Angela Rasch's blog


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To date, in October, the Trump campaign has spent about $60 million on ads, a full third of which has been spent on anti-trans ads.

The ads largely accuse Harris of supporting the US constitution when she was an attorney general by supporting inmates' rights to needed surgery. The ads fail to mention that gender-affirming surgery was performed for federal inmates during the TRUMP administration's time in Washington.

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TBFS & AACD -- What's Your Big Idea


For many years The Breast Form Store and more recently, All About Crossdressers have sponsored BC.

What they pay in fees augments and supplements the donations. Their sponsorship has been essential.

Joanne, Emma, and I have been talking about holding some sort of writing event to thank TBFS and AACD. We would like to raise awareness and ultimately drive more customers to them.

Do you have any ideas about what kind of event we should sponsor?

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I Watch Too Much TV


Lately, there have been a lot of PSAs regarding getting your vaccinations updated.

The ads involve celebrities who have multiple vaccinations during the same visit to a pharmacy.

Perhaps to show "knucklehead" solidarity with my governor I had my annual covid, flu and RSV yesterday afternoon.

Based on how I feel today that was not one of my better ideas!

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Will and Harper

Will Ferrell takes a road trip with a longtime friend who has recently come out as trans.

When I first heard about this movie on Netflix, I cringed.

I visualized a combination of Ron Burgundy and Elf riding across our country with Priscilla, queen of the desert.

What I saw last night was a thoughtful discussion of our shared predicaments.

The documentary presented an elderly transwoman who had suffered greatly for absolutely no reason other than willful ignorance and bigotry.

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Karma Is a Cat, Purring in My Lap

For the last three months, Taylor Swift has been playing in my car. I just don't get tired of her. I mainly play 1989 and Tortured Poets.

Two of my favorite songs are Karma and Bad Blood. Both are about karma.

I believe quite strongly in karma. Back when I still owned and operated businesses and felt like I needed a dose of good karma, I would make a donation to BC.

The number of times good things occurred shortly after a donation was amazing.

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I’m Haunted by Columbine’s Story “An Awakening”

My spouse has been trying to get me to tour the St. Paul Cathedral. I’ve resisted. Fifty years ago, in my twenties, I lived for a year in an eight-plex -- two hundred yards from the Cathedral and never once set foot in it.

I was raised Catholic and seriously considered becoming a monk. I spent a week in an abbey. The older I got, the less I wanted to have anything to do with Catholicism, or any other traditional church.

The St. Paul Cathedral makes me nauseous.

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Is That All There Is

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Do the tragedies never stop?

Based on scientific principles -- as explained by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. -- my transgender life has been caused by chemicals in water.

His arguments have been so compelling that I’ve stopped drinking water.

Now, before you start warning me about the consequences of anti-aqua, please let me tell you -- I’d rather die of dehydration than allow the evil and vast water conglomerate to suck out my morality through gender disruption.

I could “bearly” stand the news that RFK has suspended his presidential campaign.

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There is no excuse for substituting violence for political discourse.

There us no excuse for doing things that result in death and severe injury.

Those two statements aren't debatable in a civilized society.

However, those who are clutching their pearls on Sunday morning TV are those who have excused January 6th as a free speech exercise.

Killing someone is an irrational act. Those who are pointing fingers need to be more rational. That would help.


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Are We Experiencing the GOAT?

I'm in my third decade as a BC author.

During the last six months BC has been on a tremendous UP!

Not to disrespect a great group of departed authors, but it just might be that fifteen of the top twenty-five BC authors of all time have posted since January First of this year.

I would include in that group: Rasufelle, Jenny North, Jenny Walker, Laika, Erin, Bru, Emma Anne Tate, Erisian, and Melanie Brown. . .without giving it too much thought.

Who would you add to this expanded Mt. Rushmore?


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Jamie Farr Is 90 Today

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Jamie Farr played Corporal Klinger on M.A.S.H.

Klinger was trying to get discharged from the service during the Korean War and often dressed in women's clothing to show how crazy he was.

It was "hilarious."

Of course, it was a cringeworthy moment for some of us every time he wore a new outfit.

Does anyone else remember him?


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Wow . . . Just Wow

I expected several of the contest winners to donate their prizes to Big Closet.

This has been a BC tradition.

I was not prepared for double-digit participation in giving. This occurred without solicitation.

It appears our community is as strong as ever.

Thank you!


