To date, in October, the Trump campaign has spent about $60 million on ads, a full third of which has been spent on anti-trans ads.
The ads largely accuse Harris of supporting the US constitution when she was an attorney general by supporting inmates' rights to needed surgery. The ads fail to mention that gender-affirming surgery was performed for federal inmates during the TRUMP administration's time in Washington.
So what's the point? The point being made again and again in my living room -- through these ads -- is that gender-affirming surgery is "insane." I cringe every time I see one.
Any person supporting TRUMP should think about what kind of person fosters this sort of hate?
Love, Andrea Lena
I think the usual
Is turkeys voting for Christmas, and anybody voting for Trump is a turkey.
For a nice poke in the eyes
For a nice poke in the eyes to that particular candidate, I suggest to head over to a random solo that appeared yesterday on my front page called The Farm. Looking with a hindsight of seven years on, I thought it was a delightful space opera with a lot of slap-stick.
Thanks Jessica
I re-read The Farm.
It's one of the best stories on this site.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Policy desert
The GQP campaign is almost bereft of real policies.
Immigrants don't vote and they'll all be deported if '45 wins. Who is going to pick the crops then Donald?
We are so small a part of the population, the LGBT+ sector is a ripe target for the far right. After all, we are all paedo's and groomers... NOT!
I predict that if Trump wins, Vance will use the 25th amendment before next summer to get Trump out. Vance as POTUS will be 10,000,000 times worse than '45. Project 2025 will be implemented.
If you can vote blue, do so today.
Oh, and the Estate of the late Dr Patrick Steptoe might soon be filing suit against Trump. If anyone is the father of IVF, it was him.
Finally, our entire general election here in the UK last July cost around £55 Million. That is less than has been spent on ads in October in PA.
finding unbiased news
This, like most of the election news I see is definitely slanted to one side. (I already voted for Harris, but still). The best unbiased coverage I have found comes from Al Jazeera. They don't have dog in this fight and will call bullshit on both sides.
But they are biased in other
But they are biased in other fights. So - you'd have to see both sides and see what they are not talking about.
Those ads send a clear message
One of them signs off with: "Kamala is for they/them. President Trump is for YOU!"
That's a pretty explicit statement that the "you" he'll be representing as president
doesn't include people like us. That he considers us an alien presence in a country
we aren't really a part of, that we're a danger to it by even existing. Never much
of a reader, he seems to be slowly working his way through Mein Kampf;
and borrowing all the parts he likes. When you have no real policies
appeal to the very worst qualities in the majority of the populace.
Tell them some "other" is the cause of all the nation's problems.
Unfortunately it's often a winning strategy in elections...
~hugs, Veronica
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
I have said this before
running blogs about a candidate's hate is NOT going to influence anyone's voting habits. We all know what is at stake. Why spread hate and discontent here? What is the point of running anti-ad campaign blogs? Aren't we above that? Where is the positive in doing such a thing?
I would rather we focus on loving one another and helping our own people rather than spreading one person's hate Angela. Please.
Do the right thing. Please take this blog down? I am only asking you. I will not do it myself.
Why bring up such unpleasantness?
Because after the election it may be too late to say anything + there might not be a BCTS.
If there was ever a valid subject to vent at a TRANSGENDER fiction site about, it's this.
I personally find his insane anti-environmental stance the most worrying, it threatens
to hasten the demise of the human race itself, but that doesn't effect us as trans people
so I have never commented about it; but this does. When someone claims he intends to
have his administration redefine me out of exist (the link at the bottom of this comment
shows him talking about it; where mixed in with a lot of lies about children being
being coerced into irreparably harmful gender surgery by wicked liberals who
have confused their little minds are some clear statements like "No gender
transition AT ANY AGE" and that the US government won't recognize any
identities by anyone other than as the gender we were assigned at birth)
I can't just be silent. I at least want to say something here where I'm
among the few understanding people in my life. It may not change
anybody's vote, but it's not about that. It's about maintaining my
last frayed shreds of sanity + not jumping off a fucking bridge!
At least give us that... PLEASE! For better or worse this
dreadful anticipation will be over soon, replaced by
either joy and relief or total despair. At which point
I either won't need to comment about Trump
(or even want to think about him) or it won't
be of an use; but either way I will shut up
about it + be replacing that link at
the bottom of my comments with
a silly cat video or something ...
~hugs, Veronica
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
BigCloset TopShelf has truly died
I thought for a brief moment that I was in BigCloset TopShelf, a safe place to be in, Apparently it isn't.
Drag in the outside politics, destroy the playground I used to have fun in. Make everyone miserable.
Thank you for the violence.
we must have very different views on what constitutes violence
I'm not trying to destroy this beautiful playground, I'm trying to SAVE IT!
From outside politics that will be coming into our lives whether we want
to see it or not. I wasn't trying to upset you + I'm very sorry that I have.
