Sammi's story part 3

Sammie's story an incident of magic and Fae

I am adding this character in to flesh out my stories with more characters I can control fully and not barrow too many of others laying around the Whateley school

Lets see how you all like it and PLEASE PLEASE comment or I don't know what to do next or if you even like this plot?





Inside Scott’s kitchen, the group of three came up with a short plan.

“No…I insist that I will be staying here and watch over Sammi inside her room Becky.” Ky smiled while sipping her coco slowly.

“But love, we can stay at a real nice hotel and ARC is getting a condo set up that is only a mile away. In an emergency you could fly over in less than a minute!” Becky sighed out slowly, not really wanting to sleep on the couch for days or a few weeks!

“I want to be here for her and if you want to sleep in the hotel or condo place. It is fine,__ will be like a normal week when___at school?” Kyley insisted once more and Becky knew that she was not going to change her mind via the tone of her voice, plus the wave of “Shut IT” she just felt over their personal connection!

“Okay I’ll get the hotel set up for me and make sure that is all set if you ever need it?” Becky sighed sipping away at her coffee as she tapped away on her tablet and firmed up plans, then made sure that the people at Whateley and ARC were kept up to date on Kyley’s ever evolving plans for the most part not to be in class or doing research for a week it seems.

Scott rinsed out his “Best dad ever!” coffee mug and thought about it. Sammi gave it to him last Christmas and would she ever have another fun day with him again? That thought weighed on him heavily and Kyley felt it instantly....”Scott I can sense your feelings, It__one of my powers and believe me Sammi will be better and soon.”

Becky was going to correct Kyley on her speech but felt that this was not the time to say anything like correcting a simple mistake in what word to use and when. So she just tapped away on her tablet while the two of them talked about Sammi and how Ky was sure that the teen would be fine and in her mind ‘improved’ in many ways! Becky understood that and actually wanted that in life and that reason is why she joined with Kyley forever…to be a larger part in the life of the whole world and beyond!

After they chatted for several minutes and Kyley had soothed the poor father’s nerves, he grabbed a chair from the dining table, “This is about all we got offer for you to sit on in Sammi’s room while you wait.”

“Ohh I don’t need that, I can just sit on the floor cross legged like when I meditate back home or___ kneel too.” Ky grinned back as if sitting on a floor for days was nothing and it was to her!

“How about I get you some of our pillows or I fold up one of my large comforters for you to sit on?” Scott offered not wanting a girl to not feel welcome and cared for inside his home. He could not have a teen girl treated badly in his place! Little did he understand that for Kyley to sit in one spot motionless for a few years was very normal to her!

“Its okay Scott, I got an idea.” she said to him then tapped Becky on the shoulder an act she did for Scott’s benefit only because Becky already knew what she was going to ask via their shared mental connection.

“Yessss love?” she smiled back knowing what was coming.

“Can you go get one of those meditation mats like the twins have in their room while I stay here for Sammi and Scott?”

“Sure can love, BUT now that we have lackeys and GOfers working for us. I’ll send them to go fetch that pad instead of me going and stay here to help both of you with Sammi!” Becky said while walking out the door and grabbing one of the team's two administration people and she ordered the man to go get an item she sent to his tablet, “CHOP CHOP!” she barked at the man before he ran off to a waiting SUV of the group.

While the lackey was gone, Kyley helped Scott clean up and straighten up Sammi’s room for her to have a good deal of space to sit in and wait for Sammi’s change to finish. While she helped, Scott found it strange that Ky had grabbed a towel rack from the bathroom and sat it in Sammi’s room in the corner just a few feet from the bed. But he said nothing after hitting his maximum for ‘strange’ today!

As the day progressed on, the meditation mat arrived with its ‘knight errant’ lackey handing it off to Becky who dropped it on Sammi’s bedroom floor right where Kyley had asked for it to be. Scott wanted to whip up a small dinner for everyone, but Becky calmly waved that idea off as she had the security team order food for everyone while they set up two RV’s for their use, one parked on the street and the other one in the home’s rather large driveway.

Even with the Rv’s close at hand Scott did notice that at least one guard kept a direct eye on Kyley at all times and they still posted two in the front of the house and two in the backyard or walking around the home.

“Boy they sure do keep an eye on you. Are you in that much danger?” he had to ask, as he wondered what or who he had let into his home.

