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Meagan's Tail
A new Universe, a New story!
Intermission of our story
Pixie time!
Will our new Pixie convince the Drow twins she is worth saving?
Note this part of the story happens a few weeks back from where the last chapter left off midway in Meagan's Tail ch7 ...Royal lessons 3.
Inside the Los Angeles Fae embassy
The Drow twins sipped tea while sitting with Meagan,Tessa and Velatha. Rehanna called Rania Erzorwyn, who was the twin’s executive secretary and sometimes acting fill-in for the embassy as ‘minister’ for the days when the twins were not present.
Rania entered the large office from the room’s double doors, “Yes mistress?” she asked.
“Rania lets call our new Fae back from the Grove and we have some ideas for housing him for a few weeks until the council can decide where he will go on a more permanent basis.” Rehanna said while pouring more tea from the service cart sitting in the room’s middle and taking a few cookies to nibble on as well.
In the Grove on Tracy island…nearby Hekawai academy
Nathan had fallen asleep by the spring’s edge, the warm moist air flowing off the water had eased his aches and pains and the soft willowy voice of the Dryad sitting close at his side had lulled him into a deep sleep. His dreams desperately tried to change into nightmares, but the calming voice of the Dryad kept all that madness at bay for now and he caught up on the rest he had needed for many days since his change into an elf!
“Hey Elii hit me with a spell to keep me awake or her singing voice is going to drop me like a baby!” Cassiral laughed and Ellisara or Elli giggled back, “Done my chosen warrior!” as she cast just that upon him and his eyes popped wide open as the spell took effect. Cass was now wide awake and alert as if he had just slammed back a gallon of black coffee!
“Woof! I love that spell…when you need it, it works!” Cass smiled back as Elli nodded back in agreement.
Elli thought about what plans the Drow twins had for this newly minted Sidhe? Nathan had only been one of her kind for less than a moon and he had gone through such a great number of horrors already. She thought about the millennia of life laying before Nathan and hoped he would find that calm spot in his life soon, but for now she knew that he was safe and she would look to guarding just that for the teen as his chosen ‘protector’.
All Of Ellisara's thoughts were suddenly brushed aside as one of the embassy guards crept into the spring’s clearing, her bright ornate armor shining in the sun and upon seeing the guard Elli knew something was up. “The Jabbress request you to escort Nathan back to the embassy, they have many questions that need to be answered.'' The guard stated only once, then silently spun around and faded back into the spring’s edge back into the Grove beyond.
Ellisara stood up from her seat on a large rock at the spring’s edge and paced out a few feet over to the Nymph who was still humming in song to keep Nathan asleep, “Please wake him, we have been called back to the embassy.”
“I would advise that this child not go, he needs more sleep and nourishment to get well.” the Nymph advised.
“It's the twins who make the calls right now, I can only advise and interfere if I see that Nathan is in real danger. And his needing more sleep or food is not endangering his life.” Elli said, but actually agreed with the Nymph, the teen did indeed need more rest.
The Nymph nodded as she stopped her beautiful humming and patted Nathen on the side of his face, “Sorry you have to wake up, they need you back in the human world for something beyond what I know….but you are always welcome here in peace and come for my care here or rest.” her soft voice sang to the teen and he started to stir, then stood up.
“Thanks for your help. Nathan told the Nymph still sitting on the hot spring’s bank and she nodded back, “Anytime young one…anytime.” and she faded right into the ground and vanished from sight.
Cassiral started to weave a spell to make a quick gate back to the embassy, it was easy to do because the embassy grounds themselves were linked right to here and it was as easy as spinning a doorknob to the teen. Nathan stood there in awe as the spell was created and thought silently to himself “I can do that, that looked real simple to me!”
Ellisara was the first to step through the gate as she bridged the ‘gap’ and guided Nathan through the gate, Cassiral was last and sealed the gate behind him with a wave of his arm. “Why did we have to come back so soon?” Nathan asked, walking through the embassy’s small forest.
“I have no idea yet, but my bet is on the twins have an idea of where you are going to live for a time before they can find a more permanent place for you Nathan.” Ellisara had to say and waited for a guard to show up, who did indeed show within seconds and started to guide them all towards the twin’s office deeper within the embassy.
“I guess I have to face the fact that I am never going back to my family and this is my new life?” Nathan said and Elli could tell that the fellow teen was sad to say the least.
“Look at it this way Nathan, they left you and you did not leave them…they tossed you away the second they thought you were broken in their eyes! So never look back!” Cassiral gave in a voice that said to anyone that he was mad at Nathan’s family for abandoning him. That was something that nearly never happened to the Fae...only breaking of the ‘basic laws of life’ led to such acts of exile.
