Mission to save: the Stan

A few years from graduation.....

Created for war and forged in pain, dealing with demons within and without.

Years pass and the group has fun...chasing prey!

An idea to start the new year with......a little late...whoops!

Note we WILL have a small few parts (to be posted soon) done by a guest author!





The plane shuddered a bit more violently than normal as it climbed over the vast mountain range just below it. The fierce winds this high up over 'the Stan' normally did this daily and today was very normal run for this particular cargo plane. 'A normal run', save one thing the chief hitching a ride thought to himself. That set of twins across the cargo bay from him and ones being very obviously lead or guided or escorted by a alphabet spook that was sitting next to them chatting away on a secure phone for the whole trip so far like a teenage girl on a Friday night!

Edward thought innerly, as the crewman of the cargo area was chattering away, "Ya its not that bad this trip, one time we had fifty marines in here and ohhh boy it got rough. They all started barfing over the bay and I don't mean that normal stuff...all thin and runny...OHHH no this was that grade A-1 industrial waste thick and chunky PUKE that takes a fire hose to wash off ya!" the younger crewman rattled off the fond memory.

Ed was nearing that age to be called 'an old man' and had seen many spooks during his time in the SEAL's. So now-a-days for the most part, he dearly tried to keep them at arms length, but being a 'team' chief meant he had to 'actually' deal with them all the time now. But this spook, plus his two 'guests' were S.N.A.F.U. or just plain WIERD in capital letters!

Twins...twins, one never saw twins in a combat area let alone assigned to the same place or unit, it was just not done since WW2! Then add the fact both looked to be blond teenage girls or maybe just barely twenty years old at best! One of the very odd pair was seated along the wall of the cargo bay, in one of the fabric chairs mounted along it silently reading a book and the other was laying down on her back, on the cargo deck nested on top of some duffel bags traveling as cargo on this trip. She was playing a video game, all the while tossing peanut M&M's up into the air to her mouth now and then....she never missed or even moved her head to eat each one! That alone was very strange...to never even miss one toss?

The seated one of the strange pair was snapping gum that she was chewing on from time to time while reading, but her style of dress did not say military at all to the casual observer. With her wearing tan cargo shorts, BRIGHT pink hello kitty cross-fit shoes and a black leather jacket with a 'Punisher' hello kitty skull logo painted across the back that he could see the huge logo via her using it much like a blanket right now. The other twin had a little military vibe going with her BDU pants....but in pink camo! Then add the surly expensive cowboy boots on the bottom, a belly 'T' shirt showing off her abs on top and seated on top of her head was a black cavalry Stetson with a little added kitty skull on the front for fun...the chief had to shake his head at seeing that get-up.

One thing was really bugging him about the pair, they had opened up a large bag of mother's cookie parade assortment. You know the bag well, the one that looks like it came from a circus with all kinds of cookies in it, chocolate chip, frosted animal cracker, sugar cookie and double fudge sandwich. Then the twins left the bag on the seat between them and along with their other small personal bags.

What issue that was currently bugging Edward about that bag... the bag was slowly emptying over the last hour of the flight and Edward was VERY sure that he saw neither of them ever actually touch the freaking bag! Because he never let one eye off that bag at all times, yet it was tipped over on the seat and the cookies in the bag slightly scattered on the seat WERE slowly disappearing one or two at a time somehow?

A bright red light on several panels around the cargo bay lit up as a voice spoke, "All passengers to your seats, buckle up we are landing in five minutes..."

Ed buckled up in a seat at the call and he watched the one twin who was laying down get up to take a place in the seat that the cookie bag was in. That is when he noted the bag was nearly empty because she fished out the last five or six cookies left, wolfed them all down and dumped the crumbs into her waiting mouth. Only an hour ago that bag was certainly full, because he watched the sister open the bag's top and she placed it on the seat untouched from then on!

Ed shook his head to the strange thoughts and put most of the situation off to "Mutants being mutants!" and left it at that. The cargo plane whined and creaked as the landing gear came down and locked Then the pilot started a bit of 'juking' around like mad to keep anyone from lining up a shot at the big bird as it tried to land!

