I do not believe that I've mentioned this here before, but I've been using a series of subliminal programs to help me better myself in several ways...
Among them are programs to help with self esteem issues, fears, guilt, and shame, and what I'm about to share a progress report on now: developing a more feminine voice.
The program I'm using is the one found here: http://subliminal-shop.com/categories/of-interest-to-women/d...
And I have got to tell you... this really DOES WORK!
Do note that it has language that limits its effectiveness to ONLY people who identify as female subconsciously... So before you try this, you have to be absolutely certain that your entire subconscious believes you to be purely female, not somewhere on a scale between.
From a visible standpoint... you know that slight bulge in my neck from previous pictures? It used to be bigger. You couldn't really tell from when I was younger, between the fat neck and the hair on it... And by the time the hair was gone, I was already well on my way into the current sub.
And now... For the audible proof...
Here's a reading of my poem, A Month In a Moment, recorded a few years back:
This one was done with a high quality microphone, on my desktop with good sound hardware, with nice recording tools. I repeated the reading several times and spliced together the best pieces.
Now here's one I did just now with crappy microphone, laptop sound hardware, and lousy Windows Sound Recorder, and just a single read through because I can't do the editing with Windows Sound Recorder that I could do with the decent software of the old recording:
The proof as they say...
The most interesting thing about this is that the subliminal I'm using has language in it to the effect of "if I'm female..." Well... It's working... lol :D
I must stress absolutely that I have been doing absolutely NOTHING else for voice training. Just this sub. No actual hard work or time expenditure on specifically training my voice. I'm just letting it slip into it's new shape naturally, as developed by this sub.
And I'm NOT done! Not yet! Though it might be getting kinda close.
The other subs I mentioned are subs I did before this one, to try to get anything that might cause any resistance out of the way so I could make full use of the sub. Though I do think I'm going to want to rerun those programs again later... I'm still having issues with those things... just not as severe.
Nobody is 100% feminine,
so there must be a minimum femininity percentage. Maybe you need to be at least 95% feminine, or something like that.
It wouldn't work on me, that much is certain. Should I ever make a serious attempt to pass as female, I shall have to resort to other methods to change my voice. = )
True, but...
I didn't say I'm 100% feminine, nor even did I mention anything about where I sit on the scale at all. Only what my subconscious believes. That's the only thing that matters here. My subconscious believes itself and therefore me to be female, and that's what matters for this sub. If my subconscious identified as a middle gender or as male, the program wouldn't work.
On the femininity scale though I'm pretty up there. Definitely more feminine than most of my sisters! Naturally! I'm just naturally sort of gravitating towards a greater amount of things that society deems as "feminine". Though I do still love my tech... And games... And even though there's a LOT more girly geeks and gamers out there than most realize... that's just the thing. Than most realize. Society still deems them as masculine pursuits. Stupid society.
Abigail Drew.