What "Abandoned" Story Would You Like To See Finished?

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For me it's "Thirty Million Reasons" by Erin.



Does it

sugar_britches63's picture

Dose it need to be on here or just in general? I would so love to see "i cant go home like this" completed by Crystal (C. Sprite) completed.

opinor ergo sum

Charlotte Van Goethem

I Agree

Crystal is a great author. I started on her site.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

I am currently

sugar_britches63's picture

I am currently patiently waiting for the final few chapters of "Cassandra" by persephone.

opinor ergo sum

Charlotte Van Goethem


Patricia Marie Allen's picture

That's one I'd like to see finished.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann


erin's picture

I'd like to see that one finished, too. :)

But for me, it's "The Fairy King" by Wanda Cunningham. :)


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

My answer is simple:

All the ones sitting in my project folder :)

For real though, for works by others:

"The Fairy King" by Wanda Cunningham

"Green Sun" by Donna Lamb

"The Pregnant Boy" and "Butterscotch" by Erin Halfelven

"The Queen Rider," by Joanne Foxcourt

"Tuck" by Ellen Hayes

"I Can't Go Home Like This" by C. Sprite (excellent suggestion from earlier: her stuff needs to be ported over here)

"The General's Daughter" by The Last Boy Scout

Just to name a few. We have a lot of excellent works here that have never seen completion and absolutely deserve it.

Melanie E.


Trust me, that's on my "need to rework from the concept up" pile, since there's a lot of stuff in it that sounded cool when I started writing it when I was 18 but doesn't make a lick of sense now.

Melanie E.

That raises another problem.

That raises another problem. Thirteen years ago you were another person. You have to respect them. Not take their work and redo in your present manner but continue the work they have started.

Wow........ not sure there is enough space or time......

D. Eden's picture

To list them all.

Let’s start with a few recent ones:

“The Lost Queen” by Elsbeth

“Freyja’s Daughters” by Elsbeth

“Room in Hell” by Nagrij

“Jem” by Bailey Summers

“In Too Deep II” by Waif

“Images” by Bailey Summers

“Bridges” by Bailey Summers

“Whisper in the Dark” by Sleethr

“Duty Calls” by T.D. Aldonetti (well, or Anesidora - although I know this one will never happen)

“Bloodlines” by Amethyst

“Sweet Dreams” by Bailey Summers

“A New Style of Education” by Karen Page

“A Walk in the Dark” by Maggie Finson

“Drew Nance, Girl Detective Stories” by Bobbie-c

“Danny” by Bobbie-c

And for you sis.......

“Boys of Summer” by Rasufelle

“Oh Cheers” by Rasufelle

And I still think you should add to “Princess for Hire”!

I could go on and on, but these are the ones I would love to see finished. Unfortunately, for one reason or another, some of my favorite authors simply stopped writing - and of course, Denise Trask was taken from us too soon.

I miss our chats Denise, but I know we’ll eventually see each other at that big O Club in the sky. Save me a seat Hon, and tell my guys to be good. I miss all of you more than you know.

D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus

Room in Hell

Room in Hell is still going. Leases in Hell is a direct sequel, and a new chapter is being posted on Patreon each month. One hopes that eventually they will get posted here, too.

I knew Leases in Hell was the sequel......

D. Eden's picture

But I wasn’t aware that new chapters were being posted on Patreon. I should check there, but tend to forget to do so. The joys of work, especially post-Covid shutdowns. Nothing like doing more with fewer people, lol.

Here I spent six months justifying and convincing the owner of the company to agree to my adding a staff member, just to have the whole Covid shutdown happen - so now not only am I not getting another staffer, but I lost 1.5 FTE’s on top of that. So, here we are entering our busiest season of the year, and I am down 2.5 people. My boss tells me he has “confidence in me”, lol.

After all, why else was I hired in the first place?

Good thing I can’t sleep anyway! Who would have thought insomnia was an advantage?

D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus

I kinda gave up of Nagjri,

Sadarsa's picture

I kinda gave up of Nagjri, yeah his stories are being updated to patreon... but he forgets to post them here. Every few months he'll toss us a bone. I was a subscriber to him about ...2 years ago?... and at the time i had read up to Leases in Hell chapter 8... or something like that. I watched as he posted the chapters here like once every 6 months or so.

This is why i hate Patreon and Amazon...

Authors develop a good following on free sites like this one, then after they have a good size following they either move entire books to Amazon and make you pay for it... or they go to Patreon and slowly forget where they got their following in the first place.

