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Sue Bird, Megan Rapinoe Among 40 Athletes to Sign Letter Opposing Federal Anti-Trans Sports Ban

A group of 40 professional, Olympic and Paralympic athletes signed a letter regarding recent anti-trans sports bans sent to House of Representatives legislative directors on Monday.

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Trans Women and Sport

I know this divides trans women. This is just my take on the problem.

The whole thing about trans women is sport is too complex. Sports people are very competitive and will complain about the tiniest thing they think is unfair.

What is a trans woman? Someone that has had full surgery, has the same hormone levels as the average woman and has not gone through male puberty. Or a fully intact male that has no intention of taking hormones and having surgery?

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Life imitates art, ahem, the bit I wrote about bees in Bike last night

I wrote about bees as possibly having self-awareness, now these tiny marvels, featured in research by an American scientist, seem to show this in spades leading them to reconsider how the laws in America don't protect these intelligent insects (they don't protect mammals much either compared to the UK) and how they need changing. I read Chittka's book last year, it was fascinating and now this American scientist, Stephen Bucchman, feels the same towards them. The article is interesting and easy to read.

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Ladies Get to Gether

I’m inviting you to my weekly Sunday Zoom meeting CMT. Only trans women are invited. If you have an invite feel free to invite others I include a link to my local time standard so that you might match it up to yours, Some of the ladies in the past are from Great Britain and Germany. Most of them are writers who post stories on a Big Closet Top Shelf though that this is no way a requirement. This will be the last week this invite log in will work. Next week's invitation will have the new sign information. If you haven't figured this out I send these out every Friday.

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March 2023 Abducted! Contest: Winners Announcement! (And poll info)

It's over! It's done! The contest is finished, the polls are closed, and we have the results you've all been waiting for!

The March 2023 Abducted! Story Contest Results!

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Re: The Shooting in Nashville

Yes, it is about guns, but this goes far deeper than that. This was a trans girl/woman who was forced to go to this school to 'straighten her out' from her dysphoria. I imagine she was tortured by those 'Christians' on a daily basis. Such a shame, when the proper treatment and counseling might have left us with a well-adjusted young woman.

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It's what we have been trying to tell them for years

Finally, someone does a survey that iterates what we have been saying for years,

as long as you don't want to be an athlete:

Both from the Guardian

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What is a Woman?

I know this has been done to death. Politicians are always asked the question whenever a trans issue is debated

When people say "a woman has xx chromosomes" That is bullshit as there are XY females and XX males.

"A woman has a womb" Some are born without one and many have hysterectomies. Do they stop becoming a woman?

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We're All Too Comfortable

It's only a matter of time before we join the list of books banned in many states of the USA. When the Right-Wingers have finished going after the children and their parents and the doctors who treat them, then they are going to come after what they see as those who encourage and/or educate them.

That's US, folks. They can't burn our books but they can ban us from the internet and restrict us in many ways. Do you think we'll get any help from the tech giants?

Think again.

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Did Nicola Sturgeon resign as first minister due to Gender Recognition Reform?

With seemingly perfect timing, just after the SNP passed a Scottish version of the Gender Recognition Reform bill by 86 votes to 39, the story of Isla Bryson reared its ugly head.

Isla Bryson or Adam Graham, as he was known when he committed two rapes. Claimed to be transgender after he was arrested (he was living full time as a man then).

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Am I Naive?

I am not American, but does not the preamble to your Constitution guarantee, among other things, the right to the pursuit of happiness to all citizens?

This being the case, how can a section of your political classes deny that right to another section of your citizenry?

Why hasn't someone lodged a case to protest this abrogation of rights to the Supreme Court?

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South Dakota is Forcing Trans Youth to detransition.

Telling any child they or their identity is invalid is a perilous course, no matter what your reasons. To blatantly stop any medical treatment for a segment of the population based on your beliefs, not theirs, is a difficult course. We need to stand up for all trans people, including ourselves, but especially trans youth. We have failed them this far and must fight for them daily.

#southdakota #detransition #transyouth #transhealth #transgenderrights #transgenderawareness #transgenderlivesmatter #transgenderrightsarehumanrights


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Sad to report

That the teenage girl stabbed to death on Saturday in Culcheth, Cheshire, was transgender though they don't believe it was hate crime. Brianna Ghey, aged 16 was found in a park on Saturday afternoon, a boy and a girl both aged 15 have been arrested on suspicion of murder. So if they are guilty, three children's lives have been messed up. It's a sad fact knives are too accessible and a significant number of people seem too quick to use them, like guns in America. Is this a reflection of our times with politicians ignoring the law of the land, so ordinary people copy them?

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Regrets - We all have a few

I read an article by a "palliative care nurse" about the regrets people have when they die.

Many of them ring very true with me, and I'll guess many of you.

I Wish I’d Lived a Life True to Myself, Not the Life Others Expected of Me
We all know this one. Many of you are a lot braver than me and are true to yourself, however long it took

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