Ahabidah's blog

I Need Help



I was just now looking at the Movie, "Night Bitch", with Amy Adams. The musical score in the movie is something I remember from my past. I tried to find it on YouTube and other places... but no joy.

Can anyone help me?


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Cosmic Sin


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Spent the evening sorting through what were awful movies.

Despite my sympathy for the plight of Bruce Willis.

"Cosmic Sin" is really awful. I may not watch all of it.

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I Need Advice

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I need advice. A couple of you know my real name and who I am, where I live and all that. I'm not rich but due to my thrifty lifestyle and God, live comfortably. I am free of the blood sucking effects of automobile ownership. I'm bored and at times get depressed. I have to be careful not to make too much money because of the tender mercies of the American Tax folk. Of course, I may be so old that I don't have to pay taxes.

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Declining Health and Fortunes

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The last fortnight in August, 2024 has been awful, with several painful, but undiagnosed illnesses. The Doctors seem stumped or just plain don't care.

On a positive note, I have discovered that not using a cane or a walker stops or greatly diminishes the pain in my body. Part of this may be due to my scoliosis. I used to wear very firm back braces, but not recently. Somehow these mobility devices seem to aggravate all that. For now I am just going to enjoy it all. I do not have an automobile sucking my blood.

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I have been told by non family members that I am super strong and it is amazing that I survived, even excelled at times. My own family has "Ghosted" me, and despite that I fire back at them that after due consideration they were not "worth" it. Nearing the end of my life at times I wish that I had done other things with it. To my children: I'd like my seed back. They have misused it.

It often wonder how the population of BCTS got so strong and how I came to be even grudgingly accepted here. I know that what I write is pure excrement...I'm trying as hard as I can.

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Issues With Kindle Charges.

In the last few weeks I've gotten warnings from Amazon Kindle about "Problems with my payment". I've checked my bank balance and there should be no issue. No certain author. It makes me feel reluctant to use Kindle. In the past, Kindle has been my GO TO resource.

This reminds me of a REM hit, "It's the end of the world as we know it".

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Predicting World Events

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On the BCTS site and the larger Internet, there are citizens from literally every part of the world. Despite my own cautious belief in a higher order of things, human activity, earthquakes, volcanoes, tornadoes, hurricanes and other chilling events, I'll admit to being quite tense and sleepless at times.

Then there are the nutty conspiracy theorists that at times make life all the harder.

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Plagiarism Alert

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I am sort of flattered: I stumbled onto a Forced Fem story on You tube that is almost word for word my "Autobiography", and "You Did What To Me".

I messaged them but do not intend to ask You tube to take it down.

Some of you may be offended if their work is stolen like this.

I am not sure what to do.

Ahabidah, Gwen Brown.

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Where Are The Aliens ???

Today, sitting in a group of (Sunday) people numbering about 50 people, both male and female, and seeing the obvious genetic variations, it came to me. We Are The Aliens !!! Said group of people have made a lot of money pushing Genetic testing to the tune of around $150 per person. Other people, purportedly expert scientists, say they have spent years digging through ancient ruins.

It seems obvious to me that "we" are the Aliens. Pardon my repetition.

I feel a story coming on.


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How Safe Will We Be?


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Depending on what will happen in the USA in the next 120 days, how safe will those of our ilk be here in America. I briefly looked into fleeing to Israel, but that is not practical for me, and perhaps not safe. I was considering Tel Aviv. I was just looking at going to western or central Canada, but that just seems impractical to me.

So, perhaps it is best to just say where I am and hope for the best.

Ahabidah, Gwen Brown

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Declining Capacity. End of Writing perhaps.


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I'm disgustingly old, 77 1/2, and while there have not been any diagnoses of Dementia or Alzheimer's, I'm tired, so tired. The Doctors such as they are think I have MS. For now, I plan to keep writing as a relief to my severe Depression, I do not plan to publish any more whether under Ahabidah, or Gwen Brown. I'm hoping that I die in my sleep rather than rot away in a care center. I was going to leave my email but that will expose me to scammers, so perhaps I'll just check the site for PMs, if there are any. Should anyone want to, I am sure the Admins can contact me.

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That's me on YouTube, where I can say what I want to.

OOPs, just got in trouble on YouTube. Guess I was wrong. :(

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Ever Heard of "Brat"?

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In the midst of coping with the world situation, I've heard about a Term that is new to me and used by someone I've never heard of; Charli ????

Feeling hyper alert in the present situation in the US.

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Be A Screen Writer

"Dust" is a maker of internet short videos. I got curious about them, who they are, where they are, how they function and all that. I did not find out if they use sources outside their group, or if they pay them. It's just an idea but perhaps some of the better writers on BCTS could submit their work to Dust, you know, take a flyer. They might even be interested in TG content. I see a lot of TG content on YouTube nowadays.

Just an idea.


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Things Bigger Than Gender

2:00 AM PDT my time. Just finished watching outsider Russian movie called "Attraction". It is about 2 hours long and in my opinion very good. It is worth your time. It came out before the Ukraine/Putin war. It makes me realize that there are things that are more important than gender.

The English dubbing is flawless, though a bit stilted.

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The Bender Of Gender

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There is a site that is new to me on YouTube called "The Bender Of Gender". So far, the first entry looks to be some four hours long. It is all voice and perhaps a Cross Dressers dream. I'm into it about ten minutes, and have it paused to make this blog. It remains to be seen if I will be able to keep getting into it for the whole four hours.

So far so good.

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Spanking Badly Needed

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It was still about 95 Degrees F (35 c) at 1:00 am this morning and though my apartment was 76 F or so, I woke up with cabin fever and stepped outside to get away from the noise of the chiller. As I sat there, I could hear a woman on the street screaming hysterically. She sounded close enough that I decided to see if calling the Police was in order. She was actually about 2 blocks away, so walking as fast as I could it took less than 5 minutes to get to her.

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Reading Your Own Stories Aloud

I've had enough of my complaining off topic about the sins of Micro Soft and the billionaires who victimize us.

After pecking away in MS Word today at "Andromeda Smith" I was feeling doubtful that it was any good, and started to read it out loud to myself, then found out that the software will do it for you. So, after I sat there and listened to the less than 1000 words, any flaws just jumped out at me. The AI that does this is rather limited in places so I don't know how I can get it to interpret stretched out pauses, that I would normally write as ...

This is fun.

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Not Real Fun

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I can't say what has happened to the Internet. I thought it was only in the last two weeks, but it may have been actually going on for much longer. ONE person has actually reached out to me, offering help and I gave them all my contact information.

It's been nearly 20 years, and along the way several people have asked for help, and I have done my best to respond. I've tried very hard to be responsive to the site administrators. The record is there, if they kept any.

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