Seeking input on a challenge idea

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Hey BC Family! I was kicking around the idea of starting the New Year off with a running challenge for our authors, which would work as kind of a daisy chain. Let me know what you think.

I’d kick the game off by picking a story by any author. Then I’d put up a blog post (Maybe “Non-Random Solo Challenge Post 1”) with a short summary of the story and a couple sentences about why I enjoyed it/found it meaningful or humorous or touching. Then I would challenge the author of the story to follow suit in a new blog post (“Non-Random Solo Challenge Post 2”), identifying a different short story by another author, saying what she (or he) liked about it, with the challenge continued to the new author.

Here are some possible rules (’cuz you gotta have rules, right?):

  • The chosen stories would all be either short stories or Drabble, in order to maximize the likelihood that the posting will encourage more people to read the selected stories if they haven’t already.
  • The selection wouldn’t necessarily be the author’s “favorite” short story. Just one they liked and would like to talk about!
  • Each author would check with the person they want to tag and make sure they would “play” so that the game wouldn’t end abruptly.
  • No tag-backs. Each person would end their blog post with a list of each author in the chain and the solo they selected, so it would be a continuing source of “recommendations.” If an author already appears in the chain, you can’t choose one of their stories!

Anyhow, whadya think? Is it something that sounds fun? Can you think of ways to improve it?


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