Angela Rasch's blog

Good Writers and Bad Business models

Every now and then I stumble across an author who makes me feel like the world’s biggest hack.

My spouse reads about three books a week. That’s how I “found” Sue Monk Kidd.

Kidd writes historical fiction. The first book I read of hers was “The Book of Longings.” It is the fictional autobiography of Jesus’ wife published in 2020.

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Prescription Drugs and Depression


We often have blogs about depression or suicidal thoughts.

Several years ago, I was having suicidal thoughts. I’m a person who believes everyone is responsible for their attitudes. I couldn’t believe I was actually giving suicide consideration.

I’ve been through some very bleak days in my life. Yet – suicide hadn’t entered into my thoughts as a way to fix my situations. It didn’t seem right that I was suddenly going there.

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Dear BarbieLee

Jesus said, “Whoever is not with Me is against Me.” He also said, “Whoever is not against Us, is for Us.” This was echoed in the sixties as “If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem.” I bought into this creed then -- and apply it now.

Over the last several months, I have cut ties with several long-term friends.

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What An Honor


I'm in the process of updating/editing Peaches. It's been on Amazon for many years and will probably find a new audience with an updated version.

In the process I noted that hard copies are being offered at $930.

Never did I dream that my little book would command such a price.

We'll see if P. T. Barnum was right.


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Herd "Mentality"

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Scientists have suggested that herd immunity might not be a feasible goal for the United States. They state the main factor stopping herd immunity is vaccine reluctance.

I have "death reluctance."

What doesn't the government hold a $100,000,000 lottery for all those who have been fully vaccinated as of July 1?

Given a shot at $100M might prompt the damn fools to roll up their sleeves.

Why should those of us who have done the right thing suffer under the distinct peril of this virus mutating, when we have the chance to eradicate it.


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Three Dystopian Tales

Not long ago it was suggested that people should quit blogging about political matters. The suggestion went on to opine that if a person wanted to make a political point that should be done through fiction. . .which is the mission of this site.

I’ve always enjoyed a good dystopian story such as Nineteen Eighty-Four, Handmaid’s Tale, Brave New World, Animal Farm, Hunger Games, Welcome to the Monkey House, or Atlas Shrugged.

Those are great stories about society run amok.

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Are We All George Floyd?

“There ain't no sin and there ain't no virtue. There's just stuff people do.”
John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath

I live in the Twin Cities. My attention to the George Floyd trial might exceed that of the average BC visitor. My anger at what occurred has gone up with each new bit of prosecutorial evidence.

It seems George Floyd died because the police officer who killed him had marginalized him.

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And At the Same Time. . .

. . .this happened.

I've always voted a split ticket -- voting for the candidate who I believe represents my values -- rather than voting for an R or a D. My business partners have included staunch Rs and Ds. One was an R governor, one was a D attorney general.

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How to Turn Just Fifty Words into Green Eggs and Ham

There’s been a lot of discussion in a different thread about the decision to pull several Dr. Seuss books from publication.

Much of the chatter seems to regard a book as “art” or “history of a certain time.”

I certainly agree. Books like “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” and “Huck Finn” are examples of books that are offensive by today’s standards -- that should never be lost to readers.

What that other discussion seemingly misses – and a point that should never be missed on this site – is that books are chattel.

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Doppler Press

A few years ago, I asked Erin if she would be interested in publishing Peaches through Doppler Press. I agreed to donate all proceeds to the maintenance of BC.

I wasn’t sure what to think and frankly sort of washed my hands of it and didn't think much about how many books were being sold. Last summer, Erin told me about the amount of money the sales of my books have generated. I was amazed and gratified.

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Kid's Sports


Youth sports have a purpose. They can be wonderful environments to teach valuable life lessons. Or, they can be culture cauldrons to develop bias and hate.

I love youth sports. I also love the effort to win. Excelling is a basic human nature and vital to the perpetuation of mankind.

Winning and compassionate youth sports are NOT incompatible.

I once ran a youth basketball program with about a thousand participants. The players were boys and girls ages ten through fourteen. Our program fed into three high school programs.

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Up All Night Worrying

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My anxiety started at about 10:00 last night.

My thirty-year-old baby, the daughter who came to us later than most and after three boys -- called us complaining of intense pain.

She didn't want to go to the hospital until, and if, it was absolutely necessary due to covid worries. Yet - the pains seemed to be intensifying.

We were over two hundred miles away and could only give suggestions and sympathy.

At 4:30 we received a FaceTime call. The image of my wonderful daughter and her new son caused my heart to swell.

I finally went to sleep.

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It Was A Very Good Year


The talking heads can't wait to put 2020 in their rearview mirrors.

Hold on!

In many ways it was the Titanic of years. But to me it represented wish fulfillment.

I'm a frustrated transwoman who for many reasons has never found the door to my closet. 2020 - the year of isolation and the delivery man - allowed me the opportunity to live fully feminine 24/7.

Without the fear of unannounced visitors, I happily expressed my true self day after day. Once it became socially acceptable to cover the camera for Zoom meetings I rarely had a need for male clothing.

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Heartache by the Numbers

Troubles by the score.

Why do I have such a fixation on the Kudos and Total Views numbers?

