Meagan's Tail ch6 ...Royal lessons 2

Meagan's Tail

A new Universe, a New story!

Queen's lady Meagan Ler newly changed life continues!
her linage is Queen of all the seas and mermaids!




The woman with lightly green tinted skin lead Nathan deeper into the building's enormous lobby, then off one of the many paths that meandered across it and finally to a ring of somewhat decorative small rocks hidden by tall shrubs. When the teen stepped over the band of rocks, he felt a wave wash over him and the distinct feeling of being somewhere new even though he only took one small step.

"What was that?" he asked Ellisara as the strange feeling buzzed over him still.

"You are new at this!" she snickered to him, "That was us porting to off the coast back to Tracy Island and to the center of the grove that lays there."

"Port, what's that?" Nathan asked as he saw the shrubs open up to a large water spring and not just any spring but a hot spring that steamed the air above its surface.

"A port or teleport is us Fae using magic to move about long distances." she informed him.

"You will certainly learn how to make them yourself Nathan." Cassiral said from behind the pair.

"Ohh and what's a said?" he puzzled on.

"A Grove is a magical nexus usually marked by a huge formation of much older trees or other greenery and in some cases a nexus of magical ley lines is marked by large stones like Stonehenge in England." Cassiral lectured on his extreme knowledge on nexuses because that was one of his majors in school.

"Ohh that place, we visited it two months back before I changed!" Nathan said, then started to ponder the fact, "Could have that?" he started to ask as the idea dawned on him.

"Last month on the full moon by chance and during the eclipse?" Cassiral had to ask mentally linking events by what had happened to the teen and soon after the odds of the teen changing because of the act that he personally knew of.

"Yep dad wanted to see that event in the night sky while we visited England and be at Stonehenge while it happened. It was fun and neat to watch the moon line up with the stones and then get covered up by the earth's shadow!" Nathan said as the green woman guided him to come sit on a large smooth topped rock and the spring water's edge.

Cassiral makes a mental note while asking his next question, "Did you appear age fifteen before you changed?"

"NO darn it I was eighteen and almost out of high school, then this crap happened to me!" Nathan raged out and waved a hand over his body.

The healer helped him unzip his hoodie and take off his sunglasses, "Ohhh you have purple eyes, the sure sign of a powerful mage in most cases and a person that will be one with most ley lines," the healer smiled at the sight of his large strangely colored eyes.

"Really?" Nathan had to wonder, "me doing magic?"

Next the healer took his t-shirt and then asked for his pants. "Ahhh why?" he asked, embarrassed by stripping in front of two girls!

"You must rest and resting while in the spring's waters is best. In fact I must insist that you do so or you will never heal up!" the healer nearly ordered.

Ellisara took his clothes the healer handed her so far as she giggled on at each and Nathan's pain, "You have nothing that I have not seen before and we Fae are not that easily embarrassed by the sight of one another's bodies."

"I'll keep my shorts on for right now thank you very much!" he said quickly pulling off his pants and nearly leaping into the water! Nathan quickly surfaced and blurted out, "Wow this water feels good!"

"It's the springs location, all the magical essence from a seven point ley line nexus flows right under this spring and all the Fae can feel it. Now you soak for a little while and I will have my sisters bring you a meal." the healer said as she flowed right into a nearby tree and vanished from sight.

"How did she do that?" Nathan yelped out.

"She is a Dryad and is a part of one the nearby trees. I am not sure what one specifically, but she is still very much part of one and the tree is part of her." Ellisara offered in explanation to the bewildered teen.

"Okay, but she said my purple eyes are mage's eyes or something," he once again brought up the subject about himself that was currently bugging him as he floated a bit closer to Ellisara who was taking a spot sitting on a rock on the shoreline of the spring.

"In most cases having the mark of purple eyes means you will be better at magic." she told him.

Then Nathan looked up to Cassiral who was still standing near both of them, "And you asked about Stonehenge, what does that have to do with me?"

"You being there at that time might be the reason why you turned into a Sidhe."

"WHAT!" Nathan shouted back, "How?"