“They worry far too much!” Kyley said while grabbing a very small slice of pizza and adding four more in different flavors. Scott had noted that trend with the teen, she didn't eat that much for a girl this old and size with her pushing an easy six foot!

“They are here because they feel that Kyley is valuable and needs protecting. She does tons of work for ARC and others all over the world…the foremost expert in ancient dead languages of the Fae among others! Then add an expert in STRANGE…booga booga!” Becky laughed as she made weird faces and gestures to match the “booggga…boogga!”

“Okay, I just have to wonder again about the dangers?” he worried.

“I would not Scott. One, almost no one knows we are here even with SEAL team six following us around” she grinned meaning the guards “and Two, the list of people or things dumb enough to take on Kyley and the guards in the open can be counted on one hand with fingers left over!” Becky reasoned to the father as she grabbed a handful of fries from a large box of them and plopped the pile onto her plate.

Scott nodded his head in agreement as he helped an assistant clean up some of the pizza boxes and put some random leftover slices all into one box that he placed into his fridge, “I am going to go get showered up after I check in on Sammi.” he sighed leaving the room.

An hour later Scott felt better with a fresh hot shower behind him and wanted to check on how Sammi was doing, plus what Kyley was up too? When he stopped at Sammi’s doorway, his jaw hit the floor at the sight of Kyley already sitting on the meditation mat only dressed in a crop top tee and shorts that were WAY too short!

Scott had to react on the spot and asked Kyley in a voice that only a father can use, “Do you dress like this all the time?”

“At school going to bed, yes.” she flatly stated back, “and at home going to bed I wear nothing and for the most part of the day while in the house…nothing.”

“You can’t wear that around me…the guards?” he stated, a bit embarrassed that his thoughts were wondering!

“Scott I can feel that wave of…you know coming from you and this is only a shell to me.” Kyley said, waving a hand over herself, “I have taken many forms during a very long life and this should not bother you…because it does not bother me.”

“Ahh I prefer you to be fully dressed for the guards sake and mine when…not sleeping?” he wondered about the idea of Kyley ‘sleeping’ when he was told she did not!

“Very well Scott this is your home and tomorrow I will wear my sweats to ‘bed’ as you instruct…is that fine?” she asked and Scott nodded back, “Thanks and good night. I might…heck will check on Sammi a few times tonight.

“I would expect no less from a great father like you Scott…night.” Ky said and closed her eyes to show others she was meditating. But in reality she really did not use ‘eyes’ her form did not need them, she only really had them and a human form to better blend in with…humans!

Hours later well into the night

Scott wrestled in bed with his sheets unable to sleep and decided to make a round trip of the house while he got some ice water from the fridge and went to the bathroom to toss some water on his face.

The still worried father put a wet cloth to his face and wiped at the grim he had from sweating over his kid Sammi, he put it on a towel rack to dry and grabbed his huge water mug to go down the hallway to fill it. As he passed by Sammi’s room he leaned in to check on his girl and as he did he was shocked to find an absolutely HUGE all black hawk perched on the towel rack that Kyley had put in the room.

Scott just stared at the large bird of prey and it stared back at him not even blinking once! It would tilt its head to him once and a while, then go back to looking over the room as if guarding it and those inside it from harm.

“If this was any other day I would freak out” he sighed, “but not tonight!”

Giving up to the madness of the day, Scott made his way to the kitchen and started getting his water. Becky stirred on the couch from her sleeping, she had wanted to stay at least the first night to make sure all was good. She leaned up onto the back of the couch and studied Scott filling his glass, “Just so you know Scott, that large hawk is ‘Night’ and belongs to Ky and is part of her. They usually separate at night or when the can to ‘rest’ is the best term and let Night have some fun out.”

“How did you know I saw the bird?” Scott had to ask.

“Kyley and I are connected and thus me with Night. So I ‘saw’ you look into the room via her sight.”

Scott just shakes his head at the continued strangeness, “Well that's new and kind of makes sense when you compare it to the rest of the week so far.”

“It will get better Scott,”

Are you so very sure it will?” he had to ask, having doubts it would.

“All I can say is Scott, have hope and all will be well. If Ky thought that Sammi would not be okay, she would have told you…it would have hurt her to tell you…but she would have said something. You have my word on that!”

