Authors / Stories / Books / Writing

2024 New Year's Contest

If you click on 2024-01 January - New Year's Resolution Story Contest above, you will see a list of the entries.

Contest Closed for entries.

Please post your choices for top three stories and possibly win $50.

Start the New Year right by participating in Jill, Emma, and Joanne’s writing contest!

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Sledgehammer by me from DopplerPress on Amazon


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Sledgehammer on Kindle


This is the same story that's been in the Hatbox for some time, now released with new editing and a new cover on Amazon. The story of Jake and Cody, friends--and Freds--for a lifetime. See story for joke about the Freds.


Hatbox funds needed - Today

Cash contributions from our members are how we keep BigCloset operating.

Company account was down to basically $0

If bills hit, we will overdraft.

Amazon is supposed to pay us tonight, but my stomach is cramping now with anxiety about this.

Please, If you can help, it will be appreciated.

Paypal contributions come straight to our account.

Erin, Piper, Jamie, Cat and the rest of the crew

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The Last Holidays - Kindle eBook by Grover Young


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Craig is one of Earth's bio-engineered soldiers in a war against an alien invasion. Unfortunately, when he uses his powers, he turns female. Now Halcyon has to deal with invaders and with Craig's girlfriend's preference for his female self! On top of that, Earth is losing the war.... There must be another way to deal with the conflict or the world will run out of holidays—forever!

The Last Holidays

Looking for another story

I cannot remember much about this story except from a few facts no specific order

medieval type fantasy

witch/sorceress believes she is wronged by king, curses a royal child

curse can only be broken by a selfless act

monarch's magic is life of land

A friend of MC runs a clinic that soldiers burn to ground with patients still inside

another character saves MC from making bad mistake, and turns MC's life around, think is mercenary and teaches MC swordsmanship

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New Cover, Kindle Unlimited, and Coming Soon Second Edition

I wanted to share the news that my ebook has a new cover and is back on Kindle Unlimited. Coming soon is an update to the second edition and a Second Edition first publishing as a paperback and a hard cover. The second edition has about fifty more pages and features including the first chapter of an upcoming book. As soon as Kindle updates the eBook to the second edition, I'm planning a sale. More details later.

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Crazy Daisy

I'm going to have a go at a continuation to this story with some glossaries of dance terms I downloaded. Thanks all who commented on parts one and two your encouragement is very helpful. Unfortunately, they don't have a term for a Smudge cat who launched herself off the floor with forepaws patting together as she tried to catch a fruit fly. It looked as if she was saying her prayers in mid-air. It was really quite amusing to watch.

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Looking for a story

I am looking for a story,

Magical? gender change, Grandmother dying, mother last of the matriarchal clan, son changed.

I say "magical?" as I cannot remember if magic is involved

I can however remember the clan is a clan of were's and they are big cats, Lion, Tiger, Puma, Panther type big cat.

I think he gets injured in a car accident, before change

also I seem to remember he was at college/university studying forensics (CSI), which also helps when members of another clan in the town begin to reappear dead

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Up a day late, sorry

"My Summer in Pantyhose Chapter 41" is up a day late. Sorry. The three day weekend threw my perception of what day it was. I didn't realize it was Tuesday until I went to bed and contemplated the next day being Wednesday.

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My Summer in Pantyhose posting error

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Mea Culpa...

In my master document, i misnumbered chapters resulting in two chapters 37. As a result of that, the second Chapter 37 never got posted. That resulted in a continuity error. A new member, maerga galva, called my attention the continuity error; thank you Maerga.

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What next for Toni? BCTS Loyalty Edition

I've been busy for a while since my last story/chapter went up. I have two ongoing stories on the site at the moment, Toni With An i and Allison. Last summer I paused things for a house move but the house turned out to need more work than anticipated. A few months ago I got sick of only house stuff and started something I've said I'd do, which is work up my stories into novel format.

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Help wanted finding a story...

The story begins with a guy trying to hide. He goes to Northern California and is camping out, I believe on the outskirts of Yosemite. He transforms into a young girl, is found, taken to LA/Hollywood, becomes a star and ends up adopted. Please help me find this story. Thanks!


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Struggling With Explicit Story

I have been working on a rather kinky story that is not TG, and then I realized that the protagonist is probably a pre-pubescent female. This crosses legal boundaries, I think, so until I rewrite it, the story is just not happening in spite of the fact that the offender gets killed....