A few lurches of the plane from one side to the other, a few bumps, wild dips and the plane was rolling over to a loading pad nearby a few waiting helicopters. The plane's crew chief lowered the ramp to the darkness of the night as the large cargo planes tried to never really land or take-off in daylight for safety reasons. Edward grabbed his two large duffels and nodded to the man as he walked down the ramp to the concrete, "Cya on the trip back buddy."

"Hey...where is my ride?" Edward asked handing the ramp loader his deployment paperwork.

The younger man instantly read off the listing on the outside of the large sealed envelope and pointed off towards a old twin bladed Chinook that was spinning up for take off a few hundred yards away, "Your ride is over there Master Chief....good luck!" the man yelled over the din of motors most likely implying Edward flying on something other than a new hovercraft was a bad idea!

Ed was making his way over towards the waiting ride, when he passed by the twins once again and their escort. The escort was still busy on a 'sat phone' talking to who knows whom. But the chief noted as he past by the two girls that they were conversing in something defiantly NOT english and it sounded a lot like the 'Elvin' he had overheard a British elf speak one day a few years ago, one that was temporally attached to his team and one that never told him anything about herself or elves for that matter!

"Two blond human teens speaking Elvin....or what I think is Elvin...strange," his old brain banged away thinking as he walked towards the waiting helicopter ride.

Once at the Chinook, he tossed his bags on the waiting helo's cargo deck, then showed the crew chief his paperwork, "Welcome Master chief...take a seat," the kid crew leader shouted as he pointed to the line of old canvas troop seats lining the crafts walls, "we are waiting for a few more...then we are GO!" the younger man shouted to him once more while giving Edward his papers back.

As Ed waited for the unknown 'others' to come aboard, he put on his heavy body armor and pulled his pistol out from his 'GO' bag, loaded it and holstered it on his chest armor. Next step was his main rifle and checking it out while pointed safely off the helo's ramp away from personal or the helo. Once that was all finished, he slung it dangling down off his front hook-up and waited for the 'go' from the crew chief who was busy loading the last of the small pile of cargo next to the helo's loading ramp.

The crew chief was at his spot at the gunners door up in the front, busily putting on his helmet and armored face shield that was painted up to look very much like 'Jack' from 'the nightmare before Christmas' movie! When that CIA spook from Ed's plane ride in from the 'world' appeared out of no-where at the helo's front door and handed the young sergeant his paperwork.

"Ahhh sir, you want to bring them out into a combat zone.." he thumbed over to the teen blonds, "...they have no body armor or?...Heck I gotta pass this mess by someone..." the spook interrupted the sergeant on the spot..."Those are orders and from the top...so stand aside and show us our seats or call the MP's to get someone to crew this helo who will!" he barked a surly career ending threat over the swirling blades of the helo around them.

Edward from his spot at the helo's rear saw that something was amiss and whatever it was...it was holding up his trip! So he walked deeper into the helo to see about the issue personally, "What's up guys...I gotta appointment with my hairdresser at the FOB....Lets get flying!" he jested.

"Chief read this over for me...I don't see this stuff at all?" the kid asked the older, certainly more experienced in secret matters of the military SEAL.

Edward stepped up to the door taking the paperwork from an outstretched hand and finally noted the spook in the door frame, plus his two girls standing on the ramp. He instantly noted they wore no armor, but the spook had on the best money could buy and a rifle slung across his back, "What's this?" he asked reading the outside sleeve of the sealed documents.

The spook leaned over to Ed to be heard, "You know chief, so tell the kid to board us and lets get going!"

"Mr. CIA...ahh two kids in that area...its not secure at all." Ed had to say or ask somewhat worried for the kids.

"Orders...lets go and THEY are just fine, they can handle themselves!" the spook smiled back knowingly.

"Mutants?" Ed yelled just into the spook's ear over the roar of the helo and got a quick nod back...."You did not hear that from me and let's speed this up!" the spook yelled back.

"Let them on kid, it's all SOP and good to go!" Ed said handing the spook back his packet and went to make room by the ramp area for more passengers by tossing a few of the duffels to the other side of the bay.