The guard finally stopped at a large set of double doors, “The Jabbress awaits you all inside…may Gaea protect you all.” he said before leaving. Cassiral opened the door, then led the way through them for the group as his position of ‘Chosen warrior’ for both Nathan and Elli meant he had to personally check the room for threats before they entered.
“All clear, you are safe to enter,” he smiled bowing deeply and as Elli passed by she playfully smacked him in the side.Both twins ignored the teens playfulness for Nathan’s sake, the kid did not need to see them chewing other Sidhe out for not being formal…not yet anyway!
Ellisara nodded her head to the twins respectfully, “I come with my charge Nathan, as requested by the Jabbress.”
“Fine…” Rohanna said from her seat, then pointed to a chair in front of her desk, “Nathan please sit there and Ellisara you can take a place on the couch if you wish.” She said nothing to Cassiral as he took a post blocking the room’s door as he should, being a warrior entrusted with protecting his charge.
Rehanna took over from her sister, as she paced the room in front of the twin’s shared desk, “Lets get introductions over with a short mouseketeer roll call and here we go. This is Nathan who was just changed from what seems to be a very normal human teen into a Sidhe teen by human science and we are trying to figure that out right now! Now over here we have Ellisara and we chose her to be Nathan’s protector for now and with that, her job is to look after his care and protection…simple. And Cassiral over by the door is the warrior Ellisara chose as a warrior to help in Nathan’s protection.” Elli took a turn at standing when pointed out, while Cass just nodded in respect from the door when his name was called.
Rohanna took over, as she stood up from the Nymph’s work of healing up her shoulder and side injuries from the short fight with ‘the Iron Duke’. She spoke filling in the next to be named in the roll call for the room, “Next we have Tessa here, she will be attending Hekawi next term and her watching over this little encounter will add to her training as one in line for high leadership among her kind or race. Then Meagan here is in the same boat with Tessa for her own kind.”
As Rehanna did what most thought was the last introduction for the group, a teen elf opened the door and rolled a fresh tea service into the room. This cart was far larger than the one she brought hours ago for the twins, Tessa and plus Meagan to drink and snack from. “Ahh the last to arrive and might as well introduce this fine young Fae too while we are at it…this is Velatha. She too will be attending Hekawi next term, her first year there and first time away from her family back east.”
“Take a seat on the couch Velatha and sit in on the education the others have received today.” Rehanna said while patting a place for her to sit on the room’s couch.
“Any questions so far?” Rohanna asked the teens and Meagan chirped in instantly, “Ma’am, can you please go a bit deeper into what Ellisara’s job is with or for Nathan here? I don’t quite understand it?”
“Meagan,” Rohanna began, “Ellisara is like a human social worker for the best comparison and her only case is Nathan right here. She must endeavor to find him the best of foster care and make sure he is provided with food, shelter and clothes…all bought by the council of elders via our shared fund for orphans and the changelings! We take care of our own, because in the past letting humans do that task only led to disaster in most cases!” She warned.
“Ellisara and Cassiral,” Rohanna called to make sure she had their full attention. “We have decided it's best for young Nathan here to temporarily live in the home of Tessa's aunt. As she has more than enough room and I personally know that Ellisara you have no room left at your family’s home for both Nathan and Cassiral to stay for an extended period of time.” Rohanna informed the group of her plans for the new teen.
The group listened to the plan laid out before them with ease for the most part, but Tessa seemed worried until she finally blew up and shouted.
“BUT Ro!” Tessa started and Rohanna’s harsh stare ended that familiar use of her name in mixed company, “…I mean Jabbress, a boy or BOYS under the same roof as me…it's not safe!”
“Then you can sleep in the guest house next to the compound’s pool!” Rehanna barked.
“Ohh I can’t have a girl shoved out of her home and room by me!” Nathan started with a small shout.
“I understand Nathan and I love that you have manners and a huge plus chivalry. But Tessa has her own issues in life she must face head on and she must FACE THEM SOONER RATHER THAN LATER on is best for her long term well being!” Rehanna said somewhat calmly, hoping that Nathan would understand the decision to stay in the home all up to her and her alone. This would make Tessa face her own internal demons by admitting to them to others.
Tessa crossed her arms and huffed out in anger, “FINE…but it's all on him!”
“NONE OF THAT” Rohanna shouted at the raging teen, “I will not put up with a teen’s outbursts and being unruly. You have to face being or sleeping in the same building with males and this is not your Grandmother's home…TESSA!”
“Fine, I hope it’s all good because I am not giving up my room…maybe he can sleep in the guest house instead?” Tessa had to ask because she genuinely feared a boy sleeping in the same building as her…it could get ugly!
