
Meagan's Tail ch 14..Pixie in trouble is up

Well after a long dry spell I got one new chapter up and now we find out the Lab made Pixie's fate....we all know the Drow hate her for even existing. so what planes do they have for her and keeping her alive....for now

go forth and read...comment PLEASE!
have fun all!

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Meagan's Tail ch 14..Pixie in trouble

Meagan's Tail

A new Universe, a New story!

Intermission of our story

Pixie time!

Will our new Pixie now waits for what the Drows will do with or death?




Los Angeles

is it just me or did 9 years plus of my stories get wiped out?

is it just me or did 9 years plus of my stories get wiped out?

I just logged in to check a plot or 2 the fastest way I know how and each one of my stories I checked is ZERO words?

is anyone else seeing that?

cause I don't know if I have it in me to days of reposting all of the over again!

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A new last chapter of Sammi's story is up! pt4

A new last chapter of Sammi's story is up! pt4

In this part Sammi finally gets to Whateley and starts with joining into campus life...rocky at first.

From here I will add her into my story flow in the Whateley setting and beyond.

Now get to reading and tell me if you all like the the whole thing/idea!?

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Sammi's story part 4

Sammie's story an incident of magic and Fae...this is the final chapter in her introduction!

I am adding this character in to flesh out my stories with more characters I can control fully and not barrow too many of others laying around the Whateley school

Lets see how you all like it and PLEASE PLEASE comment or I don't know what to do next or if you even like this plot?




A new chapter of Sammi's story is up!

New Sammi's story is up and this

the Drow twins(my Shadowsblade twins) do a TV interview and when asked 'what is the most dangerous place they'd never go?'
"a US waffle house!"

see the tweets below Carter's for the viral video

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Sammi's story part 3

Sammie's story an incident of magic and Fae

I am adding this character in to flesh out my stories with more characters I can control fully and not barrow too many of others laying around the Whateley school

Lets see how you all like it and PLEASE PLEASE comment or I don't know what to do next or if you even like this plot?




Should my Drow/dark elf twins apply for this job?

Should my Drow/dark elf twins apply for this job?....yes its a real job!

Just spotted this on my job feed and thought "hey they should apply!"

Entertainment HIP Park Elf some 'local HUGE name brand theme park'

JOB SUMMARY: A seasonal team member position with the responsibility of keeping the illusion of The North Pole and Santa Claus while portraying a Christmas elf.



the next chapter of Sammi's story is up!

the next chapter of Sammi's story is up!

in this extra long chapter help finally comes for the family and we get an idea of what is going on and some of the 'whys'

hope you all like this?

post a comment on telling me how this story is to or not to your liking?

have fun reading!

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Sammi's story part 2

Sammie's story an incident of magic and Fae

I am adding this character in to flesh out my stories with more characters I can control fully and not barrow too many of others laying around the Whateley school

Lets see how you all like it and PLEASE PLEASE comment or I don't know what to do next or if you even like this plot?




I laugh at stuff like this as an author

I laugh at stuff like this as an author

One of my characters I write about 'Shadowsblade' begins a career as an action heroine and I think about stuff just like this when I write that part of her stories.

Imagine walking into a store...a wallmart and there is a aisle of toys with hundreds of little 'you-s' all along it! Big ones, small ones all kinds!

The weirdness factor alone!

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ITS Sammi not Sammie !darn new word processor program and auto correct!

ITS Sammi not Sammie !darn new word processor program and auto correct!

just went from MS word 2000 to Google docs at gun point..AKA MS wanted their money and word 2000 does not work with win 10 so they can make more $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

But I got stuck on Sammie over the right way I wrote it a few years back of Sammi!!!!!!!!! so the story just go corrected and will from now on be Sammi!

and if you want real fun writing try elf names sometime! You have to beat and threaten auto-correct on that!

Blog About: 


Sammi's story

Sammie's story an incident of magic and Fae

I am adding this character in to flesh out my stories with more characters I can control fully and not barrow too many of others laying around the Whateley school

Lets see how you all like it and PLEASE PLEASE comment or I don't know what to do next or if you even like this plot?




New DOUBLE SIZE Meagan's tail up!

New DOUBLE SIZE Meagan's tail up!

Who are the 2 voices from the basement stairs?

what does a Fae queen's mansion in Los Angeles look like and why have one in human lands?

Is this new elf safe in LA?

read on and have fun!

comment please...comments add to my story 'brain' and add to story ideas!

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Meagan's Tail ch 13..Royal lessons go on

Meagan's Tail

A new Universe, a New story!

Intermission of our story

Pixie time!

Will our new Pixie convince the Drow twins she is worth saving?