I love + care about you Sephrena, you've been a wonderful supportive
friend + have been instrumental in keeping BCTS a warm friendly place.
You've probably seen comments of mine I've deleted the content of,
putting \\\ for the heading and /// for the text. I do that a lot,
out of fear of upsetting someone here. I try hard not to be a
disruptive influence or fuel any flame wars. The fact that I haven't deleted
any of my comments today shows what an extraordinary threat I believe we're facing.
But since neither of us can convince the other on what's the right thing to do
I promise not to say any more on the matter, unless Project 2025 goes into effect
and starts impacting the lives of trans people the way its architects have promised to do.
And I really hope that doesn't happen; I'd love nothing more than to be wrong about this.
I've said all that I had to, and have no need to get in the last word in.
I don't want to be an even bigger asshole to you than I already have.
~love, Ronni
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
I Won't Go Back
Your comment would suggest that you think there is hate in being proud of who I am.
There's no hate in wanting to be able to live without fear.
Trump's ad is all about making people hate us simply because we've different.
It's just like saying Haitian immigrants are stealing pets and eating them.
He wants us to see each other as the enemy.
That is exactly what Hitler did in Nazi Germany.
Even JD Vance noted this when he called Trump America's Hitler, before he found it politically expedient to join the movement.
Proposition 2025 is clear that if Trump is elected this site will become toxic. Oklahoma has already considered a bill that would make BC extinct that is patterned after what is in Proposition 2024.
Compare that to Walz signing legislation that made Minnesota a transgender haven.
Have you never read the history of Nazi Germany? Have you not considered the parallels? Do you know that Berlin was the epicenter of gender affirming surgery and research until it was destroyed by Nazis? Do a Google on Magnus Hirschfield. Hitler found it politically expedient to demonize transpeople , and then gays, along with Jews. Some of the key early Nazis were gay. . .such as the leader of the Brown shirts hate is handy.
By sticking your head in the sand you're giving this horrible MAGA movement exactly what it wants.
Who is going to stop Trump if he is elected?
I'd love to live in a world that is filled with unicorns and rainbows. But the world is filled with realities that suggests we are in a battle for our souls.
This is existential for BC and for many of the people who use this site.
By now, if you don't know my position you've not been reading my blogs. Just who are you trying to "protect?" My guess is there are many here who are on the right who ignore my blogs and simply don't open them. That guess is based on the number of hits those blogs get.
If a tree falls in the forest. . .. So please don't threaten me or lecture me.
I realize you're ill and wish you the best but wonder what right you have to ask me to live another decade or two under a government who hates me. Now is the time to do something before it's too late.
Look. . .I'm as sick of this as anyone else. I've cut back my MSNBC /FOX / CNN viewing to a fraction of what it was six months ago. I get it. But. . ..
Sephrena, I've been preaching love and compassion consistently on this site and practicing what I preach going on three decades.
You've done some very positive things for this site. So have I. I consider this blog one more positive step.
Do me a favor and consider my motives before suggesting that I need to change to be more like you.
Being different is sort of what this place is all about.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Supply and demand
Trump stokes fear and hate with his ads. But he wouldn’t bother if it didn’t work. There is a market for what he is selling.
Astrid Eriksson
I was in sales too long to buy what you're saying.
Trump is preaching to the choir, yes.
But he is also creating new demand for his awful product.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Are We Blind?
This may be a friendly site, but let's be friends to ourselves and our sisters first. This site is a haven for the transgendered and those on the spectrum. We have a right to defend ourselves.
One of the parties in the American presidential election proposes to eliminate us. It also proposes to eliminate gays, lesbians and bisexuals, but they don't seem to have woken up to the threat yet. That's not to diminish the threat to women and control of their bodies.
I can only ask, how can we ignore this threat? If the Republicans win this election it will only be a matter of time before this site ceases to exist. Is that what you want?
I have been a subscriber, commenter and author here for seventeen years and I would be devastated to lose this site.
I can't do it because I'm not a US citizen, but I urge everybody here to Vote Blue.
Change The World
Believe it or not, Trump is on point on many transgender issues. The hate he is pulling in toward his self from all the trans and liberal groups is worse than a firestorm. Many of these people have only one goal in their life and it is self or me only attitude. They don't understand tolerance is a two way street. Tolerance isn't anything they have. Too many who aren't trans have the same attitude toward transgender as they believe there is no such medical nor physical condition. All trans anything should be outlawed. Sadly they are as wrong as my own class of people. Two different sides hating each other.
