Ahabidah's blog

Patreon Confusion

There are a number of very good stories that have gone to Patreon. I did try to pay Patreon but for some reason, my bank takes exception to their charges. The people at the main branch are fine but their "Loss Prevention" folk are awful to deal with. I'm on my 4th Debit Card in as many months. I wonder if there is a way to open an account at BCTS to pay for the various stories. OR... if those stories will ever go to Amazon Kindle??? I am not making demands here, just trying to work something out.

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Writing Aids...

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I have been around this site almost from the beginning. Sephrena (hope I got the spelling right), sent me a PM to invite me over. I "think" it was around 2005 or 2007, don't really know. My first story here shows 2008.

I am writing this blog to see how others do their writing.
I write on a desktop computer with keyboard elevator. It used to be that PAIN ! was my way of life and I took lots of prescription opiate drugs back then. Nowadays, I rarely take any drugs at all and since I don't work anymore, I hurt less.

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Mein Gott, was für Ein Auto

While taking a break from a story I am working on I saw a photo of a 2025 Corvette Z..... something. 1000 hp, twin turbo V8, claims very good mileage if the driver keeps the foot out. 233 mph. Performance suspiciously like an Audi R8 which they stopped making. The driver of this beast MUST be a very masculine woman or perhaps TG ????

This must be edited into the new story !!!!

Gwen Brown

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Transgender Athlete Ban


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Just reading in the News on KOIN, a CBS affiliated station. It seems that some Oregon politicians are in favor of banning MtF transgender athletes. In this case, I hope that common sense stops laying facedown in a mud filled fox hole.

I'm not a Medical Professional. Over the years my experience has me believing that there could be a workable solution. If a prepubescent male loses the testosterone from their Gonads (Balls) and gets on a suitable source of Estrogen, then perhaps he, now she, could compete in girls sports.

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Looking For A Story

The Protagonist does online investigations for a fee until "they" graduate college. They found a remote cabin in the Rockies and stayed there to do the investigations. They go into town for groceries at times and eventually go to a family gathering where "gramps" offers him the ranch.

I hope this is enough

Ahabidah, Gwen Brown

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The "swearing in" is tomorrow. If I don't get the chance, you have my gratitude for all your support. I is not clear how unsafe things will get. My primary medical facility is the VA and I considered calling them tonight. What is the use???

Thank you all so much.

Gwen Brown

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Struggling With Explicit Story

I have been working on a rather kinky story that is not TG, and then I realized that the protagonist is probably a pre-pubescent female. This crosses legal boundaries, I think, so until I rewrite it, the story is just not happening in spite of the fact that the offender gets killed....

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TG But Not Sexually Attracted

Working on a new story to be released, um, sometime. Along the way, working things out for various characters, suddenly it is obvious that I really am "TG", but not sexually attracted to anyone. THANK THE CREATOR !!!!!!!

That is a rather profound realization. Many years ago others told me what I was, and now I realize they did not know much if anything. This admission comes after having sex change surgery years ago and living as a woman.

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Disaster Movie


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The situation around LA seems as bad or perhaps worse than a disaster movie. At least with a movie you can detach yourself by it being make believe. What is going on right now is real and there really are people dying. I had expected the death toll to be higher and perhaps it will be. I wonder how many people will die because of smoke inhalation.

In the Portland, Oregon area I have noticed some haze, and upon inquiry it seems that the weather prognosticators expect the smoke to come up here eventually.


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Remember WordPerfect?

At one point, back in the late 1970s (????) I was using WordPerfect, and then moved to MS Symphony for a while... I don't remember exactly but somewhere along the line Word was split off of Windows...

I just tried to look at what version of Windows I have (11) I think, but that dumped me into a Gmail killer routine.

Gwen Brown

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Looking for a story

The story is Science Fiction dealing with gender change brought on by some sort of ray gun. I thought that Anon Alsop had written it but I seem to be wrong. The ray gun not only changes a male to a female but makes her pregnant.

An officer on a military space ship is transformed by another officer's daughter who is jealous and vengeful of him. He, now a she, arrives on a distant planet, buck naked. She eventually makes some crude clothing from animal furs and has the baby. She lives in a crude cave.

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Looking for old story.


As I said, looking for an old story. Can not remember the author. :( The Title is "Vertigo". ): Remember that at least. That is not impressive.


As Clint Eastwood would say, "That's enough of THAT".

Could not tell you the author of this blog.

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I'm grateful to so many at BCTS. Giving it a try at never returning. I'm not Transgendered.

I've used the names Ahabidah and Gwen Brown. Some of you know my dead name.

Should anyone wish to contact me, my real email is: [email protected]

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"The Green Fog" by Susan Brown.

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I have always thought that "The Green Fog", was an absolutely riveting tale. Today, I started to wonder if any movie Producer had taken up the torch and decided to make it a Movie? If I knew someone in that business, I would most definitely approach them. Is "Hallmark" still doing movies. It would make a great children's movie despite it having adult content once or twice.

It is absolutely heart wrenching. I only wish....

Ahabidah, Gwen Brown.

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Computer woes

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I was just about to work on a new story, at 3 am PDT (USA), I think about 11 am GMT. Suddenly the computer went dead. At first I thought it was my wireless mouse, but after I mucked about for nearly an hour, I found that unplugging it all, letting it sit, and re starting everything, it is all fine.

I did order a new mouse since the led in my present one no longer works.

Ahabidah, Gwen Brown

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Unspecified Blood Infection


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I simply can not say how this happened. All the Medical Provider will indicate to me is that I have a Blood infection of of unspecified origin. What with all the different strains of Covid mucking around it is not surprising. For years doomsayers have been preaching the end of Earth through various means.

This isn't surprising to me. There are three major hospitals near to me and a half dozen others.

It's gotten to the point that any time I go out, I wear a mask. Thankfully, I found some pretty flowery masks that do not look quite as awful as most.

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"Stop OIL World Wide"

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I just ran into a bunch of Mad Naked Bike Riders. Both genders. I had been asked to join them but am not a STRIPPER. Looking at the news this is almost world wide. They want people to stop using oil from the ground.

I've done my bit. I do not own a car, nor do I rent or drive one.

My incidental use is minimal...whatever the bus uses.

Come on. Do your part.

Gwen Boucher.

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Hormone Therapy risky


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I hate to say this. I feel betrayed. I'm post operative MTF and thought I was sailing along just fine.

I had wondered why my Doctor had not renewed my prescription of Estradiol .1 patches. She is unwilling to discuss the matter with me, or it seems that way.

In the last months I've had Edema in both legs, odd spots on my skin. Now I am scheduled to have a heart image procedure with dye. They seem to be very concerned with tumors on my spine and brain and Stroking out.

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Pet Peeves

I was just sorting through old stories here when I noticed one from around 2016 by Maggie Finson. She was complaining about Women keeping their heels on... Hmmm.

In 2024, I'm perhaps more liberated. These days I have my own list. Never more than 2 inch heels. Dresses and Skirts must have at least 2 side pockets. Wearing pants is sinful, don't do it.

Never wear a bra. They make my Lymph nodes feel like I've been shot. Sometimes a Crop Top.

It is always a struggle to keep my weight out of the Obese Zone. I've been up and down 40 lbs (18 kg) over the years and hate it.

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I Need Help



I was just now looking at the Movie, "Night Bitch", with Amy Adams. The musical score in the movie is something I remember from my past. I tried to find it on YouTube and other places... but no joy.

Can anyone help me?


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