"I don't know all the reasons, but being around that much free essence blasting out of one the worlds biggest nexuses during a full moon eclipse certainly would have helped you change if you were ever fated to do just that."

"Would this happen to the rest of my family?" he had to ask thinking of his brother and sister still back at home and maybe in danger?

"Your parents? Certainly no, they are past the age of change. But if your siblings are younger than you? It could happen when they hit about thirteen to say sixteen at the oldest and at anytime from that night of the eclipse on if they were there. Because we have found the gene that tends to make humans change into Fae or we think back into Fae is carried by the mother and especially if her family lineage was from Ireland or western Europe " he lectured on and on.

"Back into Fae, say what?" Nathan wondered.

"That is a small theory that some Fae or Sidhe have," Ellisara interrupted before Cassiral could keep going too long on the matter. She thought the same way too that millennia ago when the Fae started died off suddenly, that most of that 'Fae' just temporality 'slept' inside young or just born humans of the age.

"Well I stand behind the research done by my family and it shows the odds are very good!" Cassiral argued back.

"I might have to warn my brother and sister, both are fourteen, twins and mom is Irish as it gets being from Dublin!"

"We can keep an eye on them for you," Ellisara offered.

"That would be great, my parents might be programmed church fools to me now. But my brother and sister don't need to go to that prison lab like I did!" he spat.

"Nathan or can I call you Nat?" she asked.

"Nat is fine."

"Nat I am Ellisara or Ella and this is Cassiral or Cass." she introduced the three of them to each other.

"Nice to meet you both and I guess thanks so far, but who or what was the dark lady out in the lobby?" he was dying to ask.

"That is one of our school's Jabbress or Mistress and she and her twin sister teach some of the martial art classes among many others." she smiled.

"Ohhh ya they do and boy are they harsh on us or those of us that choose one of the several warrior paths of the academy we both attend!" Cass criticized the pair of Drow instructors.

"Really, but she gave you a sword I have to guess to better protect me?" Nat almost laughed at the idea of needing protection now that he was inside the embassy and finally safe in his mind!

"She had to, us trainees or undergrads have not earned the right to a personal blade yet and some of us even have to forge our first to even graduate." Cass sighed thinking forward to a few years from now when he is required to make his very own blade by hand.

"Making a blade on your own must be kind of hard I guess? Why not buy your own just like that blade she gave you Cass?" Nat thought of buying a sword once for his room and even the best he could find was only a few thousand bucks!

"This blade is many thousands of years old, it was crafted by the Jabbress's own hands in the far past when us Fae ruled the whole world. It simply can't be replaced and even if it was sold, it would cost more than the whole embassy here in LA." Cass said holding up the blade so that Nat could see it better.

"Fae ruled the world?" he laughed, "when did that happen!"

The healer came back just as Nat was laughing at the thoughts of Fae running the world and she placed a plate of food at the water's edge for him, "Please finish all of this for me. And yes us Fae and your new race are far, far older than your old human self knew."

Nathan looked over the simple plate and the food she had laid out for him, most of the plate was covered in fruits he had never seen before and some sweet breads. He took a few tastes and found all of the fruit very sweet to say the least and very juicy!

When Nathan took his next bite he froze thinking that he had not eaten in days, no weeks! because the lab had him on a painful tube feeding program to make it easy on them he guessed and he was lucky to escape when his medications got goofed up and let him think clearly enough to escape!

The teen shivered at the thoughts racing through his mind and the healer picked right up on it, "You are safe here, no humans from your past can even get to this place and any that would try would certainly die during the attempt."

"I don't know why they did that, taking me to that lab. Dad said it was for research and would be over in a day. BUT it lasted weeks!" he cried on as the healer held him to try and comfort the boy's fears.


Back in LA the Fae embassy

Meagan was just sitting down in one of the embassy's well appointed greeting or meeting rooms and a lady was serving her with hot spiced tea, plus a rather amazing plate of cookies.

"Thanks and can I ask why I was called here for my lessons?" she had to inquire.