Nine days later

Scott strolled down his home’s hallway and waited for Becky to exit the hall’s bathroom. She was in early, just before dawn just like everyday that they had been here. But Scott found that this day was far different than the rest as he entered the kitchen and spotted Kyley sitting at the dining table with that large golden box in front of her.

The box itself was not glowing anymore and Ky was studying it closely while making small notes in a large book he had seen her with over the last few days. One thing did stand out to him, Ky had the box on a rune covered cloth right now and she used it to slide or spin the box around from time to time.

“So why did you move that ‘thing’?” he spat at the box and not her.

“It seems it has done its job and powered down last night at solar midnight on the dot and so happens to be the same time the moon set too. So I touched it…it didn't really like it…but it's not connected to Sammi anymore!”

Becky had to bubble in as she watched Ky at work, “So did you find anything my love?”

“Well it had been upside down all this time and the top has a rather nice crest for the Royal family of the Pix on the top…nice and dead center!” she said pointing it out.

Scott had to squint at that box, looking for that mark and only found it when Ky put a pencil up to point it out directly, “Why is it so small and why is it important?”

“Well it means the royal family had some dealings with the box’s making or at least approved it being made. Hard to tell what might have really happened with all the passing of time and nothing being really recorded from back then. Least nothing I have found!”

“So this being here instead of sitting in Sammi’s closet means?” he had to ask.

“Well the box seems to have done its job and is not sending magical essence or spells at Sammi any more. So its part of this job is done and she is just…humm…finishing up or cooking thoroughly might be a good term to use?” Kyley puzzled on what to call this part of Sammi’s transformation.

The expression on Scott’s face seemed to brighten, “So Sammi is done and she will be back to me soon?”

“She was always here with you Scott, but she will be fine and in a few days she will be back in your arms I am pretty sure…as sure as I can be on matters of magic.”

“So not sure…but kind of sure?” he had to ask back.

“With magic one did not make, create, weave or influence you never know what extra spells got weaved into the original mix at the end and what they might do and when they might do it. BUT from what I see Sammi is done transforming and we all await for her to wake up? Is that the best term…wake up or come back?” She asked Becky for her opinion on the matter.

“I'd say ‘wake up’ is a good term.”

“Not soon enough for me,” is all Scott could muster in his sigh of defeat.

“Scott I understand what you are going through,”


“Scott I have had many children and sadly outlived them all…” is all Kyley gave before going back to her work at making short notes and taking a few pics of Sammi’s ongoing change for ARC.

Two days later

Scott was standing in Sammi’s room watching Kyley’s every move as she took a small sample of the cocoon that was wrapping up his daughter Sammi. Ky had produced a large box that looked like an ancient kit Indiana Jones might use if he was an archaeologist and a wizard! The case seemed to be a sample taking and test kit of some sort to Scott and right now Ky was busy poking at the shell encasing his girl with a small knife or pick?

Kyley’s sharp pick took a sample that must have been smaller than a grain of sand and placed it in a vial that she quickly added what looked to be several chemicals to the layman Scott. Lastly she surely tossed a small bit magic at it too…he could tell by the glow it gave off after she waved hand under it like a bunsen burner.

When she seemed finished, she studied it closely for several tense minutes as she made a quick note in a journal for ARC, then cleaned out the vial with some water she had in the kit and let it air dry in a holder for other vials already inside the old large box.

“WELL!?” Scott asked dying to know more!

“I would say later today, tonight and as far as I can be…good?” she said and looked at Becky for help.

“Certain…my love…the word is certain.” Becky gave back.

“Yes, be certain…later today, tonight or tomorrow.” Kyley smiled and hoped she was right. She had to guess at some of her tests, because a Pix this big she had never heard of let alone seen!

Just before the sun rose

Scott walked past Sammi’s room while heading to the kitchen for some much needed coffee and noticed that Kyley was standing up instead of her normal sitting cross-legged on the meditation mat. “What’s going on?” he asked.

“It's got a crack in it!” She beamed back at him and she pointed at a part of the shell encasing his girl

“I don’t see anything?” he whispered as he squinted and was leaning closer to the mass.

“Ohhh it's there for sure…it's only 0.00758924 of a millimeter. BUT it's there!”

Scott had to mentally ‘blink’ at Kyley not understanding that in her mind she HAD to be precise and she counted or mentally measured or noted EVERYTHING that passed close enough! Her mind would count clouds in the sky, what the temp was, the dampness of the air and why? She would count the stripes of paint EACH time Becky drove them everywhere and she remembered each road not only by its ‘name sign’ but the strip count going down it!...this was the ever working mind of a GOO…any GOO!