Both of the girls bounced up into the door and sat down near Edward with a nod of 'thanks'....Then the spook came next and took a spot next to them in the nearly filled cargo bay. Ed kept standing as he usually did, you have to be alert in 'the Stan' and ready for the shit hitting the fan moments this place pulled on ya!


FOB Lion Afghanistan

The trip took well over an hour because this FOB (forward operating base) laid far out into the country's interior and mountains away from the main cities of the nation or its larger airbases.

Along the way the helo had to juke or climb up a few times in known areas that fired at any low flying aircraft or easy targets and all that movement made for a bumpy ride at best for any passengers. Edward laughed innerly as he noticed that the two girls loved every minute of the ride like it was a simple roller coaster at Disneyland!

Edward watched as one of the twins leaned over to the spook and barked at him, "We cold have gone our way and been there by now!" and the other twin nodded in agreement along with her sister.

"Can't....what you do is classified..." is all he yelled back to the pair.

"Ruzzo'iso Rivvin!" the one twin not chewing gum barked. (Dumb Human)

With a few more large bumps the helo came in for a dusty landing, the ramp was dropped instantly by the crew chief and a bunch of soldiers ran onto the craft and start tossing off the small pile cargo at high speed...a freshly landed helo makes a great big target with its huge dust cloud, so you don't want to stick around in a shooting back kind of area!

The first man on the helo's cargo ramp pointed at the twins seemingly very confused at the sight, "What gives chief...two girls...here?" he asked Edward and surly knew the SEAL before today by joking tone he was easily taking with the higher ranked man.

"Ask the fucking spook!" he pointed with a tilt of his head to the CIA man while grabbing his own personal gear.

"But chief, they have no body armor or heck clothes?" he said glaring at the twins who did look very sexy to a man that had certainly spent a few months out in the middle of nowhere Afghanistan far, far away from the daily sight of women.

"Ahh keep your mouth shut...you are trapping flies in that thing!" one girl laughed at him as she picked up a backpack and walked past him on the helo's loading ramp.

The spook took the lead seeming to have been on this FOB before or he had seen several maps of it, "I'm going to the OP center, you two please go wait for me in the chow tent...and please stay out of trouble."

"Trouble....WHAT...us get into to trouble?" one twin smiled innocently like a devil making a bargain for a soul!

"We can have anything in there, or should we stick to our own stuff?" one twin asked shoving her sister along with her question.

"Eat what you want to or can and I'll be right back with our room assignments." CIA man said handing both a ID badge on a neck lanyard 'that was strangely picture less', then walking away towards a lightly constructed building surrounded by huge stacked caged boxes of dirt and a mix of sandbags for protection.

"This place is nice....NOT!" on twin yelped as she placed the badge around her neck.

"Well at least its...not a active toxic waste dump?" the other laughed back as she knotted the badge to one of her BDU pant belt loops.

Both of the girls looked over the larger FOB, as most were indeed far smaller for the most part. This one was a more permanent FOB, being mostly surrounded by a wall over twenty foot tall, made of pre-cast concrete that surrounded all of the active base where personal were. Around the helipads like this one, a lesser traveled place was the stacked boxes of dirt and a few sections of concrete wall near entry/exit points for good measure.

Most of the outer fortification were over twenty foot tall of the pre-cast stuff or the boxes stacked about four high with a walkway along most of them or parapet, inside the main base. The more vital buildings had smaller pre-cast walls around them or a stack of the dirt boxes and some just had good old sandbags tossed in.

The base had dozens of armored vehicles arranged inside it, ranging from beat-up hummers to the largest armored trucks or MRAP's (Mine Resistant Ambush Protected) used in the county and not a tank in sight both girls noticed!

"Awww no tanks...I so wanted to find a busted up one and see if we could slice it up for fun!" one twin sighed out seemingly disappointed that her expected fun was nowhere to be found.

"I know the feeling Re...I wanted to do that too!" her sister said back while snapping her gum.

"Let's go eat!" Rehanna smiled back as she started to walk off towards the mess hall the spook had pointed out earlier.