For ninety nine tenths of the human race, hate is a learned experience. We have been taught hate of certain things, certain classes of people, certain races... The list of the what one is supposed to hate is almost endless. Once one learns hate it is almost impossible to get them to let it go. Case in point, hate of Muslims against Jews. In the same way, most Christian denominations, haven't been teaching God's love and forgiveness. They have been teaching fire and brimstone and or hate toward transgender or basically any perceived male who would wear what could even be remotely considered female attire, including makeup, and jewelry. In an odd twist of the mind, tomboys, females wearing pants, gets a pass. One must love the logic of the human mind to bend to fit one's own concept. Back in the dark ages the male mind wasn't so flexible. Joan of Arc was burned at the stake for wearing pants.
I love all of God's misfits, even the ones who believe I should be dropped into boiling oil. I'm in elite company. I bring both sides together for a common cause, they hate me. John 15:18 Hugs ladies, I love your spirit. Use it to make a better world for those who follow us.
Barbie Jean
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Please list all of the trans issues where Trump is "in point."
All of the statements I've seen from Trump on trans issues have been so misinformed and lacking in factual basis as to lead me to believe that not even Trump believes the garbage coming out of his mouth.
His comments have caused me to have many sleepless nights. So, if you have links to things he has said this year that actually make you feel comfortable it would be of great service to me if you would provide them.
Because, I'm scared as hell.
BC has been extremely important to me. I've made the decision that if Trump is elected that coming to BC will no longer be safe.
If someone can explain to me where I'm overreacting to Proposition 2025 and everything Trump has said about trans issues please do so. If you're afraid of incurring Sephrena's wrath, send me a PM.
I'm serious. My mental state is quite bad. I don't see good things and could use any words of explanation as to how Trump is "on point" and not to be feared.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Let's take him at his words (ALL BOLD EMPHASIS MINE)
Trump’s 2024 platform on transgender Americans includes:
Outlawing gender-affirming care for minors at the federal level, according to his “Agenda 47”
Using the government to investigate and potentially halt trans health care. “Upon my inauguration, I will direct the FDA to convene an independent outside panel to investigate whether transgender hormone treatments and ideology increase the risk of extreme depression, aggression and even violence,” said Trump. (Hormonal therapy has been in employed safely around the world for a century)
Ceasing “all programs that promote the concept of sex and gender transition at any age.”
Cutting federal funding for inclusive schools, including “any school pushing critical race theory, transgender insanity, and other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content onto the lives of our children.”
Banning transgender athletes from competing on teams that match their gender identity
Asking “Congress to pass a bill establishing that the only genders recognized by the United States government are male and female — and they are assigned at birth.” (This would effectively ban the changes in Birth Certificates and Drivers' Licenses nationwide)
Pledging in his “Agenda 47” titled “President Trump’s Plan to Protect Children From Left-Wing Gender Insanity.” The Advocate reports, “Trump promised to, and He also promised to.… Trump stated that he ‘will ask Congress to pass a bill establishing that the only genders recognized by the United States government are male and female — and they are assigned at birth.’
The article can be found at the link above.
Love, Andrea Lena
What wrath? I never said I would do anything
to you nor your posts - those are not my words nor intent.
I happen to agree with you,
Just not using BCTS as a vehicle for it :*(
My Sincere Apologies to All on BCTS
In his continuing search for detransitioners, MacKinnon spent hours scrolling through TikTok and sifting through online forums where people shared their experiences and found comfort from each other. These forays opened his eyes to the online abuse detransitioners receive – not just the usual anti-transgender attacks, but members of the transgender community telling them to “shut up” and even sending death threats
Sadly young people are pushed into thinking they are transgender when all they are doing is acting out the same as almost every generation has done, Hippies, Flower Child. Lives are destroyed as they will never be able to reclaim what they lost when they realize they aren’t trans and it’s too late.
Trump is right if he stops this insane rush to transition every young mind who hasn’t a clue what is wrong in their life or if they are only acting out. Push by the liberals and medical profession, along with teachers to transition everyone who acts out isn’t the answer any more than with holding support for those who are truly transsexual.
Top 60 conservative news sites
A closed mind is a terrible thing to waste.
My TV was turned off twenty years ago.
Hugs People
Barbie Jean
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
I'll answer tomorrow when I'm not exhausted.
The Reuters article was quite good. I would tend to agree with Marci Bowers. When you compare her life experience and MacKinnon's she's definitely the expert.
Tomorrow I'll grant you that he could be right and work from there.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Tell Me Where
We can go, other than BCTS, to express our views on the potential extermination of our little minority of humankind.
What are we destroying when we tell other readers that we don't like the proposals being put forward by one side of politics to condemn us to the same misery that Jews (and others) went through during WW2.
I don't expect a rose garden from the Democrats either, but at least they won't persecute us or take away our rights to a civilised existence. We don't ask for much and there will always be points of friction, like TG athletes, but these can be dealt with in the appropriate little boxes where they belong.
I refuse to apologize for airing my thoughts here. This is my refuge too and I want it to still be here for many years to come.