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Storywriting Guidelines I Use

The January 2024 Writing Contest is over. I had the distinct pleasure of being one of the two judges with Emma Anne Tate. We scored the stories independently. The following remarks are my opinions and do not reflect the opinions of Big Closet management, Emma Anne Tate, or Joannebarberella.

The vast majority of Big Closet authors are terrific storytellers with vivid imaginations. They are passionate about their beliefs and eager to please the readers.

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Authors' Vulnerability

Please thank the authors who took a risk by entering the writers’ contest.

Only two days are left to post your remarks about the contest stories.

You can win $50 just for expressing your opinion. Follow this link to find out how to enter.

Thank you!


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My Last Set of Comments

Please take some time to post your top three choices and possibly win $50.

Trust Your Gut?

Life is all about discovery and adaptation, according to this very good tale by Marissa Lynn. The world changes convulsively as the characters build cocoons and emerge as colorful butterflies.

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Today is the fourteenth!

The writing contest will accept entries as long as it is the fourteenth somewhere.

We opened the contest on Oz time and will close on New Zealand time.

For those in the States, there is a five-hour difference between Auckland time and Minneapolis time.

Before the contest started, Emma, Jo, and I posted sample stories. They did not qualify for awards because we are the sponsors. In my opinion, all three stories were exceptional. They should have been because they were mostly group efforts.

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Seventh List of Contest Stories

There have been surprises in this contest.

I didn't expect the quality of the stories to be as robust as it is. About thirty percent of the entries are top-tier. There haven't been any that I thought weren't readable.

The number of stories inspired by this contest is about what I expected, a total of one hundred and fifteen -- with less than a week to go.

At the Midnight Hour

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Explicit Sex and Other Contest Updates

Despite Explicit Underage Sex stories being excluded from the contest, it seems to have thrived.

The New Year's Resolution Writing Contest has resulted in the following to date:

New stories – 110. . . 100 Contest Qualified
Hits – 121,214
Kudos - 9,851
Comments – 1,447
New authors - 6

Fifteen More Story Comments:

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Fifteen More Story Comments

This contest has inspired one hundred and three stories and six new authors.

Cookie's Resolve

Keep rollin', rollin', rollin'
Though the streams are swollen
Keep them dawwgies rollin', Rawhide

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Impact of Adding a Cover & Additional Story Comments

You’ve written your story and now are faced with deciding whether or not to create a cover.

I’ve posted about one hundred and fifty stories on BC and have never created a cover. Mel and Erin have made covers for all of my Doppler Press books. I’ve often wondered what difference an attractive cover makes to BC readers.

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CONTROVERSY Surrounds Story Contest

This blog's views, thoughts, and opinions belong solely to the author and not necessarily to the management of Big Closet, the Writing Contest committee, or any other group or individual.

I have long contended that there is very little correlation between the number of kudos, hits, and comments received and the quality of the story.

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Another Set of Comments on Contest Stories

Wow! We have received eighty-four entries for our contest.

Thank you.

We appreciate the effort it takes to produce a story for a contest. We also appreciate that all of you recognize that judging a contest like this is highly subjective and certainly not a science. All Emma and I can do is give this our best efforts, which I'm confident we're doing.

For most of the participants, the only compensation they will receive will be your kudos, comments, and reads. The following list might help you find a few more stories to read. The titles are a link.

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Second Tranche My Comments on Contest Stories

Resolution Revelations

Aylesea has written an above-average story that brings us inside the life of a depressed young lady. This story is a good example of what humor can add to any story.

View From a Bridge

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My Thoughts on Some Story Entries

Jo, Emma, and I love to write. We love to have our stories read and appreciated.

A primary goal of the current contest is to spur more people to read more stories. With that in mind, I've prepared remarks about fifteen stories entered in this contest. Eventually, I will post remarks about every story entered. Emma will be posting similar lists.

Please give these stories a chance.

Finding Joy

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One Month Left to Enter

There’s about a month left to enter a story in the current writing contest. The more-than-expected number of stories have sparkled with quality. Of the sixty-one stories, I scored fifteen in the excellent category. There’s plenty of great reading to be had here.

To date, the contest has generated:

Stories: 61

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Looking for Inspiration?

Having trouble finding inspiration for a 2024 New Year's Writing Contest Story? Or maybe, for your second competition story. (There's no limit to the number of times you can enter, although you can only win one prize.)

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