

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01) Notes on If I Could But Hie to Kolob

This is a very emotionally and spiritually charged piece. As such, there will be references that those outside Mormonism and Christianity in general will not get. In this entry, I will attempt to explain some of these references.

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033) Wishing for better understanding. II

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Work yesterday sucked. Rained all day, cleaned off a back patio of a recently vacated townhouse that they are getting ready to start showing first thing, then just blew wet leaves about all day with the blower. Wasn't the most efficient use of time, but it was the most efficient I could do with the rain, and the leaves just had to be blown away from the walkways, rain or not. Nothing terribly interesting happened, though I have mostly written a psalm in my head that I just need to mesh out in writing, which I intend to do tomorrow.

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031) Fear of the Unknown

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I think some small part of me is still resisting the changes I'm beginning to make. I think I'm, in some small corner of my mind, still afraid. Afraid of what I don't know about being female. Afraid of how people who don't or can't understand will treat me. Afraid of change. Someone replied to Heather's entry about losing her pet that it's a bit of a "system shock", after 16 years, suddenly losing a dear friend and companion, her dog. I kind of think that's what's happening to me now.

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