That is a very good question when you consider that I’ve been saying for eons that there is absolutely no correlation between the quality of writing and these two numbers, for any given story.

The over-riding answer is this – I’ve seen too many new or impressionable writers turned off when their stories don’t receive high scores.

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Mark Twain and the Power of Words

Supposedly, upon meeting Harriet Beecher Stowe -- Lincoln said about Uncle Tom's Cabin -- "So you're the woman who wrote that little book that started this great war."

A few months ago I read Uncle Tom's Cabin as part of my research to write a book about a transperson during the Civil War. I was shocked by the emotions elicited. It was frightening to think how the reader would have reacted in the 1800s.

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In the Womb Where It Happened

In a few days I will post the final chapter for my mini-serial "The Womb of the Unknown Cheerleader."

A few days after that, I will unpublish the story. It is scheduled to form part of a Doppler Press book called "How You Play the Game." Rasufelle is putting the finishing touches on another enticing cover.

It will join over a dozen other books I've donated to BC. I take no part of the revenues generated.

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Reader Enjoyment

All I know is what I've read in books.

Supposedly, readers get a great deal of enjoyment out of guessing what happens next. How will Emily react when Jacob tells her that she is trans? If the author has made that answer plausible in the story the reader will feel good about continuing. If the answer has been guessed correctly the reader pats herself on the back and reads on -- looking for more self-affirmation.

There has been much discussion about whether are not writing a synopsis is preferable to writing a complete story.

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My total word count posted on BC has just gone over one million.

I suppose that was almost inevitable given my immediate infatuation with a word processor three decades ago.

Thank you Erin for giving me a place to publicly display my stories.

As a dear friend of mine, Percy Ross, said many times, "Thanks a million!"


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The Writer's Contract

An unwritten contract does exist between the reader and the author.

A comment yesterday on one of my stories brought this home to me one more time.

A few years ago, I tried to write a story that would create a pile of revenue for Erin through Doppler Press. That effort failed. I have no interest in reading age regression/baby stories and shouldn’t have tried to write one. I donate my books to Erin and she receives 100% of the revenue. Unlike the other twelve of my books published by Doppler -- this one doesn’t sell much and received poor reviews.

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Be a Storyteller

I was a little under the weather yesterday, so I spent the day reading A Time for Mercy the latest Grisham novel.

John Grisham has sold over 300 million books.

He talked a small press into publishing 5,000 copies of his first book A Time to Kill. In his words, he couldn’t give it away.

Then Random House published his second novel The Firm. It became a bestseller and he eventually also sold millions of copies of A Time to Kill.

What does this mean to BC writers?

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I'm Through Giving

I'm through giving to politicians.

Personally, I will pay $200K to $400K more taxes if Biden gets his way than if Trump is re-elected.

I'm on Medicare and don't have a dog in the healthcare discussion.

My family dies in our early 80s so climate change is theoretically to me since I'm 72.

I'm a privileged white.

Other than Trump's asinine approach to trans versus Biden's huge helping hand when he was a VP, most of why I care is for someone I don't even know.

Yet, I got involved and donated a bunch of money.

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Is It Right to Write Like That?

Nearly thirty years ago, I accomplished something good that had me on the front page of statewide newspapers, repeatedly. Many, many good things happened for hundreds of thousands of people as a direct result of my efforts.

Then some bad people asked me to do some unlawful things, which I refused to do.

At the same time, other people wanted to make money they weren’t entitled to.

Thirty months into the project, I found myself accused by a state-wide elected official of malfeasance.

I was the subject of several frontpage exposes.

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It's 4:00 A.M.

I just noticed that I have had no interaction with anyone listed under the column on the left called Who's Online.

In stark contrast, many of those listed on the right hand side under In Memoriam were people I had had a great deal of interaction with in comments or messages. I had edited stories for a number of them.

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Cannibals (And I'm NOT Talking Politics)

Nora Ephron said “Writers are cannibals. They really are. They are predators, and if you are friends with them, and if you say anything funny at dinner, or if anything good happens to you, you are in big trouble.”

In a sense, we do devour everything we see and regurgitate it, as needed.

I’m more curious about a different kind of cannibalizing. In marketing, be use that term when introducing a new product or service.

Will the new product help us gain market share. . .or will it simply cut into our current sales?

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Friendly Persuasion

One of my favorite movies is the 1950s classic Friendly Persuasion – starring Gary Cooper. The entire movie is based on people trying to motivate the Quakers to take part in war. The movie dissects the ethical considerations for various members of one large family. (It also has a great theme song - Thee My Love by Pat Boone.)

We have recently discussed forced fem stories.

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Oh Dear -- Forced Fem

Over the last two decades, I’ve written many dozens of TG stories.

Some are light and fluffy.

Some are dark and dreary.

My stories have gathered over twelve thousand kudos and about two thousand comments -- whatever that means.

All in all, I think I have a broad understanding of those BC readers who are kind enough to comment or post a kudos.

In general, I think that represents about three to five percent of those who read stories here.

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Gabi Is. . .

Gabi is. . .

In my heart

This early summer I became a “covidiot” and threw a BC temper tantrum.

An amazing number of people reached out to me and either told me to revert to form or to not take things so personally.

They were all right in their advice.

I had announced that I had unpublished all my stories, which I did.

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