Rehanna walked over to Tessa's chair and faced her, “No…NO…NO he will not do that in any case. We do not impose on guests like that when you have enough space in the main building at home with eight bedrooms under one roof and a dozen baths…then add the two bedrooms over in the guest house!” Rehanna barked and her tone was the kind that ended all discussion on the matter from there!
“What if Lily does not like him?” she asked next, trying to find any way, out any little way out!
“Then Lily can go sleep in the koi pond or in the tide pools until she can behave!” Rohanna said sternly, “And that is it! All over and last word on the whole matter!”
“Ma’am why is Tessa so lerry of a guy sleeping in the same house…If I can ask?”” Nathan had to wonder and was sure that Cassiral wanted to know too!
Rohanna sighed out slowly and obviously relaxed from her being angry at Tessa “Nothing dangerous and she can tell you when you get to her Aunt’s home.” Rohanna gave Nathan and the look on her face, plus a quick glance at Tessa almost pouting ended the question for now.
“So All of you head on over to Tessa’s place, then Ellisara and Cassiral can send for their personal things and clothes to get by for a few weeks and I do mean at least for a few weeks both of you. After you are all settled down, all of you can take Nathen out shopping with my credit card,” Rehanna said as she handed Ellisara a handmade leather bound card holder decorated in multi-colored leather and several real gold, plus silver accents. Elli opened the credit card holder and found a shiny silver metal card within, that shined like very finely polished chrome and she picked at a hologram bump on the card’s corner with a fingernail and thought innerly that the holo’s center was a gem inset into the metal much like a ring would do.
“Never seen one of these Jabbress. What is it?” she had to ask.
“That is a Mithril card, much like the human’s gold or platinum credit card or the more rare black card one company puts out for its top income earners use! But unlike theirs, that is based on how much money you earn, ours was created for us Fae only and we use them to take care of our own kind as needed or as gifts. Please use it wisely and with care…its main use should be for Nathan or his care and not going on a spending spree!” Rehanna warned the teen that her spending will be tracked in some way!
Cassiral had to ask a question that was worrying him, “Jabbress?” he asked meekly.
“Yes, warrior called by Nathan’s protector?” Rohanna smiled back in a playful way using his new full title!
Cassiral froze for a second at having such a long title added to him personally by someone so high up in the day to day running of the Fae nation, “Ahhh do you want your blade back?” his almost shaky voice asked.
“Keep the blade with you for now, please wear it as you should a your normal practice blade and don’t worry the magic on the blade’s hilt will keep humans from even noticing it …well not notice up until you pull it out and then they surely WILL notice it…and I will know instantly you drew it for battle and I or my sister will show up to help you!” Rohanna smiled once again with a knowing playful wink.
“Yes Jabbress, I will take care of this blade with my life!” Cass added as he finally and proudly took the blade’s belt from hanging around his neck and shoulder, then readjusted it to wear around his waist. It was a huge move in his life being allowed to wear a blade out in public, as only adults did so or graduated warriors of the Fae’s many academies!
“If there are no further questions and everyone is all set?” Rohanna asked the group and no one said anything and nodded in a way to show all was understood. All save Tessa, who only could angrily glare back at Rohanna who shook her head to the teen and ended with Tessa bowing her head down with a slight dip that showed she knew to stay quiet!
“Okay all, Tessa take them home with you and see that your guests are treated well and cared for. Please make sure that the staff are informed of your guests and then see to their needs.” Rehanna stated as she shook Tessa’s hand goodbye.
Tessa could only nod in agreement, she had been given her marching orders and had to see them through, “Yes Jabbress, as you ask.” was the only thing she could say.
“Come on and follow me out into the atrium where we can port back to my house. Elli and Cass, you should tell someone at your home to have your things ready so I can send someone to go get them or they can come to my place and drop them off.” Tessa said with a sigh thinking this day was getting worse by the second.
Tessa led the pack of teens out in the building’s small forest or park and then pulled a small leather pouch or roll from her large leather satchel, inside the roll when she opened it was a set of small crystals each nested in its own pocket. She chose one and pointed it at an empty space in the park, a shimmering circle appeared hovering in the air.
“Well that’s the port to my place, keep your hands and arms within the boat…because that be the best way to repel boarders mates!’ and she pointed for Meg to be first through and when she hesitated.
“Ahhh I have never done this, is it safe?” Meg asked, tapping a finger on the ring’s edge.
“Well go on, best get used to this sooner or later! You are going to a school with magic users and this is how we get around girl…now GIT!” Tessa grinned evilly as she gave Meg’s back a firm shove into the gate.
