News Item

I was watching 60 Minutes this evening…….

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And a story about the Broadway play Good Night, and Good Luck was airing. The show stars George Clooney, and is about Edward R. Murrow and his fight against McCarthyism. During the segment on 60 Minutes, Clooney is recorded telling the cast, "When the other three estates fail, when the judiciary and the executive and the legislative branches fail us, the fourth estate has to succeed.”

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News items

Please be aware of the warnings in the tags I selected. I am referencing and linking some current news reports that are highly disturbing. So if your blood pressure tends to spike at disturbing news, or if you get triggered by the same, you might want to just skip the rest of this post.

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A small victory

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Caution: TOPICAL

Friends, I don’t often blog about politics. But I am writing about a victory, however transitory and ephemeral it may be, on the subject of transgender bans in the military.

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Funny how the Trump administration claims that hiring should be based…….

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Solely on merit and capabilities - that the most qualified person for the position should be the one placed in that position - yet the most qualified person according to him and his cronies always seems to be a white male as far as the military is concerned. He has already replaced the only two members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff who were not white men, one a woman and the other a black man. Apparently only a lily white, all male staff is qualified to lead the US Military.

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Are your books safe?

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There have been repeated reports in the past of Amazon Kindle stealing money from consumers. As well as Kindle being a proprietary and closed standard for content delivery. The underlying issue is not only restricted to Amazon Kindle, but any and all cloud-based streaming content providers.

Who controls the content that is saved on the cloud? Is it the owner of the content? Or is it the owner of the infrastructure?

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Article About Trump

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From A Veteran Editor of 'Stars And Stripes'

Regulars here will know I’m not a fan of BS and half-measures. Don’t piss on my boots, and tell me it’s raining …

This has been a horrible month for anybody who still cares about America, her place in the world, and her duty to her people.

We are under attack by Donald Trump’s soulless, gutless Republican Party, and the United States of America will never be the same again.

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Road Safety?

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I just ran across this 13 minute video on road safety in Europe (and more specifically the UK) versus the development of electric vehicles at NEWS: UK Bans Cybertruck - 5 Fatal Design Flaws Tesla Can't Fix.

This is more for those techno-geeks and EV geeks out there. So you might like this FYI,

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Fighting back ...

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This is from the USA, but can easily be applied just about anywhere.

The first is a call for February 28th [1]

The second concerns Target 'rolling over' on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI); also Amazon, Disney, PBS: [4] [2]

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Justice for sale - at a rock bottom price…….

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I have been reading and listening to the news articles regarding the Eric Adams criminal prosecution for the better part of the day today. I live some 150 miles north of New York City, but as a resident of New York State, especially one who lives in the Capital/Saratoga Region, the potential criminal prosecution of the Mayor of New York City makes the news here on a fairly regular basis, as does most state politics.

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Developments on the left side of “The Pond”


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If you are willing to see how Europeans view the current political developments in the United States of America, you might want to the following broadcast posts on YouTube. Be warned that these could be triggering to you, and therefor a risk to your personal mental health. So viewer discretion is advised.

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“I am shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on……”

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The classic line from Captain Renault in Casablanca, just before he collects his gambling winnings, is a perfect lead in to today’s latest news from the Orange Asshat in Washington, D.C.

Trump today announced that he is firing the director of the Office of Government Ethics, a man who was confirmed by the US Senate in November 2024 and sworn in December 16, 2024 for a five year term - a term that would have lasted completely through Trump’s second term. See the attached news article:

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Please, please, please read this!

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As a card carrying member of the ACLU, I regularly get communications from them. Yes, many of those are asking for money to support their programs, but many others are asking for me to sign a petition or to reach out to my Congressman or Senator. They also send out communications regularly to help keep members informed.

I received this one today………

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My thoughts and prayers……..

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Go out to all those adversely impacted by last night’s plane collision in Washington, D.C. - I have flown through Reagan National Airport more times than I can count. It was a hub for US Air for a long time, and then later for American Airlines when US Airways bought them out and kept the American name when merging the two operations. As my home is in the New York Capital Region, for many years I would fly out of the Albany International Airport on a weekly basis - although less often the past few years.

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I was watching RFK Jr.’s confirmation hearing today………

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And in between being disgusted to the point of wanting to throw up, and being outraged to the point of wanting to throw something at the TV, I found this article online. As the author stated, his list by no means contains all of the possible ways to fight back against the atrocities the Trump administration is inflicting on this country, but it is a good place to start - and if we don’t fight back, we might as well just roll over and die.

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Interesting report in the Guardian about GD in children

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It appears that mention of Gender dysphoria in children and young adults has gone from 1:60,000 to 1:1200 in the last ten years, The overwhelming demand is from biological females. It also seems there is no overall strategy for treatment and following the Cass report, the use of blockers and hormones is on hold.

I attach a link to the article.

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They Fired Her


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When they learned she was transgender IBM fired her.

Lynn had managed to put together some fragile bits of support and help from her family and friends. However, when IBM fired her everyone lost confidence in what she was doing and her support system collapsed. Lynn went abroad for her surgery, all alone. She had lost not only her career and professional reputation, but also her family, relatives, friends and colleagues. She faced a frighteningly uncertain future without a soul in the world to help her other than her doctors.

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Finally, someone stands up for what is right……..

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It only took until day two of his presidency, but finally someone stood up and had the guts to tell the Orange Idiot to his face what millions should be saying. That there are very, very good people who are scared to death because of what he and his cronies are trying to do - people who have done nothing to hurt anyone else, who have done nothing but try to make a better life for themselves or their families.

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Today evil reared it’s ugly head once again…….

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Isaac Asimov said, “Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.” Although his intent was clear, in that the incompetent resort to violence as they can think of no other action to take, he is inherently wrong. The Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928 attempted to outlaw war as an act of national policy, but it has obviously failed. The simple fact is that throughout history, war has been much more the norm than peace.

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So, today it finally happened

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A day few thought we'd ever see. A day some even dreaded. But after being away from the top since 2020, the man of the hour has finally arrived at his new home.

Sir Lewis Hamilton has arrived at Ferrari.

Was something else meant to be happening today? I prefer to only give oxygen to things that improve my life and the world around me.

Debs xxxx

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Disaster Movie


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The situation around LA seems as bad or perhaps worse than a disaster movie. At least with a movie you can detach yourself by it being make believe. What is going on right now is real and there really are people dying. I had expected the death toll to be higher and perhaps it will be. I wonder how many people will die because of smoke inhalation.

In the Portland, Oregon area I have noticed some haze, and upon inquiry it seems that the weather prognosticators expect the smoke to come up here eventually.


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Just so...

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You may have seen news about fires in Southern California near where Melanie and I live. This is just a note to say, well, they are not that near, forty to fifty miles away at least and while we have had a bit of smoke pollution, that has not been too serious so far.

There have been power outages nearby, but even that has been avoided locally. The area is mostly desert mountains and not inclined to burn, though there are forests within 10 to 20 miles. We'll try to keep everyone informed.


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Stay safe in Storm Blair

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I see severe winter marching across from Kansas to DC. Please stay safe, our sisters and brothers in its path, and preferably under cover and off the roads. The temps and snowfall make our disruptive UK winter weekend a mere shower by comparison.

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