
Quantum Leap in Life.

Sadly, every interaction I have recently had with those on BCTS and elsewhere shows that most or all of those who use any sort of computer technology are simply unaware of the shake out we have recently experienced. It has been a huge education for me. Some of those I have talked to have been quite blunt and tactless, treating me like I am an idiot.


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2 encouraging dreams

I had 2 rather encouraging dreams last night.

In the first one, I was in a contest where I had to climb up what looked like a life-size pinball machine.

In the second one, I was back in university and realized I had forgotten to write down the location of one class, so I went to the office to get it.

So what was encouraging?

In the first time, I wasn't afraid to take a breath and plan each step I took.

In the second I wasn't afraid or ashamed of asking for help when I needed it.

and that's encouraging.

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Ladies GTG

I’m inviting you to my weekly Sunday Zoom meeting. Only trans women are invited. If you have an invite feel free to invite others I include a link to my local time standard so that you might match it up to yours, Some of the ladies in the past are from Great Britain and Germany. Most of them are writers who post stories on a Big Closet Top Shelf. Though that this is no way a requirement.

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some good news to share

Well, I have some good news to share.

First, I got the results of the CT scan done on my brain back, and it showed no signs of damage or anything. While that is good, it means we still don't know why I have word drop and brain farts.

Second, I am now on stage 2 of dealing with my dentures, which means I can now have solid (if soft) foods.

Step by step, I do what I can, and its great to make progress.

huggles for everybody

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I could loan you a black cami

We had to go to my grandson's wedding this last Saturday. As family we were invited to the rehearsal dinner on Friday as well as the wedding. It was a three hour round trip to the venue. We decided to spend the night. As we were packing for the two events. My wife was dithering over what to wear. She picked out a nice top but the neck line was a little loose and she was concerned about "down the blouse" views if she bent over a little and was wondering what she could wear under. I offered:

"I could loan you a black cami."

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"I'm the fuse, she's the bomb"

I have to share my latest dream, while I still remember it.

In the dream, I was on a quest, and had gathered a group of people to be part of it.

Once the group was assembled, I told them that one of them, a young woman, had a connection to me and to what was going to happen

I told them, "I'm the fuse. She's the bomb."

I didn't seem upset about this. In fact I told the girl, "Come on, lets go boom"

Then I told them we had to get to a certain location up on top of a hill on the outskirts of the city, and we began to travel.

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adventures with dentures

So on Thursday, I got all my top teeth removed, and my dentures installed.

The reason they put the dentures in right away is they use them as kind of a bandage, to protect the area from infection, and keep the shape of my mouth the same as it heals

So the last couple days have been kinda less than fun, but I'm slowly getting better,

Anyway, hugs still appreciated.

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looks like my discord is not going to be working for while .someone in the Philippines hacked my account and was using it to send out spam . they are investigating it but there is a chance discord will end up doing an ip ban as this has been going on for along time with out my knowledge .i spent 4 hours working with discord support it may take several days to fix this .in the mean time my discord is locked so no access .

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Home Again and Cancer Free, for now...

Hello friends. I am now home from Cobb WellStar Hospital, two tumors and a fair amount of intestine lighter. But the cancer is now out of me and we have some breathing space to plot the battle. From here, it will be 6 months of chemo to be sure anything too small to have been seen is dead and once we're sure of that, a follow up surgery to repair my lightened intestines.

Tired, sore, beat up and sobered.

Almost died on the table, but thanks to the quick thinking and decisiveness of my surgeon, I'm still here and home. And I got news an old college buddy my age died.

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Off tomorrow

So I'm off to the big smoke tomorrow to have some work done in the body shop (on Thursday morning).

Regrettably I won't be getting the body I want, nor will I have any desirable mods. Just a decoke and some pipework replaced.

I should be back on Monday 20th but I don't know if I'll be in any fit state to login that day. Or maybe even the next, who knows?

Anyhoo, I won't be looking at BC from now on for a while, so I would suggest not adding comments.


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Long Time coming.

I’ve been on BCTS for just over 8 years now. I’ve been here through the struggles, I’ve seen a lot. I’ve met a lot of people in this community and tried my hand at writing and never really got the feel for it.

This post is one I really didn’t want to ever have to make. But as I sit here typing this up at past 1 am this morning, reminiscing about all the things I tried to do and failed. I’ve made friends and I have my enemies. Newer people probably don’t even know who I am and that’s ok with me. Im from a different era of the site.

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Online Scammers

I've been debating this blog post for most of the week, but I believe it needs doing as a warning to folks who may need it.

Before I go on, I must preface with a few details about my father - he's a brilliant man, a scientist, full of great heart and wisdom. He is now in his 80s and he still does meaningful work for a university. But my mom was lost to us a year and a half ago (has it already been that long??), and he is beginning to really feel his age - and at times says he feels lost in a world that has changed so much from what he's known.

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its my 15th anniversary of being here!

So according to my account, I have been a member here for "14 years, 12 months" which means if my math is correct, its my 15th anniversary.

Thank you to everyone who has commented on any of my blogs and stories, and a special thanks to Erin and her elves for keeping this place going.

Best group of crazies I've ever met!

Huggles for everybody!

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I owe everybody here an Apologie.

For the last several weeks, I've been here, but not really here. I have fallen behind on responding to comments and giving comments to those wonderful ladies who stories bring me so much joy and happyness. I feel like I owe the whole community an apology and I must explain why. Well to start I was sick on Easter Sunday, and so I went to the local clinic and tested postived for streph throat. Again. So that was ten more days on the antibotic train. I was barely over strep when my father woke up one morning peeing blood.


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Further blood work

As I may have mentioned, a lot of blood results came back yesterday and I have questions.

A further blood test appeared today - it seems I have MRSA :( No wonder I was feeling cold!

I do get Staph infections from time to time and they suck the heat out of me, which is one way I recognise them. Oh, well, off to the doctor tomorrow. They won't operate on me unless I can nuke this from orbit.


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my celling is falling down

so a couple of days ago, we noticed a crack in the ceiling in our bathroom, that had water leaking out of it.

we called the building maintenance person, and after taking a look he said he'd need to get into the suite above us, and no one there was home, so he planned to try again today.

In the meantime, the crack has turned into a piece of the ceiling barely hanging on by one corner, and the water situation is worse.

Hopefully this get fixed before we have to evacuate the apartment.

hugs appreciated.

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