May both those site burn in hell fire *spits*

~Your only Limitation is your Imagination~

So you want their work, but feel it has no value?

A story posted for free is a *gift,* not an entitlement, and if someone is a talented writer -- as it seems Nagrij is, they can be successful at charging people to read their work -- then would you not say that they deserve to have that talent rewarded?

Melanie E.

Entitlement attitude?

Do you really think that you are entitled to read anything for free?

Even though an author may develop "a following" here, writing takes time. It is serious work if you do it right (and those authors that you want to read are obviously doing it right).

So why do you consider it wrong of them if they try to make a little bit of money from their work? Some of them may use Kindle Unlimited which requires them to remove any free version of their work so they can make a few dollars (and you can get quite a lot for the little amount you have to spend for it). Some authors do not even take that money for themselves but donate it to this site, to help finance the operational cost of running it free for all.

Without Patreon and Amazon many authors would be unable to make any money from their work as traditional publishing would not work out for a niche market like this. And maybe some authors could would be unable to justify spending that much time writing stories if they got nothing out of it - sometimes not even a "thank you" in any form (kudos, appreciative comment, whatever).

Ain't Nothin' Free

I developed a small following here. Then I published stories on Amazon through Doppler Press. Every bit of that revenue goes to keeping the lights on at Big Closet.

If you think a site is free they probably are selling your information. That's how the internet works.

I ran a large information site. When I was a kid I laughed at a cartoon of a boy in Oshgosh overalls. He said, "If I had a million dollars I'd farm until it was all gone." Then I ran a site and lost a million before I decided I'd had enough fun.

Next time don't spit into the wind.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Free site? Not so much.

erin's picture

It costs about $10,000 a month to keep BC up and running. Believe me, I know.

Patreon provides about $2000 of that. Amazon another $2000 to $3000 and advertising another $1000 or so. Most of the rest comes in Hatbox donations. The final bit, in some months as much as $1000 comes out of my pocket.

Free site? Not so much.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

I'm workin' on 'em!

I'm 2/3 of the way through the rewrite of Oh Cheers, and lost all of the rewritten "Princess for Hire" in my computer death last year, though I still intend to at least do a solid clean-up on it, then both of them will be going through Doppler if I have my way.

"Boys of Summer" is a concept I might come back to eventually . . . but it's far on the backburner at the moment. Too many other stories I want to write that, honestly, mean more to the person I am now than "Boys of Summer" ever could.


Melanie E.

Did you save the HD from the computer?

BarbieLee's picture

There are HD adapters will spin up the HD and no sector data or HD boot data is needed. The computer might have died and even if the HD fizzed out, all the data is still on the HD. Drop the HD in, plug into the USB port and you can read every file on the HD. I have two of them and it's unbelievable what can be pulled off a HD retrieved from a dead computer. Virtually everything!
Hugs Melanie
Life is a gift, treasure it.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

*hopefully* the drives are mechanically fine . . . .

The problem is that both of them -- both SATA 3 6.0 GBPS drives -- refuse to even spin up or detect when connected to a computer via either internally or with external adapters.

Eventually I plan to just try and get hold of new drive boards for the drives, see if that will allow access to the mechanical storage itself.

Melanie E.


The Lost Queen by Elsbeth.

Ilos, by Tas

Enter Super Battle World by Cassy Bee (after she finishes Thanks, Truck-kun)

16 Feet of Steel by Bailey Summers

Achievement Unlocked by Konzill

No less than six stories by Erin: Bian, The Mermaid's Treasure, Fantastic Mars, I Dream of Jonni, Ultragreen, and Starstruck.

I forgot about........

D. Eden's picture

“16 Feet of Steel” - I agree with you on that one.

Also, add “Dim Prisons and Drakes” by Nagrij. Another outstanding story I had forgotten about.

D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus

Dim Prisons and Drakes

Dim Prisons and Drakes is another of Nagriij's stories that he is continuing on Patreon. There was a new chapter earlier this week.

I have a few

It's probably not happening eleven years on, but I would really love to see the conclusion to String of Pearls by Eclectic Kitty. I still think about that story sometimes.

The Sacrificial Boy by Elsbeth was another I was paying attention to.

Off Center by Lilith Langtree, among others.

And a few on some other sites, such as The Chimera of Cameron Cottage by Shannon Colby which was left unfinished on TG Storytime about two years ago.

Another Series in need of Completion

I would like to see the interesting relationship between Owen and Sioned continue in Grover's "A Walk on the Wild Side". Many of the other serials I'd also like to see continued have been mentioned already.