“How much longer?” Scott asked, trying not to shout, to scream as his patience was being tested by what was going on with his baby!

“I have no idea, this change is FAR different than any I have EVER seen and is unique!”

Hours later

The cracks in the cocoon covering Sammi grew and as they did Kyley told the guards, her staff to get her several sample storage boxes. And when they arrived, she lined each one in the cleanest silk that Becky or any of the staff had ever seen…Ky did not want any of the now falling away cocoon contaminated by human touch or corrupted by magic and silk was that perfect cloth that blocked magic or filtered it clean for the most part. So she and only she took each part away in her gloved up hands and placed them in the waiting boxes as they loosened and finally fell away off Sammi’s emerging body still laying face down on the bed.

For the next few hours Kyley took away piece after piece of the cocoon as Scott stood by wanting to help, more like yearning to help in any way he could. When Sammi’s body was finally free Ky stood well back smiling, “Well Scott this is your time to shine, go and pick your girl up…hug her close!”

Scott had to grin back as he leapt forward “Thanks!” and he leaned down to his daughter and found that she now had wings on her back, much like a butterfly or dragonfly might have. So he scooped up her lower body first and rolled it up into a curled ball, BUT kept her higher back free and uncovered to let her new wings flop or hang free. Sammi was a bit slippery, all covered in fast drying goop, but looked just fine and healthy!

Sammi’s eyes only fluttered open for a second, “Daddy?” she asked sleepily before her eyes closed again, Scott only shushed her, “Sleep baby, just a little longer I think.”

The first thing that he noticed about Sammi beside her change into a Fae with wings was her face. She had pointy ears now and slightly glowing eyes that changed color several times. And most striking was her whole face…it was not Sammi’s now ‘old’ face at all, no resemblance to her old self…a whole new face was there, one he would still love no matter what!

Scott was worried for only a second about this new look shocking his baby, but the care that Sammi might need right now took precedence in his mind for the present.

What do I do with her now?” Scott asked as Kyley stepped closer to examine Sammi a little better.

Ky looked the teen over for some time, checking out Sammi’s new body, then she gently touched her new wings and checked them over very very closely one section at a time. “Well Scott her wings need to dry up and harden. Most Pix wings I have seen in my time are hard as steel and have a sharp enough edge to cut flesh or even bone!”

“She might cut me?”

“Not right now and besides she has to learn to use these wings in that way. It's not easy to swish a wing like a sword with it being on your backside and you can’t see any attacks you make while doing it…take my word for it, it's a skill that takes years to master!”

“So what do we do?” he had to ask again.

“Well, let's go to your master bedroom and that huge shower you have in there to rinse her body off and get all that cocoon goop off of both of you.”

Scott nodded in agreement as he led the group of all girls into his bedroom and the bath beyond it. He was about to turn on the shower when Kyley stopped him, “Not with that, with this.” she said pointing at a large glass water bottle that one would have found on a water cooler decades ago before plastic became the norm.

“What is in that?” he had to ask

“Pure spring water from a grove that only creatures of magic use or live in. It's the only thing I would use to wash her off right now…using human water might hurt her a bit when she is this vulnerable and fresh from a great change like this!” she said placing a hand on the bottle to magically heat it up and started to use a metal spray showerhead and hose to clean the family of two off.

While that was going on, Becky moved quickly and with another woman's help they took all the sheets off the bed and laid down new bedding of silk on the lowest layer and new cotton sheets above that and made sure all of it would not just ‘strip’ or fall off the bed, the very first time a kid rolled across it.

Once both were all clean Kyley used some magic to dry them both off and led Scott back out to his bed, “Lay her down here for now and face down…ONLY until those wings dry better and harden up more.” she instructed and the father followed her words to the letter.

“Now what?” he asked, standing back up.

Becky walked past him with a comfortable chair, “You're her father, now you wait right here and be with her till she wakes up fully.”

“Sammi needs a bit more rest and then food right after she wakes up.” Kyley said while placing a large dish of fruits and sweets right on Scott’s night stand.

“What are those?” he had to ask, as he had never seen such bright and good smelling fruits ever!