"The Jabbress will be with you soon enough and tell both of you why then. May Gaea's blessing be upon you." the woman smiled as she left the room.

"Wait...both of us?" Meagan tried to say before the woman left and failed.

Meagan was draining her second cup when the meeting room door swung open and the lady that had greeted her guided another teen girl into the room, "Please wait here Tessa, the Jabbress will be with you soon."

"Thanks," the girl said softly as if she was almost trying to hide among the words.

Meagan looked the new teen over as she walked in slowly and to say she was attractive was like saying a Ferrari is a fast car! This girl was trying desperately to hide her insanely good...heck crazy jaw dropping great looks under a dress that drifted past her knees and legs farther covered by tall white socks and finally feet by plain black flat heeled shoes. Up top she had her hair all tied back in a bun, glasses trying to hide those beautiful eyes she had and a plain button down top farther covered by a woman's styled business jacket.

This teen girl was trying to cover up a beyond super model or playboy bunny body with a church going girls outfit right down to the small bible she was actually cradling in her left hand! Meagan was instantly taken back by this girl's looks and she was straight as a girl could get sex wise. She had never even thought about another girl like she was thinking right now about this one!

"Hi I am Tessa!" the new arrival said to Meagan, extending a hand timidly for her to take.

Meagan snapped instantly out of her current thoughts long enough to say, "Nice to meetchya, I'm Meagan have a seat?" she said noting the sexy librarian look that Tessa was SO doing right now, by looking down at Meagan over her black rimmed glasses!

Tessa sat down and placed her few books on the table, then grabbed the nearest empty cup and poured a cup, "So do you have any idea why we might be here?"

"Hummm I might if I knew who or what you were?" Meagan mused back.

"Me?" she questioned with a blink.

"Well gotta know or I will find out sooner or later if your are going to Hekawi next term?" Meagan asked and snatched a few cookies off the serving plate to munch on.

"Yes I am going to Hekawi next term and you could call me part of the Dark Court
hierarchy if that helps?" Tessa added in reluctantly while sipping at her tea.

"Same here, but for oceans and seas. But I can guess with both of us here and this being the Fae embassy for the whole west coast. We are here to watch something political or something national relations related?" she guessed with a shrug.

"That makes sense." Tessa smiled lightly back.

Meagan pondered on what Tessa had said about herself 'Dark Court hierarchy' normally meant those Fae that did not mix well with humans and not necessarily Dark as in evil, but more in nasty and not exactly cuddly or cute at times! All of that was the exact opposite of Tessa sitting next to her right now...but GG'ma had warned her already, 'what you see is not the truth all the time!' The Fae were known as the masters of spinning spells to hide themselves.

Meagan was about to ask Tessa what she was going to major in when one of the Drow she knew that ran the Fae part of Hekawi opened the room's door and quietly stepped in, "Good day ladies, I hope you are ready to learn to today?" she asked taking a cup off the tea service and filling it straight off.

"Yes ma'am." was all that Meagan said.

"I am Jabbress," Tessa offered in more strict tone.

"So for today you are going to watch on as what I am sure will be the FBI and the LAPD shows up to inquire about a Fae that walked in today off the street and this Fae was fleeing something rather nasty we will not get into. But you, both of you are to stay one hundred percent silent and say or ask nothing. I will go over any questions you have later." she instructed and started to fill up a second cup, "Ohh and if the feds decide to go all bang, bang today. Please get to safety and don't kill anyone on the way to said safe place."

Meagan gulped a little at that last statement, because Bruce had only showed her how to change into a mermaid and few fish forms so far in her training. Her 'beast-out' form that she had used in the locker room attack still escaped her on how to make it happen willingly versus when attacked! But she did know how to control water pretty well now and could make walls, shields and blast targets with waves or fire hose like blasts!

Tessa on the other hand knew Rohanna well and also knew that when she said run or fight she meant it to be obeyed that second! But in her case unlike Meagan's, she was taught how to do battle by most of her direct and extended family and that was saying a lot! Tessa was well versed in the use of her sword and cast spells like one decades older than she was, because of those who had taught her! In any case she rather have Lily her pet wyvern along for any fighting, as the creature had grown quite large over the years and most intelligent critters ran at the sight or sound of her!


