Emma Anne Tate's blog

Someone’s Having a Birthday!

And it’s a BIG Birthday, too!

She’s an absolute treasure. A wonderful author, someone who’s succeeded at marriage for over 57 years, and always a warm, positive presence here at BC.


Take a bow, PATRICIA MARIE ALLEN! Or maybe a curtsy. :) Happy 80th to you! May your pantyhose never sag, and your nighties never tangle!!!

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EAT SUMMER.jpg So, I popped onto the site this morning see a slew of comments on stories I hadn’t read. Then my eyes bugged out, because some of the comments were from the amazingly talented Maggie Finson. Talented . . . and much missed.

Alas, it was not a sign that Maggie has returned to us. But is there a reason why the comment board is suddenly flooded with comments posted over a decade ago?

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Happy Solstice!


The solstice marks the beginning of summer on our calendars, but back when people thought about these things differently, the longest day of the year was called "Midsummer." Whether you call it Litha or Midsummer (or, for my antipodean friends, the start of THAT season), I hope that yours was lovely.

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Aria Book Three is out!

I’m very excited to announce that Doppler Press has just published the third book of Aria, Bring Down the Curtain. Cami’s efforts to juggle staying in the closet at work, planning her eventual transition, and settling into a new living arrangement were hard enough. But as the calendar ticks over into March of 2020, the world grinds to a halt, and the global pandemic changes everyone’s plans. Here’s the link: Bring Down the Curtain.

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May the Simbelmynë Ever Bloom

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R.I.P., Sir Bernard Hill. BBC Obit

You were a great actor in many roles — the Captain of the Titanic and the wily Duke of Norfolk. But to me, you will always be Théoden King. May the Simbelmynë bloom ever white upon your funeral mound, and your memory be ever green.


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IMG_1224_0.jpeg We’ve been having some wonderful discussions lately about BC as a community. One of the many ways that this manifests itself is how generous, welcoming and supportive so many of BC’s established authors are when newbies like me show up. You know who you are, my dears; know that you are my personal pantheon of goddesses and heroes. I have benefited so much from your help, advice, and friendship.
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Thoughts on weather

I love winter. I do. I actually love every season. I prefer it, though, when they stay in their lanes. Watching the poor daffodils wilt under an onslaught of sleet put me distinctly out of sorts this morning. Honestly, though, I’m sure it would depress anyone. It would depress circus clowns and hyenas and the people who get paid to record laugh tracks. I’m sure it would even depress Curly, the obnoxiously cheerful protagonist from the play Oklahoma.

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Spring Forward

IMG_1224_0.jpeg Good morning, everyone! And to all of you in the Northern Hemisphere, happy spring! (To my friends in the Southern Hemisphere . . . Sorry about that. :)

I know that Piper and Erin and the whole admin team have been working really hard to fix all the damage from the recent hacking incident. And I know that we aren’t back to normal functionality yet.

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I’ve been traveling this week to deal with some family issues, so I’ve been kind of quiet as the contest goes into the final stretch. I have been keeping on top of stories coming in, though. Here’s my latest set of reviews. Great reading!!!

The Promise

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More Great Stories!!!

Hi everyone! I’m traveling, but managing— just! — to keep up with the great stories that keep coming in. Just a couple days left to get yours in, authors!

Here’s my next batch of fifteen thumbnail sketches. Great stories - have a read!

Countdown to Confidence

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Closing in on 100 stories!

When we started this contest, Jill, Joanne and I guessed how many stories we would get. I’m normally the cautious one, guessing low and hoping to be pleasantly surprised. But this time I threw sense to the scirocco and guessed that we would more than double the number of entries in the last contest, hitting . . . 55. Joanne, with the sunny optimism of the Aussi girl she is, aimed higher still, thinking we might get seventy. Jill, though, is savvy in the world of sales. She said we’d get a hundred. Amazingly enough, we’re almost there, and we still have a week to go.

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Contest Stories -- My Third Set of Comments

Good morning! It’s February – do you know where your Contest Story is? C’mon, authors! Just two weeks left!

Here are my third set of comments on the stories that have been submitted to date, selected with the assistance of a handy random number generator:

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Contest Update & More Story Comments

January is winding down, and we are now four weeks into our 2024 writing contest! If you’ve missed it — well, I don’t know how you’ve managed, but if you have — the rules are here. There are still over two weeks left to join the fun, so get those stories posted. :)

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Contest Musings -- Emma's First Comments

A few days ago, Jill provided some thoughts on the first fifteen entries in the contest, with the goal of getting more of our readers to check out some of the amazing stories that have been posted so far.

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Contest Update: But Wait -- There's MORE!!!

WOW! We've been getting some fantastic stories for the contest. And let me tell you, picking the best of the best is not going to be easy. You can rest assured that Jill and I will be careful, thoughtful, and diligent -- it's why we're getting the big bucks! Nonetheless, we recognize that every reader will have their own favorites.

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A day without contest stories?

Well, we had a bit of a lull yesterday. Can’t have that!

The contest has drawn over sixty wonderful stories, and we’ve had new authors as well as stories from some of BC’s most beloved. But some of you haven’t jumped in yet. :(

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Two authors whose stories I’ve been following — one an old BC hand, and one new — seem to have vanished in the last couple months after posting industriously. I hate to see good stories unfinished, naturally, but I am more worried about the authors. I don’t know if it’s considered poor form to ask, but does anyone know whether either Domoviye or Ms. Woolly are safe?

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Contest Update: Go, Go, Go!!!

It’s New Year’s Day somewhere (specifically, where Joanne lives), and the contest is now officially open for entries!

There’s an official tag for contest entries. The fourth drop-down menu under “Add a Story” is labeled “contests.” Scroll down and click on “2024-01 January - New Year’s Resolution Story Contest.”

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