
I guess I owe everybody an apology

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So I guess my latest story is a bit of a flop.

I had wanted to make a clever little story that would serve as a metaphor for having multiple personalities, and apparently almost nobody got that idea.

Which means I wasnt as clever as I hoped I would be. so I am very sorry.

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I dreamed I killed a man

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So last night, I dreamed I killed a man.

I was following him up some kind of tunnel or shaft, and it led to a rocky platform. I grabbed the man, and threw him off the platwform.

And since he landed face first on something hard a long way down, I figured he was dead.

weirdest part was I didnt seem fazed by the fact I had just killed.

I dont know if I wanna know why my brain came up with that dream . . .

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This past week I was reminded of something important……

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By a few people that I thought I could trust; people who I have always thought of as family, people that I was under the impression thought of me the same way. These are people that I care for and thought that I could trust them because they cared about me. But I was reminded of the fact that trust is a fickle and fleeting thing for some people in this world.

Over the past several months, I have been re-reading a lot of stories and books that I have previously read. This line was in one of those stories and it really hit home after the week I have had……

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Julia Phillips and Anmar

It has now been just over a year since I last heard from Julia. Our regular email exchange broke off in the middle of a conversation and I have to accept that she is no longer with us.

I want to provide some notes about her and what her contributions mean for the future of Anmar.

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yet another Dottie Dream

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So its dream time again!

Last night, I dreamed I got an opportunity to work in a school as a teacher's assistant.

So after walking around to get a feel for the layout of the school, I went to the office, only to find out the program I was part of had been canceled, and they really didn't know what to do with me.

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a dream of dysphoria

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So last night, I dreamed I was a superhero.

I had this gun that would stun someone without permanent damage.

I got summoned to join a group of other heroes facing off a group of villains.

I was doing well, when suddenly I was hit with a case of dysphoria so bad I could barely walk, and one of the other heroes half carried me to our target.

Dont ask me, folks.

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Three Moments of Positivity February 2025

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Sephrena Lynn Miller asks us this morning to try to be positive about life. It's been very difficult in a deluge of bad things happening. But there are some good things to be joyful about. So in that spirit, I'd like to share three of them from this week.

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my brain is weird - big news, I know

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so my subconscious has decided to let me graduate from school, and now sends me dreams of being in the working world.

For the last week or so, I have dreamed of working in a daycare, at a water park, a newspaper office, and last night, working as a manager at a restaurant.

Since I never did any of those jobs in real life I am not sure where they are coming from, or what my subconscious is trying to tell me, if anything.

My brain is weird, which probably doesnt come as a surprise to anyone here.

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No chapter posts this week


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I will not be posting any chapters this week because I've been really sick this week after bouncing back from the flu. I spent the past three days in bed with a high fever and mostly sleeping. I'm still feeling weak and kinda terrible so don't think I can focus on writing anything quality. So, I've decided it's best to just take the rest of the week off and recover since most of it has been a write-off anyway.

*big hugs*


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I'm beginning to think my wife has given up objecting.

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She seems to have become very tolerant of how I dress when I go out. First it was when we were going to the doctor for her appointments. My attire was seriously on the feminine end of androgynous even with lipstick and mascara. She twice allowed it where she used to make a fuss if I wore knee high nylons instead of socks.

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2025 is not going well for me so far

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I honestly don't know what impression I make here. I suspect most of you see me as some combination of Happy Fun Time Huggle Giver, and Woman Who Constantly Sabotages Her Own Life and Then Whines About It.

Well, sadly, I have to do the later, and 2025 is not going well for me.

I have had several issues with my car, including repairing the undercarriage, replacing the battery, and most recently, replacing the tires, and now it seems I am not done yet, as my check engine light turned on today.

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Stopped by the police while en femme

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Last week, I went to the "big city" (I live in a small town; 2500 pop.) to do some shopping. Most of the time, I dress out of the butch side of my wardrobe; women's clothes but the effect is androgynous. That allows people to see me the way they want to. I'm always surprised when they look at me and address me as a woman, but it does happen and when it does my voice doesn't shake their perception.

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Writing Aids...

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I have been around this site almost from the beginning. Sephrena (hope I got the spelling right), sent me a PM to invite me over. I "think" it was around 2005 or 2007, don't really know. My first story here shows 2008.

I am writing this blog to see how others do their writing.
I write on a desktop computer with keyboard elevator. It used to be that PAIN ! was my way of life and I took lots of prescription opiate drugs back then. Nowadays, I rarely take any drugs at all and since I don't work anymore, I hurt less.

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Transgender Athlete Ban


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Just reading in the News on KOIN, a CBS affiliated station. It seems that some Oregon politicians are in favor of banning MtF transgender athletes. In this case, I hope that common sense stops laying facedown in a mud filled fox hole.

I'm not a Medical Professional. Over the years my experience has me believing that there could be a workable solution. If a prepubescent male loses the testosterone from their Gonads (Balls) and gets on a suitable source of Estrogen, then perhaps he, now she, could compete in girls sports.

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rough day today

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Bit of a tough day today, as my car battery died, and with the extreme cold I had to wait quite a while for a tow.

But honestly, one of the worst parts of the whole experience was constantly being called sir on the phone with the towing company, despite my attempts to correct the lady.

I know it's not as big a thing as what many people, including people I love, are going through, but it still hurt

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what some women saw as trash, I saw as treasure.

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When I first started going out as myself, I got to talk to a lot of women who told me they didn't like most of the feminine stuff.

They would avoid dresses and skirts and the rest unless they had no choice.

I got the impression they saw being feminine as being less, which is an attitude I would expect from guys, but it was a little strange to hear it from women.

Me, I would have given anything to be allowed to be feminine, so hearing women say they saw it as at best kind of meh . . . well, I really dont know what to make of that.

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good news, bad news, and I am not sure news

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Well, the last couple of days have been full of changes.

The first was some good news about my aunt, who has been struggling with swollen legs, which is that the new meds she is on has been helping.

The second bit of good news was Sharon getting back pay from her job, so she won't need anything from us for the month of February.

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I'm back!

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Hey all,

Looks like I'm back after about a year hiatus. I had three strokes in 2024 so here's hoping that pattern doesn't continue. I'm back with a new attitude, new graphic novel, and writing about dark transfomational tales that usually includes Tg.

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