More, some are very old, pardon if any authors have passed on

Secondhand Life by Kat Walker
Roomies by Kat Walker

Don't Blame Me I'm A Martian by Bailey Summers

Atalanta's Story 3 by katelyn

The Sacrificial Boy by Elsbeth

Marcia and Me by Rebecca Anderson

Catwalk Confidence by Connie Alexander

The Wrong Side of the Bed by Anistasia Allread

All American Bailey by Taylor Ryan

Playing her way 2 by D.L.

The Marcie Donner Stories by Kaleigh Way, Books are complete but Kaleigh stated that another was being conceived.

Vickie Versa by Morpheus, Part of a good series, and is complete unto itself, but leaves major protagonists hanging so I would love to see a follow up.

Better Than The Alternative? by Rebecca Jane, Not abandoned, but wanting Rebecca to know that I will be waiting patiently until she is ready to write more of it

Surprised to see my name

Here I was, happy to have found a brand-new reading list and there was my name! Quite a surprise, so thanks, Wendy.

I do have one more Marcie story. I've got notes and all that... so some day, yes. Maybe I can build up a little momentum by going through my old stuff.

Thanks for thinking of me, and thanks to all for pointing out the great, unfinished works here at BCTS!


Kaleigh Way


I have a few But the 1 that stands out the most is The White Wolf By Barbara Allan

So many options!

GrandiaKnight's picture

I think for me it has to be anything by Elspeth, Catwalk Confidence by Connie Alexander, Jem by Bailey Summers, Kelly's Story and Project Super Soldier by Nuuan and finally Sarah Carerra by Megan Campbell.

"The pen is mightier than the sword ... if the sword is very short, and the pen is very sharp"

Didn't expect to see one of mine listed

There are plenty I would love to see finished, The one that comes to the top of my mind is "The Unusual Clown fish" by EOF.

As for finishing Super Soldier, I have every intention of finishing that story. Life just has not been very accommodating toward me getting any writing done. Lower back surgery, followed by two separate heart attacks has really taken its toll on my available energy. It seems anytime I do sit down to write after work, I nod off.

We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.

Thank you!

GrandiaKnight's picture

Well I shall keep my fingers crossed that you feel well enough to start writing again someday soon. I'd also like to see many of EOF's stories continued but with everything that seems to be going on with them I am not sure it will be happening soon. I live in hope though.

"The pen is mightier than the sword ... if the sword is very short, and the pen is very sharp"


Enemyoffun's picture

Its one I would love to finish someday actually :). It was a story I loved writing but as it went along, I found the story getting away from me and my mind started to drift elsewhere. I'm not going to lie, I've opened the document quite a few times in the last few years and have done nothing but stare at it for hours before sadly closing it again.

Here are a few more to add to the list

Sammi's picture

The Bronze Maiden by Desiree Jones

Road Phantoms and The Puppeteer: Revenge-broker by Alecia SnowFall

And as Several others mentioned 'Bloodlines', I'll add another Sena Island story by Amethyst that it was intertwined with Trial and Heiress

Any of the on going stories by Bailey Summers, Enemyoffun and finally E.E. Nalley's Band of Sisters

With regret I add "A New Style of Education: Hidden Gifts" as Annette MacGregor is no longer with us

"REMEMBER, No matter where you go, There you are."

Sammi xxx

Re: Sena Island

Amethyst's picture

I would really love to finish Bloodlines and and Trial and Heiress. As my first posted stories they, and the Dark Realms Universe, hold a special place in my heart. I had a few other stories that I wanted to do there as well. I'm hoping that I can finish them and get EoF to approve them once I have some other projects completed and I would love to see a revival of the DRU. I'll just need some time to get back in the characters' heads and finish some things first.

As for my wish list, there are quite a few stories by Elsbeth, Bailey Summers, and Maggie Finson that I would like to see continued, I really hope that everything is okay with them, though if I recall correctly Maggie was having some health issues.

*big hugs*



Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3

Your Wish Is Granted

E. E. Nalley's picture

Your wish is granted, Sammi, new chapters of Band of Sisters have been posted!

I'm out of my mind and into yours!