“Next victim…I mean volunteer!” Tessa giggled as Elli was next in line and she only smiled while stepping through the gate like she did it everyday! As Sidhe, she certainly did travel by gate all the time!
Cass had to encourage Nathan to step towards the circle of magical light, “Go ahead buddy, it's fun and you’ll love it!”
“Okay, I guess?” is what Nathan said back as he finally stepped through with Cassiral right behind him and Tessa brought up the rear as the last person through.
The next thing Nathan saw was an absolutely huge three story spanish style mansion standing before him, he looked around and found himself standing by a small marble fountain of a beautiful woman that had water spraying on it, all surrounded by a sweeping half circle driveway with a garden yard around it.
Tessa smiled at Nathan’s confusion, “No place like home and it’s my aunt's place. No way in heck could I afford anything around here!”
Nathan spun around looking the place over, “How big is this place?”
Tessa smiled back as she numbered off a list on her fingers, “Ohhh nothing more than your average Malibu beach home on five plus acres, with a guest house, pool house, three pools, tennis court, koi pond, twenty car garage with service bay and its own beach area with a party house right on the sand!”
“Is that all?” Cassiral said sarcastically.
“Well there are the tide pools near the beach and the tennis court can double as a heliport!” Tessa laughed as she walked towards the house while putting away her crystal inside her satchel.
The first two girls through the port already waited at the mansion’s large door as Tessa walked up and opened the door for them. Anyone could tell by her body language that she was apprehensive of the whole idea of having guests right now, “Please make yourselves at home, i’ll give you all the short tour after I drop off my things in my room,” she waited for all of them to pass as she held the door open for them, ”…ohh and I already have two house guests I’ll introduce you to them in a second.”
Tessa slipped in the door and closed it behind her with a small thud. Then she tapped a display screen by the door and the lights came up in the whole house, “Hey you two we have more guests your moms gave us!” she said to the panel and then ran up one of the entryways two grand staircases.
After Tessa left, Cassiral had to jest, “I guess we wait here or we might get lost in this zip code of a house!”
“This must be her aunt?” Ellisara said, pointing up at a large painting on one of the room’s walls.
Cassiral stepped closer and studied it, “Humm might be, but the date on this plaque says Nineteen twenty seven...she is either very old, very dead or one of us Fae?”
Nathan read the date off of the painting mirroring it across the room, “This one says Nineteen fifty and she looks exactly the same!”
“She looks hot no matter what year it says!” Cassiral whistles at both paintings.
“Hey Tessa I am down in the game room playing on the computer, I’ll be right up!” a girl’s voice said from the room’s control panel.
Then just a second later an exact match to that voice added, “I’m down in the theater and just hit pause…I’ll be right there, hold on everyone!”
“I wonder who they are and Tessa said…your moms sent us?” Cass questioned.
“Heck If I know, I never heard of the Jabbress having any kids…but they must?” she said back while checking out the room’s control panel and finding a menu on it that had a map as well as a long, heck very long list of the features it did in or for the home.
Cass had to laugh as he picked up one of the fruits off the table in the room’s center, “Just thinking about the Jabbress having kids is almost funny,” he bit into one of the fruits and was surprised, “Hey these are fresh and they are Grove fruit?” he said while biting into one.
“Grove fruit? That can’t be, you have only about an hour outside of a Grove to eat them or they spoil away to dust!” Ellisara said, picking up a fruit and biting it and she grinned, “You’re right it's Grove fruit!”
Right then all of them heard a door open up from under the staircase, a door that must go to the home’s lower levels, “Mom having kids is funny how?” a sassy hidden voice asked.
Then a door under the twin staircase on the opposite side of the room opened to an exact echo of that first voice, “I’d like to know that one too!” it sang unseen.
Shadowsblade here.
But I have to thank, Both Branek and Nuuan for their vast input and the ability they both have to 'bounce' off ideas and improve them!
To all my readers who have e-mailed me and given support--THANKS!
Please feel free, to add a review to this story and others. As those kind words are 'cookies' that keeps that muse well fed on the 'sometimes' long breaks between stories!
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being afraid of boys
"she genuinely feared a boy sleeping in the same building as her" poor girl. hopefully she can overcome this.
Enjoyable as always
But, short
yep I get it
but for right now about 3500 words is all I can get out with all the insanity rolling around me each day. I try to get one thing a day done, but most of that 'one thing a day' is spent cleaning up others messes that they are getting paid not to do to my life...and I am not being paid to clean up their lack of work ethics or lack of training...I am not joking!
Proud member of the Whateley Academy Drow clan/collective