Meagan's Tail ch12..intermission Pixie part5!

Meagan's Tail

A new Universe, a New story!

Intermission of our story

Pixie time!

Will our new Pixie convince the Drow twins she is worth saving?




Note this part of the story happens a few weeks back from where the last chapter left off midway in Meagan's Tail ch7 ...Royal lessons 3.

New Mermaid's tail up.....intermission Pixie

New Mermaid's tail up.....intermission Pixie

In this chapter a new Pixie tries to convince the Drow twins that her new life is worth saving over being erased from the face of the earth as the Fae see her as an insult to Fae kind....she was changed into a Pix by human science!

Ask questions...tell me what ya like or not like?!!

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Meagan's Tail ch11..intermission Pixie part4!

Meagan's Tail

A new Universe, a New story!

Intermission of our story

Pixie time!

Will our new Pixie convince the Drow twins she is worth saving?




Rohanna called to the healer that made the small forest inside embassy lobby home, "An'edla come here and let me see this Pix's taint via your eyes?"

I AM BACK! after over 9 months! New Shadowsblade is up!!

Well I am back and I hope I have not lost too many steps in getting this one posted

On my end had lots of changes with housemates moving in temporally with kids that NEVER slow down and are rarely silent. But you got to help other in need even if you sacrifice a VERY clean home to the dirty kids god or devil!

BUT since I am back please read and nit me up with what ya feel on this posted story? I am not sure its back in my flow jsut yet, but more will come soon-ish!

Be evil...Be a Drow we have poison cake!

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Angels can't cry in space

Now for a little story I cooked up one night in my head, and to fellow author Sleethr, I just borrowed Bree...she kind fit the part best!!!!!





September 4th, 2373
In Transit to Mars

Next part of Meagans tail...intermission Pixie!! is up

Well the next part of Meagan's tail...intermission Pixie!! is up.

this chapter took a LLLLONG while to get done with life little issues popping up and me more than kind of not feeling like writing .

but on to the show and readers have at it and have fun!

Ask questions and post your theories of the plots next parts?

Blog About: 


Meagan's Tail ch10 ...Royal lessons 6, intermission Pixie part3!

Meagan's Tail

A new Universe, a New story!

Intermission of our story

Pixie time!




Meagan's Tail ch8 ...Royal lessons 4, intermission Pixie!

Meagan's Tail

A new Universe, a New story!

Intermission of our story

Pixie time!




Time again for a new Shadowsblade!

Just posted another chapter of the twins and more of the "kidnapped" story

"Kidnapped"? But who is who's captive? Do the villains 'have' the twins or are the twins really waiting to HAVE some fun at the villains expanse and pain!

have fun reading and leave comments and maybe if you have not read them? Please take a look at my mermaid series or Vaniter a sort of godess going to high school!

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With 'mail in ballots' going on I had an evil one!

Crazy idea no farther if you scare easy!

Some how in the world I and a few others write in or about, we have elves, fairy, drow, pixies, nymphs, mermaids and tons of other Fae creatures!

The Hekawi Universe by Shadowsblade and Nuuan

Well with this election, an evil idea stuck me!

To start the US federal government being one of those organizations that sometimes does a bad job and other times it goes far, far, far and above the most basic description of the job needing to be done.

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Meagan's Tail ch7 ...Royal lessons 3

Meagan's Tail

A new Universe, a New story!

Queen's lady Meagan Ler newly changed life continues!
her linage is Queen of all the seas and mermaids!




NEW ...Vantier a Whateley Tale is up!

Vantier a Whateley Tale chapter 20: encroaching shadows!

Well someone on here blogged about my Vantier stories (Sammi! grin!) and I noticed when some other reader psoted a coment that I ahd not done a chapter in a year!

so 2 years late (my bad!) I post a new chapter for you all to enjoy

and what shadowy danger grows in this chapter!......muhahahahahahaha!

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Vantier a Whateley Tale chapter 20: encroaching shadows!

Vantier a Whateley Tale.....Ancient and Powerful Vantier awakens in a foreign world, struggling to find her place in it.

He is saved from the death of his race and start all over again....but can she survive?
A human high school and being a teenager? Will she remember what was? And grow in power?

This Chapter---dealing with life's issues and a hidden danger GROWS!!
dun dun daaaaa!!!!!!

Well its been 2 years since I posted a I guess its time?

new Meagan's Tail up!!!!!!

new Meagan's Tail is up and read away!!!!!!!!!!

please leave a comment we are world building here and need any input

no idea is too crazy or zany during world building time

just remember that in my drow/elf story you all loved the pixies, so I added them in even more because in plans they would be far background characters at best...heck I even added the one as twins!

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