My List

It’s pretty long I’ll probably add more later
Ilos, by Tas
Legacy of the Anari Ashleigh Blazye
The Lost Queen” by Elsbeth
“Freyja’s Daughters” by Elsbeth
Seasons of Change by Elsbeth
The Sacrificial Boy by Elsbeth
16 Feet of Steel by Bailey Summers
The Fairy King" by Wanda Cunningham
Fate and the Iron Tiger by Branwen
"The Queen Rider," by Joanne Foxcourt
"Tuck" by Ellen Hayes
Battle for Earth Seauel by D.A.W.
Somewhere else Entirely by Penny Lane
Amazon by Iterant
Legend of the Ancient Kingdoms by Elizabeth Jean
Harry Potter When past and Present Collide by Elizabeth Jean
Other story by Elizabeth Jean
Several Harry Potter fanfics on other sites.
Half-Lilin rewrite by Shiina Ai
Rusted Blade sequel Angie "kitn" Hughes
Doom Valley Prep School by Domoviye
The soul doesn’t perish By Lilith Langtree
They don’t need any rules by Lilith Langtree
Venus cursed Saless
"I Can't Go Home Like This" by C. Sprite (excellent suggestion from earlier: her stuff needs to be ported over here)
Suhara of curses by reuxin
Final Fantasy by Zoe Taylor and Dark Kitten
Nellethiel's Song: The Trilogy by Shauna
The Wrong Side of the Bed by Anistasia Allread
A Walk in the Dark” by Maggie Finson

hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna

Still plugging away!

Somewhere Else Entirely, as a tale, is officially complete. However, Garia's tale is not.

The long term plan: The Tales of Anmar has turned into a trilogy (without my say-so!), with an additional side-tale which parallels those three parts. Somewhere Else Entirely was the first part and The Voyage of the Visund is the second.

Basically, VotV is what happens to some major characters in the year when Garia is off-world. This also gives me the chance to describe some of the developments that happen in the Great Valley during that period.

If I survive long enough, then the intention is there to write Return to Anmar, which of course chronicles what happens when Garia gets back. There is already more material than I expected accumulating in a folder here, ready to be woven into that third part. Expect some surprises!

That additional side tale? That would be What Milsy Did, which I originally conceived as a means of providing more information about the palace and developments in Palarand while Garia was in the north - and subsequently. I have since realised that Milsy in fact is much more important to Anmar than I originally thought. Her story, should I actually finish it, will cover the whole three years of the original trilogy, although I may be forced to split it into more than one story.

There is also Julina of Blackstone, whose story also closely interweaves with all of the above. Progress on that, sadly depends on progress of my own tales which at the moment makes a snail look like a rocket.

However, everything is still moving on, albeit slowly, and you should expect to see more chapters of various tales appearing Real Soon Now.


And since when

The long term plan: The Tales of Anmar has turned into a trilogy (without my say-so!),

And since when have Muses listened to what you want? /smirk Spousal unit has a similar problem with house bunnies in her EQ house decorating habit always wanting more decorations amid inspiration...


I really hope that Domoviye continues Doom Valley Prep School.

Not Sure There's Anything Onsite...

...that's not listed somewhere on the list above. OK, I'll add a couple from Saless: "The Arena", from 2012, and "Pass On What You Have Learned" (2009-10).

Hadn't realized how long she's been gone -- there aren't any stories or blog entries on her Track page that were posted after March 2012.


Drew's meltdown

Drew's meltdown by Kate Hart.. I'd love to see that story finished.

Bouncy of Denmark

Some more

A lot has already been said. I will add a couple more:
"Cassandra" by Persephone.
"Duty and Destiny" by Armond


Caught in Slips

One I would really like to see more of is Christine Myr's Caught in Slips, simply because that means that she would still be managing to write in spite of her stroke.

i don't know

Maddy Bell's picture


I should be happy or upset that none of my stuff is on anyone's lists. I certainly have some unfinished works and there are others where the intention is to add more at some point but I guess nothing stands out enough to be actively sought by readers - I guess my brand of story telling is a bit passe'.


Madeline Anafrid Bell

Drew stories

Don't sell yourself short. Nobody mentioned your Drew stories because they are going strong.
Likewise, nobody mentioned Whateley.


Same here but

I only have one really unfinished work (the summer ball) but it hasn't been forgotten. I've had four goes at wrapping it up in a concise manner but none of them worked. The good news is that I have a way out of my quandry but it is going to take a lot more work than I'd anticipated.

On my blog I have a work from 2010 that sort of dried up after eighteen parts. I've tried a few times to finish it but it didn't get anywhere.
Sometimes a story gets to a point where without a total rewrite it is never going to get finished.
That's life I suppose.

I hope that your aches and pains are getting better.