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The Family Girl #099: Made A Couple of New Friends

The Family Girl #099: Made A Couple of New Friends
      - Bobbie Cabot

It's Wednesday midnight here, but I decided to post this even though it's a little late.

Yesterday morning (I mean Monday morning), I met a couple of people at the office. Christine and Michael are from a different department from the one I run. Nothing major, and nothing unusual - I mean, you meet a lot of people at work. Except that these two were transgender, actually transsexual. And they actually sought me out - Christine, actually, was the one who sought me out, and she brought with her Michael.

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On Wednesday of this week (tomorrow in my timezone) I will become homeless. My landlords have sold the property I have spent the past 8 years in and served me with a no-fault eviction order 2+ months ago. Quite separately my daughter decided to leave after 14 years with me, including her transition from girl to young woman. I, myself, transitioned almost 2 years ago after a long gestation.

Some will already be aware of this much.

My biggest issue has been the lack of affordable housing near me. I also needed to downsize drastically.

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TG But Not Sexually Attracted

Working on a new story to be released, um, sometime. Along the way, working things out for various characters, suddenly it is obvious that I really am "TG", but not sexually attracted to anyone. THANK THE CREATOR !!!!!!!

That is a rather profound realization. Many years ago others told me what I was, and now I realize they did not know much if anything. This admission comes after having sex change surgery years ago and living as a woman.

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Remember WordPerfect?

At one point, back in the late 1970s (????) I was using WordPerfect, and then moved to MS Symphony for a while... I don't remember exactly but somewhere along the line Word was split off of Windows...

I just tried to look at what version of Windows I have (11) I think, but that dumped me into a Gmail killer routine.

Gwen Brown

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Using Grammarly

I started using Grammarly, , three years ago as a spelling checker for my Apple computer. It was cumbersome but effective. As time has passed, it has become streamlined and works everywhere I write.

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Looking for a story

The story is Science Fiction dealing with gender change brought on by some sort of ray gun. I thought that Anon Alsop had written it but I seem to be wrong. The ray gun not only changes a male to a female but makes her pregnant.

An officer on a military space ship is transformed by another officer's daughter who is jealous and vengeful of him. He, now a she, arrives on a distant planet, buck naked. She eventually makes some crude clothing from animal furs and has the baby. She lives in a crude cave.

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Angel Questions

I'm looking for questions people in the Angel universe would ask Aaron/Malak. (I already have "What do you wear under those robes?" :-)

I can't guarantee to use any suggested questions, or even to give answers to the questions I use. Don't worry if the questions are inane or serious; I can use both.

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Seeking input on a challenge idea


Hey BC Family! I was kicking around the idea of starting the New Year off with a running challenge for our authors, which would work as kind of a daisy chain. Let me know what you think.

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Sorry it's a day late ... My Summer in Pantyhose Chapter 36 is up

My Summer in Pantyhose Chapter 36 is up. Sorry it's a day late. As a school bus driver I'm on winter break (remember when they used to call it Christmas break?) and somehow I lost track of what day of the week it was. :oP

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For those who want a central location for all My Summer in Pantyhose

I've been endeavoring to learn how to do organizational pages. I'd like to thank Sephrena for patiently tutoring me in that effort. She walked me through the organizational page for the, "If It Was Your Husband," page, helped me when my boo-boos made me tear my hair.

"If It Was Your Husband," was a practice session for me. What I really wanted to do was organize "My Summer in Pantyhose." Jeremy Chandler did 24 chapters listed on his author page and I took up the story and have completed another 19 chapters plus an epilogue.

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No Bike this Saturday

I've been ill all over Christmas and still feel weak and wobbly. I am slowly recovering, and only cough about 25 times a second now. I remind you of a piece I wrote 12 years ago at this time of year, using a character from Bike which still seems to have a charm and humour, if you haven't seen it before I suggest you have a look and enjoy.

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Power outage Christmas present.

We had a great Christmas Day at my daughter's house marred only by the fact that my grandson and his new wife were ill and couldn't make it. We got home shortly after 10 in the evening. I was just catching up on the goings on here on BCTS when the first power outage hit. It was a minute later that it came back. Not to unusual for my little town that only has two feed lines from the electrical grid. Then about five minutes later, we heard a loud boom and the lights went out. No doubt, a transformer blew.

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Character Inspiration

For those who have wondered about the inspiration for the Prince of Speed in my Masks stories, look here:

I am very happy to have a 16mm print of this. In an envelope Jittlov doodled all over. :-)

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