“Fruits of the same grove the water came from, you can try some. But I suggest that she eat all of those when she wakes up. BUT most of all do not let her roll over onto her back and spoil those wings!” Ky warned sternly.

“Why, I have to ask?”

“So those wings firm up right the first time…the Pix actually put their young in trees hanging or cradled by their arms. The trees actually help and hold the kids until they can bear the weight themselves. It's how magical nature works out in Groves, the trees protect the Pix and the Pix protects the trees from danger.”

Right then Becky walked into the bedroom with yet one more try of food, part was for Scott…a nice PBJ sandwich and the rest was a glass pitch full of juice, plus one glass with a bunch of paper straws laying next to it “Food for you and something for her to sip on if she wakes up.”

“Thanks love,” Kyley said checking over the tray, “and Scott the juice is from the same fruits I already have cut up for you…Remember no other water from the tap or anything other than what is on the trays already! I do not want any human made creations messing with her or maybe poisoning her while she is this vulnerable!” She warned again.

“Its that bad?” he had to ask

“For all Fae creatures, that is a flat yeasss. They can’t wear clothes made of artificial fabric or sit on plastic seats directly on their skin or walk barefoot on human carpets made of synthetics! It burns the skin and if left too long will leave permanent damage unless cared for correctly!”

“So I have to get all new carpets?” Scott spat out while mentally adding up the costs!

“Yes or Sammi has to wear slippers at home all the time.” Kyley gave back, but Becky jumped in and let in some light, “You should have very nice hardwood flooring right under this carpet layer Scott, this home is older and most had full hardwood floors back when this was built.”

“Okay that might help,” he said as Sammi woke just for a second and mumbled for a drink. Scott acted instantly, grabbed the glass, dropped a straw into it and bent it so his girl could drink. She only took a few sips and was right back out.

“We will leave you two alone…it's best that the flow of my magic and being does not affect Sammi just yet, so if you need anything I’ll send in Becky to help you out or one of the goFers!” Ky smiled as she left the room.

Once back in the kitchen and alone, Ky shook her head to what she saw and still sees “That Sammi is going to be one powerful Pix when she finally gets trained or taps into her magic. The flow of essence heading into her is like a river!”

“Is that good or bad?” Becky asked.

“Who knows and it all matters on Sammi, if she takes the time to learn and grow her new powers correctly.”

Several days pass

While those days passed by, Scott never leaves his girl’s side unless Kyley or Becky is in the room to tend to every need she has. That is how it went for those few days until Sammi was rested enough to get up and fend for herself for the most part.

Days later a now better Sammi sits in front of her make-up mirror looking over her face for the thousandth time these last few days, “I still can’t get over how much I changed!” she smiles at her new reflection.

“I still can’t get over seeing a GIGANTIC five foot tall PIX!” Ky grins like a crazy person from Sammi’s doorway, “AND for me to say that is a WHOLE lot considering how long I have lived!”

“Yessss yesss you keep saying that all the other pix are only about twelve inches or less tall and that I must be something VERY new or strange!” Sammie shouts back at the still laughing Kyley.

Becky has to shake her head to the exchange as it happens for the hundredth time, “You have to understand that Kyley has only ever seen a Pix about this big Sammi” Becky giggles as she holds her hands out measuring off ‘a foot’ like she is holding a fish! ”and that you stick out like a fifty foot tall Sammi might walking down the street right now!”

“Fine, fine…but when do I start learning to fly?” Sammi demands.

“You can go jump off the roof right now, that is how I learned!” Kyley shrugged as Scott walked past in the hallway ....”OHHHHH No you are not going to do that!” he barked at his teen as only a dad could.

“She has to learn somehow and I think it's best she starts while we are still here so I can fix busted this or broken that?” Kyley said in the child’s defense and was trying to help as best she knew.

The past life of her kind was not gentle on the young, you learned to fly much like a human learned to walk…you fell A LOT! Next came running and jumping for humans, then add falling out of trees as they played. But to a being with wings the falls lasted a bit longer!



Shadowsblade here.

But I have to thank, Both Branek and Nuuan for their vast input and the ability they both have to 'bounce' off ideas and improve them!

To all my readers who have e-mailed me and given support--THANKS!

Please feel free, to add a review to this story and others. As those kind words are 'cookies' that keeps that muse well fed on the 'sometimes' long breaks between stories!

this warning is for our story stealers off site, not the BC family of readers we all know and love!

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