Shortly both girls walked into the large prefab building housing a full service mess hall, filled with mostly marines, a few men wearing navy emblemed t-shirts and a few civilians mixed in for good measure. But no local troops at all, strangely not one? AND as the door closed behind them, the room fell utterly silent and one soldier even dropped his fork clattering to his plate as his mouth hanged agape at the sight!

"Never seen a girl?" Rohanna laughed out as she dropped her pack nearby the doors on a empty table and placed her black leather jacket on one of the free chairs back.

Rehanna did the same and noticed one very young marine's gaze was lingering far too long on her abs or chest, "Keep starring at me and I'll pop out your eyes with a spork!" she growled out an intense warning that had promise behind each word.

"Hey be nice..." Rohanna said to her twin calmly.

"He is starring...." Rehanna pointed out once again.

"Well?" Rohanna questioned the young soldier, "you going to stop or?" she huffed out sounding a little upset now at the kid's continued gazing.

"Mike...stop it now!" barked an older man across the room one who had concluded or was very sure by his past experience, that the twins were mutants or far worse!

"But gunny, teen girls here. In a combat zone?" the kid pointed out the more than strange situation to the older soldier.

"AND...." he questioned back with a resole melting harsh stare, "Maybe you have never worked around girls, but it is the norm back home and have you ever thought they might be something OTHER than normal? Besides the fact they are wearing correct ID badges for being out here with us!"

"Ohhh...mut.." the kid started to answer back.

He never finished the word, the far older sergeant was on him in a split second yanking the smaller marine out of his seat and dragging his body outside, "Looks like we need to work on manners and you need some time making a few nice, square, deep, pits for me AND anyone else who wants the same exercise...keep eyeballing the two ladies and you will dig me one or several out past the wire!" he growled out only once while exiting the building, the room took note and quickly went about eating once again or whatever task they could do not to look in the girls general direction!

"Nice guy..." one twin started.

"WE LIKE HIM!" both finished giggling in stereo.

Rohanna pointed out the rooms mural of what should have been a simple lion, but now was a huge black sea lion painted over the brown cats face and 'SEALion' was added in over its large fierce body, with one flipper holding a fighting knife showing this base was certainly a SEAL base and not a normal run of the mill FOB!

The twins took their time choosing out what to have for an early lunch, then sat down with filled trays nearly overflowing and seeming very much out of the norm for such fit appearing girls like the strange pair.... Most of the room wondered silently as they ate, how could they eat so much and stay so fit and thin?

A still hot and sweating gunny stepped back into the mess hall wiping sweat from his face with a paper towel, he must have been done with chewing that kid out and making sure the younger man was well on his way to digging to china! He spotted the twins sitting very much alone and busy eating, plus chatting like mad in a language he had only heard once...from a brit elf that was attached to his company a few years back.

He sat across the table from the twins with a grunt of age that was catching up with him, "Well girls, so what are WE doing here at our fine base today?" he asked trying to sound pleasant.

Rehanna glared up at him from her plate of Mac and cheese,
"If we told ya?"

Rohanna finished her bite of fish with a quick swallow,
"We would have to kill ya!
But bye for now and have fun!"
she grinned over the table to the older man.

"Ohh so you don't know why you are here, the....'guy' or your guide has yet to tell ya," he laughed back trying to dare them into talking.

"We always know THE why, but who cares beyond that..." Rehanna said coldly and that utterly deep cold tone in her voice spooked him and this old Gunny did not spook easily after all he had seen over his career.

"Okay, so maybe we will team up later?" he asked standing up from the table.

Rohanna smiled to him, "We never team up, its better that way...bye now." then she gave him a little wave to show that she was done with his presence and went back to eating.

A short time later the twins CIA guide came flying into the mess hall with several new sealed folders in his arms, "Well girls, we have just a little more time to get over to the 'team house' and sit through their briefing. We need to be there, so that we can catch a ride with them and get you both into action tonight."

"Let's go then," Rohanna said standing up picking up her tray, then dropping the trash and plates on it into the waste or water filled to be cleaned dish bins.

Rehanna did the same, but stopped to grab a few snacks off of a table of them and a few bottled water to go. She placed most of that into her bag and took a small swig of the water before placing it into a pouch on the bag's side.

To be continued!!!!!!!!!!!!




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