Out in LA about two hours ago

Charlie hopped up into his seat on the passenger side of the huge armored SWAT truck and pointed wildly to road for the driver, "GET MOVING!" he howled and then he said slightly more calm through his gritted teeth, "we have to get there before the FBI makes the whole westside a war zone or a crater!"

As the huge vehicle spun up to speed heading west, Charlie knew not to trust that the FBI could not or would not decrypt any radio calls he made to his command. So he pulled the command-communication keypad and screen over to him, then he typed out quickly 'To all west div units surround the Fae embassy. All entrances, driveways and walkways in. BLOCK all dumb ass federal vehicles from driving on embassy land even if you have to smash into them or shoot out tires!!!!!! Make them walk in for the city's sake!!!!'

He typed out the message just like he would have yelled it all out and he knew that he would certainly catch hell for it from the chief or maybe the mayor in public. But in private they would back him up, the feds had to be stopped at all costs and they knew it too.

"What' up cap?" the driver asked as he hung a daring turn that a lesser driver might have flipped the twenty ton truck on!

"That moron leading fed side of this shitpile brought a rent-a-cape along for the ride!" he yelled out and pointed to a minivan the driver almost hit.

"Got it cap!" he yelled back missing the minivan and the clueless soccer mom by inches, "A rent-a-cape on a looksee for a missing kid?" the cop asked wondering why a full blown SWAT call out and the FBI was on for a missing kid?

"Whoever lost him is big time and the kid changed into Fae." he spat.

"Ohhhhhh and who would be dumb enough to call all of us to go onto Fae land and not get us all hurt!" he said knowing the Fae protect their lands like crazed rabid dogs at times and protecting their kids on the other hand. He shivered at the thought!

"I don't know, but we all have to get there before them!"

"What rent-a-cape boss?" he asked, while swerving past a bus and the other four trucks in his unit followed on behind like a well trained stunt team.

"Iron Duke...." Charlie started, "They called Iron Duke the only cape that thinks he can take on Fae because he mistakenly thinks that 'his' iron powers will hurt them."

The driver laughed back, "What a moron, I know what does and does not hurt them. Because we all walked the beat out there on the westside and asked them crazy Fae over eats or brews!"

Charlie nodded back thinking over the many times he had eaten or drank with the Fae out on that side of town. The Fae and LAPD or Sheriffs department had great relations with them all. The westside was unofficially their turf and the cops knew it and the gangs FEARED it!

Working during his early days on the westside had been a pleasure for Charlie, he knew going in that the area was affluent and had little crime. But being an outsider to the neighborhood one would never know it was the Fae and not the PD that kept it so! The gangs, or the smart ones all knew to never cross certain streets or line and to give in to any whim the Fae had or get a visit in the middle of the night none would least the ones that lived through it!

Charlie had many a meal at hole-in-the-wall bars or hotspot eateries with them, but one night he had earned a special place by making sure a newly mutated elf kid made its way to the Fae's welcoming arms. That night he found out some of the best places in the city would close down early at request and only serve the waiting Fae their style of food and drink.

At the local 'dive' bars Charlie had been easily out matched in drinking by the Fae, but when they are hitting their own wines and harder liquors? They would and did become quite a show when drunk, they opened up to what they saw as friends and trusted humans. He learned lots that first night, one lesson was never touch a Fae's drink unless you want to die from that poisonous drink or maybe not be human anymore!

Charlie hammered the truck's dash, "Get moving you morons, out of the way!" he yelled at the senseless drivers of LA not hearing the howl of the sirens.



Shadowsblade here.

But I have to thank, Both Branek and Nuuan for their vast input and the ability they both have to 'bounce' off ideas and improve them!

To all my readers who have e-mailed me and given support--THANKS!

Please feel free, to add a review to this story and others. As those kind words are 'cookies' that keeps that muse well fed on the 'sometimes' long breaks between stories!

this warning is for our story stealers off site, not the BC family of readers we all know and love!

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